nnds there'. mfgHt.haTe been for suspicion, T iitys twcr ihm i- "-. ' i , dlevs which the Essex , was . lef to watch, s Oidnd -one of them was boareieu oy ne-i risi-ht oF Tanker. T" circumstance te.wet t provejhatthey had no orders to, ruttresepicainfpswls,. or they .ceruuJL youlj not have gone to sea while the Use vui in si"ht. These twojjalleys with the T. Siilltf. coraiMithelcTeatcTl Vu-t, it not the whole marine force of Moroe i ,, Since the galleys sailed I have heard of i ir bciriK t C idi;. The ships are inside ,;"illlo Ur, an.1.1 have ta believe there., ihjut litllepro'daljilit? of tneir goint; to -sea t'.iisumrasr, a I ih told there never has i; en an instance of their large cruisers goinj ta sea for the purpose of cruizing after the i Oth of Sept. 1 shall leave this the instant I .ret -water on hoard suuicient for 6 or. r vexks, which lam in hope will not take lon ger than to-morrow evening, and proceed di rect to I rn,li. where I flatter myseit,(ifCapt iVcile has. not nude a previous attack)! shall yet arrive m time, to co-operate wkluCom- madore Barron ; for I shall be i;re3tly inorti iiedif the Congress did not store a part of tn? credit to. oj derived from the reduction lYipoh, by inscibm a lasting . and hono- - , . 1 . . , - , ' J ' Draper :&v Met calf, 7 HAVE FOR SALE , " A fAWr Sfore n Marktl-Sthtt, next door West . . of Zlajar John Walker's, ' 1 WEST-INDIA AND DRY : i: v r T O vr. u P Ladies English Kid and other Slippers - LGeiitlemen'sSuvvarrow aud common Boots . Do. Shoes " . Trunks assorted ..-'' Split Straw and white Leghorn Bonnets, with Wreaths ol the most fashionable shapes Cotton Yarn suii;.blefor knitting and stwino;. Wilmington, Nov. 20, 1804. 4.11 At a MeeungpF jl;e, Cttmni7iTioncc? lie. J ion iV. thVihciy of Nov: "T THERE As, hbuta latl-fpefl-tncf buv ueeit unfrtvldid .'ui- F:e Buii is 'and Fin Dags. -QRDE RED thJt each "aiii eveiy lihsmitant tfalisuje jhul jrv liuce tttbe Com h'jisrters at- tin r next m.elln'r M te ifl M n.luj In Deieinb' r ta- me 0 tie ower en eac uit iiva re ' I0R SALL, . . A FEW packages of Goods, just recci&td pet the ship Hero, from Liverpool, consisting of 'Irish Liiien. assorted ;,. Mcriillfts assort, edjoio priced; cnd Cutlry Tlifiy were bid in with Cash, and -will be ojfered at a. lower t'han common advance, Anpljto s- ; JOSHUA POTTS. Wilmington, Nov. .20, I SO i 111. Siv- Sloe u nib. vable I'iiuymbrauce of her. iraihe on its wall.- , . Nsw-Orlkajes, Oct. ,4.. On Tuesday the' 2d irwl. his txcellency William C'C Claiborne,' Governor gf the Tei'iiiorf of 'Orleans, took the oaths of ollke, 1 i ... i r 1 1' t . 1 which were aumuusteicu m me ..nan 01 me Mumcipal-iy, by James Pilot, Esq. Mayor of this city, in presence of the office ra civil and military, the Clergy, and of a large concourse .!' respectable Cttizeus : Previous-to taking in OAtris, the Clovernor delivered the follow-' i.ig a-Uttift, which was read in I'Ver.'ch by Me. Derbiguey. ' h'jlloiJ-Chiiens, The PresiJiiit of the United States having been pteased to appoint me Governor of that, p irt.of Louisiana, which is constituted " The Territory of Orleans," I have attended in tins Hall, Fellow-Cit'uens, to taker in your pre k,;:ice the Oaths of OHioe required by. Law. In thU additional uik! distinguished proof :f conSde'.icc from the Chief Magistrate of our coiuiwon country, I find the strongest in ducements to merit by my conduct, a con tinuance of his approbation. to deserve youw it also, fellow-citizens, Uny sincere desire, and lull bv- the fondest object cf my cares. All the felicity which a recent domestic ca l.imitv has Lft for me to seeker, enjoy, is in contributing to the happiness of those over I .... . . ; 1 . . : 1 vv'i');n I am callea 10 preine. t nui)r-tanc- f t!w trut committed, and the high i-c;,,)jnsi'ii: . attached (hereto, are i'.nxibl imprjad upon my "mind, and have excited las in-l an.cioiu solici'.u.iy. yi euiering however on my arduous duties, I anticipate witii pleasure the powerful aid which I sh,H -ie:eivi from the judicial and legislative au thorities and the kind indulgence and sup poil wliioh a generous people always extend . M liie h jii.,t clforts of a p'iblic MT.cer. ' Past events,- fellow-citizens, guarantee the fulfil ment of these expectations. 'In the coin.! of -.uy late adiainilration, which from u Va liet of circuinit:ices was accompanied with pmicuLr diCtcnltics, I' ce'etived fron the oiuc-n s, civil and military, a xealou a.d able co-o;er.uion in til measures for the public g , ri. jrtlfroia the people in generl un in riil -ucJ and huvxhI w.iich encom ied harnu.J, and Lisured the suprcnucy of die law. I am now ready to take and subscribe the oath-, 6f ofTice retired: At.d I pray Almigh ty (od to visit with his favor lUe Magiti;es and Legi-daior of this Territory; to enat.Jj them to'iiiesei ve to her citikeiu and lh.Ii o- Wiiy, the blcidng ofl'cuce, Liberty, L..ws j un I iliu W soften' thoe evil which u VTse I'l-tvuleuce has an.uxed in this world to ill 4 condition l m.n. . .. WILLIAM C. C. CLAlHOltNl N'v O'te n, Oct. 2.1., ISS Jt. Ot4lheiil till. dLMtUr.piividthe go- vei nor r.l hi wife and onl child. T lie allecl- ' ing manner in which this calamity ws intro .jnce.l l vv tears from tnviy ol the aodience. Ij V ..GKOUGK WATSON. J'f.tuiilhjt In has t:t arrrftJ fri BiiTftt .J M w.t' an u.fwrfMfrw 01 GOO D S, O A!) Cl'hi."naui-f li, Da'ixcs.CtMliisgs HAVI '(J aifjoicd of he ho e o). lh Goodi w ;h .tiny h(t on iu d, il ni 10 Jecl.?ie die Mcicjh-' tile bufi-icU Ti'.e'cfo'C trqueil ill iliofe ii dcuicii o 4ir ty N6. or Aci-ouipi..' i& maka ptyinciu by ihe io'Ii of e 11 bet nrxi, oiliti w.Ie -oti will be imill-Cfim-uit ly commeiiCid .. ' . 'Hie liilic 31 en ion iht is pencraliy piJ to JiJvff t'nrfiii nu uf IbiVkuid, icii.fcui ul1 cjt'ioii Rmll uu otcciTdiy; onl we n.uil lice otl.ivc, tlmi no Ln.gtr iuUa'gface cit or. vi 1 be given, iod hojje I a puic ti. pjjaitiu 'will ftiiieikcu llic f nlui uccdluj of lliyng Lii's. V tiini. gion. November y, 4'i- j N. III. Notes and Atcumpts will be It ft with Mr. Curtis Hooks, for settlement. ' Bags a ft fiai.-d- 'Mttb tb: nfrie of the uvn esj.e-jc'j cj which Jb ill te' large tnough It contain thr. e bifkels iri:kr t' pe uity of 4.,) JbHtiin&s Ami, wIvtm:, 'co'jiUriii bj the .Gjmtnijjioners't that it waul J be . ivil venifttt'uud advunldgrous to i.ave a nuinhe r of ?'i,e .Buck.ti dip filed i:fone yaiuic place , (') win b the-Innuhiaais of the tLiuu unci ot.eis might tejort in cafes f taii'- g"i -cy jcc ji'j'md uv. Fife, St ujur.'&r Qriur el that :n? uf tbx two Buihti ; uijiclraub Inhabitant If the lwnis btx'-d to bt p'on-'JeJ-witOf und to pfniace . . -tone jljted, ' jhjui be d.j filed in the Coin t Hue, ib. re to remain wdcr ihi a arge and dtr- cl i,a r,f , ! the Qinjji-jncri ; ,id t. t'afe ay ij i e ytiuihets J. ip filed '.hall he III r iyiro.-J ft v jh .U bt ' epla'c d a! -tbehHxufge'l.j "tXi" t'.wu. A true Li?y. treat Iht'mtnuUs. . : :!y'f. r ; . , ., . - tuo : davis. ilmnglou, A' nix. 20. 1 804. ill 2W- Ahxanacr C Mill r, RKPF-ClJ-ULl Y i fen mi il.e nihii.it mi rfWi! . 01 niiou & ttiVxiji'v. llul lie b Itm m-d (torn . i.i- . 1lMWIWf " ' V.' S.riiliVilie, inii in mdi to cuinj i-c; o.ciiiUiuEfiun '-f' youin hi in and G uiicni:U in MJilC il PAl ' T"1 I N G He wilt iemii in Wniniuw., wlnlo lulu- 1 ti nt . ncuur.ciiii nt i ii) tied 1 IiriBifdmu- .ppii;iVou-i rrqiirllcd. t Mil I.au j otii'i You.; C.dic' Acjnenvy, 01 .4 Mi. Ml in', , w't t liu ici.ai 4 tin wil. bo nude known. I N-j.e ntrr 10, 18 1 4? .4 F1UNCI5 MAURICE, T'TESPLCTfUL.Lr infom.: the Ladies and -L Gentlemen cfthe tuivmf Ir'Uiiingtu and its ticiniy, that It.s Academy will be opened in this tovjn the 1st of next mouth, where he will ie readjto teachthose hautifal accunijiHshim-Kts Da ichig, Musk for .the Piano Forte, and Vio line; Ircnih Language, V'.ifc. The Ludies undGentlcme't wi.l Le f.n niched witlvjhstruiianis to team Jiusv.'at MauricSj icaMmj, ' . ' " li'it.niiiglun, Nusi.iiiu:r 20 -1 1 1. . THAT v!u'bic PIA'JI AT.'OW in K'-dto C .U. l), kn.iwn by Die lu.qe ul S'ltJNw 11 ! I.t.. ncTe !! luol'.iibef f ni.eily livcrf U c 11 nm TUc tla oicil .m i K'li y miti uuc I-.11 J i t $ cc-iit J iuu uuurr IcinC biju:.'.ii. ituiUUJ ui bitJ . i. Ibw Un J I fuc. ir qu.ii'v mi h unlicj in: li S.oU, a lutf 1 ii t'.tt -iif li !nd. li btiu i. l i-.i I-.' Udy )-rilnij llOult 'i h pull 111 f out a ml 'ti.tki ia 1 .Uy fWi ihca- t h'ioj ,uor II jii'e, Si.i'iic. Hi H: tiibb, - .wl-l tilvi Colu-ClIJi -l.li ..ppil li (1 l'c. ti O llali.t It liij I'.ji.iiii. 6 . i).i -jid by ll.r tir't of jimmy X., l -H tJ.rti v'. H.. 11 r.l F'i ptituu'.c, I (ju.te ,t IMK 1 Jj'.-lluCf lliil.-K 'l. - Mo2..Rl' Si.Ol r ' JIu-mbr te, 1I14. . 411 6 l I U.'irs.'.;;;i, S.VrtU.,ion i t.rUeyUowns C'illill U ' DllfUtlt-,. UuiSvll.-l. (JlCliS t'iu rhv'1, f,l .. d and dul Caii.brck C.iiiA.i ll.'u.o.lu li t wnlc Cott'Hisl-! Chintzes ilnc;.i.l..a .iui I'ui: Ot ll-ndkcit'.-Uf. . ALZ l.iieif.n. SJt l'i-.nu ltditf ii.!, ICi! Ml NaU, '3at au Luvj jMl.itS U'hkh Ifffr'l ( Sa't, at hit V 1 1 0 1 .A I.IV-W A U IMIOU iU, C4 thf tu.jt t.t.,.4 fjr fojh, r la ttL:',rrt w,t.:i, ji.l, ;;.. ;o, isuj. Warned JimncUutciv, 4 il.tx U ktf il4v l-i m 4'i. Am ei in-lout w i h I iw t L i w ti.ogna. h.uj e l luiiin cl fi.i, i l)..inj4', CIijmh 11 Coui ., Mift'.ber uli itn Aciet l j.it i'ne UM'l.iii Libia it .i lv U -.irit Cj. U iiii Hi I i-.d fi' i;'i.uibt',, j.i vi la llicie e 'e lii: pip.i.-f' if c r un , j l.o'i 1 u'0 K uixr, M ul 1 im k'C CIVni ti c- 1 L'' I I C ' n. wUd. 'i in i?r ly 11. i. ti,u j tlf pMltdlixn lii kby o il il , ,..i lkl) ullp.iltj .i i ) tJ idy I1 .l.i.l lutbltM'l li UJilfb, i.l oil. ' b 0 il; (cd bt UU itf M ill I. Afl V i Nov. j. , ,n f K.UI.VCE. ISfOHil ; Lii vJ r,i,.,:,ij C-iirm-il ! Keb.t i ,! t X M fii'i.'-i'.w ,tt fat.Ut ir full 5:J.rfr'4 ttnxi ll,rt::fs Jhk.i7' Ifjlnejit in all ilJi uuui htdUh.S. w ),! onw 0. 1 1' d Iui Men's and IWnnn's Saddles cf the flr.t Uj lLiudut, f lattd and uw.mOi- so, .1 hands, -as Jsorlu,.t p ' i'.V.'i 1.7 . ! ti'wViu wti$tdileaf jr (...Ji. Wilairiti,n, Njv. 2U, 1-04. -itlf Th? Su'jllribrr, D f'vn Vuik 3 U'ESPEC'J i'ULLV, -he P..HJiC ... I ii At iix Has c m Nir.'.o d t h u .Saddling Business , IN ALL ITS VARIOUK LUAMCKM, A t.vv tidt foinh ol ihe CoiilM llui.f Wliv l.e rxii'ttc OiJtii, Ulnr Wholcfale ut Uci-i', in tl.c i.ewtU lililiiviii, ai 1 on thr UiffiH i iiir. JOTIIAM MM! ! II. Wlirl', IJ. N, li. IUju;rii; done at the ihji ic.l iiot'ue. C, & R. D U D L E Y, HAVE JUST RF.CHIVED, By ihe Slip, I'j.l, 4c j(,cy,nd ntotoin L'vetpoo',, A UtNtRAL ASSORT Ml-NT OF DRY GOODS, .Ci-r Jii'ly ft. filed fttm tl'4 Munuf' flo' ies, ' xoi ich ' trey, tire now opening at I'eir ittore (in the f hud fide if M.irket Street, JivJ d.crs ob ie the Court-'tloitjf, and ure oe.'trmi.el lo fll n the Liu fl terms Jot Cujh or C.un'ry Pr'.duce. -AMONG Will Gil ARE SlJPERFlNI:, CVntr.on and Goirfs C'"llS Cilinurcs, T.i!i els ai d Svvai.luo.vriS l'!cin a,:d cnu!cd Ciu'ii.s tiicin an.t hint' 'Kendal Cof.or.s Is and dutlii li:.iiik..-ts , S !k, fiUMii, -ViuV, aisl v oAl:J 11. 1.. lie' li'ic and idito.i ; Gi'n i" i.iiitie'f, Ofi.abui;:-, Uc liibl.in T .bic CioilH a. il D.Jjirf -Y-id wiiWc 1 fiih -Liu -ii-4-TiLS'w.-ctinf s T jik, iui. incd, uu.bOuici!,. Let and M fli HuinikvKhif-fs am! S iaw! C i t.i) i an4Th.'c.i I CjIMi ii k.tJfivatS 1 i uc ai.d .i miIc 1. dia Cotiui.s ij'i..Uiip, i C.if cm, ii. i ui.rj thukidll 'l;f. I iii.nd Cai CD,-- .i,;ii C'linUcsCt lilC iiluli Irflliimiab'e uiiti.ik niuiii-, r i) mi.ir. , Wl.iie anJ Soured Matfci'lcs Kai.cy Cof I j -d C.oliun Vc!vc' Ujianu, W.Uiu.ck, L3aa.ba2ci, Mo. rcens U i Can b'c s Si'.k a n. I cuiiun Snl jjirn.lcr i Sjwin 5i.k and 1 will Laces Ec r.j biKcnci and Ch'.iu Riabuns of all wjjihs ard bolouw ' Kci.bcif, .aiiicia' Flower and VVrcatht i Vt.iic an l coloiifbd'Jenis 1 h.ik, llii,.cd ai.d j.liin Nai kecm i S; k jl.d Coltuii UinbKllas I NsikUe, Lardrups and Kinder KimM ! I.-dcs tlecam Hair Of nan ciiii. r.; Wiichv ,; Ci.auArCVyrrSciT-J ' M.:i', Woiiiu' 4uJ YwuiU ilils r.Itd al.d bulsCaMhcUukl I' 'id a;iU viiiiint'i Cj11w . Notice. AIL ttlf.! UoVklta 14 UQI l J'l i 'U b,.(, i fc(i y It 4 ,9 Nilk mm i.i. p.yii.i,i, ol N It a WI.WM Cm tHut t l d it Itwfrd t aitlinl lkff 'lif'l ,,. ly (in H, wiluib IM in Ulikoa by i, 4kl U U It Unu el ibtij. hliAabeih M'lilmmy, Exx. , Owrn Kenan, FxV. w,!, A.a iijj .f. C! -if -II I lit ii u Whins l'uiini.nicu ii comimmTfnrAf.iir ric.l. - A larg uttJ tlll f(,i tijft, UnrHt f Haid-Waiv, Glan-Warc, Stonc urc, .nid Crockery, t'.i tfdi'.Ut ti maim. Nivmler 13, 1834, 410-f 1'or rrctj!it or Clurtcr, Tit Gutiuck, LtviipvJ, or any port ta Inland, . I lie iiiiirJi shin P A N DDR A, (Uunhcn 1 30 Tn) Cuptdin LA,G, Apply to Mr. John L'.cck, fanlttvdlf, 'I liumat Ar- 3 cliilidid. Wilu.ii li. or r - V tliC Capt on board. Thr fuhfenher . ... INFORMS hi) f? tends and' thv , , i raU tfut, lie has put arrimu ,.. ,.- . v . , and fctontmenrtd husHies i. A.'s O'.vi "i.t. .f -' rrvnt-i-ittvct, a y?w .jctj Scn'h ul tic Court-Housi:, vfifere' he is' nsa fwvuiwy . . ''".'- A GENERAL. ASSOR'l yixrjjf ' . '- :0:0-OJ):B,; . Consisting of the folL-wi. erines;- the lehi.le f-if-wltHsh-are frffi zimpp-tcd -end -Trrrfii-' With can, which he offers fjr sa e ol the -hit f educed. prices, jr Las-h or Cuix.Uj ' iWiitt. ' ' ; . BliST -Vci-indixiliim ' ' rn'Jai(liC?n ' v. --..---I;. Coni.'C bivndy ; .Apple ae. Fetch' ifu '- ' . '. Shtrry r.ud l.i.sln'i! Wines : , ' I-Oaf n'l Iirov.r. iSu.'.rs .,''-'. luipcrUd. II y-son i.iul Suiicl.cng Tern ; - Cttue tnd C'liot i.latc ... , Cinnam n, Clorts, .Mace and Nnin-egs ' j Muuivd l-j)Ki-. Al' -!tfe . tid liiiiu'. Uaiions, Aimoluls uiul'i'niric . I Salt ' ; Superfine, tnar e arid t-lr.sticClolhs i Cassiniurts, ToiliiictiS and SVi.ns'lo.wns li V-Uijn, elotnied nn'd stitprdCoiitpfK - ;M jpKcf--'rys, Dfai-ikiiisj lcai nonplus 'fend" Ilalf- : 1 huks ' ..' ; :: ., DuuUle iiikJkd liml.s P-UirC 1'dal.UttS ... "' Vurri Hose,iv.illeduind yariVCToves " ,Vv liitl,..iccu, c.-.ala, tvimson, led and yd- , low rianncls , '"' '(liecn Uni.e - ' " ' " ' Ojiiiabuvs. 3)edtickinf; ,A'4 and 7.8 I fish Linens and Sheetings C'litoks Plain, colonred, tamlynn-ed, japanned, em- Lossl,lHpi)'jt antl book V uslii.s Plain, Jiujut'ecl tind, coloured jaconet and book- 'iiiublin Ilandlcerchiefs antf Slunvbr Plain, colointd ii f prrged Coiton Cumbrick Cravats. Pine mid course India Cottons Uaiidiinna, linen, ceilon and check llandke- f chic'V ' Printed Calicoes and Chintzes, of the mou fashionable puUcrn ' D'ntiilies" . ' .-. . Piincy Cords, cotton and silk Vtlvrt. Dprants, Wildboi-cs, Poiubazcts, Moreens k Canvblets Men's, women's r.nd youlLs' tilk, cotton and worsted Ho.1.; j Ladiefc black,, white and coloured silk and Kiel Viioves, c;rt lout; Men's silk, buckskin andiva-ih-Jeathcr Glorven Silk and cotton StjKTider ". .'-..' Sewing Silks bin! Twist " I 'Sarre'ief and Cliina Kibbons of all u icltliS ixvX coldins v .Ncr.kLcfS Miji's. wnintn's wud ywilbs' Hi'ls Ladies' kidoiioii'f io ami b i.tbcr Shoes MissCM and cluidivii's ditto ? left's co.iiie ;;'.! i.uv dii'o Sioih. rim. el'ist, cupboaid, pr.d find port- mnnteau Locks ("ulteun, ptii. butt l i r and sbiicTvri'rvcs K:iors, Scissors, Drawing Knives' Snd Irons Mill, whip, pit and bund Saws Piles C'l.iw und sboc I lamn rrs . ilinufsof all kinds, unci a general asso.'tmcBt of lluidv.aic undCniliry Siioo, l.orse, white-wash, ticndiWujtoathi con'ib,ci(atlis and paint lituslivs I Tot n and ivory Combs Toilet (jlasscs . . .. . . Ti a Ti ays and Waiters , IlraiiS andiron Candlesticks (!ot'oii and wool Cauls Hollow Ware 4d, 6d, d, lOd and COcl cut t.nd wroucbt NaiU Sprites, Urads an I Tacks Chutr and wi'.cli Wl.ip Umbrtlbs LimjW'uv Classes Ladle ' and gentlemen YPockct-Piorks Quarter pint, half ii.t and pint IbUiblei ""DecHuters", Queen's-Ware -orted -Jnpin Huller lJ r y- - Trace Uopc, Hed Cxrdsond Lradinr; Line Saltpetre, Allnni, Mrlm-.le.nc, CoppeiM Powder and Shot Car Iron Andirons Shovel and Tonn other. srlUlcs too teiliivUj to eliiiiiu-iatc. I1KNKY H. HOWARD. WilrnhgtM, sUu 13, 1304. 410 . iicSJv Nov. i;, Uu. .t-tow W1 Jen Dollars Hcwnr.l, ll klkletitl MAltll ILl. tt mi t lor lV'I t4 Jt'it!af Id Hif , o( (..! ii( la Itil f IhH I nl Iiioi. m f Mi mtn ."iAM, kn if id i k ml. II 1 iii.a; i l taclMi 'u k, 'T Vltik, Cm m4. xi ill bit iait vnt taint vlT W ikt-4, lit tM4 ht , iMAttf m Qtiii a ooiatil k oi U. 0 All Miittt " ffU 4 ntli Nt tiatioat i iftiat h.ibwii,y iriifM ktl(t klm l). it. C. IAIH. Vtm SI tout Cttbiy, Up. i iW. 4jil THP SUrSCRIPFRS 1IAYI JUST RF.CUVFA) FUOMLUROn, 1 iktth; 1 frol.fJi N y,ti tiif, And LOt I'liriiii.' in il" hioic !. v tntii fic-l by Mr. ytln Sh'tr in Mutlfl Street, mil r'oor Iw Mej7t. 'jdn (J hit Ltd llrdley, A ONkHAI. ASSOIITM I NT t.f DRY GOODS, SUITADLP. 10 77 SEA!0S Which ihcy 1 ff-f for Sale n min'cftit ir rm ff Calli Ui CouMfv Pro.!iKf . CHRlbTOl'llKk DUDI.LY V CO. IVAmgm Atv. 13, 1804. 4 Tlic Subfcribcrri f jH i'f ' f itt Uf r MtK, Cim. 0tr. i,m m Yi,pi tt I II iV'U la tvUik.ll fl tl, vtiy l' ff.tUr.al GOODS, . . SUll El) TO IIIEJP.AION,. I Wa4k tbtf til" lv It' I, it.lvaibt ''I, to Cim i ..aU r-t.r. UOOPLK u Mriciin.L. , urn k w l.'.t, I a 4"

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