- r -ft. ... . 7 anii dolls, feu amii.' PUBLISHED (weekly) BY A. HALLVS.W. CLARK, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1804. rot. rtu. so. 584. ' i. ; - FORGERY., : ' ' . RICHMOND, April 25. In our last nu mber some notice was taken of a case that relates to a person previously examined before a magistrates in this city, on a charge of forging bank notes. .We were then of opinion' that it was proper to express , ourselves with tenderness, and no mention was made of his name. A variety of circum stances have since occurred to justify us in naming the offender, and in stating such facts v jw'are said to be true by persons of undoubt- ved veracity. It appears, however, to be the opinion of soni a people, that it is improper to state the particulars of this case in a news paper. They. say it is probable there are a number of. persons concerned, and that a hev-spaper statement1 will afford individuals an opportunity of placing themselves beyond the r,each of justice. This opinion cannot be 'correct. It is now about ten days since Tho mas Logwood, late of the county of Bucking hum, was examined and committed to jail. And we will suppose, for instance, that 20 persons have been concerned .with him in counterfeiting banknotes, eagles, & French double guineas. Some of them we will say, reside in the county of Buckingham, or per-, haps not very far from Richmond. Admit ting then this statement to be correct,, no thing can be more probable, than that one or two of them have given notice to all the rest, t by sending letters, in every direction, by post; It (locs.not therefore appear that there can be any impropriety in informing our "iea- . ders of some of the - most material circum--stances ut this case. The respect that we have for the feelings of the innocent family ' of this unfortunate nun, produces while we are.writing.thii article, a momentary pause : '..but it appears to ue our duty to proceed, when we take into consideration the number of families, that at different periods, have been ruined by circulation of base coin, and counterfeit I) ink notes. It is far from - our intention to write one sentence for the pur pose of making an improper impression on th(i pu'dic mmi. We sinll only state such facts as.in'our opinion, the citizens of the U nited States o'lhtim.njclately to know. On Mvvlay the lGthof April current, Thomas Logwood was examined, and iieut. Thomat Un ll-rtvoo-l was then employed bv . the executive to proceed to the house of. Logwood, in the county of IViclung'um, for the purpise of m ikinj; every pmiblc disco very. Mr. Un lervooj ro le n,ivuli of an 'hundred miles in the course of twelve hours ! lie was detained about two hours o:i the wjy, in miking necemry arranm -nts ; and in leHtth'tii fourteen hours after his de y trtitre from Richmond, he was in posses sion of eighteen thousand eight hun .jlrel dollars in counterfeit bank notes, and eigli'ecn pieces of base coin, all of w'lich he found in the house of Thomas Logwaid. A number of suitable mueri.il for nuking papcr,and coin? metal, were also found und brought to Richmond by Mr. Under wood, who merits, in an eminent degree, the tbanktolht tcllo-.r-cttiz-.'ns for his vigilance and activity in performing an essentia! ser vice to the comiunity. Among the coun terfeit bank note found in the house of Lo ;wood, ws -arc inf ormsd, that thirc ire some, for the amount of five dollars; ani N from that titsu. twenty, fifty, aabuitdrad, 'and on: note for a thousand dollars. - -FrorrUhePOMTiCAt. UtposiToai. ' Mr. ttichardson, t 110 WEVKU unpleasant it may be to roc, to intrude my humble name upon the atten tion ol th; jfuh'ie, pel a duty whi h 1 owe to JUiiyiMjltaii,wc!Usto uif r!nily and friends, - .rcruirc thil I shoull take s mi; mesiiir tJ correct the erroneous anrj Injurious reports, which hare been circulated with rc.pcct to my conlurt. in delecting and preventing the execution of a dav'crouaplol against the in Urt of the pu'ihc at Urge. And this ap- par more necesary, as the destruction f mv Tejmta'.iis:! icem to be the priiuipjl thini; rditil ii. to defeat the operation ol the li t. A rircumiantial detail oJthatH.dr ill ptrhips tx? more proper in a court of iiMlrc,thanat this time in a m-wpjptr. I aha'l, UuT..,rr, sistc merely whut I think njcesary, . r ITiCi thuc fahe impresiont, whkli erroneous tnles, conjecture, surmit, ftnd imiendoca, nny have nuJc to tny rc jnJice. Intlictnomh of October list, tjvertoret , were made to me, lo cn-rare plate to foun. icrftit noitsofthe U.S. Department Bmkt. Thee overture, were made with the mot insinuating ad lrr, and by person whose tnamor and apncirance was well calculated t engage confidence. WctltU wa ofTcred to tnt tc rtify my avaricc$ honour cr proni'.ir.l to ijrirify tnr vai.iiyj pleaturc w.'re prpoel to cng'X my pnion, and H.w(j'af i;i,uceee p!c4gtd, to protect me in all mrcrijojiMcht. I wad.Hrniiiicii, however 9 re.Nt all hi importunities j yet considering that I wot ,eduf hi ccrrt,the dicovefy of which I'C knew woul l ruin hit rrputaUan, I ihougnt inyieif unafe it I did not appetr to hint to .CbfTj'ly hh bit wtihci. I therefore g we him to underftani that I might do the work, btlt put him off from time to litre, until I could determine what means were bed to prevent a crime of fo deftruftive a nature. In order to this, I confuliei with gentlemen of honour and. talents, whofe . direction I could fafely follow, The govermient bas beea duly apprifed of eve ry flep which 1 have taken n this bufinefi, and the foilowing-' from the Governor will (hew in-what light my conduct is viewed by the ex ecuiive, vho certainly poffeffci the beA infor anaiion of the affair. . SAMUEL BROOK?. SIR, Rxhmond, April 20,-1804. graver, A yu have fo completely accomtdiih'rd the important bufinefi of deiei'iing ihe forge ries of Thoma Logwood, whofe leducirgarts to'ga'iBj your aflillance, ai an eng aver of hit plates, you not only refilled, but vtrtuo'jfly dif covered 10 the Executive, and then pa ri'itically complied with their withes, in the hazardous exe'emioa of the plan, for procuring legal proof of his fotging and .palling ceriain notes of five, tal of ihe B atich banks of the United States, I hive now 10 rrqutrll that you will go on with the work of engraving-the feals for the Diftrift Courts, in which you had obligingly engaged, when toe executive confenied that it fliould be ftilpended, till you could accomplifh a work of more general importance. . The Council at their fir ll full board, will eonftder the meritori ous' fervices you have performed In ihs mean time, I can only thank you for myfelt, ar.d in behalf ofthetn and our country, and expreft my wilh, that this State, arid the United States, and enty bank ' within them, may. reward - your faithful fervices ; and that the iociety of virtu ous Engravers in .Mhiladelphiafirlay give you a Golden medal, as a proof 01 their regard for - j o ur i n ic g r it y . . . - . u I am, Sir, your obedient fervant, JOHN PAGE. Mr. Samuel Brooks, EnO Richmond. J CONTINUATION OF Late Foreign Newt, FRANCE, Further particulars respecting the French plot. Tilt following article appears' in the Moni teur of the i ut February, in ihe foim of a nbie ujmn aextracl from the Morning Lhroni cte, rela ive to a polling bill which was (lick up in different pant of London, Mating the pro bability ofihefpeedy alfadinaiion of Huouauarte and ihe reftora'ion of Louis XVIII. 41 In our paper pf. Monday la it we infened an ex rid fr m another London paper (Couri er de Lo"drc) in which the aflination of thf Kiril Lonful was openly flaitd ai likely 10 take p'aci .in a (h ti perod. Pcrtom wno have arrived from Eng'and inform uiliat for ihe tail finiiigh',it 11 every morning announced on the earhange at London, ibat the Firfl Con f il had j ill been adalTina ed ; and on ihefe c cifions ihe name of Georges, Pichcgru, and M.ir'au, were pabliclr m:nioneJ.k 44 Pichegru landed under the lighi.hoafe of Bevillc on ihe 16 h of January, He ai rived in Paris on ihe 5'hof Jmuary. It was no! un ilr 8 h inflant that ihe Polite knew of hik be ing in Paris, and went in purf nt of him. He d nrJ, nn Th irfday the 9 H with hit brother,Li jollaii and Coocberry, Th s brother of Piche gru is in c'Uloiy. and in th ourfe of h a ea amination ha admitted ihe far). The fiffl time thai Pichegrir faw his bro ther a Pari, he was accompanied by L-jol aii nd (ieorges " G'orgrs and Pichegru hid a joiae in'rrviear with Moteau, Pchrgru, unaccompanied by GfO'get, wenliwice in the evening 10 M "ei houfj. Previous 10 the U(l inieivier, Frrnie' evAlsreaij fcriarv,wot in acll of Pichev gru, and, a, appear fio a g'ai number of dt daiationi, 100K him along wiitt rum m a chaiu be'ong'ng 10 ihe lady atwhnfa ho if e hs ldt;J. ' Wien ihe Grand Judge ilHied his war. rant aund M eau, the Police, who knew Hc aco(ii(a;y was g rg. forward, apprehended cititrn Moreau, ihe firll inb.iraie,, and iht fe cieiary Franierel. The Firfl Conful on leara ing th't procreding, enij iircd of ihe grand jodgi whether ih" brother and lecreiiry of Moreau were aiffded by the informaiion received ? and being anfwtied thai their nam's were not mentioned ia il, b ordered tSat ibey (hould b fet at hbeny For faid he, if ihe objetl ofconfiJeration was in affair of flate policy, of any of ihofs maUm in which ihe only :bmg in b confjltcd is the fafeiy of the country, th ennfpiratofi would have been apprehended, iti. cd by couri-mtrtial, and ciecuied the fame pigHi I bui this affair, aJJad he, it a (nhjetl of only urjmary criminal procefi, and il is my Jefire thai ill in forms thou Id b fcrupulouOy observed," A f hoars cr, Frenitrti was implicated by iha de pofuiom of leveral per font and t cha'ges bectmi fulicien ly feri out loindjc lbs g'and j iJgt to ifljia wariant for iht acp'thenlioo of Ficnieiet. Dot hi had a'rraJy fled, and bit do4 jet beta lakco iota eufl-dy. " li appetrt thai ih tha B ilhlh Leopardi devmotd hr tapetlfd pray with eag'tantici pst'O. The newt wat fiprft'd before ibe meetirg of pliamni, tthich wit to lake plan ia iba bcgiaairg of t'ebruary but it vat vary probable that the Englifli imputed to ihe dim- . cullies of communication, ihe delay of the grand intelligence upon which ihey relied ; and they . made ihemfelves To fure of the event, that they rejoiced before-hancV in ihe affaffination,; which they had meditated. Perhaps the moment may come, when ihe bearihall wbifper in their ears, , that his Ikin is1 not yet to be fold. ,"""' farther appears that Pichegru, Lachanf fer, & Abbe Ratel, have been entrufled lince lall June with the honourable employment of con rjutling the Englifli correfpondence. ' General Savairy and the lub-prefetl of Akhevile have jufl feized fome packets of letters & cyphers, and have apprehended the agems in ifiis efpi onage. Tiiis corre'pondence fhews that l'ichei gru anJ the Abbe Ratel differed in opinion as 10 the pJaccs of landing., for the purpofe of car'" fytngon lhrircornmunicaiioni. In the fame Cjoar. f ter there has alfo been feized a certain number of bills of exchange. The intercepted correfpon rlence likewife furnilhcd proofs againfl ind'v du aU uken up at Montreauil in ihe' beginning of Sejtembei lafl, for aling as fpies between liou logne and England Thefe vile fpies are lo be tried by a court-martial, or the Ipecial criminal Cibunal of the department of ihe Lower Seine. TH K DEY'OF ALGIKRS. Extrjel of a letter from an officer in Lord Nel fon'j fleet, dated off Algiers, Jan." 18, 1804. ' On the night of the ifth, the Superb, com., manded by capt. Keats, anchored it Algiers, having Mr. Falcon, the conful general on bondr and a letter fiom lord Nelfon 10 the Dey, de manding thai Mr- Falcon ihoutd again be ie ceived as conful there, and that all the Maltefe who have been Uvely captured by . the Dey 'a cruizers, fliould be liberated, acid given up at Briiiih fibjefts. On the following morning at day break a falme was hred from the fort, which, however, capi. Keats did not ieturn, but fent a lieutenant on fliofe with a leiief' fo"" requcft an audience vtih the Dey, which was ac oidingly granted. Capt. Keats, accompanied by Mr. hcott,' chaplain 'to lord Nelfon, who fpeaks ihe Arabic fluently, and who aftcd at in terpreter there, wa'K?cTupon ihe Dey, and pre. fented lord Neifon'a letter, with a fuiiable and lpiriied remonflrance on ibe occalion. Throughout ihe interview which lilled nearly an hour, ihe Dey's ccnd'icl was very violent and outrageous, and it concluded with his pofi lively relufing o receive either Mr Falcon hack ag on, or to give up any of ihe Maliefe in bis pofieffion. On the 171I1 in the morning, our fleet of ten fail of m lit"can: u fight 'of Al giers, when capt. Keats again went on ftie 10 wait upon th- Dry, who, however retufed lo fee him, he beir-g then bulily employed on the linerici, and af er waiting for nearly two hours citain Kea's returned on board, and on our fleet cnienng the bay, went on board ihe Vic lory, and c'lmmuntcaitd to Loid Ncllon all thai had paffed wih the Dey. " Under ihefe citcumilances his lordlnip did' rot ibtnk it advifeabie to atiempi lur.hii in er. cotrfe with the DcV," or to make vfe of any threat he wat roi prepared to tealife, a,'ihonp!i w could in a few hours have delinked his wh.xe fleet, which was then lying in the Mole, and have knocked down ihe town about their ears, we might have crippled fome of our (hips in f.ich a manner at to rcnde them unable 10 re fome the blockade of Tou'ou at this feifon of (he year, which was deemed a much mote im portant objeft at ihe prefect women'. We ihcrefou to day left A'gieti, on our way to Tou. Ion again, " The whole fq'iidron were nore difappoin led ihan I can potfibly exprefs, at not being peimitted 19 bumble the - Dey, and -ex irf ate -fir a lime 'his nell of pirate. - Two hours would have done ihe bwlincfs completely, and I Irurt we (kail one day make the eiperiment. I am perfrcily convinced from my own oblervi .lion, and u was alfo ihepinion of the ab;e(l office n In the fl'et. that lo fail of ib line' would certainly deflrnr all their wrks, and all iheii nay in one morniag, with very Utile loft. They hive indeed a great number of guns mown, led on iheir principal battery, which defends the mote where ihcir Ceet it 'aid up, f nd it hat a formidable appearance from the bay ; but it ia lo injudirioufly conftrocied, that hue of banle fljipt can anchor upon eaJt flank of i', wiihia half pidol (ho', where not a gun could b brought to brar upo thr m, ad ie wnich fiiua iort ihey would foon lay the whole work in ruint. This work it the fole defence of the town from ihe iea fide, except a a old wall wuhoui a fmgle goa moun'rd upon it, and which a law brwadudct would crumble into dud, ' Tiic girrtfon doet not amount 10 above foir ibould foldiert (if ihry can be ca'led Juch) who bavf neither d(ciplme nor courage, who particularly dread the tng!i(h ; not on y from our naval (kill, but from an ancient pro. plieiic tradiiioa thee hat among! ihrm, and which they all nrnilv bl that A'giera it to b taken anddeHroyed by the Lngitflt on Sunday." The prapbecy may b ealily folfi!. led by ut whenever mi cbufe, & w mud flion. ly uk fomi d-ciied Arp 10 h.imhla th l)ttt iifilefi w are eonuma lio pay bin tribute, lkt m i.1 of ib ohar Eiropeia pvwert. No con. ful now ran tvtr be fent back with honour or ff7,til fatnfi'ttoa it owamtd foi ihe infultt w hive recaivtd. " The Dry of A'gier it emifely giide4 if font Jtw mtrchaan itkjing at A'4ts.' : JUDGE E OWE y.: y. In addition to the detail', given in our last, of the conduct of the Jude of the Superior Court for the Eastern District of the State ; of Georgia, we copy the ful owing particu lars from a Savannah paper of the, 28th ul:- After some introductory remarks, the writer observes THE,-inexpediency of more particularly animadverting upon the subject, induces us ' to proceed in the detai to our readers of the - . papers analogous to the business, and which of themselves will b'c found sufficiently expla? ' natovy. .The grand jury continued to meet the court until Wednesday "morning,.'' when they delivered io4.hejud.ge the' following pre seiUive-it . . . . ' .; .. We the Grand Jury-for'-the body of the county of Chatham, having taken into.consi- deration the political stricture delivered to us yesterday as a charge by his honor judge Bowen, do upon oaths present That it is injudicial, insulting to our government, and repugnant to the general interests of our -country, by disseminaiing nrinciples that may tend to involve the community in the horrors ot domestic insurrection We there fore without violence to ourconsciences, and a total disregard of all the dearest ties of so ciety and its welfare, cannot further pro ceed with business and we are of opin ion from the reasons above mentioned, .that the said charge should-not receive publicfc- . tion ; but recommend that a copy of th Charge, and this our presentment be forwar ded by the Clerk of the Superior Court to his Excellency, the Governor, and be laid before the next session of the Legislature for their cfirisideration. ' V in. SMITH, Foreman ; signed ols ; by the Grand Jury . Inflamed at this temperate" yet digmfietl " conduct of the grand jury, the judge instant ly ordered the Sheriff to take thtm to goal. They .were proceeding, when there arose a partial cry of wo, no "they shall net p" - whiclt.i'js immediately silenced by the de termined depcrtment of tie grand jury. At this cry the judge pulled from his pocket at brace of pistols, impassionately exclaiming, yire is the damr.'d rascal who dares sty .VC7, shew him tj me and Til blew his trains out I" The grand jury, however, proceeded to goal, accompanied by most of the gentlemen of the bar, who rose in a body and left the court hontc dircctiy on their departure. This. 4 took place about 9 o'clock in the morning ; the Har immediately had a meeting, and the following are the minutes ol their proceedings on the occasion : At a meeting of the Attornies of the bar of Savannah, held at the court-house n VoV ncsdaythe 2?th of April, 1804, atll A. M. Present, Gin. Mitchell, Charles Harris, John Y.Noel. Thomas Gibbons, Joseph Walscher, James E. Iluustoun. Hichard Leake, Charles Ualdwin, Mon it Miller, Jeremiah Cuyltr, John M. Berrien, George Allan, Alexander M. All in, William II. Bullock, John Law son, Hichard M. St ilea," Km gal T. Hyming, Joveph Stoops, Thomas Nrthcrclift, James Towiisend, William Davics, Esquire. Genernl Mitchell wat chosen Chairman and mimhvr of resolutions were adopted, similar to thoie passed by the citizens of Sa vannah, published in our lat.t paper--froru which wc extract the following : lies' Iver!, that it is die unanimous' sense of the Bar, that the charge delivered by judge Bowen, at the romiaenceuient rf iho present term of he Superior Court of this tointy.dnes contain prir.ciplrs In the highest degree injurious to the interest of the good people of this county. nd tern! to endanger their lives and propci net, and subject them to the horrors of dornettic insuircction That the members of the Bar do in the most., ample manner, approve of the conduct of 1 the grand jury, a well in thi expression of their sentiment on the charge of the judge a in their determination to rccrde fiom fur ther attendance of the court That they view with the utmost abhorrence, the prostitution of judicial dignity in judge Bowcn's drawing and presenting a pistol against a multitude of the citizens, and using the most profane and indecent language, while on the bench, anl during the sitting of the court ; and thereup on unanimously resolve, that they will not take their seats at the bar, during the present term, nor answer to their names when called ; but will attend without the bar at all limes, when the grand jury shall be brought befortt the court, fr the purpoie of affording such counsel and advice at their circumstance may require. D. B, MITCHELL, Chairmen Copy of the proceeding. WILLIAM 'DAVICS, Sttrtlcrj,, THUS situated and taking lnf view the heinously flagitiwu language cf the Judge, a watrant was issued agaiust him foruaoaU tempt to cache do.nestic insurrection , and apprehended In the evening- between 9 and l9 o'clock; but before he wat take a to goal, be attempted to make hit ttctpc, during which l.c Bathed a loaded pittol at the thenflT. The Celt raortiieg (Thursday) the frand 1' 4

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