"The consideration cf tbe report oFthe joint committee oh an' adjournment oF Con-, gress was postponed till Friday. "', ' ' ' The house went into a committee of , the' whole oh the report oFa select.committee on mc. lucui'ii irti ui i cinicasec, OCC. W HICH COI1- clades.with a resolution For the appropriation nF ' Hn dollars ta defray such espences as the President may sanction for holding any treaty or treaties with any nation of In dians south of the Ohio, to extinguish Indian lights; ; . . On motion of Mr. Oickson, the blank was . nuea wun o,uuu ciouars. A debate then ensued on the resolution, which was supported by Messrs. Dickson, Lyon, G. W.CanipbeTl, Alston, Blackledge,-. and Holland ; and opposed by. Messrs. S. L. Mitchili, R. (liiswold and Gregg,, when the .question was taken and the resolution nega tived Ayes 39 Noes 50 Y. " Tuhd Ft!-. Zi. The house went into a committee of the Louisianainto two territories and providing for the temporary government thereof. On reading the 4th section, which places 'the legislative' power in 13 persons appoin- . , .m uji kilt j jtaiuwiikf uul intil unva luiut wi . no etiect d disapproved of by Congress'. 1 he .Governor to convene nnd prorogue theCoun cil at his pleasure. i n s sect on occasioned some ueuaic. vu- rious motions were made for striking out and amending. One was made for the committee : to rise. .' v '.. ' ., "' '' . " ,- . , Mr. Macon, Speaker, suggested the pro ; priety of waving the motion for the commit-' . tee rising, and substituting- a motion to strike out the 4th section. ' ( This motion being made,. Mr. Macon sup ported it, and 'urged the propriety of ex tcnding lhe second grade ofterritornlgovcrn i ment to Louisiana. It was also supported by Messrs. Elmer, Leib, and C- W. Campbell; , and JVlr. Hugcr opposed ' the motion, when thf rnmmittcft pnsp wiiliniit nnv mipstinn he wing taken and obtained leave , when the house adjourned. . """" , WASHINGTON CITY, Mrch 5. IMPEACHMENT OF JOIHf; PICKERIES? to sit again, . "Friday being tiic-di'.y assigned by the Se , na'e For the commencement of the trial oF . Judge Pickering, impeached by the House oF . . Kcpresentatives of high crimes and mlsde meanors, the Senate formed themselves into a COURT OF IMPEACHMENTS, and sent a message to the House of Representatives, - informing them ttrit they were reidy to re ceive the' managers and proceed with the .trial; communicating at the same time, the Following rules entered into by the Senate : " . 44 Rcsdved, That, the President oF the Se nate shall direoi !! the forms oF proceeding, Ivhile theSe'Ktte" arc sitting a a court of i"rnjv.achmr-nts,a"s to opening, adjourning, .and all forms during the session, not other wise specially provided For by the Senate. ' 44 And that the President of the Senate be requested to direct the preparations in the Senate Chamber, For the accommodation or the Senate white sitting, as a court, and For ties to t'le impeachment, their council, wit- mscs J-.c y . 41 And that he be authorised to direct the employment of the Marshal or any officer or r fiiCtrs of l!ic district of Columbia, during . the bcsshn jf the Court of Impeachments, wliosc services he may think requisite, And .whit b-cin be obtained for the purpose. 41 And all expences arising under this re- . !dMt en. after b"'iig First allowed by the Pre sii en; of Itie Siulc. shall b piid ly the se . ri cuiy vit otth; fun ! rtp,Hpriatd to de ', iv the cintiiigctit expenct of both li ousts of Cig'r.s. - " ?s'j's-., That on the 2d day of March ' i:is'.at n nn. 1 o'clock P. Mtln H ilattve es.CMtivy Sxminens of the Senate he P'isI . si, a i.l th it the Court of - Impeachment k . t'u'r hr ppe'ied after !iich the process, o-i tl !2;hday tif Janu.i"; last, svas Mr. Burr) then stnted that ho had received Lost, 'Ayes 7. i letter from Robert G. Harper, and a pet-" . Mr- Harper then addrcsKc Hie . ion from Pickering, son of John Pick- i ?xh bb..l,t one hour an? n linlf i', t .n ;, and the rd urn ihcn r.p ui Khali by . . A 'id the rcrcUry of-lhe Senate shall . ,m';,uran o.uh tu the reluming oiT.cc r, '- v.'.l.w'm f n-m.vtz. I, J i nes lalhcws, tU-m ily ,vc?r, that the u-tniti maile and -.riix-J by ,. upon the pr'ci issued , I2:a d ,v oF Jaiiuiry last, by the Sc of il.c Usiitrd States, ag ii;iii J. din Pitk-i:Z- s truly nndc, atvl tint I lae p :rhrm ! -ml seru-ei, a litre dckiibtd So if , I. 14 Vh;' ;i iiu'h h.dl htntcud at large on , rr-ctd. ' Tli r?iirr vlnl! th-n give notice to : ! iv if ",e;i: i" .".talivcs ht the Senate i ' I-c.i'-! ',. .fat.im nf imH'kchiiiriits, - . iy ) d ip)u ti im;i,jdr.htncnl ' ; !'i -in ,, in itu S tt&ie chamber, i, ...,, ijf fi pn-p.m-d mi'.Ii atcommo it f'.r 'h : it rt pUwn if I'au House ofHe- ' .".;! c o'in',-1 fjr the parties t '"( " i I. npjrar ali i be he ml i 'n V'vm, And upon the t . ir 'a .! IS'iaierf lit prc-ntalivts . . . r. (.r s,n .tm,i of pi rjMi, ,! ;,i i ir I'm th- i;in" fl-.-tient i v ' ii . IV rn:i il' bi'talh. d luap. I mi rr th? aiti- !. if;fn;-. .chmtnt . ! .. i . I'i'i. Ifhr ep;t-,rsiir sn 1 1 .j i ji, tiic ip,crtu c siriilbf ;ccfir ! . ! j i rt .l ji !v if by Inn.-v'if; r if ! nr i H'it'i ;', n itn'm the ptt '.n . ; i,;. m 1 the t. paritr in v-lu-.h !,c s; pears. If he does not pppcsr, tithej per -ally or by ogent or attorney, ; the rzr?;s ? 1 ;be recorded. Ail 'jirioUdn ';nftAJ6 ' kV t: e parties or their"co'tinsel, shall lie Addressed, to -the President of the Senate, and if he shall -require it, shall be committed to writing, and .1 read at the Secretary's table ; and aFter the parties shall be heard upon such motion, the Senate shall retire to the adjoining committee room, for consideration' and . decision ; which shall be had as weH in such cases, as m all tpu;stions to be decided by the Senate, as a r-5rt of impeachment with cosed doors. I ' AlLdecisions shall be by the ayes and -noes, which' shall be entered on the records of the court. AFter decision, the Senate shall return to their chamber, and the Presi dent shall then make known the decision. to the parties. .'' . - Wiinesses shall be sworn by the seercta-' ry in the following form, viz. I, AB do swear (or afiirjn as tbe case may bey that the evi dence I shall give to this court, in the case now depending shall be.-the truth, the whole truth, and nothing , but the .;-tu.th So hrlp me Gad. . .:. : , -!':-'; 44 Witnesses shall be examined by the party producing them, and then cross exam ined in the asual, form. 41 If a senator is called as a wftnessj he shl be sworn, and give his testimony stand-, ing in his place, . , 44 If a senator wishes a question to be put, to ajivitness, he bhall hand it in writing to the President, who shall pnt the same.", On motion of Mr. Nicholson, the House oF Representatives directed the managers to attend on a trial. ' : The managers having accordingly repair- ed to the Senate chamber, the House ol Re-- prcsentatives adjourned nvith the vicv, it was understood, oF attending the trial, v. TKescnatoi's were ranged on each side, of the chair oF the" 'President. The1 managers were placed in Front, and on the rihf oFtl.e cjiair; and seats were assigned in the same line on the left for the accused and his coun sel. .Additional, seats on the elevated area of the Senate were assigned For1 ladies. 1'etween the Senators land . thelManagcrs' a seat , was allotted to the Speaker of tbe House, About halF past one o'clock filename of John Pickcritig was called three times, with out any answer being given. The President (M a tion ering impeached ; wJ.ich were read bv the clerk. .The petition represents that John Pickering is insane,." and rcrJd "not from the state of his health, attend without endanger ing his life, and therefore prays a postpone ment of the trial. The U tter oF Mr. Harper contained an 'olTcr oF his professional services in support oF the prayer or the petition. These paper being read, the President de nireti Mr. Harper to inke the sent assigned for tbccciiturl Ftho arcued. . fr.,' rpr having, taken his seat, rose ard sta..-d tiiat he apcarfd, nut at the in atanre rf John Pit leering, from whom he had. rerrived no authority to appear, but fram a desire to anp;vrt the petition offered bv his son, to aid the defence of the arrusrd, and in case the Senate, notwithstanding his non appearance, should proccwl to try the articles of imneachmerUprefrrml against him. and hhould permit him to tak a part in tl)c pro ceedings without thereby iiuplicaling any ac knowledgement, on the part oF the accused oF their validity. Mr. Nicholson, on behalf of the manners obscrred, that 5n his opinion, Mr. Pickering could only appear by himsclFor by coulscl; that Mr. Harper could only, thcrcForr, be admitted to a hearing in the exercise ol the right nFfounscl For the accused ;' and ts he disclaimed til authority From Mr. Picktr ng, in his opinion, he cotdd not be allowed to take apart in the trial. Several additional remarks, inforcingthc am?tpin"ion, were expressed by Messrs. G. W. Campbell, Rodney, Lady, a.id J. luni'oipii. Mr. Harper enquired whether it would be rtular in him to reply to these rennrki. . Xile .Jr "idcnLsnid it would hoi andirvw tnHiatcly after put the question to ;the Sr:- tWe whether Mr. Harper ahouln be heard in support oF the prayer of the pctitiotiof rirkfrmg. Whereupon the senate retired to a private chamber ; from whir h they returned alniut .1 o clocK,. when the President adt icd the nia tngcrs that the senate would take further time toconsidr the questi-.n before thnu and woul I make them acquainted with tluir tlecision. .l,;r7i 7. The Senate in their capacity of a High Court tt Impeachments, having been enga ged, with closed doors, on the motion made by Mr. Harper (iMMcrin our last) aince I tiday; and after a d'ncussion, w hie h occu pied nearly the wh.de of that tUv, and the fvo enMiitig days, omiird their dKjrs on Monday, when the following dciuionwai niaoc ity easond Navs; vn. On the qurtionW ibc covrt hear r'i. 'cnce and counsel respecting the insanity nf Jo in riMcnng, upon the suggestions con- taiiini in the it ion of Jarcb S. Pickcrin an I th: letter of Robert (.. Iliriwr. Th a said qucstirm was carried in lhcftfT,r- mv.u. 15, Nav 12. At l-n'cl-xk on Tuesday th? rntrt wna vntud, et.d in a hort -time thereafter t!i- Mji -tf .t and Mr.llsrjicr appmrtd and tok i tin ir e.!. i 1 he President statid the forcjf.irn' tlrci. J i si ti. u. .sieiiuitvo, ui i-vii;u 1 1 ni. r.a-j; J ' said lic v?alnstrutted lo- p'sk for the reading pf the. proceedings'of the court on tli c last tday of its sitting ' rhe clerk having read thej-ecord, by which iit appeared .that John. Pickering had been called three times without appearing, v . . r Mr. Nicholson enquired at what point oF -t'me. the .Senate would proceed to the trial of the articles oF impeachment, and whether, ."under the decision oF the court, counsel for John S. Pickering was to be heard in the f.rst l instance on a preliminary question. ' . ! The Pa-sident said he could not undertake ; to give an explanation oFthe proceedings of Mhe Senate adding that their meaning must I be gathered from the proceedings themselves. ; . Mr.' Nicholson then said that .he begged , leave to slaite that the Managers -were ready ' to proceed, with the trial of the articles pre- j ferred by t1ieHo.tise of Representatives. , I The President. said that, under the deci fiion of thr SenaU;, they had determined in the first instanceto hear Mr. Harper in support of the petition of Jacob S. Pickcring. . Mr. Nicholson. said he,wos then inttmcted .by the Managers to state that they were ready y to support the articles of Impeachment. Those not being, at fU'sent, under the con- sideratioh of the Senate, they- did not consider themselves under any obligation to discuss a preliminary question raised by ,a third per son'unauthonzed by the pervon charged.' He , was, tliere'fQrev instructed to sU.te to the Sen ate that the Managers would, under such cir cumstances, retire, and take the opinion of ; the; House of Representatives respecting their further procedure .. . - The' Managers -thereupon retired. : Mr. Wrright moved that the Senate should retire to their private chamber. . Motion lost, Ayes 6. Mr. Jackon submitted to the Senate whe ther it would not be proper to delay all fur ther proceedings until they should, hear from the Managers, of the House of Rcpresenta:. . tives. ' " Apparently with this view ' Mr. Adams moved an adjournment I-ost, Ayes 1 0. Another motion was made tbrt the Senate retire to their private chamber I.oM. ryes 3. Mr? NVrTghtyefed a HiotiVn ; that""tlie counsel in support' vt the petition of J. S. Pickering be not heard until the return of the mnagers, orcnlil their intention be sipnui Y'rodncp,rannrAlje admit'ed into tlui rVv-v from the United States, if knpwn to lu-Vur'n produce ; Ccttcn wool in a IJi itish vessel only excepted. ' - Premium of insurance, tr-or fj-om ibeTJni ted States, per American .ships. "2 L- to 3 'gineas per ct. British ships ii lo. c!o. - ."00 bales of inland cotton, very god, Were sold the lUlh Jan. ar Ls. 3d. Vdccs Current el JiotierdamyJlccZ" IS.'.'-".' Georgia and Cafo'ina Cotton, 15 io 1 f! sti . vers per lb'. ; Coffee. West-Indin, "22' 1-2 sti vers do. '.'Carolina Rice, 71 "schillings ,er hundred.; Tob acco, 7 1-4 to 7 1-2 stivers per lb. ; Hayanua Sugar, white, 8 to ll-stivei-j, "ditto brown do. do. ' 1KI L M IN G tWnW . . TUESDAY, MARCH 20,1 uu. i- r-r.:.'.r in a in ienun. R which principally consisted of the petit im of J.'S. Picl;cniig. and the depcsitirs s of ?.am uel Tenner, A. R. Cutter,' J. Bracket, Wm. .Cutter, William Phmier, and Edward ht. 1 oc Livcrmore, adduced in ri der to testify to the insanity, of John Pickering, ijnd us a basis of a motion to postpone the tli J. The court then adjourned until the next day at 12 o'clock. IIVRRrOOU Dan.7. The importation cf Cottons, during the last j two months has been inronsiderablc, and lor I the low qualities, there has been apretty stth dy demand. Of uplands our stoc k is sn. i ll, and good is scarce to be met with ; the quali ties on sale are Ordinary and Middling, and are going off at frf-m 1 3d. lb I3d. 3-4 per lb. and some which sctrccly come under the de scription of good, have been toldjit I5d Good snd fine qualities of the new crop, when it comes forward, will probi,bly meet with ready sale. New-Orleans, of middling S. fair qualities have gone off at from Ud. to 1 6 I -2 jer lb. and about OOG bags middling end .fair Tennessee, were sold last week at 1 4d. 5-3 to 1 5d. per lb. Considerable purchases oF good and Fine Sea-Island Cotton, have been made oFlatc atthcHc low prices, but not alto gether intended For the purpose For which it is generally fpplied ; as the Fine Yams con linue'withnut demand. It has been nrinci- pully used in the manufacture of course Yarn, and some has been bought on speculation, in the expectation oFFvituic advantage. The principal holders have latterly Felt inclined to accept these low prices For their Mocks gene rally ; and if the new Cottons keeps some time out oFthe market, the quantity on hand jnll,ptpbalyJ)ensji;rrdUy.Jcs'Ji:nejL and hv such casrs expected for hand, the consumers ktep their works tin- j ployed in the low qjalitics, and Co not come ; forward to purchase f.nc Cottons until afcf I the new crop shall have nrtived, there docs I . not seem rrr.son to expect, provided it toc good in quality, that ll.c present ctimncy wilt be advanced. The qiuntity of flour which has arrived From America the last two months, lias been very trifling but there is still, in thisiitntkct nlont 4000 barrels, the bulk of it btit.g infe rior in quality, it Rpoo(Tcry slowly. The demand for grain and four, in general, has been very dull for some time, at this port, at the farmer In the interior of the country ,hat e been pressing their ircki t n the matkets which we used to employ ; but we expect they will not lie v anxious to sell, t-ftcr they , have completed their payments, which be came due at this season, and tlicnthc'durand in tint market, we expect, will mhc al'pri- cet about the present quotations, which are partly nominal. Goo-I U prime Sum arc Ksrre, U mrct a jirttty ready alr, there U a god supply of inferior staves, and tbe tU-mnr-d ciy tiilVmpv j 'W'-vr r.xrtpting for the IlnrM qualities, ' there is no drnv.nd ; but considrrubl' order ' f .r the liwcr qmlitit arc cxpf tted.asSpring approaches. We do not,bw(er, b i.k f'.T em advance in the price, e our atotV n ton i sidenibJc, Afrkan, A viatic, ami Unt'nh jhtj'.atirn '. FIRE at Stiv-TorL Capt. Day of t'hl- brig ' Fair American,, which arrived here on "Sun day last, '8 days from New-York,, informs," that on Sunday the IJtli i.nit. after he .gr.'t underway; a dreadful firR broke -out in t fiat -cily.betv.een Old nn.d,Pfck Slips,.' which'cmW tinur.d to rage; v. itb the greatest violence while ('apt. D.vreniaincd in sight.. 'The following Address aceompcvJtdciAnT:.r;T ' some- time since presented :bj' the Ladies ,J . Nezvbcrn to. tlie University cf N. C. 'Tq the Rev. Joseph Caldwell." firs't'Prote.3or ' of the University of North-CaraUna. SIR, Hesirous to manifest our aolicitude fi the prosperity of the Institution, over wh'ub you preside, with so mcfrl'rTituirto youvi.eif " and advantage to the public; Nye request . you to accept for the use of the Philosopl.ical Class, a Quadrant.'the best we cntild prcuift , ;hut not "the most valuable gift we could wi.'ii '.to present. . Our sex can n?ver beindificrent to t!,? promotion o pcience, c( nneeled as it is. w,u : the virtues thatimpart civility to tmi::t! i . and refinement to life. Nor can we , svv - pre? s the emotion? of (we hc"pe J an honest pride at the rcneetimi.thiM our native countt y boasts a seminary, where, by the proper e:; tensior. of legislative nolronage.its ingeiiiw. yottth might be tzugnt ;tn emulate the "wrnl oF their fathers ; where their minds mip! bc enlightened with knowledge, arid thejv hearts impressed w ith a love of justice, mo rality and religion ; wht're thcy'might learn to embellish the manly-and patriotic endf-v rr.ents w!iich constitute strength oFcIiararlt-r and qualify men to cherish , the mountain nymph sweet liberty;" "with all the arts that polish, all the charities that sweeten the in tercourse ol social life. .Willi great respect, We are. Sir, Your ohedient servant, . Mary Dares, Jane Carney, . . Jlannah Tt:yfor, llilaltlh Grahc.fr, tunny Diverccux, Suarn;h Jaia, r.Hzahtth Stanly, Susan Gf.st'jn. Newbern, Nov. 26, 1803. Mcry :KKinhr, Julia A. Havh, slmaryHis F.Ms, Sfi'a'i HVwi, J.Vilwc'A .'frrtc.'.', Elizabeth Qsbvtv, Jcne Tcylcr, Mary Kmk. Mr. C ALDWl.LL'a ANSWER. Chaffi. HtLt., Jan. 2, 1?C L.I DIES, Some time ago I had the picture :o re ceive a letter fium you, wVich irenticns your present to the Univt tsity of a Quadrant', fcr thc uscof the Senior Class. Ifsr.y elTorls Avl irh 1 have been able to make, have been successful in rendering the Institution useful, 1 hopetl.e ppttbatitin you me pleased to express w ill Imvc its proper efTccl in impor ting to them new spirit And alacrity. Howe ver little il is worth while to lay stress on pub lic applause, or raise upon it ur hopes cf happiness, j et when it proceed from the sen sible and enlightened, it is a true and tlcsira- Mc rew-nrdj it is a confirmation and encou- ragtmtnt w jiirh the mrst resolute n 'Mrtuc ljJ.VAA-'OJJLVwm.JwjA.uwAfc mum in r . - .. -,- - , r - price sopiew hat better might co' ,no,,K!V ",TIC." er rTrnv r what remain. U, on the othe? 1. tnJ ,ni.?,V 8 ?en .M m fuli re P'T"' ' ii The University of oor atrte early excited exectati.'tis in the public, whM were unfor tunately teosangu'ui; and premature to le lTalied. It was r.ot nifftcictitly considered that, thouRh lilnral education improve ihe j ourr, il cannot make them perFect. Tl o the attainment cl knowledge may be render ed comparatively easy; it is chimerical to suppose that it kliall be universal, or totally without tsptnec. Add to these the cirtt m a:vc oF raising and upporting the tns'itu tioti by a species of fund, which the interes ted would execrate and the popular would de cry ; andlhat in proportion to ti c fidelity cf the trutct to perform their duty tn the pub lic, would be the kudncof the clarrttr. In hort when we reflect that prejudice tit ome, pnd want of information in other, vere unhappily atsistr d by the tr.discre ti r t.nd miscotulutl of youth, roary el whem can we be nrptised ilul tl creshtuh an incompetency in the Institution o the purpose "F ttfcblil mint. Thcc Via! ntan ete tobctupcrrtded only bAilrne and perrerance, uiiitctl with an liituior mttit, which must mnke Its wy through e t ry t bstrut tnin Into the presence of the tVl liecyf. 1 he itcdfant fiScnd el the UiuAr ty t-ir sustained thetrial In it teihis ! it tods and alternate derndmrt. il l thA i r?n ldcs the new dawning of propcri' t wbich ,u the hot-lion of their vrucrbl year, lortne animaticntl.tjr lie kltt'