tatts o .J Trti the National InltUizencer : ATTEMPThave been recently trifo JetUr front;f and reprefrntattaus of occurrences at' Madrid; to excite' the f sUo Ines of the public 6t tht ilfue" f a f- tion of mat' magnitude1, to the Uniiei i Statci. : I is faid that the king ef Spai has refufed'to, ratify the Convention lr tho indemnification for fpoliaied ptoDcrif , on feyeral; grounds, among; wbichv js al figoed ,the legiflative authority given f o tba Prefident to efeft fl fort( ot entry ft the Mobil and ha water emptying dF the Gulph of Mexico eatt of that river; i f lvnemer a m irucirw opam numuiei S '. . '. ot this; or any other rround to ratify i' i . ?envenilort..'WO flia'i 1i6:u&dv-kaC LAJ """"Tayt much lets te determine the accuracy or the fafl; that Mr, Pinckoey feas demand ' ded his paflports and is about turning t A.lf !. I I' -' -J I - f me unueu diaicj vr wneina wb ere on the eve of a wir .with SpaW. . - We (hall oniy ODierye met ne piaures arawn in fome of the Eaftern pr'tpta appear to us Co extravagantly coloured as to lead toafuf. ' ..' picioa that ; they ;.arf intended fo tover JomeN commercial .project; Waving, however, alt conGderarions arifing oik of - thefe circtimftances, . at ' unfiled from the ' little knowledge refpetiing tbera in pof. ' 1 Hi on of tho' public, to afford much ira- purtant light, we kave eonpdered it pro per to attcmpt'laying before the public a viy w of the mtritf of . the interefliag q'fellion.fWhat are the boundaries of Louifiinai". as acquired . by the United S:a es from JTrrice by, the latt treaty of cclCon. ' This point, iadepeodent of any " conn ccii an it may have with the ratihca l lion of tho convention, or with any penJ. , ing negociatten, is extremely important and although the difcufSoa of it, at this time, msybe premature,"' as ft has been brought into public notice, it appears ne cetTary to avoid erroneous irapreons, to ftlte the prominent fads on which its de cifinn'muft dppend. We (lull at prefent ' auempt little more than this j oar objeel being to take fure ground, and to exhibit a fhorLand clear view of . fads, and to , draw thofo inferences oaly which imme-. diatcly Haw from them. ' , . : Inordcrto exhibit this view. the more diftinAIy, it is necelTarr to go back to an early perloJ of the colonization ot Loui- liana. ' . ; - I' In the year 1763, M: Jollet and Mar f : OHctte, two French Canadians, excited I bjr the information of the Indians, ex plored and fl ruck the MifRflippl.' 'which f they dcLeaJeJ to the Arkanfas. Their re - , .prefentations awakened the curioGty of ; . l. ao la ba'e and M. Jonti, who in the ) - i .1 - - ii " W MidiSppI, landed on Jebruarv, in tha bar ef St. r i' : 11 i year 16 So, under tho permiffion o the french tovcrnment, explored the MiKis ftppi. On the lower part of the Illineis he garrifoced a fort calleJ Crevecour t and Fkj fent father Ilenntpin down the MilUt, fippl until he reached the ocean. lo J682, M.li SaleanJ M. lontl went down aha river ' with fixty men, named the country 'LouiSans, - built a fort ia the Chickafaw territory, 6j leagues bclnw the Ohio, by the name ef Prmihamme,' M la Sale then returaeJ to France. The Freach eovernmenr, enterini with ardour into til fiheme of forming fettlements a long tne it Lawrence and. M'ilfippi from fca to Tea, placed under hit jiec tlon fjuf vcHcli, with men end Bore. V tie failed ( but milHng the mouth the iB.h of bay ef St. Ucrnud. ilere he cnils two fuctcfure aftablift. rtcnts, i '": ' ' ' About this time ihf Oietaller Tontl 4cfctnded to the mouth ot the MifTifTippl,. and en afcending the river, : formed a p-r. manfnt fettlement on the Arkanfas. Not krg after, this peiiod fcvera other fmall fftileTeats wcrf made by cnicrptiring renckmen. i til) ararcemreencedbrtwttnFrance ""J Spainrwhich fatlc4 tilt l69jducing khuk crM nothing appears to have m o'.e br France o fuccosr ber role, ry. ta 1698, M. IT Iberville was d f . f itcWd as Cjovtfnor. lie edablifhcd ifvo fctt1etrnts, one at Ifie MalTacre, ' which he railed ICe Dauphin, and the o. thtr at Mobile It my be pto,' o obftrvc that durlm the war in lf?5, Spilt hid tiVcnpol at Pcnrco!a. ' ' fi..m thefs fifls it follows that Frinre erjnyed the aclual and undiQurbcd pof fcilljiof the roif) from the Mobile to she Pay of Su CrnarJ, and from the mouih i. the M fjilippl le the Illireis, which rtherwith ohef territory , com. tnf wl at is worn called WcO rlorida, ut which tkre, logethet wrlih the toon try, altar ef Csm.ia, wsftlbytU com. Jn this conditloo tttines ffdW. wheri ! ;Loujs XI V, by Jettera patent, on the 14th bept.'l7t2, granted tl M. -roxav toe clulive; commerce of this country, s for. , fifteen vears. This dotwtflent is impor. taut, as iteppeafs to contain thi Bril for mal recognition of the wx tent of theFrench poiTenciox. -:'Theexuaai id psint, iu as .follows a ; " .;;-"-;'' - ;-!' i Loais, y the grace of 5o3 King $ I France ad .Httartre 4 ' To1 ill -who ihall fee theicJuctterS, Ureeting. ; The care wc ha, veil way a had to. proc u re thd w: effa jr Atd:;advantage of ouriubjects bav$ng ,Ht-: tinual wars which w have been, obi i e-A j lapport-. troxtt-'ithe bjrghjDiog 'f-"owr feign, to feek lor all posubic opportunt-'' ties of rtilarsing and extending the trade f our American colonies- we did im the yen t68t give tur orJ&i 19 andertake 1 oucovery ot tne countries ana tanus which are tituated in the Northern part or mt rict between New France and New Mex ico.,. And the Steur tie la Sale, to whom weommitted ihat.enterprire, -having had fucceTs enough to confirm belief : that a c$mmunicatitH might, h tilled frm jwew eranct u toe vrutpo mcxic oj means of large rivers ; this obliged us imi. mediately after the peace of Ryfwkk to" give orders for the eftabiifhing a colony there, and maintatointf i garrtlon,' tvbtcb it kept sad preftrved the tffiffivit had taken in the -very year iobj or the lands, roalts and iUands which aie Ijtua- ted in the Gulph bf Mexico between Caro- fint On the Eaj, and Old "and New MexU etn tbewtjt. out a new wtr Having broke Out in avurope moniy atter, there was no poffibility, till now, bf reaping from that new v oony the advantages that might "ave been expected from thence, becaufe the private men, who are .con cerned in the tea trade were all under en eagementf wi:h other colonies which they have been obliged to follow ty And where t upon the informal ton we have recei ved concerning ihe difpofiiion and fitua. tion of the laii Zaunmei known ifprrltut iy Ihe nme the Vrw'tkce if Ltuthona, we are of opinion, that there may beef- tabhlhed therein a conuderaoie commerce, lo much the more advantageous 10 our Kingdom, in that there. has hitherto been a necedity of fetching front foreigners the Ereateft part of the -commodities which may be brought from thence, and becaule in exchange thereof we need carry thither nothing but commodities of be growth and manufacture of our own kingdom; we have rcfolved to grant ihe commerce of the country of Louifiana to the Sieur Anthony Crotat, our Counfcl. tor: Secretary of the Hoofebold, Crown and Revenue, to whom we cntrult the ex. ecutlon of thi proieft. We are the more readily Inclined hereunto, becaufe his zeal and the lingular knowledge he has acqui. ' red in maritime commerce encourage ui ! to hope for as good fuccefs as he has ki i theno had in the divers and fundry en. terprifes he has cone upon, and which the liberty of erjlargtni as weihalT think ' .6t vthe extent , of the governmet of ihe (did country of lloiiiitaita,'' ; :.. r', ; v .. .... this tsafolemB declaration vthit-ihe I waters running d're&ly. r indirectly jnso . roe iliiUKippi, no tne , country they em- Drace, con tutu ted uief rovwee of Louiu- , aaa. withta these Iimite r ranee ctMitu nued without difliitbaftce to extend her fettlements till the; year ijbp DurinEf this weriod we'e formed the. treaties of ayiwict in !697'!o Vfecbt tt Tt J. j 4 iidetonfo; to contraeT ilk limits I p y K.aaai 1 a 13 1 4.,. , iw wnicu In the 6rJ taee.-l Soals' fiioulates" ta; " recedeX(wat toii the fame extent Spain. ' To determine the import of this , ftijiulation. it is only necelTary jo afceivj m tain the extent ot country embractd by t be term Lou'Jtntta. ; It baa been clearly j; ,? (hewa that previous, to .the cefTton oj France to Spain Lbuifiatia extended to r . i the Pedi4j, ' Had any thing ' occurred t V ' oreviouay te the date of the tieaty ta St; ir r 1 ioain 1 - thinp had ocirrml "the "t'miia -miift - - Km i jwas a party, ' and which in cone of their i oufidereda iirtahered.-1'.Tyi bdriion nf v ; Jrbvifipns invalidate the tigbts of France. I I a s 71 1, the" French,, .took penfkcoU liwutjapain, 10 wnora it- vaa icnorca at ithe peace :f tytg j- 4Jce whichibe Per-w dido, between, Mobile and fenfacota hat been the acknowledged boundary betweea Louifiana and Florida.-;7 : , --i-m ..rff The boundaries of Louifiana. then. held by France', were the coaft fldiflahfhj , tron thePerdjdo to the Rio Norte j up that river to its fource thence to ihe ' bijtV lands and round the fources 'f the MiUouuand MiflilTippi, and their waters to the Alleghany mountains,, along thofe : mountains and the high land furroundme ihe , waters of she Mobile to the bead of the Pcrdido, and duwn that, .river to the ocean. ; -i.:- - . . There was, it is true, a eollifion be. tween thefe claims and thofo of the Eng. liflt colonies, whole- charters extended from lea to fea ; but, thefe interfering claims were adi oftcd br the t reatv of Pa ris of 73 ; by which tie MiflifTippi and Ithe Iberville were made the limits of the1 Encllm poflTeflions on tl Eaft, and Louii jianaontne welt." l. "Thus, far thee, that ?s to the year 1767. i tkere is - no doubt that,' what is now de nominated Weft Florida, , was a '. part Louifiana, :,' . I ? , -; , . .. ' ;, ' ... To the war which commenced between France and Englatid in I7J5,.' Spain i 176a, became a party oiv the fide of t ranee, t nelnd having been lo fuccefs.. ful as to conquer a confiderable portion of the Iflsnu ot Cuba from bpain, wgo ciuona were enicrea into lor a - peace In thefe negociations Great. BHtsm re quired Florida and that part of Louifiana between the Iberville and the Ferdido,in exchange for Cuba. . To enable Spain to offer thefe as an equivalent, France, by a facret treaty, dated November 3, 176a, (the fame day on which the preliminary treaty of peace was fignedj confentcd to cede 10 dpaio all Lou nana. Uy the dc finitive treaty figned on the roth, of Fe bruaiy, J763,. Fiance ceded to England all Louifiana eaft of theMiCiffippi, except the id and of New-Orleans t which with the remainder of the province Ihe ceded to Spain. Ihe cession to Lngland, au though formally on the pan of rrnce (for the treaty between France and Spain waillill fecre: was lubllantiaUy made by Apain, who had become the real propne- tor oj an t-otiuiana. , territory ceded 1363 t Great-Britain; ".uvtcuco a ijpam in fi Jt "I'u tne r - s Engtimd."-.' "Reaote'd to.'SpamVtthbogn',vA- thu psme.was tot focmauy dilmitied, the ; icrruaqr WBicn sr. covers was re-annexea to ihe-coverriment of Louisiana, 'and hei ! old arrangements, previous to- it ;ceffionv t v to England.' re.in dated.-? By Uiefe ar-v x sngemeots Louifiana, ' as So .ittvexUnt,' t " ! was replaced art the fame Etuation ' it 1 cw'i .: J CBfaied previous to the cefuon "of a part Y 1 f tr to Qrcat-Biitain, whkh was'the fame; rf: With that it hcldf when potaefsed by France, , - ; utideV whofe arratlietnents' Weil Florida, " . -tSL. J - :--"'-.-i .!. j..., .1- .' But as if felicitous to remove all arahl.' . guity, the treaty proceeds toifiipulat'e in . . the hand place that Ltuiiam' Jhtl he rsw de4 i t fa fnme extent tt , bad when ' Froncji -Plfefeditttini ia previoufly to hi yearj. 1703.1? now the tact u thtt rrance- ne3 , ver poiaeisca nts province,7 witn any ex a ; , tent which did c include ; l8i .Ebrlifli Jt v : province of VerF!)ldaV, It 1ter hao' occurred id the framers of 'She'irtart 'ofa . St. lldefonrtrthar Ajubti migbtrarife ; to the meaning ' of . jhe: itjm the pro.' '. lew vlnce of Louisiana,' after; Ihe ceflioci of a ' , of part of it to Great Britain," knd It's ; cef-, , , cefiion to Spain."' Hence, the'' propriety ' ' -i.i!r...f ' -ii r.. l "1 . 1. 1 ' If vi uiingaung an autn eottots ey occiarmg . . that the new . ceiaion fhould be fn . the'" fame extent it had ivbenfrnnce ftpftil il.:- 1 nis enectuauy let astwai rrgaid to the tegulations 6l England. ? Suppoaing, then, the firft ftipulaiitvi to be m doubt-l' ful import; the fecond, fo platq as not to or miy oTM:r conuruawn, com-.- - in to remove all doubt. For It is an el-' tabliOied principle of condruQion, - that- . where ' there are two palaces ierdire 10 1 the fame end,' one of which is doubtlul, ' and the other cleat, the lad (ball precon. derate.' The denial of ihis .c.onttfBctiorir faying that it (hall have no meaning at all,, which in fo folcmn au irjlrument 11 a. treaty, and on fo important an occasion ' as the tranfei of territory, is altogether in; admis:ible. ... -j ui ' -1 tX In the third place it id fi'tthttd -tlt. the ctffwnjhail be fmh it it s6l It be af ter tin irtaliti pajjiijuhjtjuenily telweem' Spain and tlbrrj!atetbit is fuhfequentlf . 10 tne cesi ion by rrance, which was ia . the year 1762. Now fuufequently 10 this1 . was formed the treaty ot ijoe between have procured to our kingdom great qusn. titics of gold & Giver in fuch Conjunctures at have rendered ibera very wsitoine to us. - . For thefe resfons, being defiroos to mew owr lavour to him, and to regulate the conditiona uoon which - wc mean lo grant hint the faid 'commerce, after ha. ving deliberated this a (fair in our Council, j of our certain knowledge, ' tnll power,' and Roral Authority. We bylhele Pre fents.figrd by our handi.havc srpntcdie do appoint ihe faid Sieur Ctoiat folely to cany on a trade in all the lands polklied by u:, and bounded by New Mexico, and bv the land r.1 the Enelilh of Carolina, all the tJlaVijhmtntii prlt bavtntitivert. .ana Principally tne put ana revre r toe Ut Dauphime. htelfire taUtd Moffacre t the river at St. Lewi, bere'aftre tailed 'IT'Tfttl fr lb & f ihift Mr far at the Ithn At, Itttlher with the river St, rbibp, berttttre called the Alifinritt, and St. Jernme, rerelttre tolled Qvtbatbe M!ik all the firiei, terriltriet, Uletwhhi land, and tie rrvm wbitbf tt dirtilly ef MireQIy fss that fart if the river St. Lewie. ,' J "Tha iattctis ill Oor pleafurt It, that all ihe aforrfaid lands countries, fireams, rivers, and IflanJi, be and remain comprifed under the name if ibe livern mintef Lenfane, which fh all be df pen dent upon ilia general goveromrot ef New France, to ahlch It is fubnrdinate and further that all ihe Una's which we polkia fiom the IHirois be united, fofar as octaOnn require to the geacral govrra. weM of New Franee, and become part thereof, referring, however, to oeifclrss : , England immediately divided the newly 11, Spain and the United States by which the' j acquired poiTeGions into two diflincl go. II former confirmed 10 the latter a degree of Qtrom 1 to 31 rlrgrceij , yernovnts ; 10 one the gave the name of ff cM llettda.mUcXt embraced the traa t welt of the Apalachicola ; and to the o. , ther emnracing the refidue of her poller. ' fioni, ihe cave that of Eaft Florida This is thi firft thst wc heir of ffjf Fhr js, it being a name given by Grsat- Critain to a tubdiviuon ol her territory. ' At theclofeof the American war in lyljGtcat-Critain rtfloted to Spain Flo. ; rids, and the country tail of the Iberville.1 Spaio, on taking poilrhton, continued, wun lome modification tne cngiiin er raneements. placinf, however, Weft Floiida enderlhe iurifJidton of the go. ' vemor ol Louifiana, whorefided at ,New Orleans i and fmce that time this territo ry, aa ell in public inAruments, and ia ccflcral renverfation. has font by the name of Louifiana snd Weflr lorlda.tomc. times tlte one and fometimea the other name being ufed. - ' On ths lAof Oober, 1800, by the treaty of St. Ildcfonfo, Spain receded to J- ranee the colony or province ol Loui. fiana, with the fame extent that it a Qua!- Iy has in the bands of Spalo that it had when France pofTcfled itand fuch as it ought to be after the treaties pa fled fubfe. uently between 5psin and other Huts. On ihe joihof April, 1801, France ceded lo ihe United States all the terri tory which fae haj thus acquired from Spain. Thefe arc the facli en which tried fioa Is to be made whether the CtfHoa by Iranct to the United Statts does rr docs" not embrace that portion of country caL latituile (from 11 to it drgrceij wblcbv' foe had alledned to be "art of Louisiana.? u needed ;o France, and cor.fcqueotly be longing to her. .- . ; ,1 , 1 According fo thefe Pipulations, takers logeiher, Spain ceded Louiiiar.a to Franc exaflly as France pofcfed it previous lo the year 176, with the only esceptioa ofsfi refarvstioo cf the rhts acknowtUged by dpaia lo attach to the united Stat(, ani Id this precife lhare Ffnce,' thus pofiet fed of Luuitiana rat ceJeJ it to the Uni ted States. If the (atls we have dated ardf the inferencca deduced frum tl rmbecor reil, it follows that the Perdtdo is, iho ' boundary of Louisiana, and confrquently that Well Florida la a part cf the ccnioa lathe United States. . , The fubjecl may admit cf a snuch U der ilo8ratioirf and ftTml ot the jiolntc" which we have but turfotily noticed wouU 'doubt'efl be enforced by many incidents and argumemi that raight be aftociatei with them; but we wave thefe forth' prefer.!, tinder the petfoaiion that tla conclle ft etch row oflcred is fu Orient to evince the jud pretensions allevgeJ loba CDtertsineu by out government. It la pottibte (hat fome of the fifls aivumel may not be corrsQ though we hava tsken paint to avoid error, and a emitted to introduce all doubtful Bau ler, . . . ' ieeope ' " F RANCH, y- 1 AXKtVlllAIT Ot TRl MTU Of JUIV. THE a&h of MeuMor, the annivtifa. ry of the 14th ol July, all the Members of the Legion of Honour who wete in Vul'p V.ic 1 f s 1

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