r w VuBLISHED Weekly) m A.-HALL iff. W. CL A R.TVZ$D AY, lLY 79; 1804; " r.T.?j2 Diits. pi ; ify.r. v-.i-..- 7i rpv. rK atc. SB'S. CI RCt TLAR. Wa'sb inctos Citt, x ' M ch 27, 1804., DE'AR SIR, .Coivrcf will pri ibl v adjourn f His everting, agreeable to a refutation pallid fom t time ft kj, aftetN, fo n:thinj more than five m i ith fclfiii , to mset aali on the I irtt Monday in No member ntxt. As 1 ha ye been accuftomc I Id do, I think it my 1 duty to give my coo iftituents an out- line of the bull mfs that has b?en transac ted during this period A ' uiy frrvice. . T 'wo m-afures, very i mportant iu.'thsjr niti ire, h ive occupied irj ich ofihu fdli m. "An amendment tu tt : t:onit'ru.tion, by whi ich it is propolVl thjit triad elections for PreiiJeot and .Vrce- Prcfi lent, each of fice t (h ii be voted for on a fep-arae bal-. ofc ; this was found mccihry to guard a gai n.t intrigues limiiar to thof.j which fii , inu .ch interelted an i ajjp'ated the country in 1800 and 1801. This amendment pal T..d both houfe.s of Coigrefs by two thi th of each haife ; and before it cAn be inc trporatedr in the- coidiiution mull be flap prove I by three fourths of the legi1 1- tu; res of ih; itatss, ten Hates have airevlv ap proved and two difapproved' of ir.. T mnelF-e, Gmrg'u, and Satrh-Caro'iivt. ar :eXetedio be in favour of it, in u! l of. c ot thefe not agree, to it, the amendV m ent is for the prefent loft. The other' important meafure is the p: ovilion for Vtvi.-diFiirs of L ii fi in , w Rich has been fo fort jiiaudy.'aud foccefs- " i!i 'I ! negotiated for, ail acqiired at a ', pi ice, very litile abjve the raiel price of fc vtn millions of. acres of our.wedern la dIl znlvvhrn 1 1 aJ IreflT'd yoti.HU year" f 28 m of: F erinrv, 1803 thi public anxiety ' was n jf.-d o a grearheign.t 0:1 thjfubjel f L ruifuna, an I it was a general opimou s ran.; men of all pirtiei, that no price r mil b-roo high forth: free naviiiio;i the M iFi fijpi, anlthe iflandon wYuh ' ' L ouiliam it in Is; a: I ..oefi le the opinion t. rfiins poliiictws, thn its acquiiitioa v on d be chea? at the cxpince of nv) - - " three y?a' wir. wh'ch probably wou! ( i' 01 h avt- coll lefs than thirty milliot.s of d illarsayear ; thofe wh ) were difpofed to i i 9 ir a purdufe, woul 1 rather hive given f Jrty u forty .qiilionj jf dollars than not P T a V i.l;it. . ii com! lercJit an obJ-Jl of fj mueh im . t tan:c to u, that'in only fear wa, ii t we fh vild not e j'jI: u obtain it o. ii terms, and that we !h uld have a fo. folciy inour nu'ig'i j irho I. 1 hive ?ni'i-cia ly Itfa.ip )inte . Tne jwho'c c rrry of Li)uirtam, eq ully cicnftvc in t. rriiory hey:d th; Vlufi lippi, athU i:i itcd States on this f;Je, has b e 1 o')faiu t I, aid for a fmtt not m ire tha i fifteen 111 Iiionof dj'lan, payih'e ta,io fuch z m nriMr and on fuch tcimi as are fuWy a.i vania'eoiH' to'-us. Elruei m'lltsns ai t garter, of tin mLy 1$ not u be i:tlnarge-J by us until jr 1 1 1 3, ail li J 1 in four ipltilment j it is 10 be fsi !cd like the othrr public ulubt, and ceri. fixates of the H'kk ar? alrci.ly deiivcrcJ to ilit igcnti icf the Frcnch G ivcf n rieut; be.'uiti an interelt cl fix pi r ten. tdl lii. hi'ired ; the irtertii pnyU'c in En-. Jo,x l'hc lemainii' ihf3. miHtoj an' i-ie-fliur:iraccardni 1: the tttni-of. the treaty is apprnpriaie l lf France to inalf pjo I claims ol our citLi.-ntJor inji: ' Vicj k fpolmioii upon A;n:r.can ihipi cj.i. ti-.g ih war, fo that pirt of what wcpiy ior Louifnna jor into tbepkcu ot ur dn 1 iiiic i?, and 1 to be pA I in fccie at lie Trcafury of the United t"tas. Two inf I ons tf tlcllifi were let part for the Vnrpnfecf the negCutio.t hen it was I t: of ot, to hi applied at tk e difcre'ioo tf.do.iiho refptitifi'.M'iiy tf tl; I'tvil j;nt. 'i ! ii rr.o icy vas nrrcr iouchrdp and it jyes 1 rw in pay fuch oflltccl sir ofo ir c.iiccis t.i. Franc, th? rc:l hJi been pro li ! Irr ty a ?oin, with fi uhu ilicr J.ublic fxpcndiiuu', w'uhoMt leaning to ihelety of i'y tax, and whhot it agisting tic pif'irtfiivc dil.hatue of tut publt? t.l nfnrril at the irfohitin, whictt w ilt, iv the prefsr.t jodliioui fjl'cm t f j;o. vfn mtri ii puiftut', l all paid btlotc ihr Lorifittia :hck IjI'.s !ue. Several laws I. itc t'fen pafT I ihi fcf ftu fixit f tic funis to pay fjr Louifiiiu, as.! fi the eablifltment ot elf it gwn there, -1 'f wh'th will appear ! I'r pi f apt!, l.iih thtftfiiie I teJ t pit ticwUnle in dftail n ihla occkfion. The lvi ihat tottccin in piycrnsncn ate m'y tcinpoMij, a.d will ot nMtfc gfa t"ly thane tl cir leitunv I 1ntim :t Kiirr..t.ife in f rm and lit&lo n iiU our vwit. I U evrnparative mirpuin- tancein whioh we ft in J wi h the habits and inftitutions which before ekifted in Louifnna, have ren lered this graJuil rin rro lation of tree govcrmrtint n:je'Try', and it may be faiJ that,while foliciton of conferring to th;m the rightsof freetnen', we have been tender even of their pejudi ces. The country if5 to be governed In . two diltri&s, the lower called Orlems the upper Louifi ini, which Utter is to be un der the G )Vernor,of the Indian S ; terri tory. . ' . " " ' , The aequift'ion of Lonifiina to our part of the coun'ry m lit bJ an object of . the mod important conf.-q tjiices, as it will not onlyiecure to u ; -iioiuierruptH outlet for the pro 1 ldVions. of our soil, but i lcrcafe our derninJs ani sh-j profits of .our induitry'.- -To the public revenue, a! fv it will bs iti obj'eA of fjm: m nsnt; for I find the,lecrctary of 'the treafiry alrerlv 'titimi'es-thtf value of th; goods imported, into Niw-Orleans for Oiie year at 'two. niiWions and an half .of do lar, i'nl the nett ravenile th;refro n to the Uv Sutes, at two hun Ired thoiiQndd oilers cal:u!a iin that the tra le of Loiiifuni . w6u!J In trcife only o ii fourth of the present eli tnjte every year; by tie time die dibt become due in 1 8 1 3 , o k ha;f of 'lu pur. chafe rmrtey will have br.-:i ,jaid fio n ia.it fource itlone. lint the prorsfs of tra.'e there has teeo more rapi'd. Ttw value as well as pr?re of thi trade of Lonisiria imy.oe ediuvueibr. a consideration of whit it has been on ier lhe in ict ive government ot Spa-n we-i-'n toMel hto the pjrts of tli.--Atlantic fr n I-onisiana and the FlaridaS in ih tolio.vHii, years, vir. Iuf7 to the viine oJ dolls. - - - F roiit 112 lame countries wu '.Gorron, I,i i8ot - . - 2.2S3.j1? Ibi 1802 - - 1 .9 z ! . Oir Hitancial aTiirr are ntiua . wim an alJrefi anl iki'l farce f.irpair;d only by our dip!o nitic negotiations. . O ir public revenue is clliv.tel I pr,iuom, Uj.lli io,5-5o,oc6 Thu, expcnditme includi'ig (he , payment of i he puioc debt, 9,8 iO.ooo Ot tins 1 here i now appropria- ted 10 fTic annual 'd.lchaige of - the pjiblic debt C oci.co The general expi of our govtru rocnt arctitiinatedas lu!iows : Thecivil department whichc'n- prthends conjitls ar.J tne exe cutive Direft tax, arrearajes flill due, 290,000 Specie in the treafury, 5,68oooo j Do'.ls. 6,480,006 1,6 50,114 liiioOi led N-vil cxpen Jitures. -Military at.i Indian meots, Foreign intrrcourfe Depart ?)t ,'oo i,6jo,oj-J S;5,co3 , 230,0 )0 Payments cf the pufcUc debt were made. ' in the year.ending September 30, 1803, eqttal to 3,096,-700 doiJa'rs making alto. '. gethr since ihe pre fen t aJminiitration j 'came into 'ofil:e:9, 924, 006 :do'!lars. -I need not point ott the -difference bc i tvveen fo f)rbfperous a management of our i public affiirs, and the ruinous arid vicious .fylte"m which p'receded" it.' , ,,. Coofiderable tiro; has been cbnfiimed. '. a'rto 'great warmth exciK?! in the oilcuifioo j of the claims of various companies, who p'irchafed of the G.-orgia lt-giflature about rorty iniilioiis ot acres of land, (including the Yazoo, as well as iheolaims of -Cote's company, on the bi bet.d of the 1'tnnef feej in the yeir '95. TUc luecccuiiig le Kiflatiire ot Gi oria ViiideitoOk to l'up prefs the ii Ic of the cliims under tpis ,piiroha(e, by publicly burning ihe lecbrds of Ihe tranfatlion, and declaring the whole Void; in iZoz that fta.i.e made.'a ctffion of all ih't tract ot ' country . to the United o ates, with a Condition annexed, that a quantiry not txceedint five millions of a cics, Ihould be a p p ropnat riT"to 1 he 1! i f. ..charge ot all the c1aimto land", by virtue of any ait or as of the legillaiure ol that lliitc. '."In the Interval hetvr en the file of the Georgia, la ml, under the aid of 179 j, and prtitcit or delt r nft "on of thc rerorUiin the l.jcci e !ing year, ihe piirthafcis, wiih t'l:e tviu'ences of iheir contracts, tool, their rente to the eailern Hales, and (beftfe tiie legifl iiurc had i;fu-med to annul die con- . tta-t): made fjlcof r.car'y-jhe whole. of their piuchafcf , to nomfroui rnftaticef to innocent a d indv.'(lrioiis citi?cns, who Uidoci nearly ilicir all In purchafuig thr fc Inn ls, never conceiving that an ac of- a foveitifM independent, governntnt could be abto'jaled alter it had bcei acted upon, and carried intC'- operation. b'r. jcr the pfnvifion of the cifjion of ihe U ttjted , States tltttng a part five - mill j'osof arrt's for fat spying chlins; i e i. d'Ojnts attending at the conimencement ij the fffrun, and prcpt-fed to accept tc prrtvi li-j'i ma :e, aud that the lands Ihould b : divide I atnonglt lh-m acordin to the "Mtfrti 1 ot their claims, to be a'tjullcd by Miuri. M-idilon. Gaibttn, um,:r,;i. 1 t cis appointed tor the purpnre, ili applica;iou a b'l! wt rcourird our iif a tom.notu'fe coi ivrmaole !r;ttr.cr ti 11 la. to 2 DVIs. 3,716,030 t Y vj will p -rreitr- that ihere is an ap. parent exceU of expenco bcyou I the eiti rtitril incom-, by t there ate her foods' a d other rcfourcrs '0 mskc jriio'd all tluft, and leave a handfjT- futn In ihc public ircafury for pubiirfervices - Tlu naval cxpiudiiirrc tnay pctr'nps lurprifs you. I therefore think it prprr o tncniim, ihat a Pint oi one uttihoii i ihjt account, Ins .hcciuap prj?iL'Ji'jr.lA"hint a few rt P i n confiqtft rtcc of aJvice being receive! tf ihe U Siaics" fii-Mc l iiadilpltia; in cha. frig a'l'iipo ic Cfujitr, fa'u upon a ri.k onihf to ut ol Parhaiy, and was, 'ith her crew of itpwauls ot 3m per fon, Ca plural dy the Baruarijua. ll'is circumHance is in ev'-ry vew unfuriitna e, and as we ha?c l)-ei ly lorour p'ieV, torccil inn tr mtntcnarcc of a 1 aval force, we im.il tl thcr fiipport iiir a adiu it altoijcihcr. i'uch an o-carion a ihu, liovcvcr would hot he a pioper one to at;ttrpt fu.Ji a llcp; butluriny wn part, I have always Inen of opinion, thn a trade whuh ! i.evcr avoided in the agiryaie hcjoi.d 7. ilM'faii a year, is not worthy of ih? a. icnceot the if juty to which ithdj-dU ll, nation. Thus miirnn for tie Mcdifri rarsean fcr vicc is to tr piocurcd in the (nft si.ftance by a loan, but an additional duty rait.lup ou the va 1 c of foreign fpo 's irhpt rtril, it eflablilne.ho be applied foUIy toitcdif., chaigeof the loan, atdrcfray the whole cx trie 'o thi drvtce evcltis-ieW, and-ii lo e c'.d The Nfcditetranean fund, liitidiS ihe eHimated tmjt ent tfven. tie, the follow ii g funds aicalfo hpofTtf. in ol ihc puhhe.. Duties oulllaiidinjir, 4C0.CCO An lit applied fmn vlrtnccd for pn fictM' cL m K gland to be Kj aiJ Ouai Trtaluty '150,100 report of the corrouii'fiotuii ' litis : fmnotcd iih nnuluat va-mi. I 1 nJ ft.pportcd with rual zca', di,ti' (:. I i- .-ral weeks, but wan dually pol!pond to ! ihe 11' xt fHHon. I was in favour ol this , h.l upon the prir.ciolc of. its reinjj good i policy to qu c claims of fwh magnitude, j t ti a ttact 1 f coutitry faid to hi the gir- en.ol America, at a price 10 cheap ; ft,r fo ;o;g as Ihcl'c t!ainis arc held up by if!C pr'-f'-iu claimants, fo long in mv opinion will it he in fata to pirchafc the fame land from the U-iittJ S ates, as ihc prefent claimaiits tiiicitcn to commence fuitsa raimt aUwhomay.. fettle onthofe lani?;: except their c'aims ihillbe fnft faiilicd 1) ! bv the goer.nmcn, by cotnpromtfc ur o I thn w i'c. ! a treaty witn the Kifkafy.taj the L niTc.j Suies na acqTiiuWlrrfacTnf ' Ij .fl.cft is mt,rt;rfcir7df ftTnai-TjfTrDrtrratftirg land; and finiiiar advantacts luve bun obtained by treaties wills UW Cliuilaws, D -Uwarc, Shasvancfe, and I Aunc others, f'if'ien tuoufatid dollars in add ton 10 ! f umcr icnropiiaiioru, lia been appro. j piiaied for th4 e y.iinguifh'incnt of 1 .1 L'u , (iiL to land fouth ealt of Ohio, whiih ! rcz to the Prif;Jct power 10 e xtiniju:(!j I . I - - I - I. : 1 . tlic 1 n.uan claims 10 ianu lyinn wiimii tne ft ir ot Kentitckey and Tenneffee, siur evtr ihe Indians will cotifent to fcH ihrf lan-tf.. , With rnatiiude I return thanks to my fwll tv c'v'' ?r nt'r fuffs agea in for. mtr e'tciioni, and if It is their pleafure 10 re-tlcCt d at the enfuin eltcl'on, it wii j;ive uictruch pleafure to devote my tine and fctvfaaai their ifprtfntative. JOHN FOWUK, examined, and that .be-be confined' in on of the Prufuan fort rt lies until the ttrni- nation of the prefer war. ;- London, March 30. 1 . T'leSlackHrv-i ftiA tro 1 has failed frorri the Downs Tor the coin1 of France. No--thfhg new'iiai-ippearedin that tpiarter.-. No accounts have y et been received of the Itorie expedition , -""7 " ' " ' ' " ' ' March it. jv -The reports fr'om Holland, rathei t bei fabrica-ed accounts, vary evtiy day. ' It is now fiid.there are 1 v i n ii at the Hclder t6o j tranfpbrts and 176 gun boats, 2 frigatch, and?i-bfiffR 'and 'that the grcatelt exer tions are making to . embark military ftores on board the tranfports. The T7 . 1 . r 1 1 ' rrrincn troops are lain to be. very nurne- -t roiis at the -Hclder and at AmilerJam. - r ; -. ., .-' - -' April 2. , The Toulon fk-ot is Hated to c'onfiit of - nine fail of the line, and eiyht frigates and corvettes, about 3;oo Geuuefc fcamcii are., on board of if . ' ' . J , It is faid that the FrenchVrmy rf Re ferve,' ftationed in the environs of St. O mer's, Arras, Amiens, Compeigne,-&c. hid received orders to advance to the coad. . It is reported that the Fluhing Hoti'l is to join that' of Boulogne, and it is Hated -t hat the rnterprize was delayed only w-ait-ingthe.accomplilhment of this junction. The embargo on all vcllVIs is rontinueri with great flnctr.e fs a'.oi'j the 'Du ch anj ' F! cm i ih coa H s ; 1 he h fii e r ri 1 c n " u t O il end tan.d Blankchburg, and every other port arevpVohihited, fiora putting to fea on any occafibn. . They arc rot even adowed to fifli under the batfeiies. ' :: Our Hotilogne (quadron conifllng" cf the 1: Monarch and lllullrious, the Immorialite at;d Squirrel frigates, befi les l! opj and gun bris, have returned iodic Downs. Thev were forced off 'he French coail in , a ga!e of wind.- The ftojic yclle c haveal- - fo rnurtitd to the Dow ns. ' Pichegru, it is Hated, has been removed to t!e I'rifon de !a Force. Polignac, tempted by hopes of parc'on," I itarcd to hafe givtn full--ji, format-ion, ' is to theobjic'ts and extent ot the confpi-' racy. General Valence, who fetvtd tin-df-r General Dumouricr in 1792, ha, it is, faid, w:th many od.ers btto arrelttd in coidirjucnce. Throughout the Re'gic' Provinces, the poft. (nailers arc forbidden to let poft-hor-fes to any pirftns without a certificate from the Police officer, and in every town pr vi la, Hndcveno'n the public roads, G-ns d'Arnics are placfil to examine ihe .paifes of travellers, and to arret! all fuch as may he unptoviilcd. Orders have been fun to Paris, to Italy, and different partg d Germany, for thearrcft of pcrfons im plicated in the late cor.fpiracy. According to the return of the ravy up fo this time, it appears, that we have in comtniffion one hundred fail of ihe line. ' twenty-four of 50 guns, one lunurrd tnd twccty-fix fr'gaies, apd two hundred ani tweiity-lcven (loops, gun-boats, Scc. April 5. , Yifl:rday a MciT'ge was fent Hewn to the l!ank,o by them commuiiic'tcd to tha Sto.k.E changr, that thcChancclior of the Exchequer for Ireland ou Id be ready this da? to have an iater vie 4 with fuc4i Gen. tf an Antval at Ncw-Yctk. ftnr.rijparf , it it (aid, In Iet-f from Berlin, has demanded that Louis XVII I, (wins tefidei at Watfaw) fhouU be gicn tip as implicated in the lat confpiiaty, I jm . a I and the prufiian sovcrr.rnem ius rtiuicj iomt liar.ee. Oihcr account fla'e that ihc Hrll Confnl hador.Jy fec,uircd that the papcts.of the raonarch fttf'uld be lor an Itilli Iosn 1 to Hate to them the a- rouuiit of the ftirn wartd, :nd ttrfctileiho ptciiminaties f a bid. In i ior an caily da utxi week. This or.cvpiclcd notice bajf the effect to Jowtr tl.c lui.di aSout five, tights percent, an it was thought that tie loans lor the ft-rvice of the Uioic1 KinV don a vcuild havebrfn made in ore ton . trad'. "This j icce.rrcal I udgct j;ues an a- btm that ihe tout vtillgrcaily exceed what wa$aprthct'dtd . t We ut.JeiHat.d thit confi !crsb! Hif trrfU.ai been fell in IrclanJ by the titter cofitcnpt into w huh the crtimeifeit fiUtf ha fa.lcn. I he tradclmrrt rt Uub m l iie at leneth itfi.fid to accept ot it in cjuhange lor commodities, ai.d as nothirg but copper com is now tutrcnt, qtcatcoi -fu'ion and even fume riotirg, his taken place. Tl-e eAis;er.cj dcmaiuli thtfcr'otts attention uf ifcr men than tl cprtft,n Mini He is. Yefttrday difpatchei were received at the A Itairaliy I torn Lor I tc!fou. A re pot! has bttnfince stty current in the bed tntoimcd (irclti, that ihr Frencli flenhava mi le their tfcape Horn Toulon, and that his Lordfhip't difpatches contained n ac tojn: of this event. V not think thi iepM improbable, at we know fiom un cuefiionablt authority, that the Toulon rttrt was rtatfy fr fea fvotc tirtc ajo, aud 1 r