"I ! .... ....... - " - vryp : . - ar ; : ,: .r,. J" . , . -. - ' i 4 V PTJBLlSltfiD (weikly) BY kLLMAND IfilLL. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER. 25, 104. ftp mi w 11 11 1 y ti . ea 1 vi 11 11 i - fi j "vxa ' . " --J- . -.- ' jl.-- i ! IVI . the Lucia, trort Calcmta. has favoured' us wfththe followtpj; rommirj -ot intelli . gence : ';' ' ' V'u" " The hews of tbfe warln Europe reach ed Calcutta about the beginifmg of Ds . cember in confequence of which, a num ber of lailors were impreffed frqth thjr 7 ; merican (hipping, fot "the Britilh Hup Caroline, captain Page. A greVr-'u v'ber of Auicricsn feattien hao defcru . ,.ieir Ihips in the months of September,. tOb ber'and November, ,and VoJn cred on board the H m.'Corftbaiiy's fnV e Bom bay, captair Haycvwhfre, hejliftiilare, and proUrV vHhevuring :ne war. v V Th Company had.concloded a peace tAgf Uh W Mahpt ra,pew.et, .The war Was -ror bat (hoti duration,', f hough extremely ... 'Obftiiiateoii the paftof the blade prices, many hard baitlei were fought, in which the flaughtcrwn both fides was Ve xy confiderabla. In tne engagement '-Scindiali, the Mahratta Chief, loft go pfe-' ces of artillery. A number of European officers fought under hiv ftartdard his ioldicfS weie armed and cbihed in a (lyle fuperior to that of their enemies, and the Englilh troops found them much better (killed in war than at any former period. , Several able and diftinguiflied Britilh olK. " Kers fe'l in the courfe of ?he campaign, By the peace, the Conpany have gaine I, as ufua), iaHirge acceflion of territory, befidci feveral Urong fortified towns, and a good fhare f:plunder. r " The event of he war feemed todif- fufe agcoerarjsy among the inhabitants of Calcutta, boih.wepcanl and natives, and His .xcellecy the Governor had .publicly received a congratulatory a'ddrefs on the fubjcQ, fon-xhe principal inha bitant! ot ifiefeitlement. About the be ginning ot March the .palace anJ envt rons were moll fuperbly illuminated.' .The names of'" Lake and Wellbslev" 'were exhibited in fire works in various poftiions, and a fplendid ball at .he Go. vernmcnt Houfc clofed the 'fefli vines of the night. An immjene throng, of all 'tions, huei and tQngnes.furrounded the Plce.tn everr direction.' In (hort,' the T0UT nblr was grand and fnteref ting btyond defcripriwn. " A rupiure between tto1aar, a Mah. ratta Chief, and the Company was much expede-t 1 an I it wat aifo yvUC,A it,.. would foon fall into the hands of the Englilh. On this tubjja, however, no iiirmife cou'd poffibly be formed from the iiict't-8 of Calcutta j as not a fyllable appears in them which has not previoutly undergone tKanaination by the Chief Se cretary to government who expunges fuch articles a he thinks pit per. ' There ha hren a numbir of French prifoners frm the lfle-of-Franct cruiling in the Bay of Bengal, feveral of which had lcn taken by EngIKh cruirers and fent intoCalciiia. They had be en at Ben cooten ind dctlrojred a quantity of pepper, and feveal vcflels in the harbour. " There had been two embirgoei on all flipping at Calcutta, and un tic river Hjlr, in confequence of the failing of c.Loaipaur'i (hipa tor Europe,,,, . Particular of tha capture anJ dflruc ' tionc.f Mike, a Maay ftitlrment oa in: coaft uf Sumatra. QH the' 13th of April, two large Eng li'lli flu;ianMlfcrWb"gr"e to anchor in Mi .ty toiAtt clofc in Dioret They were wet! annedtr an t bad on board from 5 to 4o3Siboy -U(Joii, commamlcJ by aSurojMali .!. crs., The eipf'i'n was hi ltd oM at U:ncoolet. 1 he tNtnman ifing t'tiKfi iin rtcdiatcl; mido thefolljw Ing, dematt Ji i 1. That the n!lfl dlfulJ pat 1 00,00 c! tliri for 1 ha ildlrutiion ot a umilar ar mament by the Ftcnch in i'ulo Hay j near I'.cncoolen, ab'Mt fit months prtvloui; hich ar.namcnt wis defined agfinU Mikcy. 2. Tbitl fecon.1 100,000 dolls. fhouM be paid for the lofs of a country (hip, nrar MiV.ry, which the flriiilh alledged had bem plundered by the M.li)t, j, Tfy defnandef anothr too,vxi ttt tv;e pence of the fecord fleet if eo btlore the tort. Thf fedcrnjrttli wcre a Mrtlfcd to the Hief, l)aOo Stbt-lltorif aod olck P. M. hird for a Hitinillvt tepljr. Te fet. t'ement was totally tiupie pitcJ for defence. No canttvn ij titoontid, and there were n tr'Hpi to df ffr.d it. No anfwer htirg IMuimJ at iSe ij j'jii.ttd hwur, th Kog. lifh commenced the; attack by firing Oh the town, from ail their teflelc. Many natives were killed,-before a fingle . fhot was returned. In the night they hove up banks of 'fond, and planted a few cannon, n-irilwtroing-efirrtthworneil the fire, A warm engagement continued for abootfjit hours. 1 he Englifh Ibft 'a. boiit twehty tnen The Captain of one of the briga Was wounded. The firll (hot from Jhcre killed three men on board of -one of tlw? fliipi. . finding little could be 'done br Continuing 'in their veflVIs 5(the EngliA landed the IblUiers andattack- j. co mo inicuwiunt;iii8. nere mere was a brave'refiltance, but finally the Viitives'ar bafndoned fhegroond, fling in all. direc. into, the, pDJ'inry. Dattoo Sabell. ?. k.the Malay rajart, who bravely detco. Z thj: placofciwas fuppofetl to bs mortal, ly wounded. ;VTheng!i(h tnowetrcnc'hr ed; them'felt'via turn, buil: fore ; affcf " took pcifcrTion bf the country, and fearing the natives might poifon all ht ttreams and wells in that neighbourhood, landed 00 caiks of water 'from the hmi. Thcw I. , I - " I deltroyedthe rownof Makey, burning ail tne nouiestft tfte grotlnd, and plundering the natives of all the pepper tvhich !uil been coll eftcii fur the Tea fon: Thequanti ty is Glared to1 bt equal to five fhip loads. The American velfcls in'poit took nft part crn either fide. Afew (hot from rhe Eng lifh vrffcls paired over them,' but did no damage. Not having completed tlieir loading, application was made afierthc furrenderof the place 1 61 Ik Britilh rifii dent for -permiffion to puVchafe pepper, brtfthfc sfhtwer was that it was again.1 hie inftru(ftions,f:nd rro pepper could be fol 'to foreigners It w4!i be heTe 'neceflary onlv to male a 'fingle cbfeYvation to prove that litis Uri provoked attack has fallen on the Malays, chiefl; in confluence of the Americans vi filing their country and pordufing pepper. Lai year it was publicly repor-ted-oathe coift, that IbJonR s the Ame ricans were fuftirred to 'trade among the natives, ths Eugiifh (hips could get Little or no pepper, and declaraiions was made that it would be t.cctflary to take potrelfion of the native pons, with a vw of ex xludiitg all foreigners from any panicip. t ion in the trade. 1th, therefore; prrtv evidcnl that pep per murt in fiture, be either purchafed throiieh Encfi h hands ai .i.inht tiot be had at all at Sumstra, wfii;c the fcngiilh can ktep pofTcnion. A fpirit of iniverfal commerce hat feized this peop'c. Thev wifh to engrofs the who'e traJe of the Eaft and Weft. Indies, and to fix bounj to even that ot Eur-'pe and Ameri "V.A,a comri1TCal peopfe ourfelves, wiftinj to come in for a fmaM Third at leafl, of what may be called common proprrty, we cannot and ought not to wifh them fuccefsin any fcheme, which feems to aim at feizing the whole com. meicc of both hemifphcres. One of the Englilh bris on her return to Bencoolen, was fallen in withbf a French prif a.ccr and fenTTo the I fle-of. France. from a London pfF.R of itLr 7.. n h 'Verted In 'he Foreign papen that Rulfians armed againO France, -anJ me Jida'es an attack againft her on the fide 1 2 meni of an ma,T-nt from !k 't'C 5" tnd ,hc Co-M'cr4tiu.i of the Englilh fleet in the Mediterraneam It is alfo fair! that Ruflia lus alrtady a conGdcrabjc number of troops h the If. liftds of ihe Adriatic; and hat fflueJ a proclatmiion calculated to cultivate the eftciraofihe people lit ihofe parts where htr troops may.Bnd fo convenient a rcfl. Ing place previous to their landing in Italy . By the Hamburgh mails which arrived bnThurfday, were rccei red two letters Irotn Berlini one nf which dates that the Cabinet of J'cletfijurgh will certali.ly re fufe td acknowledge the new Emperor ef France. It if, however, added, that this rcfufal will have ho effccl Opoh the other Courii bf Europe. The fecond letter informs us, thai the Eleclor of Baden has entirely fct to reft the difcofllon that was to take place in the Diet of Ratifhen, on the fuhjeA of the violation of the ler. rltoty of tbat Electorate' by the French. Thm it appears that Bonaparte has in. folenily dcclired to furnifh any ex plana tionpfbil conduQin this affair. On the id inflant, a boat was cbOmd hr our fquidron to the wtflsrard of Bou l'.pnc, at a greater dil'anee from the land than that to which ft filing boat! go in ge nrral. The fignal being made to chacc, the Locuft taojeup with l er, and found 'ih her two deferters frorri thffFltnch ar had taken a lifting boat from 'Portal at ten o'clock the evening 6c vfore, With a View of joining our fleet then at anchor in!Bbulogne Bay; but being uh acu'aint'ed - with the artof-managing a ooat, and having rowed againft tide ti4.. , me were aiinod'cxnamted, they drifted to the fituation in which they were found about three o'clock ih the afternoon. Ac 'cordlhg hi the accounts given by thefe de fertefs there are one hundred thoufand men'eiTcampedat Ambjetcdfe, Vimcreur ;nd on the right and left, of Etaplft ; and ' Boulogne thefe are ih the' harbuer and "Without it one thoufand fl.:t-lvo(tomed boats, lu?ge)f, bigs and tranfports. 'i The 25th regiment of light infantry are : flcampea behind Boulogne, anil perform o mberfervicje than workthg in the'har; JXHir ibd fort.. Wy Itate, .likefre, that rrihoie preparations ate making fthr fh'e invafion of ihis cfJUniry. ThcTefrels have had on board there fhefe fen.ihonths pafl, pieces of ordnance for land br; I but they d hot know when the attempt' "iiucmaae, i ny Coutradrtt the'rtr--'.port.'.of 'the coronation of Ponaparii, artd airer: that 'he wiH not becfbw-ncilv -ft he is, it is expected tht the 'people oaris will revolt; even a great many cd his'6wh countrymen are againft ft. One of thefe defertets'faid he Was a drum-major of the 5th regiitieitt of artillery, the oiier was a lerjcaht in thc fame'regi'mcnt, and hMh fay they wire diiratished on being lifgra ?ed in the regimentiiHt on what atcoynt we have not been able tolcarn ; they add, that great difcontert prevails thrjjighuut the whole army. , r The fame letters 1ifpYm us that the r. nemy has not bi'en ve'rv nhV..-' . I)e making any difpofition for coming out hut when our flee; is off Boulogne, thfre arc jlwaysabo.it h.rty.fix brigs and feveritf. fix luggers lying at anchor, under rotec tton t 1 heir batteries. A great umber 6fToldiers have been ob'ferved eXactfmt tonthecoall, but as far as our c uizers kre able to judge, the troops feen n this fide of the eminence behind Boulojn'e, do n6t ekceedten tbooft'ndmen. i The rumour of thvaTton is no reived-,, and the apprehenfions of the public are fnppofed id have the fancl?on of ike i iiiter and the Government. Mr. Via as indeed the original troaker, and ihc try which wotind up the nation to fuch a pitch of anxiety and energy when he was oo will certainly be r'encwed as one bf the mcahi of keeping him in. The minor traft which Mr. IfoV tlerly Vecornmended to the admiValty ik low to bebiought ihtd tifc, and 10 fail to the feveral depots to attack the enemy, upon whorti, wc ate aflured, a vigor'oul aflTaolt is fhortly to be rr.ade. They are tdenyagethe Frcnthgun-boa Under ihe protedion of the greater lhipsk - and it is thought that thry will doubtlefs pretke them to a general engagement. We have only to obfervteuportihiiv that If they yen tore too near the toad they will be capo. tJ to the land batte'riesl md it cannot be fuppofed tli it the French will haiard llemlclvn out of their prufcclibn. ItisimporfiSlelo fay wliether the chance of mvafion, diminifhes or incteafc, ai we have no fourcfe .of Jnfontiation .but. the cccanonil report of a llotfp who hat peep, ca into the harboursj and can, .it bed. give but art impetfccl iccount ; tor, fute ly, we cannot truft tb the intelligence of the dercrtcrs o! Boblbgne, or to the eta. gerations or dciUfions of the French pi. peri. It ii generally thought that the Brtft fleet is prepared for fca, and will venture on an attempt againft ' Ireland. Our blockading fleet is not fo flrong but thai ihe enemy win natard a meeting wna it. July 14. The French force no'w at IlaVre con. (irtsof 140 gun-vcflels and boats, oJ which 70 lately came down the Seine Letters Irom the Uritifh fquadron employed in the blockade of that portrait, that ex. ptflationi are entertained by ouroflicetii of aa atterapt being fbortly made by the enemy to force a pafTage along fhore. A report prevuli at Dover that neatly one hundred fail of the enemy's gun-bdsts under conoy of a Hoop, nave wilhln thefe ew day! back, effeaed their efcape from Boulogne to Ckeiboorg. They proceed ded fo near in fhore, that It wn impofhble for our (hips either to intercept thetn or in any material degree to interrupt thcif progftfi. We trull that the fmall craft now fitting out to annoy the enemy In flal wttr, will be fitted out with all pof. Able cirediiion, A private letter! frorrt the 'ffaue f the Iff itilf. fays, ivWe ' are uncettain how' foon the ;epeditio4)'agaiiv(;:Jahd'wtlL be underta ken, arthffU'gh evey thing "Is? ' ready, "and feyera regiirtchulW been, embarked for rn(5re than i fox tw i't!on " Aboard the fleet, in tlicrTe"xel' j.. oW ther, hand nearly one :Jhiihd red nyercha"v men.jput in reuiXiiv'n or hiredj Jaft Au tumn, have been reltord to iradegradu-i' ally; fo that ths.wholc number ofTranf poris. attually employed and: at anch'cr in the Tcxel, Ho not amoiirit'to mote itftin eighty. The armed .'.Vc'ffels, -.'SsrtgaV, gun-boats, and cutter, he. 'have beeri augmented, ery where oh the "cwafl, oh account tSf the 'reoeated atterhnf .iC- Tnglffh crurVer's. in the "Meufe alone? ter are ftitloheoV ddftion "td ihe num bcr riipRrycrft May, t .".f . . ' the frturfVf.it 'fV w'. .l! .nelder and in Wdrilr-HQltfind, 'eight f hot. iuu arc cmDarKec, ine -remaioder are yet encarbped,.'but "in 'filch a Hat e t'.iat theV Titay be taken 6n board In a 'tVw Tne camp near 'Utrcchr, 'under. CJtinera'i Mormdnr, contains onfv'erii'hfn fand trtetr, rrirtftl .'Frerich Wrrom one .iwui.iiu me liunuicu rc ai nmiteraam one tbbitfand two hundred it Rotterdam and eight hundred at ihe 'Hag'Ue. ' ' SeveraTcoros 'of French rrrnifte 'V conferipts to the amount of fourteen thou fand men. hav oa'ffed thWruuh Hnti ,k jor Hanover withrn thefe lafl 'tour weeks. : From the official arc Afin t rrVntlu Yii bet6re Parliament it appfc'.-Vfi'. "ihil thi whole net annual reveabe 'nf 1.iiin.t mounts to k,Tio3.3ci, and that its anru. al eXjenditurc, at eaff; jrs exr;enditure fOr the l.ll Vat. a. mm. .'...'-.I ... 1 1 . .1 leavingan annual deficit of .3,795,240 And. wen Vre criifider t'he ai.x.e.y that mutt have prevailed to make as good" an appearance as pollibre, it is being by no neans uncamird to piefume, that the a mount of the annual eicpenditrtre is very little; it any pt alh, lefs than dot:hle the ' arrfount of the annua! revenue. The new chanceiror of the ekcherjuer has impofed new taxes Which he.ha ellrman..! 1,00,0061. annnalproduce. Thi is id dit more rhan a ToUrth to the rotal of iho yretent. revenue-, and if fuch an addition, J aflualiy collecYed, Mr. Folter will cct tahily he regarded as a conjurer. This pentleman has been fuppofed 16 under (landihe principles f taxation, and in. deed the whole bufinef ola nna'ncicr; buc fuch i riippouYion is not very (irongly torrbbbraud by the tales he has fcfectcdv by the exptclationshe has held forth, and particularly by ihc ohfcrVa'tions he madi VeUtiVeto iheefTetff of his tak upon bank botes, Wftich tax, he fall.at the fame time hat it augmented the revenue, would tend to keep the 'quantity, of the hank paptr wiihm due bounds!!! On occa Hons like this it is that tne Is ovcrpow. ered with mclancholly VcflcflioV.s! What but the immediate interpofitibn cl p'rovi. dence can bring us Tate out of fuch hands? 1 end 10 keep ihe quantity of paper within due boundi!" and that too at the Very moment when ae is augmentVog the jaxes one foutih, which aug'm'e'ntaiioa "iirproduce agrearaugmentairou',"io the""" quantiiT of circulatingrnediumihatmuflbe made In bank notes. Nay', Ihe e(y tat tipon the notes will clufein incitafe of their Quantity and a depreciation In their qulity, upon the fame principle that a hfndy merchant would put water intd na caftl if yuu were to irr.pote a tax tip. on his liquor without permiulrg him 10 raife its nominal juice. There wanted only this one obfc rraiion from Mr. Fof ter 10 convince me that the Irtfh Treafur had gained nothing by the recent change. The new talcs raay, pcihspf, produce Soo.bool, lome perUns ihink ihey will produce goo.cc'ol. but tnere is nn one imagines that ih j wlilai'd moeihsn6co, cool. 10 the icvenue; hecaiife thry will ' ' ceraihly occafioni conHdenble falling off ih the proJuce cf the old later Mrney rnhn however be had, and loans miifl be msdetnder the guarantee cf Great Drl lain ; the cjebi will go on rapidly Increa fmg on both f!dcs of the water,' and, if tha prefent fhem coatinuti for five yea, luppoflne the war to continue fo forg al fo; the IrVtetrft of debt of Great, firi. tain will fwallow up neatly, if not Oii'e ihe whole vl bet tcven't.ll is begin ninf to be the lafhion amrngfl ih parif taos of the roiniflcr 10 throw ihe blame of the financial diftrclTei ol Inland upon the fboulderf of Mr. Aldington and hit' i f Hi i t