JO The Sublcriber, PURPOSING to leave this State early the enfuing feafon, requeflt thtJe who indebted toiojnak payment on 6r beire the firfl day of May next s and thofe to whom he is indebted Jball be paid on trefenling their Jtccompts. . ,. ... , HE OFFERS FOR SALE. HIS Retail Stock of (J U v v o, COmprisingasmall v DRY GUUDo, , Hard Ware, Groceries, Liquors, &c. The pur chafer will have the privilege Boxes brovrn Sugar, tf the unexpired term of te Leaje oj tbat corn, very eligible jituation now occupied by the Bacon FOR SALE Under . Direction of S H UA POTTS. miminrton. Abril 24, 1804. QUARTER Cask Sherry; Wine, Hhus Molasses, Ditto 3d proof Rum, : Pipes Spanish Brandy, , ; . t Pipes French do. . Chests Hyson Skin Tea, . ' Kegs 8d. Nails, , Barrels Philadelphia Flour, Ditto Fayetteville, . Piano ForteFor Sale, A well tuned patent fecond-hand onc.'The price in Cap is Ninety five Dollars. ' v . JOHN LONDON. April 9, 18042 - 79-p-4W.- . 7" RULE Of the Superior Court of Lam for the District .. of mmington,' MAT TERM, 1804. - . r 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and5thdaysr; rrHf fubcriUrs hrnby ..gtejnfa, ; ; . : H . f Bladen, Duplin.Ons- ; A that fh,y haw qualified as h itt utqrs 6th) 7th and 8th daysJ low, and without the lajt will and frjtwntnt of Jojph Dsn, V. (District. deceaftd A l prrlsKS indebted to the eflute 9th day Criminal. . '.. J oj the jata jejifn are requtnaio mane pay- lotu day, Argument wanted; A VESSEL or two to load fir Nor folk, Vlrg. for which a liberal price will be given - ;ni6mas J. Beatty. R; Langdon. Wilmington, 6th March, 1 8oy 74 JOHN MACLELLAN, H AS FOR SALE, . 200 Barrels Tar, ' 40 do. Pitch, 80 do. Pork, A jejs Hgfheads and Barrels SUGAR,4 April 9, 1804. 79. Ten Dollar? Reward. Barrels Mess Pork, Spanish Segars, . Crates Liverpool Ware, . Kegs manufactured Tobacco, . 6 Pieces Cannon 6 pounders, Bags of Oats, One Case Letter paper, Do. do. Dutch Quills, Grind-stones, Sawed Lumber, Spars. Chests Young Hyson Tea, Boxes China Ware, Ditto German Steel, Ditto Cotton Cards, Ditto Wool Cards, , Kegs Spanish Brown, te im.. t 1 went and air pffons having demands w gainft it are required to make them known within the Vme prtjaibed by the Acl of the Generul AJfmblyx tntitltd, ' An .acl to aj tnend an aci entitled an afl concerning pro ving 0! -.wills and granting Utters of admi- 11th, 12th and 13th days, Equity. : ' , JAMES JV. WALKER, Clerk. Sheriff's Sale. ' M 'Thurfdaw. the lilh' ,( ntr mjlration, and to prevent frauds in the ma. yj w!h e , f6U at ike Court-Houft in giment f f fite 0a, ies er BrunjM County, to pay th, Ukes 'ue thy will be barred by the operation itJA thereon for the iarOlS 60,000 acre tf Land, the Pr?perty of ucl. J. G. WRIGHT,) K. BRADLEY, . HAR'I MAN, i JV timing on, 6tb April, 1804 Executors. 80 4:1 John G. Blount. IVm. S. GKESSETT, Sheriff. April 2, 1804. 78 11 UNAtrAJ from M juocrmer en r . 1 n 1, a r JLV-9W.1V'. avegrnman name urtRU. DUto six.penny NiiiS, , LIN A, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches, high, 22 years CoUs Cordage, . j- ' " ' tf itge, well made and of common cimplex. . . . . ' ' ;. tan, and an artful, phtufible fellow, It is . , probable he is gine ti (Vilmtngton, or tl Lil rTfrlE partnerhip of JOSEPH Dean iipuf,aid may be hirbwed by the negroes in X and KinGsley Thurber, under that quarter or at Town-Creek. . Alujl-rt of crm 0j j)tan & fiurber, being d'fjihed vejfels jnd others are hereby forewarned by the death of the frmr, oil perf .ns ufo employing, or carrying him away. ' The a. ravt accounts unftttl d with faid firm'Tire. . bove reward and al reafonalle charges will rtqutfled to prefmt them without delay for i be paiih ay perfsn.who will apprehend atjujlment.And all thofe who are indebted faid negro and deliver bim to me, triage by note or other wife ore requeflfd to make ) Lilt of Letters,; Remaining in the Post-OJfice at Wilmington, April I, I804.-L- SUFFERS hit fervices to the Inhuhitants wi aw,., p.... ki !:.f in:. . r.. I I - .. J .... - John Baptifte Gabriel Dnyen, House Carpenter & Millwright. pfceo Anthony, Capi. Thoictt Anoeiion, Mif Sattb lictts employment in either or b'dh oj his pro ' im . Ei.ftw Arlet, The Hou. Sirauei Artie ; fefjions. Be'mg an tnlire granger, he hat " Robert B.rr, Die. Bauticou, imofhy Bioodwonh, thtng Uzrecommind him lo thefavcr tf Win. H, Mm jutia &tim.d, Johu Birtnt.Wm. thr Public, but priffffimt tfn tharr.t,flk Cos, Onflow, 1, Cipt. 1'hun.a Cbiid, Cp. Anhwr l?t tf his bufinefs, indui ry and ottentitn. y.... , y.P.. v.(,Bj...... r" ii)hteh he frutswilnot be doubted. tho h.m h'.any gatl in this flite, fo that J. get tjvnunt m. J AMES FLEMING. ' " . Bladen County. 7 Btlmount, April 16, 1804. S 381 tf. K.-1HURBFR, furviv'mg partner. who may favor him 10'tth wvrk. ' Wilmington, April nth, 1804. The SubfqribT Informs the inhabitants rf Wilmington, that he has commenced the WHO OFFERS FOR SALE, on liberal terms, 7be Brig HERCULES, . Jjinii and hurtbcnf'mr fonign-bwlt veftltof 22s tons is well found with cables, anchors U riggi"g, te Jent to ft a at a fmall extenct. AUrch 13, 1 804. 75 Candidate for that important appointment. And believing, as I do, that the prefent FOR SALE, A J !!!..! .1 If P . . - . mm. .X V t luminiiiraiion 01 inc uniiea oiafei is XllC following 1 raCtS Ot Land, T footers in the Counties eompofmg the Diflricl of Wilmington and Hampftn County. . ; ' CENTtBMEN AND FELLOW CITIZENS, AS the election for electing an tlcclor to vote for t Prefident and Vice-Pre- lident of the United State is approaching, . , . 1 take the liberty of prefenting you wih 4 may te Jen this Addref., toinfolm you that I am a ilmngton, liberties and (rue intcreds ot in citizens ; fhould I be honored with a majority of tour (nifrae, I pledge my honor to vote for Thomas Jrfferson, to be Prefi dent ot the United States. , Ai for VicePrefident, I am riot prepa red ar this time to fay who I will vote fur ; as the gentlemen who will he candidates . iat tint office are not yet known, lam, Gentlemen, Your moft obedient Lymg in Sampjtn County, within two miles tf a go.d water courfe 'U ONE trad of fix bundled acres, cn nA'rA it a P(,od dwellinr houe hav ing fo.e repairs, a Kitchen, and otter out a - , houjes, trees l' Oo.duti Congii, Mn, Mityta Cluv ti, Elinet Cox Icr, Cipt tuucb CoRin, Feier Carpehter, HoiLduh. Coffin, lln My Citik, Rbgrr Cuitu t,bmuti duife, Johu Campbell, Ca(h Alley Sign cf .he foot AuUioc. ' V. Robert iJuncin, Cpt. J. met Derby) Alexander Dnn, Cal. Thi m LotKiouo.ft, Johu Dulnmii, ie.b JJobey, Cluiie Dcxier t, Jon.tb nDiv.ii, C ihann Diii, Stephcu Dfming, Ebcuctei Uimmiik, Jeihiw DrUti, hioiilieur.Uuval, Ci(.t Liotua Du.lcy. t. Mill ?i) Eittwood, Jamci EaUwood , Cpt. TLomit ig tut. K. Ji.ob Fuileyih, Capl. Lothrop FoQer, Jno. Filler C. J.mei Co.d Lucmab, cue ul B-njauun oianey, 1. a , Cejitc Uibbt, GaLiiel C. CUie.CaU Benjamin CiL- A , , an: . Jobo Gaiioway, RobeiiCiobi a, Koueit Gntr- JL X tin s, lo. , la(relGi(cyi -1. H. Abotr Hupton, Wil!'um Htwkica, Capi. William "-" llauridge, ,Vtt, Hnei Hooper, fia e Hemy, U.hui ilcoiy at Mr. M'AUiUei t, iSain.n Al. 11. e. I. Thomti Iiilh I, John Javei, Edward Jonri,Capt. Ri baid Jo ei, Samfua M. lTtackt, Ifaacka St. iltlhop, Wil iam Jirrtfi, Bcnjtmio Jyuico, . K R0641I Kair. L Geoie 1. .(.at, Capt. Djvid Lincoln, M. J. mi. M'Kiy. Waliei M'Failaae.TbomiiM .utitV by, Jcho Moie, M La Ian, Daotcl M, Giort M K.. Mila Maiy M'AI.Hler, Thon aa M'- ' C.utt, Jell. ImIio, Jono M'Carquid.le, ick River, TAKEN UP Mavar m U'loore. Aaioo Uoifio. LC Cieek. t. Fur M.ii.u I, Murdack M Mo,.ij. jnj committed to the Gaol of N. Ric arr Nioi, John NictaJ,.Job Neelt rt O Jobs.oiivc. 3 Acquiiier Odea. this county, on the 2 1 in(t . inn l-ieoii. JL JL Mitchell, fays beiiftee (but without R. David Rate, Ml Caiot Rowe or JoCt Cox, Phi. a fieri to (how'tt.) and tame to this tern Stone Cutting Bufinefs, the fhop opprfitt Mr. John fifar- Prime firedand will f? happy to fetve thofe gentlemen who may have any demindt in his line of bujineft.m He has a Jew Marble Head and Tomb tones, and j'ome bandjome Marble for Chimney Pieces. They can have an oppor tunity tf feeing them by calling at his Jhop. Thomas Gilfefpie. April to, 1804. 79; . 1 . . 1 I W ' m m . V arfiflr AAA I M tin a TtftlfD ' iv.. .. . t. n rr .1 1 . m. 1 . "" J jr.. . .. it - !, crm i.. ituth.Cr, a ta is ihowaai ioo. .. . 1,4 hx Ul ttarh'YlfihiViVt' about loo acrei ot lai ileartd, and the foil is Wtll adapted to in Wi,lkillli fc0ll A ci fcWarlWj, C.pi. Saa..l wtb Mr. Edward Cn) ft, tf Chart, (Ion. culture of Indian Urn, Cotton andTobac kloti..i, M..ii. Ve.u. The (aid net ro has been fmce at fea, aS co. Tteland is CM. 5 He is about Hickory ond Pine, and otfordsogi eat quan- ' ;fcoBB,0.J . ij.beiu i.vlor. it't ol J.. xeort e are, five f,et one inch in heirht ' JL Humble feivant, . titj V I'mwm mkk f Art., Aiwa. thin vifoge,JUrt wo'diybtr, and tasftme "T " D "GLisSON. Duplin, rcb. 2, 1804. 71 0 'r oitutfour hundred fcCo w w,lUt Robt(l w, .f, be fys ht gitwilh a'i end Y . ' hcres adjoining the above, and cenvthitnt to Htio, iifl. jun.w Weioa, CaPi Se.e.y wiio. 0 ytaU tr a Vtjjt at fta o. . a water courfe 1 it is well tmbt,ed, haia m , JOHN LQKP.f.M. . r f-(W olicrilt oaiCS. l;Pttwood t tbe foil 11 fertile and Mr...LiJ .,r I. r,el,i t ttm fr. thehdirfMar nexlw;ilbefJj'j-,J,ih FOll SALL.' ...Jj.vli on Execution, under tbe Court. Hiuf, in Hh andTobacce, it exc.l.ent Jorfmatt ', ' ;.'7-AInM 't c Weft go, and take bm away, othtruift kevUlbe Wi.minihn. MmJ aabrit a ft,d rante ht cattle und bgi; A H,ANTVriON on the bOVen ...... J. rEt4rtiniwf LandlyU, in the ,H h god dwelling boufe witn a JTX W. of N. W, : I K.v.r, 30 mac. - - - ' Q , VAr e 4 South Ai,,,. r ., j n.,- - 1 a barn i Iru.n Wilmington, cal'cd - -..J0,m Julllvan waoirr. nt laid firk. ioiaira lands of 7amr,L a... Ll0h 9 a lw li.. and calculated 10 Snritlt? Ittll. -ffl2, I8O4. 79. W tm A - - BAA or I til rl J ' T, " ------ " ' Ten Dollars llcwai d. cludi 4 S tart. l.u ir fiuantlt r.l fodder and ray a . .0. f 4 300 acrtt joining the tine land. , .rA Crchuid of k,nds tf trait, and bted wJm pfM on the uylanJ and OAK 2CO acrtt ,n lie tirk of BLck and Smth -.n.mi Mill fiat. .k. u... ,k nn. hivert, jHmy lands tf Join Herring. six months crtdit will be give fir one mic-On which is gocnl two UoryUtll- T) AN away from the fubferiber tn the wcret jvwngtr nc,r tit above land, half tf ne purtbaje money ana iwttye jn.uoUe wtu ficd Kitchen, Smoke. XV 28A Dtcembtt lafl, a Negro nan nt- , 1 p Hcufe, Stable, and a convenient biore- m,d10M He it about $ JtetHor 9 1.. red. ftr terms. r . . c . .... fn.n...1M 1 i-.l 1... tl.. f " ' r 1 1 nn 1 in au nix I -M .liiiin ww mm j nil, iw w r w anir raxaM m r a r w ki j w wt f v i bii r itr mar awwi ' ' j 9 f ww 0 oei n the eal fide of Black River, month t for the remainder, adjoining Unds tf John Cume and IHlliam end fetunty, will be require 'nr..l,. . . . . . afplytotke fubcribtrorl. Ale nand r Car rntltub ve tit B'Uge on whitb is a new Siw-M,tt, .. aerttor thertoboutl adioininr tie fl bne tract. ' Hoaetti or jhtre4tuti on Mure't Cr(lk, adjoining Undt of Bartholomew , the pnperly J J omit Kgtrs. 7 h plantation of tt'tllimm Jontt, Efq tnCyprrft Crab, wrton he now r, fides. WILLIAM liLUDWORni; st-s. If liming tt Apiil loth. tSof . w.l. In Samtlon Ctuntt ' STEPHEN CARROL kepi. Plain it of a black covfttxi,, and hat March t8, 1804. Kmii lliint tour. 7b 4W t tooj Apple and PcKh Orchard, and a Nuifeiy ol riuil 1 rees ci umcreni kinds. For terms, irpiy to RODF.RT SCOTT. Wilmington, Dec. li 1803. The above Plantation is fituatcd In Alexander M1 Powell. "Sin ireeble neiKhborhood, idjoiol Jtffif, 1?04. 70317. White Hill Landing. Mr ww w -w -m ' rhere are 100 cre of the land deateJ, j(r on the fidt of his nyt. It it foppofei 1 upland it alouf Mr. Swan s, on Latfjh, or im Phyfic, Surgery and Midwilery, To be pr ail fed by the unJerfigned, mho rtfidtt at JAMES S. PURDiE'i, Ifa. about ten milet above El'ualeiktown, Blattn County, N. Carolina. mimiretcn. All moftrs of viftls, and ther' are hereby forwamei harbouring, em ploying or Jbpptrg faid five Tim. will fay any perfon who will apprehend faid negro and deliver him to me, or lodge him in Wilmington gool fo that I get him, the abovd reward and alt reafonable chargtu Aaron Morgan. , Morgan Crtti, Ftb. 7, 1804.

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