liiiiffiiilii t. 1l I' . ' - 1 ' - . PUBLIS ffiu) '(we eklt) BY ALLMAND iMLXr TUESD AY ftb VEMB Eft j6, 1 8b 4 nil. no. fCT- THE SubscnbeitatKoVVilnung ton Gazette arc informed thit o the 3 1st of Dece&ber ensuing;, the 8th year's subscrip Z .tion will bficorivejdae,' and Aattheir ccbunti Vill be brought up to tfcat iod, , and pre sented for payment. Thoie wbi live t a distance, are solicited to incloie the amount they owe (which wHj! sMitfy b hade knowa ' to them) by post, v , v.. : After the first of Jdhaarjr, 1 80S, subscnp- tion to the Gazette will be. Three Dollars fa Year, if paid in advance, 'or Fohr Dollkrs, payable as usual. , , . . . . , Advertisements wifN be. inserted, as usual, at 75 cents a square for the first week, and 50 cents a square for each cotuinmnce. A discount- of 25 uer will be made " to subscribers who advertise by the year. To those wb& are acqiaintVd-with the la bour and fxpsnces of nevspaer Pnhtiog and the present enornsj;atftfirH.rJ rWil ittihgtoh, twottld prfcsu'm ft tnoccssry to iay any tfiirig: on the propriety of itifs altera tion In the terms of subscription y t6 'others, however, it may be proper to "observe, that fhe present expence of prTh'ting arid circulk ting the Gazette, is at. the lowest computa tion 1206 Dollars a year, exceeding by 'one third its original expence) which tnu,st be paid in actual cash'; and to meet this demand there, is a subscription-of but 1.300 dollars, from which may be feast 25 per ecnt.-forbad debts Henceit ! is evident that the present proceeds, 'are tinecjual to tta imburtements. To sustain the Gazette on auch terms, would be unwise in its proprie tor, and could not be 'desired by its patrons. ' I take this opportunity tq acknowledge my self Indebted to thoe of ray subscribers and other customers who have been punctual and honest in their dealings1, but i cannot ajree with a certain houorMbe writefjAhat' I 'am un der obligations to those who refuse to pay af ter being indulged for several y"ears,6r to those who under specious. promises of payment, ungenerously withhold from me the rewards 'tf from three to eight years labburv ... The Gazette will be cdntintied ta its pf'e 'sent subscribers, on .the proposed terms, un less countermanded by the . first of January next . Subscriptions are taken by the year only (except transient pei-sbns) and in order to discontinue the Gazette after thecommence- iuent trancw year, cannot be complied with uhti) the end of that year;, ; ; ALL M AND It ALU Printing-Ofae, Nov. 6, 1804; ' 1804. 1 he Ui'mingtoii Sdbfcriptiort races. . rlLL emmence on ThirjJay tie 22J cf Nbvc tibtr next. tt hr n wrje, mare or geuing, in jiiltwt t ft day three fniie btati the brjl tw ef three three yeari oU twg to carry Z6lb ; f.ur teart'tlJ d. icpHt.t'five yrh cldda. f 1 4'A fix ytari . ffli 9i 1 ; even yette eld do. 1 jotf . twi' years tfd di. caicbet " .' , .. v . , V.J cay iwimm nr tioive. ytdayOitf "tite f'e.t-iarryiti tatehil . ' The firjt daft fwfe is fto tVirdt i fuhjcriftan if aitft 640 dtJart i thf f-, and Jay's pwfe it the rtma'itlr tne 'tHrJ there-ft and the hfl d.0 p:irj,r Jt i 1, it tv F. tf'dnce mtney ef tbethtl djy'$ riling t w ' w 15 1 f .r te Ji'ji 4y, 10 i. fx the frctudday, end 4 di lvi Jir tfe $4 day. jytlmt'gttn, Ocitber jg( to4, w tr UE Sulfcribiru tbOFilminx', Kmet ate inform d thai the sriviihil fab. (rift'tn 1 1 drffVd iuitk the fulfcriier f,r the pirfift tf'fUflio. tbi per lad for payitil tbt fn.e has lru?afjtdli be. tame due ct tht tfl Inf, TfJe tyht dt nt h th'ir nvn-t returned la the kvinnefi l umdiatrfy tfrer tbe R tcet, fir purp'f if brii i tally ttmprled ti prr. f;rm a f4lrfi tlihick:they have voluntarily wnUr.'J ltt, WA fty their '(Mcrthnt itjnrt that femi. . ,, , . AtUUW 1ULL tihnintihOn 'ihr 39, Iflo-f, vvln" be: sold.. . . t.Vff iW Cnm4W WiWUfc, Oh TlmrtJji l Km Fthrtntk mf PJ m,m.k- X... A Tiraft ot Land, StW.iTr f) m tht Eatt'ride ofJMt-CtetK at'tU Drii'3e,onitmngSix Jfvndrrdand 'JJurtjijhi Acre tor iktrtabfrtt, with the prwtnttthtrion, ALSQ me tihir Titct iiiljthr the cfrtuaii trodt ipntftuinj Fhe Jiuxd'td'Airtl arthtrtzKuti, with tM imbrnt. mrrtt thtrHm, htevn by I Se name tfthi MvUxr. rt i1ntitUm --ALSO, b Trotit, n the ffttt tide" ef Lm-Cettbt eJjmainf Timothy Jltvdtrerlh, tlilt'rt. Ud contuminf Si Hun drti and ttrjj ,UTtt'eaikt4 totiify lunJry exrtuiiiui in my bandj enntt H"din Mid rrtA. JO Hit ALLAN Cttr. ' itAgit Sf4. 7, 1104. I Jt 1AL L & AND HALL JI A S ? 0 J? S A L , hYie roLtowwo' BOOKS Sc STATION JRT. - Wilmington, Nov. 6, HUTTON'a LogarUhsms ' ' ' Conic Sections Simpson's . " do. . . , Efelhents of Euclid i;. Retd's Essay oh the intellectual aud Active Powers ot Man ' f " Stewart's Elements "of thethilosophy of the Human Miod ' . Prrestley's LecOircs n History ahdXlenefal Policy ' Goldsmith's Natural History . -- r. GordDnVHistory df the meticanRevolui6n Jefferson's Nots on Virginia The Lifts of Uobcrt Lord Cliv'ft , Zimnlermanort. .Solitude . 'v Odcaitk's RcmarkV on the History of Eng.-'.' una -rydon's Tour through Sicilly anj Malta " vi mail vniiqumes . . - Wallaces ancient Peerage's The Spectator Johnston's Rambler . The Ilin itrel, or Anecdotes of distinguished . Personages in the 15th Century ".State Trial's. Sotnerville's Political Transactions Spirit of Despotism Morse's Universal Geography Universal Gazeteer, 'the -latest edition Nicholson's Navigator Hamilion Moore's Epitome The Seaman's Daily Assistant The American Coast Pilot The North-American Pijot, being a cbllec tion of Sixty accurate Charts and Plans The American Practical Navigator Chai ts General, English Channel, Coast of ijpain and Portnghl, Cayenne, Dais and . . River of. Cape-Fr.-, &c. &c. C Pear Pilot English Grammars Latin do. Horace VirgilCornelii Nepos & Clark's . Sallust . . " Schrevelii Lexicon Ovid's Metamorphoses Young's Latin and English Dictionary French ProsodicaJ Grammar ' Chambaud's French and English Exercises "Family H. blest ' . School do. - - Testaments and Psaltara Brown's Concordance Whitfuld's Life- ' Blair's Sernujns Watts's Thttights The Christian's Guide Church Government Large and Small Prayer Booki IVIms Ic Hymns, elegant and cbmmoh Sacramental Director;' A Treatise on the SunctiGcation'of the Lord'a Sacraments! Catechisni Origin of.ljvil Arilerican Preceptor r , Lee's American Accomptani Scott's Lesson Frazer's Assiita'nt School Master's Assistant Spclling-Bbofcs New-England Primers Cavalry Discipline Songster's Magazine ,t aie 01 me 1 inies Charlotte Temple Leggar Boy Pw ..ra..i;l (icifint;oe aunccrrt Boblns'tnCnifoe t Theotlore CyphoB I ' Georgr )ltrnwtlt ' The IpfidJ Father Ortth'burgh Familf t , A Collection of llvrnna. and Spiritual Son? fCthe Methodist Jibcitty. ' 61 A varied of Political and other Pamphleu Ciaydon' Digest of the List oHI L'niud States Martin a Duty of Eiucutofi and Adminisira Martin'sJutife, Aconipletc Retiiat cf.the Laws of North.' Carolina, to 1 803 . Haywood's RrporU Taylor's , do. Evans's Euafi Utth'sCait Fitthe rbert's Ntura Brtvlura Poihicr on Ubligationt Gilbert's Distresses Proctor's Practice of Law Hunter on the Blood A TrtsUst on lU plsgve anJ YallowFever, jmburgh Pharmacopoeia. A rarictf of Blank Dooka Alf kitids of Shipping, and otbe r Blanks Paptr-iThick pust folio thin d quarto pott foolicap-ePot aml Blotting. Wafer, red ar.d black Staling Va, Shining 1 Sand, Ink-Powdtr of the best quality, VouUi, rtoc.U.octi Dutch QuiU; kefce. 'Zjfrom the aijrora: Spanish aggressions.;, . r. A , . , tv. , , 1 he lecond propofition of the letter from Madrid, that Spain . conquered the country eaft of the MifTiiTiDDi in n8 nil was confirmed in the poffeflion by the peace of 1 7 83 , may be admitjed in it? Tul fieft latitude ; but whaVdoe this prove ; does this conquert from the Britifl), (bye : the he witK ttitt aS4 f A . ; n " ""v . -, iiiv ivmn lucw that the French dul 'nAt'Arvmivn s-nnCrZEF i -- UUIKig. 1 tbat rmmiru ) nn.. wU,T.,j , iuci 11 nrc v iiai were np -ii.ti.... , ' . I I . f ' ' ' .' were no inc pouonaries ot L,ou ;ifiana, under the French ? In a word does jt prove any one fad.upon which thefiuef tion of the limits of Loutiaoi, at all d. 'penis - .'V :K ;. , , f.yTe Aa"'e flf-waunV of thUpriipotMn' ;s, that ail th 'fe:;.rountrr. before.,i7i2i were aH called Florida; v That Cruz at g-ivc thename of Louifiana to part of the. country, ihe.!i.init$;'of which r- vcr hive heen accurately !e'fincd- to Vhis hour ; That France pnfl, ircd the countries of Lpuiliana and . Florida , until the ftcret convention of Parcfo', ot November. 176V, whrn fhe conveyed to Spsin a part of thofeconnifrcf, on both fi'd-sr:f iheM'flis Gppi, anil 1 hat ,t remainder was by the ,7'h ,wle of the treaty ot 1763, ,r!edcd to trt-t; Britain.; and that Spamfh force combrned with, an American force, ex "pellctihrBriiiffi in i-'flf0.- '- This is the whole value 'of the propofi. tion, it neiiher fettles limi s norhn he eXtent. of One or another lcrri(ory--.if. it could amount to any thing, it ubuld a 'mount to tjior thSn is pre-ended tn be a.4 f J h'!e. the . Biiiifh pfflilTcd; the Florida d"ur5ng our revoluiiop; ihry d-rf rot confinq thfrnfelves 10 the provincial boundaries which thev had.ortVina It fijt. 'din 1783, but extended thci rtile-ovir i he country a. far as Natchez; and caMeJ that Well Florida, which Aad before been tnown JV the name of Florida, in common wii, Louisiana, by the name oj Louifiana, alter it had been fcr anted I'o C rozat and fetiled by him., The4)t.eflion then wholly defends up on a cotrfect examination df the import apd value of the third propofifbn ofthr Madrid letterwhich is to be f.mnd more lully cxpuircd in this paragraph : Li 170b, we (Spam) conquered from Uteat-Crituin all the country raft of he" Mnlillippi, then d vided into t. and W. F.'oiidj, which coPtjuefls were confirmed to us by the definitive treaty bt peace of" 1783. It is here to be dbferved thai Weft Fioiida, has everfince retimed that name and formed no art of Louifiana, as gwlly ceded by Frince to Spain ; but ha. v ug been lorujuertd by ih latter it re tsaincd a fcp-raie governmenl at when m der thc dominion of England, and tpdeni o Lbutfiaui, in tmircinon of 1 Governor appointed by ti l:. Crown, who wai in a ctn am degree as well as the go. vtrnor c Louifiana, dependant on th- io vtrnor of Havanna.' ' This article miri'idifcmon. And the firft quclhon to be examined is, wh-,h'.r the inciJenijof a ar, the capture t( a country, a temporary retention and a fb. Kquent expulllon, of any power ran yivc validity to the, acli of tl.e invader ajftr hn exp-ilfion f The irhpo'rtof the jhUA prt pofiMinJeiend3 tipon the aQtrrnuive w.itiiMi4rc me real mern r Unijjrj had itn;polTcirion of the country pf Flui d; Mritlit view to the annoyance of Spam, f.eHlyembailed in the war of our fetoMioii, and to create fuch adivcrfion of our forte on the fotith, as would wci. ken our reliance towardi the centre of, the union. Spain fud with utthen a commoh iot crcft ; fhe hid Cubi and hit part of Sr. Domingo to protea glna fhe crullers of the Iiritifb, which hovered in me oiyi 01 Apaiachee and Mobil ; fte had 16 prote hcMoniier of Mexico from BritiOi imbfiion ; and e hid 10 Co opiate in felf defence witfi in all come of fS'me importance tout fi&tn lne hcnilit; which (fit had eipatienccd from our common enemy. By common c.' totit wt fuccetded, and it no longer be. cam a coifideration whethef the conve nience which had dictated . U reace of r Jd the fecret ccfTiun of 1762, (till prtvurl ed or rot it was not f the name of the country, boi fiipoflflUon, theotiftinr of the Britifh wit made aod that the country fhoutd during the remainder of l he wir; do no more than adapt the fyf tem of got ernment .praflifed by ihclr pre tkcclToti was in the ordinary nature of thmfti fo ar.fettlcd. " 1 hit the neaCe of 1785 tranifmed the Floiidat to Spain, nt apheoi doti ,,1 .alter the nature of the cafe, which rjtf not at all .depend even VpOb the price c'f ' 76lSr upon any ihcafivre or tyrnt-'fubl fequcnl thereto. The conyenieiice of ih belligerent powere might aclopt new Jiy rnits or beflow new na-es at rjiVcretion on tcrritoric uninhabuVl by civiljWed jtian hut thefe new and temporary regulations always fubfect "to the mnVatinn' m in?,,.-- t cannot be Urged againfl a .definite' prin'cil ; ihofe countries j and which thole fubfe-' q-uent change, never conflant nor confis tent in ihemfcivcs, could heitficr alter nor a'bro'gatc, ' t Spain, by the joint operation of he'r Wn force and our', came pcfleflioa of the whefe of Florida' and LouifuKa' arcordingto its ancient limits. As pari ue'?-Mi wT, Franc ahd the 'X).vmu . 7 ;utes contented 1.0 her pfefnot 4t.lufe ; tfrrirbtle; bnV tVt etfn'fcnt ncltheraiter- : -- ...w j it-v Ain'iip kmi, " nil rriaimn tcj 'he original pircflion Frai tt: : rbr did it-prevent 'Spain ' FrotVi recc?.!oidat!i,iri; Florida.wi h Louifiana, hai Spain chat fen fo to have done. , . ' . Thefe confideratlons tVit n lead to the rue ground,, or lhat upon whirh jheci f fion of Louifiana was made by If pain to France', the terms of vhih arc the colony or province of Loiij;.ina, wiih the? fame extent that it aclttahv ha in the; hands ,f, t- 'at ' it'bad'when lrnre Tjjtfe'd it' .Thefe. w'ord it fhonhi he paiii.culaily remembered, are tha wrtfc bf the treaty of Irrcrtobf tlw ill Oc, i aCi. oncJm-fed between Spain and " 1 ranee, which was confirmed an! cnforl- : m ? ''"v 'M at .rf.; i he 2 i It of JWarch, .)Bpi ,';,and ur.ijecihe.opcra i'ir) tf increjreauts. ir was tliat Frar ce transltt red the fovereignty of Lonifiani. 10 us, nd in the exprefi words, Lonifia-.a wnh tte fame extent as it had whcFranc'f poirclTedit,'' it isour right'to claim; and jo mamtatni-; which; by the help of.God, we trult our govcrmncnt ars deltrniincd to do. , The quejlion then would fecm to $e? ' v- as, !C extent ot Loiiifuria Whctl ''Pf)'t!fditr. t , , AtnVi,. Rnov.Wgeonly nfi;c et,ml'tie nnrt jealouCes wlikh pre vailed for 30 year' -before our levolutUw, . betwtten Vr rit powers of France and England, is requi red jo be able to arrive at a epireel ohiiw ion on this "Tiihirft; P,U,t; k,4 , t . ' J ft.llVII flAtl -formed a Very fplen.lid projt-a of empire; "miu.ii was to cmbract the whole range of nnr wellcjn'btes from Canada to. the Mifliffippi. .The Britilh perpetually ca.' villed at the Krendvlnroads on their terri lory, ; and their dirijutcs and .riratjgerni to circumvent each other, wetc incclhnr tintil the conquell of Canada by th'e Bri tifh annihilated the hopes of 'France iti lhat quarter; only to leave their. fiiCCef fors in puiUlt of ihe tllujkm -which France lia. raifed to captivate ihcir atbinonj, , 1 he frencli dclcriSed ihcir hoiindary of Canada, by a lire drawn a'org the vtf lern waters ihtm-ljli ife touih well ang c of lake if Hurcn. into Michigan, and thence duwr. ihe !!iiio t lo the Mulis. Hpid ; c"nirchu:iiit g ail to thc'v.elU u J in Cr.a.u f . The nrco. iotions'r-f M. V,,K-, t , n:.. . 1 r . . . . I or, 11, iirhi-ff in fifit. rvi.iK.i , . illii.j; piclure of i-oluicl ukkidi.i iiif- -the folly-of both-iiegtx-iaiiori in l-i a tkn I . Ilocrver thefe dumrr.ti and t- f feri of M. Vandrrtiil ai d y nv.inor Ii,w ,.,' p'ace .the quellii h co-crr' ing Went if L ifjU'i Mhh France f'ffffei , oui 1 cf all quclliofij . , . The French minillcf in hi firfl genera! memoir, propbfed that allwMchiiid not belonff to Canada (hou'd apperain Louiiijn mit ik.t n....i 1 conOdrred at exteodir to the frontier ol Virgin! i. ' , , us uiuiin minn:er, oe tf.eoiher r.and (Tartar '.. j ' .' . 1 -.1 only what lies weft of the niiVlt. njda I Nay mofe, that fome other, coun tries, (ji defctibed but by the word inter tniditie) fball form a reural barrier even aiiou.tiog mem tonebcta .tit . . , . vionny iiciucI in LOuMjirta ' The French mlni'fer Rave in hii rjltl malum on thc.ijih Anguli, followed by a note on the ilih. In wkUk he egret 10 the proportion roncrrnirg a tvcvlrat iniermedUta teiriiory between7 CsnatLa and Louifiana, at affo hetwtsn Vlra,lr,ia; arxl Louifiana and ftte'ihe bcoodar of Loulfiina at the rivtr PerdUo.' ' TheBiitilh mlnincr, however rrrttl thla propoutioa, tod upoa ihii txtraOfdU . that but 1 p pre- ix 1 1 t -A- 1 - I 4