u rifA DOLLS PSR 4UV:fJ, PUBLISHED (wF.XK-t) BY J. KALI V S, JT. CLiHT TUESDAY, JANUARYjlO, 1801. re ! U AV7 If . I-- 7,1.1 TTU--in I ! -.i.-v-Ti .V . :. . ' .11 I IIUI1HIII.H.( .1 II Ml .ll.IMIII.Ol.il.' II I'll., ,.,!--..-... , ,l III II I IIWPHPIII UI.IIJII.. 1.1.1 I LAW OtN. CAROLINA. v; 7;:,;.aN ACT. l.; -,To extend the JurUdiptignf a VmteJuT 1 tice, and to amend the several Laws now , in force in this State, relative : to the reco-, Very of debt be for a Justice of the Peace. ' " .WHEREAS, it hath I been fotnd by ex- ., perience that the extension of the ' jurisdic tion of a single justice of the peace has con. tributed greatly to the advantages of the fjood citizens of Urn , State, it being reasonable therefore to presume that a further extension , i to; the amount of thirty pounds, (equal to Vhat is usually called ; the Book Debt Law) would add to the advantage already felt BE. it thetefote eriacted by the General "Assembly of the State o! North-Carolina, . and it is hereby enacted by the authority of ' the same, That frotn and after the first day lof March next, all debts and demands of . thirty pounds and under, for a balance due : 'on any j specialty, contract, ' ftotel or agree . ment, or for gobds, wares and merchandize , sold and delivered," or for work and labour done, or for specific articles, whether due by ' ; obligation, i note, or assumpsit, of for any judgment tfhich may have been granted o vcr twelve-months 6y a single justice of the , peace and no execution have issued thereon, or for any forfeiturc.or penalty incurred bv vr rvirtue of anv act ot the General Aisefnhlv.v , - - , I . are hereby declared to be cognizable and de . terminable by,; any one justice of , the peace, wit of court j subject nevertheless to the i Tight of appeal, as tn similar cases, who tuay give judgment thereupon; and award pro . cess of execution for the amount of judgment, 'interests and costs, in the same manner as in similar .cases is already, or may hereafter be protided for : Provided always, c That the tttay of execution on all sums' over , twenty, ind hot exceeding thirty pounds, except as herein excepted, shall be had in the same, manner and for the same time as is provided already by law for all iums over ten and not - exceeding twenty pounds. II. And be it further enacted, , That in all eases where the- evidence of the debt . on which a judgtaent may be found, shall be that of a fornjsr judgment of twelve "months standing, no stay 6f execntion whatever khall 1b allowed. , r . ' . And whereas idoubts have arisen whether J any investigitioit or decision can be legally had on a warrant, in any case after thirty day - from the date thcreou akhouirh the same tuay have been executed and returned in due time, and for sUfn.icnt cause shewn poitpo ; cJ by tire justice btfore whom it was re turned t for remedy whereof, , , . III. Be it enacted by the au'.fiority afore said, Tht in future it shall be in he power j of any justice of the peace within this Sta!e, - tm susiictent cause snewn on oath, by ciihsr plaintiff or defendant, theiragent or attorney, to postpone from time to time, or continue for trial any r.ivil matter or, case th.iv may come before him. t Provided such postpone lacnt or continuance shall in no case exceed thirty days ; and it shall be lawful for any jus tice of the peace to act on laid postponement or continuance, the original date of the war rant exceeding thirty days notwithstanding. : IV. And be it further enacted, .That ail judgment! givin by a juitfce of the peace shall bear six percent, interelt1 on the ori ginal sum until the same shall be actually paid or oih.rwhc settled, any law to the con- discharored -it shall and may bs lawful lor .a- ny justice of the peace for said county, to is sue another execution tor the sura to, re- inaining duew;the former execution T . VII. And be it turther enacted, 1 hat the deposition of anylpeiaon who is an, inhabl- tanvot anomer, county ort sute, oiney man , thatm which any suit may be ' depending on a warrant before a justice of the peace,', shall : be admitted on trial of such warrant to be read as evidence I - provided v always, that either plaintiff or defendant shall iri all "case' respecting jle'positions be governed by the sanie rules, regulations and restrictions', as arc tjsed in taking depositions m other cases, in the courts of law withiri this State, so far as respects t'fue an notice j And pre -v also, that such depositions riay be taken by one justice of the peace', ' when the ' adverse party may cross examine. ' : .C' . ? 1 ' VIII. And be it further enacted, That , all . acts and clauses or acts which come within the meaning and purview of this act, are here by repeated and made void. ,j t Raleigh, Dec. 32, 1 S03. pKNNSTLVANlA LrGI5t ATCRX. trsTTnotwithstanumg. . , . , ; . V. And be it further enncted. That when- ever a judgment shall be given in the absence """ofVrCIicr plaTnlifTor derendantnyany justice' " of the peace, whcthqrexccdiiontui been is-"! ' sued or tioti that on"ippTicaioiV of iuch b- ; sent p-rty, his or her agent or attorney, ' within ten days after the date of said j"dg- ! mcnt, to the justice who awarded the same, ; fn luf&cicnt csuse shewn on oath or affirma tion, why he.shc or they could not attend the ', day of trial, jl shall te the duty of said hit- I ticcj to isuc hll erder to the plaintiff, dekn-' flant or oflVcer, the cac may ttfjuirc, In I poscsiioa of the p-prs, rcla'.ire to tie suit, to forbear nny f JrOier proceedings the reon, atlimmrtliattly to biinjf the stune lfnre hiui or, some other justice for reconsidera tion t provided that the applicant shall giro sufficient security for his sppcarance. It hc'.l aUo be the duty of the justice aforesaid ti Uric !i summon directed to some pm P5t . fire Mo; cmise the parties with their' witncisft i. appear before K'un or some o thcrjuaice, at such time and place riot ex ceeding thirty days, as he may think proper, wltrt thiessosMl undergo a fJrinvcstia ti in, nd be tu'ijcf t to the im prof tedir., as if it llad f.cverlcrn act-d cnt s; 1 the i.f fiterto who-t th. vnn " rnay be dirtctf !, sha'l rcceic Cir Uis tr-i'T I; h necu:in,-t' li'je, the irai f 1 i ' ' to f , t.t1,iingy.irn-stes 1 1 t : '. t, it! c , .: whose ins'anri it iiv.c!. VI. And he it fartl cr enacted by lie ni I !iot'ty frtsaiJ, Tlut from and after the I atirtviUfirntdayof March next, all cxreu ' Lniii;.l bv a justice of tl. peace shall be made rt tunable in thrts moniht from the Vof etc c itlon ( and when any ttceo Co sU.ll be rtfirti'd, net Mly satisCrd and To the Senate and House of Representatives ', of the General Assembly of the 'Common-, ' wealth of Pennsylvania, A - v-r - The bill entitled An acl to revive Vhe at, entitled a fupplcment to this act em tied an acl tn extend the powers of tliejtif. tbesof the Peace of. this. (late'VVas pre fchted to me on Saturday the i da of A pril lad ; but as the Lesjitlature adjourn ed on the following Monday (when tcu other bills were returned with the execu tive approbation I had . not an , opporiu'. nity during that, feffiop, to bellow .ulHv cient confideration upon its principles and proviTiods particulatly, as it was, in lubftance,. the renewal of a legiflative propofition tr -which t had formerly ex- prcllcd my diltmt ; and I am always anx ions in a cofli-l of opinion, to pay ajull ((eferencc tb.thc wlfdom. of the General Al.cmbl'y... I mull now, however, con fer.) that the ample time for deliberation, which I have enjoyed in the reccTi, hat operated toconfirm the tnnvicVions of my judgment in relation to the ut.con(liiui' tionality, the impolicy,' the rppicllive and pernicious tendency of this bill, and therefore difjpprOving it, I have ditcdlcd the Secretary to return it to the Iloufc of Reprefeotatives, in which it elimina ted, with my objections j'beinp, indeed, little more tlian a recapitulation of the rcafons tat have been aflignedon fimilar rccafioni, and are already exhibited on il.e records of the Letfiflature. I object, then to the bill's paflmginto a law, s , . ; id. ncaufeit appears'ro rueto be tn cor.ftitiitional Thcconrtltutioit expreir, Iv f o-rantcfi to lie citlzensif Ptfnn fylvinia, the trial, by Jury as hercto forf." The trjal by Jury crctofore ex. iriulin rivil, is w ell as in criminal cafe.; an'J no the cxercife f an ftriirtal, at well as on an appellate Juiifdiflion except la mere 'matters 'oT debt and contracl, hot exceeding the fum 'of Lcn ppoiulj. I Dal ti e biU under connJcratior.i contemplates the perpetuation-of leirirt ativc provifion. .by which. tli'cJrialjDliinici,iaaExeau -variety ol tranlacdiorn, aj.wcU of the ns-- -tre tons, at ofct)ntrsCb,"ts jn the fird ir.flince withdrawn from a jury. . An. attack upon the trial by jory, In cll cafe, .will afford to had men In worfe timei, a ready pretext lor . tinder mining the trial by jury in criminal ca- fcii and noth'ng an more forcibly de- nio idritc the fenfe of the Union,'' in fa vour of cfiaalifhing the trial by Jury, at well Incofitrovcrfics between indiviJ.iali, at in public profecution, thn the opinion of the fcrcral ftatei (evca including the fiaie of PennfyUania) that, upon princi ple, independent -bf authority, it wii' a wife and recclTary amendment lo the fe deral con(jtution, to provide that irs fniti at ci-mmon law, where the value in controveriey fhoiild ctcecj twenty dol. Utt, thctiht of itul by ti,ry flu 1 1 be RrefervcJ. Amtndmcnti, , art icier g. ut wiih refoc,c to the' . fiSjeclion cf the cm(li'utions!ify of the bill. It is inrum- trni on rue to fpfik, wi h difiiJenrc, (a d.!i 'cr.ee wfldi I am DcifuadeJ voa rrn. t'r will partake) when 1 reroiiccl -1 ' ..! the fm- qncHinft hll been ft part .. Ignorance' c'r foMy";iSriiijd'vbe; : Corrected ' and in fhort, every Rep in the admtniilra "tion of jullice "Jhould be 'taken'in the ! public vicv . and be liable to the' : pubujc ' I animauveruon, ann uniiormny in -jeci-(tons (hould 2 prcfervci- : Bali the biU : tmdef confideration would perpetuate and ; countenance the enlargement of the jurif-w didion of . indi vidua! magiflrafc. fcat tered aver tlie territory of the ftate,' witli :cot any'ufeftil publicity or real refpon fibility at tached to their Gtuittion or..their ; - conducl. The inevitable cffccl muft be -a; fcene bf.pattiality on the one hand, and, "'i. .1.1 .l ,.. .M .! vi iippriiuon on nc ouar , unxii ojr iuc ' i C-aicnti ol favdlir.'or the impulfc of.. fear, everyneighbeaihood fli all be redu- . I ced to the condition of yafia'agc, -and the .fiibordtnate.1maglfl rates i will bt enablett ;. through the 'rheduim of tnfltiuce, and el-" eftiotjs, to didate tp the lep,iflative, rrid tp overage the executive- department; 'of the flatc and. fnnilar. cafcJ will be deter- mined very differently', when; many hurt-' jdred -individual rfiagi(lrates are it? ''give the rule. To repeat t he language bf a vef. . ' ry celchrated cpmmtntator we-(lull fa-, tally experience that new ttibiinal. e-, retled lor the dectfionof facts without the. intcn'cntionof a jory,are tlcpVtpwards the eflablilhihg an aidocracy', the rnofl op-; pre (live of abfolute govcrnmeots,",un lefs taking advantage of the admonition of 'ihe fame, enlightened author, we feel (hat . ' it is above all a duty, which every man owes to Jiis cptntryi his friends, his pof- tcrity and himfclf, tocnard with thetnofl , 'zealous circumfpcctipn againll- the Intfo'- dnction ot ney and rbitraty method? nt iriai, wncn unner- a variety oi pretence, may tn lime imperceptibly '.undermine the trial by jtiry, the belt prefctvative of liberty,".-:'., "... ";' ,7?. t',".-'''"" ' tdly. Bifcaufe the bill haV'an opprefTn'e and pernicious tendency.1, The emolu mentsof a Juftics mull d?peHl upon the patronage of tlc wealthy, vrthe litigious part vf the community, . Cl.nliing, therefore, upon .:he natural iinpfrfectioni of the hmniti character, the temptations to opprefs the poor, the helph fs and the 'trarcuit,' Will be alnioll ifftfillible, ror can ny weans be Inpgeltcu to avert the evil, whi!: the trat. faction paffes In the .: !.. ( :..ft:... i r. )l. flHIlll VI jlllll.-a IHIUIll , BIIU particularly if the aid of council (as once was cotiten'pi'tfw) Hioutii be tlenicif. Whatever may be the.pefverTion of facts, lutever'may te the diflottion of law, lit tie confolation can be derived fromhe mere rigjt of appeal, fmce the accumula tion of o(H could hardly he fud.ired by a poor rpan.r -' . . t j . THO. M'KEAN. Lancallcri Dec. 8. i, , aoo lktTkr: . - Of the President of the United States, to the i ' 'Senate. To the Senate of the United States, ", ; : !. '..a " W. - li IN coifipliS'icf!, witu ne oesire oi tue ae- rate, exprc.scu m ineir resolution oi me -n ofNovemner,-on the imprcsstntut. op sea men in tbt .ervice, of the United State, by the agents of Toreigit nation s,' I now lay be fore the S:nate a letter from the Secretary cf State, with a specificaUon of the cases of w fetich in for ni in h Wt4. ete ved. y - - - - . - 1 TH r JEFFERSON. "December -, l03." " ; : " " ' 'uri. and !al an i ill c... C 1 1 . ! Ptobi'ly i thofiutive ': i . : 3d!y,' Bccaurth8 I. ill it 1m; In lh ju Tidal department rf - tr:. tvety aiciifs to corrupii m f. .U le clofeJ, vcry d'fpr(t'ot to Irrann? C.ou!Jbo coctjoHtd, every inf.ruiity tf ; letter - Trcm the Secreury of State to the Prcidctit. Department of Stale, l.oc. 2, 1803. SIR, 1 , ' ' ' ApreeaMy to a rtolution of the F.cnate patsrd on the -?d of Ht month, rpif stln the l'rrsidcnt of the United Slates, to cav.sd tobc Uid before tlicm such infuimatim as may have been received relative to the vio lition of the fl.ig of Ihe United States, cr ti the imnrcumcrit of aby seamen in t!.c ler vice of the United Sutes,, by the agents et any fofeif nation -I do mytelfthe. honour to triinsmit to vou the enclosed abstract f imprcssmer.tot pcrV)nslelont;ir' to Ancri can tesicls, which, 'with the annexed ex. tracts from the letters of some of our events abroad, comprises all the information rn the subject thit lias been received ly thU de partment since tht report to congress, t i's lt stision, rtbtiv tuscsmen,'' If) U e fr.t mentioned document I hare srV.fd. a mmnvw rr, shewing the f.umSer cf t'ltiJcr-V c f tiic United States, Impressed, r..i di-tinr.ii-hin.; th tse who had protections fti ttti.T.s ; t'.o'i n re aratt I lobe tic rd the r.riti-.'i ('miniont, and nt t'a'ed .t be h'e.r',i .cd cHiei n 1 1 t-f all other n.-.ntries, ae- e '.!:, r',t stt I li lve I tf n r ata- lajSjconsul general to his Britannic raajc.ty - ' forthe Eastern States.''.' V ". ; Beside the abovej; I have received Wed- "77 'cial information of any materia.1 violation cf ,; -our flag during ;; the'prescnt : European ' wa, except in the recent aggression cf the Em pexor of Morocco.'1 '-'. -!v.-'.' . With very high respect,'- X-:'y--x ' . ' : I have the honour tobe - ; "; , K : . . ., 'Sir. y'-'" '. ' ':s':'' ' v.. " . ' ' 1 , Your most obedient servant, ' ' .' i,.V' " (! JAMES MADISOIsV-.'-V' -- The President of the United States. vfe U" . ,stf MMAK V' . '; ' ; 4 ; ; v ''J Of impressment, by the' Bi hi ah frocj Anc-' v; H '' ricun vessels. . . .;.,... V Fofty-three impressments of citizens of tha -1 United States, appe'Kr to have bctn made, o ;:whom twelve had protections I " . Ten, of natives of ,the , 'British dominions, -and not rtatcd to be naturalised as American fciti2ens-antl''--;-''';-.,'-'Vl V! 'Sevefttcn, of all other" countries,' who nre . 'riot stated to have been naturalised in the U nited States. , V V,,; - ". V ':--y.?'S'--'tx': summary v. ; t Of .'impresfnents by the Agents of otheT Vk '".: Powers, from American vtsseU 7 Two,by the agents of France. V; 7" , f One, by the agents of the Batavianl.3-, .iDepa'rtmcnt of State, December-3r IW3,;- , '.;r'V:''-' ' ''; ; ' : lIpUSE OF REPRESENT ATIVE?. r. :i ' Jriiiaji' .Dccemh 1 .! ' . Vj A message. was received from the. Senat ttatinif that they had passed .the salary Vill , with sundry amendments--also that ' the ' had resolved to postpone till the first Mon day of September, the amendment of tho , Constitution sent to them by the House cf -, Representatives.' V ," . ; . 1 1 his is the amendment in lied of which . the amendment agreed to by the Iwo houses was passed. J , " .''''. ' ThK House wer.t Into' commTliee of the whole Mi. Dawson in the cha:r--on the bill giving effect to the laws cf the UnitcA Statcs,n the territory cede'd by France (o the United States. " ' ' ' 1 , 1 The amendment of Mr. Lat'more, having for object the preservation of a port of entry , in the Mississippi' territory, was again ta ken into consideration. '.'.'.. ' Mr. Latiniore moved that i.-e committed should rise, to allow further tiu.e for obtain ing inTormation.' -1 This motion M supported by Messrs. l.atimore and Sondford f and c ppoiedby Messrs. J. Clay and J. Randolph ; and lost-?-Ayes 48 Noes CO. ' Messrs. .Latimore, Gregg, Sandford and Griswold then spcV.e in favour tf the amend ment i 4 and Messrs. J., Randolph,', . S. Li" Mitchell, J.Clay, Euuts, Macon, fend Var num against It. When the quc aicn was ta - Ven on it, 'and carried in the Ticgative--Ayes 33." ' ''.".".";' - .", '" Mr. Lyon otTcrcd a motion to exempt fron. duty goods exported from Louia'u: u, to tho ports of the United Statca, since tlie l:i d.y of October last.; 'J ' , This motion was opposed by Messrs. J, Randolph and J. Clay, and rejected without a slivisioh. Vt , '' , 1 . , 'I lie committee then rose and reported tba bill with stvctal aoKudmetits, which-thi -llouie'rnmrdbttly rpnsd:red;.;trjj yrcci." to with other amendment, .when rufliU was ordered to a third rcaJing on Monday, ' ' ''tMwlJfi D(tm!tr 19. Mr.Latimorf presented a memorial from tl o House of Representatives of the Mississippi territory, representing the 'inconvenience eiperWncedby the settlements on the Tome U gly and the Alabama rivers frotA their re mote altuvion.' from the ist of govern ment. Referred. 1 . ' , ' !"' n tt cjr.sed bill giving effect to the lav i fftlie Utii'.ed State in the territory tc.Jt -l 1 'Trance to the Utitcd State! was red t! third time. ' Mr. Lyoni tftcr rnsV'nr; a few rtrsrl , moved to rc -ommlt'the till. . Moti,)T Jo'vt without a !Mun, 1 Tie Yea and Najs were then tilth at th. - t.. .ecfi; j.:rty r r.":tr-l r. ; j . anl ..Miauine, 'it r 4 nrke.t h't'.tf, Mr'. I e t. Jnstanre of Mr-I.yon.oi the pas..;-c ef ti c t.U Ye.8 -N')S 13. 1 The llo'ne rta l the amendment t( the? rr',c to the salary till, and referred tl.cnt to a coirT'ii'-et t f 'I'e whole to-nmt row, The U'-tue cnt In'.e a cor-itn.t'cc c f 1 1 u kho!e. Mr. D-vtn in ti e d. t.n tlie f iVm'.nj;. tepct t cf the . lV.vtf."e .tt;i r.'.ttre. ' ' . ' n r. r o r t. Ihtrorr.r.ittee n tie i 1 it c.frn'-Or.ta an 1 P-u l'.o-(!, t i r?si I :'. n tf the - ! v cv'uv y l.at t. ' I't S s i!.: r eo'iejtd si;l pc .ler 'vi 1 t !i 1, ll-l'i at rrs-r.t, It-., , . Wa'.liir 'tn, I- J-'.tc'.'S i : I t I " T 1 11 AT t5 h?e (i ;i f I !-.' e t.i t!. Ut.'u i I n . .'. llfiTt tit 'I A t,. . I t

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