f i, . .s - ' . - - 2 ranES tot is,: Jria a. PUBLISHED (wrkit) it ALMAND iVfLI -.TUESDAY, " SEPTEMBER 18, IW - Koi. rw. .i 402, .-r . m - z ;Tr pnrT? "iS1' - WILMINGTON J. i 1 if K THE ELEPHANT.1 " .'..THE Elephant is fuppofed ; to be tne large) of any, quadruped in the known world j and Teems to be the wifeft alfo. The otfervation it Cicero's, whofe words; (De Nr. Deor. t.) are Elephanto bellu- ' sran, nil provf dentfor. ? At .figure om, vaftor. All the jam table and all ho furt. ous. pafficmj, are to be found in this ani mal j an4 its docility is wonderful , for, ; when protirly tamed, he is capable oft being inftrufled and difciplined into , a taft J . -variety 'of entertaining anU ufeful rjtuH ficatioftS.'- ';;,; y .flf?? ;'f Do him f material Injury ' and he will ' a ' , al as if he had be'eh tutored by the late t lord ChetlerHeld i l'Y.' fe; if ;U be,ln' hit ; ? . power, hewulitnrnedlately- revenge the. I ' .' ;.'?. affront t but if reft rained for tM prcfenU-: - either by moVivs 6fjprudenc,;t by ;lna. J .' "-bflity to wreia, k-is presentment, .' he will ' retain thenffenc in hi V memory for years;; J ' , ' togeiher,r and ake care td 'repay -I it ?wkh.. jnterelt ijna nr't iavouraDie opportunity, 1 have heard or lead of a boy who wan stonly ftruck the frobo$cis,or trunk of an 4 Xlepluntv;-?nd men courageouliy. ucu . red mmfelfj by Winning away. ' Seven ytsrs afterward) the lad was playing near the .fide ot a river ; and had proDabiy tor--rbVhi pafi tnifsfemeanor." But jhe Ele-'! phant had abetter memory, and making up to ihe young delinquent, grafped him with his trunk, and very fedately carried the fprawlmg captive to the water; 'where he ducked him voce or twice over, head and ears, and then quietly fetting him down again ontirra ftrras, permitted hint o walk off witlout further hurt. It is faid that in thofe countries where1 Elephants abourd; ' fuch ot them as are ismc, go about tie fireets, like any other , lomellic animal I'vand it is common for people to give thim fruit as they pafs. in time they commence abfolute beggars, and will pat io he cjnramity of their trunks at doors aid windows,, in hope of receiving the lade benevolences which curtom has inured them to expeft. " Af ter waiting a Dior while, it noihing is giveo them, they withdraw their trunks, & pafs on to the nttt accefGble houfc It is related that foiae tavlors wrreatToik on a board wlihinfk!e4 a window, hi4e cafement flood pen. -A vMva Elephant ' flopped and pot in Ms trunk. One of me men, mtteaa 01 conTcrriBg ooccur, cave the animal's trunk a fcratch whh his needle. The injured paTty took no pre- jeni, nmicc 01 mo provocation, uu ' tiently walked away. II 9 repaired to a neuhboaring Oream and having filed nia capacious irunit, wun m targe uaiiinj of water, returned to the wiadow where he coolly avenfted himfelf, by fpouung the fluid artillery on the segreflW and I . fiis comrades, for their late breach of hof. J : pi I alii jr If we' do not relieve the indU J t KCntt ,h7 M' Uaft have a right" not to he t Infulied.' Aed very frequently he mean- $ . ell are able fooner or later, to retaliate !f with ufury the cooteopt they tAdcfcrvcd. ? ly leceivc . ) ' I Every beggar Is not houeft. Nor its ' all Elephants aQuated by a ftriA fettle of moral delicacy. Their ftnell is very a ' Cute j and if a perfon has any truit f '. cake about hint, they (hew, by the quick i -i and judicious application of tbeir trunks M X to tbe proper part of his drefr, that they 1 V are adepts in the art of picking pockets,' I Willi c.viihi rv.iitf . " Elephants, like men, have (if I may be ( allowed the etpteflioni their virtues and ' N their vices though 10 the honor of the ; former, be it obferved, the tiers of the i Elephant' bear but f-nall. pfopyrt'oruto. his virtues. There hare been inrtinces ; of thefe creatures, wHo, In tlrt firft hurry I of rage lor ill treatment have killed ihcir i I lejert. But their fublcqtitnt remoiTe f ha been fo infupporiabiy keeo, that they i hare rrtnfed lo take any fuAenai'Ce, and literally flarved themfeWes to death. A j 4 ' Icllan to perfons of violent paflions who, ' If turtied away by the Impetuous torrent either of exctflire and unguarded angfr, or fif hcad.lior.g or Irrrgular dcCre, are liable to the commiilMa of irrepa. table evil, end may,-la a fingle mo mentlay the fuundatioo of IrrcmeJiable ruin. I have rea4 c-f aft heathen, "v?h, when he fund Mm fell unduly fermented fcy wrath, would ptvtr wtter a fingle word, until he had ftrrt deliberately run over i 1 Ms mind all theletttrs cf the si. phabet. 1 have real 'f a Chrlflian, who, when endsngefed bf Collar temptations, i , would rv (.iBer himlell to ipeaa a ijua. ' bte, uiil he had tiently repeated the 1 1 JWl Put" . , , , . 5 Elephants are lirsularly grateful, and I have a very deep fenfe of ftiend3ipr I ' - They liatne been known to lay the ilearti of a brother ElephaM, fo touch to heart, as to pine away from that time forward : In fbme cdantriesi we are told, Ett phahts fupply 'T the placed pf execotioners; They are traraed, at a gtten ngnai, to lay hold of the crimirsaVwfyh their trunksi by a ftrong fusion , and eithet tlafli him Violently againft the ground, r ' tofs him aloft in the air HO'il repeated contufions put a period to his ifc, , Mankind are very'prooeiO lvalue themfclveSi-on thcir iuppofed civilization v and yet, by'-avthll pTacttfing on the ferocity ot inferior an" irftals, they ,C)metrmei teach brutes thin-. felves to be ftill more brutak:-:-''A-?; vt jtfmfy as Eiephknn ate, : ihey way be taiijAt, to danc, froth finely end, in eomf ' -.aniH.' .- Wnit thhv move. on thefe ooca I fioaisWTiU lingular exatlnefs' anf otiin i nef are notiulttiUble to tne narsirony or tnvfic.ViV and 'If po,petly ' iiiured ;kcepf w hch iii finre w i in their ieet. in , manner . difcovers great power of Judgment; Kit. f .1 l " ri-rt 0 ..-. ngnuy rcmemocr, DimopDurnci iriidnueuo 4n his travels.that he faw anElcphant jplay ' at ball, with all the eate aTidexpcrtnefi of ' a man, , But Platarch, in his life of Py rr-- ' hus,' mentions a much nobler inflance of - Elcphan ine onderlUndtng andadroitnct; accompanied fcy fuch magnanimous cou rage and fidelity i as would have redounded to .the honor of aSertoriout, or of an A-. Icxander. When .Pyrrhus flormeJ Ihe town of Argos a number of accoutred E lephant,' accordingto the cuftom ot tliofo times, formed a fart of his military sp, paratus. Ooeof thefe -creaturvs, percei vipg that Mi ndcY was fallen, invited him by every effort In hit -power,- to remount. But finding food after, he the rider) was dead of the wounds' he had received i the animal in a traafpott of grief -and rage, rit(hed furioufly on friends & foes with, onr diftindion and aking tip t1e body with his tronlt.mado cood bis rurea t and refcued the remains ot his breathlefs m af ter trom further violation, by faithfolly and heroically Convey tug them hem the fcene of aQioftM Tho mv'hod ly - which wild EJepbanrs are taken, deferve to be noticed. A nar. row inclofure ia tiade one cnJ of Which is left open for entrance and at ihe.et; tremity ot the otUer, fcerl tame fcmaie Elephants are placed. Between both (i.e. between the extremity whete the Tcmls refixtj) a large pit is dug, whore fur face is lined tth a flight bridge work fu teat lv Turfed, that it has all the appear, ance ot firm ground. Allured by the fe. rn a let, the male Elrphama make towards the place, bet are fuddenlr intercepted by the unfulpecled fnart. Piojer perfons who are flaiioncd to watch fa event, flan from their concealment ; lU witttexulU ing fhouts mock the indigraat diilrefa of unwieldy prifoners. Elephants are tamed chiefly by hanger and by blows ( they are faij to be ex tremely fond of pomp, and to receive very plcafurable ideal from the ex. hibitlons of fpleitdor, Htnce, the na. lives ef Call. India, who hold the doctrine of trinfmigntion, imagine, that theft a riimals are animated by the foil's of depar ted princei. for this, teafon ihey are treated, efpecially In tbe Kingdom of Si am, wih diQinguifhcd reflect ; and I urn of the handfomcit are decorated with rich ornaments, and even dignified wiih titles of honor: An Elephant of quality is known by the tingi of gold, flver or coppr, with which hit talis are adorned. There latome'hlng' rrv bumiliatirr to the pride of human reafon, Incendutt To extravagantly abfurdai this. ' , . Etcpr.arill arccjttremtlf Ungvdr"It 1 ft ff tr, ffKat lK0 a 111 laarh jk wm pmiiihmj iiia vnvj wit IVIV'I s M ril j two, or evert three hundred years nf ai;e. If this be 13, and it rcQi on very refpec tshle teflimoniei, it is proSably true of thofe Elephants only, which are permit fed to live affording 10 natort, anfpiled by the artifice and UK refinements of our mamgemcnt. It will admit f little doutit that on the fiint totsT, tl.uis br"i srs hip- m pied, mhohattthe Wsfl conrt filoa with man ' Not firtgle brute, frvm an Ele phint to ' art animated f(eck, but Is e ventually theworfe, il it fall within tbe circuit of human government. Let ut endeavour to make cur mal-adm!oiflra tion as cafy and as little rmfiMcrous to them as we cm. USUI, the FiraidentUl tUctloaneat fait. It It to be esrxtted that the dtr'uts will ktrpaptl 6reofof;wwUn with all their bersoovi and prty aeal. After that event, It U tcr be b"4 tbvSr tag i!l abate, their is lumnieccic, arxl the natimi be aurfervdte tnjof a frputilkantyviemof govcrctnent! la UsniuilUty end peace 4t. LOUISIANA JUUQilSTRsWCE - ' to rax . -. COXGAESS OF THE VbJTED STATES, U - tn S&NATElB - -? ' , SOUSE OF HEFMSl NTATIVES , , , "'"'' r Sy'P- 0MVKElt f fMyi-li WE the scbscribers, pla: ters, merchants, and other in habitants of L lisiana, resiKcU fully approach the lepslatule of the Uited, -vriui a -incitiui iai ui uifc-iiiita, n tc- : monsirance egainst certain ua wntcn, cob yavene them,' and a' p etttiob for that repress to which the laws of nature, anoUonedby po-' ' Vitive stipnlations, have entiled "ps. .r - iWiJhout any fegdhcy nv Jfc events which haVc annexed our country' the" U Ules, we ' tet considered them ai fortutratb, arid H Utpught our libertiea securitf, ten before we ff kn-mStf terms of the cession "Per. saided that 'a .frfje people would acquire nendtory bnly tfll extend the bleailtigs Ffreedpt-that n en- lightened nation would never destroy those principles Oft whicb it goVet nmcnt ; Was ibondedaftd-thutAf their representatives Would disdain to become the'instrttmnts- of oppressioni we ealculatedwith : certainty that their, first act of sovereignty in outd be a communication of all the blessings they e joyed, and were the lest anxious to know on what particular terms we were received. ' It was earfr understood that we wefetobe Ame rican citizens, this satisfied our wishes, it im plied etery thin wcoould desire,, and filled Qs with that happiness which arises from the anticipated enjoyment of a right lorg with held. We knew that it was impossible to be citiieniof the United Sutet, witjfoul enjoy, ing ptrsonal freedom, protection of proper ty, anl above VJ, tlte privileges of a free re- !rcsettative government, and did hot, tbere , ore, imagine that wo coald be deprived of these rights, even-if there should have exis ted ni pronrheto impart them i yet it was ithsome satisfaction we found these ob jects secured to as bv the stipulation' of a treaty 1 and the fith of congress pledged to us for their uninterrupted enjoy tntritt we ex pected them from yoor rmgnanimity, but were not displeased to see them wecured to qs as a right, and guaranteed by soicniu "to gagementt. -: With afirra pertuision that these engage menu would be sacredly fulfilled, we passed Onder yourjnrjsdiction, with a joy bordering on enthusiasm, submitted -to. the inconven iences of an' ir.termerljate .dofnirsij wilhoat a murmur, and saw the last tie Out attached us to our mother coumry, stTtrcd without re gret. Ercn the eVih of a rniliuiy. and atAo ! lute acthoritt were acohicsced in, Vetsute K 'indicated an er.gemett locortp'cte the trans fr, and place beyond tbe rt&cfi tf. accident the onion we mntuaMy defined. , . A . aingle magistrate --csed 'iib dv'd tad military, ,with execW.ive and judiciary, jowrrtt tipon. whose laws we had no check, ever whose acts we had nocontreul, and from whose decrees there is no appeal, fhe auddch suspen sion of all those forms, to which we had been accustomed, the total want of any per. mancnt system to repU'ce them, the luro d action of a netr language into the adminis tration of justice, the perplexing necessity of Using en interpreter for eery comtnun ca tion wfththe ofTict rs placed over us, the invo luntary errors of necessity conimittcd by jad ge,er(ertain by what code thty are to dc, cide, wavering between the civil and the com mon law, between the 'forms of the French Spanish and Amcric&n jurisprudence, and with the best Intentions unable"' to expound laws of which iLey art ignorant, or to acquire there in a language they do not understand, these were not slight inconveniences, nor -as this a state of things calculated to give favorable imprtstiona, orrta!i4 the hopes we entertained. But we submitted with re eignatton because We thought It the effect of necessity. We submitted with patience tho Its d'Jra'.ion was longer than we had been taught to expect 1 e submitted eet with cheerfulness while we supposed Vour heti-j rU-body wa croploycdiav rtiuciug this chaos t4 order, and by your lefjisUlhe fiat, calling I aystttn trhsrmoiij from ths depth or this confuttd discordant mass.H Jt we csnnot cuncta!,wt ought not to disscmlle.that tbe 1st project presented fot the government cf this country, tended to lessen thc'cMhutittm which, until that period, hd beet) utiivtrtal and to fix our attention on -prtunt erUa, bile it rrndertd us less unguinc at to the future 'etifl, however, we wished to persusde ourclts, that further en. oirf would produce better Information J that tcussiun would csublisb bur rigMa, and lime destroy every prejudice that might cp. Kt them. Wecould not bring ourtclrts to lieve that we had so far mistaken the til jrulaliont in our favour, or that congress could so little regard them, and we waitad the result, with aft anv'ety which distance only prevented our esprtuing before the pasuKe of the bill. Afr a sutpte which conti nued to the last moment of the session af ter debates which only tended to sbtw how little our true situation was known) after the rjetUnef tfcry rtrndmett declarato ry ef our rights. It at lmh became a law, and Wfure this ptUUoo tsa be prtMaud 3: Will take cfiectitrourtounfrys , Diskvowiuj ' any langualge but that, of r rtspeetful rtmoh strahce, disdaining any other but that which: ; befits a manly assertion of our lights, we pray leave to examine the law erecting Louiftma into two " territories,''" and provi. Uing for the temoorai v to combaro Its nf6visKMk fiti itd its whole scope with th letter uiwl npU - ...w v. n uiv.il vutu, ua iV UlC VUHCll The first sectirihirta th V-mm oilhe 33d degree, into a territory of the V' witea states, bjr the name of tbe Ttrritofy $ '1 he Second C-ives h arnHmor. onrrilntf ', fcr three years bj? the rreiidetit' of the Uni ted States, the 4th veals 10 hitn dm! tii .: cil also chosen bv the fWsiitl'u.' 1 tfri.u.: life; power; subj'itt9. tliertevion' or Cdo o y ry, tt Hn iiiitr rrnra 4asth Kulilw nrw'iM.ul sw tlh. Urn. e t ,-w " ,'''" tv. vjvts,j vivtivrt ( i . tion of tales1 And the filth establishes a fu uiviirjui (.uuaisi tm h 5upiT5Te COUntiaVlTUJ. eCluStVe crtnikial arwi tiriirinal niri.i;.i '. ' (V J . u-"MUIl' witlumt appeal for allMUseS aboVe the value ,01 iwuoiiars ( wiu sucn intenov cotmt aa the leeislature tf the teriitorvmnv -K(uKti.i,. tbe )udgs of tbc Viperior court re app,in' 'led by the President to continue in officeart " yeen. . This is the summary of enjr tonsur tioiK Thisistheaccomtv!!iJiTneiitnf a tr.1 tyxnttB-ement ro'' incoi novate na snio tUA v, nnioa, and lo admit ut to all the rights, ad vantages,- atd immunities of Atuei if n Stf KCM'C." ' Alt it.Vl u l.a which was made by our first marstrate in - your name, mat you woutd " receive lit e brothers, and hasten to extend to 4is a por ticipalion in thoic invaluable rights, which had formed the bam "of your unexampled.'.''- prosperity.? ' '' '' ."' " ' ' Ignorant as we have been represented ef -onr natural right, than we be ioalled on to - , shew that this government is inconsistent with every principle oT civil liberty. , Ur. hi formed at t r nnnv. i tn K nf mr dtquirtd rights, is it netestary for ua x . A . . .tk - .... ut.nvnsiniic uiai mis tci ones noi " trKorpo- . ratt ut in thi union," thai it ytts as With none ; of the M righltf gives us 'no dvimlats," n ciepnves us 01 ail the "t minur.tf.u" , A -merlcan titixens. ', ' ' . If th?s should be rtCulrtd -e think eitrwf task wjll be difficult. ' . ."',' . ; . Dnthe (inlnn'Stsrt rut im' ihrunl'lM . I i , -l "r.j, your declarailon of- fridependchce,: to your buiiBiiiuuurt, 10. your u.ncrenu aiiue govern Tnents, to the writings of yoiir -eevvtuifotiary patriots, and statesmen, to your own profes wons and puW ic tcU, and finally, legislators, ' to your own hearts on whkh tlie love of cU v.i ttoeny ami Ks principles are Ve trust too deeply engraved to be ever totally effaced. ' A governor it lobe platsd over tis hf nt we have not chostn, whom we da not evea. know, Whohuiy bclgnM-aulnfoiir lamiaget uninfoiVned of our iuatiiuthmt, and wlio may have no connections with our country nor interest in its welfare. ' . . ... Thit governor It vested with all .executive , and almost unlimited legislative power for the law declares, thct Mby and with the J ', tic and rNtwf of the legislative body, her may thne-e. tnodifv. and nru-al the l.w. - ' ' - 1 - . kc mrl this advice and consent will no doubt ia all cae be easily procured.frcm the rnijo tity of a council, ackcted by the president or governor, tnd d:pendent on him for their appointment nl roptinuancc ia tffice ; or if they should prove re Cradory, ' the power of fimtvgttron frees biat from any troublesome' nterfertace, Until a more prudent sc Wet ion at tbe end of the year, shall gire him a coun cil better suited to his views ; the true legisla tive power then it Vi-sitd in the governor a- hne, the council operates at atloak to con eeal the extent of bit authority, to screen hint from the odium of all unpopular acta 1 to , a void all responsibility, . and ire lis the faint temblanee of e representative assembly, with so lew of Its distinguishing fctturts, that un less the nair.e were inscribed on the picture, it would beoiiTicultlo Ciacovtr ibv LjCl -which it was lateadcd. : Taxation without representation, an tbll yathnto oheylawt, without any eoke In their formation, the undue Influence ,f tbe executive upon legisktivc proceedings, adt pendcut judiciary, fortntd, we bct'vt, very prorolnt at articles In the list of grievance t comf latand of by the U. States at the com mence rue nt of their glorious contest or free dontl the opposition to them cveO by force was deemed meritorious and patriotic, and the rights 00 which that opposition waa founded, were termed ftmdimenia), In.lcfca aible, self-evident and eternal they formtd as your country then unanlnKiusry ataertcd, theely rational Ut.s on whkh gtwemment could rtst tbtf were so phin. It waa added as to be understood by the weakest under, standing t not capable ( ef ahrninion, thry Wright tlwa;t be m'almed t unauscrptibte ef change, they were the tame at a!) timet, In elltlimiKs, and under all circueastanaes and the fairest inheritance for our posterity, they should rxvrr it wat firmly Mrrttd rhty should fttver be abandoned but with Lfw These wtri tha tcntitunts ef yotrr prrdt 1 I