nei Wre last rugbi teccirei at the. admi-v alty. They corttain'thtelljcnce of the re ' newal of the bombardment of that town and partem Friday last.The houses wdHhip. ping are stated to be considerably damaged. Paring the bombardment m the course of which a great n umber tf sheHs were thrown, 'a VlivistenoT the efleftyVgUnboats ventured out, for the purpose of -annoying' our -sqtra-r dron ; but they were very nearly cut off by the skilful manceuvres of our vessels, and re " gained with much difficclty, the harbour., " The particulars of the attack will, it is ex pected, appear in the Gazette' of this eve : ning." m - - ; 'Arrival of the China Fleet. Notice tvas received yenterday at Lloyd's, -of,the safe arrival of. the Leeward-Island 'fleet, that of the Lisbon fleet, and, ' thus in a very great degree were the fears of j the merchants dissipated far the safety di the ' homeward bound trade. .At no period in the - history f . Grcat-BrUairi were so. many, so. valuable, and so ill protected fleets expected to arrive at one time asduring the present week. . i he China fleet, the Newfoundland . Ibet, the LeCward-lsland fleet, the Jamaica fleet, the Lisbon licet,; and tfce.UalUC tteet, ' were all hourly expected ; while an alarm ' wm fiven of a Frtrtiehciuadran havtner eki ded the vijrilatnce'of our blockade -al"rest-. !The lowest estltnate-ofthevaltieof the home-, -Ward bound", irde, was between ; 1 6 and' 1 f inillioria j th.erhire ckties to government wa i above1 four millions. -It was of bourse to1 ths j --"" nil underwriter ' frfnt rritiral moment ; . and . rmfanguage can express the. I satisfaction whichjWns felt m consequence of, thin ChinnLeevrar.d-island trade,- but also -of the Frerttksqudroii being safely scooped i up a CanuretBay.. It spread universal joy 'through the city, . No apprehension is now ' entertained for the Jamaica fleet,' as by the very favourable wind Nvhich. has blown for days, they may be expected in a '. -day or two. ' ' , SRI-TIS SltjL!.' AMO'HT.AVFTlt. S , vAugut 9.- An official account of the en "gagement, 'between adimral Linois' squadron and the Chfaafleetff merchantmen, is this ' "tnorhing published from' the, EasMndia Home. It is contained iu a letter from the commander of the -Ompany's-ship .Earl . CamdciV, of which the following is an extract: Kn ths l-f.h of'Hebraary, at day break, we saw Pulo Auro bearing VV. S. V. and 8 -a. m. signal Aa made from one of the fleet, for seeing four sail in the S. W. Fuur vessels "were immediately sent lo examine, and very soon reported by sial. that they Were an e-' nemy'f squadron, consisting "of a linecf bat tle ship t:rce frigates, k one brig. At 4 P. m. the lookout ships were recalled, and a line " of battle formed in rlose order. As soon as the enem could fetch in our wake, they put About ; we kept on our crnirse under an ea sy s Til ; a", near snu-set they were close up our rear.and'I wis in "mrnenUry expec tation of an attack there, : : prepired to siYpport them ; knit at the clo .e of day we perceived - them fwul to windward. W- 'lay to in line of battle all night, our men at their quarters ; at'd jy break on rhe V3ih, ,e taw our enemy auotit three miles to wipd ward, lying te. We twisted our colours, 6f farirrg himbittty li he'those to come down. The en'cmy'a four hips hciistctl French - co Ioarn, the line pT ba:Uc . ship carrying; a rear--idmirari fla ; . the brig was under Hatavian colours At9A.w. tidingthcy would not come down, we farmed the order of sailing, and steered our ourse under m easy tail the enf my litvj ClWtl theirssl and edged towards Vs. A'.l t. n. Ending they prnposedlo at tack r nJ cndwavourio cptofT our rear. I made the signal lo. tack and bear down upon him; and engage in succe-ition ; the Royal George brin.the leading ship, Ur Gauges next, and then the Earl Camden. This manruvic ws T ccily pcrforrted, St wet.ood towards him t:ider aprtsf sail ; the enemy then formed m a very cl'isc line, and np-njrd their Rrc in the heitil ri.Mt ship, which ws not rcum-d by u tid.weapprorhrd him nearer. The koyal Jeogvlrt tb WwiU f-tl -ctU,ir ar.d gt,.iM near the tneir.y s he mil p-r-mithUn; the Ganges an,d jlarl Csmdcn o Jntlhcir 5re atuoii a the gunscotld hove erf.-a; hut before.&ny.orhcr hips could get ntfi jction, the encmv hailed their wind awd st.vij aw4V to-thc i-astward under all the tail (licy could sck Atf made the signal far cn.-ral thce, nd pursnefi them till 4 p. m. whtn fcsr,fU? a loh'tr prsnit wmild carry ns too tit from the mouth of the StrtKht. and cnM Icring the inimefticpro pmv at snkf, 1 tm'de the signal to tack, and 5 r. e arkchori) in a situation to proceed I M-tlie tn'TaiKc of,Ue Strcihtainthc morn, int. ; Aa fnr'vwr ralJ liti'nrnih lh t iemy we ftrceivedhim a'eningloihe east 1 ird under a press of tiil.' Tle VoyJ George liaA tie tnn YUA and airothtf ouixl(d. manf shot in her hull, and mnfe in hr stiU j h n few ht touc'.icd eithertha (' If o or the CiB jes, and the nf the r n-my seemed to he (fl-dirccted, his nA it IhrrUllmg short or aingoverus. August II. The rest nf le Jamaica fleet parsed I'orts mnth yeerdi?t and 'lhui Imve all our krtmewjrd hound 4l1 arrived wl'houl the I'm of a rcs1!Hdn4inj lo 'any of ihcm InRnite praise Uln?t Vp fipfalni if all llt ship by which the fleets hare been ton toyed. .... I'rom Major Jciv:i'a paper ofUit ef. ran.wccopv ai ke which aiCor.c 3)', tiwlin n'l if i '.,uiU$f ircs:ittt as object of piculiar furiosi (7--wheQT at riMtea to J the Spanish ?.linisterr to ;the 1 Major1! Wp sailirtt the attention " of "Mur readers to :' the subject awd to the following facts ; On the 20th ef 'August test, , there Bpear4-4r forced1 to adopt a "profession jliffercat 'frpm tMajpp Jackson's paper, a-most tnalevolen. 11 "what you have heretofore pursued ; feut it is I trail an explanation ofthemotivewil exctrte Vne. I'tonardSer'yia, air as'a gentleman, a man of letters, and a man of honor. ' ; " By a poHrtcal ihjoleranre ycfuhmbeen in attack, "upon the govetnmeritj Sri "which the Vilest epithets 'Srirere ewiploye'd ; "but 'we jc-. P'.V)hsh it aecond,rimej it is as follows .'JIL.t. 'VVe have statLon infarmatiehwhichViH not be cw.tradicted, that Spam: has" refused t6 ratify the cbnventien, heretoforejsgreedoor which convetition among otherstipailatioiis, allowed to the citizens of the -tlaited States an indemnity for the - spoliations committed on their' property -by the government sind subjects of Spain. 'Hie reason assigneJ1)y. Gevallos for this refusal was expressed as fol lows: " The accession of Louisiana has sovari td the relation's 'bcttceen ; Spain arid ihc' UuUeil S!atesr tkdt ive cannbi and xvill net ratify ;ie coavention." ' Herice it appears that the hasted actirsi ?tion of Lottisiiita,: Which has been;so 'much trumpeted and c'lcbrated by our teading string adniimst ra':on, and lor which we have jpaid fifteen Millions of nioli.5-Rs, tir, nearly one "fifth part of the whole ambivnt ; of our national (lubt, may cost "Ffty .millions more to quiet tlie possession. This boasting'' bargain turns out to be, ncifher -no mire &or less than a purinht'ff individual injury and ne-, 'tional dishonsr "Of-INDIVLDCAL IKjURV, be-'i ing the cause of an Absolute refusal to ratify, an act of just retribution to our citizenif'--of KATtrW!. iJlS'KOJCR. iitnmn ti -aij 'theVefu- sal is made by a government, which (a pro per exertion ot -cur power c6uld have .;i compelled to the performance of its, -'en-'' gagemtnts, end even shaken to the base of its autho'ity. R;T( tlie emtrgies of our country 'are-para-.1, lysed,and ber resources wasted in the tretrib- ' ling hands to whid. they have been ronfldcd. The daimsof our citizens are disregarded, and tli; "cfiamcte'r of the nation, when brought ' into ompctition with the ease and Conven- i iencef our rulers, is an object of no impor- tanct- , .. . . The'frown ..of war tniglit shorten their stay in bffKe-peace must, " therefore, be main, tainedat any sacrifice." . ' . The papers 6f the continent in opposition to the. administration teemed with produc- tiof.s cla sinriraYkmd, and m from the same s)urc$, In the sMtie paper of the Vh of September appeared the famous (or infamous) 'Jetter f.'om Madrid cotitaininrj'the three propoii jions vhich have since appeared underlie -aignaUre Of Graviora Manent. . Anirntt! verting, upon this production.- in No. II. Vf Spanish aggressions, we said " the Wole 'article is easily understood' the " source- from whence it comes cannot be M mistiken aod Ynajftr Jacksin la.'rhade " the instrumer.fof diplomatic kill r His " malice towards the cxfctirhe has cnused him to be Csed -and the object is to ob 4 tain is far as practicable a diversion "of pKrty in favor ofthc measures' which" the Hpanish t'ourt may have 'directed her agents to, e mjilay V." J . It vs in theurtra oflhe-frih of'Sep temher'rf.t we published the-above article from major Jackson's paper--a reference to tlie dale off he miijor's al-idavit will shew. thv.t tlrrx 4r mid rot discover In the auda cious publications themselves, an 'indignity to the A.tieiican govtrninnt of whicii he was so long an'tft'.cerjnhat the hint wati pot ' thrown away. "" ' -raox in nrciMtn.. fn ths discharge of an important, fcnd t myself ar indispensibie, duty, the stibjyincd statement was communicated, in the first in stance, to the government. In a rer:"tful solicitude fr the riht and intirest'of our country the deposition and letters arc now made pt.hiic. Sept. 39th. Y. JACKSON. On Thursday, September 6th, 1 804, about nowt, a note, of which the following is a transcript, waa left at my olUce, as my clerk, by , person. jy hp live ith Mr. Francis Breuil, merchant in Phta3cf" phii;: : :::;r Ths msrquisde Can Yrujo preserva his " com;diments to tnai ir Jckott and arould " lc very happy to know from him when an I where he could have the pleasure' to aeehiin in the corae of this dy."'' Thurilv, l." J. Never havin before received anf f-om- I munication from Mr. Yruio-m:vcr having i even elchif.gcd, one Wra of Con ve nation. with him in my life-! was unit a little sur prised arrtceising this intvaje, which I an .swered hy a note lothe follnwini purport . " "Major Jack son prtiema hrf compliments " to the Marqnis de Caaa Yruio in 'rcpif tohU note nt this raorping, just now' re. teived, ' lajnr' Jackson will be at h't.cflke' ' until 3 o'clor k--od at his lmse In Chca ' nut street, next t!) Gen. Dickinvni,:tintil " 4 o'clixk. at eit'ier of which placta he will see the Marquis ae Casa niio or, M if mora convenient, he will wait on Hm.M " ThvnJjr, Srfl.l.' Thii note was senl bv Mr. Johnson, ttiv tlerk, and left at ifovernor M'Kean'a, Mr, Hreiiil called on me soon after, and Jd, that the mtrriisde Cirta Yriijo wwild be glad to a s me at the tr armiU'hmise at 3 orl'ck. ' t akcd Mr Ilreuil if he knew on what bit alnrss Mr. Ynjo wanted to are me he laid he rid not Know. . I went at eVIork to Mr. Yrujo'a !our, nfw on cnirrm ; the loom, ws accosted by liiuiin nearly 'he following words i Ywi will he surprised major Jaikson at the Itbert I hae taken in Mndirjj lo jTtni,bct one in which you repialified to be very use 'fail.' I obserre by certain opinions expressed : in your papertliftt: you Consider the present . administration (for I will .not call them go 'verhment") as diMnclintd to go to vvat with Spain, hmveverr4.cju are mistaken--the'Te-fVerse ts rtie facu-and they "only ' w-ish -the Vederil. papers to iitter'tfiose opiniohs that they may have an argument, f that sort for; 'indulging ,their 'wish 'to go to war with Vny country,, whjchwould.. certainly 'be very inj uridu's to'yolr's-for if the Icing, "my mas-'-ter, was to oi'der three ships of the line and; six frigates' to the Iississippi--'--lhre ships of 'the 1 'Tie and six frigates To the "Chesapeake-, aricT three ships Ofthe lirie" and 'six frigate' to 'Satdy Hook what VOnld' you -do? But you have it in your power, to do niudh good, by ' esptousing the part of pecce, 'which is neces av to both nat&fls-a-and'ifycHrwi! consent to taVe elucidations on the subject' IVom me, 1 will furnish them"-aud I in.Vake you any ackno vledgemeHts.1" Perceiving,fct this fo ment, .his infamous purpose, I with'difhculty stifled n'e emotions whichlit excited,, and re- atrainet mv indignation. -rle Vetuon to ex amine it i daUil the several points in dis-MUe between. Spain and the United States and, as i wish'tvl to' learn his opiinor.s 'respecting them. T miNert-J him to wmVeed. A'hiong . other ihingsv He said that iTMn riitekneyiad acted bv inst-'uclions from the administra tion, or if his ojnduct should be rpjirbved by them war was'-; inevitable. Ikit he 'vacl no doii'ot war Was tSe wish ol our aii ministration --for he had'rec ived a. letter lrtm Nev-Or leans dated on tha 25thof ApvrJ. last, which stated that (here wns a letter ut that plare-in Mr. Jeierson's hand writing, dated in March, last, which declared tk.lifthc settlers between the Mississippi and the Rio Perdido, would raise the AtnericatvcolorB they should be sup-. pofied. . i He con'tinwe'dhis observatiMis, and pressed 'me to give him "an answer asfaring me that this was no Hiplomatic mirr.Afjemcnt, but arv epanchetnent unbosoming) of . himself 'tb ' me as a'man of honor and he trusted I wortl'd so consider it. I then qVitted the ' ror.rn ; he " went with meto the street floor, and gahjk ed fne'whcn'I' would give him an answfer.- With difficult I supprwsed the fndiBation of my feelings and left the house. Sworn the7th Sept. 1304. That the contents of the within statement are and true. ETDWD.SHllEN, chief Justice of the Supreme court of Pennsylvania. "SiaT Philadelphic, Sept. 7, 1804. Considerationparamount to all others, the lovetf my'cbuatry, and a erse of personal honor, which im'change of fortune dr circum stance can ever cfl'are or diminish, have de cided me, on the present occasion to address yor ' " " The accompanying document refers to the most interesting objects that c: n engage my attention, and for the moment, those objecla banish every other rcmrn.biunre. Mr. Yrwjo's ofiicial character, precludes the only reparation I would consent to receive for this aKernpt against my honor It is for you sir, to determinate .what satisfaction is due toour country and its governn.ent. I shall ait the time necessary to learn .your decision before I gic further puWitr ty to the transactiott. I am sir, Your most obrtl'u-nt servant V. JACKhON. Thomas Jefferson, esquire, president of the United Stales: SlK, MonlieeVo Sept. U, 1804. I have receired your IctttVs of the 7k!i and 9th instant, and thuH use the!- ci ntf nt in due time and 'place for the benefit of out country, as you aecm sufficiently appriied tSat the person of rtie"Mai(niii Yrujo is un ckr the aafegdard of ihe tiatlon, and arcurcd by It's honor againxl U violation ! need add nothing on thai head, on another however 1 may he permuted to add that if the informa tion respecting a htter said to have been writ ten by me waa meant a) a sample rf thw communications proposed lo be given to you, their loss will not be great, no such Utter wai ver written by me, by my authority, or with my privity, with my acknowlrgemetita fot the communications' I tmdtr you my aaluta t'rons. ' Tt JEFFERSON. . Majr.WiHiam Jatliun. ' ' Duplicate. ' ' mrxxim' PHILADELPHIA Sept. inber, 14. The folbwingExtractiof Litura from one olour unfortunate countrymen la Tripoli, arc very distressing and earnestly dcmvnd the attention of the government " 'rijtoli, JJrll, Since my last, nolhiiif worthy of recital has occurcd, except tha death of one of tur crew. I fear this will Ulhi purport of all future Ic'tcrat aa the summer is fast ap proaching, and Ihe heal will naturally hare a fatal effect upon your unfortunate touniry ntcn, who are daily ykcd lu a largegton which ihej are obliged to drag into the coun try, where it is luaded with heavy timber lor their return,' M AtfiX 7. AJew day ago, a amall craft, under Enelish colors waictotured bv the Svren. Jl on thiat'jaiiort in cncctce of which lie 'Bashaw 8eT)tTorthe41i'ritjafi Consul" to Xritt , Whether a United 8ttea feneJ dart take nuy articlei' out of a vetsft Undet ihe protection -tf-his Lkjesty re !;i M. M'Donoogfi 'Answered' in the amative;, idso gave tu Bashaw a wriUeflrtificate . passport. he.'VgaM;' was wricdiately ladened with a very valuable i cart, belongi ng Ho the Dash aw's subjects, and iet sail for ' Malta.; but Unfonnately'for ais Majcbty Cdiihut, ah was captured almost tinder the forts. Capt. Stewart; ''ordered -Jer' for Syracuse, ih . &ashaw sent for Mr. M'Donough, and after giving ' him -t.Ml5cie.nt abuse, ordered kim to quit -is dominions in 13. hours. "" "The next day he sel sail for Malta in a - small raft ; but was captured eft" the harbour, by 'the Syren andent to Syracuse, His excel- 'lency is very Touch enraged, at the conduct of the British Consul, and is determined not to receive hirn''agin,"let the consequence be what it may, ve sre in hopes that this ufl'air will brifig-Lofd Nelson, oft" this atationi . . . ,Five months hive already expired of oiw vcaptivity, aid yet no hopes of our country a redesming usl Howevttr, 1 trust, tliey will recollect m w1ok hands and at whose .mercy we are.' Adteii.''' , On Saturday evening last, William Barry,' a mariner from Novfolk, aged nineteen, mas "stopped hr the street by se veral Spanish sai lors; and without any provocation on his part stabbed in ifour'plicea. He was taken to the Pnsylvania Hospital, where he now lah guishvs undeHiii deep woiuids. This ou4- Tagc vlvuving irfceusedvt,he Atnericnn Rilops "several scenes of. riot hd -vkdence . occuritd in feiae course of yesterday ; and last nig,h't, wtrare. in formed, a bodjv.'Oiflicse iiicoiisiderate ncn, armed with clwbs 'kc. proceeded, to a'liouse inhabited by 4lte crtw of a Spauish vrssel ndw'.in port, aiwl ctHnmcnced a most .olent assault. -The building was alauost entirely demolished, and we are informed Sve or six Spanish sailors khcr killed on Ihe spot,'ov.o severely wounded, as to render . their livrfprecariwi. . Several of theni'have been tal: jti to-the itospit&l, and the ring-leaders f the riot committed lo gaol. -IMPORTANT DECISION. "' TaW schooner Sarah, if Norfolk, wbS cap tvrred by a French privateer on' her passage from St." Domingo home, in the moh'h of -April'dast, having on boafd a tarjo of 5of ee to the value of about 50,000 dollars. The vesd was. tarried into a port in the island ofCnba where th; captora disposed o'f vessel and cargo, the latter was shipped in another, vessel and sent to Charleston. A variety u circumstances satisfied the su percargo of the Sarah that there was no cvn demn&tion of Vessctortargo : in consequenct of which-, iweasures were taken to arrest the cargo uxm tx arrival in Charleston; and a. suit waa .fRstitutcdhitrjeOBurt of the United States for 'the district of South Carolina. On the tsft of this month the cause tame on, and after a Very learned and long argument,,' . the court pronounced in favor of the plaintiff,' the former owners on account of the proptrtj not Jiaving ittn UHkiemntd, before sale to ihe defendant, the present owner and ordered. restitution of the toffee. or payment at an ap- priced value,aud costs . ' ' IPlL M JNG TO N, N. C. TULSUAY VClUWtiU 9, 1804. . We ete aW.norized to aay, that SAMfia Askei lisq. sen. wilt serve, if elected, aa ) . lector of President and Vict-Piciidclit of the Unitcxl States for ihil Drstrict. Hy the fas wTTf.g ship Sally, Capt. Web tors of the Chrtnifrce have htcu favored with English papm to iSe tiiirtkikih oi av vst. The atfalfs oT Great.Briaih wear a very OisastrCus tOfnplexion. The it.trlcnt Ptci mier ta gotn all lengths to eatablish himself. In powrer," tut nbtwiUistahding all the tner--fcicvx tt govemmen,tand he is the father. f thai aanguinary lykUin. which it baa been Tash tunable with our Kojml 'foction to tall en f gy) there Is an evident aentimentoT horror, among the people, toward hira and his mea sures. He cohttived, by his aecrc InBocnce with ihe elder bfancet ol the royal familyjlo eject poor Addington from office, whose on ly criminality, In. the, cyta or the nation, waa hia obvepjiousnetf to Pitt-Irt the change there -is but little alteration rA governing folly, nr that ihe preseni Mrniuerii ihe more ti V)knt of the t wo i It is he b kl auccceJcd by imc Stoi 1)0w it wifl terminate, lu actretthainHamati aarachy can discover It appears, b; lelten from Vlymoath, tkat Cantheanm hai tKaWrd from the outward! raad of Brest, with four tail of the Une and ! fire frigatea. Mce-Adrhiral Gravca had In telliptnce of ihe event, a few houra after- j wards, and lailed In pursuit of ihem, with alx sail nf the line hd Iwo frigates. The desti nation tf C.antheanme is noi Inown th9 pftJbilit)r Ia that he is going to Ferrol est the Struts, or to make a daati tipon the Bri tish Easfrlndia fleet. . Thi i eUctioo for a mtmWr of Parliament f'r M'ddlcaca, his terminated In the most ahimcful manner. The candidates were bir FrantU BorJttt, and Mr. Mainwirinj i the former had a considerable majority, yet (he Sheriffs made a morn In favor of Mr. Maui warin 2 No act of government wai evci upposed lo be mora atrtcloua In principle than this tut It is U it, and that it aay Jng enough pon the lubject lrslapd itMl flatf frijltfol itypj'ctcJf