fCT 3bscribera U MA amtftff- ton Gasetteat rnfofmcd that on the 3lat of Decciibtr eWgy h tla ycarVaubacrip-; tion will become duena that their account . witt be brought up U that period, and pr eentea Ut payment Those who live st distance, are solic'iied to inclose the antotuvt the vow (whkh will shortly be itoade known to tbera)bjrpoat After Ue first of January 1805, eutacrTf tK nAttA uriM his Three Dollart a Yean if paid io adVaftce, or Four Dollars, payable as usual , ' is Advertisements will be Uaertco, a wb at 7 cents a sauara tor we ari ,. wcw 450 cents a square tor eacn continuance. A discount of SI iter cent, will be to subscribers wha dverise bY tee Year. To tboae who are acquainted w&h. tb la boui mnA trttttnee o f ne wsbaner iVtointt trul .tarrijrtanHlNmiilrl wttttie -ft tihntfregs td . unr minpfin inp nrmwiHV 01 -tnia unci a- -' WI 111 fc IIW IVIIIVW FUUVI - -7 . however, it naay be proper to obscrtetftaV . the iwesent exnence of printing aria' areola"- ' ting the Gaaette, U at the lowest ontptiUr- r "tion IM poilars a fear, (exceeding by-one j third its' ormnal expenceV which towst be i paid in aoal cash ; and t o meet this demand j "there is a subscription of but. 15O0i collars from which raay be deducted at least, ?5 per , cent, for bail flews-Hence it is evident (bat the present proceeds' are unequal to, iht irabutVemetfts. To sustain th Gazette. n auch terths, would be unwise in its proprie tor anft could not be desired by its patrons. .1 takethis opportunity to acknowledge toy self indebted to thbe of my subscribers and other customers who have been punctual and I . . 1 I . l T " - T uuiicav ill men ucuniu uuk vaiiiiwb oi vv with a teftala honoruhh writer, that I am un der obligations to those who refuse to pay al ter beifi indulged tor stVeraryearstor to those who unaer specions promises, of payment, Ungenerously withhold from me the rewards f tromlhreeToelKt years ttbobf. " The C.aketlr will be continued to its pre sent subscribers, otV tbc proposed terms, un less countermanded by the firiH: of January wxt. 8ubstripUonsaHtaVehy the year only .(except transient persons) "and an order to discontinue the Gaielte after the commence-, ment of f fteeaf kannot'be complied with until tha and of thatyeaT.-. ... - - O 'ALLUlANd HALU ' - " M - - - Valuable Medrcine. ,.riioll fimptem'ethbaaofitreatmen'tv tnkU ' IScacion femedto fir the following tnonhe great Womber of flifeafe Which aretYta(4 of uYidcr their tefpeftira. he Aborntfb, orMifcarriage, Afthhtas 'i -,.;.' ; . '. Tfai Appetitev kfs of ' j Barrennefi ...-: . Bilious Comptaints. V : Chlbrofis or Gtefcn Stc"knef . ? Child-faring - ' Co'nfumptiuns :- s ' -enji.e;bifafcs -;;:'';.V''' - :'J'';v; ililitt'rWhitei.: ,vVf fclafuleiKre'or Wind jOMrhoefc lF?ypocHjndri "c),a)c Vndifj'oQrian atlmidaut ftn Pfe.jjnaacy . liJigfrfoiv' . , " . f - ;uVtnfe Ii Bilcrretionsv batteftrl jcfifVfts i theieoT. " -; ,Low ncis.Jf .Spirit! Mcnittual Evscuations. NciVous U'feafes Onanifm oV fccief veiiery Pregnancy Phtliic (.T.Cfujih v ' Rheurnatitni Sctnihal WeakneilH . iV ' ' 5cuvy. . , Tarn of Life, itc. kt. Ex'ul of the irtiiiter given bt 'tis "fcoA rn th bun, $tar. Courier, Albio, Times, Uily Advenifeh Morning Chro nicle! and molt of t e literary journals in Europe. t We jiave ihe fatidtlon of ahnoun cing the publication id anothct edition of Dr. Solomon's.' incoriarable ' Guide ? llnt!tht' a book Wich hois ccrtaiiilv met rwfch the moil extciifivc fate of any medi cart production we em heard pi-; upon anaiiei.tive pmfal ut ii theaffhclcd will meet Hb imiih ufcjttl advice ami infirue ihk fire. lti ana n)0.t 'mppnvtd temdies ie certainly pvtntcd'oiji tur AUts Various, dilotileia 6n wbivn it urilculaily irea:s, as Well a tdii ctii vt general healih bih.j inteiefti4ig..w Ipeiluiia of cvt) Ucii.'ihiilalKini fr Mu h -Lioiro St Andckson. FrouA-iurtti Dr. Hiwrt, of Caypndiih, fo eminently famous for con fuwipiive cafes , 'You :hve my ben cctirrcoc to make my, cafe known FiHtftftg'reiieT fio'm a fmall bottle; srlren nothing 'btfe atFarded me the fmaWefi bctrefit t pttteyered till a 5I, cafe completely curcdl ffte. I aftoYe you r willecommeyd thi 0alm of Gilea?j to air I inoW labonr "otydet fimtlar ciom laltti,-';.t; ."'X-v'l-. '. .-' .-Lil I m, Sir yourobliJdifcnt feWantv' -John V4ktmiiiNk; To Dr. Soiomooy LJreypool. r N H:' Perfonsdaodf furthVMn. , lormalion )niy'. oe IsjUd every par-. icuta hihjfMi0dihk:Chlmi irrom-tUeet. A JUDICIOUS writer remarks, th to live with fatiila&iOTi tu oi.c'i U'.t and therti.iqpiocMrt as many com forts ot.rtfaas'ara conuilent with our xnsotal ami bodi,i tonHituMOn, andida vert impending dangcr( or, in 01 her words Jiipreferre ourtdyes from the irjihioui at tacit of eternI igenl, are nearly the whole of what relates, to the pratiical part of human life,'! If then to lire wiih, inUfaftwn to ourfeivei and ruheri Is fo . 4e0rbU; .bov, can we accumpliin ,lt when'drpriredofNM which i more 10 be eHeemed than gold tA trcafure f that . which enlarge! the foal which whetrpolTellcl, Icavei Ht;l mure to be wilhetl Uthat which., wbert wahthl li the fttcaterf ot want Vcn fiaf, which it the grrs'fli, of all b'elUngi, ntmeiy HEA,X.TiriITheprlndpal , foutrt.o nifcry, then, bein Hie let of Ihii great Jewel, it behoves ui to firtJ i femedy for Ihala difrafct hich have Mibcrto baffled Ihe (LiUof the Ficuby, rUtniljf, netvuuf, oRfumptiie,andhpofhondrUc. , If an one roao l as been inoie fucccfifni Itsit another. It it poAoc So!jmpnV who;!! - brovght iiCpitpAC,PiM or Gt Lead to fuih prfcyllMi jruV.ituCvcr hilstfc ' moving the fprQ and moll crabbed difgr. d,crioMhii oiiurev J',5;W!irales and chftrr the fpiiitf brace! and, invigo rates the whole fratne. . Such a rWicirif; lor Its helins, baifarale, Irieu I y, anl fa altlvt qualities iport Iht dbilluted con A;utiofi delstvcilhe wnwlioiii encou rigrmentit mcc'i ti h frrn at! rank who have bctn loftuiute enough to have fttrmitfe toil i Vn LtOTOAxDtaiOl, Imnu (f(ftt 4J4U t.tlUit phttkrtt DU Lritscb An eotfre nevf and elegant ea1idrif being , the $$, to 0 votuaie, with an e't. , gant pott! U f 0e'hor, ftice on dollar, of that iotrtcft '"It P1blica)on, ent'nkj SOLOVroNowrot to HEALTH," i Or tJvict th4h ftiih a4rjfiyU . Wilt fulf ftp'.a!Mt le t coactfe ptaln, atBt.erf adsuJxa; ctcrj, cap tciijr ht A pcrfHafionot ihe incurable nit Are of Ctfumfthns" Li May, n h Efay on P.i iuwi.ii y Ctiniuiupiions'-, has th.o mi coithueriible uitacles in the way ot raipioviit nc lies Ortnent of, that cruel, mfc-kt ai4 the medical world, afling .uiiuev ilte u u..vntt t( ihii pcrfuafion have tn Je little profit fs in afecnainin ihi.mt r4iooL and effectual mode; ot cutinj it. lie further adds, that : the Schilling convkUon of the fatality of this d.fcafe has thciked the ardour of inveltiga. tion which u on other occafioni has ei ciicd Ibeexettions ot the mod InduUti'iui and ingenious mt.llcal writers of the pre . lent agtt." If ihii is the cafe, aUi! what is the condition of thuA; labouring uadef aftbma or confumpiioo 1 are they to be lilt a prey to all the calamitous train of evils a wck'cucJ couilu utton, and a mind berelt 1 h- tWeru.g. fty gf drag with ill NalNuUwiihdue fabmif fion) a rmty, nay a ture, and a ptrfeft oiit it It I: $tmfdt and bat tt in nuut- bcrlcli inilaiicei frrJirtntL' in cotifump. five cafe lot the nwd dcplurable nature- that remedy ft the CORDIAL BALM Of ClLEAp, treliaratire unequalled, a bra. er and inr ijn)ra:cr uf the trhote aoU mat funflio.iti This remedy ihii Dalm li now id the hlghell repute nor has Its rt)c,riti been )lTencd bv the band, of time, the ttlt ul all .himo; epy day ad.ti more cncomiual to the tinact of this ctaltcd mcditine, , That arlumptlor.i, UOmveifa'.ly con fi lcicd as incurable, however tsreditary 1 Invrtrrite. or of lungllindingi rbi? now oe with ctrltinty removes arxi insi ir e cuniniuiton may vx rcnuiui ted to fo great I degree thit f licence it confiderd al nearly at ih end It highlyf fultyi and brbnd a d.'iibt eteniplSBedi to, a recrot Utter from J A Cdrler .1 Ef. of 3ho.lcyi near lpfwl'i daitdJQ h Aug. 1S0I. Stti Gratitude imptU fnl m bijy to tbaek yM", but aldto re quell you to BaU tay rafs rublic for the beacht of oihcrl I t My family have always bctti cbnfbwp tivti having loft two fldiri and I brother . a sr. aaat. . 11 . 4 and I mot. 1 J ctntiNy nite , ituert 1 tic tirti if soul liafenol OiUsd had rot favrd ..m:, I have bceowndct atmoft ill the fa ;culi; of cmtocct ocaf es$ pinkuUtl Vjj?. TKote Trfoni who hteunfortrj.' nte!y mads nfe of thai dangerous-mineral Jlttac Dev , wcwhl do well to we'gVthe confta nances befo're it is't66 late, and re- fort rothofe medicines of, eftabnfhed ce" lebrTty and character for a permanent and radical cure and thereby eft abli Ot their health-, the molt valunblc of. all jewels, Upon the mod firm and tailing fod idation. Id Scyrbmtic complaiiui, Lue &c. Mer cury, Antimony an J Acqua-f6rtis, haVe been recommended and trieS but they have reduced the patterns wKo have made ufe of them to the moll deplorable ftate and have left complaints which the (kill and abilities of the firft PhVficiahs have been unable to enne with." Thefe difor. ders fly befOfe'theiFects 6 Anti-Impetii. genes; prepared by Dr.. Solomon, of Lt verpool, wh chlredores nature to her prif. tme date in the mod geni!e manner, eyed when AalivaMon has Titled) and leayes the whole frarn. firm and healthful. Tne nu merous and refpedabW numpCrof figaa, tures i I fpeak mure than any tncomi urns we'ean beftow upon it. of talcing fuch a journey, and though ft : mud be c-onftfT.d hat-$Mt)LLKt had g'ta abi'iijcs as a Surgeon, aod rr.ote fo fs. ari author r yet he alfo was a p'rey to the Ky pochpndria, fo.that with Icj'Clcd rifi'J and i;inrm health he triVtlleil thrt iih France into ItaiyV at d there -ViVi'in.tyzii 1 f then a tour to France and 1 lal v aae ! f S o Lisbon have in general failed ol .xs. " ilofing the fi. K the wtik'y, apdinhmi were it ntt morp lauds b'; .y adapt reme dies more certain an( effJcacifMis at hohieK Thofe remedies are VtiabSlhc'd bevund Ar tfo'nbt ;. rt jb: :?;jCoialjBaj.tyJ -of. Gf ilesdi and ifceAmM , mVghc5--in ;iso. inUaftce do thetr Fronde rfut Jp?r ersy"eliixVl theitf (anative? qoalS . High s thjcJicr)lif fiAai,'op 1 t heir BKon -d'airyrttvHir 1 h'efer mi 'rahlettnaratiofl.-tt iattrf 'wHkh ia "iefcribed ty:he great ifj(i ' of Rdin iurgh 5y IWhofc tttfnhp oh the Praclicd . of Phvfictvcrv nhvliciaii is 'directed) as diTprders origiYiatrrg from itepraved ha ' Mt, "br a'&aidfts of't'he Mu' For thefts direful calamities, which coropvehend feor butic, rtpr'otis, faolulous. .and Vencrial ;Tt?mpVaints ihe Anti lmpetigenes is hap. piiy aoapietr, cuun criwiug nc cuccis ot theictiry oh the hnnian body1? aud as to tne Cordial Calm o Utiead-, ihe print; of the day that ihetlimabW '' Umrie to Health-,'- and othet brodnclionsw cdmiriue to waft its pralfe to ill civilised couniriesi It hout y laves- the tNsuMVTiVe, asx MA 1 I v , IMUUIUILIIAI HU IUIin IlUHl Certificates of ciirc'n tod Volomi- hous to- be inferted m a , newtpapcYt front the mod refpe&able charnfUrs, lio havd V'bluniarily given their tellimbny of its efB cac7, mat be had gratis. . It is fold witn rftreciiotti by Lloyd & Anderioni Front. ill tet price j dolr 4 6d;tle, anc by one relpcctabic Agent in every town of. the Union. INTERESTING. . .. . The lamentable ftate in which the phy flcal rrt Rands at this day with refpect to the Venereal Difeafe, cannot be, better defcribed than it is in Dr. BellV preface to Ws Treatise;. Ha fiys, rhar alihOtigh mifch inlormattbh' may be obtained from two works iufl rubiihed ort this comDlamt. as well as lome other decent 6ner, there is STtlL much left fpr others to elucidate. ' H.-gdcs on and fays, ' fuch is thecffcl of hit ixrcRtiNCtand observation that further adv!Aiti are Jtilv mcttu'mt froit the labours oXikiiviJuah in this vdi$(Asc, as well as almoft every other.'' Here then U a conic (Ti on from a candidk worthy , an I rcfpeflable, Surgeon, found, el 00 " experience and obfervation,' that . ! farther .advantage are daily acctuing from the labors of individual J if fo, who can claiul fo gteat a portion of raife at Dr. Solomon, whofe labours naVe been Indefatigable, and' who hat at a great ex pence brought the ArUi-f mpetlgtncs to perfeclit v and intd univetfal ufe and re- 4'icft I In vtmrea! cafei it hat not in e qual tor certainty, utety Ind erticacy mercury may pcrnaps oe oppoiea agiinn It, but the' AUTt-larttlQiwll tmers the lilt willingly,- tor upon the wreck of this defltudive mineral its labile is effc- icduAonflv. firm, -ind. lading I -Men of. A a- a- a 1 . n . m cnaracter, ntKraiityi an eaucation poi fculr.g public confidence as clergymen of ualu lied reputation, have recommended eumerous objeus of thofe Cruet difcafei, ,tN ZcHJU Agi Evi!t , Jvy,, 6c, to Dr. 3'i. care, to' whom this wpnder fol xernedv was applied with the mod uo- bounded lotccfi, and thofe who were re- Uuccd to the t rry Jaws of death by roared, ry and the Vtntra Difeift have bteti fna.tchcd.from dcflruclion and reQorcJ td their relit iont and friends with rivovat&l health ami vigor) atld thofe borves which were alrfloft (farting through the kin, are covered with nefh, firm and healthful I intnafe thefirtuet of the Antt.lm-eti. genei, and fuch artt Id wondrous eHefli upon the humin body I ' the antidote to hiercury, aod thl puiifycr of Ihe blood 8i lyrnpb. Pamphteticnitl cilicicy cbbfaiatng great nuthber of furprifieg and well atuf led curet delttered gratis. " . ' a The above valuable tf.tdlclr.e ii fold geouioe by Ltoo H ArtbitioH Front flrYet at j dollars Per bottle, with Ample oircuiona rorliiuirt f 'iMfORTAHT. DocSriifit fouirht the ballamie Iroflialr to lavigoratt tils drblituttd Irame. liad SolomonU' Balm ol G Head btn thtfl promutgsled to the work), Yo. ikk taight tart fpartd tomhlt the UooMe INTEREST! NO.;-. The greatelt ct all bteflirtKS, hi kith, wal never more fuHy-commnnicaed o the af niuea in general tnan py tne xr atai iSdifi- vj wiini, iujujiJ VJ.jty.CU JUNIUS a no euro 01 Nervous Dilbrderi Female Complaints Weaknelfes Lots ol Appelit Impurity of Blood , Headache Relaxation - Bilius Cafce "' ' " " . Debility , liKligcOinn Coughs and 'Colds Confomptions Lownefs of Spiriuj kct ' - Vn pared inly bf S. Solorhoh, Mi D. F. K. II.' S.Qfihd Univeifityof PhyRctans. The CtrJUl B;tm rGUraif ii an imme diate reparative and lorr'oboram) 1 mod powerful remedy in female t'lllruAiors and fupprtitionr, and in cafes of yrtentiott at maturity j alfo In weakneli, morbed diTch-lgbfi and Irregularities Ibout the turn of lite. Youth bf either ft, Vho have prsclired a fecret and dctlrlidiVt vice, and thtreby rtUxrd, wealtenetr and debi. liuted Ihe whole rmout f fttmi will the UtiuX Bbt tJCUad the tnofl pow ertal) certain and iffrfluil itllyfsiirr.- This mec'rcihrpcflcuei wotiderful efEca cy ih all httVbusdifot leri.ntsi pead-achei weakbcfi, heavlrttfi, and Ibwncfs of fpi till, ditnnefs of Hcht,: conflfcd thoughti and wandcririgt of the mind, Vspftrs and melancholy, and all kind ofhyftericcorri fdalnti gradually gotiflby the ufe ol tail alubtious cordial. In Ctkucfi rf the fto truth, In flatblentici trWI obllruOici, it if faU, jwwitful andefjicsclvus remedy. 43- Parbphteii oniu tftiracy, contain ing agree! bbmbtf of tcfpcilable i&d fur prifiAf cutis tuiv lehid gratis. dAUTION. The aflori(hipg demand ard grhetsfip probation which s hie medicine hat eipe t lenttdj hate Induced enaey prtfoni td pubiiDi Medicines under tlatM Cmitar to the above perfons axe thereforet fVlpcQufully Intrrmed that Doflor'So to mom'i Cll Sslm C&id It fold In bo tteij prke three dollsri each (ot one largl bottle costslnlhg fit fmall ones for 1 dollars) by Ltor U AcDttsoir, front-Qrtit, Where rniy te had SotOMoa'i GoUe to Health, rtlceorie dollar andihecc librated Antl-Impciiyehft for iht Scur vy, Scrofula, L-rl, Ac, price three dot. UritVouW, with ccjloue lnaicct Ut in aft.