M -er the character or a nation. . B ut plete rcc6vcry of the King of ' En-land. -In w r' HT) M N ( ' reaty of pea is made with the con- tribes of the factions xonte nding for tthe 1 h M 1 NUT O N, N. C 7 p.,en! : rnt w.r U ministry appear however to have continued. . TnpcnAV, APT? II . n. iro.i. a' -w 4,4 wk- 4 y w7 -proach, over w.ien a us : 7 v . v. , - . W:1P ministry appear however cea ea agu o ui J n Capt Mentor, also arrived at Boston from declared for the avowed pP a-! Alicant", informs that all the officer the it, the case is sUll Wse. The representa - . ai uc , nteen tivesystem does not put ,t m the power oi . - ' V. A 7l.m. h ,h. ped from the resentment of (he injured thjx tians; now triumphantly free and indepemStn are encamped near the city of llavanna, znii excite no small degree ofjealonsy and apprei individual to declare war of his own will roust he the act of the body of the reprcsen I-.-... ''! . j hension in the mind's of the feeble Spaniaitlji - A question, .interesting to the peop e of u ;3 asscited:"that the British have 4 the State of New-York m particular, and the . pos9ession 0f the city of St. Domingo, sll It in number, had been liberate d thvough the jnton generally, has been lately decided in ThT.nnISt cn n: spirited interference of the. French consul at 1lfe liegisature of that state ; a bill for- ex- J52?S of the Uaytian govtrnwmf oiiMwyv., --r- . . ., ,v. .v v : me i rencn iroops nan ecu lermuteu t& .... --r t.-: it.. . .An.(ihiNitwno are to ,. .... . k -" tpnriinir ns no-htii uro- iri'si r.ersons .. . ., -..k . n.-. .... . . Th. exp enr Th 'SaVe whichiihe peo- had found means to escape from servitude, & nd defying the aristocra- n'poieSZf 1 1 J?J of England are, now in, shews the ex- by getttng possession of a boat and putUng tic prin ;ipks which excludc! aJl from-voting lXiXecrmancl of in treme danger ot trusting tnisyowe. .iu . .., : . mtt inose. posse ssea i , ireenom prupc", iines, first consul for life. rfmrke of an iudiTiduah,. . whatever title ne Accounts received fiwi GibraUarannounce . hatl been introduced by a Republican mem- iriiy bear. In tbat country this power is.as- the sailing, from that place, on the 13th ot ber, and on motion for its rejection, there sumed by what is called the crown, for it is Feb. of the United States brig Argus, in .were ten Federalists in the affirmative, , and -not constituted by any legal authority.' It is quest of ft Tripoline privateer, which was said seventy-one Republicans in the negative. On -i branch from the trunk of monarchical des- to be out. . the question being nut on the clause cod- ' . . i . - i . i - c . i. i.'ii ' : . - .1 Capt. Howard, of the Jabn Morgan, (or- mining tne pnuupie o. incmn, u - lt. at night, after destroying a conslderal Pi ov. Gci. - Extract of a letter received per theHoui from Curracoa, dated March 14. " The British left this place on the nonsm. . .. . : Ar -r tip -'-i'" -- :-- o ' ' ... My mi inipu. y. . . , . rived at Mcw- ork) inlorms that on Jiving v .,.w.vw v.,...,.M,.. ..v. Vyv....r.. . part or the town; and have still a frie , wrtvrpnt of Ericr and have put every tiling ., ,,,. tUn a,u r m,k i, . ;Wpfi the ritr'it of suffrasre will considerably in- , , .... , ..... K fci"'" u. . , UitM"""'."15 ""1 ul '"'",i w , . n uiutKuiiiii uur iiiiiuuuii wnich turns mi1 to issue ; and no wise general .vrould .com. b Lieutenant f,.om on boiird Lol.d Keith's n-ease the already predominant Republican- a vc8se,s bound here, so lhat h is j ' .Wnce an actior .he might avoid, c'e fltct, who formed him, that he' had that influence mNew-orU ;. blc to get in. There is no lit sinews doi i ' ?.e;..;, . corning received inlormat.on ot a conspir-.- f here; and what is much against America "7'. 13 lu , "7 ' ' cy against Bonaparte, at the head ol.-bich . T IIM '.Ul V,,r v the covernor had prohibit! thP ftr am a -revolution, wmcn conw mcuuy -w "... ... ..vr., .. .i ..-,i ,i,.n tliree ot the l'ennsvivania ju.Oces.lor their . ..... , ..... . . ws m i r riTiH ri m vasion ; includes that of Ireland, stand now on same, ground llL,y was the celebrated Moreau, and several othtr - three of the Pennsylvania Judges inF 'nf .hnm h1 -misconduct towards Mr. rar.smore, Jiioe over 9 dollars per barrel. No Spanish pi "- vernment Bav a pike in their possession hat part the people may nnf, e(,VP1.fli ntiiPts Breckenndge (the other Judge) has addres. . . . . -.,..1. wvv. uwiwvivm tvivmv m.im .Hv.nvi ------- . .. .. r r rr . r We leran with rrnl nlpaiif. tVinl ,,-L. was not on r . . .. '." ' " w?" eardinits """'anenng subsists between ull e ts lacf u,a,lcne w me royal lamiiy. i he Duktfof finally take ,n a contest pregnant witlvuch c,cape.And further infer- 1 a letter to thellouse o Repres an issue is yet to be. known. , .By the : cxpe- - rnment Jiad rts. that State, requesting, tho' he , r.ment o ra.smg the country in. mass he go- . . M thcW (Mo. the berich when the question was rnment nave put arms ,nio. nc nam s oi ; a3sis,ancc. Several men of -war different Stnges,as he was present on the last y k h' y - - ' ' d af en vrhom they would have sent Jo Jrtany v ' . y c hearing, and as hp cannU say he did not take punarreSe iy but a few monhs before, had ljcyfond Some them steeicd ? P"t in the decision, -nbt hav.ngdissente, ' " ' "P" The honour of .. .. . . . i i j ... i . oc" uy me i rmccs cr oi miuiarv ser re f,r Cherbourg, off which place he hear! a lm u, ne .may J9. oi an entire reconciliation has taken place. J '' .i iu iti'tr was i cicrrca - r i, j . r- , r . : '' iiicruours, on which pmce nc ncan u '. . ' . .tlm project, wh.ch is copied fron F ruiKp, b i mpeathed officers. ( '.'l hisle .claimed by Mr. Put; and no project of his ... to a committee, who reporte h ,s yet succeeded in the end, except that of Dispatches hi.dvbeen received from Lord wsolulion which ,wa8 tonc, .i . i . i... All Nelson, fivincr nn nrrnnnl rf tK ,1.tpiu monl .. ... . r r .. ii 'Oi? ' Of WILMING TON. irted the following .... .w. -..-w - ,.-,- xti . r -11. . . resuiuwuii wiin.il yao Luiituiicu ill uy 111c raisimr me taxes ?.n ruining me oiiu.. in - b b -..v.u....u. t.,v "-hviik... i.nnc, ci ina hi schemes in the revolutionary war oi "su y.c cy , i Resolvd that a committee he appointed r:i.i r... r.:k.l - In li at Which nlace Jus "JortlKhm hart Aniwntwl - - .. . 4 1 i nutcc tancu ui.i-vc? ...m.. "-7ir. r.... to draft an address to- the .-governor to re- -kxtkred ikcb our last .....l-.. irnnn..n.i., . ,..,. ...to .t fr nn with Dart of his snuadrnn. and demam -fl sa. ..... . " - . . - , . f- ami.x. lasi UCUI" , ..... . .... . . , ... V I";--," move lluprh Jicnry MiackenriUKe ironi of- Br tr Industrv. Cook. CharW .unexampled series ot good fortune, Mr. I'm ittVl,w,,""w,nc" u,e "eyreiusea 10 give. fi ... ' km,'- n,,. n tT ,V 1 ,,.i !Qm f,,- .rnntnrt f.tp; anrt hi. His lonlship thonirht it improper to com- . .-. .-. .. ... .. cu rueiunce, Uiown, bt.hust . a, of P; he -ence hostiiitie, without the consent fhU aJ Ia n .t J nnL.mn nf r. covernment. and wrote home for orders. Va"tteJ-tliat i! e ocrnor.ha? rejected the Brig -W iJiam & 1 homas, Thomas, .-St. p m.,..,. , v.. w,. ....... v.-.- . . . - application mane py the legislature for re- rtholomtwj. lorm o. pari.amem, .e0 n s.Wr ,. w pssengers n tne jo.m ior- niov,in(? jud ijrackenridge ; by observing, Barque Pallas, Marshal, St. Ceorge,GreA,!i rltc., ....... 5?:. Jfe h!" I" d hat ,th honorable body had done many UA Vigilant, Cameron, ; ' ' ,c w,r,-..i r - v u,i ou. ... i..rti,, tn UlinRS which iev ollght not Xo ,iave donCf Soo Kcbecca, Crokei, ' Char! iu.ei ..uuauK,,.. m,- ..c-u i u v.uiH. v.oew, and ,cft un(,one lhose lh n which they - Sch'r Three Sisters, Simmonsr .-.people of Lnglaud have within their glance commander of said ship, then at London, OURht to have done." , vji.i hw , the benefit ofexpsrience, both in theory and stating, that the British (lovcrnment had is- fact. This was not Uie case at first. The sued orders to prevent the sailinc of all ves- rr,t r . r.r. " . -NOMINAL PRICES CURRENT American revolution heganon untried ground, sels from Kngland. The Chatham was from February 26, 1804. s ' ine represcn.auve 1MV . '. ' . ( cw....R ,,nu,o Amstcwam, .u won The French and Spaniards seem almost in , Mras then unknown ,n prac ice, and hut little dercd away from lhat port by the Bntith. a state of Rebellion here, as they are com- n, .thought of .n theory. - 1 he idea that man . . dcprcdatl0ns a,m08t cvcry da BACON per cwt. must be governed by effigy and show, and LONDON Tdmarj - -'nv rahWin nnrf "L?iL B" P b- Bc that fiupersutious reverence was necessary There have been tumours that a Man of ti,,.. ati..t.i. .. Z' j . i .i h',. Cotton per lb to establish authority, hd so benumbed the Begency had been digested ; but in f,e pre- iast ;ffll. 1 tVF u.. ' .Mfm Coffee per lb. reasoning faculties of man, that some hold sent circumstance we apprehend nr.himr of i il?..i.-.-.. .. v. -..-... Corn per bushel. ,.io.i- ir :- " .v "' "r. james jonnson, i. . , At triLuiscros, April 24, j.C4. I rum Tol 9 u 18 v 14 28 90 ?5 1 8 9 23 10 iO 2 so-: 60 t: t-xertion was necessary to shock (hem into this kind is in contemplation. Ti-llection. But theirxpenment has fnar!c. The practice of almost thirty the la.t twenty of which have been ii'iiwiuiMamiingine svrong-iicaucu uimuiiu- ne nauon naturally extct that t1L.m. thev immediutelv nA r... .i" j" " ous adm.n.strat.op of John Adams, has pro- tne report of the Physicians 'will sue a de- whcn MrJ:t compttny 'fircd , !oub, b;;'.r! W. o. ,U do. rough, red the excellence ol the representative srs- c.c.vc progress in his Jlujesty's ncovery. fowling piece and voundeJ two of them, one Shingle, per 1000, cm and the KKw woR,.D ,,nowthc prtcep- 1 he Bulk- ins which at fi, n Mated he King ofhichorullT. men day light appear osc. per gallon, or of the old. The children ari become he lunch ,, .disposed, w,l not merly state ed, thcvHrackcd themby the Lod, S, Pork per barrel, plenty, the i ra t hen or their progriutonk hat the King rather better," d again tw0 of t'hc villains and C(fnveved Ricc Cwt' . With respect to he 1 rench revolution, it "rather better, making ocl.rep.rt refer I have since heard they have taken aevtrai R. W.I. pr.B.3!p. wis begun by go.id men md on good p-.nn- back to an illness alarmingly amounccd, 0.lieri. Our danirer is sod. il, 1 1 1" . Jamaica do. 4th do. Nrn, a...i i i,,c .l-voy, bbhr.i .t w.,.ui while the stages of amrndrornt arc imper- been three niirhts on natrolo Vmrr n,J N. E. -do. h .ve .one on so. barf not the provo.a.ive in- cr.tly marked. The public therefore naturally va . uSt tZ S I S m in, f!l n Tobacco p,r cVt. terrcrrnee oT foreign powers, of whch I Ht look to the report i,rthe IM.ysicU.s, as that.in ,cS l fe" thTe Tar per barrel, was the pnmnpal and vindictive agent, dis- which, without being distracte by vairue re- r i ?u rS! -? v " . d" Turnentin- tracedit into !-!,, and aon jealousies ports f conjccturis, t y S ful, aslhe l rench and Nmardi are deter- I""1'"" : iiiv.ii (.uiiiiiiriii none nai ni lime, i r . : ii l , , . . J ovc very icit rcjruiar troops to rtrevenr . .. . . I . them. iVhiiaJL betA . laken Up, and comnuitt tl to none 13 U - 1 15 H 75 5 50 1 A 1 25-1 il 4 -4 4 3) The people ofl-.nand have now two re- ty's hcalth,and of conrse the natural rnn.f.f,,. volutions before them. . The one as an ex- tional cotirstof the government, will sreedily ample; tV nh:r as a virn'mg. Their own be restored ; those reports should be cilcula wtslom will direct tlu-rt. what fohoofco and tedto rnforre llrli rmiPwI. ... v. wiuiiukiiii. 1 1. aid i what tosvnid, and in evi Commercial Information.. of the (Iovernor-(W neraI -At the request the ,rrv thm.r which re miner a crisis of miUir nv.. n, .w. w " ,c'" . the ttt gar.u tht,r Inprnncss. combined with the nation should have the ron.ol .HnA f , v"""1" "'w ' "rc '"'rmcu VV Gaol in this town on I fit Zth injt A Nf gro IMan, 70 r AinW JOHN I t'unmon g-oi nour and v A TIKMA3 IW1NC. March 4, t8n, - hvMMPcs, co.nbincd with the nation should have the consolation oknow. a Vargoes m a bVh d a oTK VV fvmlrl, 1. ,1 cf mankind, I wh them ho- mg on the best authority, lhat his Ma cstv is 3 "7?!i n!L.- u '".. , ""h r. I F-rifJ PhlaSJhi. A. r.'.'t.s.. a most will. ' " " "-rM-, '" s in me . , , . ; ' , ' V Jurti.tr war. jrtm inmcr n rrtnet, ufwi ju a't - n Saturday recounts were rccclvcJ.of an., - - - I. II. C. llF.lNTKrV "v W, and lefrhlm MrrtJrJo fiU ein.mr r Iw-!.. 1,,: n .t. ...... r r . .. ' . t ' '. r V iwriw i ranee, . vorumcrcial Atrent. maier erwgoi d rrom winch it u inferred., that the tnny ri.iladclnhia Msrtli 30. b trei itus h the late , OOO: " I.A IF.ST FROM EURO IT., Means rnmcd'utelr to atK-mit the isvasion. Orders have been sent in ermstfpicncc to all the Naval stations along the Coast. F. revaul'nw. nn4 , t,: i,t From Washington, fril II. a-farfure Jr rranre. Hey rrhdti t ..?,.. ly in FhildfUa, afttr rvhitb Jt f I ff . t S M A . -i ihemomi, of I'cVu .ry, evvr.. expedi- ,'i,,1 ,u'on u,c ,ace r,l'c crc was one 1,,40"' ,w,lcrc " nf oi December, 1 " I" 7T ' ' tiims.:fr,un..o..slnd.adedr.omBo.,rdcaux CTU lo mi,,ion K Mipula:ed lor, "P" ft ,hc pnents '. , 71 ' i V- i ft. ;VW,, nM.!,vP .rufyr Hidoir, one ofthenrin. h,ch vrcnt into ,he P''v' pocket of the ,0Jhc Kr,",d SlKn'or. csompon'ied by several " w.OI Wfftri ht6nJ(lm Maj-thul ,mi u--jM.!, ,. t:,c invming hires, these ' a' lB ,,un"r . T I officers of distinction. 1 trust this capture Htari tf ggt, fptali Brt t fa mi r, u f;zia a J I JXr mm . j ,i l.nU u.i,.r,.n. m ... ii . . , i . . Ti... . . .. .. .... will cive tii considerable idtiniit m nmn. lilh. ana tat a lrr mm ... i.. . . u'innen, poic "ri oi inc rrench fleet havinsr ei- .. 6 6-- - vn "H-n-..!, a very I.eai.Jy rigged, acme ha- Tf".1 Nelson the slip at To, Ion. .L nf l"SP." if frc f-i .... ...u, ouiirs two p.ect, of heavy nrtille- h' h'Ptming aRer lhi-m wifh evcrr Tv! v t JJ,j"JW-,, ' r:. 'Rrsai he couM carry, u tot' l.ollv dis. r, . Aw-ftr, ,Wi A 30.. M1 'l fa KrV. et.n!tarithe ... '.?rl,'. !-'o,orr, we find thai no credited, tho' w.ntin,? ' ?J L? t1'" . Hy captain Butler of the I lope, from ;,. AtY w,. i A Ahl?J'r' .v.M.., , mrrest , ncirPl.,, , . - ....... ......v... tlaloi.pe, e understand that tit Mochad. heitfeWired ,1 ' ' ' T'J V M-rch. ih ihrau fcn. prrp.r.i,, of for f h fi i':rrC '',r m ,.,,a'! "n fU,,icn" 20th or rtbYu.ryj that 'IZ ,1? mt J tr lbltt.fl. inf ;0f,H nrcl.f , c 1 ""rhcr.NW.ta m com- Martinique was closely Uock.dcd, and A me- ft' .-V ?V W "' 'W ' " nurmc f ,rcc wis nnrc Uu or l?J! 11 ' ,U'C T?" ?( ,hat f'rerencc, ricsns bound Iherc, would be laken and con- ubt'u 'Je h W h dtah uith j the i I'4! will be:rr.l.f mldr, wasi ton lumUr 28 dollars 1000 fect-bcrfU- ' Jolm SulllVAri, Gaoler. K'r! unbare h uIIku, I.i I in .' SceheMnrf ? i,,nBl01 W,t 'd" 6-nc.,r 7-ssh fish 4-tau. 33- W,lmlntln Xsr,7 jV ,tl l.".Io-i p,,,, lf ,,,,' 0)J. V ',M,r,,-y 'Rhtto Urtl .Mo,r, rerpiesf. , '"'.., ,.jri, tt,.rj li!cl j.,.,,, wfhtf tortlrSt'lilcriincc hhall poisi- Upwanli of 2000wrll armcdrrench lrcrr, BLANKS Mviai viuicis, wi.oiaiciy eca . Ttr Satt el thit OJ.et,. wa r Ibi fire fi ice L 6, t M r . i e b b J