NOTICE. 1 nnWSE indebted to the fMcrtbers, by JL Bind, Nate or opet Account, are re- , awled to came forward an i fettle the fame immediately, to , enable the n to mtet their en . gagements ; thefe who ean.ft! make it con venient to pay' up, will pit 'J fie come forward' and give their notes, othcrwife.tbeyjvillbe compelled to commence fuit's inJifcriminately. It is hope J thofe who have hitherto been punc tual, will not conceive this at a bint to them. Robert Dorley & Co. ; June 26, 1804. 90 3W Notice. riHE Jubfcriber has qualified as admr I nipator upon the etate cf ROBERT : HOWK, late of Ntw Humver County, d. ceafedAU perfons indebted to fid eft alt are requefled to make immediate payment ; and thofe who have claims, are required to exhibit the fame within the time, limited by 1 aEl of Affemblyi othcrviifc they will be bar ret ff a recovery, C- WALKER. - - Wiliningtn, June 0.6, 1 804. 900; - ' Molaffes and Hyfbn Tea. A parcel of each artich, of good quality, jufl received, per the Venus, frw tStw Yot i, fir fats Jew, by D. Smith. 'tfune 26. .,. go O.W. For Sale at Auftion, in Wil- m'wgton, (On a credit f jix months) . On Saturday the 7th of July next, A number of Cattle, if longing to the ejlatc of Benjamin Gaufe, Jrcenfed. The purchajtr giving bond bear, inginurefl from date . . Ch.irles Gaufe, AdmY. June 26, 1804:. 90 :u To be Sold, ; (On credit of fix months) At Strmg' Field, Rocky Point , on the 2d , "" -of July, All the. personal Property Cf ROBERT HOWE, deceased Conffling of ' Cattle, Hogs,& Plantation Tools. And on the yl, M Jflmd Creek, Jbe .Rtfitue of th Cattle appertaining to H. Jialfey'i Ejfate. ALSO, A likely Negro Boy, to be fold at Wilmington on the $thtf Jul " By order $J Catlttn Walke", Adm'r. J. M. LPVT. June 21, 1804. iw ' Twenty Dollars Reward. ON the 20th $f April Inft, hired a H-.rfe j JOHN SAliT, wh) had for fme lime brf,re that period, tucked at ihe Cabinet and Houfe Carpenter's bifinrfs in this town, in company with Mr. Wm. Burton. He faid 'that be was gt'mg to jee his family, wh r 'fide 4 at fomi ftnfi te rabit difiance, and Jbiuld return in tht eturfe of fixteen diys ; but not having fince heard of him, and being apprehenfiue tht he has ma le ff with th: hrfe, Therefore tffer the ab'.vt reword ftr bringing the hore to me, or confining him and fending m- word of it, ft that I get him. Tht ht'ftis tenyart aid this Spring, X 1-2 hands high, if a dark lay ctlour, with pifter U his, fire head, his right hind foot un,,i an& - bit a while fpit on his rig hf flank, F.dw2rd St. George. The Sloop Packet Friend-fhip, WILL PLY BETWEEN Wilmington and Fort-Johnfton TWICE A WEEK fWmd and Weather permitting) Curing the Summer bea'on. SHE hat end aeetmmidatiint ftr P fifgeri, with a ftp ante apa'tmtnt ftr Ludi'sani will be negated by 4 careful and'enptritnctd pert. ' Cufiimoty f night and pfj'.tgt will bt de. rnandtd ; and flirts will be faid in if re auinJ, in application 9 David Tunun. Wtlmingtm, Junt 26, 1S04. 3 (OR S sf L Et SUGAR AND MOLAS'SE S, Now Landing from on boml ih tchootur Jair-flaf, (rom Cuadtloupe. F. Fonuine. Juftll, 1131. 'f-TO TBI FREEMEN OF THE District of Wilmington and -tie County ,of , Sampson. Cavnt'tymen and F.ellovt-Ci TIeriod ii approaching, at which you will be called upon to select one of your Fellow-citizens to represent yon in the Con-i Kress of the Unite ci State ; and t haring been solicited by several respectable characters, .to ofTir myself a : Candidate for that important trust, therefore tender you my services, with an assurance that -should t meet your appro bation at the ensuing election, it will "be the principal object of mjr solicitude to maintain the sovereignty of the people ths elective franchise -indthe Federal Constitution ; and' all my powers shall bo exerted to perpetuate those inestimable blessings. v Confiding in your patriotism, and sympa thising with you, fellow-citizens, in an ardent love of our common Country, I submit my self and my interest on the present occasion; to ybrtr unbiassed choice. I am, fellow -Citizens, Respectfully, your obedient , . Humble servant, SAMUEL ASHE; June 21, 1804. TO THE K LECTORS OF Wilmington District and Sampson County, FELLOW-CITIZENS,' ' SNG informed that measures werr adop'.ed to concentrate the political ideas of the Electors of the above Division, I omitted to address you until an opinion was formed respecting a person to Represent you in Congress ; and as I have discovered a gen- eral wish in my friends, former supporters, and others, that I should again otfer as a Can didate at the approaching Election, I thus . publicly make you a tender of my service. Should I be honored with your confi dence, be assured my fellow-citizens, that whilst these marks of your esteem fill up. the., measure of that satisfaction which hath alrea dy been derived from your suffrages, it in spires me with zeal to promote the. interest, peace, and happiness of the Union, and to preserve inviolate' (so far as my talents will enable me all the benclits which the Consti tution of tW United States has placed under the guardianship of the general Government.' . It is with pleasure I can Inform those I have the honor to represent, that the prompt, wise and economical conduct of our Government, enables us, with the existing sources of Revenue to meet every standing expsnditur;, and pay annually 7,300.000 dollar.! of the principal and interest of our Public Debt. From this favourable situation . of our public relations, the great accumu-, laiior. of Territory and other najron-il advan tages lately acquired by peaceable n.;gocia tion. there is certain prosper' of a speedy annihilation-of our national Debt. Contrast our presmt vitiation with the ruinous system that pre".-d-;d it, and let the unprejudiced form their own conclu sions. With ihe highest respect, Felhto-Citzcnt, I have the honor ti be Your mt obedient JAMES GILLESPIE. JU.VE II, 180. . For Sale, On a credit tf fix month r, A likely yoking Negro fellow, Country him ; tht purchafer entering into bond with fufficient fecurity. Apply to Mary Moore. Afttrft Creek, Junt 16. 89 ALL MAN D HALL MA S F 0 R SA L E, - .THE FOLLOWING BOOKS & STATION ART, Wilmington, June 26, 1S04. UUTTON's Mathematical & Philosophical Dictionary , - - Mathematics Logarithsms Simpson's Conic Sections do. Elements of Eacjift- 'Ediribarg'h Tharmaeopoe? A variety of Blank Books All kinds of Shipping, and other Bfanto Paper Thick post folio-thin do. juifto past foolscap rott,.and Jiottiner. Wafers, red and black Sealing Wax, Sinning;. aan:I, Ink-l'owdcr ot the best quality, h Pounce, Pencils, best Dutch Quills, Scc.Stc. MR. UALU IfJ your pap'r rf the tqth uh. I read an aJvertifement, figned James Rogers, highly injur it us ti my reputation, ftr the ixftrmatiin tf ferfmtwh) tny ntt be ac quainted with faid R'gers, ytu will pleaft infer t tht nderwrittinr ' I had 'Rogers' Bond for 100 Jdlars, and on (hfijtb 9f March, i8o.j, fettled with him, and there remained it tt ne Ho'diHi'ion the bind md j dollars fir a fadsle he had if ne ; ftr which 8) d j. lars I Jil his n:t He offertt there wit mveruny eatings between us except ff the fddle--Tbt contrary tf which I jhall prtve lj unqueflhnable teflimony. The notoriety f Rogers's churailtr mII tferatt tn the mind tf every unprejudiced pcrjtn, in my favor. At what I have tfftrttJ viitbe prtved in Court, a further refutation tf hit tjf'iUnt it unectffry f tltfe whi are acquainted with him will pay nortfpeSl it what he hat advanced. ' Theophilus Pearce. Jt 17, 184. 89 Stett tf North-Cat ilina,") Netv llar.ovtr Ciunty i THIS diy per finally oppttrtd leforeme, hlr.J.ftph Eakmt, andwts duly worn, tab drptfeth and hyeth, tht Jime time Ufl winter, he, th aid dt fitful, .itnefed Bond, pay die to Thttthlut Pearct fnm Jamtt Rttrt, calling fir Eighty tr an hun dred idler 1 1 and furthr thi deponent fajeik R. JOSEPH EAKENS. - Swim to b'firt mt, tkti 1 tyhtfjan; 1804. SAMUEL BUXtON, J. Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannicsr, ' 2 volumes Reid's Essays on. the intellectual and Active Powers of Man ' v Stewart's Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind Priestley's Lectures on History and General Policy Blair's Lectures ' Goldsmith's Natural ITistory Hume's and Smalltt's History of, England V Gordon's History of the merican Revolution Jefferson's Notes on Virginia The Life of Robert Lord Clive Zimmerman on Solitude Oldcastle's Remarks on the History of Eng land . f Brydori's Tour through Sicilly and Malta Bolingbroke's Works and Tracts British Antiquities , Wallaces ancient Peerages The Spectator Johnston's Rambler Pursuits of "Literature The Minstrel, or Anecdotes of distinguishes Personages in the 15th Century Belknap's American Biography Watts's Louie, . 1 Alexander' History of Women State trials Somerville's Political Transactions Exile of Kotzebue " Spirit of Despotism . Ciuthrie's Geography, by Carey,with an Atlas Worse's do. Universal Gazeteer, the latest edition Nicholson's Navi-'tor Hamilton Moore's Epitome The Seaman's. D-tily Assistant The Arneriran "('oast ' Pilot" " The North-Atiuiican Pilot, being a collec tion of Sixty accurate Charts and Plans . The American Practical N.'.vigalor Charts General, r.nIish Chtuincl, Coast of Spain aod Portud, Cayenne, Bars and RiVer of Cape-Fear, Uc. Set. Caps Tear Pilot Johii"ins and Bailey's Dictionary Iviglish Gvaniniars . I. Min -to. Ilonrc Virgil Cornelii Nepc Sc Clark's S nil nst Kchrevelii Ln"icon Ovid's Metatnorphfises Young's La' in nd KngUsh Dictionary French Prosodical Grammar Chambaud's French and English Exercises Fa'iiily Bib'cs, School do. Testaments and Psaitars Brown' Concordance Whitfidd's Lire Blair' Sermons WaUs's Thou:;!.:s The Christian's Gu'.ile Church Government Large and Smnll Prayer "Boo' Psalms k Hymns, elegant and common MTcwcn on the Types Pilgrim's Progress - Sarrawienu! Directory A Treatise on the banctihcattonof the Lord s ' Day Sacramental Catechism' lkrvcy's Meditations Beauties of llervty Origin of Evil American Preceptor -.-'t American Accomptant Scott's Lessons Frazer's Assistant Schwd Master's Assistant , Spelling-Booki -r-tr- - -. New-England Primera Chap and Toy Books " Cavalry Discipline v l'rce-Mason's Pocket Compituw Songster's Magazine Tonr Jonea Tulc of the Timet Charlotte Temple Beggar Boy Santlford U Morton Rostcau'a EloUa Fool or Quality Adelaide tie Sanccrrt Perplexities P.ohinson Crusoe f The Negro Man of Feeling Theodore Cyphon George lUrnwell The Infidel Father Ortenburgh Family A variety of Political and other Tamphleta Giaydon'a Digrstof the Laws of the United States Martin's Duty of Executor! and AdminUtra tors ' Hay wood's Rr porta Taylor'a do. Evans's Esssyt Latch's Cases I ruthcrberl'a Nstura llreluim I'otnier on uougtuons Gilbert'a Distresses Proctor's Practice of Law Hunter on the Blood A Treatise oa ihe PUfui and Yallow-Ft vsr FOR S ALE Under Direction jof - JOS H U A POTTS, rVilmihffton, June 26, 1804. rry Wine, UyARTER Casks She Casks N. E. Rum, ' Biilei Liquorice-Root, HhJs. Tobacco, Ditto 3d proaf ,Rum7- Kegs 8d. Nails, Boxes brown Sugar, , Barrels Pork, Spanish Segars, Crates Liverpool Ware, Ivegs manufactnted Tobacco, 6 Pieces Cannon 6 pounders, . Coils Spun Yarn, One Case Letter paper, Do. do. Dutch Quills, Grind-stones, Sawed Lumber, . Chests Young Hyson Tea, Boxes China Ware, - Ditto German Steel, Ditto Cotton Cards, Ditto Wool Cards, ' Kegs Spanish Brown, Ditto Lard, Ditto six-penny Nails, Coils Cordage, Loaf Sugar, - Lump ditto, . I' on Hollow Ware, "Bar Iron, JUST RECEIVED . Bythe Brig Wilmington Packet, from New York, ' . And for Sal,, cheap for Cafh, Q,U!Ys-Sauce, Muibrtortl Ke'ckup, . Walvut do. p Jeter cf Anchovies, 'Cheroiee Sauce, Jndi.iSoy, ' 1 Frejh Hyftn and Gunpnwder TEASt Sherry and Madeira WINES, . . 'Tickled Salmon and Matharel, London bottled Porter, ' . Do. do. Briwn Shut, French Brandy' Levy & Carrol. WUmingion, Jnne 19, 1804. 89 ' For Sale, . ., Very low f Ctfh, A Neat, Philadelphia built Phaeton, IN gO'd order an i ve'v little worn, haviir mverrunbut two tr three journ'us. The Hamefs belonging' to the Pkaton is alfo in gtod order. Apply to - . . " Levy 6 Carrol, Who have alfo on hand, 3 Hbds. ;; 2-j II Bags if COFFEE, Jufl received by the fcVr Regufattf, frm Charlefltn which the) offer ftr Sale, in ' moderate terms, for Ctjh inly. . June 12, 1 804. 83. "Notice. ... THE Ctpartntrfhip hrttiftre carried tt ly Mar R,h. imk'ngs, John Scott and William Nutt, under the firm tf WHU lings, Scttt 6 C, w, by mutusl comftnt in the 10 b 0 April hfl, diff lvtd William Nutt having withdrawn frm the emeer. The bufineft willbe tmiinutd under the fime firm by the fubferibirs, tt whim ffflica tiias for ftttlements vfiU le made. M. Rob. Willkingt; John Scott, inimingttn, June 13, 1 804. 389, Taken Up, AND committed tt the Gail of I hit etun ty, en th 8A infl.' a Negrt Man, wHcalls h'mfelf JIM, mi ftyi he bihngi tt Sihmm Pale, tf Siulb CarfJinJIU it taw-en iai p years tf age, if a yet. litoijb cirrfle.riin, hal tr impediment in hie jptnh, tnc f hit ft t it rather def tfl'ne, and he tat number if ft art m his btdy, which vere occofiweJ by whipping He bJ will him gun barrel, wlntk the twntr may have by prtfing pr ptriy. Any prrfiH twninraid aegrt, li rteu'fl. ti tt prove the feme, pay tbarget and Uie hint fJtay, ttberwife he vttllbe Jili at A lawdirtai. JOHN SULLIVAN GAer. h'tvi-Hintx Ctunly, May a8, j8 . V -

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