V PUBLISHED wRiKLT) BY A LLiiAX.D &ALl- ESD AYi WTOBER $, hrii E r 5 n t- ?ut 'of i of ltd pru i ma It ut c for. r ro. of to the .( .: ,;. r: FRANCE,: y.,..T;.' " : AconcifcKcauni';oLihtrTh;ihich have lately taxen puce in i-rance, win uc .Dublifh"ed in a fo bfceuent fheet of the ; Regifter, 'from whao-lus appeared np : on the fubjec, in the French prints, there in no rcafon to believe thtt.r the. proceed. i n gs h a ve b een u ai r ; r m rt, ji ve great ritisfadioh 'o cery loyt man, to, perceive that pardons .lav already "been ' granted to feveral of'tfce Condemned pri ' loner?, amongft whom is Boudet de Lb 'aicr., the gentleman mcTrtt&ned in a for mer page of the Regiiler.as having hadfe, ven brothers murdered by the feptibli- . Cans, acting under the Confotar govern-'' mem. Georges had hot received his par tem when the lift advices fame away, Let us hope however, that he will. ..If 'viionaparte lially loves Uts above atlo- . thet' things, ts-is the maawhofe life he :-wiH eeriaioly fpare. Gdorgtrs has been J bis enemy; but wiw o- enmity 'of :a,' woit difmterefted and noble fpectes ; an cennufy fpringteg from a rooted auach - rnent to the family of hislawfol fovereign. "lt is reafonable that the Emperor mould 'Wiflf for fome fort of Security ag'airift fu-v ttire attempts on the part hi Georgesa feeurity that he might have without taking . Jha life ; atvl inde it . is to be .fuppofed ' that Georges would never attempt to take he life of one to whom he would he in debted for his own. -livery part of tTiis man's conduct exhibits ftriking" marks of . bravery, tranknefs, an?! fidelity.- To the vcrcuin(tances of his arreft, his imprifon. jnentt4iis trial, we behold an 'elevation f foul, which is Tartly to be met with tri a- . rty rifik of Hfe, and which, - in Georges the education of a cotragerarul labours of .a mill could not fupprels. We have in. the condAfi of Georges, one of the tnou- '.rherable inltances of the tftV&' of tiirbn Ictjf times in drawing forth and putting into motion latent virtues . and powers. Had no revolution come lie never would ha re "been, heard of ten miles from his village. He would have fpent a long life perjups in carrying lacks and ' mea'furirig his corn and hisflouf, ' and wooldat la (t have funk into a grave which the firft fumtnsr's graft would have hidden forever. , How different and it ia to be feared vie 'TaiiH fay," alas TTw w. di ff ercr.f wi w V his fate ! yet his name will Kve ; neither fit rorhc . cord can Tever'ihat From oUT.nit jiory : hiftory'iri fpite of f:ar and of per-AJy, mull record it ; ind whatever may tc tlie language of the prclent day, his charafL-r and conduct wB! have admi. rers as long as bravery and toy all y (hall ex'll in the world. In the Monircur there has lately appeared a paragraph, thcob jel ot which i to coiitraJiA thefttggef tion rchtive.. to a continental coalition a. atnft France, whjch fuggedion, as the Tt . Icr will recollect, appeared fome weeks ago In runr ot ihe London prints. It ' vh then ft ate J in this work, that there wa no ground, for any (och hope, and .thpah the aflrrtions of the Ktench offKial paper do not afriQunt to' a pofiilve con t nrmition tif rhat flltement, yet H is noV likply thar fuch allcrtlpa would be made, if the"i5oetnnicnt.pf Frirtct-wtrt at alt rTJpfehtfTinvelJfT?taIUroTTnhdciJTc6 . altionwi hoat the rncnence of Auf tiia, would be mainefs it ii InipoHible'i, Jitnt Aoilria is no rfifpbfed 10 Vitl riot' and cannot llif without the af(if. , iar.ee ffBriiilh money, ih3 Ahat moriey. iAtl Piif hsnot Ucive."fcTh ftateot his ' '-tjan:es is fuch thai the'tcry menticfn of - i W . . ; ' r i 1. 1 . . . arvivaHCCP oy coniwcriuic nuBni(iu f the mp.rouriorrijr 'olhrpiwcf; would tbrowajl into coofufion''' it titer bank and -Id ry jtrtfif'tni Cdbn(if, ' Here ir then Yaia-J t ftanX.' We hvc ncttnvr -army tiur tpopey to icnat to me continent. We ara reduced id a dead fyrltrn of dfcfict ril, ibfdin'tothe : (ehllnient of thfpeech atjbe'otVeiijng' of . cue union, tmtUHy(oi tog'srxJ ,j$ now 1 made to'conHd in prefcrvirtK 'iitelf . Irom rvin a pro? mce oi s ranee upon tun fubjj n "fxJ1 idtiui ben' efcprtlTed in etc, the morning pprrt ( It 1 thi 'ht 'Mn thj.ptcfent attitude of 'tin Britlm Iflatuli, wi(h 'thit. hf country may appear, injha firft.io5incetTiPkhaA. Cui i'. but'wo We have dernunttfatctl to the wfitl'it Wr at o, khU.w jf'cpej evety if artfrcflnn,' thVA Indtvtrifar'alds may neniJi in 'CAVi'yruc j"f rtneniy ad c It ( u m foi i Vi ri iht . f qw.a .of Bona -pfi.' u 4 ,vv i . ,v , It were cfuel ro' jvthj. 4bU .wiliec for I he rcifrti iiptiti fiktr kr St fyan dcJ but we may jiflaHt him what he fu.'j'ofcs wuuM be the conference if Do- .ntparteihooldperfift in not giving an epprfrtunity of tiMoKSTRAtiNG to the ' world that We arc able tb repel e vet y ag , gr(non:?.:-:tos wholttM th8.H'rgUag "of thisriterecrn to' inVagine that the TrienclrwiJl be bbjiged; to attempt ihva fion, ormake peace. ' ,Why they do fo imagine, it would, however, be very fiard to cuefs, except we fuppofc them to fiavc ttdoptea tne,opiion or. airrrancts x'iver- nois, which opinion has been .lately je-c-. choed in ihe mimfterial papers, tliat the French f nrc.tcrs are in.ta. ihocing ate This is the-frt of hoe that the nation -was deluded with lalt war, but wf iich ir will not be deluded with .this wirr,' and of 'that faf theminiftry may be well Jilfured. 'Five French ars not compeiW to fattmpt inValioh'.' Thcv can and will wf -it 'their'.' own tune. i ney can remain -a tney. now fe fir ten yiats.. wlthouj at) y mate-', riaf inconvbnicnte, ihjt is lofWy, if we piirfue trA-JrftecBS ot Mr. Pit' But caa" wc ewwthAis.fwrJen years ? -can we fot 4 five.? can we for jhece? M'd e. not, if '.'thofe lyOems are pei leveret', in, fmkduwn. uinler the weight .of our tf.xpeaCe and dif ' grace,' to fay nothing ot ether more tear ful and mote'Twift'y opa-itiu tanfe. What then becomes ot the ides of " lis. rnonltratirig to , the wr.pld our ability to repel every aggredion," as a prel-minary to ihe availing ouifclves of continental aid? It is rtated, with what truth one Cannot fay, thy, the French fleet in BreI harbour is vcty llrcmf and fit tor fea. 'From every good iutormauon it' appears' mar nir uu is ikh ii itu unjuuuiiMc , mm if our fletiould be btown.off, the ene my miht peihaps come out. t 'But ; from every 'one of their meafiircjj it is evident "that the French intend 'o try what is f be "doj'e by delay ,; by keeping i:s in our pre fnt'ltate; by harrtflii.g u, ai.d difgra cing us in the eyes of tl:e worlit ; riot tor. getting the copious clupsar- ot accidents, which hey canr-oi Ijii'. ftc. exhibited in thearl'airs 01 an cnefnv, tlic -filtered of Whofe public debt afrhs rive fevenths of his revenue, and who placi s hi prin cipal reliance tor f-.'Curity i;,ion Hicn riot under martial law, an J luvir: rhe right of layiirg down their arms whri they pleafe. L'Mefl from London, Selections from Eitgfisft baptrs received hj th; late arrivals at J3 j t ton. ' LONDON, AuSutt a. Tuelday h s Mijeilywmt in the tifntl flateto the Houfe of Peers and put sneml to the prefent ftfUon tf Parliament by the following Moll Gracious Speech firm the Throne : Mj LrrJt aniCentltmett ... Before I put aii ti d 10 the prefent fcf fion of -Parliament, I am defiron's of ex preffiiig my entire approbation ot the 7cal an1 affiduity wi'h which you have applied ycurfclvei to the great ohjeflu of, public concern which have come unJcr yOur confideraiiftrr. " You have wifely continuedja ilirccl jour atfention tolhe encrMremcnt and improvement of that rcfpeftahle and pow etfol volunteer force which ihe ardour ami fpirit of my fubjecti has ehablcl me to ejl aTTirfiY&irP e itriiniTtTiorTu untx a m -pled x Vou, have at the fame time endet. y Oil re J 19 combine an additinnal edaUiilh rnent for cur coinedic defence with the means of atigmehrini' our rcg'ilir army. na 01 maintaining it on ii'cn K a c is. may be proportioned to the ciraimi'ahces of th timc5, ard -to the rank which this coiinrr)' miyhf ewr tobo!d among the powers of Eroor'. Uer.iltmfn if the Ihuje tf Camnont, Yba ate entitled to my warmcTl ac knowle'gmenii for ths frelh proof which, you,have given me of your conhVu and aS:lionat'e attachment to my pcfTm and family,, and your regard to the honor n I d'Kniiy of my crown, by the liberal provlfi i which you fac made for the payment of the debt on my civil lift re ttnuci,& for furriflrng me withlhe addi tional means of 'defraying ihe incrcafe which has onavoidably taken plact in the different brancheiof mvetnendittire.' I mttft a'fo return 700 tn? warmed tnanlifor the extentive proiiuon wh-ch Voli have made for the,-e"xlctncfci of the puoiic icmitct eipetairy forth iod ami prudent attention whicbynu have incwnio pro lentccunomy It to thepcrminntcfelit aod welfare of the country, by the great enfiionr you have made for prettying .at far af podiblel the' accumulation of debt, and jyrtiirmi folaraea prdportlon of tha. cxptacei ot tht war whhin thl year. I' hv ' only -to Teerjrnmtnd Von to carry into tour rfpeclive bountic'-, the tame zeal for ihe public i ntercit which ha 5 gufded all your .proce'riirgs. It win l;c your particular. rfnty ro inculcate on tlie rriinds of all clafUrs of nryfubjects, that the. prefervatidr; of all t hat rs nwil. dear to them" rctjuirt the cntiiiuance of their nn-i-eonltted exeriiofii for The national de- -I the. . '. Th prep2iationi which the mt my; has loug been fffrmingforthe declared purpofe tnvadingihis fclngilo.m, are daily atigmeii-., ttd, and the attempt appears to have Jieen delayel on'.y'with the view ol prrru Ting additional: msans for carrying it into jcvec'iiMun.. Relyi'fjg on f.;t fkilt, vatotir, and y?i'f ' Ciplinc Jtt cny njval art! military forpe-,. aided by the voluntary. '.ical,, and natjvtf, yc9aragedf m.y ne0p.ie, I look with con.fi;'' 'Hence 1p ihe. ilTiie xif this ; fcrear'. ..conflict ; arid l dubt yiot thst it fit terminate , under th'c'b'.c flings xif '"Prwiderice, vU cn -' ly in 'repelling the -danger t the rroment, but ;in eltal'ilhiivgvin tlic '.yes of foreign , nation?, the fecuTity of this cottntrV ui, a bati never to' be thatcen. In addition to Miis fvft and -grr'at oh )f(, I entertain the animating hoye that the benefit 10 be derived fiom oat fuc ccfsful exertiorf, will not be .oonhned within ouifi lves but that by thci exam ple arid their tonftquerces, they nay lead to the '"re-cllaldiHi'menf of. fncli "a 1) I tem inEutope a? may re fere it I'om the precarious (late -to which it is rtduced,' and may firu Uy raife an effectual barrier aainrt the unbounded fclemes of agran diiemem a;id ambit 01 which threatens every independent nation that yet icmaius on the continent. ' Themke Lord Chancellor, byKs-Ma-jrftv's command, faid' " fify Lp'ds and Gmlcmen, M It is his Majellv's roval wii' and plcafure, that the parliament be proro gued to Tiicfday the 4th of September next, to be then lie-re holdcn ; nd this parliament is. prorogued to TuefJay the ii dayof September next." . BOSTON, Sept. 17. Br rhe arrival on Satur'djy lid of tht fhip Sally, capr. Webber, in 29 days froji Liverpoi,'and.-tbe.,.G.a'efl,captaiii. Hi ukley, in 49 days from London, w'e have received London papers 'to tb mh of Aui;u!t, which flate, among other arti cles of local concein, the fate arrival n't ail the valuable fleet, of nerchan:men expected ear'y tn the month ol Auruil, among v.tvcri arc the. China ihe Leeward-Ill jnd the Jamaica. the Nf w foui.dland 'he L'fbon and the Bl- tic fleets. I hey a'.fa intormof the pro Toritioi of the Britifh parliament, by a 'fperch from the throne and of the ru- mojt of an all.ance offjnfivc and drfen- Iive between (jrea'-Brilain and Rulfia. Of contincnial nrws, Bell's Weekly Mtficrfctr obfi-rvc Ifour readers ex. p.rcl to findtany attie'es of intrreft or im porijn.c in out Joreign. Icledtions, they nill be difappointtd. Bnl th-y wi I hud as much tiitfc-tattle in the Monitcur, as in any of our owltfafhlo. aTiie jjOttrnaU ; Bonaparte goet "to thei opera aixf menaces wa"r7beTpealis a pTay, and" fiiirisaTe'iiiencc almoll irt the fame liarigraph. TheFienth court is now brooming as fplendid, and gal:aat as in the age of Lnu is XI V and the difponfm ot that reign ; tuch, con trary to a' human peculation, was fo fa vouble to the arts, is likely under thety ranuy of Bonaparte, to ptove equally pro pitious." The faiie paper however, contains the fid'owirg article, which, if it declare: not a fact, may beconfidcred as the precorfor of a mrafure, neither improbable, nor is it believed will bt found impracticable 1 It is impoffiblc 10 embody all the ru mouri hich are abroad, in the fhort Trace alHjved to us. It is fald, 'with a good deal of confidence that an ofTenfive and deferCva' alliance is concluded between RudiaaVid England, 10 which Aiiflria ard Pruffia are invited to accede. We wirti we could fprak of this 11 a muter that ad., mittcJ no adaubt. Eety one acknowl edges that It iitht only way to liberate tl continent ( out tvery one is aware of Ok difficulty of organizing a confederacy of tlis magnitude, which if eompefed Ukewift of (Omt )arrincrmterali. LONDON, Awg. 7 ti. Liti adxuttfrvn (hi Ctntifitul. The 15itiViaa'Journili rcteivrd to the 3 I inllant, communicate a flitcment pe ncrallv accredited at Palis, thai a note, by 'wif tf lilttmttuhi, hasbren ilclivered by the Ruftan hire d'affun, te the mt- ft, - hTftrr for fotierrt offih, ' tlematntig't!, evacuation or Hanover ; and aCtoamtn g "the French government tlat in cafe Vii refufaltc had been direclc by l is fovt . reign immrciatety. in leave . Paris. U' are not '.much irrdmed -t. ive. V'redi,t :o this, ftatcment, but it had the tfT-i of t!e:. preeiatiHg the funds which re fa id to have fatten. one; per . pefli, in- confuquerr ot' it. - On the 301b the Fretjcti. ini nilier at tht Hay ue prtfentvxl tsew cre- de'ntiuis and a ptocedmn ftiitab'.e to fhe tpaxadendoftentarioiv-of ,tl:e Corfican's new title; took piste rn tire ocefion.4 ' A Ictfer from the' Hafcftle of the 48rh nir; fiys, ..t'(i;a:t .mpifl'of--t".hi ' irbups in ' the Texel are diTerr '' Irkdan I iht prov,i1;b;:s .collecled'the're ( tor their tiTe, ireVfiTf 4fcd of by pulrircaMjc'tjon. f rom rh't fe tcirr feftces, it is jcOclvde(! .that.iio eypeditjorit of any cmiiere wljfail frojn .iliat part ot , the $auviin Republic at lead) un til a TnJina t?..'oH jlJ- -Jw gyfjy the troops orV board rrrclatilbs-at Mti'fh itigy Ollentl,-nd-.Bwrognie. TrC '"whole number -of f reach ' troivps " ?tt -prefent in Holland, do tiofiadeording to this letter amount 10 more than 2c, 006 men, . of whom '15,000 ate encamtirl near Utrectit, and the remainder iu'varr lions at the Hcl- . der, in Amfterdaff!, .Koitenlam Hague Breda, and Dergm-op iooui-i ' A jet tcr from Jjorjin of the 2S1I1 tilt. ' fiv that V with t iv, Rofiian armies 'on .'his .eo(tern.'at'.d Anortfcern frontiers, ar.d -threcFrtnch. armies -on hi.s wclttru and ."(out hern, thekii of Pmfiu has declared .to. the court's -of $t. P.cterfh'irh and.. St.. .C'ond, that his fnajefly Intends, ro pTe "ferve the Uridtcft neutrality, therefore "will pot permit ihe pafTage of any troops, artillery Or atnmuniiion throu':!i his cio- m'rriions : but regard as an enemv power attempting to force fuch palfage.' it is continently allrteii . iliat a treaty" has been concluded between this country :ind Htiftia, and that it wa figntd by lord Harrowby and count Wtitonzov, on. 1 uefday hit prcViotis to his majefly's going down to-hc houfe of lords. We are inclined to think that the ar iclc fi;n td, wa? rather a project of treaty than a treaty itfelf. A Ruffian fc,il ey Iro Marmoriugo-, in the Crimea, .for Piterfburg, pallid the Ttound the 'hofjuty. She came from Barcelona, and her vrew were drilled afrer the Toikilh falhion. This is ihe (irft wWrl from hm Nlt 5c I0huh titv. palfed the Sound. . Gen. Tloreau was Rill at Bitcelona in the middle of July,, whrc he had been joined by his lady, V Brest fleet. The difpatchc." ic.civcd.ytflf rday at ihe admiralty from fir Charles Cotton, flate that. Gantrieaume'a Jquadroiwas difco veied on. the 3d inllan', at anchor in Ca maret bav, wfiere-wr onderla"d tho Fremh thips are fto'cfle f hy fuel totmu f!ab!e bauerlc. that rt y attack on them in their actiiai pl"rion wnu'd te unavailing. Were it not for the vigilant look out which the Fok cutter k 'pt, and the cor.ti r.i.cd firing of fignal;, Gauiheatimc wou'tt probably have' ifiVctcd his tLape. flit fquidron is now found to coiifi'l cf nino fail of the line and three trigaies. hvcry fhip .that can be fpared w ill be fent off wit h al T pd (li bliT3irpa t c H to relTIfoTce "The grd flret, as the late fortie mutt nrtef- fanly divide the. attention rf oar velleli, anil call for increafed ftrcogth and cxer. tion. ' . Notwithflanding we are atTutrd ihat the fubrtance of thedifpatchcs received from fir Charles Cot'on is fuch as we hayo' dated, our Plymouth letter of this mor ning fays, that a cu'ter arrived at that port on Sunday, has brought intelligence of Gantheaumc's return, the precedinc daytohiiold flation, in the outer road of Bred. Aliltoigh the name cf Gaothcaurne ' more known than that of any French ad rowal of the prrfrnt .iay, he has never diftifgulfhcd himlelf but by hU efcapef. Or. the very day when he piffid the gut ol Gitraliar, thc Sth cf . February , 1801, in efleclirff hit tfcape Irom Bicfl, fir Rolxrt Caldcr failed lr purfoit tf him from Torbav. - Admiral CornwaPii f-ilcd from Spit heaut ycflcrday morning in the Glory cf 98guni, 10 rcfume his command on th Brtll flation. Difpauhd received IromV the admiralty at Pnnfmouih, in tUcontfe oftbe mcrn'mg, were immediauly ft her him In K Rofe otter, which over took lh Glory at S. Caharine'a point, as fhe was ftandipg rown chaonel. Ba'mhrdment 0 JLtrf, Difpaiches from captain Oliver, enm toanJircur blockacirg fc;uiJron cfi Hk r.

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