NOMINAL PRICES CURRENT, At JFiMtfcroy, April 17, 1804. , ., from . To . Dls. Cts. Dls. Cts. BACON per cwt. 9 Bu,Uer per lb. scarce, Cotton ner lb Coffee per lb. ; iorn per uuauvi, Meal, do. i Flour per barrel, Xumb'ef per M. plenty, JW. o. hhd. staves, R. o. do. do. .. do. W.,o. bl. do. rough, Shingles per 1000, Molasses per gallon, Pork per barrel, plenty, Rice per cwt. Rum, W. I. pr. g. 3d p. ... Jamaica do. 4th do. N. E. do.. none Tobacco per cwt. Tar per barrel, Turpentine, .10 1 8 9 25 10 1 H 13 4 1 1 5 1 4 18 14 28 90- 50 10 .28 12 . 12 252 60 . - --I4 . -i- 4 1 1 5 50 6 25 1 : 4 20 15 50 62f 25 5 50 50 WANTED, A VESSEL or two to load fot Norfolk, V'irg. jot -Uhich a liber J price will be given' Thomas J. Deatty. April ij, 1804. - aw. THE. f ubferi hers brrtby - give notice , that they havl qualified as Executors h thela'l will andtflam.nt of.Jofph D an, dictaJedAil perfms indebted to th: tjlate of the faid-JojepLare.rtquired to make piy ment ; and all ,perfws having demands a rainfl it 'are required to make them ktown huHbinthi time prf crib ed by (be Acl of the utnerai ijf.mfiy. entitled. An act tt a. friend an a3 entitled an acl concerning pro- FOR SALfi Under Direction of JOS HU A POT T Si Wilmington, April 17, 1804; QtlARTER Casks Sherry W'mej Hhas. Molasses, ; " " Ditto- 3d proof Rum, Pipes Spanish Brandy, -Pipes French do. Chests Hyson Skin Tea, Xegs8d, Nails, Barrels Philadelphia Flour, Ditto Fayetteville, Boxes brown Sugar, Corn, .Bacon, Spanish Segars, Crates Liverpool Ware Kegs manufactured Tobacco , 6 Pieces Cannon 6 pounders; . Bags of Oats, - . ' , One Case Letter paper, - ' Do. do; Dutch QujIIsj -A-Barrels Pork, ,. Grind-atones, "-.' Sawed Lumber, ' ' ' Spars. . I.''' Chests Young Hyson Te7 Boxes China .Ware, . Ditto German Steel, Ditto Cotton Cards, ,'Ditto Wool Cards, . Kegs Spanish Brown, Ditto Lard, Ditto Butter, " " Ditto six-penny Nails, Coils Cordage, FREIG HT WfNTEd ' " rendering" the least service to our country F.c,;,n .u 1 ..... y c r Ai '";:"' In . such a dilemma, too painful to relate, the or Sa.mBartholomews or SamtMaruns. kg of the United tateJ was strilck. ryHE Schooner Frtcndfhip Cpt. J dm 4 wam of coura c can never be imputed X Mathews, burthen 128 tons.. -is nry , wheretHere is no chance of resistance; DU- tompweiy reaay to receivcwoasjor etiner oj tressin jtWas indeed, to brave minds, to bfe the obove places. For terms, apply to . JOHN. MALLELLAN. , WHO HAsToR SALE, 2'00 S.imls Tar, . 40 do. Pitch o do. tok; ji jev) H:gjhmds ani Barrels SUGAR, AJnA Jew hags COFFEE, a id 400 Btifbels Indian Ljrn..,, April g, 1804. ' x 70 obliged to surrender without having had art opportunity of defence, some fanaticks may say that.blowing the ship up would have btert the proper result. I thought such "conduct would not Stand acquiUed bejbre Cod or man, and I never, presumed to . think I' had the liberty of pultihg to death SOO feouls, be cause they were placed under my command, andthose persons who argiie thus, to have been in bur situation, would no- doubt have had very different ideas. Although I feel conscious that my conduct will bear the ni cest investigation, yet I Jam no stranger to the censures of an ungenerous world, and the regrets and mortifications which are incident 1 to a change, of public opinion; which does not nlwdvs follow meritorious exertions : and who are inaebtea to htm to make payment n an actfdent although becasioned by circii'mi or before the firjl day of May next t und . stances which no prudence could foresee or. thnjeto whom he it indebted jhall be paid on valour controul, may weigh against years of The Siibfcriber, PURPOSING to leave this State ea'rly the'enjuing feafoni requejls ell tboft prifenling their accompts.- , HE, UFFEKb FOR SALE, HIS Retail Stock of GOO D S, COM PHI SING A SMALL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, arduous services ; . yet I have . a consolation in believing that myjriends are too sircere to let adversity of fortune change their opi nion." ' . . By, Information" rfectived from NeW:IIamp- relmnce Hard Ware, Groceries, Liquors ticThe purch'ftr will have the p ivilege cf the uneXHr'd tetth j the Leafe of I but very tliiole fttiialion nuw occupied ly the :- legislature will be republican J'uhfcriber R; LniigdorH JF.hiigtoh, '6t'b Manh, 180. 74 m mil imp ! M - Marfliai's Sale shire, on which we believe great may be placed, there is the greatest proba bility that Mr. Langdon is elected govemof bf that state, and that a majority; of the ncxt By the re- 1 turns received frqni.several towns, it is ascer tained that a considerable change in favour bf republicanism" lias taken plate in New ilampshireV O-V Monday, tte ad day of April, vsVl fe Jld, for gold or fther coin, the THE partnerfhip if Joseph. Dean ani KiNGSLEX I HURBER, undir the firm of Dean 6 T'urhr, beine dtjMved VA A- hrm-r. all ttrl.ns whi Briir V AIK AMbKlvAN, at he n w vg if wills and granting letters of admi- uavt ac,tUnis unfettl d with laid firm', ure Hes, ut Mr.Be.iW s wharf , with ktrlkte mti it ntlA. t.A irk AjIh' I ti J m 1 4 1. . . . . . It V -1 e - t f r ' . J it.- U . 1 K M .1 l L .. .!. J A f,yi..i..-i, . (...i. y.onKi m ioi ma, requeffed to prel nt tttm wiin'jut aeiay jot ad apparel, i2C,oei'g j,rjevsa it ur veicu wim mc, uu mc wmuww nu mgem'nt of infejlate's rflates"othirwife uti,Jmrt.--Jtnd all thJe who are indebted United States. " . door frames secured by fire proof coVcring: "i-bynuttor'othsrwft arcrequefte4 trwaU Terms of SJe-Cafhr- The corporation of Norfolk, in consequence , bf the late dreadful conflagration which they have experienced, have ordered that no per? son shall be permitted Sn future to build any house, kitchen, kc. in the borough but what is made of cood bricks or stone, the roof co- they will be barred by the operation of fat acl. T. O. WRiGHT.I ; R. BRADLEY, Execuhri. J. HARTlViAN, J Wilmington, oib fiptil. Hei. Ro -4 1 70 BE SOLD, On Wednesday, the 18th inst. on a Credit f of Six Months, All ihe Perfonal Eft ate of .. Jofeph Dean, decsafcdcotififling of three fourths of The brig Hercd'es, 1 DRY GOODS, . ' ' . A Negro Fellow, ' , Jlnd fundry other Articles. J. G. VVRIGHTn R. BRADLEY, Executors. J. HARTMAN, J April ic, 1804. payment to K. i HURBER, furviv ng partner. -1 LAURENCE A DORSET. DM. f Wilmington , N. C. April b, 1 804. 79 fire excepted. WHO OFFE'-O FOR SALE; rn Ltt rat terms, ibe Brig HERCULES, A fliut and burOnnfmt fi"ign bh veff I, of 2l tens burthen' is Wfll found wi'h ia. A lid The following article contain! the. sctti ments and proceedings of Genera! Dessa llucs, and his Officers, respecting their future operations in the island of Hayti. (rum 75 Sheriff Sale. VOli IS ALE; PLANTATION on the S. Weft of N. Welt River, 36 milei u-..-i WilminMon, called ; "H'-n o utAiit. C ' H'U ' Army Indigenous. -ThU day the first of j. ...... January 1BU4, me general in chiel 01 the army ne- piano ana vni cessary measures lor estauiishing the hapii- on the low-Iaiidi, fronting the river one ness of the country, having made known to mile On which is a good iwo oryDrll the generals assembled his. true sentiments, ing-Uoue,wcll fintlhcd Kitchen, Smoke- toaure forever to the indigenous of Hayti permanent uvcrniiicni, uic HDjctl OI Ills 11 . ., j smj Mm k. t,i ,...., . . jaiiuai t lout, uicKviicrai 111 cuici 01 me ai bUt anchors and rt g, and may tefent nJQ MUh of Lan(3 WcH ,im. convok7ed for lhi5 purpose bf taking the to fttsata jmallexpence. bered with PINK on the uplami and OAK cessary measures for establishing the ha frUurfJ 10 t'mtk t m.m Houfe. Stables, and a convenient Store U , 1 ,V 1 ;;V " ; ' II... in -t. . fnrmMw most lively solicitude, and which he has done tW. be fold l the Court. Houfe , ! " " itc formeHy in a discoursc UndiHg to c6nvty ,0 forelgri Brunfvuk County, to pay theUxese P. .. .. - r C j I 1 power hi reaoiution to render the country hereon for the year i8oa 1 her,ire, oo acres of the land cleared, independent, and to secure to it the enjoy " J . a ' i . . i t . " ' wi.jwj - 60,000 fere' cf JUiid. the brUerti tt anout one unru low, tne remainaei tipianu ment of a libertr consecrated bv the blood of . ...... i u 1 1 . ...... . . 0. Bl'.unt. wnn goou nppic ana 1 ccn wrciniu, ihepeople of hi ihnd ; and after having co! Jolin Baptifte Gabriel Dnyen. ! House Carpenter Ic Millwright. O FFERS hisfervices to the InbMuntt of this Town an J its Vicinity, andfi licit s employment in eifhfr or bub of his pro fiffiont. Being an iniire Jl'ungsr he ha mthinr t$ recommend hint to thrfivtr'tf' tb-pyoiic, hi trijejjnm 0 a intrust t now. '. 5. ORESSETT. Sheriff". April, 1804. 78 PLino Forte--For Sale, A well twed patent ftconi.hanionc.T'hf Price in Cufh is Nif ty Jive Dollars, JOJIN LONDON. . April 9, i8o4. 79 4w. .- 1 Z. iin.tuivvi iiijitMiiu, diivj liter Having tui and a Nuffery oi Fruit Trees of different lectedthe opinion of each, demanded that e- TAKEN UP , SSaf btttl7dXA AJ committed to the Gaol of uhi maf favir him with Wirk lyilmingttn, April iftb, 1804. this county, on the I inlt. ANEQRO man, wh calls h'tmfetf John Mitchell, Jays be isf ret (but without P'ptrt tij10uittJ and eeme to this i;wn frtm Char If ton, Siuth-Canlim, in Junu. a y lift, bt laid, that be formerly lived kind. For terms, apply to KOBF.RT SCOTT. Wilmington, Iec. 21, 1803. T The above Plantation is fituateJ io, an agreeable neighborhood and adjoiui H - Hill Landing . . ;WA N.TE.D, . ' One or two Apprentice to the Priming Ihilineiv . Trom U)o is year of age. Apply at this Office. BLANKS, Tor Sale at this Offct. with Air. Edwar J Cnts, f Chart, fl Thtf.ld nrgn Id 1 kttn fince at fei, and I Tcii, Dollars Reward. J. 28.A D cembet lad, a Negro man na ve d TOM He it about c feet 8 or o i ... . . ' . w . I "' "riJfucf Jtiw mna juji rnnrufi it I ci pgrf, til li tbtUl 21 fmn-is j yut comptexM, ana tas jetrt ef egi,pve feti.nfin.o in height, fier ,n tbejih of hi nije. It it Juppofri thm vfge, Jrt wt.lly hair, and fat ftme.' be a -hut Mr. Suan't. on Catbjbi or in th'mt like the atpeare. tf r,i u. sir. -:,,,,,. Jll .:;. --J. i .f ...i:.t i. .7 " ..'" ' V"". Pi POSTSCRIPT. In a fetter from Capt. nlnbfidge to Com modort Preble, dated 12th Nov. after parti culiruin thedetptrate titiutlon of the fri very one of the generals present, should take the oath to renounce France forever, to die rather than Jive under Us domination, and to combat with the last breath for indepen dence. The central anirriated with these. sacred principle, and having given their u nanimou concurrence to their well devised projectof independence, have all wom to "poMcriy, and to-lhe, whole unlvenc, to rc v iiounce for ever the authority of France, ami in Aim rlir il..u Ittv utiilcr 111 OOmin- tion. Done at Oonaive the, firtt dy of the independence of Hay li, I t January, 1 804 Here follow the signature of desialines, Clervaux, ChrUlopbc, Petin, Giffrard, Vcr nct, Gabart, (Divuionary Generals,) P. Ro tnaln, J. Capoix, Sec. Sec. Sec. IK TBI NAME Of TOK tlOtlt Of Haiti. We, General !n chief of the armic of the late of Hayti penetrated with the knowlege of the good ervice which we have experien ced from the genera! In chief, John Jamea Deilinc,the protector of the liberty which 1 enjoyed by the people, in the name of in- gate, Uefire he trock to the enemy, aayt i dependence, and In the nam of the people, iw r. every nope wa iiea ci our injr able to get her off, and not the least whom he ba rendered happy i We procUimf lim Governor ueneral of ilayti, for life, and m.rM Jnypnfm knowing of chiming th I will pay any perf on wS will eppuhtnd tfmfaU negro, U reaped t, (mi ftr. and aw no alternative but !our v ft4 negro and him to mi, or lodge wW and make known the fame , pt, (h. coming prHoner toTripolii ac , m f n u-mior, pu jo iw i get tim, get unsuke him av,y, othtrwife be vW fo " " "lied, when they were tinani- K,Te him the right to proclaim wr, to muko Ibe above riviard ami mil rl.m:hl . 1,11 .tt, ,... .i.'-.n. ' tninil nfiku - yrivi, ii!f( Ilrlf fl IV frf( VfMHVII llltl II tl Mt irwaiwfts oar trnemy, e promUe to n imoliclt obedience to the te ntnally lc- )Aw iuued under hi hi amhoritv. the onlv council of the one which we ihill ever acknowledge i We ... -------- c- -; - Aaron Morir-in. MirZa C'etk, F4. 7, 1834. , jotf 1, t i. !! I jwm ouuiyan, uaoler. "ft'ih, 1804. .79. peace, Sc to riomtnat bit uccrtor. Done ft, heaiWiartcr at Gonairet, the lit Janurry, fr u to gel her off the rock, and that con tinuing in our situation would only be aacri--1804, first day of ihie Independence of HaU. ficing live witliout affecting our enemy, or Signed kc. (a above)

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