Wl h tt I HQ 7?.N n; a ; "TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2.8, 1 104. V- MARRIED, on Sunday evening the 19th anst. the Kev. wk. Avasit. to Miss Amy Roukk, of thistownT,- ".REID, "at JLingsten, Jamaica, about the 40th ult. 'Wr.'. Joseph Diajx, -merchant of ''this town. 'We understand that previous to Mr.Dean'a departure from hence, in November last, he Jeft a Will, devising his whole -estate, siippo-' Bed to be worth J 8.000 dollars, in trust to St. John's Lodge, for the establishment and main ytenance of a F ret School in Wilmington- i February 21 ts, arrived here from Salem, .-the ith'r Sally,Ca,pt.Verry.. Came passenger n the Sally, a certain 'JOHN 11AUGIIAN native of Scotland, 'which place he left, hy his own account, about I ? mdnths,ags and that he took passage from .Jiv.eri.oU to St . . John's, K. S. from whence he travelled by land to Satem by way ofBwwn,. He safely Janded here on the 2 1st, about sun-set, in rcmarka "hje good health. 'Said John is shout ( 50 feet 9 or id inches high, atdut 'and ,veU'madej a" planter by profession, but follows dive." other business, and with all is a , very industrious Jellov, as wjll clearly appear from the follow- in'g narration r '. ,; X,:. j Some time after dark, on the same evening that John, arrived," white man was discove red carrying off . severai trunks. ami .other things, from Mrs. Dorsey's tavern, and on the alarm being given, he made his cscape,leaving behind his booty.- Soon after Mr, .Henry's shop was broke open, and rifled and about; 19 or 11 o'clock, John was. detected jn theca- "fain of a brig at the upper end of the town, in the act of plundering. John was then,' con-, Tfeycd to prison,, and the nexf day taken be-; lore two magistrates to be examined, -who on finding Mr.Henry a cloth in one of his trunks,' remanded him to prison, for trial at the next Superior Court of this district - - ' . John had with him a' seaman's protection -bearing the- name of John Lester of Salem, a certificate of thd marriage of Jolin Lester to Sfiss Nancy Crafts, which he say's he purr ' chased of said Lester for. ,20 dollars ( some M French madelincn shirts and handkerchiefs marked D. L. and D. Leffingwell t some In ; 'dia cotton checked shirts t" a number of keys . -without locks';, a butcher's leather purse t and appeared to be well armed and accoutred - for high-is-ay operations. . . . ; ., ; .jvm uiji5 uie uuveper purse o. o sne same xoai was taaen irom Joha.winsrup, on the hih-way near Boston, a few months 'past ; and. that the protection, and .marriage . certiScatcwere stolen front a vessel at Salem on the 1st inst. . ,( ', . Arrived at Kingston, Jamaica, on the 32d ultirno.'orig Martha,PeriaTownsend piaster, jo saiem. , she was hound to Jaquemcl, and was takvn -off that place .by the French, re-, taken by the British and carried into Jamaica. Arrived; t Washington, the Yth, insf the ech'r. Patty, of Falmouth, CapU Lewis, from StXucle, in 21 days. Sailed in company with, ttu'e sch'r. Lark, of Boston, Cant. 'Uodfrey.. T ho 27th ult sp ke schY. Jaio. CPfCargill, .fWiscaiad, from Wilmington,! days out, bound for BarbvloeS had lost' paj of 14s deck loady and leaked badlyi f- Jmenjmtni.tf iA Comttiution. . , - The legislature of the State, of Vermonc 'has ratified the amendment proposed by Cpn res.t)a thefth alu the resolution fcr aereein'g was. inammaustj adopted by the, Council o .nte, and on the 30th' in the. Jlotite or Representatives, it waa ioptd by ' a majority of tyt nij-nie. t : ' ' The LrgilaturjE of Masnachusetta have re jected the prujmed amendment to the Con littttion. ,Th votes were, ia the Senate, 19 WIS. JnlhellouscoriUpiwntativesjlJJ, to 79.- ' ' ,. 1 , " ; Thel.eishiiure orNcviVorkhave S)poi(i;. d C.narl Armstrorg, and Joln Smith (at present a lUprcsctname in Congress) Stna- tun tt r,e Vuuca. Mates. .... . , " The Lj;iture of Virginia, oa the 3J Uv afunt, replied by an uniiupou-vU:, 1 hat the prtrnf A(linioitralion of the Go cm 'mem cf tht L'nited States, tncfh the highest jfitih-ftce of this Assembly, anlof every A mcrkart, frictidfy to licputj'man Institutions, Tor the ike, pauf.c, yet determined ttea 1 snrtt, by winch the extensive and fertile urrrit'.ry if Louisiana, has becnatucbed to s Die Uuion. . ' ' asummary; , . . CJ Iti totie ctxht t,poU from tk title, frm . It'nhr. 10S. ' . , . . . i". . .... fjoin Kew-llwpslilra . Vroont , 4 , , , nUoJe.M-nd . Connectiwut Nt w-ioik - , , rrtmfiu .... -, 7e learn by a letter front Washington, i that( a dvel wa lately fought aSavarmah, (Oco.) by the hon. John ijutledge, latc oC congress, and Df, Centre, of RhodelslauaV The doctor fell the first fre, having oneof his l'cgs brokerti and the other badly wound ed, liik bi-oken leg has since been amputa. ted, and his recovery is considered as very doubtful. . Mr. Rutledp-e received no material injury the ball passed through his coat, and' merely. grazed hw aack. yv: jv, fl Paper ; Hit aligning U txtracttd frovt tkt Londta 1 Price-Current, of Nuv 2i. :. Cotton, Ceo. bowed, 11 -2d to Is 2 l-2dlb- i Sea-Island do. Is id to is 6d,do Sea-Island Georgia, Is 6d to 2s lpd do pice, Carolina, Tobacco,"Ceorgia, 7'. . , Carolina ' Flour, superfine , , fine, Tr American, 39s to i C.1 .4 iUdto JL 3r lb. 4 3-4dtoJ J-t2ddo 31s to 32k v . 29s W 31s.. 34sto?6sbbU From a Bourdeanx.triceJCurrttity JvW 12.v 1 Pot Ashes, per cwU 45 50 francs Pearl unsaleable ; Cotton, Georgia, Sea-Island ; Upland, 140 tf 1 55 Frour, American, per bbU 30 a 35 ; Rice, per cwU 35 a 40 j To bacco, Vieginia, cwt.60 a 100 1 Carolina and Ueorgia, 5 a 90 j Maryland; 60 a 100, ; ftetelved, That Ibrelgn pickled and dried Cjh (which now pay It 1-2 per cent, ad" va-. . Iqrenij be subjected to a duty of 150 ceaiia.'" the barret tor the former, and ot 10Q cents.' -the quintal Ibr the latter.-' ; ). v' , . Retolvti, That a. duty s -of S cents the Rv be" laid upon, starch, of 4 cents the li. upon hair powder, and 4 cents upon glue on their importation, la lieisot the: present duties; of; r i a. per cent- ; v' : ; : ; , Resolved -That trrcd cordage and cables, (nyw paying 1 10 cents theewt.) be subjected. ! to a duty of icentstiie lb. and tha,t untarred -cordag, (noAtpaying 25 cents pec cwv) b made to pay 2. 1-2 cents thej pqund. ' ? Resohrdy That a duty of 50 centa a piece be laid upon umbrellas, of 3 cents' per lb,, upon soap, pf 3 cents the pound upon tallow candlevof 2 centsthe pound upon anchors)! 2 1-2 cents upon spikes and Mrs of iron. NisMund Viry;it4 , ' irorj;ia Te.niwry U, Suks, 454.C20 117,4)0 ; MfS.JOa ,ui,s; 21,111 7,$JI.7IO 4 JH.1S3 . 5.309,411 7,414.344 j:,644 7,111,101 2.J707J MO.'.ya JJ.IOO.ftJJ ' The resolution in the Senate, far the in peachmentof Judges Chase and Peters, it now among the subjects of .prophetic decla mation with the Federal.Editortj Colenwr; calling it an attack en the Judiciary," , says it Hs been -deliberately planned in the eabt net j: that it object is. to produce a revolu- Inn !m ?...,:: I 1 1 iiuu iu wKwi(iar; aysicm, waicn liatl ren der thatlmportant branch of civil government suhservient to party " views. So muth. for Coltraa.n'a penetration inta the plans of the cabinet, anrt tne motives of legislators. Np lor a tpectmen or hi talent ktfirophecji . - ; M Aql if it should succeed, as there is a high probability that it will, then the curtain will be drawn up and there will open the long' desired scene of prosecutions against federal printer's ; who being deprived of a trial by their peersj by the adoption of what is sup posed to be the English' common law princi ple, that the iruxA offofdt no justijicuiion, . will lie entirely at the mercy of a court whose ve ry existenco depends on its subservience to party views." t . Has the malignant spirit of disorganization selected this. Coleman aa the only federal ditor who could talk on this subject ? When ho speaks of V Judges subservient W party a views, does not the rnsngled form of justict bleeding with the wounds she received during the federal administration, stare him in. the face f When he predicts the DrrscciJi.irt of federal Printers, as proceedings that cirtai:.! ; L are to touow, does . ne not renumber 4ha republican victims of a Sedition Law, who were subjected to tht vengeance of a petulant administration, and the overbearing frowns of judges breathing the hottest flames of par-, ty spirit? . . . Mr. Coleman should recollect that, to bis , prophecy of tht future, we can oppose the hit,: toy of the pan j that while be pretends'-to point out those perspective acmes of perse cution which esi't no where but in the delu sive visions of his distempered imairinstien,. 'we. can exhibit the real picture of similar scenes, of persecutions which harebecri wit. nested by the American Nation 1 .And let the world dtchU which deserves the most credit, tha'rrcord of impartial history, or the prophetic dreams of a virulent tool of a des pc rate faction. - ' .. t . , With respect to the idea that this impeach ment is the apching of a scene of persecu tion, much need not be said. It is one of those frightful images which art daily issu ing from the same corrupt fountain to disturb the public mind with jealousy and alarm. AS to his assertion that it is an attack 4a thl judiciary, nothing can be more ridica. fous. As well might it be said, that arresting a merchant for debt Is an attack on commcrca . ,or tht amigningofa common criminal an attack on the people I II on a f-lr trial be fore the Senate of the Uniots, tkest jotl jes shall be found guilty of mitcmesDor, it is a, ncccmry to dismiss them frrm the bench, as It is t use I familiar comparison) to cut th decayed branches from a fruit tree, tLjl thef ' rusy not retard its thrift If tbey are In no. cent, they will doubtless, be honoursuly ac- qnitted, and come , forth from the tribunal l.ka gold froai the furnace, undiminished and unalloyed. Rcfui.Irmtr. Tht Committee of Commrrce and Maisu fscturesof the House of It.-p ft sent stive of the united Mates, to whom was referred ta. ri'Kis memorials and petitions bf inhsbitants of New-York," New-Jersey, ', PennsjJyfM, and Maryland, praying the Irgistatitt pstro nsge to several domestic arts, trades and roim Juriurvs, hvs wtsde a'report, sjvd re commend that the following revolutions b a' dopied. - ' . RtMhtd, That rag of line, cotton, wj. lcani heinjMMi clonthes, bristles of w bo, renins of sniimouy, unwroMi;St burr sl'ooes, sslt ptrt, and Hit bsrk of tht cork free, hkb pty at present II 1-3 per rent, ad va lorem, be aJmiurt free of duties. KtiotrrJ, Thtltruthc and bUtk bottles, (now p4)in( If l-Iprrtent.) bt henctfur wsHchsrCtJ with a duty of 31 pr-emt.' , Ki J,J, That fx r hats, jid f4td ware, (bichno py is per cent.) shaU U raised to a duly of 10 per cent. R-uJvii, Tim tlint virt, wWiduw glsst, and eanno ball, (which now psy l)tr cc t-) bt hrrrsf er charged a du'y d 3i jtr ctnU In the House of Rtprutntativtt of the lnilei . v: Statu,, grxday, (cbrvary 3. . Mr. Nicholson, from the manafgers appoin ted to conier with the managers on the past of the Selutti, oo the amendments depending ; between the house to the bill giving effect tq the- laws of tho United States in the Louisia. na territory, --tnade- a report recommending an agreement to several of the amendments; proposed by the Senate, with amendments. ; - Oue amendmeat proposed to the amend -mentoftbe Senate, limits the registry of ves. tela to citizen of the. United States Of 10 persons resident lire years in Louisiana. f" Mr. Lucas suggeUed the repugnance of this provision to the treaty, which appeared to him to require the admission of all the in habitants of Louisiana at the period J c?s abu to the same privileges. ; '.'; ' This opinion was concisely supported by C. W'CAmpbclU Jnd rewljed by Mr. Ni- tcbolsou. ' : -', "; . Mr. Vanmm moved an amendmcDt. deW troying the limitation. -This, produced a point of order, viz: whether an amendment to the report of a ooivroluce of onft?renct ' was in order. , ; -v ., ; The Speaker called apon to dedde. stated . that hit recollection supplied him with no. Iirecedentst he vould wih,thercfore?before u: decided the point, to avail himself of the recollection of any gentleman who was pot . sesscd of apposite facts.. . : ' No gentleman rising, the Speaker said his mind was not exempt from doubt and embar rassment but a decision bcuig nquircd,h .determined the amendment in order. Mr. Nicholson observed that the point sp, E eared to be a new one and he was far from avlng himself formed a decided cpinion re specting its withgTeat defcrrencett the de cision of the chiiriu order to havt ilie point settled, he appealed to the house. ' t The apptalheint; stated, the house Ad jouintd Tsu'uout tkklr.g a vo'c on iU i . - ' flimlaj, l'J. The Iloqso resumed the consideration of the ur finished business of Friday j when Mr. Nicholson, observed that he had wade the appeal from the chair, in consequence of the doubts suggested by the Shaker, aa they were removed, he would withdraw Ids motion. Tht amendment of Mr. Varnum was tbejt , ' stated, and alter considerable verbal variation was agreed to In, such a form, as substantial ly tow allow all the inhabitants of Louisiana on the 13th of April, on taking an oath of al legiance to tht United Sutes, nd cilixcus, . to obtain register for their vessels." , - - - ' Tht remaining part of the report of the committee of confeeoce was then agreed to without a division. ' Mr. Jackson, observed that U would it found by a recurrence to tht journals, that a resolution had been offered, for disooctmuirtg the offices of commissioners of loans, and re ferred to tho committee ef , Ways H Means, Who had reported a disagreement thereto Xa this report the House, after a full discussion bad disagreed t YeM5lj Nays. It would also be found that on a subsequent dsy, a rt ohjtioa had bees offered fur the appoint mrnl of a select committee to bring in a Ull for the diwootinitsnca of thost ofT.ces tlUs resoltt'ion ppetredto have been rejected i Yeas 53 I Nays 56. It followed from this stairmcot, that the first dec mm on had beta made when there were 113 rtemhert present. h ; while rhelsvt was made when there erebui 1 10 mimbers picsmt. l he je,Mr. J.said, which he meant to make of these facts, was this thst Inasmuch as tht boust by their first : dctjtion.hid rnrt;tived the disagreement rf tbt coromitut of Ways and Mesas, to tht original resolution, that rtu.lutiort most be considered as still bt fort the bwx wh'u b was that the tommiuee of Ways and Meant bt Instructed to bring In a bill Whereas the Unvote had enly decided thst S select committee should not bt appointed to rt 1 In a I'UU lit there love gave tvota list Iub should, on Thursday peat call up lis original resoltitioh. , . . The 1 1 oust took op Dr. Leib's motion f. - tht sppointrorntef a commute t to brine la Stxllto prohllxttht artiolntment of Judt-cs of the United States to all other oflVet, snd a greedtok.' Ares 47. ' Da motion of Mr. NichoUon, tht llousa resolved itself Intos comraittet of tlit vMc, on tht report f th eommlttet xinted to enquire into tht evpedtemry of smtntir tho MVtrml sms, providing sue tht salt of the pcV lie lands, ssua orcto4 Ibtwtuitts tht An engagement had taken place in the M'mI . , fterranean, ' in which Admiral Ntlsoft wa i- V killed. Oh the 5th of December he left thi, :';h powns, on which day a frigate arrived and an?'.':'' shored, and; imnaediately sent aboat ou board; tho Admiral ship, who soon after fired a saj e i " ;:: -Into, which capu S. supposed to be in conse- ."i qurnce csomc intelligence; broujht by.th r frigate- v;--. ;" - . r ,. ;- . p: The latest papers which we have been a "... We to obtain by this arrival, are to the 8th. ' 1 of November, . A London paper of the. 18th says, w Disi -patches, were yesterday received at the Ad- . miralty frptn Portsmouth, containing an ac-'. . count of th arrival at that port of 3. French-gun-brigs, part of a flotilla, consisting of 37? ' which was att asked, by some of our cruiser -off La Hogue. Te ttmaining 24 'irert dr-- . vea on, shore," and completely i destroyed . This flotilla did not come out foe the purpose of attacking our ships,' but was intercepted, " on its way v souae o( the gun-boat dQpotr " to tht bast warti, tne pmes, we unueraiani , wera'captured by the Ljbrty cutter, and the . othtr boats were driven on short y one; af our frigates -y: v ;?. vi';-"' '; ' v Tb9 foregoing statement' U xonfirmed jnr " ' . rl he sum which nas oecn extortea irony . tHcity of Hamburg by the depredators of " , the, i irnt Coqsu.1, is nine million t.-ancs. Aocouuts from Holland stated the expedit ' . tion against Englan wba on the eve of taking , . A fire has recently takenplace.at the magn liincent moaquo 0 santce aocnia, at vun-t, ; . sianunopie. Dy wincn one: iiuourea .nousea..) hve been destroyed, ; - ; r r " Letters from Vicuna staled that bisurrec-. ; ; y v tion was almost universal in Turkey and" ', f that from Egypt it has rapidly , spread: itself ' ? into Syria and Asia." In Europe four fv rebels have united with Pass wan Oglou, and, ' . haa sSinrvsirsric tf WrstvialiB fstavas tswnrarsll - I'TtHJ vtalaAl varwiiia Atrrmiinna IMI he furnished by the Data vi an . Republic for ' i .i i , . . . . , , sue $jcmi.i.on au'Ji mjvnu " J . ft: port or miml'Q row. - - '. Kcw-Yoii. : ; Charleston j ; ..Saltar;. ' " ; Jamaica ; r ,. tsavanna, ' f . Tobago, f - r .'- J,.art,adlca"', - Liverpool ,l t. .Nw-Voik ;, . Larltt ! jcs '. ' ', '. Proviucncot f :i Trinidad-; , , iwTrarn smc toy Ship Bcllast. Gardner, .. Ilrig Tolly, B-llaid, Scb'r Sally,' Verry, ' : ' Three Sistxrs, Rich, loop Candine, Cros!y, - EnttrprUc.Suatood, Ship Sally, Hewes, , -flrg lfi, Smith, Sdi'r Ivaier, l'.e ; Rover, Uuck, , . t Washington, Ivonvljard, . JVFl-r. ?T'r Arrived on Sa-.f ' fast, the s! rr F-Vp.,, pric,fpt. Smart, 15 days -front IV. . . Junmrv 27th, lat, 23, 20, kn-. 72 W. t?-. V tht 3oopMai7of NVwbvni, N. C in siis "j tress, wKhtotli pumps goiog and having Igst her k,ck load fijisiijng her very quick; capv,1 Ji. coujd leant pQihing more , , 4,U Wti.Mtiici4, February 29 ItOI, , i tw i Tt - ' 2it.QkMt.Ctti f 19 ' 14 ' 13 - fa ' : o . . 1 1 f -7 - ' 10 i,- 11 21 U -13 i'i v-lV J 631 . ! raiiisg; i II v . 75 t tJACON pceewt. . Butter per lb.; Cottoa -per lb. Coffst per lb. Com pes bushel. Meal, do Flour per barrel, ; Lumber per 11 V o. khd. staves. ( O. dt, do. do. W. o bU do roueh. fchingles per 1000, Molasses Mr c-Ilun. , Pork per barrel, Kicaptrcwt, , Rum, W,I. pr.g. Id p, '., -w-i s maica do. 4th to,' N. E. do. Tobacco prr rwt. ' t Tar per barrel, Turptntint, l 13 ' 4 1 I 50 I 71 ( MAPLisro, Fth. 4. t.ATtiTiinu rvnorr T.f the aiiip JjHter, T3 djs tiota LonW. ...t tL a i . art. aaanr, leu ixmaan on trt lit ul cembfr,ind pssstd Orsevsenl emht 1A j iht Pilot rtjt an shore, and was ifjmr4 U M ' A7E onderslgnad bein tailed upo iW to aOlust adiipiita which has taken fclsct Wtwcca CmerotSmuK and Jr. Cr, h totisequsnctof a daUarsi'ic en hH.rpiL toV lyunit bv our decision on th su'ijr't Hiving heard th rrpr-se.rjijns and. eipla nations of lie rttpectivt CtMletnrm slate, that Vt appear to us that th diipsiUhss ari sen in corvsequenet of Mr. Crsnt having understood ia Iht course of a toarersation between him andCetv. Smith, tisttl word fake uJ ty Cen. Smith wm Jnadtd to ap ply lo hia but which wgrd , ss it sppesis us t;s. sndss It has fceeo tftfjared ty Genera! 01llh, vu iw intended Lo apply to Mfw Grsrjfe, U suthsnsnfier as tt impesch U ther tUccdy or indtxily tht verstitv cf Mr. Crsnf. , . This the Rre,und of eTf net i anj wWh Mr. l.rv i.s hs ao.itM s r lion Wtartof ctpii.ionthsl aslst d i; ni has ari sen larrni-h niit jpftheBs'urf! as t) !sined hy Uenmi bmiiT,, t!..t Mr. twanre should It. at.Cr J, W!m.ar'.oB. uaurux wooar, A.I). Moor. i.t n. inij, ' j. a. wrir.nr, I f. 21. '