VI ypHii gica veil cleirt raid beaofjfier of ' A the Fa e is uw'oubied'y Aiyirttys ' Si-eMc 'Litim. i " Tlvs celebrated Lo;ioir-i "has--received the Mghtlt titc(rmun!fr'6m the inhabitants ci this .-count i r and liwsu ' many medical churacicrs iii Europe, who havbg een iti'-gi-dd.-'Vffecis, do tot heft, tale ''to'jjive it heir fa nation.- ,Ai a fpee- , dv. f.tFccl(ial,-'an, i'.fe 'remedy' ;U is un.fU va'lfd; and has' p'eYfoi'med .cures in 'this 4 country, anr, juwiauu . ' and many ctl-efLtHious 'could give nu re-'. - lief; : ; . ' . For eruptions ana impurities ol the face, : 7ro;n whatever arfling, as pimples,, blotches, ring wor'n;s, earbtinkles, black-' : -worms, ffitk.los,' fuuburnj aiitl. irhmode '.r.ate tile ofpa!.-", it need only .'to be tried'- to ! v.i nee the moll "'timid pet fou ol its , fnperior 'efficacy in clearing awl beantify ' in th"tate..i It iswarranlcd to beharm "kfs tojhs tcmkrelt cOnuituMori, and in- r.'ocent. 16 the 'molt 'delicate complexion- -on the contrary this will - rfeftore. the''"fciriy lo its. woied purenefs, ajd preUrve it thin, ftitt," tran'fpa-rent and elaltic. . r N. B. -Kuc-h 'bottle has a certificate Tigncd by' the p'rupiicfOT,- without Whjch it cannotbe 'genuine. 1 1 Is fold in bbttles, sviui directions, J price one dollar a(.h) by LLOYD & An- j '.JbfiRsON, Front' t!;ect. ' ' W ilijiih-jron," Ntv. 20, l3i4.2W ON, R Cr TZ. r mi L-M V TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20? 1804. ""Gov. Samud Ashe is chosen an Elector f r Wilmington. District, to vote TorRt'esident aad Vice-President of the.' -United Stales, by a. majority lit 5-57. ..."J",- . The ship St. llosa, Don Policarpo Maria "Fernandez,- from '. Havanna bound to' Bilboa, with a cargo .of 16 15 boxes Sugar, having sprung a-jeak, in attempting to make this port was cast away on the Frying Pan, on Thursday last. The crew, 24 in number, were all saved1 the skip and cargo entirely lost. ' .- -- . 'PR ESIDtWTisMESSAGE. r WASHINGTON CITY, Nov. 8. This day at 12 o'clock, the President oi the U--.nited States delivered the following Mes sage td both Houses of Congress. 11 tiocoit them-Iiss thay i wir Hi' flic stule of our ilijant ea fo'.it'mues ;- ;.t' dfrlo each-other very 4etisble iriiu-lU our exnettaiion'. ? tUrveh'it-HiptSs .-vl - w'ari BuvmutuaiadvantaRes bf iece- H halfof dclls.receivcif n the 'cmtrstf ol flu- v,- - immds wi We can tie sj by make thatihe best interest ofboth.. A -. Peace &c intercourse with the other pQwejH on th sahis co'jsuxontinue on the iootiiyj on Vhich they are establish-! by treaW.' In 'pursuance of 'the act .oiding for the ' teniporatv government of Louisiana, the ne- ! cessai y officers for the territory rOilr:iu were appointed m due lime to comencet-." ! exercise of their functiohsjoiTthj lAt day ol vuiuoer.; i nc inaianr.e, nunrevei ,oi suuic ui. them, ' arid indispcnsible 'previous arrange-' entionl T ECRUITJNG RENDEZVOUS 'AT ion JOHNS I ON, FOU THE Army of the ' United States. ALL y'iunv nitn defcr'tptive of ibt Law if i'.jt 'United 'titles, tubo tire drfinus - cf entering fcto the Military lei vice if Vtr Ciunky, wiil repair to ibe Kendeivint, wiere J'e principles 'f tilt EjUb'ifun nt will explained ibt Rtcruhs put r. im Thtd ate p.iy, go', J quart irs-t and hariifvmel X-htbfd. " -: lihtvk fmitfjs, Carpenters & Wheelwright,' v.'bi have J "creed -a regular dpprtnti- ej'lip, Uillhe received ix b tifiens to the Army. Stne will I'C cugajoJ but fiber , healthy ynm men. Tie hbrral Pay, drilling anil riiti)nt which 'a-ti'ti'fi ') G.ver-tiii.-ut, is calculated tt irJjce iht yw. .- e'eprifing t? tuke duns ok'I bt-coite the pt'jt (t,n:l gentLneu t d finders of their L.unt' fs Rigits und!lft. . GOD ".ve ths.TJ'.ited Si iter if America. JOHN FKKGULS, Liu tern at , nand'uip FortJwhnno!!, A'." C. J'iV:r,.b:r 23, 1864. i-HLtJ'I- 25 DoSiars lU-ward, V) aw .y ffim CJft- Thumis Peyten, Vx.'Lv'i'.ii in Cur:b CjxhJv, on or a- ti.ut He 1 xth if Ocl-.bti litf "riVi; NhGXO HL;..V.rvS, viz. Charles,' a wel let fellow. a-jyit Zi Jitrs 'f ae,i.-at j y lAs head .a.i'f 'ineJty a tarn. ya!. a (mall Jcllow, 22 years tf ate,- jVnil rfWc,-e fret x icHit iigLt i ,i a J Cat on 't;e Lg to afiir.'td ly a hurl, Charlotte, a yf-iluw wench, 21 . art if f id I, it av.ty V)J'y head. Ilitty, n nuilntto Nvciicl), 19 jeurs i se.e, f'l-i.'l an I h m.'f incani a Girl Child ;bmt une year .. a'inn uh,!e. To th; Sehcii and 'Jlouse of Representatives of ' the United States. TO a people, Fellow-CiU2ens, who' sin cerely desire the happiness and prosperity ol other nations, to those who justly calculate that their own well being.. is advanced by that of the nations with which they have intcr "conrse, it '-will be a satisfaction . to observe: that tins war which was-lighted up , in Eu- rope a UitlebeRyt-eVour last meeting, has mjt yet extended it flames to other nations, nor been marked by the calamities '-which -some- times stain the footsteps ofwar. Tlrt irregu-'. laritie too on the ocean, which generally T 'liave in dis'.Ant pafts disturbed ours loss than " on former occasions.. Cut, in "the American seas' they liave been greater from peculiar 'Causes; and even within oUr harbours and jurisdiction," infringc-nient on the authority of the laws have been committed' which have called for serious attention. The friendly 'conduct or the government from., whoso offi cers an-l sdbjecls 'th.ese acts have proceeded, in other respects, and iu places more -under their observation and control, gives' us con fidence that our representations on this sub ject will have been properly regarded. While noticing the irregularities commit ted on thi ocean by others, those on our o wn part shotilJ not be oniiked, nor felt tmprovi (led for.; Coniphfihts have been received, that persons, residing within the U. States, have takcm on themselves to arm merchant vessels, and to force a commerce into cer tain ports' and countries in defiance of the lavs of those countries'. That inuividimh ' should undertake to wage privatcwar, inde pendently of the authority of .their country, ' cannot bo permitted in a well ordered society, lis tenl.'ncy to produce aggression on the laws and rights of other nations! and tev'tn dan gee the p-race of bur own, is so obvious, th. t I doti'iir.ot' you v, ill adopt 'measures for res".rainiti:jf it ell'ectually in fu'.urer S'nn .after the passage oXlheact of the last- .b?iiou, aiunonsing tne cstahusliment ol a . V.i-ilrictand port of entry on the waters of the Mobile, we'lcaiT.t that its obiect'was lniiun- I lerstood on the part of Spain. Candid tx I f lanalions were immediately given, and as ;' s n ances, that reserving 'our claims in that Tiarter an u Mlvj-:t of dUciissifuiund arrange ment with Spain, no act wi:i meditated in the t mean time inconsistent with the peace and friendship c-isting between the two nations : t-i.ul thai conformable to tlitse 'intentions would he the execution of the law. That . government Juid.i.owcver, tUughrproper to .uspen3 ihe ratification of the convention of i802. Hut the explanations which would reach them soon after, and still more Uie con fvnnalion flhem by the tenor of the instru liicnt e itablishing iKe port and district, may reasonably be expected to replace them in the dispositions and vietvs of the whole tulriecl which originally dictated the convention. l.have the satisfaction to inf fti vou lhat - - , . - -.w tiii r, , WS( 'fie restart w'.U be ,'ive.n fir fec'n. j( he objectiHi which had be-i'i urfed by that r .' , . lime ptialthcivutrget dem, j: ;veniment -;a'nist tltc validity of oar title ,,'i't all tt-.fa.ble 4 Li" i pidl. $r Hue 4 '' the country oil. oui.ian.v have lecit with'- jfe j-.U't't ibid he p.til fir .y dfey ,1 n .V'te p-'J''. 'nay iuvs ctisrll Ollshl tifit .c V, upm prvif Jufjim i e:t t iir'ut (ua p h :Df; :. ,r , "" Cvt. T. p):m:X .N ysruil'rr 1 6, IS riV;TiT" 411-3. I I r Aw.iv '.' 4 Citr V'ri.ff ll. Nlf" tin n ' jU"K Utn lf h P'n?:ty el IkJ". 'i. 1 ' f. U nit. I wi l t'l l.t Ct.A', I , . 11 m 4 (til fir1.' Si 1 1 nl 'tit '; ;'ltl. VIU ivort-. i.L . t ' l l..r..ii r,m pauifm( or i. . t ,.tit 1 ,r . t. i,,,,..,, ..,, ( " l Hi-M l. J.,,, 1, 0 J ll(gt '. , ,..! m .a V f, ,h4 (,n, .,. f.Hr,n t) . ti 1 1 fill a tn ,., , l 1 l- y 1 iU U.,i , ,.' rt4 ,) t V -. !! VHV CAU.iOi, 70 dk i.t:7."m ,1 ..., .. .1, ,rt 14 iMtai M , t (mt.t !,ffn, M t ti . 'ink't ' -f'.r i,s wni ..t.., -s, t;i t ti 4 j- i tiltnlc set'lcdwith u. Add H this i.'to be . ad k-d that having prcparnl mid delivered the stork cu-ilc I in t .cctitioii ol the co;tcniioii f.ll'rfii of April 3 )th,'ir.o, in consideration of tluj cession of that rounlry, we have recei ved fro'.n the g-mrrnmcnt of Fru'ice nn r kmwlcdcmeirt 'rrnkc forui of of tl at fctipiil.itinn. With the natiorVi of -Curopcin gcnvriil our fricnJ.liiand iiilrrtonVsc me unlishirbrd : ami from the rorcrnujeiiu of the Ulhis,vifnt p' sK-c.iMiljf, we ctnitinnc to receive those friendly tnanift.U','un which art justly due t i an honest oruti'ality, und tosiich good o.T.e. s consistent with that, iui wc liaVc o iiottiiniticsofioudciiiig. The activity nd'.rccs of the smril force em;.;.ivc(i in the Mtd'tUrra'-itaii in iht catly ) ift t.fllvc pmsut y,.r, the rvinforcimciits j ,en i!iti that. a,.m.lhc i-iarujr of the odi- tr iMsmgcinnuM n the Several vscU will. I trust, by the sulTvitnRs.dwar, reduce fhehirhariiiuofTijpoU tothefesire of peace on pr-pio terms. (Jrcat injury j,W vtr tnsm to otii'srlv as well Mt to others inteitsted, fiumthn. rlislKiue towl ich p?!.?! my,! tc Vro i rtttioradjudiration, tun! fu.n (m. ..Mcl'(vahililV of l.ii.i;;in hither suih title j ! e.i-worthv. Uv of Tunis liasinjj made rt (;uitU ti- iistmaii'.horisii'hy our treaty, thiiir tj-i. lion hat m txliicrd from li' its iuie txprc-'ous nfdiruneni. Ihit to ihost n!ii cxkli j to rh'nlate whetlcr m tinp1;ini c with ;ii. h ftctnun U wiU tint 1 ost ti1s i!nti u vtar, s 1 :u-.:; Uat s a t'tt ttvn orta!wt!.'.k,i ftr ments, may hare retarded-its cp'mmncenitnt "Tn some of its .farts. The form of gov 3vn 1 mint thus provided having been considerJ. but as temporarv, and open. to such -future itaprovements as furt her information of ihe ' circumstances of our bl'elhre'n there trdght' suggest, it -will of eourse be- subject to your -coii:iideration. , In the-district of Louisiana' it has been thought be;A to adopt the !i vision into.suuor tiinate districts which hud beeiy "cstablis'lied :under its former gvetnment. Ttu's?--being five in number, a comnianrling, oiiVcer has bL.-n appointed to each.'accordirsi: to the pr;)- ; visions 01 the law, and so soon as they can he ' i at their stations, that district will also bo. in its ! due state ofow'anization. In the mean linit: j -theiy places are supplied by the othewrs- be fore commanding there, and tlie liinettons of j the governor and judges of the Lvdiaha tevri ! ;.tory having commenced, the government, ' we presume, is proceeding in its new tUrnj. I Tliokad mines in that districtrorm so rich ;i 'supply oft he metal, as to merit attcuition. '1 ho report now communicated will inform" you of their state, and of the necessity of im mediate inquiry laio their occupat'iotKtnd ti tles. - With the Indian tribes established -within our" newly acquired limits, - I haveleemod it necessary to open conferences for the pur pose of establishing a good understanding r.nd neighborly reiniions betver:i ufc. So far a we have-yet learned, we have reasbn tobe lievethatthejr disposiliotvs afe geiirt ally .fa vorable and friendly. And,- with these "dispo sitionSou their pat t, v , have in our own hands means wiiich cannot rail us, for pvesovving their peace and friendship, ' liy'pursuiiig an H'.niform course of justice towards tlwm, by j tiding them in all the improvements which f may better the condition, and 'e'sptt'ally by J establishing a commerce on terms which t shall be advantageous , to them, and only not losing to us, and so regulated as thut no in cendiiries, of our own, or any other nation, may be permitted to disturb the "natural cf; focts of our just and friemlly offices., we may render ourselves so necessary to their com fort and prosperity, that the '.protection cf our citizens from their disordcrly members will becometheir interest arid their voluntary 1 care. Instead therefore of an 'augmentation of mi'rUrywToree proportioned to oar exten sion 'of frontier, ' I projjose 'a moderate en largement of the-capital employed "iir that commerce as a more effectual, economical and humane instrument for preserving peace anLj;ood neighborhood with them. On Ibis side -of the MUsispi an impor tant relinquishment of nat;(c title hr.s been received from the Dclawares. That tribe, desiring to extinguish in their people the spi rit of hunting, and lo convert superfluous lands into the mehs ol improving what they retain, has ceded to us all the country be tween the Wabash and Ohio,-south of, and including' tne road from 'the rapids to wardsVinoennes; for which they are to receive annuilicsin animals J Implement for agi icvl- lure, and in other necessaries. This actjui sition is important not only for its extent and fertility, but, us, froivting 3K) mile on the () , Llo, and near' indf that on the Wabash, the produce or the settled couutry -descending . those rivers s ill no longer pass iri review of the Indian frontier b.t in a small portion ; and wi'.h the cession h'eietofore made by the KSskaskias, nearly consolidates ot:r ikisscs sions north of live Ohio, in a scry re-cc table breadth from Lake" Eric to "the Mississpph jThc-iankcshttW hating sontc--:lmi-to-the- country ceded !y tlvc Delaware, it has been thou.'-h. best to quiet that by fair purchase l o. So sooiias the tvealivs on th subject shall have received their cwtistiUitiouU fcaCC- I Uons, they shall be laid before ooth' house. ti.- ri'........ f r. i.n,i. in inn for building and employing of j;im holts, is wow in a course of cxcciitoin to the extent there provided for. Vhe obstacle to na ralintcrpme wti(.hvssflscf this consliuc tknc!ler fof ouf se-iott tons, their utility towards supporting within our walets the au thority a.f the' laws, the promptness with which they will be manned by the seamen aft militia of the place in the moment they arc wanting, the f itih'.y of their assembling from d.ftrt nt pat is of the coast to any 110101 where ihcy are required in greater fo'Ce than oidniary, Lie economy 01 their maiutenanrv and preservation front decay whtunol in c itml scnirc, and the competence of our f.nau ctsto this defensive provision without nv new burthen, aic considerations which will ending oh the 38th of "Sep'., lust, have tn.t.,; t jjj, after,, nieetiiigali the '.ordinary., cxpt-.u ', (hi yeai-i to pay upwards o" three tnilhin -sis hundred ihous.rtu!" dojUini of. the ji,b:c d .-bt, cxclitsiv-j.' of interest. This p,vni-! , " j" -wi'.h tlKiit of tlu;' two--rc:'ei!iig yea.M, !v..,' extinguished iwar.s.of twelve m:l;kns. pi;hicipul, and a greater sum of inteicsr, M-tr:.- iuthailpuiiu.l. and, by a prx)Mjji4ta--4mrr- nution of inici-cst, renders wlrewly ;stiiib'c the effect of the growing suHfyearty .;;p-..iie..-blo to the iliscliai ge of principal. . It is ako asceilained that lite revenue vl-" .crued during the -last year exceeds that ;f " o 'preceding ; .apd the predJubie receipts "cf . il.o .i-iisuing year, nuiy sulVIv be relied 't n tiuTicieul. with tl.esiunaitc'ady in the trt,.iu , to mcetali the. demainU of ti:e yi.-i, to discharge upwards of three miliioits :-i-.d. .an half of tlie-,engageiv:en's inc urrtd "inuier. the British and French r.iiven'.ini- uul. uV" advance in "tilth' lurther reden.pwwi rf t-: -fuuded dlt as rapidly as haii-hLcn cii-n'im- plated.- ', ' '..- Thie, fe'low-citizens, are the, principil .. ma'tttrr's which 1 have tho'l it ntctssai y at' . mis inne lo-convnawnicaioior tion'Sc -attention.' Somf'olhc-uiwi!lb:.Uidii:-,v foie you in the courseof the 'session. iHit i;i '.the discharge of-lliu great .duties coi..i.,cd u.i you by our country, ou will lake a- nroatitp vivwof the Jicld ofdegilaUou.. Whi-ihtiMiio great interests, of agricuhure numufioiort"-, . commerce 'or na- igation, can, : within -.e.p.tlw" of your constittitioiii.l .powers, he aided in nv , of their relations? Whether laws are provid ed in all cases where liuy are want in j; ' Whether those provided are-, exactly wl they should be !' Whethec any abuses L.l.o plac in their adniinistraiion or in iktt of ii public revenues I W bet In- r the orgam-siitir.!-, of rhe public agents, or of Uie, public force perf-ct in all itM-paiis if In l'inc v.he;h.-r an. thing can e done to ;kU ante- the geticivi good? are questions withiii the linv.ts' .'.' . your functions,whi(.h will nectssarily o tupy .your attention. In these ond idl otner tm.i ' lers, whish you in your wisdom inry pioposo 'for the good of our country, you m.-.y tuin; wun ussu ranee 0:1 my Really to-('pei;iioii and faithful uxcCutijii. ' , Ta: JEi'TEKSON'.- 'Comn.odorc llaiiuu arrived al Clibf -'tar with hi. squadron on the l'2ll).Aue,vut htvt 'On his ai;iial he"liuiul several jli-paiclita from Mr. Sinipson, one Cnn nl at .vic-.-ncto, all stating in . Miong 'terms il t l.ostift op" sitiou of the Emperor of Morocco '-gMnst our commerce, and the prepi t ;n'n-ns tnid.ii.g by him to send out three fri-;-.U. M.d i- o galleys upon a cruise. Mi. S'lop-.ou vr.-gm theindfpaiiib'e iiccesiity of Kavi),t-iv.o o the frighten upon .that Mutit.n, the Coir'n.o dore accordingly Ich the 1 ongress. (V-pl. Ko gers, and the IsexCii'it. J;ruu s l!nrrnn. The following ein t of aletler fnun ("apt. James Uojf.trs to the Stxictai y of the . Xvy, ducloes the resuit : ' . .Ukiti'd St ctes fixate CcnjrciSi (Jibraltiir lLt, : I8(H. Sl-R, . 1.IIAVE the honor to inform yen that 'I have this instant at nve-l here with the ('o gress and Essex direct horn Tangier, from Which plar.- 1 vailed on the 27th :nst. t'ur passage ha been long ovin, to a strong Lo vant gale vhich Justed from the night of ihc 7il.-until the morning of the 2'Jlh, u::d oiovc us tliroo-h the Straits into the Atlantic. . In my la si communication dated Tiiir-k-r Bay, 17th inst. I i.U'oriufd you of l-i.uin.o-dore Ban on havingixr.t the ('.onrts a'..d Ev-ex on ll is Coast in consequence cf advices received from Mr. Simpscm n,r Conul at; Tangier, or my intention to leave the Enx to watch (he londuct of two gtlley i.t that . placet and of my piorecding iminediattly to Salle to itifii in myself, of the movements, atid If possible, of the inaiiliou of the Eropv ror'a three sh'.ps luti ned i rr Tvi r. H-.i(i-,.uV cnninMuniiatiuii to Commodore Uurroii, c- -piciof which ,-tliT Later gen uraan ASqt warded to you : I did so aud auived u;.d m-i- hi. rid before balfe the UbvU (t-kina Aiziiia, UMamora and 1-irac.he in 11. y rouic) where I lound the time ships i.t qucsUoii, and to -.'.1 uppea'tmc-- lu-arly ready lor sea. Alter ly ing three hours at aiuhor with'ai &howl, li-o ri.iKsf the town, with Arr.erio'.i cf.h.i-s fly ing and a Mgmd ine'icativr of frirti'tship and a wish to.CM.irrUinlcatc'v-'itb tlchote. wiilii out ssiiy np;iarcnt disposition of the like .n their -;Jit, I wei-'hea anchur u'.id stoK within the range ol a common shot of i.e ships without uiy further sutcess of brinisii utiMit ar.nimuiiiratioii, ulthcuuhtveiy uiemis uhiih friendly demeanor could suggekt wnij used. M'-wcvcr, 1 have no reason to suppuso that liostil; intentions oh their part were the rr.u: of my iwlmcretding, but lhat they ei ther did not rnmprihetid the nu n'iir of the tNnal.or wercafraidtovrmureim Ctithc.Mst' I aftc.' u pes'iiigagsiiuiiMic same way asontha i lireeedii gday, my isheslu earh-t e cisi- ! lilies 'vithout any atpraiaiite ot siicets, and have due v eight with congress in ilicid'mgt-'.i Irfeaiiug ihsta farther attrinpt Uk 'he suble t! their munben 'l. in r.M h.l to suspicions imlavrb!c to a the expediency of adding to fiomycafioytar, as tspei'Hife sl-.t!! trt their u'.ilityii:nti all our in; mtsnt LU is, hv these and auxiliary Im ns shall be serured gsiiMa insult audi (Mis'itinii to Ihv Inws. 1 N'.iciri uinstaiH c has arisen since your las', S'.;.n i hith, calls for any augti.t-iitatiuii of our iegd.r indilury force. She old any im ioviimia miur in ihc ndlitia )sicui, ihac t. .0 jwv)ie h-bl. i A','t.t t oft.e rcci;ts and rxK.ndiiuri 0 th. .a.'. '.-ar, v.ith e .'.inirit; fj. tht. vu.t. : ... m . . i f f'Hi n;..-v ,ati'ini:. 1 nrnle iul ni pursKii I i. v eoinse hack to Tatigiwr, where I b.inoii . ('.. 3?lit 1.1'int-il ll... K.4w. Kt I .rti.l f ' fviu td the t.hip Mcshouda (cilcvanlTilpoline) 111 a i.igui vryiuaiyi uui ai rtiu vw .sa t.i-ra there was not a single tcscl of any de li seiiptiu. On my rturuiaiii t) uir,ier j intuie the usual igi'st to ctmirrmnlcii'e with !' our Consul, and in an htiir t.fWr had the p'e--(! nr.-of tccciving bdviets fiuin l.ini corrolm. '. ".'!!; ..7 own ;;ir.;o.i thai lu'.-.-i 4

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