i 1 .1 U Jt'-Q- PUBLISHED (wkeklt) BY ALLMAND HALL. --TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1801. toz. Tin. so. 393. U AA Foreign News. LOND ON, April 30, . We have iccei t Leydon Gazettes to the 25th inft.. contain intelligence ?trom Paris to the ih. The fyftem of Atl does not appear to faave been'telaxe-- and the fufpicions of the tyrant nave j 'n rendered all pectoris , who are deemed rumours, object: . tion of the mav The Governor o April, the follow"; ,;jerous, and even all the particular, atien- es in the capital. Vris ilfued on the 14th addfcfs to ths offi- . cers and fubaltern in general orders, of the garrifon and national guard : " The Governor ot Paris recommends to the Aidf-de. Camp, officers,, and fubal ' lernsl of the garrifoiv and national guard, ' fjealihterr the citiztis, wherever they . may find them, on the talfe reports which the difaftccTeieti leavur to propagate. They do not (lick at the means ; tn now they give out, that the death of Pichegru is not the refult of fuicide.;This again they fpread abroad, that a great' many prilbners are Ihot every niht. Let the citizens know that military, as well as dviljuftice is not exerted without public forms, and that not one guilty pcrfuii has been condemned by the military tribu nals, without fvs fentence having ' been printed and ported up immediately. The criminal tribunal continues its proceedings with tlnrgreateii aclvvity . - Whatever is fpread relative to the facts,' "more or le fs i m porta u t , w rt h ' t h rch t h e" prifonors (land chirked, muft be coiiftder. eJ as falfe reports. The arrefts which, have takejplace fince that of Gn. Mj. reau," have confirmed his giti't.' Diicorp'sp one of the briaads defcribed in the lilts publiflied Uv the chief judge, is now ar reted at Chartrts. " To this moment proofs bac rcen founJ of every thing which the chief ju lfje has faid, and of nothing elfe but wluche tasfjij." ' v ThisaJdrcfs concluJes in the fjllo win, terms : -7- , V. " The opinion ofal! ranks of people is always cifentully connect I with the con fiJence and love which the Firljt Conful has' a right to expect ot.Frc.tchuien.' (S;gned) " M U.I AT.' The fat; of Murea j may be eafily ami, cipatel. Hi execution has probably bc- lore this tim: tk;i pUce. On ths fame dav when Gen. Mural's ad lrtfs'was publifh.-J, the prefect of Po. lice in the capital toik nev meafuresof fafctjr agaimt fufpeeted perfor.s in Piri,, and its environs, Hs gave orders by an arrstteidatcd April 15, that all perfons in. clu led in the amuellv for the civil vut vdiomjy becii-herat Paris, or in the ru ral communes of the department of the iHtic, in thofe o( S;vrcs, Mauden and St. C'ou.l, of the department of .Seine and Orfe, miiil appear within three dys from tf.e ptib!icatiiiol the order, at the office the fecrctary general ol the prefcclure 'K pice,, to get their afl of amnelly, pillports, and I ccncn of ufi lencccxatai-J'il-JLii.'J5 Ac a declaration of Tieir nanu, rcTiJcnceinrTTrorete bcture and fmce ifce rrvo mion ; the pla cei whye-.l.rir property lit,; the mo. tivei w inch have nuhntd ihcm 10 chufs their pUet of ab.-ic, Si to continue in the lame. Thcf pciAirs ate to remain on. .cr immediate irif,.rti,nt&,110, mc'harge thcu rcfi.lcr.ee witi .mt leave from the ;,rt t of police, uu !cr jainof arrtih Up-jn 1 the prtfci.t mir i.tFy, and upon the prtHnt (late of ahVtr. we have lit. fit to add to what we hje lo often faid ; ,iJiat icrirc whet Mr. AcUingtou may, U .VHiU-iirc witho.it ttc V(ice oftl ccoun. try lui g in it,j paii c-f it ca'lcd fur his iilimj!,o-f anUwLh the praifc of havinc fcdcJ.iii the bdr of Lis ability for the food of.hi conntrv. The whole fecret of iheoppofltHimohim, am of lhc , rroathmK thare. conMt in three word- lili Majwdy', i;lief4. , The - niafq.,1, of StafTrd'i motion upon ll'e ..cfcme fthe coumry wa polfponcd vplctdav, at the pattictdar rcqucll of lord JlawUWy. Thenuiii.cr in huli hit L-rdllup inide the nrp-tit wu oinipmn. "home circtimna-ct lue atifcn.he fid, ofa niii.ic w!iicliIdfCinitii,oi,nrtfnt iih V duty h. Hate at iVc i trfcnt time ; I'uwcMr, I iruft, No'. le Lord ill do .e the cirdu to think that I would not wale the leqnt It without Uung yiicn any pttviuni i nimatkn of fnch 4 wilh on my Jan, uiiiaithecirctniflatui 1 alluJc u were of that nature, tnat all their Jord fhip's would, were they aware of them, ! agree wi t h m t n thinki n g .-.it-de G rable that the difcuflion ' propofed by the r.ob!e. laquishouldbepoftponcd.,' . What thefe circumllances are we pre-, fume r.jt to decide,.; but it is probable that thole who fpeculate upon)he refif;na-i -t ion . of mi nilt ma y find themfeUe: miftak&n. After concluding a very beneficial "loan for the benefit of ; ths country and the riontrado.rs, Mr. Addington yclterday o pened the BudgetXThe burthens are as moderate as in ths. -prtfent flare of affairs could have beea expedied Tjie war tax es are to be- augmcnud in their predu'ee one million. This aiigmenutiqa is upen ' vvine, frpWT:iL ;f " 5 ut:)eas a ", ton ; an augmentation whi:h the wine merchants were t-old lalt year to expect. The pro duce of this tax is eftimaKd at 200,000! An addition of 12 1-2 per cent. on the artielts under the head confolidaied cultooris, excepting wine, tea, .and. cotton wool, and doiibiing the dutyo raifir.s utid fwcets. The ettimated produce of this addition is Soo oool Hi4hnefs,yt,fubje3s,',flrongly implicated Jf Mr. Drake, have been arretted at Mu nich, for hating, at his ioiligajion, vent ts, fed upon Hepsrcpiobattd "by the laws of nations. ' 1 ' The underfigned is ordered alfo, trr declare that his molt .ferene K left era I Higlinefs knovs the noble and generous Jentimems of his Britannic Maithy, and ..f .1.. r.v i-'d . . T1 VT r"-z ... . . 1,000,0031 This is the propciVd au;mcntaiion f .the War Taxes to a million beyond their prefent produce. " .1 Uc interejd of the lan is to be provi ded fui m another wav"- " itrarjV6iirr j mj between, 7 and 8op,ooci. It is ptpofed to coiifoli.late the Stamp Dutie, rather lelFennig the i!uiy on ltamp ufed in le gairproceedings and tncTeatt jv-ttw ia'y-: on Itamps for the transfir of property. Tiie Minuter fuppoles the piod ue tf this' confoltdaiion will be- 8oo,oooL witich will , mue than cover 'the iutcrelt of the loan. Letters from .Conllantinople of the 14th of March, fay, Alt Pacha has been murdered on his way from Alexandria to Cairo, fuj'pofci hv ih-- Bcy. Thcraud Seignior anths Miuiltcrj, in great con-, fternaiion, ihat their Govtrt.or has met fuch a fate, have a.jpo nted the Pachr. of Acre, Governor f Lgypt, t rtllore tran quility, and have lent a tqaaJron ot ll:ps of war to fuppjrthim. An interfiling cuivcifa'ioti took place "ycflcrday in the It ufe ot t-teis, previous to ihe poltpotHment ol the Maiquis of SiarTird's motiun fur I ri lay next. Lord IKwk.tfbuiy riqtclrcd the poltportimcnt on prou"nls whicii he fai l il would be in co;ifdtcnt vl'iih hit duty to explain ; i.e could pledge his or 'd it and character tor its pioprieiy and tic cflity , Lai Is Car lilie, Fitzwilliam, and lord Grcnvi'd?, prctred the Noble Secretary for a lurthci explanation, which was firmly refuted. It'. was further urged that no Dufincf re lative to the defence of the country ihould be brought forward in the interim, which wis partly conceded. Lord Maw ie.'l.:ry ' prcmifing that notrinp U?oiild beprtlcnt- ! ed of nature likely to uc'-fuir adivif:n ' of feniimei.t; The above ciruullaiiCJ I combined with a jrreat butilein the morn- I ing arnonpthe miniltcrs. ptoJuctd a vat i. ' usiy-sujcporis. oome ta.i mat a uigen- cy is on-ibe laws W.K-is-lhatIrr-Ad-- dington 11 makin an ariange ncnt for his : i: . r . . ... iiiiiicuiitic rciiji au.in ; on.trs amrtm o. therino ives. 'We do not know whuhof them dcfcrvcrmolt credit ; but it aju e-u that f'tnc impurtant event ii ncarat hand. Mr. Fox's motion in the lloufe of Coin, mons, relative so the Hanotciian Hoops, which flood for Wcdnefday, wakaifoped. poucd upon the faiiic ground. (0FFICAi7"n0T.) '. The undcrfigncd Minil!cr of S'a'e, of his molt fcicnc htgbnefsthe FJcftor of Palatine of Bavaria, has received cxprefs oid.is fiom his molt fcrcne elefloial lu'ch. tiefi, to tianfmit 10 his cxcellei cy, jNIr. Drake, the printed copy of fetters here anm xed, and to inform him, that the ori ItiniUot thof letter, wiiiten with Mr. Drake's own hand, are now before him. Hismoft fcrerw Elecloral Uighncfs is , deeply aflliaed that the very plate of his rcfi lence fhuulJ become the focus of a correfpondence fo foreign to hc million in which his excellency Mr. Drake. has been placed with him ; and he owes it to his dignity, to hit honor, and to 'the weU jarc of his people, to declare to hlscacel. leucy, 1 Lai (torn this moment, it will be impolfibie for him to have any communi. cation with Mr. Drale, at henceforth lo ictcive him at his coon, "Two oijjoott ferece Llcfloral of the Enylilh nation; t'iio well, to fuoDofu that his conduct on tliis occafion., can be fubjeft to thc.lea(t...rt:pr.oach.. lie will haQen to exparn it direct to his M ;ie!ly; and depof.t in h.i.s bofom ths deep n .rtt he feels in wi:hdrifwiTig his coiifidcnce fronj a miuilterwlujlud been fe.nt 10 reprc fem his Majeltj' at this court, , The E lecWis folly conviixtd thst his Britan nic Mijeftv wii! fee in this mcaluie, al tiiough very feainfui in Idin'feli'.' nothi.-i! j but a new proof id the very liijch opinion Jwhichtie has of ids MajeHy's ehar'der, anchor tiie cerievolcnce otw),ich t h u L Lctoral Houfeiasrtce.ved foniar.y ptoois. (Sinrd) ' - " BARO? DE MONTGE LA3i' Munich, March Tt, 18,-4. " May, i. Mr. Adding'op, vc nnderllaiid, rtmslns in oiSce only til! ano.!itvadminiltration is fo.mcd ; a wdik vve ihould-fuppofe of ti little delicacy and diiliculty.N iSevcral of our contempurark'f , however, luve al ready feitlej 1 lie- buli'jefs, and hdvea rea dy. liilcil up a!lhc various ofhees , toilte great lutprifo nouloubt jf many of the . perfons vhi;n they have imniiniited to "drtHireut poftf. V.' hether-M'r -.-Pitt. will cume int power with Mr. fox or-'with-' ow, wc know. not. It is. however, w c believe tcna'ii that Mr. .l.'itt will beat t!ie head -cl ihe .nr w-. . ad'aimi fi ration.. A me!Ia:;e f(V.i -hfs Mjjtlty was communi cated 10 If. zi on Monday, by the Lord H31!!,!.3"" af it-r conveyir rhe.an- ' 1 wer to tfiTTi ten's lloufe, his Linlll:ip lud a ficond ii-.tsrvicw viih him yclter day'. It is faid that he weired upon his Majelty ilis morning. Ve di; not hear that Mr.Foxlus been fent for ; it is probai 1, ?t.ertfore, thai Mr Pitt hathe arrange, nientof t.ie new minillry. But it is rca fonabls U cxpedl that the new miniltry wl Lc ccmpofed ot the three coi.lcdera live parties. Mr. Pitt", will, in all pioSa bility be tie Firtt Lo.d of the Trtafury a;id Chancellor .of the Exchequer, 'and Mr. Fox aid Mr. Grcnviile two of ile Secrctaiicjof biate ; Lord Loughborough peilups w.ll he the new Chiticcilor As)tt, hovevir, we believe nothirg has been arrant;ul, r.t-thit.g (!prifjVy ,Uer. j-iincd upot, except the rchnaiion otthe pre ft.it a.lr r.iltrution. It has trojuenily tiappened in the hiftory en ui- eoiiitry ana its coid'nuiiiin ihat o;ic of thr ;hrcc illatcs has gaii wl fo pre. ronJeratin an influence, is to.overba lance, fur atime, the other two4 Inge ntralthc Itii'cs have been between the DemocratidLtta:c and the Monanhical .rKi"gly Idatc. la the prefent in llar.ee the iimplns on ihe Arilloctatical Branch. I(vcu!d be atiuid to 4leny that the Union if a gteat body of Peers has produced, n the part of l.is M.-jclly'i miniltcrs, lui dctctciii.ation wl.ih led lord HawkJbury 10 the. Hep he adopted the day bctire yclterday. From the man. rer and loit-in-whtth-lhe-oppofcrv-cf- minutry ipttc ; from their more than half avowe Jwjtlj tobrirc on the dlfcuf. f;.rtof the Naif uis of litallord' motion. 11 r.y oc u.irrtu, tnai tney rctKond, ii heard this afternoon from the Freich coalt, ncr BoolonC"; and the wrailer ! s !? flea r . t ha t vv c could obtcrve- 1 hrce -; brigs and two linger ringed velTela come out of Boulogne hai'bout and run along Ihore, as it is fu'ppofod for the puVpcJe of getting to fcaV Only oj.e of our Jhip. have been feen oft' Bun'ogne, ar.d (he drif. 'fd with the tide. The wipd has got lound to the Ton th eafrtr ,! w""T,i .i , j m . - - - V not upon antbfoluic majority, at lea,'! up on equaling the Ittengtn and numbers of their anfajiuilU. The decifive blow hat therefore bcoi (truck, not in the. Com. mnni but m lie Lords ; it is there that crcumflanc s hae, been developed which my have i ducdhis Majc(ly' mir.ilteis lo retire. The fame effect was prnducul when Mr. Fox's India Bin w untj,.r difcuflion. Bui in that cafe the aMonarch. ical anJ Arilloaaitckl branches acted to. gethcr. In a fecond idition of the Courier ttf. leiday wementoned thai news had b.-cn icccived of acoof ihe enemy's fiotil'a ha. inK come ounf Boulogne. Karly ycf. lerday morninij hey were feen front Do. e' Heights, ai anchor aSom two mdes from the Frcstct nturel)urin jhe re maindcr of the lay ihe weather was "too thick to fee then; but a diflant cannon, ade was heard fveral limes; it is pota ble that ihe floillaonly came on to ma noeuvre, and lit ihcy returned Inio the port in the event);. A letter frortFullftore, dittd Thutf. day evening, cOlaini the following In-fotmation: Tbi rcporj ef Convoy under Dungentfs are obfirved Keuing-uiHler-weigh, lor the purpofe t.f: failing beforc dark. For the firft time ;tkis fealon.'a grest number of lights Mere dc'fciied lall night upon the French coalt, which it is fuppoftd arifes from theFrencli j,t roups having encamped there .within this ...day or two. We cannot othcrwife ac count tor this circoruilance." . ji-neialM.'jrn.ont,-commander in chief ''rti. . eam;-.ol .Us rt-ctr, writes to tne fitv cu;.a thi.b : I have the ho.ior to ii -l;,,m you, that kr large Ergiifl) pinna-c-s bided with trcops, . attacke l the fri pte Chival Marin on the at It Germinal, itationod on the Tcxcl. The failorS' .wtreail drui;k w ith.piihch. Thebaitlo va neither long nor dqi-btful ; two cf !" pinnaces. were furl; j the oiher tv.a lj;ed thtmltUes but utt half their crews. 1 i's attack vi&s an aft ot tiicie .madnef. w li chcoll the Kngliih dear, a, they lost , furic bundled hit!:. Tl e frigate Le Che valMarin fwlftrcj .no lofs. The Erglidt jibably thought ot furpriling her." I'he Courier de Lon&res Hates, that Go'dfaiith; . the quor.daf:i editor of -tht-Arus newfpaper, t ublilhed at Paris,-, is one. of the principal, agents eiiipWycd by the Fiench. gcvernmei.t, -to arrelk Fxnch cmigrams,jn,tl-e'-fjjpc lmpeiiai .Uivns. Hewas at Lripfic in. the.btgin "'"IL of April, at.d trJercd domiciliary vilis tobe made in all the ii:ns in thar j toyrbijt the petfois he was chiefly iu 1 pifuit of found iiiearyj to efcaje. 1 .'-evera! laws agatt.it tmi-rai is will foon 1 le p:jLlifhed in No'.laiHi. The licheft" a;d molt rcfpecrable inhabitants, particu- 1J ly at Rotterdam, have emigrated and faded theuifelves in England, at Ant vp, or at Embdett. Tttey carried their f'tiuiics with them in their pockct b:, ks. ' ' r 4. M. ilontcr, a King's meSTcnger, was "ii Tuefdjy lalt committed to TothilfieMs Biidewtll, rhtrged on the oath of 4 white', fmith, with bavipij endeavoured to prevail upon him to m-kc a kty to one of th ofdcial boxes in which dilpatches to our ambalTadors at foreign courts are ufually conveyed. Mi. Addington was wiih his Majcfly jfellcrday for an hour. Mr; Pitt, it wa generally fuppofed was to have been ho nored with a cor.fcrenic, but we under iland that he has not yet feen his Majdly. Nothing has yet been decifivcly conclu ded ; bift we fuppofe that the new ir rancments will be dec'atcd on Mon day. Theftaieof the King's heath, and the? probability of a regency, are qutflions of too much delicacy for diftullion in a pub lic ticwfpipjr at prefent ; though they arc the fubj:c1s of convention in alciolt every company, ' The nc jv ininiftctial arrangements have not yet irpnlnircd. 1 1 feems certain, hint- Irtr'errihahoth MrrFox-and-.Mf rFict-sfe- inclidedtn ihe new adminitlration; The' " t a . . . .. . I Lou nancellor, as welt as Mr. Adding- , lot), waited on h's Majefl; yclterday. His oic!hip, it ii faid, will retain hi.i fiustion, as will alfo Lord Chatham and Lard Weflmoreland, the of!iccs of maltcr of the ordinance and lord piivy fcal.v Tho ofil.e chalked out by report for Mr. Foxs i ilai.pf Secretary of itate for foreign aiTais. May 6. Although a confldsrslle portion of our imptclfion his been worked off, we flop the prcfi 10 announce, that 10 this mo twenj (u o'clock ainigtt) nothing has been fettled as lo the lot matio:. of a, tcvv adn'nlll ration. His Mayfly has not feen Mr. Pitt. Mr. Addington has not given in his refijnuion as i-t been erroncouily llatej In feme of the daily papers, and it is e qutfdy untrue that he has declared his in tentUai 10 tctite tiom a public filiation forever. Such a declaration would bo high'y unbecoming a man who appears io have b:en ever rover tied by a fenfe of du. ty. 10 his fvereii?n and his country, and bv whi.'h lent imr nil the nublie are bnund t ConctuJe that he Will continue la K irlni. led whether in public or private flaiion. It 11 wi.iipcrca mat Mr. Aduitigtors has farmed the determination tirithtr m accept penGon, place, or iatl, on Lis re ! . . . 1 . . . ft . '.1 guns wu diiliccl! UilDilHOUl OUCC 4 rv t