.'. 1 1 1 " ' - - 'i--i . ' .. . . '. m, ... ;, . ....... ;. v.',- 1 . ' - " 1 , 1 ' '. : ' -.""-vy- PUBLISHED; ( Vxt aitf) i&Y ALtHA$h WtJ-VVESD AY, OCTOBER 23; . .rnxtM 'Hoiisf aJt -tiJIUllO. 407V 1 t a a t ft f a H o 1 1 FROM THE AQROKA. . ; SPANISH AGGRESSIONS. . ?vA fliort lime ago,, (20th Auguft) there ppeated in tb Regilkr (a piper publilh cd by dif miffed- placeman) aa article .which weere publi(lh : . 'We have dated, 'oo information which vrill not be contradicted , that Spain has fefufed to ratify '.the coovention' ' hcreto- 'fore agreed' on j which convention, a- 'tnong other; ftipiilatrbns allowed to the citizens of the United States an inJenirif ty for the fpoliations committed on their property by the governdient and fubject1! ,f Spain. The reafbn a(Gg.ned by Cc vallqs for this , refufal, was :xprefs!y as tfoUoWs t T.ht accejfion if Leuiji&na has favaritJ tht rtlbUont tiia$t Jipai and the United Srattfc tht.ntvntwitl -not ratify the nnventhri.",, Hatrce it appears that thebbafted a? qutGtton of Louifiana, which has been io much trumpeted and cerebrated jSy our letting Jit trig 'aimmfiratUnt . and for wKich we have paid BitxttU uiltiONs of dollars, or, nirlj "iint; fifth part of; the whole amount of our national debr, may cod five millions more to quiet the poireflton. The. boatUng bargain turns out to be .neither no more nor jejt than a purchaft of individual injury and national diJkQno.J I NDI V1DD A L- INJ 0V, be. ins the caufe of an abfolute, reigfal to ra tify , an aft af iuft retribution iij bur dti.- -4t.ens, Of national dishonor, 'inai. much as the refufal is made by a. govern ment, which a proper exertion of our power could have compel fed to the per "tormatccbf tsengjgement."lnd7eveh fliaken to the bafe of its author'i'ty. But the energies of our country are paralyfed, aed her refoure'es wafted in'the trembling hinds to which they have been confided the clajmibf bu'r cltixens are dTrega'Hcd, and the character of the na tion, when brought into competition with the eafc and convenience of bur rulerf, is an objef of no importance. ' The frowns of War might fhorten their ilay In oftce peace mufi; tbere tot, he maintained at any faenfice." Perhaps perfonal maUgnity never expo fediifelf it) fo u.fy mad contemptible a .viewf..aiT."in this' ankfcrt' It ii hotybt fdrgot ten that. vtr)f bmt cenfure was thrswn o(j agiinft tnegoveVnment in the Gaietteot the United State laft wiuter. concerning a convention with Spain', and much 'pains were taken to induce an opt nion that our government . was indifferent or negligent 'of the public interefts regard, ing our concern: with Spain'., The in. for mation'of that. iim was evidently gi ven by a ccruloMw Wlferiatori Jo'r. thebufincfi was ot an exec'ittiv e riaturc,and even the me nbera of thcrhoufit of reprc fentatives were unacquaintea with the fubjccl or the exifteocef fuch a convert! tion. I( appeals, however, that the de. lay of the convention was wholly attri hutiVe to the bbdacrei thrown in its way by the factious animofity o thofe callej federal men in the fenate. The conven .tion, however, was . ratified lift fcfTion ; and is in lublt jnce as follows. The title is; yi ctnventh ft? tbi indmnificatitn 0 tjfnjt xuht b we fiflairti intwift ik contevuence T0fte fxertfa "if tvdtvtJuJt f kithtt ni. run aunng trie ijt war. The firitarthte provides" for the foK mation of a hoard of fvt comraifTionct; fu"i by each party, ind (he fif'.fi by com mon content.' . ' Tlcir duties INeJ. , "hef fliiHatrmhle wlthini8nionths t' appointmen .and receive J ' t .otJ" ofb..Mhnl,ions. tnaoy- in0Unt ( ' b b6 A'f&U ,tec:arcs. Ihat' it no, Hvlnk been po'fliM to Ph iieV?T agree ..fon i mode by Uh .the bmmiiet.uld arbitrate on cl.tm, Satin,; from the ttttfa-ct lngn .w.:. ..rJtii.m itftiiofieii hkh might each vrament . mall tefctv. , the iht they held to b.inc rwaid fe cU.mi at lotne iuTurcxuf" . m ri - rfit In be (l .lOfCC .11 -..ic.iTa. titharfrtl. Djttll'n 1 1 1 1 IIUIKOIWir. a A mm i t? . ... f This h the lum ot tne conTrniivn wh.cHeilxnkoper ogie hire, that iy American .'icaVei 6y r.ot bi Ira poled iip.itt by roitfeptcfen'iiiorii ' ... . hUUrlatlftn lately an officer of he cullorrscl tht .Cuttd Suiti,in to doubt think tha a vindication of Spain ahd reprobationt of fie American execu tive, 'is'juftiM bydis difmirtion from a icrativeroffice. To. ojir humbler' con cent ions, he furoiKhts teftimbnf'that he . oUeht never to 'hive'beeti 'entrufted" with ' any omce unacr inij gpvcrnmcin ; anu tis evidence, we apprehend, is to be found in t tie attempt wnicn ne tuners nimien to make to fupport Sparijh injujlice ! T . The principles of the convention are fimple, and under allthe 'circumitances ot the times.which it wa agreed upon atMa . drid,' was as liberal cn the; part of ihe U- nitea ataies as opsin couia -nave cpec ted'from the irtoft ircere ;ft(fpofitioift'iiij,v' promote a durable 6ncbrd and"" fnand-, iKip. 5v-. ' -: . J?he pjeriodVof tht conclufion of this convention wt be Dtnd riotto,' be rtrmbrc from hat ,oTwgflion of the Spahi(h intendant at New-Qieanr. (Dec, icj, I 02. ) T he liberality of ou r government as well as its found policy, was confpi. cuous in the.poftponemcntof the confede ration of thole caiesjybich , related folely lb the French aggrefTions'; becaufa on the one hand," Spain was lo cirenmftanred with regard to France, that her own will could not properly befaid to Hand :uhre drained on any fubjeel connccled with Trance ; and on.-the $t her, our govern ment was eagerly preffing the acquifition )f the Floridas, with a view to five pur Touthern frontier, from annoyance by the renewal ot war between Great-Britain and either of thofe powers. , The ajgreinon at Ne-Orlean., how. ever, placed the two governments upon different grounds. The. injury 'done m. ;was Incompatible with good faith, and e ven with friendlhip ; and our government found it neccfljrj to adopt a courfe the rrfoft decidedwt o obtain not finiply repa ratipnbr the acl of the Spanifh i tendant, hot fecurity againft the reciirreoce of fi milar or greater wrongs. J ' The dependent condition of Spain was not a fecret totht worl.J and while re menflrances weie carried to that court on the condud of its officer henegociation was concluded with. the adual owners of Louifiana ; by vhicb the fovercigtity bV that country, and theeiclufivc navigation of the Miflifltppi;,weie fecured forever. We obuioed l c0Dtry, the value-of which Mr". Govtrncur Morris thus deV fcribes i'n his fpch in the fenate of the United States, or the 14th of Fb. 18 j. Whh this cbuttry in our pofTcflion, we have means of defence more ample, more important, and rrorecafv, than any other naiion.on earth In a lliort time all the . Wefl. India Iflirrts, fed from our grana 'rics mt:ft depends our will. It is a de fence furetior tofUcts and armiii." Yet Msjor jackfoh aiTures us that Dpn redro Ccvsllon has rcfufed to ratify il.'e con vent ioq bccautu The acccOlon nf Louifiana has varkd the relations between Spsin arid . the Unied States." ThataSpanith niniilcr fhould be To abfurd, is barely pfTib!e but that a man pretending to be at American, who has lived 'upon the revenue of the public for feveral years jiafl, fliould undertake to jiilify fuch a pretejee, beats lomethifig more than a comrrim execration. . What I ihe Spanlh vclTels have plitnl .dcred ourjljips on tie h'gh feas, and in Pead of making rep.ifals as w'e tnTghi Jufl ly do, we re fort to lie , pacific coutle of . j f. negotiation, ana a lonvcniipn 11 lormca aoJ limned by , his mnifler, openly recog nizing ih juhice, at our complaint, and providing means forredtefs. , An American edior undertakes to fay that becaufe Amciici has obtained, thro' the energy and decifun of her executive, a territory belonging tu France ; that Spain is juflifiaolf in nnf ' making remu neration for the wrotg (he has dotu os on the high feai. t This is thi funi of the argument or it, is nothing; for the acquifition by us tf Louifiana and the fun which we paid for it ( have nothing lolo, whatever with the convention, or the dipredations which it was propofed io redefs. It would be inlulingtlic underdanding of the pnVlic to compare the underdand Ing of major Jackfitt with jhat of Go verneuVMorrii j ihr advantages of Loui flana ire aWeadr fet thufewhowilh to he more fcnfilde ofiUni will refer to hc debate from whicr the above extrad Is made. .. , . . Dut.it it allcdgeJ, that we are fubjrA to individual Jnjuij and national dilliunor by this accjuifaiun, and this conducl in' Don Pedro evalln In rejecting ihe cod mention, is ptoducl;si tU evidence ot this dithonur and injury .IJut does the afBffrifncr of'a caufe fb ahfurd "nrovi- its ' jniticV ? ; : Becaufc we have pbtained frbtn r ranpe, whattfance had bctote o brained from SpanYjs'bat a-foundgrtfuhd of ob jedjii to'do us juHice for other wrbnejSi ; 'fhould fcorn the, in figniificant .Tophi f tryl,tfiat prates abootparalyfed energies" and Vajfted refourves.' and " -treiirbting-' handl the bhferne'fii of mind "that -die-tales' the;mean afperity merits no other animadyerfion ! ;The characteriftic bom baflE that' concludes this article,- js of that deftijijfjon wh'fch may excite public -defi- ' lion, but ir can not ever obtain; even 'the ' jpprbbatiqn of a, 'man of cwnmon judgJ . , iiicni 01 any, party. :; ' : i waithere is a"' point of view in which ! the art'ments ot this Imbecile.' ctlirorrmay ;bepced ; thatftfpercedes every ofhtfr cbnjtiienti , ' .. ': u' - 7'TtV eodveotp.n with Spaf-.baVheen ! declared to be on our part a baditij. , , ' Th acfqmfitiprt of Loutfian'haJen declared to be on our part of. nd'- advaini ,ge. :. ' ' ; ,( . Yet Spain is allcdged po only to be at . enmity with us "bcOaufe we have--'.obtain ed Louifiana j but'fhe ,is reprdfeiitedjas ' rcjeding a convention faid to beadyanta f;eous to htr, and ilifadvantageoss to i and her conduct in rejeflin thofe alled ged advantages' which w ' hav "allowed her, made a matter of reproach to our go vernment ! v SPANISH AGGftESSICNS. : No. '.. ; The Political Regifterof tht?4'h Sept. contains- an article (poftjfeilyj, frott). a Merchant at Madrid, uattd July 16, -JU04, which we" think it pur duty to co py, that our remalks iheteupoi may be' perfectly undcrftood. , ( ( , War with Spain intvitabe,Tht following communication is received by a merchant of this city from a fource upon which perfed reliance may be -placed.': 5 . " Madrid, July 16, 1804; ' The ;appJication of the Xmciican minifler on the Tubjd of the coivtmion, has at length drawn from ( this court the following propofitions, upon tht -accep., (ance of winch only will that increment' bejatified . (' . . I ft. That time be allow ed to give notice to their fubjeds of the convention ; -which has not yet been done', as they con. fiaeredthe buficefs totally abandoned by the Ameiican government. . 11 ad. That the article relating to pri zes carried into Spanifli ports by I rench cruizcrsi be to'ally expiirgtd, , and all claims pon the Spar.ilh government on that account be forever rclinnuifhed. " 3d. That the ad of the UnitedStater, attthorifing the Prefident to ettablilh one or more ports on the river Mobile", be im racdiately repealed. ," . After Aa proper remor.flrance by the American minifler on this fuhjeCt he de manded his palTports, and will aclually depart from hence in the coutle ot the cn. fiiing week. . .. . , '.. . It is expected too that all the.Ameri cans wilt be obliged to leave this place in ,a few days. , .. - ' Nothirg 01 coutle but war is. fpo ken of.' pjcverthelefi, Mr. Yrujo i! cn trufted with full powers ,"and it may hap pen that what could not be obtained here! wilf he granted t'Wafhlfigton. :-; : I lie people ol tfils cpuntry attcd to treat with contempt any oppofwipn on the part of the United States, as they have' from your fidefuch information as Icadi t hem to( believe that America .is only a gre;t merchant, who calculates epon tlie probable lofs or gain by a war or a peace, and will de'crminc.as the balance or ipte reif may preponderate, without regatd to national honour.", -x" ': ., The three laft paragraphs of ttia arti de we look upon as a llind. The whole article is eafily under flood. 1 be fource froirt whence it comes .cannot be rnifta keni and the fopitnt Major Jackfon is" made the inftrumcn of; this piece of. 4i plomatie Jlill. His malice towards the ex, ccutive has caufed him to be ufed, and,th objed is to obtain, at fir as pradicable, a diver f n of party in favour ol the tnea fores which the Spanifh court may have direded her agents to putfue. There can be no doubt of the good wifh es of the Spantfh ambadador towirds our government but at the fame lime it is very well'undeiftood, (and It is to Ml. ho. nor) that his moft ardent feelings are em barked In the duties of his fundion. ( So far then as there can arife advintage Io a negociation, from the intelligence anl uprightnsfs of. the Spanifh minifter here, crer y thing flands as it fiiouU do. We (hsll therefore talse the'artichr i.o be autlientic,as ir apeaVs, -in, the Regif-. ter'; We' (hall onfdet i.t )is if fCoromuui a t ed ' ftomK a 'fource y pon x w hich ' p c r feE reliance may be' plated,' , .t ' iVlppears then that the afpeifiona raft; out byvVtajor Jackfon. and Jnthers on our hiniftierXat the cpurt,ot Madtid, are un foundtd ; for it appears.' th.at he has not neglected t he' interell of his c,ount ry , nor hjave his eiffbrtreeti limited to m" a.-tinefe etrort ; an anoruve convention. : 11 ap pears, that (betide pother. ma,tier whicu, are-withheld 'e hV(e' !e. conccrt)JI of his country with 2 eaV-apd ,'fcfcnted the wrong wjthtgnjty;: Jiepas prrHed a re-, paration fbjr wKJrigs and when equivoca lion nas. teen'r lUihltitiftert tor.lhe uiual PyjBjjf.bf. ,'SVa iiia, bjsi has.lli xerfid ; tits . UliaiI4IUlD 1 JlCir Af ? are ,v.-)V? fufjwd that tie propolitions 4iav'e been 'thetaufe t?f ftis fltf malum. ; ( i; Ff!om the lerms of the 3d a,rttcfe. of the ?onyention, xf which we gave Bn abllrad m a preceatng numoer, 11 appears to us-tuat the fii'tt prppofttion ,ta in Jibe extreme of abfurtlitye-for tlie article fays that the -Pbtmjflio.nerV'.ilialj cftjet , at Madrid, Avhere, within the, terrn of 18 months (to be reckoned from, the ,day pp which they airemble) they fhall receive all claims c . .v . , .. ;. .-. Now 18 months alone . wtjuld bp fufti cient to" convey and rexciyeiiiforinattop fiom anypart of the Spanith cploniet ; and before the rppeting, ft months would expire at leaft in addition' thereto, fb tfiar if ihe'propofitions ar'e. .authentic as we arc willing, jto believe the gpvernmeni of Spain muU.be intent not only to deny us juftice ior the paft", .hut t6 commit wan ton and aggravated aggreTtOn.- ; , The. fecond propolition partakes of the ame charader ; , it has reference to the) 6,h article of the convention. ; . This article, is, of the, declaratory cha rader, by xjrbfch.jt is provided,' that nei .ther the. demand.xif Compenfation on, the one hand npr tht omiffi.on to jlcnr.and on the other, fhall be con fide red as inv?)ida ' ,iing nor .recognising 'claims- which may tncreatter oe made ana aiictuteo, . .. Here was a liberal ftifpeiilion of tlaim, which Spain might , poll pone to a period xnoce favojrabh: ,tp her .-.Views pfBjiilice ; when fhe might phi ain from France a com penfation for the lofs , to whch (lie was exppfed by the abufe of French cruifers and agents. But to this liberality it feems the court of Spaip.is .not difpofed to lillen ; andtheonly teafon for fuch profs con. dud, we are informed,. is that' our rra tions are changed with Spain fincc the ac. quifition of Louifiapa." . . How are our relations changed ? The territory. did not belong td Spain ! How are our, relations,, changed Jultice and reparation have not bceu doe,tor the in fults committed by the Spanifh iotendant! ' How are our relations changed? Spain has not mde., reparation for tle aggrcf fions commuted by her cruifers ! it is ke cauiehct .agents py fubjeci's have done tit wronpi, and we have relied upon Spanifli majjnat)irnityv , According to a federal member of the fenate Spain has rank ed high for good ijlthj and in my owa opinions higher' than any nation in tu rope. . Slow to prpmjfe, fhe always fuL filled her engagmenianw4h-honor.ac.. cpfding io(the fptritj without,, cavilling about thewurdpftrcatiet." But it feems Spin hat departed from this high vha. taQcrj and Ine has become a caviller bout wrdt j (hehasplJedupon usto te. Iinoifh.,tptally, atriht of which we iatei vpltjntarily . fufpended the Utiga., tion ; and. fhe hu denied pi, a reditu, tion, of propetty,'; and a reparatiort for wrong, under jfuYdifgraCtfurcaril.- . , But the third proportion contains per haps t.c point of the LplgraM and. in the fame fp;rit it, demands that to be un done which is not done at all. The aQ alluded to was palTednnt ?4thof February (aft, and forms theXI 1 1 chapter of the Laws of laft fefiion; page 36. It it the ad for layiog duties on . import and tonnage in the ttrrtitry ceded ly Fhnee. ' To repeal this ad would be to aban don the whple of the rtverue law of the United States now cftabliflied in that territory a circomflafice that proves the propolitiontobe very imtfey trait fated, or that the writer dd tvot undcr ftand the force of the propojliiun. (Ttbt tontinuei.) WASHINGTON CITY, 6Vobef' k , The Marquis Yrujo arrived Io thitcii on Monday laft from MoniictKo. I'M . ' , . ) .1 !-. 1 i - i ' Hi .-. ! l I I , i ... a. t