't. .. 119 counting-houses; atJ notwithstanding the ; exertions, of thefire-mastera and citizens, it 1 was not got undar till it had destroyed the. whole of that extensive building. . To make an estimate of the property destroyed with the building, would at this time be impossi ble, but from the best calculation that could be made at the moment, it was conjectured thai between five and six hundred bales of Cottan.' and from I 2 to 15,00 barrels of Rice, were either consumed or destroyed. The Stores were the property of Mr. Wfl . liam Roper, Planter, and together with the wharf, were rented by Messrs Waring and Smith, whose loss on this melanchollv occa sion will "undoubtedly be very ureal 1 The ' persons who were owners of the properly lost, it isimpossible to designate , part belonging , to Plancers, and part to Merchants ; yet altho', "the loss in itself is a serious one, its falling on a considerable number of persons will fen-; lt der it less distressing'.'", r ';7 ?.-!!,'( : The origin of this unfortunate accident is unknown t By some it is attributed to accident !c by others itis conjectured that it may have , originated in the cotton itself, as the heat of V that article, when in large compact bodies, is said to have sometimes created a shouldering fire and consumed itself. ." . ' , " FOR T. OF WJLMING TOJfcj ' ' ENTERED SIVCt OVt fcAST. ' Ship Lavina, Cad well, . New-York - - - Enterprise Conear, " do. 'T' Neptune," Hicks, t 'Providence ' Barque Pallas, Marshal, New-York "V Sch'r Sally It Maria, Stockings, St.Domingo ' Jane, Jolinston, , Jamaica Mohawk, Southworth, . Falmouth Sloop Harriet, Gardner, Charleston - " " Mir''''' CLEARED. N ' Ship Fair American, Flawr," Hull Sloon Samuel. Tavlor, Alexandria, (Vir'g) looago ' . Salem Chnrlesten St. Vincents New-York Sch'r Betsey, Biickly, , x ' Vandyck'i Punchard, - Fair Play, Hudson, Superb, Cooper, fcwann, Snow, IO" PRICES-CV R RENT ticiam7a7la ' -merit - OPENED 7 HIS DAT At the Store latrly occupied by , Mr. Camoc'k, in Front ftreetV "THE FOLLOWING - GOODS, IMchwill 'hf Uld'Uvl fa Cafb, Ui-HiitE-. SAtE d RETAIL. PrINTEP Cambrickt and CaRctrt, 1 Breade, Lai. dt'tt'Jtt flWutt -B'it'tlh Lain, CWtn Sinking., . " ,' Jtluflm Handkerchiefs, . , , Cotton Bagging, 1 V .' ; ' Quills, Jihntn't Ink-Psuider, - . , Account Btikfj ' ' Cruet Frames, t , ' DouUebtrrelled Guns, , ; ; Single du do. . JSilver miunled llpst ,. Stive If ochr.,. , , , : Btjt Lwdtn MuftarJ, Northern Chcefe.in prime order, 4 Hhds. Mobiles. , "'AN OVERSEER t, r h 'Wanted Immediately, "Til THO underlands the culture 'f Corn, ,. and it acquainted with the manage meat if Negroes. To fuck a perin lilcrul tuagtt will be given, by - Tho.:Hilh f , Hyrnhurn, -pel. l8, 104. , 7J 2i SIurirT's Sale: ,0u Tuefday the loth day ef March next, - will be tfrfJ,; in Execution, under -the V Cmrt-Htufi in Wiimwghn, ibe Jol'w. ':ing property : viz "' '''" .'" .V A Suw Mili on Mrfitref with the tandi thereunt bringing, the property 0 Jf.B ff'bite. ,'r-l-V.-; -.r . ; ' 60 Acres of L ind adjoining .Mr. Rittejr ? and 150 acrei adjoining inhar Harper, in Lyig Cietk, the fnperty ' Jmes ffauw " '" --T0 Acres Land, 17 miles jrim jfil-i 'mingfon ori the main roud. i Newbetn, the prrytrtj f ff"i- King.',':''i-J;:, MpL Win. Bludworth, Shff. . 1 Nevs-Hjnevtr County , Feb. j, 1 8c4.' 72 EROM the fuhfcriler, ' tit the 22df doy tf November tall, at Burrel F. JI . teur miles' frtm Columbia In South Cntiai,. GRSr HORS Ey'ftfembling the- J.ipple grtj, 15 bands 3 inchs bteh, ,4. years eld next fpringi branded tn the "ft but ock and um-et the main tuitb a frn .ll m trm'i'm. formati'n, I am led h belive flat the thief,. a wane man, was it Wttnington with Ibchirjc about the 7)th tf Soi.taft,und rem hd fme tays at mi s. Utrjef t tvm, J em wbtnee I have not ie.it nt wat d recli.n t ck . Iwllgiveu reward of FORTY DOL LARS for apprehtnding the , thief ft that be mayie brought It ctr.viSitn. nJJ-!iver. i"g thfihorfe fi my order in-Culuvbia j tr Twenty Ditl.Pt fir Jnf.rmnth w'ere jhf forfeit, ft tint I may iiiain him on prt.vinr .ltf' f'lfer(J' LetitrtoH Am fulrcl wdl it niemeattoy at reel Kg them t, C:l. Put. ten. tr Burrel Fmfl, 4. mile from Colum bia in S'iW.b-Carilina: . v , . ,, v ; At-xander Hendcrlon. FibK2tt 1804. t . .372 .FOR" SALE - t r - -r' Under Direction of ' ' ' -'jOSHU.A'-Pbf.T.S, ' r ?', ' ... ! - i , : Wilmington, February SI, 1 804. Quarter Cask Sherry Wine, '.'.' Hogsheads of Jamaica Rum, a ; Ditto :& proof Rum, V ? ; i i 5 ; Case Holland Gin, j ." v, Casks Tallow, ... . ' ' . ,',- , Casks Goshen Cheese, v. . . , i Barrels Muscovado Sugar, ; v. f ,lt Barrels Pork, , Ditto Be f, ' , , - Do. ' Tar, .. - . , . Four pieces Canngn4 pounders, , , Grind-stones, . . , Barrels Flour, ' ' KeKSJMewuutter, t Sawed Lumber, Spari . : . Chests Young Hyson Tea, Botes China Warej . Ditto German Steel, Ditto Cotton Cards, ' -Ditto Wool Cards, ' ' Ketrs Spanish Brawn, Ditto, six-penny Nails, Coils Cordage, V i FOR SALE fee. Tuik't'.filand Salt, and a few Barrels Br:ivn And Clayed Sugar in Ihgfbtadt tr Ureet (i, tfr. tk't'.filan ' Frtfh) L Imet-: Inquire 'if 1 F. rOST AWE, a. . ' ' On dmpbell'i ff1arf, ,T.!.:"K A L S 0, v i. .. Flour in Ilalf-Bjrrtls. , ' Hig't Lard,'' , " Bei-f, 'an J Pork, . ' - Mnnnhftwrei T&mc, ,. f , ' ' , Jiatv Mil! Lumber. " ". '. Sm ill Timber. ' " ' " ' , Jun. 2J, 1804. ' ,j 63 . Ten Dollars He ward..' RAN envoy frtm the fuhfr.kr on ' the 28A D- le rltt latl. m ierrt man n'a. me J TOM lie it ubtut C feet tr am-, tbes b'ekttutry b'.rnjptakts fliw and phinis tf t bl.ui rtmttexi , and its a'. fear in the JiU tf his n-jt. It it fppfed L . .1.... At. e.'--: r l' . jit 11 urvui nit. anan 1, an itinijn, tr it , '.:. jii i it 1. - 1 . rr itmirgiw. t- i majiiri pi -jitt, una t. then are hei ebj f .rMmei La imrii!, em pUy'mg tr fbpp'vrgfaid flavi I'm.. ; , I Will pay any perjtn w't Will epfrthend faid n pro and deliver him It mt, tr Udoe . a. . . .. . . . pint in nmmnrtn run it ttr t rtf-lin. the alive reward nd all rafonublt iba'ftt. Aaron Morgan. M.rgan Crttk, Feb. 7, 1804. 76 SUBSCRIPTIONS far American tditbnttftlta ' JMneiflj valuable Publications, will bt recti' vej at the a!ive J-Lice, and by A. Hjll. That useful and popular Work, the '', ... Donullic EncyclopxJia ; or, . DICTIONARY OF FACTS,' Sl) USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. By A. F. i. n'Mch, if. D.auihir of the Lec tures on Diet and Regimen, Vc. Ift, ' Gibbon's H'ttory " Of heDcclin and FH of the Roman Tm rire 1 together wiih Memoirs of the- Life aiu Writinp (the Author. ' Ul.1ckfl.0ncV CommrnVaric" With Notes of Reference to the Constitution and Lswsof the Federal Government of th United Stilts and of the Commonwealth f Virginia By Si. Geargt tucker. . Moilern Ge2rapliy, - -Including the most recent Discoveries and Politic! Altcrtiions, digested on a new pi By Jithn Pinker tf. F.i.il. ' 7 4u. A. HAI4. " Jl.it just received frtm ftethTurk, " LATIN G II A M M A 11 S, And an additional tupptj of ether School l.'ooki and stationary, A? mhith art few tlrrrsnl Pf ket Bibles, Sclwol ditto, Pnyef B"Ai, Trstimrnts, Pilms 6u4 lljrmns, Ariwoilc's Works, Amcria.n (!oat Ptt, Rrcciiil Uuoks, Memorandum 4i. Cypher- In r k Copy do. Of t t tYj Writing Paper, SlfRnj and common JW-ils, bliitilng Band, 1 1 - J on if c, at. tic, . Pibruay 1104. r .-A Parcel ot Land, V 6 NT AINING about 'fix hundred and f f acres, it Bin fen Countv, lyvi$ iht r'trth enft fide ff tbttfvth IVtft rivt, about twelve milet above Eliz 4el blown ; it it netrlt three quarters n rnile tn 4 v, and it kn'twn ti contain ' at great a prt fcrtim if ltd land, acc&'itlnj to lie number ol acres, -as ay on the tiver. There is fnag, Wr, ' f amed Delliuglhcufe one ana a enj fl.ry high, andaioi firtum tftualtr running juft b'f.rf the dur tn which is a Ceifl , w,if, 0 framed htuft .iff it and a f mall bitting iUlh in Hi SamJIiU frame rifed ready It put the tunnirg gear to it, and ttber tut btufet. Fir terms apply to ' ' ' JONATHAN ROBESON. ; Fik 14, 1804. , ; . 71 iw .. NO TI C . II F Su'cril'tr, twing tt the anf tilled ft ttt tf lis accounts, talents tt rive up lis Trad ard Crperg' fw certain time. The hng indulgence he bat g'-ven a numfiir it tit rffpectuilt cufltmert, it is hped will not tie a bur It a J air tnd jufl fttthmtnl rf acctunls.l n w earnrft'y re quejl alt V p inddiedh me by bind tr bt.k tict'.u't; tt fit lie end pw the fame at fpetiy as poffible ; tndthfelo tuhum urn inuib td will pleufe It render their scctunts fjr fet. tltmenl. ' I have for Sale, Twt LOTS in the upper end' f thUltun, fluatedtn the tuft de tf h r.nfjl' eel , and tppfilt the Lilt Mr. Jthn Lift, tn Ht ntilh f Red Cr'ft Jlreet, A If'utir Lot, tn tht corner if Sny fj Coflle.ftieets, nutt and -fpijiir A Mr. tin fr "Iff ',uvr Irharf, . Tut Lois at Fit JJoin or'Smiibville. Tuentjfvc beud tf ll.rntd Caltla at tit Stund, " Tie rema'ni-g pari tf GOODS tn htmi, lately imported and Sim, HOUSEHOLD FURSIJVRE if a rood quality. , - ST Tht whole f tht ah .ve Proftr tj will be f ,ld ttw for C.tb tr a fh.it e Credit, tn it keftntht lldiflint, by friva'tfaUlf ntt then fild, it u M It Jet up at public vendut, at my hafe, at tbm months credit. John Martin,' Wilmlngttn, Feb.-, 1 804. N. ft. l-aain cflVrmy Land, in Bladtn and Bmmfw'nk Citmtirs, it Rat and Leit fr a certain number if years, . 70 i.M. ' ' tr N O T I C E. TV0I E temtemrn wh bavt in thtir pf I BOOM be Ime i"t it ut tflile if, Kenan Love, deieafrd, among u hub is Vtlmey't Tiotelt, in I Vtt.ifertiwjlfd It return lie fame it A. HALL, or C, HOOKS. Feh, 7, 1804. , o . FOR SALE, The following Trafts ol Land, VIZ, THE Plantation adjoining SouihWalh uigton, on tht Nond Eaft River, Cqniaiiuiig Ms hundicvl and forty acres iboul one hundred of which is undci fence ai,d adjoining the river ab.'ui filfy acres is fecund low gruunJ, part ui this it wocxi land, of fertile foil. On she pietnifei tt a Dwcliing-boufc futlicieot to tecum pioJate a lare lamily, Alfo A Tn& containing two hurdred acres on Lcwifcw Crcik, about two miles a"d a halt (10m the river about thirty a. tt of this hat been clc.icJ, fiiuatcj in an excellent range lor cauls or hogs. One other Ulfl, containing one hurv. died and twenty aciei on North Bian. h, near the upjer linci ol the lull mcmtoMai I'laniation. . A crtdit of fit months will he j;!fen for 'one hall of jhc fmrchaf mowy, -twelve tnotitha ior the remainder. Bond and fe. curiiv will be required fufficieut titles U1 bt giteo at the 1A payment, i Any perfoB inclining 10 puuhafe, may apply 10 tht fubfetiber, in Wilming'on. TIMOTHY BLOODWOR1II. Jit.uaryiy. 367 INUT1CE. A LL fet font art herehpftrtwarntd frtm JtJL furthjing tr eecetv-g in any ntttc4 ,t, m.ufr x,b. trier, my jSoit if Il.uilt Iltntp Ihf'j, Lit j I bit ttwn, fir fi. leen TidCet tf Rhe, tiled lie flf April, Ifoi, tr Ihetetltuts I tbt fume bti'fi fut'y fid by ntt at willatptar bf tbt ftihu'mg recipt. IMNltL MALLLTT. U tlmUglin, Fib. ft 1804. 70 RFCEIVED, tth. Hot, frtm Mr Dan 7 MalU tt, tu bundnd and thirty t)iUss and three Cents, in fU ffli't f lit aeetttinee fir the delivery if I ftin Tiercel R'u,, Atrf in ten d.)i, ditti Aff il itt frjl or ihrriibtutt. 1 Browne & Halfcy. j 7 v.l lyJAi SM; " i - 7 a 'ih Voters title Ccuntiet , cyrpciKg th . D'ifiriCl Aef Wilmington urrd an.tfm sCunty. v (' 'Vi-V' GINTLIMtN AHO ' f E LI.OW. CITIZENS, ,. A S the election for eltdirg an t kcclr li lo vote for a PreCdciit arid VjcerPre- , fulent of the United State is approaching, I take the liberty "of rtttn you itli rv this Aldrefs,stn tnfdftn yr.n that I am a , Candidate for that Important appointment. .' And believing, as I do,' that the prcfenr Atlminiftration at ihe United., States -is , pure,' and calculate to j"cu re the ifghts, liberties and .true intereOs ol its citizens ; lhould I he honored, wi:h a majority ot' ' your futf rages, , I pledge my honor to vo:r ,,i ...-. for TuoMAff: JxrfSRSOH, to be Preii dentof the United Sfates." : . , -At (or Vice'PrclidentV'I am not prepa red at this timeWfiy,;who!I will vote fur as the gentlemen who will be tandidilUi ' for that office are not yet known. y I avn, GehtfemeV, ' 7"', ' . ' Your ,tnotl obedient !( f': - ' , ,;0. GLISSON. . . ,l.Dup1in,.l,eb. a, j3o.4 1 1 rTHS copirtnerjhjp that hat hiled 'under S'X the firm J - Ft) man ,y HiNlYfir -by tnuiud tinfeniidiffidved. All pctjont . having cl itms aguinji, oy ind.ltcd to f aid , , firm are rtyueflcJ tt call' jon CapU. PitVid .... Tuman, who is foleij authorized ts receive . '1 d.bls and give d'jeharges, ' t , , David To mam, , . V.. J6hh HEMftv; ' Feb. 4. 804, , ' 5,7T z- ro RENrr: :,:: , . The Store aud Dwclling-houlV in Mark'tjlrcet, at frftnl occupied lj Ja MtS" Richard.. . . i , :.frr tcrrnt apply ti ' j :;, ' .' -. 1 -' Z . ' J0n PoissosJ, I er . EVan Jonuj.,. - For Sale, -That vu 'uukJe, three Jlirj t" ' : 15KICK HOUSfc:'. I SITUATED itn thtouib Jidcef arht fireet, ntxt It J'mes Richard '.. tFor terms aptly to JOHN POISSONl tr la - ' . . - EVAN JONES. , HVmington, Jan. 31, 18C4. ' 69 2vt. , EORSALF. On reasonable termt for frumps payment. , A Valuab.e Trait ol Lat.J sr. the itate of TenneiTce, containing one ' thou, lurnl acres, on the Waters of Red River "and Spring Cretk, at'jolnirg the fumy t of John h.iiotand Mr. Shtlty. The a- -bove iral oi. land lies within j miWs of C'aikiville, and iitqu,! infertility (f foil and rant-do any in its neighbourhood. For terms afj)ly to K- ALLM AND UALL. . Wilmington, Dec. 20th, 1803. , ' '; . FUll SALK, : APARV.LL of Land contaiotrg ahout fevetneen huirircd aciti, in liladcu cout ty, ' known by thenjimeof the In dian Witts, lyirg onboth fidet'of th Nonhwcfl Hlvei, ft adjoining ths laid cf Mr. John Waddle It aboundi with Cy pres and Oak timber, and there are ihreo hundred acres o LoLuts well adapted to the culture of Corn. For terms apply to - -. - GEORGE LUCAS. Ofloher l I. , ' NOTICE, I INTEND to leave thisSiate In a fer da)t. All perfors to whom 1 m In oiMed, add thole indebted to me, ate tc firtd tn cal on Franklin T. iudwrth, tfq. (whom I hare appointed mjf gcnt) -or a fctiktticrir of the fime. . -. JAS.-CLUDWORTH. Jan. 14, 184. , SHetia'i Salci. Tr fil.'twi-g d'fcriled frfrrly will be J tit at Public rluHnn, tn exiculkn, utdtr l'r CiurtJtvft in l ii'mirt-n-jtr ON Tlund.y lie tfl day if foth r .f, A llft tndL tnStttmd 6 Prtree't Streets, at a Vuent L'.t in Ihr f.tb fie if Dub flrtst, bdfring It tbt fjlmlt tf llmry llafy, dcetaj,d. Terms 1 , one iulf Cijh and a trtJjl tf 12 iwr f the lLur. ' , On Friday the 2I f March nest, Th Lttje f a Lit Cnuidsn the e A fit tf frtul'rett, m ub 'tb it a new Uwtltwg Jhife, Lrvrtf StUei, K'hbint and other tut bufetlheftifertjtf Juinet Rubard. A Ih-ft ind Ltl on ibe f'u'h fdt tf PrlnresreH, beUr-rlrgtt tit tttttf At dttw U't, dettiftd. Lilru f'B'tlery l.oei, lyrg tfyfit rttUjiitjim, lit fttfiflj f7J Buriw'm While, iiietf'd. Wil'iam Wudworth, Stiff. H"tlm!ntUntFib. 7, lie 4. - 1