I vr7".- W-s .v""" ' -, , " . K.- -w a , ' ' ? -a '. M , A f T ' r -.I "i . , fastt dolls, rsa 4 r. ' , ' PUBLISHED (wkkkit) BY A V $. W. CI ARK. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1804. i tM. mi. no, T ' j i 1 . : . 373. 4j i V V' r u , 1- P 0 L I T I C A I.' ...f ' From the American Mercorv. TTo. IX - ito th iuuiii ot oHtttet. ' - Fillow-CitisenSy " , . . v , IN my last number I stated the substanct of two conTersations with Mr. Ttacy, one" ; with the lie?' Stanley Grisvtold'thc mother with General Skinner. Concluding in my own mmd that the charges against Mr. Tra-'' y were too pointed to be sufltred by him self or his friends to pass withbutn attempt ; to palliate op parry them, V I detefroined to w ait in hilence for his defence ' 1 ' .In the Connecticut Courant of the 7th inst. notice was given to the public that a defence , wa preparing, hd that ia the ensuing week 1 ceWtfieatea of rvniltfUteu Who weie nreiti-nt nt " W.h con versationf would be' published,' from, : wnica xv wouiu appear, that the cortversatioh' said to have been ' held with MW Griswold' wii a .wicked fabritation-and that with Ge neral Skihner misconceived and grossly mis. ' tuted. In the Courant of the 14th', Mr. jri cey's defence was made by his counsel, Na than, who exhibits his testimony' accompanU -d."wkh; ha arguments.' i' t 5 s.. .--i . ! 1 , After statinij the charges against Mr.Tra. cey, so. far, as they relate to the onvefsatioh - with Mr. Griswold, 'Nathaft proceeds with his defence as follows:; r '..' .ft'';:;a r y , It is probable that David when' he J in. vitesan investigation of the truth'of his state. , ment i'kuows not what he asks' ' But I speak advisedly when I adirm, that th Rev. titan, ley GriswoJd, with whose approbation; I jprei' aume the statement 13' made, -would be the last man living to provoke such an investiga. tion, i( he had r.ol either loser his memory, or abandoned all regard to hit own reputation. , And I now big leave to give notice thro' the medium of your paper, to Babcock, an3 Da .,vid,and Parson Griswold,1 an J all other jaco ; binswhora-it mav concern, .ahat if they are i ruxperfectl? tatirftd, by the annexed certifi-; cates of the absolute falshood of David's' dc-' , Tdopeme'nt," they shall soon hear some what mar of this sclf-sarne cooversatjon, thah thejr, nr their party m relish.- ' . '' 1 Let it be obserred id the mean' time that the following Inter from1 Mr. 'Griswold, clearlf. Hifoaif.c the conversation '"develo ptd" in the Mercury, with that referred to by i Dr. Sheldon and Miss Champion. It fol--lows then that either Divid Tarson Criw wold, on the one hand, Vr Dr. SuciJon ionj JIi" Chammon on the other, are ruiltr of a A-rnTi,t t;t. ThVcae is reduced to this .' nnf;U pAnt j -and I assert (in full confidence, ' tht the vemcky cf an) anonymous writer will bu as highly rcsprtted as that of David) that the r.oiil;riion detailed in the Mercu ry, is a fM.nLr, from the beginning to the ' end. I would remark lti for the present, tjia'. thcconveraticcording lo David's " to'y','fO'.k 'l'!cc,M Ave or ix years ogo." Here is small mistake ifrcAraajj t . The - lie. Stanley Griswold reported the identic! conversaiioi) published ia the Mercury, more thio tiglu' yturkitc. t ' u Aua,it DmA is to bo 'believe J, Mr. .Trarey "aoKcited s private interview", with Mr. Griswokl, and the conversation was had, with no witnrss present." Thst this Is a lie, wt have the clearest evidence under Mr, Criswold's nn hand! , . !' , i his truly Uioentable that met of res. pecUbls characters, or their friends, should fcnd it netcry from a regard to private ft txitatioo nrthc jxiblic good formully to con-' indict si )n;iiu calum,nics, e jrt-ciMiIjr wfn ' publikhedinmA-fl thint, as the Mercury, by tuiketlhiiifnt David f i bis Datiil, (f Iktr.w , him w T even under his inn A) it a irn rierrd'ji.'f destitute of ttcri thine that Is cl li yjralut, n puMin or prifait bft-ia tmn, " whose character. " fiom. his rouiUsswird." hMbrcn, and still ii fiuttiji. itotl t vry-fA.' When such a pvo(lii;am cr'ely iirscribrs tt uoptuiciplrtl wrrtch," . iniscrcant aicntiiig unieral ttecratin," tmc would ,4xpeut if the straff mirat Us hsd nl eUp scJ, that Ike vry s'.nrs woulJ try 0'it to Jiiui, 44 Thou art the man 1" , . ; , K.miAS', (aa, milt tliriric.tt ) IV III r ,.t., ..I K, M m 9f Jrift.li pnikl tt I'M u I, ! it, Ckimpt'i 1 41. At. . f M1r f St I Hi tk.l M1 S.mI iKl Ik '( 1 krfatt nrmrf I w.ftf t . Id I KlM. I h mmii U. Trxtv, Ch Tllwti'. Uijt iy. hw, Mi, awfa H tMi( L4 um K lk flW (1 ks wor 'i M',1 ! (m. lust k4i k 44. I M.id iv4 rM him. I !id( I A4 m 4 oui aj ik itm, 4i'i( l )..(, au I wtt kirn' oi.k Mr Tf.wy, HM Huy4t tin, rM'"l l'V i TkM, X"f Milled, l l.li. ki. taHnaxd a,lU iivi" ! N.u lk fcti. (.id U.ki Ixfl, otikt liuk'',!4 k4 t (v ik Mr i p.ifii CktMfiu' a kk Mh Tr Ma.ftSc4 !. i,mih Ml Aie'ixt imAoo'im, 4 Uii Ik I lk la l.tri.mi.i VMlktk.3 1. Ik m4 lk , V liV 11 J IkM a k t "I 4 hull I f til. I liM , k "" tkHk'4 0, 11 imi kikt pn vo44 k fl I'M M lk.il k'if, l- kM tm4 fU 1 ikll 1 ditf 4 ". i Ml Wl vhi St d (S.fU, mI k4 Mit 1 ft 4 kM r tl kii(ilib i!)i4 Wt,( I kf loUtatftd U fa, Ihft, lk , it (, I Kid kli( ,11 ,.). ( f t ) K iVId 1 4 ,1 It, .m4 it .. uif Mi. ?it'i ItkwMi 4k AM W k,d I l'f w 0d M twit k lil.. I la. 4 ik" I M axtn Ik !' M. a4 k.-4 lM (, J rri4 ikaai (k arif ip4 U fciiij ( l ihihIh 1 snl tH iflT.red them,' thst (he report were totaiL? tAltad CMtOVMSSB 1 thit HaTlllllS. iiks them w UifJ, sor ny thing frow which tmiUNgn of tlx kind could htve beeu driwn. wilhed.ihem t tel Mr. Qrifwold whit I hvl fud, and thU I hd 00 doubt be would do whit n in hi power locoanieriS tucb inifrepreUntnloni ind filfthoodit that Wen circu lating, from him', kuon after thii 1 received tha tol loia( letter (on Mr. Oufwold : (,i ,1 ,'; .,;;.: .Kaw-Misross, t6Mrs7av I dulv rrerived yor me(T(re()y Dr. Lowry and 1 1 thank ou rot tlie Viodoef. Hid 1 had th molt diftint id, that our conerUtioa at Mr. Champioo' wai in tended 10 (ONrikiNOi I woo'd bam don any thioj fooaer tlon iev.i,it But I bad no fuch idn. Other we; ptefenl, and 1 venlv fuppoftd thit what Mr, Tr--cey faid, h- w.i rrady to fay to (very body, aad to d. vocne before lb world: On mm kom 0!1 . wi curiou to bear newt, and I l always 'oad - f tetU if tbcm what aT mi fay. I lelated 4he fob-. fldBc of oui converfaiioa, at nearly a t could ft:o left it. ' Indeed Mr. Tracey' rtmarVi made fo deep an ifnartfTion apoa the democratic aatt of my mind (which ii the greater part) that I believe my iclatioa wai p- . Icttly accurate. I think it not acouiuei ciimmal o;: 11 ne what w fuppufe to be open and free eon verl.it ion., 7 " la ihia ioilince I knew ni but the people to whom Iretatrd would approve of Mr.Tracey'i (rnttmenti, at. in faff (did amonf ft tu do. 1 quickly faar however that the. old 7i fpiiil waa roofed ia fome, and I have ever ; fince. wiflied that I bad held my peace, although iJ not coafidcr the converfaiioa a confide uial,', ,.'', I loe, fefpeel, and admire Mr. Tracey" He hat tver been tbe fnaa J my fancy, and f my choice at a leg'tfliior. It ii a trial to me to break with him en any fubjict 1 am till d'fpoftd to prcter bit poll tical ch.i.arr a found aa poflible I would throw th moll ot chirity over analliiadeof fit political fini. Sooner woa d 1 let Kir nil fuffar wronfully than him. I am iraly forty, it aay mifrevrefcatatioaa h' ane tb'O 'd, rel,clio( hrm, tfpetialjy si Irom me, t fhall Crtinly do my PB to cony id a them and beep Mi. Tr ce'a lei timaati ia their friic attitude, ai 1 hcird .(hem opr. (fed. Apprehrnding aa 1 did,, that the coa. verlktioo waa opa, and that Mr. Tracey talked lo eve y .body aakt did to me, I prriome 1 (hall aot beblraH - for telaiiai the eonvciUtjon, lih;ujli fjoe mind, may bav been (o a If -fled to b dtlpafct to add en;;c-j-aiionl J be however brurl of so fpctiOc rmcii. tioa ntyfelf. Should aay be pointed exit 10 vnr, ( will ' 'reaiily retrafl ii it) any tninoer Mr. Tiacry Onll dic tate. Buti hop thcr will bs aa ocolioa tor any .great ftrjjMlnefl in th bufin f , " Although 1 peifrclly aiaiti tnr geoeial cotnp exioa f M.. Tiacey'i puin tic npnttti ia that eenini'l conVeifatira, (. 1 Ioh tvtry Utn tlfe ia th man) y ti 1 am wi i 10 fay littl r nothing but ibcm,i beappr hernia lit licity of .thm would b injuriaua 14 hn tepo li jo wi h hi conBituenta, it how.iir there Ihou J be aay dtt pofitioa to crowd me on th iuoject, I IW.I nut b bt.twi d'to facrific a valaed Itieudlhip, d ry piivata cei,l;druoa, to wbtt tl.eii!) beheva to be li .good at ray country. .1 , s ( - If mj l!)ow.cluna have berome iot Jjif'rt' aoi'to be It at lit d at fuch pulii.c! Irntimuita, I Oiait bav do aay dutyia aOaf yraaai afpanaaiiy to point lwn 10 fiacb.' lot I taally b!in that a irit unajaruy of law peopl ot thia Siatc u e;y axaity with' mvUdta fcanmeata ol a aohticat axvil. Thil tuwa I contain at many p haptul opofi e fniumaaia (ill old toucii aa nr 01 tnv lame pigncia ia me 't.ir. a a prfaaa I hll nv aa driv 10 any grcil eeeitvon to g pabheny 10 M. Tlct ftatimaat. My puvat aiiacbaacat i oo fltuag 10 admit p!ufire ia fach a u fiat I a, en Iho try cnuniiy'a goud might call foe it. What I bav done, I ba done with a lauucrat la. Urtaoo aad witn lb dri&rS. caarlor, Uewevtr, 1 Itc y coal fa weit la act again. 1 fhua!4 buld at peace, thoegh ( lud ao lealos Kjappuhcad auatiraty, p( pamcuiat toaiOdeac ia th ma-ltu . P.eafr prdent my b r)roi Mr 'Traer , ad ffar him ol ay al4 ajTatiio (cd bell wiCbd ia hi bi(onil aa4 rautiw wnai- : . 1 . an-- Eacaf ax lit chaiog 1 make f of th om. aaoa Machur.-iiaoiUn ol ' Your .ai ebej'l buqibl iavaru.' Vc. and for (daptiag lb bioi dpea, ttiopleu iiaaaad aiaely fiif Hu tb kad Iretaraiiy, ' ..t , . , f gTAKLlY CJ.UWOL0." I bad neve iatinitd ta CrJ.awry or aay eiilart p f-a that ia aeiUiia m aailoa Cbuapioa'a waaraa Cidrnll l, Bar bad I any i' thai it waa lo and ari furprn'ad that U. Cntwald Ibonld da ell (a aimk a it, aad malt fo aiaa, caf ia bit Ua fa diraliag (1. 1 riiar h hil I ma I w Dr. towry, kaqna. tvd vl biaa wkt b bJ told M Onlwuia) Wat lh icnrrrltiioa waa ti.afid.atial or bay lkU lis at. H live are that l bad aoi, , I da 'r that Mr T'tcey did aor (ipref b:mr.f piaactif , ua by iat4.ieaeiaa.ia law ai eav ,.'.li.H., ar im th ajtaaaer litd by David, wrutt ia h A1 "in Mt.eary, of lb I I wSaau bt thai, nearly h au i t.a 4 of ki Cal at.oa waa lh tt.y lllliu ,i ih.t lb pnacipal ' p and d-ligao u w.ai enn Mr. Irtilw4 f lb aakaiak r MITI cr lUKIltl, ... DNIEL aUCLDOaT.-. I Litr.B-Jd, Darembei j, il j. (at. I snaaitua't clltltiS i S 1 , If v'l lead, la lb Aa.lcaa b:taiy of th til inl.m, taw fakaaMf Mfi(.tMaJ,td(d takaa .bed ( t my fthr kaatr, f ya tac, ba .H1 Mr, TrKty aad lh . Staairy "laa d 1 da in.l, ikaa la f r ed ' f "l lag ia mj b in i'l'o. I ai ytltM, . wit U-, loa, al e.iaaital 00 bet'h Wa ga,a W piac laMlaxaiiMcl aad taaa M. TlK y did a dnw tax taHWwwi lapuid ba aa iha Wrfviy, war l .fibem, ao aa, oral a, what, ia lafel.aet aaiaaiiia ika, HIST ClIAUriO. tU.kn,ld, DrcaaiWl , l ., I. S. It ought to b: ul)kcrt cd, and indeed It iV-.rt from Dr MithWo's ccrtifitate , that OJ.TUiadgeM4jor Mowsik-ymotir, Ju lius Dtming. L . ud ShenfTlxird sirrsall at tht Hrv. Mr. Lhstnpioa's, In Uis course wf the eveuini-, on sihich the above coucrs. tion was' had. ShcrifT Lfrd is dead, and as Col. Tl!ina;;e is at WaVkl.inrjtpn, I ran fur liih at pre acta, n statcmrnl on hit minority. Hut t im suthoritcd todedsre, that neither Mj'r Seymour lh w prevent Indeed but abort tunc) iwif Mr. Dewing, htsrd Mr. Trrey silvatus a single titimcat, sthiih brircths ' rtliice to fj 0 tvflhoae SMitUsd loliininlhc Mercury. A word or two more, r,d I shall hsv dune fwr the prratot the f'jrrjoitig crruricstrs trovooiilf ht the tonrra'iota w-aii'il ,t it ri'.tbc iup;iiae 1 thst tht sfierornt is tstcphcic. it.o pullicv.'.;! lvf.uwlut.ae season, t'Aj,the conversntion xvasi and it js to be hoped that the result will prove a falu tary.'developement" to 1 Parson Griswold" juidaU his jacobin friendav' -.: :'- . ' 'NATHAN1. ; THOUGII the foregoing tfmr furnishea unanswerable proof that my forme statement a)f the conversation wh (Mr Griswold was substautially correct, and though might safely rest the cause here,' ,jc I do not foi9 ; pel that I stand pledged to produce all the tvideuce in my power relative to the point in isrue. This engagement I have neither an Juk-ution nor a wnh taevadtu -It is my de sire to lay betort the public as much as pos sibhj of that proof which has :onvince,d xny mind that ultimate gaol of Federalism has been a change of our government to the hereditary monarchic, aristocratic form of the Uritish government, and I am confident that the ledaratiois and opinions pf Mr, Tracey J'wtll be found by my fcllow-citizeps to benoanimporjaiit part of tjiait proof. '; It must havfS been understood that I bavp Stated Mr. TraeyUconVersatioriv "not from iuy own personal knowl'jdge,',' nor as an ear witness of them, but as 1 have received them ft-om others, T, should have considerid ; Jhe! , informalion of no man excepting those who were parties to the conversations, as sufficient authority for roe' to have made , my state ments. The certificates of Mr. Gt is wold, f Gi, Skinner, and of others, corroborative, of theirs, shall, as soon as they can' he ob tained, be laid before the public. ' Mr. Grit wold now lives at Wa'pole, In 'New-Harr.u- aVire r a week or two, .must therefore netes- ' sarily elawe, befure his story cun he told in his own words. In the mean time, it may not he amiss to call your attention, " fcllow-citi--Xcns.to the present state of Mr. Tract-y's de fence. ' . ': ' " ", ' -) 01, tit. Stt-ar4: aVlil 1 fa' TVlfan Tir"i .1 tuntaii ai uvi i-i tiiMt aw Him a aa, iin 11 ' verbially destitute pf sirttie,. This being en tirely foreign to the point in' di'sruftsixm, I shall only remark, ' that probably Xathab has often sall Mibstant'ally , the same 'thing of Rrcafer aHd bitur men Ihi.n David 'irelenda ,tu- bewfjiat in 1I -present instance it is a fash assertion, btrause Nathan certainly dain hfrt knov Who U the writcf of themim-bcri--tbfit it proves lxithcr nwrt nw less tliail Nathan is wroth, afti that he uses With an iiiilisii tL't libei'dlily the iijiiiie dialect of his sit;l. The' iqitcstion immcdi- -iiU-1 baifone hs pnblic, Is'this, did Trarey ex press bimself in conversations with Mr. Gris wold aiid Gen. Skinner in the manner . that I have stated. Far the purpose cf trying ' this question before the' public, David appears, not as a witness hut in the character of coun sel for the prosecution, and Nathan, a' coun sel fur Tracey, the defendant Now, if Na than wishes it, let it, for the purpose oftrying this qacstioti,' be suppocd that David is a worthless scoundreland let it also be sup posed (forwemsy suppose what we lease) that Nathan it not a worthless scoujwlrtl now let us sec how this will apply in argu ment ; let us suppose again the question to be en trij before a jury, In a Court . of Jus tice, snd let us hear Nathan's argumcnf--Gcntlemcn, says he, you are to suppose Mr. Attorney, who prosecutes this catme to be a viltain ; aud you are to suppose, no matter whstyou may know of roe, 'you are to sup pose r no villain, but tn honest man ; this be inn the case, Gentlemen, you must see clearly that my client never could have' held the conversations with which he Is charged. But I quit the remarks of Nathan, and re juct the p'rfdSc attention to his f&f- It seems that Miss Betsey Champion, and Dr.Djn'tl Sheldon, sre the rrntUmen who heard the conversation with Mr. Griswold. To cn:il!c us duly to estimate the weight of. testimony, tt is very necessary that we have a torrcct understautling of tha reul character, of the i:iH-.c. Inordinary caseslhisis 0 dflirste enquiry but unfurtiinnfrly In the jvrcseut cksc, in repaid to one of the wiinew scs tin r i iio dubt, thtra will, 1 am surp ua ront-j'Jiction. Ills aftt ofjerftci notoriety, that Mis Champion hat fit; in her youth, nay, almost from Ijer Infancy, been ad dirtcd to into tn at on in short that Lr more than t wctaly frars past the hat been a noted Sot and if Mr, Tracey sierc at home, I ntiht with roufulitict appeal to him lo say,, tahrthrrhe brp not know this to h true, and whether he docs tiot know that ajie is addicted (4 pnothi-r sice degrsding lo lite fr mak character. It will not h denied that Miss Champion's character stands at a Very uw point of Infamy. , 1 appeal then to every man of com m intense to say whether, when the mind of a woman baa become to debilita ted by a long coo rat of intoxication, )rn she bst k.tt til self reaper t, Vt heft she has be come desperate in regard to reputation, whrti tht know herself to be Infamous every ground of conSi'.tnce In tar trrstity It rt-t taken twsy. huposing IkUry Chsmpioa to L woman ol Uir rtptitaiion, still the rre ej.bility fcfl.er tra'tinony would be extrtmtly queiir)na!ile,sjihn it is rrt V 1 -rtnl that sh tit,ir.rs of a conscrsalion that took place, ss appetrtby Mulihia'acrrt'.ncate, nrsrly iiine years tr -a ct'iT i,,tifn t'-o in whieh it is I tot prct't,ded U1.-4 ti e took any part, nor does it .appear that any extntorili nary cir. 5 cumstanre existed to impress the contents tf ..the conversation deeply on her memory for ' she would have it understood that no extra- ' ordinary conversation took, place why then" should she remark and recollect at this dis-',' tatit period, a conversation of no cxiranrclina- ; ry interest f No thts WovHd not be credible, 'though Miss Champion were! a woman of fair reputation what credit is then due under these circbmstancc8, to the declarations of a, ' i woman.v 'nose very name is,in the imag nation ffy those who Know her, the nign and type of ' infimy. I.i truth, 'Mist Cliampiou ws not ' Ipreseplttt the cotiverMttit ii. It Is more 'thii t , aji equal chance that she was at the'time in iastatebf ntoxicat,ion-it is possible, howe 'acr, that shew as sober-T-but r.ot even Mr. ; Tracey would (t known tospepd anjevening in."" 1 her society. ..' ; ; : ;' ? ' In addition to these remarks I will hazard 'A ' conjectu reboot on slight grounds, but ot such evidence as ; satisfies my. ;mind. The ' certificate bearing Betsey Champion's signai nature was not written by lier, but by Nathan 'ijinisclf. This I state its conjecture- ifit ' , be a mistake, the Editors ol the Courant can I ascertain the mistake fcy examining the hand . writing let them say that it is a mistake, a.d I Iwill acknowledge it to be snch; until thiit time ' I shall remain' satisfied that the certificates, . both of Uetscy Champion and Dr. Sheldon, were penned by Nathan, and by them subi scribed upon his'nppplication, " ;' , ; . , Doctor Sheldon I cons'uler asa man of hoi nest intentions, his mistake do not originate- ' I in his heart, llis mind,1i6wevcr, is of that particular texture which is more liable than, ' tinv rtlr In at iVMl'nr- Tr. m.t w. a .fit. afinbtrtra j members of Congress and Stnntors, as pro-,' .digiont great men ; and many a mat vtlloua story which he has brawl related hy thesq f;reat men, he has carefully stowed away in, 'his hoard uf important and fist-fill knowledge, lie has been told that nil honest and great mtfn are federalists, he believes it iniplicitly r '-h is an honest man, he nuist therefore bo k Federalist- Ite itloliset great p en -all the) ' great men in his neighbourhood (and he has little acquaintance out of his neighbourhood) me Fede ralists ; this makes Lini two fold a, ) x'dpriilist. I do i.ot, however, believe, that tvtn the Interests of I'ederalism woulJ "in, thtce him fawittglt la falsify the truth, but I th j Inline tluit f.r the (It ftr.re of sof.raf gmj god a man as Mr. Tran ft he might be rr suadrd to imagine that he iccollectcd, fncta whichneveriiadexitier.ee. lljs liability tQ mistake facts, and more especially the tenor 01 conrertauont 1 ipihk, is fnanilet! d l.y hit fettifictte when tsken altogctbcrr The) conversation to sihich he alludes in his err. tifkate ii doubtless the same to which my statement refers, ami it appears, that in rt pect to thu time when it took place mjr statement was incorrect. The truth is, sevea' ral years ago I heard the conversation spo ktnof On my request Mr. Griswold stated to me the amount of the conversation, on the. part of air, i rccy, ao suostance aa I hio . stated to the public, I hare minutes of the atnountoftbc conversation, the only thins which struck me at being important ; but l had no memorandum of lithcrthe time whet, ortlie place where the ronversatif n wat held -I made use of the phrase M five or six yeart ago" ta etprest an indefinite, an unctr taiu time, aud ao must have been tsrulcr stood. With resprct tn the pare, it tit impressed on my mind that Mr. Tracey h4 converted with Mr, Grisaohl mote than one) but thst theconvcrtation principally alluded to wtt held at the house of Parson Champion. I did unlcrstand that Dr, bhcldou wat pre sent during part of the conversation but that during the grttter part cf the ronverst. lion he wtt not present, nor any other per on excepting Mr, Griswold snd Mr. Trtceya Whether the intcrvicwwas.or wtt not solicit- ... , . . . . a;u vj r,i. 1 mu ia i.uuiii,b a iuratton Ol tcry tniall intpoilance in itself what d'J Mr, Tncey tay fining the priucip-r ijnt j. tion, tnd not hat Indurrd Lim to m j it I !jrte that it is of importance that we at all limes speak tttd trrite the tluthj I did uwVr stktwl that the intcniew was solicited 1 y Mr. Trartyj and I htve no doubt that this appear lo have been the fact. Ifln.wcirr, it should turnout otherwise, 1 thbll be suy ready to acknowledge my nu'Lr. It ns now fc: a rnoment tnrpjirc wi st is the etidt nre derived ftora Dr. Shcldou't cer tificate when taken In connection with Mr, s.nswoia t letter inertin recitetl. nj s Dr. Slirldoti, M ldotrerthtt Mr. Trarey did not' express himself directly, or hy implication In the minnera'iovtnientiynrd, or hi the man ner stated by Dwid, tic. but that nrirly the ho!t tenor of l,i ton er,nt inn w t!.e vtry rrrrnr and that the piincit n) irrj n, ('r sign of it wis to totiviiue Mr. Grisrohl tf the ijnrjul eptti tj f)tm,raj, ( ift tlii pttap;r tre rontiuird the most ftrti, ani p.itj'nhle ei)nira'iitlit.tis: Dr. l.l.cljua neither taw nor Intrndrd taiy sueh thir.f . He (;t,l 1 tt iawwiirfy ccntradiet hi n.ltif J fie.r it it probable '.bat Natlart prrre'iTcd t!.e al.surdia ty, tnd lm onsiitror y ol the certif ct'c, r t would htie wrtttrn It thflciftitly trl li t Dr. would dou'rtlcn is rtatiily hare subierl til ' (CilUi.tJ iht k,t Are.) - r

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