nonlf waiting for ilavoijraMe moment to elude the vigilance of otirv gallant com (imanJer in lbs Mediterranean. If they ''"have actually failed, Sicily no doubt, is their deftination, as the only thing which has hitherto prevented the trench troops from-tneTkifNaleVha been an appre--henfion that if they did fo. the Btitilh -would immediately take polTeflion of that ftsfViiM hft ahle to land thers. a tew thoufand troops, they - Would find themlelves under no reltraint, pnd would relpett the neutrality pi ma ples as little as they have lately done that of Germany. ; A Paris paper of the 24th fays " We . ?reaffired that the French government ,.' has received a . fecret correfpondence, which throws frefh l'rght upon the horri " bleconfpiracy formed by. the enemies of -heKepiihlic, againd t he - government, 'and perfon of the Firfl Conful . -This cjrrel'ponlenae confilts of fe- feVf ral -fVrioinat letters! wrUtCll bV a Mi- - jy W , . flifter ot -England accredited at one ot the German courts, an d were addrcded to a mercenary agent, whom he had lent to Paris to allilt his designs. The EVifh Minifter recommends it efpeciaUy to his Asent. to obtain a knowledge of the war- like plans of the French government; to employ all pouTole means to diforganize the. armies, and to endeavour to, corrupt . the perfns employed in the manufactory of gunpowder. There is reafon to be lieve that this correfpondence will fouiv be . publilhcd. : GENERAL MORE AU. The public, being at this moment interest ed very strongly in the history and character of Gen. M)reau, will probibly like to be in formed, that he is anv.ive of Marlaix, in Low;r Britanny, about forty one years of age, of a well inform ed mind, htvrng been edcca- ted for the law, and. practised as a -barrister. Naturally. . of pleasing address, with insin- aiaian ill onicrs, - au.i jjo-'sesiiu tic.wn. - figure, he only owes it to his having lived, for some the,singular atmosphere of a modern French cam;), that he has not become what our volatile neighbours call, vk homme tnut. jj flit n:iiiSf. It ri;iv lit; S:iiil of Hi in . s it ha bjen ot richegru, thit one cannot be an hour m his conrvtny, without putting prefect confidence in him, ami setting him do vn for a man of probity and honour. lie fore he became . a. General. Officer, Moreau 'com nl indel the battalion of the Department of I si and Vilaine ; this corps was very ad v.Tse to the Constitution of T9 j, and at last accept- 1 it with great reluctance. Morcau hi ns:lf, equally versed in civil law as in tac tics, wis by id means friendly to it, and ctill less so to the m id Government called R "vi'Mton I'r. lie often reasoned with great ac'U'."ve.s on this code of an why, and toretold its approaching fate -with prefect ac curacy. A letter has been bunded about Paris, s?.id to have been written by this distinguished but- ur.hrtunate m in, to liuonaparte. IF the let ter be genuine, it d)es him honour, at the -same time that it proves he was privy to the conspiracy. ' It begins in these words : ' Sir, since your ambition requires more sictinn. strike, but do not ralum li tte thoso you butcher. Wade in blood of inno.-ncs, hutsp ire honour in taking av..y life. If you cxp.'Ct from nii the suppl'caiilV petition, read no further. In this dungeon, where yourty , 1 unv has plunged me, I am mure elevated Than von up m vour nsurp-d throne So say to'liu'tmeu ofinv ron'em'nrif p;idfii-.-J tore age wdl en irm their sen' No, Sir, on the borders f etrrni'y I call y.iu to anoint f r y iuf treavin a;,jainil my yiuntiy an I ujainst mytelt." Wc hive v:: raced the following as some of the m ,t bM'ik'nvj 'jvsvics in the letter ; In my Meraded touu'.ry, I scv notlunij Vrnt cru.;in;; slaves an I proud tyrsnts ; base plar.cim.1 and nfam uts spi-s. l.very hcrc iii liMr;i fr in. SiiiJy to Moscow, yourself tCite 1." " Y("ipreteiNd that my c WTTTTj? n-n ve happy a , I sitifi?d ni'hy"U' .jLOv vci nment." If yon wmmH lo.c I'h iichnn n, lc no! their luopim'ssdcprtir! m your life." llecalth:lee;nl beirtthe throne of Trance, and limit severely his au'hority ; mike him a kinir. l)Ut not a Ursj.t. Sur.h wa tjie plan of Pihct'Tti, if myi-.K and of Ceocs." Th'jle'.trrroni;! ulesin the f'll-iwin words : I should i'"iar. the day ol'niy death with -rea.vr i'i .fsrtiou thai thi? nfmy tri mipbs t ul H h it hooe tnit it si,rve I ti unkc my f ''iirr,- fl 1 irithi!! mv fcl'w-f ii. .((, free f.n l p'O-pvrous, uudwulUiy of hoer-.y and IllajMtel'lty i'AKlM Mjr'h S-n? of f"ir nn'-f It i'c, thst he: .A of 1. ' ifri.M t'iin'l M rc.iM c)',tjm r 'bit-. 1 I .f T?'t i 'lift;?", noon ea-H of t' 4'i h? i trie I f iiim'c!. b n-tc'i .-em vil n )i In': nl-I 1 iwif l IV, li ! i X, in ' li nv'i n in t f i) f ; !. I j.i ! ' L uii-! I' l p 1. al:ci!iU t-fif 1 lf n ltd, bl hi. 4 fl ,tt ie;cv w ! ilo M. Vm ' 4 .i'b 1 U'f tr Ki. be b.s d:l' Ivi ij vi S Uv.j 10 , mi. 1 t!i ax u'"' tin i'h -'r Ufi nd rc 'i, I changes in Italy; bin -the report tf the Firlfc Confal having dcainded from the Pope, that the rCiag of Sirdinta Ihould be given up to tj;n, at, Uyr, is nunerto 1 without foundation. J 1 1. MrJVlXpji UsSPEECiT. Tnalite Soeech of Mr. Windham in the nitish House ofCouni'jns, on the best mo of crryinon the war against France, he de i vered the following sentiments,: ..-One prinsipil object Ministers shovild be attenifye to, is tire proper- direction of -the force we can easily, dispose of; yet they have idly dispersed, and consequently weake ie J, the mo t formidable means we have c.f at tackTn jour inveterate enemy. I mean thecheap, .ready anu extansive way tnat lies open 10 us, of sowing; dissehtion amon?'ths; French by our periodical publications. We have oftcii boasted .in this house of bein at) eto cope with France sin jle handed, and though lam firmly persuaded that is the "only way vvbicb re could oppose that country single banded, w 1 should also hi a match for the wide world, fyou readily 'conceive. Sir, that I mean Our writings yet we sho'il J not venture to try the i effect upon other nations, unless we -are able ;i to meet tlvem all in-awns, wbich we m iv have ' to do by purchasin g the method his M ijesty's , miifis'.crs bare 'of 'late adopted. II y was I t not grieved some tim J since, to see a Iyer- i tisemeiits stuck no for seamen to fi ht aist I 'the pusilaainou-. Dons,' -at the same -'tiirie I th it ministers .were undecided, as in lecd they are in every o I thin ' whether they "should attack, the Spxniards or not ! Hnv muchbetter would it not have been to ttke the Dons . unawares, to seize their -;aileois and other vessels, to ravage their settlement, to render them i.i short incapable of -defen-' din j themselves before ever they knew what we were about. -Even Tiionis Jeff'jrso'i could not escape our censures, because he chose to be civil to the ipvrnment wit'i who n "his coo ury is allied, though we must be all persuaded that it would be happy far E'rj;Und hid she such a mm to direct hr councils.' It was lamentably said in this house abbutTW vears a ), that it wn!d require "at least half a century to repair the losses Anie-. rica had sustained during the war, a:rl to re establish that country in the state it was when. p messed by our gracious sovereign ; fi:tt lm ihf his risen t'dwiny ths- skirt aiminittrati-jn of J.-ftrsoi. I ) the press tf .tu'e of our n"'H crtiitrv, ani cm lh:re be a initive of ire. it-IU. t'liii,!) it wilt hiartl'.f regret hs iut being bnn anA'n'ricm? Wait I would now propose aneisyrtiTi'dy to some of our evils, or at least a preventative of greater, is to imitate the Paris new spipers, so far as not to spend our force u .ebssly. One of these papers, in particular is w rtii learning from. It directs all iu iVcf against the declare I cneiris i France, and imdests no body else. " Tho,i it tells round out, that the members ol li i tisb Parli am.'nl are. with very few except'ons "a set of knaves ;" it never speaks but interns of the hi 'liest rex'.reet ofotli-r g'l'.'ei'nmen'i. of . Apnl7 and, brings papers to the 29th of March. Ar. article from Paris, under the ate of March 22J, says that the Duke of Jlnghien, Louis-Antoine-Ilenri of Bourbon, -, onngest aoa'O'f the Prince of Cond hatddjeeti )prehended i'l the night at Strasburgh by a .trench ouicer dispatched in pursuit ot cer tain persons implicated in the late conspiracy. and brought to Paris, where he was identified !:t d received sentence of death in a few hours afterwards. The Duke, at the time of his arrest, V.tempted to defend himself, but was disarmed by his own secretary. . Captain Goodricli informs that the trans ports had hauled down to Nie-Diep. and were in readiness to sail for the expedition aga inst E.iglan 1, which it was thought would not . 'much lairsf be delayed.T : would b. as some snecious nrool y. w'nt it asserts, ro:r. his mir'iIv. during wur.'i At the sam e time it d vain toa'.temut to wish a U' irk rnorc wiile, a to expect a grain of s: use f'o-.n our grarius Sovereivru, it does not n.-Hct to ad ice i the long reign o as it savs. n rhing but war,!;laodshed and re hellion ii ive h. -en tal ied of or seen. It aids t'.ut us if to complete the long scene of fclly the seeds f tivil war arc evcty day suiTred to take such deep root, as to require hut the hint breath of his M ijrsty to blow them into Full bl .-.oin. fA decn sigh through the whole house." In short that paper expe. the imberiliiy And what it calls the inj istice of the llritish government, hut is .so resj ert ful to all 01 her states that one would thjnk it un.fer the innuence of cverv one of thtm. Let 11s then he wibc cnoui'h to imitate such ancKamplc. The following hftportanf letter was rccei-. ve P'liU le'phi 1 by the Maria, "captain Calvert, from Cadu. . Copy of a letter from Commodore Preble, .commander of the United State's squadron - in the Mediterranean, to John Gavino, ;esq. American Consul at Cadiz, dated United .Slates Fnytte'CjfiMituthn, Syracuse, (Sieih ivi' 7, 1804. DEAR SIR, ' ... I have, the nleasure of annonncingto yon the pleising intelligence nf the capture and destruction ofthe'tripoline frigate of 43 guns, late the U.ii'ed States frigate Philadelphia, by the United States ketch Iatr-pul of 4 guns aud TO m 211, com n mde l by c ipt. Decatur of the Enterp'.-ize, wb vjlu iteered on the occa sior.. It is to be regretted that she was so situated, thatU' was impossible to have bro't her out. ' On the night of the 3d of Janu 117 , tF.e brig Syren, cant. -Stuart.and ketch Intrepid of 4 gu.'is fi'te 1 for the purpose, commanded br capt. Decatur with 71 volunteers, from the squadron, sailed fof'Tripoli, with orders to burn the frigate in that harbour. They this day returned, having executed my orders m ie.h to my satisfaction. On the night of the 16th i;lt.c?pt. D ecatur entered the harbour of Trinoli, with the . ketch laid lie", .long si(l'igate, and in a I gallant an I oda :er-like man ier, boarded and carried her against nil opposition. After g lining complete possession, he proceeded to fire h er wi'li success, and left her in a blaze, -in which. slie pritimied u itil she "w.ts totally coosu mvU fie h uV-r ie killed, an I only oik: wrn vled., T,h? Vnp litans !iad between 20 and 3 ) mtnkiU d 'in the deck. One larf:e boat load made their. esc-pe. some mm run below and perished in the fla nes; but the great-rp'trt jumped ovuboud. She was nv'md ( losetothebatto -ies. with all her guns loaded, and twoof their cars iirs full of iciui, y within h tlf musket shot of her. A lire w is k;nt upon the ketch by the batteries, li ishaw's Castle and Corsairs. Not a mus Jfttto" a p'ot'd ii fire. 1 bv oar m.n, 'every thing was sel'led by the s vo id. The -Syren anchored without the harbour to cover the retreat of the Ketch. :u.d sent her bo its to assist, but unf )i tutnlelrthey did not arrive in season, as the business was ac complished, an i the Ketch on her way out behre the bunt v met her. Had they got in sooner, it is p.'obuh'.e some of the Tripolit-ui corsairs would have shared the-jte of the fri jjjate. Very respectfully, I am, dea; sir, your obe dient servant, EDWARD TREBLE. and that it 'uthe interc of evry people t remain at peace. That this is their interest no one doubts. 'Kut I ow has tins interest .been protected by the v c-nfi of Deity, as kings are impiously c!'.l ied! their pride, am bition, and folly have s ; t at naught the hap piness of nations they I uled, and heedlessly driven them to arms is- support of tverv fri- volouspjetensioiiv hof ,-ver tmfounded . Du ring the period ot peatf e with which '- we hav Ktfen blessl-d, Eiiglanc has been engaged in - war twelve years ; every other European' power has been engag ed in one or more wars, and one sovereign btl te has been totally ex tinguished. ' Ought we not the) 1, felbw-citizens, to ex, ult: in our destiny, ' tfhich scatters roses un der our feet, and points us to true glory, .-while the nationsnf the yold world ait in volved in scenes-o1 ."desolation and havoc ? Ought We not to clw -rish a warm devotion to " the principles and U le institutions ofliberty ? Ought we not to fee I grateful to the founders" of our republic ; to , those illustrious men who had the wisdom to perceive the superiority of the simple forms of a republic, to the 'pa geantry of royalty, and who had the heroism fra risk their Uves it 1 its deience- Nat. Intel. On the Sth instaiit about one o'clock in the morning, "the shock of an Earthquake was very sensible felt" "m the city of New-York The report, which evidently shook the hou ses 011 its p rssage, appeared to proceed -from theer.Vt to the west. The atmosphere i.t tlvs hour was tranquil, and the sky seren t aini . brihant. ' ' , C )n tho.3d instant at 3 o'clock in the mom mi;, the new Prison and Penitentiary 1 I-juue of ' New-York, was discovered in Han tes ot',iths(anding the active exertions of Ukj t itizens, the fire continued its ravages lo r two or three hours ; and before it could be ( extin guished, the roofSithe garret floor on the 1 ortli wing.Stihenorthpart of the within tifew feet of the centre of the building were cjnsii med The damage sustained is est'.mai cci at 15 or ?0 thousand dollars. The hu Iding was set en fire by a number of the prist iters. "The following statement is believed to be ; bub - stantially con-ect: ".'.- On the preceding Sunday William V Tick et, Ed ward liarns, James Stanford, William Griswold, Joseph Amber, and John R. )sen- fronts combined together to set - fire to the prison. About 5 o'clock on. the eveni jg of the 2d, Barns, Stanford, and Griswold I, f gan to open a passage through the wall of tiicir room. At eleven they accomplished tlxir object, msalc their way to the hall,, houn tl the keepers and confined them in room N'ull, and took out Wicket, and Ambler. They then went to No. 7, broke through the c Jiini ney, ascended to the garret, kindled a liae in the west corjjer, went downto the apara aents of the women, and effected their escape over the iron railings. When in the parrrl Vick- cttold his compar.ions,' who had kind led a fire, 11 that they had done wrong" in reply to which Hints " swore that he would pr orure his liberty, or perish in the flames." li tforc he would make bis own tscunc, W i ket, more uuu passionate than the rest, rct irne.1 to the kcepcis, lest they should be con rmert with the building. Stanford has bc n i, in habitant of the prison three diflcrentii imts, and oncebcfoie made his escape in a siinilar nuuncr. f i. a id fi '.r ;m.jh I h'u o if r ac- I i'k 1pircJ on! 1 14 .c l iff I l i'l I V'.'C f h it h h; li i" f I 1 y t I ol 'h ihr himte'f ru'if.'' K bU a I v.Jl.14 I ,l 2 Mill 411 ' in. WILMINGTON, N.C. ' TUESlAY, MAY 20, I sou Capt. Allen of the ship John Jones; nrrivrd -at'lhra put mi Sntmday hv imni -frTrr .Jio'd, has jianded us the foil owing list of ves sels spokvn at sea. iil , in lat. 4" 2, nug. 15 f. HiHikf. llc shin Mercury, Gardner. 40 H'.avs from Philadelpii'1.1, bnund lo liiulmi. May 0. in hit. 21 56. long. 4J 20, spol.'! the mz Minerva, Harding, of Portsmouth, 8 , d av from KeniH-liunU, hound to Snni.inij ' M iv II, in lat. 23 !3, long. M) "7, sw,k.- the ship.Coinli.l, lldl, 3 ) days fro. n (ircenock, bo nid to Charles. -May I 5, in lat. .Vt U, ul ' o'clock P. M. dpt. A. was acci dentally nut by a sc hooner, by which the, latter rc ', ccivv.l considerable damage; the Inboard l b iw of cirh vess.l s'ruck, which csrricd away the schr's chiin plates, stove in in;c f her t tim'iers, cirri -J away her fire gifT an I 111 in -top-in is, nniit her foic-lop-aili by ibis ui'' i lent she sprung a leak, hut not si In I b U tnat one pump kept her free 5 nfirr atTirdin ; w'it assist mce was in his poorer, . left her. I nc ctrr prmed to be the W.ilthy, Hatful I. of N'cw-I.ondoi, ' J tli) o It, bound to narhidoes. T'l? Lei! dure of thi state of S4uth-Ca r 1I.U.1 w 11 1 livened at CoHmbia, rm I'rn! if th' Mthinst. atnloti thi Mamhy foHiwin,:, th; pi' ii'nvd .nn I'M :nt to the CmiVituii.ut uft'i: United Sta'cs rehrivc to the eltrlion of a l'ivi leot uml Viff President, passed the S"i i. . Aye 21, N.i.-s v, nod ihc House of Jl j;itcvutatie, Avcs 63, Noes t. .I,v'. (. nln, nrned at New-York, frj.11 ..;fcr.!i.a, J:fi tlic Tcxwl cu Uic 31 Cap'. Calvert informs, that a demand had been made of the Tripolium government, by the emperor of HuNia, for the enlargement or the crew of the Philadelphia frigate. L The United S;atts at PR iCF. vi:h the rJh ci- ' vitited wtrid. Twcntv-twovcnrs have clansrd since the close of our revolutionary conirst.Dni mg this pei'iod we lorn had serious dilf.ULUH-cs with J'rance, I'tigland and Spain, nnd oilier unu- tual virc" of Embarrassment."' Wc were con iderably in debt to the governineiU of France, and we wrrc deeply indebted to the subjects of England. We had our Imnnda ,fis to scilc wiilr England opd Spain. Some - of-mrr-TrtTrrnshail'rmsttmcraila-.; France, and others to England. The Frrnth revolution with Ihc war it gave vE to, rhn4; Europe to her centre, and drove !rm tlnir strongest holds of iiciUmlity nil the powers of Europe, wi'houtan exception, whose interest dictated peace. Amidst this universal con vuUion of the civilised woild we have prcu-rved pesce, we have paid oil fur debts, we have muhiplied our resources improved the face of Air country, doubled our population, extcn led tur commrrcebryoml all precedent, and have in addition t u'll this, not only vrclcrvctl but iinpvcd ourhbtity. Whence these mighty and astonishing ef fects ? Can they arise (mm climate ? J.(cii Montcsquitu, with the full force of his rm'.i. hctiorno a favourite theory could not, wrre he alive, find anv reason, for its application lure. Does it arise from our suprtior sis doni ? We have to rcftrvt that in all the de piitmcnts of science other than j-ohtusl. we 1 are inferior to several Europe sn nations. ran it flow from jKiulinr irtu'cf Uiifotiu t.attly we are not exempt fituii the sues of other communitus. No. It is not be traced to any ex'riordinary ihyslfl or morsl fro ofour tititrns t t thiir rii'lJifan institutions ; to the repotiibiliy ol Oh ir ru Kr to them J to tl.r patriotism whirh a free ji"njdc fhrr'ishcs t and ti e pr Rrts,e dnTu iioi of knowltde which it spitaOs omng t!if tvniif . r ' Vhd)oph h rtp?ate'i me t.fiuminn that war is the grca'.ol coargc of humanity. JUDGE HO WEN. Extract of a letter fr mi a gentleman 1 1 Sa vannah to his friend in Petersburg, dated May ikt, 1804. ' In my last, of the 26th ult. 1 giv you n detail of certain occurrences, which then agitated the citizens of this place ; imrl lsi promised you some further comn.uii ration relative to the general character of judge' llowen. M ThU gentleman is descended fiom a very respectable familv on Hhodt-Isl ind At an early age he Kf; the college rf. and applied himself to the study of lar ; and immrdiately after he had completed his stu dies he embarked for thclslc of Franccwhcre, in a very short time, he rendered Himself obnoxious to the government by his sre'itious prTiicipTcsTror" iii attc'm fl 16 raise an Insur- " rtction among thctpccple of colour, he Vas arrested, tried ami condemned to the gal lows ; but bv the advice of his hwycr, ho feigned insanity, and therefore evaded the ex ecution iJ'thr law ; he was not finally exempt from punishment, for he wss thrown in irons and tC'Unnspostcd'tn the United Slatesf Soon after his re-apprarance in his nslive country, he murrird a poor French girl, de cidedly in opposition to the will of his friends ; svhich ircumitnwe. together with his shame ful conduct in the Isle of France, to moth exasperated his father, that he discarded him. He then commenced practising law, and some few years since was appointed tr the important office of judge of the superior court I'K the eastern district of this state, at ,a salary of 1400 dollar per annum. "He ism msn m very handsom? talents his language is beautiful I have not yet ecr a ropy of the charge hith hss caused bis confinement, but am t"Ul thsl it is the most tlcganl composition thai was ever heard froni the bench in this jdace. " The l-r.isliturs of this s'ate were net to' illy Mnsequainif d with judge Uowen's prin ciples, nor his conduct In the Isle of F.-ante, hut as he as the only person who would ac cept Hie paltry salary which was voted, rather than make a more liberal allowance, which should indue torn of undoubted Jirinripleg lo acitpt the appointment, they preferred I l im. t lie exhibits every mark of a rn lmta