---J. GAZETTE 9rtB P0LS. FJSK AH.' PUBLISHED (wkekly) BY. ALLUAND iWLL. TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1804. kol. rnr.xo,. 398. r t J. I- L--: C i": fc J t r' e r, r m a. ct to r Ihe nd ta rn m rift . j FRENCH EMPIRE. t : V . PARIS, JUNE 5. ORGANIC SENATUS CONSULTUS. NAPOLEON, by th grace of God and by the Cooftitution of the republic, Emperor of the French, to ill prefent and to corne fifery The Stoa , after - having heard thS oratort of the Council of State, hit decreed, end we order follows ; Ext rift from the tVgifter o the Confervative Senate, V t the t8th Vloreal, yrar ta The Confervaiive Senate, untied to the rwrnberof.. wembera prefctibed by theirtitle XC. of the conttiiu tiou, having feen the project of the aenatua Confulma, regilteiei in the form required by the article tVl I. of the Organic Senatm Coniultui, 61 the date of the i6;h Thernidor, yeario; after having h.'rd, on the mo. lives of the faid project, the orator, of the government, and the report of ita fpecial commifTion nam:d in the fitting of the a 6th of thii month the adoption having -been deliberated upon by the number ot voice! pre- fcribed by aiticle LVI. of the Organic .tenatua Con. fultui, of the iSih Therm dor, jear to decree aa fol low : TITLE FIRST. -'.' Art. 1. The government f the repub- 1 ic lhal 1. be en truited to a n E mp e r o r , who afTumes the title of Emperor ofthe French. JuSlice fhatl ' be admihiliered in the name of the Emperor, by otficers whom heap points. ; 2. Napoleon Bonaparte, now F'uft Conful ef the Republic, is Empe ror of the French. TITLE II. Heritage. 3. Ti e Imperial dignity is. hereditary, in the direct, natural, and legitimate tie- . fcent of Napoleon Bonaparte, from mahr to male, by crder of primogeniture, and to the perpetual ex'clulion of females' and their dcfcer.t, ' 4. Napoleon B maparte may adopt the "children of grand children" of his bro'hers, provided they hive attained Jo the age of eighteen years complete, and that hehim. felt has no male heirs at the time of adop-, lion. His adapted fons enter into the line of his direcVdefcent. If he has any male children poilerior to adoption, his a dopted -"ons car fuccced only after the, na tural and legitimate descendants. Adop tion 11 interdicted to the fucceirors ot Na poleon Bonaparte and to their tiefcendants. 5. In default of t natural or legitimate lieir pr adopted heir of Napoleon Bona., parte, in? imperial dignity Ihall devolve to and be conferred on JolepW Bonaparic and his natural 'and legitimate defcend- ant$ dn order of prfriVogenitufcTto theper peroal cxclufion of females and their dc 'fcendants. 6. In default of Jofeph Bonaparte ard lis mile defendants, the imperial digni ty fhall devoWc to and be conferred on Luis Bonaparte and his natural a..tl le gitimate defecrdants in the order of pri mogen'.ture, from male to male, and to the perpetual exclusion of females and their defendants. 7. In default of t natural and legiti mate I heir or adopted heir of Napoleon Bonaparte, and in default ot a natural or l.gitimatc heir of Jofcpli Bonaparte and his mile defendant 1, and ot L'Miis Bona parte and his male defendants, an organ ic Senatus Confuttum, propof d to the fe. nate by the titulars of the Irgh dignita- 'csfHheEnnpire, and fnbr.tiiteJ to, the accept ancc of I he"peoplet fh all nomtna ic the Emperor, and regulate in his' family the order of heritage, from tm'c to male, tin he pfpefiiaTickcluIton ct leoultTand tlef dt fern dints. " 8. Until the moment ofthe e'efticn cf the new Emptror, the aft'iirt r( the ftate (hil be-governed by the- mitiiflcr?, who tball form n council the government, and who lhall deliberate by a majority ot voi ces. The Iccreiary of itate (hall kiip a jcmrnil of 'he deliberations. TITLE Ilt-Of Imperial family. 9- The members of the Imperial (ami ly, in the? urdcr of fuccclTun, alfntne the talent t'nn;h frincet. The tldcll fon of the Emperor takes that ot JmptriJ pric. 16 A Scnams Confnltum trn'atci the rnotlc (vr the eJucatiott of the Ktcnch 4 ft Inert.' II. They are meir.bert of the Senate c fthc Coiincil f State when they attain their tilncCti.'h year. 12. They cannot inatry without lie a ttl.orir. atiincf the Emperor. The mar. riae t a Ktemh prince, made without the autl oritaiinn of the Kmptior, carries with it privation of all rights to the in heritage, at well for him who has con trived it.it ft his defendants. Howe ver if there cxil no iirie from that mar tiage, and it fhui'd bcdiil jlvcd, the prince who had contrail c J it recovers his lights to the inherit jkc. 13. The act which tcOiff the hlfth, mairiagri and ttathtof ihr imperial limt v, are tranftnitcd, by an order u( the Kmpemr, to i c Senate, who order tie trii.fvription tfit upon their tcgiitcti and the t'cpfit inifr atehivcv 14 Najo!eri onapatte eltatliflus by ftaftttes to which his fuccelTors are bound to contorm themfelves, lit, the dtr.ies rtf the individuals' of either fex-meoibers of theimperiat family, towards the Empe. ror i 2d, an organization of the imperial pala:e fuitable to the dignity of the throne and the greatnefs of the nation. 15. The ctvirinVremains regulated es 'it has. been by 'the articles I and 4 ofthe,. decree of the 26 May, 1791. The French princes, '.Jofepli and Louis Bonaparte, & in .f.itufe the younger fons, natural and ;Jegitima''e of the Emperor, 'hall be treat ed conformably to the articles I, 10, 12 and 13 of the decree of the 21 Dec, .t79 The Emperor may fix the dowryot he Emprefs, and have it entered nn the civil, lilt ; his fuccelTors cannot make any ahe rations in thearrangements-vhuh he ilia! have rnai(e in that re-fpc:t." rt6 -Tl-e Empcror-vilits the depnrt mcnti j in confeqtieoce, imperial palsvres lltall be eltabl'ifh'ed at the four pru.cipl points of the empire. The ft palaces are defcriked, and . their dependencies deter mined bv a !.iw. TITLE IV. Of the -Regent?. 17. Tiie Emperor is a minor . until the full age of eighteen ; .during -his. minority thtrc fh all be a regent ot the Empire. 18. The regent miiH at lead he lull 25 years of age. Women are excluded Iroin the regency. . - ' " -"" 19. TheF.mpe'ror Te'cO the r?g-nt tram arrong the French princes having attained '.he age required. by 'he preceding article ; and, in their. I:ea., from among the ti:u . lats of the hi gnities of the empire. ' 20. In default of a noinitia io.i on 1 lie pirt of the Emperor, the revney is de volved to ihe prince the nearelt in dcg:ec according to the hereditary order, being full 25 vears ot age. 2t. if. the Kmueror not" havinp- 3?'- pointed the regent "none of tbe French ji prefet.t members ot ihcpraml Council of princes are 25 year? t t jgr, me senate r."c Legion -ot nonour, prciene 1 tn mg tli all make ufe ofthe prerogative confer red on htm by the Art. 4, title 11, the acl of adoption (halt be ma.ieirt.the prefence of the . titulars of the high dignities of the Empire, received by the fecietary of (tale, and immediately tranfaiitted to thefenat-e, to be tranferibed upon its readers and (ie pofited among the records. Whetithe j Emperor detignates, "either a regent for the mi"ortiy,or a prince for the guardian-- imp or a minor c-mperor, tne Lime toruia- . pities are oiiyferved. The ads ot le lit" na tion either for a regent for the rn'ino-' rity, .or 2 prince' "for the guardianlhip o a . minor Emperor can be revk'Jt the Emperor ar plenfnre.. All acts of adoption, defighation, or revocation ol defigna'ion that fliall nor have been t ran f--crt'Jed .in the regillers df the fenate before the dert::tfe.ot the Emperor, fhalibe null. and cf no crt'. (t. ' TITLE V. Of ihe high, d-gmlici cf the Empire. . ' 32. .The tit u'.a rs of. the high dignities r.f the Empire arc thofeof Grand E.edor, Arch Chancellor of the Kmpire, Arch Chancellor cf State, Arch Tieaftirer, f liyh Conllaldci ami High Admiral. 3-;. The titulars t?f the high, dignities of t!e Empire arc api'oin-ed by the Emperor. They partake ot the fame hoiHu i.s ,vith the4 Ficnch.I'rinces, and take rat.k W'lie.. diarely after them. The tpoilvot their reception tleiennint 5 ti e rank theyotcupy refpeO ive'y. 3.;. The high tligniriesof t!;e empire are . permanent. ..'. , -'. :- . 35. 'I he titulars of the li:gh 'ligilriws of thi Empire, are S.-nators and Lotnfel'iors of Srte. 36. They foim the grand Cornell of '( Lmncror ; they are tnt-mbcrf of the Privy Council ; they compofe the grand wiiuiiLii fji I lit j,rimii 'i uiii;ii, fjj; (Bill tb-c tht recent from anior.i! the ti tulars of iheh;gh diritits of tiie empire.. 22. 'If, by reJon ot the minority of the frince called 10 the regency in the herc fitary brtlcr, it lias been tlevo'vrd to a more dillant relation or to one of thi; tit u Lrs.of thc.-Empirc-iheregeu.L.wJio.h--s-entcred into its functions continues there in until the majority of the Emper r. 23. No Organic Senatus Confuitum can be ilf.icd duri tg the re-ncy ror he frc thietH of the third year immediately Mowing the m j rity. 24. 1 hrr regent exercifes until the ma jrityot'thc Emperor all the attiibu'cs of tin imperial idinny. Hecannot, howe vc, nominate .o the grand dignities o the enptre, nor to the places t hiy.li ofiiccs, wheh may lie found vacant at the epoch of he regency, of that may become va cant during the minority, ror to t.fi ihj fsreogrttive rrferved to ttic Emperor of e cvjmg citt2rn to the ank ot Ssnatcr. He :annot difmifs cither the graud jmleor he fecretary of Hare. 2j. He is not perfonilly refpunfi- b'c tr the a cli of jris admiiultrrition. 2C All the afts of the regency ure in the ianif o; tbe- minor L'iptrr, c . ;-r-7 i he rcgnt propofes no project of law if 01 lenj'tis 'onlii tis onliiltuin. il a'ton'S no rc;til jtjo'.s 0' pub ic jdminiltration un til ater hiving taken advice cf the conn cil olrtgcncy, ccnjiofet ofthe titulars of he hljh dignities ot the empire. He can not iniVc wir nor fign trea ics of ptce, alliincc or cointrnrCf till after Its having been ik-Iiberatcd h the council of regency, whofe in-mbers, in thi cafe t'nlyi have a deliberative vo';e. Ti'e delibtration takes place by a major 1 of vnuet j and if there is an equal ditifton, it is deter mined Sy the vote ot the regent. The Miflller ot cxtcriir relatiots is xa take Ins feat at the coined of icency, when the cottncil dclibci'ei iipn lubjcels tela live 10 his dep-rimiM. The grand judj:e minillcr ol jullicc,miy he called therein by order ot the rcg;nt. The fecieraty of llate LeepMhe rejiicrof the deliberation!. 28. Ihe regciry conttrs no r ght on the peifncfthe itinor Emperor. 29. The falary af the rcvent it fixed at one toirth part ntihe ciil hit. 30. The gtiartlarfliip of ihe ininw Eitipenr is entrulfd to his mother, and in ilelailt to thf ifiucc appointed for that furpe L by the jredeccrtor of the minor iTipen-r In iefault of the mother of the n.iiiir Empcnr, or ot a prince named by the Emprror, the fmate rtiirulU the piiatiinhip id the nie,t,r Einpcior 10 one ol the fifuUrt ejl ihe lurh i;gniliet t( the tnpirc. 'e guaiiai.ihip of the mini Errj eror -hall tit be cnttultcd to the Bc'-nt at.dl.il dtfeendants nwi tu Women. 3. I t Cifetut Nipolcon Bonaparte life their tides, ttiuct-ioiif, and preroga tives, " . 37. The Emperor prefics in the S?. rate at:d Council ot State. When the f.mpcror docs not prefidein theSenate or ate Council, he appotn's one of the ti. lu'.ar oi the Jugh. dignities of the Empire Who n to prcr.de 38. Ail the ads of the Senate snd el the Legislative Body arc itlucdin the name of thf i upcror, and promulgated or pub lillie I under thi Imperial Seal. 39 The (jrand Elccinr pcrf6ri-n the fu icmm'is of Chancellor -. tit. in convo kingthc' Ltg.flative Body, the Electoral Colleges and the tliltrict Aileniblies ; 2'.. In prnmulatirg the enatu! C:r:fni tuin t it tlitV-ilvi ig citf.cr the Legislative H-ily or tits Elecitt-ral Cidleet. The j Grand Elector prefidcs in the abfncc of j 1 hi Emperor wncti th! Sc:iae proceeds in t!:i nomination of Senior, Leg:lli I'is, or Tri-Mincs. ' Hf ntay r elide in ihe pi'acc ofthe Stnate. He lays btfrethe Emperor the remoultrancet matlc ly the E'ecloral Co'.lsKc'a nr l "f the difliicl A (Tnbl icsf or 1 he prefjrrvatio.i of hci r privlem. When a member "f an Elec toral Col icgi i dencMince.l conformably to the Art. 2 ill, of the Orpjnic Seiutos Con. l-ilrt m ol the" ibrTTiTrinTdTrr, ' year To7 as hivutii co iitnittcdany a.V contrary ro the Empire, ih. .Li i.ifers, rt.c Secretary of State, the G.and Civil Officers 'of the Crown, and the fiitt Pre'fitlcftfof the court ofcalfation, to the oath whichthey takis at the hands of the Eiriperor. He re5 ccivesiilie oath of the members ot the court of caption ; ot .the-prcfidents and ' attorl ney.'-general of ttttr courts of appeal, and --of criminal courts- flcpiefents ffecfohrrin deputations and the members of the courts; admitted to the audience of the Efnpcror. He ligns and feals. the cotnmifliohs ancF brevets of the members of the' courts 0F jii i ictj and of the tninilferial ofii, ert., & 4t. The Arch-Chnncellor of itate cxer. cites iT.e functions ot Chancellor" in pro mulgating the treaties of peace&ol a Hance and rieclaratior.s of war. He prefr nts to .the Emperor and -frgris the letters of cre dence and ceremonial cyrrefrondence wiihu the tli ffi rent courts "f Eiirp -digested ac cording rc the forms ot the Imperial pro tocol,' ;f wldsh he is the ku peT. He is prefei.t at the -annual repoif, in wliich ihf ' rr.tfiirtcr of exti ior relations gives an ac count to the Emperor of the political fi. tuation of the fta.ev He prefents the am tifidors and miniltsrs ot the Emperor try foreign- courts to ihe oath they take at thd lands Y H. I. M'. He receives ther ath of the refidenis, charge d'affuirs, fe. retarics of tmbally apd of legation- and )t commiflary generals, and commilfaties r commercial relations. He prefttits thei "Xtraordinary ambaffisv awl the French.' ' . ;nd foreign amb3fl:idors ond .minilleis. 42Thc Arch-Tfeariirer ts prvfent a he atintlal report in which the icjtjijfers f the finances and of the trealnry fundih o he Emperor the. accounts of receipts' :nd cxpendirtircs t f the ftatet'and cemmm mate their icas on the exigencies of thj inances of the Empire. He receives eve. . 'cry thre-j months-It atrmetits of the labors -f the national accountability, and every car the general refuli with views of re- orm and melioration intha tlllfcrent de- tartmentsot the accountability, whicfi he 1 l before the Emperor. J Ho audits and ! fijnTS every year- the ledger of the public tnor. nc receives tne oatli ot the mem- ' brs of the national accountability, of th; adaainillra'ion of finances, and of the p:incipal agents of ihe public treafury. 43. Th; High Conftable is prefent at tft anntil report in which the minillerof w;r and the dircdtor of the department of 'i give an account to the Emperor of the difpofrions to e taken to complete thefvltem of the defence of the frontiers ; ai.e the keeping in repairs and provifion itigofihe lorttefses. He lays the firft lltue ot foriifiid places of whidi theenn Itiiction is ordered. He is governor of lit military fchooli. When the Empe r:r in per fori does not trarfrnit the co." hursto ihe corps of the army, they arerc hi tranfmitted to them in his name, by thet hghtonflabicinthe abfer.ceottlteEmpero lie high coi.fLble infpedls the giand tev vews of the imperial guard. When a g. . ntral ot the army is accufed cf a crirrw fpeified Jn Uie niilitary code, ihe Id 5' n cu.ft.bie may prtlide over the council of wrwho Is to judge. He prefents the mirfhals of ihetmpire, the ctloncl.gfr rr; " (VTier an nTprfl olsT"neTaTcni"e'l si .1 1 j - f .it . I. . :. . .1 .1 honcur or ti. good ol the country, ihe (iraid Elcrtor invites the College to nu j nilel its- will. He reports the will of j t!3 Cillcg? M the E'Tip-rif. The Grand 1 Elcclir prefents the members of the Se I natc.of ihe Coor.cil of Stve, of the Le- giilativc Body, amlof ihcTribunal totakcu. the 01 h at the hands of the Emperor. He admiuiflcrs ihe oath to the Prcfidcr.t of, ihe F.kcioral Colleges, of department! of diilriit AlfmbMcs. He prefenti t'.e fo Irmn deptitat'ou ol the Senate, the Coun cil of State, the Legiflative Body, ihrTri t'ttnate, and the Electoral College, when admitted 10 an audience ol the E.tr perori 4b.' Tfc Arch CharceMnf of th? Em pite excrcifri the funcliont ol OanccI lor in promulgating the, Organic Senatm Cunf-i'ium and tie lawi, lfe like wife cxercile ihofe ofChirtYeIU,r ft the Impe tial Palace. He is rtelcnt at theannual repon in which ih'- Grand Jude ininil icrof jullicegive s an account to ihe Etn peror of ilieahufc thai may have fourd iheir way in ihe admin. ftration of juf. tice, either civil or criminal. He )tc ftJes tvcr the high imperial court, ando er the united legions ot the co'incil f Haf and cf ihe tribunal, cmlormahly m the Senatus ConftiHum. He it prefent at tie celebration of marriages and at the hiith ol ihe princes at ihe iorunain and the iiSftqiiie rf ihe Emptmr. ilebgni he fr(ti vi rid drawn ip by the (ecrcta ty of llaie. lie prefents the-titulars of ii.l tdi'.Miel of all the armies, to thecathj wlich ihty take al i!;e hands (f the ri3.ipe tos He receives the oath of the majors, thifs of battalion and ot fyuadron c f all ihearmies. He infialj the tnailhils of ther.tipire, cVc. 4J. The high admiral is pret at te annul report in whkh the irViHer of the naine gives an account 10 the. Emperor of ne flate of the. naval conllntlions, of the arfenaU and ncccllary fnpnlics. He precnts the admirali.viccadmirals, rear adniralf, anJ captains de VaiiTcau. tmU oaih which they lake at ttie hands ot ih5 Ernierof He receives the oath of thd fneiibcts ofthe council of pri7cs,captarr.i ot fVgatci, tic. 45, Each iitnlarofone 0! ihe high dignf- ties e the Empire pre fides over ihe tlcc tora'cullei.ts ol department. 1 heclec toralcollcge f.tting at Bruilds is pre fide J by tit grand elcQtir ; that at IIuurdeaux . by On Arch.Chanctllor of the Empire, thats Names by ihe Arch-Chancclhr of trite 1 that at Lyon, by ihe Aich-Trta furenf ihe Empire ; that atTytm by the High Coi.fUble ; and th: al'Mifcillci by the Hh Admiral. 46, tsch tiiulartithe high Jigftitie of ihe emjire, receives annuil y, si fixed ' falaiy, f e third part I the fum allotted to li e pincei conformably 10 the dectee of the 2' Dee. lyaa. 47, AflatuteU ihr Emperor trgutatct tie funcloniof the titulars He high d'gr.itiei d the Emp're, near the Empe ror, atad letsrmiues their collutnc in(tat;d 1

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