- , EXTRACT FROM THE ,' , r F A R Ml, R's - Ji 0 r,M r,i!. ', . - - AiUpral,Poem,'; v ;. ; .: , tr jROBtxr ttioiii-isLXu : ' : ' '' ; :'" crazy"poll. ; - Vf f: i THE pride of such a psyty , "Kature's I 't'o ' - pvide, ; v ", : "Was lovely Pou..', who innocently try'd, ' " '.. With hat of airy shape andrlbbons gay, ' 1 Lore to inspire, and stand in Hymen's way Eutere her twentieth Summer could expand Or youth was render'd, happy with her hand, Her mind's serenity was lost and gone, !'.v ; Her eye grew languid, and she wepfcalone " r Tet causeless seein'd her grief; forquickre-' ., strain'd .Sv'tii-is h' : t Mirth, follow'd loud, or indignation rcign'd: Whims wild and simple led her from her , " home, , - ."U".iV-''-'- The heath, the common,or the fields to roam s : Terror and joy alternate rul'd her hours V: , Kow blithe ish'e sung, and gather'd useless .flow'rs ; ; k a '.--... V'. V- v" . How'pluck'd a tender twig from every bough,' . rTa whip the ILqv'ring demons from her : . brow.". :y ; J:.- : ' . MS. , O . ;.v ' The damp night air her shiv'ring limbs assails ; . . .v Tin dreams -she moans, find fancied wrongs bewails. hV V.-'.V 'r'.'..'.' - V';-.-'. When morning: wakes, none earlier rous'd than she, '. '"' . .' "When pendent drops, fall glittYingfrom the tree, ; v ,;;'.... V-t , ;. -Butoun;hther rayless, melancholy ;heer, v : tb ' ' Or sooths her breast, or stons her streaming leara. , : -,; -r : ' Her matted locks unofnamented flow? " 1 Clasping her knees, and waring to and Tro Jler bead bow'd down, her faded ckeek to hide; - . v- .A piteous moufnerby the pathway side. - . ' Some tufted molehill through the lirelongday She calls her throne i there weeps iter life away i . . . . ' And, oft the gaily passing stranger stay ,llis well-tim'd step, and takes a silent guar? . Till sympathetic drops unbidden start. And pangs quick springing muster round bit , v " ' heart j . . - - : .. . ., , And soft he treads with other eaters round. And fain would catch her sorrow's plaintive . . sound. . . One word alone is all that strikes the ear, One short,pathetic,imple word " Oh dtarl" A thousand times repeated to the 'wind. That wafts the sigh, but leavel Yni fang b- . lunar.. , . iMM.THi torn touo, ; ; ' THE 'LAVTaEfACHEK. Gift a meet iattur, eni tntntria! ef ..Jiourt and make a fat Jtrmg.' YESTERDAY, si I was ponJering a them for my next d'.fcourfe, with an ach ing head, .which checked Invention, my hair (freflet entered my chamber, with the -daily papers in ui hand. Men of his clafi being naturally fond of politics, anx ious for the putlic weal, eager toafr, and nolcfs eager to tell the ewi, be there fore, after a few preliminary queries, in- formed me with an Englishman's priie, that Sir Sidney Smith had dellroyed the gun boats of the ufurper, and that tlie thunder of Britifli tannon was rocking tltc whol coaft of France. He uttered this n a tone Co chceriut, and with fuch fpaik. - lioz eyes, that for a moment, in fpite of . my rigid republiciiiifm, 1 actually partt " cipsttd iu his pleafure. While -he was occupied inchstterog wifh I be voJutiliry ol his ptofellion, and in combing tnyg'ey locks, I picked up fjine of the papers, and as it behoved a preacher, looked for the ' .jrave and the moral. The politicfsn and the msn of the world, will perhaps feaile, ' -whenlaJi that no -aniclco attached my attention, si lbs proclamations lor days ol tbankfiving in fomeot the northern dates, ; Whenj faw trom cvsrj quarter tke fair. cfttviJeocc of antumnU plenty,' I felt the propriety of devoilonal gratitude, and was iclighfsJ that public cemmcmotatioaof annual favours was cnt of the cull wen i f ( cny countly. . , in the mod fuiJe, at wtfl as icCncd a ges, a lively perception of benefits coiner. , ted by the fuprttne fOtf, t.ai CatfcJ nankind to 4 give a fwcet favour, .and a memoial of fine four, snd to maki a fat offering. Long telure thriHiaoity bad . 'flied its lutlre on the natieni, i ol the Jew, the Kotran, tod the Gretk, railing the periodical hymn t the ft. in. Tbo' their cteetlj duhted by.fupcrflitiovs g- rorsnce, were clafhing aaJysrious; yet rrstltude to tf e ier wssooe and the tarie. If a renerl haJ enlarec.1 aa em pire by hii en'erprife,ot defended paternal ! f e'di wiih his yVin'ij if 'the fweet iru influence of a 1 It'udei had griciouQ de Utnucd, and Ita'un graners burll wiih 1lrnty, the rateful ancients decree ! the eflal ihr, and all ordrri, carclclt ol bu. Cnrfi nr p'ofgre tf.iunpcd the temples. an! thinkcl (he Ikncrteot Power. Thankful King wst one -ef the firH aclsof I'tvuuvn, drK-nttd ry the fatred hiflorl- at. In t" very u.fincy o( tiror, am!J n'9 mpiiuij vi i;irri ,re we ttrtoul a i.iising uecs ; ir e amiable ALtt, thd .Tlatne1er fheplierJi feleSIn tV.Trt3k I or the nock, and lacrtbcing them or the firft altar.- From a focial fupper ith his difciplcs. from crowds, pf penitent or plaufive Jews we Xmd tjie fori :f Mary, render thanks that neither th iperfocu- tmg farviee, northe lubtle baQGiiceci, had Boriggca nts ief or mvanuatca nia aoc- trme".,.' St. Paul in his pewlous voyage,' 'when toffina in the Adriatic Gulph, and expofed to all the horrors, of a nodurnal . ip wreck: while he was wuhing anx- ouUy tor day did ' not employ the lirlt moments of returning light in the cares of 1 navigation, put b ' gave thinks tor his latety, and partook ot bread and meat wan the mariners." ' 's v-:- '- : : " But without' recurrinK to ancient ex.' amples. to fortify a duty in which there is lo much plcalora to animate Its exerciis,' I will now clofe by adigning a few rea ions peculiarly t-mding on Americans tor rperiodical craiitude. .... IDt.ri-'" . .t , . . II v u uc many.nacns o "c eiucr wura are cuMvulfed by : revolution,' menaced with dangers or groaning under fcrvi tude, wt are leading 1 quiet and peaceable lives .'and like the happy Zidonians we dwell at since 4 carolcfs and fecure. ' Np inquiGtor fumrrrons our fecrctaries to the flake,' and in no cell of America has the clack of religious chains ; yet been heard.- No Turkifh fultan abridges life hy a nod, and no Lama of fupetftiuon. onuris i uc creauuty or ignorance, or ai fronts the difcernaient of ' wifdom. Though difaord has hurled her brand a mong the nations, againft the conflagra- tion of war, we have had the whole Atlan tic 4s a ditdv "The glearrt of arms has only been contemplated In the diftance,; and he found of Enropean. artillery has been as thunder heard remote',!.'.'. Acgp, nifed France, under themaedominioH of petty tyrants, of the mod execrable rice. ' enumerated in any of the tolls of biftory. has leen the lights ot , her church txtm- cuiihed, her nurfins' father' and nui. ing motlier,', deftroyed, her ' nobles in fetters of iron, and her fuhjtfls grouud between the upper and nether millrtone, of revolutionary experiment. . The Olive has yielded ks eil, to illumine the lantern, and the grape has been trodden by the faut tcring feet of the intoxicated fo'dier. Si. lent are the halls of the Sovereign, and a luokl out of the window, Coirtrad Oiie 'fisdcd picture, my countrymen, wiih the fecnes ot peace and plenty, which en viron you. Commerce watir you tin wares from afar, ; and iWr merchandize from the ends of the earth. Hufbamlry has turned its furrow to vivifying air, and iioerai narveits nsve beeR reaped from your ftcui, your oxen are llreng to labour,' and your Iheep fcatter over the' plaint. Seeing therefore, that you poITcfs In tran quility fuch a gooJIy heritage; be careful matcnarity go narxl m hand aith iheer. fulnets. and as you cive thanks, ei? e alma. To him who has no father, ftretch ht pa rental hand, and when the eve of the fcerar feri, then let it blcfs you. When you nave llianked the great giver, andim. partea uom vour Bore, ' lo him 'that is ready lopenft,' then let the rejoicing heart rebound, and the voice of eladoei afiffufe a general complsceocy.' . raOM THI XICBLICAH ADVOCATE. ftEADER.thotihanhrarJofthe venera. bte gen. Iiiasx Putnam a msn of re- tiums courage and mafculioe powers he was ufcful in his jftnerstioo; but be bit Cumbered for tasny vests ia tbe erave. iic uvea net to ite tr.ele factious times. Bel Mr. Coleman, whofe buCnefa ia ft. Jtrslifm, has fstely found him, alive and louna in Mstietta! with this only dife reoce, thst tbe natse of Israil, which general Putnam always prclerved alutinc' iu wiiute i 10c revolutionary war, has been chanted to Rvrvit However, this' is but a Bight difficulty to- tbeeiRintic ge nius ot WiUism Coleman. The florj a related by Mr. Ce runs thos . Kufu Putnam, who had been appointee' furvevor teneral ef the United tatcs by gatv. vvaihmgtoa and who refiilej at Ma rietta, has bean difmiffej from office and' a cmain Jared Majiificid appointed In flsaJ. . , , . I ndrswlnf the attention of the iublcr to the circemflsnce, Mr. Coleman if. ferti wjibhis ufjaleffreatery, that Rufus retoarri It the Identical old geo. Ifrael Putasro, and I'ymeaihiCnjr with the dif.' carded oSicer, whom he stfecti to conft- deras the vlflimof prifidentlal vengeance, neacicriDca nil grey natrs, and the a Sec tion wnica Walhinton bore for him, and bis poverty, which altogether farmi a lal. that. If tokl h better laogtujr, would bring f mh a r 41 from k A..r u of a C ft "flaw Indian. Hut a 11 1 like tie Arabian Nights Entcrtsinme nti, we tti it, and only wonder at the inimitable In vantioa of the lying author, . lie It known then that rnrral Ifrael py'isot ka been desj for thefe ten years, sr,4 that Kufus Putnam is Only his tela, tion. Rufas Tut cam wss sppoiated ia thfstiontjr;:r.eralAVa(lkiron in pre ference ;to, a number of applicants, for what part icular reafon we know not- Yet certato it is, ttat the valiant colonel Lynri, of Aliegnythat hero with the iV bloody wound V was overlooked j, by4 tiv w antVngTorr-alrfiougfr-ticvrcnt to htm with his pocket full of recornroencW lion's from certain men in thefe parts-i-' lie, however,' was overlooked by the ge- bccm and hence thegood people ot AUe gany may form fotne. idea of hii defeits. The firft perfon appointed by pen. Wafh; i te the Xur veyor-generallhip lo long heW by Ruf us. Putnam, wa Daniel Dewitt, of NewYork,twha would not accept of; the oSce ; wheft tha aforefaid Rufus was felefted. ; Ignorant of furvey ing, the pco-t ;ple. became, dilcontented.' , An excellent furveyor. who, was at Marietta. about two ; years age,' bdne employed 4 tei -re, furrey ' lands which .had.besn pieviotifly furveyed by Rufut Putnam, couM not-make the : fe&ions meet 1y baft milt tf and, in fome , ilnHances, they were not to be toundjit aH. The .inlia'bitacitt detertr.tRed to 'et rid of a, man fo inuch iinJuaiihed to per- torm the talk to which he had been ap pointed 4 and accordingly we find them petitioning the petept congreu torcdrels. itova this petitinn. we prifurnf, has ori ginated the d fmiflal of Mr. Putnam. The nreftdent has' appointed in hie room it is faid a certain Jared Mansfield, whofe character js embellilhed by Mr. Coleman with the name ot 1 cry. Mr. IManshcId i net a republican j, he is a fcderalitl of the mott fiery ord:r ; and t is probable may likewifebe a tory.' We underfland however, that he it a good fmveyor, and . that he will be enabled to give fattsfac tiou lo the people iu wbofe fcrvice Jie is to.be.- .. . , ;,; , v'. , : For jour part we appeal to the recti. men of the armv now in town, and rcqueft them to contradict us if we are wrong in flating that old genrral Putnam hat been dead nianv years, and that Jared Mans field is a federal id. if Jared is a tory it is hot within our knowledge: but as he is a feJeraliil, there i ftifTuient caufe to fulpca him. " Mr. JerTcrfon is a man that does nothing ralhly or w'uhout a jjft caufe. . lo this cafe the petition of peo ple is fuflicient toeiciilpatthiin from the fufpicien of all -unworthy motives; for, in our opinion wln the people are not fatiifird with an oliicrr, it is the duty of a prefident teifmiii that oCcer and ap" int another to his room. USEFUL TO FARMERS. . ox iudixs siqst. FAUXlFRi m geiierit tnd their fin;s with the whole grain In its hard and dry state, which is much agLilt their ir.te rerft for if they are fed Ai fpsring'y as to hare a gooJ appetite, they fallow it half chewed, and a great pan of it vai l pafs through thcm unJitdedi and ott the e iliet tunrf,' if they have if continually by thtin, they deftroy too great a juanirty, before they are fat, efpil!y it put .tip when poor. Now I am l opinion in ei ther ot the above cafes as the food is not received in a proper fate fur digctfion, that a buflel of meal, maJe into fvaill, ia xusl to a buflicl and a half of ilrv grab, iad double t!ui profit, when mlicd with a vegetable, whole bulky febHance chiefly confifls of a nutritious juke, which, in corporating with the fma I particles f the grain, qualifies them for nouriCameut, and enables us to ufe a quantity fulScicnt to increale the fat and grewtb to advantage. Ten Dollars steward. . RUN away from the fubferibrraboet 'the ic h September la.T.a pteio maa Darned HALLLY, feci 8 or 9 inches high, 2iora4yasoTage, well made and of common completion !! is well known iaWilcr.inictonstid its ncichbot.'- hood, I will give the abotcteward for raving him delivered to me or to the jailor of tin town. . . "" , '.Msflert of vt.Tcli and all other parfons are forbid herhourtng, emplojineor cir- ,. lying him awi.. ANTHONY FeTOOMLR. , , Vilmlngten, OQober it. , "Ten Dollars Ucward. RAN away from the fubferitxf, during the lloljdavs, a Nj;ro Man named Jicot), about 14 or J years of 5 feet 4 or J intlioe hirh and well maJe, ysllow corru,U Aed, and has a fesr on hit forehead. The above reward will be psid lor eon foinr him in any Jail oa the continent fa that 1 ret him, or dc'ivcrlnf him tome . a" a 01, atmnp aauna. ' " , A a. a . . 1 ni,u rnsrers cf vtiia'.s and otters are . T'lft r.wui heiOuuitng! tmclovtrg r carryinji rum away. i R0I1F.RT WILLIAMS. 7i!onington, Jan. p, 1 804. 65 ""lUU'KS OF STOUAbb, , ' M TJminijt, ... " Tlx tke Year IS 54. : - ALLMAND HALL - : ;:-.'. .'V HAS FOR SALE, . ..' ' v . Mbit HOpKSTORE inMarket-Siuet, jft ". V - ' tittflr. N.-IIill, ' , ;' ; Dcccmbr 13. 1803, ' fVHt North Aaitricit PilM, U101 ; coileciioa' of JL -iy sesottw. Ch'a ao4 flini, from . ChtrM of iv oq kind, ' . . r " . . ; AH kind o ihipptoj tutd other B'r,kt ' r , ' " BcS Dutch Quilli.Wtlf iHSeiUDtWax. de tk .. f tptr, thick pott tolio, lhi da.tetU) , cVc. iti. Aaaarieae frtflieat Nav!ttet," ; :: 1 v'.: . r , .HimittM Moom" Witloe,f-'T-t', ??':.;.', The $ttmuf Complete Deily AlCft New ilk. riaet'a Comptb, . ... Xhi Cepa fur Pilot taJ Chtru of the Bk sod X.iv( , ! Siaiooarie. Cog pbiH Hiftoty ot Eng1d, rrt- r .AfliBtM. Le' AwrtcM Acconiptip(, bctiooi.. : ai.UrU AiSiot, rilher'a Compaoioa, llanty'i teg- - Uih Gmmu. BcoH't LBoni, American fiectpio, , Coraelii BJtpout, Cfil CommtoUfit, Clark'efa- . iBtorece,VirgUi ProfoeiealCiama',Cbm.. .fcaaai rreoch aoil Eoghin axerciic, voaagex n wotta'a Laiia 1 "fliflt 0Oiooariu, JrUieri, fpeU . fiooka. a4 a e ariety ot Lti ao4 Ty Boka, Hultoe'a Ciak aiqa , . 1 , , , - Do. Costunin ' r . imp(i Come cUea, Vtti&'t MalJiemttic ' Hi fcm'i Looturea ia Nta;at f tiilolophy rerofoa Moral Philofophjr JleU'alffayaOniaeanUlU&ual aaie Powtrtot Ilia ' Caldritti'a Aaimatett Maiur . liaite'a UoWartal Cccapby, Votney'a Ruias S ; , 'wintebortbtM Hittofyof America i4 Clima. ' Kuflall'i Miloryol atodera Earopa " ' . Millot'a BteaieaM o( Aacieci Viiory i rritQUy'e Uctorea oa ttiftory o4 Ccoeral tolkj Blair' Leaurea, lKaB Xxtrada ia pror Bydoa'l Tour th(ODi Stiiij and UiUa ' Boilagbreka'a WoU ' ' . 'Do. V Tra :-' ' ' '. ' OldcUU, tUnttke oa iht HiBory of Int'aad BiUifk Anilqaitim Walleea Aacieat PcertfrS f JtrTifoa't VoMt, bo prclltaeditioe Do, : do. coeamoa ,4a, Johafton'a RamWef '' ' oft' WotJmTaa paor,5ett,a Moti'a Wau't Lo., rordye on luiKaiioa, riaefl Woik JklkMp'a AiBiojrpby.BiotT;' c,l DitVosarf Boiaaical rl.rmoay, railoitaoi a.""Je Tmp(on' S(imm, Boa,a foema, linetnfidd'e Jo. Xianatai eata oa Nactoaal Tlida, Da oa SuWuda The Uiolr,', M AatcdoteaaUitltflguiked pifoaijc la lh 1 5 ih catuiy, AWairaWa Hkory VomfaHloueVae! Hays " Baile al Karate, . ' Fre klaWi MQitor,Di t toer Coeapiaiaa . tfirtl ot Dcpotilaa, B'ia Cookery JobaSoa'H Jai'a a4 (uey'aliakaites ' D. ad da racket 4. HOVELS end ROitAKCZS. Toa Joaea, Aiabiaa T;,TU cl tha Tici,Orttbar rtvily.Cul of ib, Uuiia,C gloria Tea-pla B'tt" oy,itm4r h Minaa, taa.aiGiaa or la.w.b kaato k ei, oStu't tlouiia, ILnliaa, Toaa J ooa, K H leal , H"m' foot of Ca.-iily, A4 4 da nce, fa Uaiiiea b foiiaaaia lret, 0.'o Lntaa a, K LiHr, Vm Adul;trM, Etit Crafoa, BalUlaa aad Eiaat b.. C'tt Bia:t, Ta Vrra, l.r Li.ee la Hoea,Tkao4ofe Crkea m ti aaa.o!tai Iw, Tke Mta of feetiog, AMutua . Aaa,Ta Iafi4el fatker. ZUrzr.1 j;,. ,'jz.y. ;i. Coaaa cufto ate. Baa Cemidt tiki'f!da lit, Vtifa Tiofl.ia, E.fa tl ?r- at Sr. ia iv r C Swi c Cmeni, Ite CLriiB' Q if, Jidu1 I) r hit, A T'ri atka !.... ca r( U L' 1", Buaoa'a of ikiaard ik Ui W eld, U tau t ?t 3k IT.h SxriiaaMal Caiartt'l Wui'i fUima et tyai,Er.u. Ict at l; cr.tr, i.rt.ry, JJ,i.iai. a, CmnH l'rer B9bl, 1 toelt.'.je l Ititn, 111 .na a anoifi,fd.ar)a aa it-a fuuea, C. l- aad L'i.il'..fia Coa'ttUtd, BXoa, Caaat ad Ciaer, Ov$ a ot !, Aa. JL'jrtie on TawTitar, rtfiLa Ktftrtt, I waed'ed. Fn.'il '"i Palu a Obl'inUoa, t.l km'i rj.a.tM, f.aa-e'e f' e, S i.ta fi" ce ol La, ralieiit al.-.aia Brei-a, Lu jt' C.'a, ataitia'a ColU&a of S !. Hunt rr aa a-W LlJ, A Trt-:i.t en tht fUfuaaad TelUaf fre, BdiUr fk..mffc Wr.Vv. ALSO. ALMANACKS For the year lc4 PROPOSALS foe ft)kU!M k SafcfcrijKla, The iW-T'a, MjrtkJ-0 W Cen.tJh't ii U 1 I) E; Caataialf pi' twtAiaa lnl.lCt.m aa ry taVt aoajwS.4 wnk ike D e4 tkwr C3 owMk aa Appeaaia of f'tfu . ly tU Ilea, J, t, TltlOI, l' ' Tilt aik U Uftl 1 ap W4 l,mm Um US w KriiMa. aad aa.pttd. k a L nl 4 ika fml AA. al AITnabty e4 cd t aarnb apoa i! iht (.kjt'la it t waina, la ike at. f keeii.aa at ika Sa-a. I kit lata Uw aiai al ik Zmfi t la Ua lu IV4 atf 01 aailiee vi k ark.tk k it loirrii,'. fol Wi i.g nUti la Skeoff, tad CorebW,. t4 , . A A . n . .L. I . 1 . lkaaaff atttmM t,a foaecai of lelsraatim, (ad ika mi (oe lea a(a ika wk U iaMdi,ia!dtraa, ', k a ad CaJee kt.,tuH title ol At HIT, ike datyaf Ikaoti, r-S,wi.a, aad pina aatfaaa la ika appt. abaa of ataadara, ,U ke dtiukd, aad ike otprocQ.oaiBMdrdkf ika Urn aaearaty AU Co-retrd na ika tbj U Ik. lr H ke, WkMtaatauitad kf .a a SV ee af J.i.ta, m Wra la perfaa kiUe4 la aa tLmi al iaie, r,Ur( k.kj aa ai'raipa ill ke a4e aa ak.!, m4 awkaa.te Wad. aagtataa SWa aiKr (.v. -Si trrd We '!, nai'aaUu&.k'actaaau, Ac, f ; toMDtrion tke v.k ;u ke .,111. , ' papa.. ' -1 .,.;itu "'r we. ju1'U.M f i twaaaa t.l.iai ao.W A M ai nw fabUnka. .,U ka M,, lk, wl a1rJa,H'ir,'"'r t:l ' ". k, Atia4 It Jl. in .V..m . k. ik. 1 , . . V . . m ... t,-m n.i IU Ilk ta lal .O ' - m i , ,4 va .k.ka-at .,,(. 1 a.' t ikM 'pia a., a, w W.lail-aa, La.kn VU(