i Tir T T - "i T T-:-XT-'0'.'T"V 'f ': si a r-J !rx hp nn tt ' 'n ". ?! DL"' '"fJr'1 " '. P UBL??,IlED f""3 BY A. HALL W&W, CLARK- TUESDAY, MAT 1, 1 1804, trot. riu. no. 382.' fKOK tHl NATIONAL I NT t L tielMC IK. uu"i on or ttfRitiNT cbn9er. can be hound over io tinWo ihs Ydir rnemeralia by no 'mean'- i(hei to be. I - t it 1- 1 it '. t . ' TH1 u"fTD ,T4t"v enquiry of a erand iuiv. without fuc! an accu- underlKiod inTinuaiinij thai filth wa(he ioien. -' . rs , : . I , Th mealue, in ui luiii.tioo, hiving beeo amply tad . IiReR to any accuiation ag.inft a mm, nor en- for the body by which tt was aoihoriled, tor- . u .'.'' J ably ii.t.gted on ib fl or . f co.pttVa.e4 tne de. WITH the refpect duo to a branch of ihe quire into hit conduct, much left put him upon bidi him to hatbour fuch a fufpicioj). But fucht " " .'- f 'rnpinion'wTi Zl ,hw!0i"? dj'.iuov' SK!, of hi. country ; but wiih the frank- h,a trial by finding a preferment agaiutt him, may he the eBefl, and fuch it mull be, ic bin , , .J , to the iUI by the 'conftlwiraaU tribilaalwruirTe n' wb'cn confcioui and injured innocence hai unlef. fuch an accufjiion fo fupported be firtt appfehenfmn, unlefi your honourable body, -by . onnecrff.ry and premature, and might, io it operation l'gnl oa(Tume, and which an earl, . zerlous, ' - adduced and ihe perfon maliciouflv isfligitipg prefetrirg fpecitic charge! again ft him itntnedi. , j be injurious, particuhrly to the actufed. Wedo not, and contlant (upporter of American liberty the eiiejuirj it liable in cafe it mould Ve rejatled, a'elf, (lull enable hiin lo prepare fpeedily and. j ?ylhe,r,e"'rk'."wi(hittobeundcraood atouropin- ought to ufe? your tnsmoraiifl opproachei your io a fuit for reparation by the accufei ar-y'. eflicacioufly for juflifying; hit conduft and dc. ' t "e"ll tiVa SlhltWii' honourable body, to lay : kit compUntt at your ; 'Attlbefe jiA and humane prov'.fioM are eUab- fending hii charatler, againtt the unjult-Andl - .kelitve, that wherever g rat public goo'd'm'ar tefult. ln c" n Yr juftice for rediel. liflied -by Mar lawa for the proteftion cf inno- wanton afperhon with which ihii'teCimony - ,-., from tn tjciminat on of any cafa bel ' m any iudieiat He hai delayed ihit ftep until fo late a peri- cence, not merely from punifhne u t ;. but alio, bound, 1 . ,"r: , . , .i.y,,i iiiwi oBiiLinerignt uut tne cuty oi a tree preta oa or me lemon, oecaule -tie Hill indufgd lUe truna unfounded and yexatiotu enquiry, livery lhe recent puClicatiOn ot teutmony, irt . t"'y lVvt" "'"t" M "f" "h'' fl,ch hoP9 ln,t root honourable, body would not ad principle of aU, of iaice, and of lawv ; aw- Gaaeue under Ro.d 10 be the official- organ of " , XAJt?J2V.-iVi?Al 7'r''if:- wiAom-; wiocin tb cbar aaainfl ery precedent that defema or l.a receied the eovernmeot,-nnd ihence communicating an. . .. - b""" V 7 "rt ju.ii.,: lu -wave Ik in III in- i r f - r - , , w ... i . e , . . " . . i r L C I.' r ; fiance U der cbnft t atibu, thii w the delibwata 'Olome lpeci,BC form j lo that he might be ihe weight of , awhoriiy, concut, in requiring ollicul character and fantlion to whatever ol. this . i r f ii. us our juafjmenti. wonna ng la xns etaiies w ui wh us i. accuico, ana to p(Jiiciion oi ineic proviiiooi u ine nature appeaia in n, 11 iinu"nn i . : tnliuial afliziiea by the cnnltuutioa (or the trial of. diieh hi attention immediatelv la the num cafe of inDraehmnL , , 1 . .;''. i- i inrmfr. in a verv vteat deifrre the ll)if , ZFwlVbilu&vll '"ol'li ',r',r,''-for P,ovin bi '"nocence,, and vindi- And Vet in this profecinion all thefe provi- chievnua tffeth of the te'flirsony itMf, and ren- ' (ontlun.e ei-le e"o ocVcTror ih.'ont, and ,ini characler, But finding u laft an ad- Colli have been Completely disregarded.' A en. den flill more important the meafure wbicla ul.ar.ee on the other. VrVii cnunn rd with'iha vi u. journment it about to take place. , without any quirr hat been inlliruied. of the moft ferioui im vour oiemoralifi fo earnsftly folicita, , From ihi lenee of party f irii, anj the fictt ion ol gu k u thing of this kind being done ; that a vot uf porj trtht pari j acctifed, on the mere fuggell- Gazette the publication will pad into other ; , r 2 ' ' """it('1 jmcleriti atcommorfaiing manic, it impeachment, reflii.g on no prejife or fprcilic ion f a member in hi place, unfupponed by and thuti the roolr viruWt aiifreptefemation of f - I , JotM. of Ual hi.condua, ad fl.nder.oh..c..raQer,f.nc , m(MiMd, ifoaii.M.W,iowreftiiiaii-nea ,oor . ' bmii lo b left banging, for whbif wpnoned bjf oaih, wJd have ju'ftin' lioncdimsin Tom degree,, by lot ot ot m. J ; fur of impeaciiniem r n ilut difpifliosate invelli- who e year, over kii head ; and ihai the publi, ed ao enquiry . Thu enquiry, tVu in Aiiuted ia peachment, will be fpread thtoughout the United gaiioaobicttiiiimporanceeniiii-nilydrmtnda. cat on of ihu tetlimuuy it permitted in fuch a' mmnei the moll unprecedented and alarming, Siairii and I will even extend to lore'gn con. J r-om iW, purpoie. w. ba. bee.' rrlo.i, drawn . way' - a (0 render it mott iujuiioni to 'hia- repa. far from being confined- io ' a.y fpevifie - chain triei ; while the opporiunity of refuting ihe V .-'.. b J'lOKe Chjft htrofeK. He who. of lhe who.a com. . ... ... .J , r - rn " . . . .'. ,w . ir i j r ! , mui,tytou;hiinh' m.i..uied ibe dignified at.i.ud. -""P". wmmii leaving to mm tne rouibH.ty ot w ran, is exiended to ..me wnole oNicial con mutt ot nepeuny , oe .eiay.o w ico.m. , ol nurop fu-e, arid fh mid hae ben the Utt to excite ombaiiiig H by counter .proof : hit duty to duQ of a judge who hai been above eight year lime, and. if articles of impeachment are not if. the pu ho lee in., hai eime iorwa d m a manner, n. that chaiatler. which ha bai fupported iinim ,n office, and auihonfei ilie mufl minute .inauifi- immediately exhibited, may be pollpooed ton p. prerrdwted, wnh an aadrera o the People, eonrt.Sed p-ached during the ncrind of fony years, thro lion of hii mull ungaa.ded and mol inconddrra vety dillant period. . 't. ',r'aie-',k E'Y,M,?-'t,, ',be.,,fwr',,'e? fcU-'be trouble., difficulties, and daVeis ! tbv faWa 'words and c ion, ih.ougbout the wholt "v H Mill moro flrong'y , impreffed . with ih , f " me United itatei, lo mfert h' et er and memonal, . , , . ' ' i i r i li l j in ri j- ' . t' i l, a.dih.a.ticl.-. oitm..e,-.,mm. edited by the c.n American revolution j . to hi., family ,. whule period, it cannot efcape your honorable b-ly, necelHiy of demanding, at a facred rtght, thia mi,,,e.e, ' 1 jU clii cp.B ilh ngihrlf p'Oducuoni, wuulj nppiiici-t iriprciauiuiy, i u cu JOHiimijtit ja., luf iormiuawie n riignic or uppruon ruin an immraim cmiiditoi i ,ihhh im. m notu, , be ptonounced aa p4"ni or pufi'lmi niu., ..The life, are materially iiupli.aied in whatever coir, enquiry mud be, in the har.dt of perfona difpof. 1 on the inanner in which the impeachment waa , iherefuie (arjoi.ed.ciKemi the article, of i.peMh. cerni hiig jod'nam; , to hi country which ha, fd lu'abufe it. Your tnemuttalifl it far from in. voted. It ia in vain, thai be has looked ia this . . . . Taa r i'J't "l -i", "'j'"4 ""h,!',, w ' honoured! him with many high and impurtant, fni'iating thai fuch ha been lhe cf in the pre- vote and in the report of lhe committee on ' any iAiUa4o r At fffymii trf -imceith -i.fi. iud truIli 5 10 P1' which feq nre a tepi ation ; wwi : Matter inn mliiuaiion he coald r.ot whch it 11 founded, for a llaiemen', of even a ; roi hn'n ourirUei u tna raor .inary ituIUfrk of only unipot ea out tiniulpttlcd and lo me,or fven luipeci 10 ne wen t.mnaea. wtm- nirit ot tne ouence. wtin wuim lit iud.i mar. he ii, ronih, coi.dudt ol he H ufe of Reptefenta. himfell fo.bid him lo reuum Ion err m L. nut deroetinir from the reftei that ooshi 10 be ced. He is impeached of " biifh crimes and iiviiitiirtolUcticapcUyia..dof levtraj mdi.iiiu.' lece , ' , ' iif,ired by fo eleva ed a body : but ihe found, mifdemeanori but in what ibele iigh ctimea " . - JLAi'Vir',. aI1ll"JP-''!"- , He ihnefore refpefiively foliciis and"i.treaii nefs of p'r.nciole it in no mannrrio wall letted and m.idemeanor. confill, when, how and whero . tut letter it eau-tlUJ .L.. ... . t ... i , ' .. , . . i... .l. . l .l ;..-J :. L... J..I...J - aotroaa-bf tHS riaiaAl eaastta.' your nonouraow ooay will no: lull:r an vy ite . cotuequenira io wnicn iney reu. - mey were cumimi ) m wu' (h,ii.. " anirk. nffl.nl Ir, tmVm ..1 jr ...It aIi... And aliiio-trf h .1 r an.inl In! i,Mrlt Ih.t Ihi hit. . I ' 111 iinnntf ful lectCrl DV tna COmmiltCC HOea fitiuiablc body ii tinder ihe innienca ol part indeed Uae a variety oi ucti, wmcn anay con hi- . r, ' . t.i. a ' . j r n. . ft influence t ' To TBI i li , , SaTLSMS, , .. ! a iooa .a tncia appeared reaton tor ociievtng, pachinent wall nave been preferred ami till . i .ib.auiaaoghdn iHiL-ieJi... ii..!. which P?l, pan y.e 7-- -..-.r.- - reeling would icao nun to p eicr, uinu" ""- .)" , i- , t . . t . i , lTr.rlZ be po.ri.lf .hi. protr.tted period of, he feffiop, io the influence of p.rty fpirit, and thai ...aice, Wned in r.Oulting Ja. . , r.r-, . nn i iit' i l a " 'r un. iK,. I... lit, .n lairna ll nrvll 111 lift rw i.rii. nr a? at til llla. aa, as - w . ITi,.n Isitraan full fin day incaaih uh ) .o a member, with a eeque'J, that ke Ilais n. wll o: enaui-u . snowing Mie ptrci o -.:........... " ""-- ..;,. ;. ,he form of fh,uld p.ifentit, if auch an intent fhould be afteit ck. g., againfl him, lo make vig .tou.. .acedr, mmd. ii completely Il.Oca every len.imenP - flnuld be put by -he m',tte '' " aiiiea to tai. 0 Monday the .6h alt iba o.o. ..j ey'jl p,f?lra.iot.. for bit df nee, lo ofjullica and himaniiy, all regatd for law and a fpccific charge, & made th lubjctt oia.tuioc. i..i.i.ie.r.-i.iiiy T " c, jj; ' , j,, ,e, b, ),,.;, r,i,. Shou'd ihe time ever atr.ve, wSich Uod rer. lntion. jnmtref.iu ton of bjth houle .nieie. l impe.tbmei,t yP" " c " "J, "T . ..-, r41B-,,r, inn.med The fenfa of the boufe would tben have been lata repmiedbrO. eomni-er, but it wm tle.Hy ... ..duBriouOy. and urtc.fiugly alT., ed, and fu hy aeri , ! when , majott.y ol Cong-ef,, in Un.4 The l lent oi tot r--.-.,.!-. --a .ch oftUlaiiJ.. boi.f. io .a pPoUth,m;.f doc the to vindicate that innocence, for which he lo- ay party iiiu, ana lecamg me oeuruu.oi ur eipr - r j" r .d .e, i.ne until wtm h k.ey ere kept back. It.v. the le.H jflIJf ippM, to ,he Almighty Searcher of :t. opponent., (hall de&ie 10 criminate ajudge, would have been lupportea or Rjcoto, accor- ..omlorfuppcUng, that thfcmm.tt'e. wbam.de th. h ' ,0 ,,,,, le(limjnr of hi. own eonfeienre, in ordei to heap wliutn nn the party with which ding to the opinion eoieriained By me majnriiy, Kpn, ...ended ib nh.y fc.-.d be att.supo. blr. w ' , . , ,J impartial pofleM.y.- he i, contteclcd , when a P-efiden. at .he head of refpetting u. i.h and it. fuffic.ency. Your trr,::;, may L. He f., fri ..roga,mg to Lit. an ea7mp. .'majority, and guiding it. paOion., 0,... di- memor.liU won they, w.te rained, at fuch a . me. the .ffrd .lobt. on from the ufual portion of human f-ail.y. - fm motive, of p-ivate relentmeni te ru. out aiuclei, what H I., ol ' " ' ealy wtil be, -Mine, will p.l. a in. pab.ic p. Ms. But lor the nun-y of hi. irtientioni. and for the ofajadge j when the fchemes of ihe domm.nl fad.-and to what points to P'cPl,,l,o0 mux tk. fanitiaii nf . enmmiriM of Coufilll. ,nt r ... i ' r , . , L . r L . (T . ... msw ranuir lk rmA far kltdefeiltC. tllS latDHy, 111. triCOaS, ttl. .veamaapp.,.,, ,nd the -otld would b.v. kn.w, ' I .... .m.-v.,.. .7 -.- n, acculer, mtin ne aay appear, wnere in, in. p. "-j ; f " ! i , . . rn k. .K. nrnnf i m. tifi..ltil I. tke aa. ol ca.y.... . ,r : f ,11 ,-. fl,, be laid open, the in .wdet in create a vacancy in office! .Ihould fact., and the fati. Dy ineprooi. r w,...d P.r,y a?,n,.. u, b.,.,. ' '"M There i. another pom. of-y.ew in tah.ch your tt a. orria lte ant oa n, wfiin an ine mrmer pio- "'.''"""i ""vi ... ------- - , . r . I, n it hit lacred duty, a duty IO ,ei,V..,hi.c.f. , f,'.,., cahnWd ei it.. ed. and calumny, mahce.and pany .', Iball iy of o her freeg.va.nmen.s irfotm. u. .y, anemoraliB !lrl l0 llell . dutwhicl f, a., f ,Mi i te f.en e. ib m .ri.l f(,,ee, t , J, fi,,,,,,; ' ' in what minner wilt .he devoted y.tt.m, bowe- bit country mora an to ht-nlcll . ' urjh.cl from bi.. pufemed , ,he me,,!,,, w wbon, .i was , j h ,n() jj lo 0f, .J,;, ter innocent.'be . . .o (h.eld b.mfelf agamll . o confider.uonQ.all p.eent htm ro per. lent h.vmi bee. ot nprnmr., ... in. e.fe, .. whitb it ne.n mv M l " lk lh. ,.,Bn, f ftfCh a weapon. .hi. fpec ie. of en. forr. nf, 10 entei bis mod folemn prnttO agsmd .a.y wfhwh..,", p,e,...edd.d .o Uv, .aid rf,uefl, and i eap.ef. b.. earneil hop. .hat ii .he .o.uii, oiu ell a mt, sp .. F . '.'of.he proteeding. His prottg .if at'.a ik.l. vw.W I n bre. adup ed by ib. w.ll no. be r.fuftd, by ihof. wbitb 0 r l..a..u.cd .ofuch .manner, and on fu h .his part e"Je PJ ' . J . J boa.e.rr.ew.co.nder.d, ., ray mu8 m ..k , ,, ha. no. keen in h pUcr.o avo.d a,t;.g, on prme-ple. tanno, f.tl .0 fu.u.lh ? .our ma- no. now b.bea.d. 1 ' J0? JSE. JBac .k. I.U.O.. un ni,y ,ke be leua j. or wWif ,.llf. fcllK.., .. ih.. r..fe.-ul ,nn. anori.iill t.fmble. for .he honour of hi. country, ce of the moment miy drown ma yotce. cue ..r,td,, U.e eb... -hk', I im to aatwry, t.i a. . Th . f r . tnt , ., j , 04 fof .hefocc.f.of the tepubUcn govern, ii will toe day " .ouaay H..ene '. R.Uawkib l.kti.b....... pUi.li. an..a.o," lni'" k . . j fl,,tj y.penment. io. Th. American peop't ill bear H, pollert , f ..L..u.....i.li...k.i.liiiiu of .befupremecmir. a fit obietlof imie.chment mnt in ina net leil no iaircn raperin.cn., .u. j . r r .,. - ' t - "m. YiV.I .uty ie.nrt ,.d ., for bigh'cri.n. and mild.iueauo,., Oto-ld luv. mod. mot. .ha for b.s Own la.ety, wben he ... .y w... near . "" f J " io Jfj- j ; A I iki, Kpvrt, l.r l,i,n .T.n,ma,. .M - j,a -h.ck oeeo fufftf,a ,0 re II in ob'.yion for lour yurH B-fl. on .be aceBe. .bai under fucb a cloak tery age and country, , U.tl.nC 7 ,4 a.d ,M......kei. -....-ke.eni.tc.mpl. ,,;. i-'k-j, ,,,,, lna ffeAi, w.U Due. iht manner in which ibis enquiry hw He complains ibat by ibe metftod purlued ia . ( . Idtemf. p-rf.wi. w.k.a rbl....t.epM.. r m'0 lM"k ,f ","1,V .rr,r' ' i;;r. k,lnduned n.eleni any conbdeiauon. eal- twlng this impeacbuem, ,1 m.jonty bas been 1 ,y..utti.N .o.ld..-4 w paOt-ity, .C.id knuwn .0 .be peifooa who. after fo great fodu,,e4' P1'"' . .ulIjulH. ,.d i lf,H.y . th. a-ocai.,, m .M. 0I li e, h.f a. Uifb m.d. .be .he groand c-'.ted lo remov.or f'f J ,tJ J JJ; 0B7t,,ea ,h., ,t,w i, Bot i.,.U .. iW.it. ...,... ,.1- p.mcp...n of ,p,afetlion tt mod folemn known io nar by ... commencement? rarot..i wife A gr ai f'"' 1.,'" of .pp o af ih wk,k ,b.y a n..d.d. I ih.r.fe. ,eq. ib y- , f oftllwn (tf loPg d(liyfd, m.f. of .ertimany ha- be.u ..ken wb.ch .bough . .. lVJ w fwouf aU l P ,S rifc,,',uh,,,, 'f " "UW fhou!db.comm'c.d p.ec.f.ly .. .he mcmn.t c.lcl...d to tfletl your memtHahU, in th. moll .barge, on wh.ch ih Ton J4 " ' ' - a i by tb tiwwirlMea I. t ereaeMe I an iSoueh be ..or. trnjly, . U fa.our.bUtO conf.on.., crof.e.m,n.rg, or ,.p U.nin. -"-,"J;;;ifiaB..- Let it bo f.ppofei - t f elof....,, of .-.. Ii pr.ftf io iaiaibMaowr, ; tft'(lf bad .aken plsct ai cireumlicea Th.. .fflimy, in ib. taking of b.h, ."ma T Ta-cV.?r m no chic I f t.lied on,ir. lb . '! ( Uf U'f.) 4 it. M aiebe.. .1 .ba e.aH.ea. .bj. . . . ' , , . r individual. allowed io indulge ihemla'y.s thai four charges .r. "'"f " "p ' ' ,t 4..,.,.. -e...M.n.m,rab...wh.e.i. u U' " tJ! ' lie. Zf. in the moll ...couroo. inv.fli.,.,.;.ft ,m,r of Fr.e., tht Utl?Z , be dtd fepa.ie.1 ib. te.imo..y ..4 MM p.- . ,-- ,iMlk i,S ,h. f.,t m.tiiiet and teed rft It NewWellU, an n.,K. ,w .u. . i ..,..;..'.4b..ee.jwnaJ.ke.ik..r.ma.iuea.M whb m.y f4 whan off (.d fu.coni.oul. rnen.l.l and toc.wUi. WUh h . f in B.lumr.. M parfeflly manu. f j I.-. eW p.H . . and . .N u- waa. re- kd , f.nct.on al a. oa.h, .h. m.l.nu, ti-too. of I J.d J- J " UP J(7Q 4 rlr, .o.ai.I-. TkWf.-.... fforiMh. a..nn.rnfcomnvn.ri,g ,bi. pro. iba.r tt.protok.d and '-! " " Eacla N-.d. f.Mr, ui. r.ik...l,,b.v.W,a,.k..r.,m.l tnquiiy into th. ufftttsl ronduU of a ludg-, flam ol paiMehiy, na.i.n - nv . ou.hi to be m. mi.y fu of l(r,,w.Vlk4b.v.ke.arejHi.ak,.b.bt.,n.w.k. (l ,!.,;, b. him a m.i..r of a..yJr.ou. printed p.ate.me.t.in ibt p ogr. ? ',0f kjo,, bmaJ b grounal J" n.U.il.aod.an.o.Of.aHdp...W ,b,w we.Hona.nnm and ebtte.. ' . ..tf. .wd ma. ...der hi. obnoaiooa ttlactd in i condition to ba (itrnbidy '' .... Mf 1.,..,..,..-, ?u . a fr 0ic 1. red..nd.bo..ob..por.d...me.n.oide.p. m "rvi''z:ri :r",it7. --j.. - - - - r .i,n. iih e. aui n'tniv ttutiit. rust. b.iTiwo... Wth aa, iloi. i aholiy inronulleni w.th.h. bum.M and juS T a t baw .. .. am.. mw- print iplM t. our ai, w.tnoui io,na ipetme o. .....,., , -..-....I.Q in ih. inal of lim. ..ft proper ik. U....d Mam t... (hi. M... ..d uu(t,M. felling on f.fl. pr.c.fely la rd, and preparing .b way lor. ttria.n .onden.nat.on, hJrS" (hl' f t(, , r... ...d f.pnorted by fu. h proof onLb, .read...' .b.ir when . tl.mou, O-.U baa. bran eaced, flrt-ag g ?-f J V. ibVi i i. i-- a.h.eM rtfetred ,. .... T " No man, bo....r anoogH ,o d.uw. ,b. o.c. of t.a.on, h m2 ..M iba, VirM...) nW,(..4 a4tntCsatti.nl tbt irk nit. mean U4 coadnwn, or bawc.ct inlamoui bis juni.,