r-Cammunicaied for the Wilmington Gazette. "TRERE, on the cold dear Exla's breezy side iMy hand amid her ringlets wonl to rove, : Bhe profFer'd pow the lock, and now deni'd, ' . With all the baby playfulness of love. ' r ' ;" ' '--'y i'V 'l-X '' .''"J 'V' Here the false , Maid, :iwith many An artful ' tear X-.'V-v-Wi " Made me each rising thought of doubt 'discoverv ."''''""''."' 'V - And vowr'd, and wept, tiirhopehad ceased to Ak me ! beguiling, like a chUd; her loveiv " HViV ;' ' One evening, on the river's pleasant strand, . ; The Maid, too well belov'd, sat with tne y And with her' fingerrttaed upon he sand I ' Death for Diana . not inconstancy I V'1"' 'j,'-.-' ""' '; iA ' '';" '!,.'' ". ,t- f-' ':';'.-".''. t ,:t. '' !!.-' V 'And love behcid us, from hie secret stand ... And mark'd his triumph, laughing to be r .. hold me,. ,j ,' , , .. , -To see me trust a writing, trae'd in sand,' , .To see me credit what a woman told me. 1 Extract from thi Message of lit jLtctUtvcy. Go i lernor Page, to the Legislature of Virginia delivered on the it A ultimo."' ! ". :, - IN compliance with, what, appear to bo 'the duty of the executive, and the established practice of my predecessor in office, I have the honour to address the following letter la the General Assembly i Id ' which I shall - chiefly confine myself to layinjf befpre. it, such a statement of the affairs of the com." monwealih, as by the constitution and law leem, peculiar objects of executive attention without obtruding upon the legislature my ting any new laws, or of altering anv now in ' force, except in such cases, as in the due ex ecution of the laws, the executive has expert-, ,encid unnecessary delay and expences. re sulting from the very letter of the law ; or,.in case which seem evidently within the pecu liar vi:w of the legislature, and yet have not btcn embraced by their law intended to em-" -trace them. But I confess that even thi appear to roe too much like going beyond the bound wise ly prescribed by the constitution to the ex?- cutive, and cannot with propriety be practi sed by an executive which ha no constitu tional share in legislation, not even a limit ted or qualiSed negative on the law, for the suggestion of an artful popular execu tive, might in time have all the effect of a constitutional right to originate bill J and by the force of established precedent, and the , "well known tendency of executive power to increase, might convert our happy free go vernment into a disguised monarchy, render ing the House of Delegate mere cypher- And here 1 must Uke the liberty of declaring that I think no one person ought to he' en trusted with power of controuling the will :cf the representative of the people In the go vernment of a single sovereign C.ate, whose . constitution is established on demecratical "principles, and which alone can rely on the peopli for its constant support, and, which i not obli ged to resort to deludon, corruption and an armed farce for its existence. The impossibility of guarding that single person against the secret influence of friends, or of agent of selfish designing men, and the pro . Lability of hi yielding to an improper im "pulse, through weakness of mind or depravi ty of heart, renJcr such power extremely dan gerous: or, jf not -, utterly useless. Tor it may be either boldly improperly applied, or through timidity, hot exerted when it applU cation might be useful. Such a power is more likely to multiply courtier, excite in trigue and create or Increase an undue In fluence in the executive than to produce any advantage to the commonwealth. And where there is second branch of the legislature, like our Senate, chosen by the people, whose sole duty it is to revise and amend, or negative the act of the House of Representatives, tuckpower u tingle tron mtrtt be" tinnt-1 cessary. For if the people . make a proper choice of Senator and representatives. Hi I ttot probable thatthry can find one man po. I essing more knowledce of their tme inter- est man a majority oi ootn House olthcir le gislature. D-it the qualificil negative granted to the Prtsi lent by the constitution of the United State, m iy be a recestsry appendage to thU other power which the executive should pot CM In a complicated government of a' num b?r of sovereign independent states, ofvari. OU interests and different habits, confedera. td for their gvncral safety and the preservs. tionof thrir Independence, arulredt their . was and cpoed a it Miy be to frrct In trieu's m o'ptn forte I and tuch power without Impropriety may be delegated by the tvcople -f all the confederated Hate, to rresident. chosen ly tier tors arolnted by them, for the purpose rf electing him, fx on! v to execute the laws of the leiienl l giUtue,an Jto mke trratis with the ad vice of tw-th!rl f the cnMe, but to be a check on the conduct of Senator and Re rrfT,ul'1" e'reted by .inla states, and who uisy l InluctRcd by and !&H views. In the hand of ibe rrevdent Ihi ' high power ?em lCed by the people st: IfsUne by wkKH they espect to keep the o?erigniyanliiidependttK. ike freedom and kuppiotMof their rtipettire sutet con stan'tly in equulibria.i The General Assem bly,! trust, sir, will pardon this digression, and attribute it to ' an earnest desire te ex plain the ground of roy silence respecting certain laws enacted by former assemblies, or such a itrobu (proper fof the present Legislature to enapt -, and. to my wish to embrace ' every 'bppovtunity of exhibiting to our fellow-cltizehs proots ot the xcellence" of our state constitution, and that of the fede- . rl Government s both happily adapted to their respective purpose the one suited to a single free state, in the neighbourhood of Republican states, iti friend and perpetual al lies, offensive snd defensive. ' The other ad mirably adapted to the government of a num , ber of republican states, once rivals, and de pendent en a powerful monarchy; but now Sovereign andlndependent, except in case ; wherein theirgeneral welfare, and the pref serration 6f their union of strength and inte-' rests may require a relinquishment of some rights of sovereignty. AM here I hope, I-! may be permitted to congratulate our coun try, as f do most, heartily, 1 on the present prosperous sitnation of the United States " At peace with alt the world, ' except a few petty, piratical states ; respected by all the powers of Europe, and upon happy term of amity, and cnmmcrtYal intercourse with the two most powerful nations upon earth, ex--cept in far as the unhappy war which they are now carrying on agf inst each other, occa- J sionally interfere wifh and checks that inter course : . uurunancea' in so nounsning a condition a to enable trs to defray all the expcr.ee of government, and 'pay the debts of, the, Union in about fourteen years, beside making the payments stipulated for the' pur chase of Louisiana, without any additional taxes and this too, after the great reduc tion made in onr taxation by the present ad ministration ; the bright prospect of peace, security and prosperity of our sister flakes on the western waters ; the vast field opened for the accommodation of our prosperity, and the wide spread", for human happiness, by the peaceable acquisition of Louisiana, are circumstances that demand our gratitude to the adorable Disposer of human affairs.. Per mit me to add, that the President's late' mes tnge to congress, contains not only informa tion most Battering to the proudest hopes of the United btatcs, but sentiments ol policy and benevolence worthy of the attention and observance f every, citizen within them. Cut having perhaps, digressed loo for from the object in view, : 1 will nuw return to it, and shew that I not only think it improper for the executive in our state goicrnavent where the legislative and executive powers are. by the Constitution declared lobe sepa rate and distinct, so that neither shall exer cise the power properly belonging to the thcr.to interfere in the smallest degree with legislation; butthat h i unnecessary as well as dangerous. that he should even give the most distant hint at what ought to b th object ti legislative ennuicrtion. lor as the lI'Mist'of Delegates posses the tola right of originating bills and it member are rkc ted by tho people from every part of the tate, fur the purpose of enacting law which they may deem necessary, and of repcal'ag such as they may think emaecessars- or in convenient, they ought Ub twnnosed noten- J ly the sale constitutional frame ra of our laws absoluttly onginsttng with them, bet the full and perfect judge f every cireumsUtxo which can require legitlalive interference. Therefore, sir, after pointing out the laws to which I alluded in tltt beginning of this let tqr,' as occasioning unnecessary delay and ex ponces in the execution of one of them, and the defects of others as not embracing the ob. ject within the peculiar view of the legisla ture. I ahalt only lay before the General As sembly such documents a 1 have Collected respecting the execution f the Uws partico laily confided lo the executive direction, by the last assembly, and the state cf the public building. . . t'ROM THE AURORA. Th fometlm jut'ge CfifEihi of Jeifejr hai U'cly tuolliaed what ho call fe. rions Conndtrations iniendrd fpr the rotd. 'Toll s"uf that flue, Who have been lately diforc4 to thick ihst iht purchafcof Lou-, if;jna woe Id provide farm and ellatci f.f our children lor leveta' fenerations. V (hall like fome of this Judge's pofi loni, and we (hall endeavour to (hew that be ha willully attempted to be a deceiver.- Tho lai JoJge very plainly sella ;he Jer fty fat mars, thai ihry hive betd In lead irg flrinci, and tells tticna wiihoul inten ding lo be fo candid that il I ever more tumonrab'e to retreat than priGQ in ctrur t" tl.ii allude to the genrrtl sp- probstinn beflowid fl the Lwiifuns piirchafe, by g vsl number of the Jtifcy citixtM, whoha4 be!n fmerly uVluded by lh S'otk'oui aiid Roujinoti, and Uf ton and Ou len. No fomlmcntli mora Vrnerst nor mnicjufl, than t'ui of Ju; p4iictfln that li' LouiSaua pnnh.fei one nf the moll Important event for the peat, profperity, future hirj Inefi aoj the htmour ol the adminiftrsl'on, ihahi tKcufitd Cnce ihe declaration of Indepcn. oenrc , 'tseiy mm jn Jctfey know that Il ll ntl a love for,"or an attuhr.wr.1 to lbs pftfem aJniinifitatbn, that would dtsw fo cin lid ami honooiahte a dnlita ion from j.ij,;t Patttif n on the con irsty, kM,wir.g th tici,r wdh whirh i jtny raucffonhai!wi aOcJ i.h th oppofite parlT, the honeft ininking "rnen ot tne party arc im.ucu m iue nu,u tage mutt be ot great mapnnuoe inuecu which could draw a declaration fo decided front him. This candour of judge Pat terfon has drawn down on him much pri vate cenfure from the party with which he has hitherto acled ; but it has extorted the applaufe of many who were not hi admirer,' andencreafed theefleernof tbofe good men who have been among the anti- republican; 'in a-itate or nnconicious hollilitv to tne principles or ino revoiu- tion. This fenttment concerningiLoui- liana, is not 'be only"' favourable one a. vowed by iudccPatterfon, - He has kc. Inowledged tliit the prefent adminiftra. tion conduct the public alia irs in the true rpirit of the government and in Inch a way as to put cenfure to filence.' ' Judge Kirkpatrick, another lericf citizen, and a member of the judiciary of that ftate, hat been as freely reprobaled by the party in oppofition to the government, as Judge Fatterlon, and all tor his candid declara tion on the wifdom of the public ftea fnrei under Mr. Jeffeifon, and particular. ly in the Louifiana purchaf: The at. tacks on thtle two cm ten have not snu- med an open countenance set, but they are pointedly alluded to in judgcGriffiths' pamphlet, which we fhallnow proceed to notice particularly, , It Uy, addielung thole who have been thus imprcfled There Is teafon to be. lievt that many of vou who were draw away, bejin to lee the deceptions and dangers of a democratic fpifit (that is, of the people being their own word ene miei.) ami how certainly it mud hear down tho bell men and Inllitutioot rf uf country. . l i p'lis ,iiil '' ', iiiai im Democracy, thai is its perp!e. B ikir votes and authority, have f.vei ih coun try from' the odious (lamp tax. from fce cxcife fiftem abhorrent to tree tlstei, from a large' af y of awrccnaiiei, fiom twenty. Ct partiun lawyeis', fekH4 morfbttllti and appointed at cmrmiits (J. i ics, and to render fervica sshich is now rendered better withtui them from an army ofexcife and ux r nberrrsi from an rapcDditme of fifteen ruillumof dollars a jrar, at was formerly iU csfe hcf aic i he inBitetiot.a whkls the demo. Cia y, enhe pee pie have ten e dawn god annihilated t 'he ww they have b' rae r'own may l rrcotleclcd y altrrtinj to thchifiory of p1 years they lav (tot Lioittircment men wfo ftMifbt lo in volve the country In war and rttcffivc taxes, ihty have lent mce late ptivste lit who mffiti public aaorey eutiutted to ihem, for ptiva e (yruirt hty har fent thole,wha emirliri and raaei Vti at the burning of two public effice they havesBolifhm ufelefi embsfTie, and rtuioaJetnly fucks are BfcttT.rT, enak ! log a great flnf id cupece its ih- t d depart OMnt, formetly Iai(he as tewars toy hoRilitr to the gortrnmeat, r lor fa. roily ratron're t ihrfoareihe tff. fli vi . dco.tjcy which lodge Cr'.ilth deplore 1 le drpWs Li lorn.er ft at on the kw!i ; hedefUirre thedentoctary that olftiucl hi advanccrectit lo thecr.f jwxt1rp if Jcrfty now ; he oVploees the family corr fid of Jeifcy, not left ho.ti'e tw him I on jlosif thaa ike dccoociats fiota piinil le. . If proceeds" If rsiutU furvry el four Ieedtn gnd I heir enesfmes fhall ceo. iocs yi that ihey read ied.Lppatnnrx.nt and I'ubic confeiiow, the it tern yosjf for an r I abit and cpinionv, n yoir tot. trier fricoJfliips and political co-r.e:. tons.' Hett the mafctTloQ Is fairly oaltU Irsirn of Jetfay it appears are not now the fonse a kcrtiofAfe, their mraforr are not ike (am si hrciofur I Whu are iww twit rrri inert tne las i What arc Ihele new iMalercs leading to I eltfoffeitlemml and tmjfm. The bK k ion an I the 0 leat( and ike Dayton, no twe Jet fy ihey fonjkt in de ftior i he goveiament of the late god le ihrnw the wh.de Wa eoofufo, it het thsn not lohase OJewchkl jmiirt or tntrtir, and th Sioclhm J'arr.A'ovtr ihem 1 1 What has twemhe cnfricw whit ihey have not atemncJiofroJucr( hiveih-y nut difgmr the Uwi,hfrrr fed tie general gusernmcet and smpt. cd 10 dcttror the govsremcat f iXr Hate f There hat ri difapetmeai and coaruCon Indeed, hut it U M. hot of the ttifcUI-Why was Mr. Welch tcnjpird olih a bribe lo eWe, Li vote tw place Odcn or Stcxltoe ia S, gternroeMal chair f sVhu k. kit a the rcfuti f Coofufioe and dkfo(HMi.tm..i ; S'ocktoM and O.den m lo..2rr tU iovcrament lor the bench c Jatg npld anfloctacy. wli.h ha i the tai-, h4 props ephrrcsnfr. Ir rf.y tMrB loberolJ rcvulutio iaif pnaci.W, .kg iilneut maeie hi tlriwwus love. J,r ' fry retotw iwilc pt.4iptef the tWvla. I ion of lrwterrx)rr,.e snd the SioUte andih 04dei aalihe Dirt. M, end the ; Boudinwt confcfi, ilut ihvy'ate tf.rappHa i tsdaoJ otffwftcljtJ tshh ciafwCon. . T '"oii:TTii'iA$'wMX. CONGRESS. HOUSE OP REPRKSENTATnTS. Tuesday, Dtctmhrr S9. . ' - Mr. Early called for the order of the day c the report of the committee of the whole t the petition of Zakariah Coxe. t Tho Houe took up the report which Is ti. the prayer of the petitioner cannot be gnnte Mr. Early hoped the report would be dis , greed to, in which ease be would more the fo . lowing resolution ' " ' . - Resolved, Although the arrest and conEm mentof Zakariah Coxe by Winthrop Sargeat Esq. appears to have been illegal and trrpre ive, yet that the circumstances are not sue as to justify the ititerpoitioti of thi House. Mettrs. R, Griswold and Smilie oppose the adoption of this motion, on the grou. that it involved a decision oa the character c . a public officer on ex-part evidence t that Governor Sergeant aa aousea nit power, r.t was a fit subject of impeachment, and that th would be the becoming course te pursue l sen that inasmuch as he might be brought be lore a court of justice, it was highly in.fwju and unjurt to impose stigma on his thaw ter, whkh might operate injuriotisly to ti e course of justice Messrs. Early ami I Kandclph advecatt $ the adoption of the motion, on the greel that governor Sergeant appeared, from bVl' r menta which he had himself transmitted t the department of aute, te have made t i'tegal and oppressive arrest and cenSnttrtrt of the petitioner, for which act te was their opinion impeachable hut inatmbch a the power of impeachment ws a high at I solemn one, which outrM not to b thepTT( I by an application to tri&ing cases, and iatu tnoch as it was the funeral opininw eft' House that thia wa n case that did not r . lit tuch intcrpotitton it becaaae pve-ptr! r i same time, te avtid a decision, that an',' ; I appear, e a tide way, to exculpate tvcrv r 1 Sargeant which tnicbt he conidered at Ha ; effect of confirming the report, that the pny. , . cr of lb pet iimner cannot be granted. Ow concurring la the report of the eem-' mittee. that the prsver of the nttiun'r t cantvLthe granted, the liowse divided Art, 14. Nets: t. Thisdcc ikn of course euperaedVi the sr. t- '. tiooconttsipUudu kwuMdeby Mr. I'.ar , S case the rrport U the semmiitee shoe.! lOetwndisagreHtn. ir Alkicw pretentei tswsnatial frr ' tetuiry lubab-tanU of the ladiang WrrUor 7 pray ing a repral of the 'h nrtkle of th r li nance estaU!uag the loduna terrii.r , . wbick pexl htUTVTy SB said territory. Mr. VarwensoHjecUd to the rtf.rrenct t the snrmtri5 on the grwmd that ttsprajr wn bo'.h nnetwAtttattnntl ad tawsa. " ' Mr. A Men replM.4 ttat t!j remark 'f,T.t he an argument sga-ast afrteing to the prty er wf the mratoriai, hwt wotild not a; t J a gainst making the rtferrene, e.peti.Kv a the tame subject was already ittcrtcd to committee onnnohcr pctiueo. The rtttrrnre'to a cetnaaittet waa can't ed Ayet 4S N'ovs 34. Mr. lis borne eamrd a rrsoiutiwii for tl e nprmotwtevit t4 a rorawtirtec to roqwire Le- tr an, a4 if anr, what tWttHptiem T ctMswe agaiMt to United Saiet are bound) If Ua'.utc of limitation, bn k in mw and iwttice wmgkl to he proshWd for by Uw, w ills hrtve te rrpaet hf M or etherwiac. Ordered le le rn the table The lluse want into oa'irtte e the sikle llr. VamNoiatLe cnatr-. ew tho amendment tf ike Ser.it te the tsvUrr UX These amendment were I. To Mnke owt tkwtw wn's at esi UUhtd by the act pwMd the 14 ol March. IXtt, and no other." t. To inemte the salary ef the wJ-akas-ier-grnerU trw J .TOO te ijtx.9 ;ir. im To Inmate the talaiy of the asv&irj feet-farnernl boat 100 to IJXQ Ud. lars, 4. Te Insert a new section probating the aHownce of any istr, cots pewM. ton from cntlnrnt hind te tXccrt rwwpcnatcd kr laed Mlarirt. 1 he rwmmittee dlsvgvrrd lo the three In totrr-dmtnts and agreed te the last. Ike hewtermtwedattle kk on the i port of the rommuiee, awd etwestmd la k Oa a cetKgrnnce with the cwmvaivw their agree. t the l4 amend as ret, the 1 eat and Nay were t-ken Ysaa II NayM. , ' r tJmLr 1 1. " j Jlr. Dtwswa wUerwd tUl he was nne f wUktoof WeetaWroi.Ua, tUl Ce exuRiag dutre ad aa tttUii hanwrtrd er Jhra t!4 aUr te he Ukra eff M redvctl !it0t?M l the ewwntre t M '1J JV rvdvKtif. ,iyr, fce ew.d g retUuta eVWu, at tape cent per ft. and rvi.g k ea lkV(ww..rtM purple. CHdervdtnPeoatWULkj. , Vl il!!?" T k tt rXtem el Vk tltri f-y. tWvtweVf iir. lZi f,!U- Ue rrf "; rt ti. ., a Aim IUT13 OF STO.UGF, the Tear ln4 . S i I 1