ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT. Mr. Randolph," from the committee op-' pointed in congress for that purpose made on Monday the 25th ult. the following report, which was ordered to lie on-the table. ArlicUs exhibited h th Heufe f Rtprc Jeniathes of the United Stales,' in the Kami of tbemfehes and of all the people of . the United Slates, agomjt o-tnutl Lbrfr 1 r - y . r ........ r . I . - Article V. V ajidconftitution, a conduft highly cenfur- That the conduci of the faid Samuel .able in any, but peculiarly irdecen: and 'Chafe- was marked, during the --whole vunbecomiug in a judge of thefupreme courfe of the ' faid trial, bymanifelf, in- -court of the -Untied States : and moreover jultice, . partiality .and intemperance.;" that the faid Samuel Chafe, then andthere, viz I It the Voters in the Counties : ' cmpofc? r - .en; In refnfine to poftpone the trial, althb an affidavit was regularly filed, ftating the abfene'e of materiaUwitne.fres on behalf of the accufed . : ,. 2. In the ufe of onulual, rude and contemptuous expreilions towards tne tD'Jlnl, of Wilmington and GESTtf MEN AND fELLOw. C IT 1 7.FN A S the election for elcclirg an h ,1,-fiJ under pretence of cxercifrng his judicial xX to vote for a Prefident' and Vice. pr,!;. right toaildreU the laid jury, as atore- fidenrpf the United Mates i$ approachin faid, did, in a manner highly unwarrant 2 take the liberty of preferring you x able'exdtehenumdrthe". .this,.' Addref to inform you that I w' faid grand jury, and of the' good people of Candidate for that important appointee,,. Maryland at'ainft ' thf povernrnentof the And krlirvirur. as I in. ihini.. " . t I T - . . .-. - ...... JJHIOI IIn!tH Qrufpe lw ileliiiprlni nniftlrins A , m' n I ft r i !rn it ihn f T I .. t -1 . one of the afToctaUjuJlices of the fupremc prifoner,.s COUnfe!f and in inftnuating which, even if the judicial authority were " pure, and calculated to fecure the ,ieC court tf the United States, tn maintenance tha tie wimed to excite the public fears competent to their exprellion, ona fuittb'le liberties and true intcrefls of tfs citiP,; -""j-tr-''' 6 and .indignation, to prouuee tnat iniuo-- -occaiion and in a proper manner, wereat Ihould 1 be honored with vim for mgt) ernes ana mtjaemeanors. , ortination t0 aw, to which ihe condud of that time and as delivered by him, highly . fr , r t r j 'ho judge did at the fame time maiufellly indecent, extra judicial and tending i nr. nnniinnin nr inp.uifmn .11 - . . i .. .1 10 of his ofSce, 'and" contrary to the facred obligations to which he flood bound todif charge them faithfully and impartially, and without refpedl to perfons," the faid Samuel Chafe, on the trial of John Fries, charged w'nh tTeafon, before the circuit court of the United State, held, for the tend 3. In repeated and vexatious interrup tions of .the faid counfel, on the part of the faid judge, which. at length induced them to abandon tlieir caule and their client, who was t hereupon convifled and condemned to fine and imprifonment ; A tn nn !nrlinl Crt 1 r I r 1 1 1 m il Tl 1 f I ft Pi ,ftr of Pnfylvaniam the city of . ,he faUi Samuci Chafe, for the ccn ' Philadelphia, during the momhs of April ;viaion ot , he accufed, Uiibcconjing even' and May, one thoufandight hundred, apuWic profec-jtbr, but highly difrace whercat the fa.d Samuel, Chafe prefided, flj ,Q ther characlcr oi a :udgc as it vvas did, in Iws judicial capacity, conduct , fubverfivc cf j (Hcc. . htmfelf in a manner highly arbitrary, op- . Article VI. ' prelTive, and unjufl ; vii . That at a circui, C01ir( 0f the United I. In dehvenngan opinion inwntmg, -cIa,e. (or ,he difliicl of Delaware-held .k a j. ' r i- .L n . . . ... ' , . . . . . - . .'. ' - . n I i i e r . .. 1 i . mi me 4UCH1011 m uw( on inc cuiuiruw at New Caflle, in the month otjune, one anlwer the laid crimes and mildemeanor$,f j. bdr.ea acres t,i..:iara iytnt tn tion of hiclt . the -defence oj jhe accufed ,houfand eight, hundred, hereal e - faid ""and that fiich proceedings, examinations, J fork of Black and South fiivtrs,t. - . materially dependcd. tending'to prejudice . Samuel Chafe prefided, the faid Samuel trials and judguwHS may "lie thereupon ' eluding fuid 'fork, juinirg lands 'j Join B me mina. or me jury againn ine taie or Chafe difcesardine the duiies ot his office, had and Riven, as arc aerceablc to law and Jars. did defcend fr'Om the dignity of a judge ' j' it'ee. : . and Drum tn thf level nl an liitormer. r?' r in iriclnS ?n c xou"' cl r "'-- byrefufiKg 16 iilclurge the grand jury, faid fries from recurring to fuch Englilli ai,houyh entieated bv fevcral of. the faid proditute the high judicial character with which he was invelted to the low, purpofe of an electioneering partizan. Arid ihe 'Houfe of Ueprtfentatives, by proteftatioi), faving to themfelves the li Ijerty of exhibiting, at any time hereafter, . :any farther articles or other acctifation or iinpeachment ogainft the faid Samncl -Chafe, and alfo of replying ti his anfwers which he shall make unto the faid article wrany of them, and of offering proof to all and every the atortfatd articles, and to i .rr, c i nil onit f vt ru el hr orlirli. ' ImrVartimont 'SllCriU,S OulCS or accufation, which (hall be exhibited y -n the oth. V M'J Mle , them, as the cafe (hall requite, do demand on Execution under the Court H.v.i that thfaiih Samuel Chafe may be out to Wilmington. a , maiornv uaiiv (ixiVwrw T 'rl3flrr m r l, . for lHOMAS J R F P E R SO N,, "to fac Preli. dent ot the United Slates. As for Vice-Prelldent, Tarn m tcpr.. red at this time to fay who I will voicdr astho gentlemen who will he candiJa'tl (or "thijtroffice are pot yet known. I am,. Gentlemen, . - Your molt obedient Humble fervan, D. GUSSON. Duplin, leb. 2, 1804. 71 if the laid John Fries; the prifoner, before - the cuunlci had been heard in his defence. Lilt ot Letters, authorities as they believed appofite, or trotn reciting certain llatutesot t e Unit ed States, which they deemed, iliultraiive ti tlu'politions, upon which hey intended to rcik the defence of their client. " 3. In debarring the prtloncr from his although entieated by fevcral of. the faid jury lo to co ; And alter tne lam grand Uiry had regularly declared, through their foreman, (hat llity had found no bi b of indictment,, nor had anyt prtfentmcnts to make, by obfetving to ihe faiJ grand jury he. 1 he faid Samin l Chafe, undeiltoud. cont)ituti()7ul-pMv,e'rcm ma. jurWlbroughhlS connftl) on the -law, as t H.(eA idcH.ln ih'e (late ot De aware. - .1 t :V I I I ...... , we. 1 as on me racr, wnicn was 10 ucier tnine his guilt, or innocence, and a; the lamr time endeavouring i wrll from the jury their indifpu'alle right to hear argument, aiid determine' upon the quef. lion of law, as well as the question of faft, inyolveil in the verdift which they wefc required to give. Article II. That, cor. " among a certain ciafi of ptoi le, parti- '. cularly New-Cad e county, ami more eipectatiy hr ttic lovni vi W(iwii,, where lived a mod ltditious piinUr, un ' rcllrained by any prii.cip of virtue, ' and regardltfs of focial order, that ttV; was bt name.ot this printer chckipg hiinfelf, as of the indecoium which rhat,-in confequence ofthis irregular, added, 41 that it might be i .dud of the faid Samuel Chafe, as dan- " fununii 100 muth to mention the nai .Jltmpining inrlte Post-Office at Wilmington, ! April , 1804. A Cipt. Wj Aikm, Cape Nathaniel Auttin ,Cpt. IX N h.niei Ft Adami.Capt J .ha AlianrCwi. M pKeu Anthony, Capt. Tlnii Aooeuon, MifiSaiah Adam , Klitha Arirt, The Hon. Samuet AOe a B Edw'd Bcabct, Joho B.-niley, Capi. Charlei Btunt, Roont Bari.Dauiel Bouucou, Timoiby.Blovd worth.l - WmH Tay; Kfifi Julia Bernard, Johii B.rrtit.Wot. Cox, Onfljw, i, Cipt. 1'hon.ti Chi d, Capt. niiur Child t. Capt. Cub it Chafe, Eenj 'mio Clityton, Capi. Ojaoiaa Coogar, Mia. Miyao Clicv.trl, Eflhrt Coxe ter, LuochCitBn, Peici Cipetrr, Hut ditb CrEu, Mis Mny dtik, Roger Cuttn i.StmuclC uife, - fUU.. n-Wr k.s- ( ,k. rout Am box I'. Rolen Dane ej Cipi.'Jamei Dciby, Altxaroer Ditoo, C,l.'Thimai , Doia.,nto.rl1 Joh, St h Dooev, Ch.ilta Dtaier t, Joimb.o D v a t, C .. Ihaiin Diti,-Sttphto DeroiBR, Eocaxtei Dimmitk, Jeihio D.rdti , Mot.fttur Duval, Cipi Liotoo Du ley. E. NuU Prggy E.ttood, Jimci EaUwood t, Capi. Tkomit Eon and. - '. ji.obloil.yik.Cipl. Lothiop FoQef.Jiio. Fifticr 1 . O. Jamet Co d Cochiai., cat ol bUncy, a. Gcoi GibDi, Cabncl O Claie, C.ipt. Ucoj.min VU. iki t, Job Galloway, RobcitGiUba a, Koweil Ciicr. fun, Mature! G-gry, H. Abnti llopion, William Haukiat, Capi. William 11.11, Wml Haundfe, Mm. Heiti. Huoper, Fia.dt if fcnfible, he was turn- af. unuiu' 100 mtitn to mention tne name gerous to our liberties, ras i is novel to -ufihis perloti, but it becomes your duiy, our laws arid nfagej, th-fjidJclnrFrks Ut fceieicnf , enqi,e deligcnily into WIS deprived nf the rl'dil. (rrurr.l tn liim .1'- . -. . .....i ,k ..i. :. . . . . , . - to" ' IIHS iua vl 1 iiu nidi wiiii iiiiciiuuu leoiv n.Ba Henrv ai M. UKAll.n,.'. M..k. ki by the eighth article amendatory of the procure the profecuiior. of the printer .liS?' yM U" U h Mlh' " .COD.tltutlon, and was Condemned lo death in nutltinn. ihe faid Kamtitt Chata did. 1. Thomai Iiifh a. John lamei. Edwitd tonei.Caot. without having been hraW, by counfel. in moreover, inthoritativelr enioin on the" " J.0' "' M'. iu,tk & fl,lhcP' diltncl attorney of the United States the ncctflity tf procuring a hie of the papers to which he alluded, (and which were un dcrliood to be thofe publilhcd under the title of " Mirror of the Timet and Gene. rl Advertifcr") and by alttict cxamina- .! e ... ... C. 1 1 it . .' m, 1 lion UJlicm iu niiu nunc I'-nagC wnicn, N.- Kicrard Nnu. luho Nich.u. tnkM... -might tuinirfl the gtOUtid.WOlk of a pro- Ot. Jjko .Olia 3 Atqjilitr Oaen. fecution againft the printer of the faiJ ! P,H'r f"3 J Pucher, Be fey F paper: thctcby degrauing !iis high jud ciai lunctioni, ana tcnuing 10 impair .public coiilidmce in, ,anUcrpect tor, tribiinaU of jullicc, (o tiruntial to the ncral weltate. Article- VII. And whcicas mutual u(i.ta and con. t:tfh'n.rl""'t,J' Mij.T5. A ftdence bet cm the government of the United State! and thulc ot tbc individual -ioo acres joining the (.fave lamK . - wco teres m tte. Jtrk of BLck end 116 Rivers, join 'ng lands f Join He ri.. 100 acres joining ir neur He fund. 2o acres tn tie e fl ftde if JjLnk Ran adjoining lands cf Jibn Curt it and lV'i'u U Realty'. ' ' " 500 acres on M'ore's Creti, about 5' milt ahbVe iU Bf'ugex t wbub it a r,i. 206 acres or thereabout adjtin r.g iU2 lwe trail. I.oacret .cr thre bouts, en'.hirt'n Creek, cdiiininr lunds ol Burlbsimtvi Hums, the fr' ttrt'rf Juwis liwen. 7 he plantation f Uillium J, mi. f cA tn Cyfrrfs Crtrk, vh'reon lenu fur;. WILLIAM lilUD WORTH, -SlJ. Wilmington, Apt il lotb, 1804. ' h's to the dil 'race of the charac. ' trt l i the Americjtilk-nch, in'manihlt vi. elation of law and jullicc, and in open contempt of the rights cf juries, on which t:'tinutelv reft the liberty and (afcty of the Arcctican people. Akticle III." T!.at, protrpscd ,y a fimilar fp'trit of ; prrfecution -and injjice, at a circuit iift nf the United btatcs, held at Ukh ir.fjrJ, in the month of May, one thou ( m l eight hundred, for thediilriff bf Vir- pir.ia,- w hcrcar the Vj'u Samuel "Chafe' pre. ty-ru,- i;U fticn a certain J-mes Ih..ii'pfn Cal.lcp.dir wji -iiraigncj f-ra Jifccl'm John A.'ams, Hen prtfi dentoti!c United Statef, the Sam Chafe, witli intent to ooorcfi. aid Wit iara Jtmea, Benjamin Juuican. IV KODtll Naif. L. Gtorge Luna, Capt. Divid Lincoln M. June. M'K.y, Walier M'Fai lane, Thorn, i M ultf by, John Mooie, Atua U La Ian, L-aoie't XI Fbail, Ceoit M'Kay, Uilt M.ry M Aiiiller, TnoM,ia M' Cauia, J. Be Maiun, John M'Ci quidale, Black. R.vcr, Miyor a D'oluotc, Ation Mot.n, Lva Cuek, a, r.ier a, MiUhi H'Moi.aid. FOII SALE, The following Traft of Land, Lj'ng in Sampjsn County, within ;o miles ff it gO'jd water cuft-r- OfsiE itacl tf fix luiditJ aires, n which is a Mod cwrllini b u't hit- ins fon;t repairs, a Kitchen, and slier in!- boujes, a go:d $rcbard of apple unJ f. trees; abut loo acres of aid Lid 1 cleartd, and the fnl is wU adapted ti-V; culture of Indian Cam, Cstton r,d Tifar -o. Tie land is , well th.t red u i:b Oj', Writ try and Pine, and affords a geat f"' ti'1 tf HgbtwifdQn uticb'vri eft n excellent Mill feats. One tther tncl tl altut four tun Jul in, 17 rennoyd, a nu.uaa fDli.oey 3, Capi, WlU atjnming I Of UOuVet ana COnVfh'eil I I- . ..n ?.emK. a Water coutf' : it it luttl ttmhniJ I n a '"C . ".OV.'4 Caws Jx kC, PhU tr ,;A'j.,.itt' thff "p K,,ul''M" aiaii Ruffelt, ; Tbuma RoocUu a, r . ' J r,lv'v" ' ,n " f","f -j num., j no.tioo. auaptea rotne culture tj maun Drn, L i: Lc" S. fiBwtit Sail aid. Caol. I.mi S.mfna. r.wM l nr.L ' I!.- f...ll tt? 1 1. . 1, . .. . ,,r.: ' i unit t uvuciw, ft t At tiifni iir imau 'r.r: iKHkmia, MaiiiaSvouit. and aff.rdt a food rangt j'r cuttle unl f'. procure the cnnviclion of, the faid Cal. Ii'tid r. did nvpr. t nl il- n . 1 t . 1 . , "ejT "'' wunc iiobe ducive to that public 1... r t, 1 1 . b " wnicn tnetc can be no I'CCJtile he hid made 11 .! 1 ... . . . .1 ,u j i uie liiu oamue L.iule. i.c pus tcaiiua Hom whci iKc wmdi Hates, and between the people and thofc arc highly ton- haimony, without tubhc happincff, d;Iicgarding ok witch is a t'.od cwellinr ttulr li. a Thompioo,c.o J.:, A,n c.u Joa. T.ot, tr (bed ami piazza, a fifll chn, a lift t niBtjB.B anompion, lu.btna laylui, caa ol Jtmci j L . - . 1 . . j 1 1. Allen, f2 JUn Mi h '4. and CJhuUtd ti V. Benjamin Va dtiluid. " mid a lorie Quantity tf fodder and hiyJ 1 W. uT Joh L004.' Tm" w ht-of No,f ,!k i"J Cnbd if vuri us kmds if Fnii. end jamet Wheeam Co. Ricbaia W. Walla. Robcn W 11 . ti r . ' we.lh, c.r, Jull,kaU-,lM, Se.a , w, T xcellnt Mill fat. iU . john LOKO, f m. $ix mintbt crt Jit will be riven f .r, ot , -III MIC ij.11,1 Ma. fttorn, and did fcrc oft the 'tiurjiedtoii libcllou,, in hc in.tifl.iKPi, a'"iiliniy f- 1 jury. Article IV, liai the cH iencc ii ' f,.i. T..i. - wumil 0; rha cf V.IICPJrf. Wa tl:.l l.fim!n..l f . . ' I IIHIIIVII .1 I S inn,. I '. . . tllL- atury pouiual harangue, wiih intent in excite lite fears and rilcntnirmt . ( .v,- r .. -tl.. f.M I! - . i laasi.iu I lie Sublcribrr m am -m ttlf tf ttf pw cbaft muney and Uvhs mnifi lor tbe rtm-iinder. Ari witn tho dutiia and it iniiv ot ! :.. il. . .1 , u. racier, did at a uiont conn, fonrcdil." '"f,rmt tie inhabitants f Pf'iimingttn, that gtod fecurity, will he 'tautred. Frler,i, Itict of Maryland, hld at lialiimorc, in t tas commenced the P'f ' Jufctioer tr 19 Altxar Lar the mt nih ot May, one ihoufand eight Stone .Cutting liufiticls, rot, In Sampfon County hundred and three, pcrvcu his tdTicial A 7 M oppfitt Mr. 2 U Mar . &TLPHEH CARROL. right andduty to addtefs the grand jury JiX Ih's, on I'nnce frett-and will te 'W ,8 ,E4, 78 uicn aim ireic ailcmbleJ. on ihe manr. tiMv It lent ihtf .,..1 l. , ...-.,, j w. wwj. ginucrnf-r, u ut u a! Z "?urr.n" v 1 "l. in bis line of hfireh.L VU) lie, Surgery anil Mulwitcry, niucl Cafe. o be riven : i ! " ' C " ? " M ;W T. h traced L .1, .'. i ii.w ,mio e i otieoi J rcliaii;ci in ihe iaJiflrrxnt , aj,,,,v -aj rt. "... . . y ' v J a ,.f, m ax, an ;;,r- abtut ten above Eln iteilt Atn. B.aJe Ciimnej rifCts, Unity office ,btm by calUng j. C,unty, N. CanlZ I a-i , . 9 S U,,,C,1,,C'- Alexander M'DowclI, April 10. ISoa., ... . .. . .i.i,ui.uj(;iinu mcif uate government, ' -IV April, IB04. 791'

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