ill " -: -.. . (i Lute Foreign New. tbt mini at hnidefphie, of the (hip Aftiaa, ead. Joaci, from Loadoo. . LONDON, Auguft a'5. Squadron eff Brtfi WTote to you by the Queen, vand nothing has. fine occur red worthy mention. The enemy te mains precifery as he was, and we r?,in lofu-qio. -1 ; ; -'' The importation of American rice has, Within a tnort period, rifen from 30s, to '44$. per cwt ; and India rice fiom 16, to 28s, ' Cotton, Wool, with fome flight ex 'Ceptiom, has fallen in price during the lair week; imrnenfe quantities have within 'that period, bee njim ported fromLifbon & the Weft-ltidtes. . : ' The prices of fugars coniinne Falling'; moft'tortsof refined. fugars funk 4 to 6s. perewt. latlveck, and forne. of the rooift fugars wero two to fou t cheaper. . i 1 Auguvt 27. "lord Keith' his returned to the Downs tntbe Monarch, alter having vi fi ted the fquadron off Boulogne, and matte hist ' fcryaiiortslu'poD feveral parts of ft)?; enc rny coaitv " ''-)'' 'v'-J'.v..-The Dutch fteet in the Ttxe is- per- fel ly prepared to put to fea,; and from forne demonitrations that it has lately made, fuch an attempt was conftdered by the molt experienced officers in our block- adinz ftmadron as momentarily likely to take place. The difpatches which were brqught to the admiralty on Saturday, arc - frippored to contain important inteil gence refpeftingthc defignof the huilile fleet in the Textl. The off-lh ie Brcfl fquadron, tinder the frmmediate onlcrs of admiral Cottoncon. lifts rff the San Jofebhot navuns, Prince - in, Prince Ceorge'oA, Prince Royal g8, "Windfor ; Caftle 98, Dreadoauht $8, Neptune 9I, I hundcter 74, and Vencra . ble 74. " .." : " . Two HambuTgh mails arrived ycflerday . They do not corfirm the account before received of Ruflian troops having been landed at .Copenhagen. They mention the appearance of a Ruffian fleet in that 'quarter, bat ttate there were no troops on board. The fleet confills of nine fail of . the Hjepd fev era frigates. Itftitril if tremeVv probable, 'that A lexin&jvill foon declare openly hisin . tenttoi of refi'tingby force the ambitious projects of the French ruler, and we may foon ex pe& hit fleet to co operate with ours. Ir.decd weknow that at tli mo ment a great number of water caflct age preparing. at Deptfo'rd, 'for the Ruffian lhipi,v At leaft f ich is the belief of The bfliccri there refpeftihg' their intended tiftr." It was it one time intended to fend one hundred vf our coopers to prepare the calks in the ports of Rwflla, the RufEan artizins being very dctecYwe in'this kind of work j but it was afterwards judged abetter to prepare ikem here, and keep our workmen at home. ' . ' " It is alfo cnrrently reporteS, that on Saturday orders were fent to Chatham to prepare fvr vidnalline a Kuflian fotiadron. Accounts from Germany Hate, that! he RuOian Uharge u'Anairs at Fans, M, d -Oubril, had given in a declaration from hli Court," Infilling on ihe evacuaiion of Hanover and the Neapolitan States, and ' an indemnification for Sardinia, &c This is very probable. Thefc are the points of detail which the Moniieur-pee vilhty alluded to in a late article, as, ha vin been brought into difcuflion by Ruf ' ii. In the temper which the Emperor of R u lli a has lately fhcvn, and on thi fyf. 'tern which he his fecrncd to purfuc, ihefc points 01 maw win no-oioauiy a oan. 11 cWd, or'anowedio deep at they have hi. I thctib.becii. If they are rcjeflcd as they re likely to be, the Emperor cf' Ruffia wilf rnAe ihefr, tA oxhtt grounds til mohiMir 'lar the French, Eropror, tlit IVbjcrQ of a manifeflo. It ! wis re P'rird it at M. JD'Oubril had quilted " Account, front Italy of ihe 9h flate, .that pan of Lord NtUo's fquaaron was hbc)iJing the baibour of (j too a j aid 'thii an atiempt was to be nude tu deftroy tlKee- Ihipi of war, built there for . tbe Fiench. : . ' i The report of the capture of one oi the Ilicrefs liUnJj, by Lord Ncifoii, is not confirmed . ,1 fre at pert frtrW.4 Vr tbe fcip4Vri(Vtrr;o t4 bftU t . . blpi, tnie4 at CailtE. - . London, Sept. 13. It wis reported yiQc(djy, ihit a de cl'rai' of war on the part of France a. I'.iitll Rii(Tm,ii Imrncliifclr to be sttj. ft, nuw that the RulTian MiniHef ha Lft I'jfit. W tnirrisin fome doubts, how cwi, wheO cr lbs Frer;hiwrrmcnt will bs t'n full t i(T format drcUration ; "or lathrr, wi difbcliete it, becttfcshe If itnr'i 1 .tffltfflfhl hel flAjul m ik Am- fmf.vtm the rrtodation, and willlem .r;Hini tSechoife of thtround of war, which wiUthcu La anfwciej, tie Ruf CaaJeclaritiofa, riowetrer, tniy fce ex peded as foohas the news of M- D'Oii bril'i 'qoittlng Paris rsaches ; St . acJLeyrf borgh. ;Thc French -ijovemment proha bly would not he flute both to ifHie a de clafation 6f warand to zBt opbri it, if there- were any advantage to be derived from ftrtking a blow. . But where is the blow to be (truck,' when there is nothing Ruffian within her grafp? A It has been flated in the foreign Journ als, that a confiderable ' bullle had lately beenobferved in the French army in Han- over, and it was thought that fome move roent of confequence was in agitation. It was even ilated that an attack on Swe difh Pomerania was meditated. Perhaps if the King of Sweden takes any meair fures for raifing art army, or equipping a fleet,, this attack may take place.- In the rlrft inftarice, however, it has been faid, in the Moniteur, that no attention is to be paid to the King of Sweden', conduct, and that Trance will live a peace with, his fubjects. Indeed we doubt whether "fleets and armies can . be fet on , foot by that country without foreign fubfidies. As Toon, however,. 'as' warlike 1 mcafures are oegun iri Sweden the French, govern, roetrt will penetrate intn Swedith Pome'ra- m, pc0yKlea.1t; ts cap be or turnimihg any money or fu pp. its. Nay, if my. rning'wcrc nueiy ia Rc game i, trranjge wonld probably antic p ite the cperatio s ot his Swcdifh maiefiy. Though no certain account of theSwe' difti miniller leaving Paris has yet been received, it Lems very likely to. take place. The kf. g of Sweden has gone too J tar to recede, and he has declared hinilelf with too much manlitiefs and force to be iappofed capable of half tnca fures. I tie i ountetiorot state, rretect or the . Department of the Seine , has publifhed a notice relative to the confeription ot the year 1. All youps mej bqrn the 24'.h -of September, 1783, inclufive'r, and the -22d of September, T784, ioclufively alfo, mult, whatever be their uze, .the'tr phvh ical conflitution, or even their inrirtcuica. be inferibed upon the tables of the con fcripiion for thcyear 13. Thiry are re., qirired to prefent themfelve between the ad .of September and the 7th of Oftobcr befre the Mayor of their commune or- dilltict." In cate of abfence or Ticknefs, their fathcis, mothers, tutors, pr t.iarre Utiont, are required to prc fent themfelves to declare the age of their fon, pupil, or relative, and to iofcribe his name. The captain of a Swedifh veflTcl from St. Valey repoits rhat arturder had j 11 It been received at that port, to lay an em bargo on all Swedifh veflels for thtee months, and he had geat difficulty in ef caping injbalixfl a few hours bcfoTe the embargo actually took place. Bonaparte is ft ill on thecoaO ; perhaps he may hot think himfelf quite fecurecx cept In the midft of his ai mies. The fc verity with which the new con icription is carried on in Frai.ce, and from which there is no exemption on account of lite, conflitution, or even infirmities, is a proof that Donaparre has rcfolved to eltablifh a mditaty government to fuch an extent as lb all annihilate every hwne that the people will be able to throw off the yoke that" opprcftcs them, and recover their liberties.. TheWcooteuts, and in. declmifcry, which this meafure may be cafion in moft private families, are no. thing in theconuderation of a det eft able tyrant, whofe mind is fole'y occupied by views to incrcafe and perpetuate his own power. Ithaiheenjuflly ifked, if the French finances are .in fuch a flotifhing (late, -wfiy the, French Ucnerals or ratherfrench Robbers, are ordered ty their govern- -roent to itinuer other Hates under Hates under the t;tcnce of What can be more un j:.U,morefljguiousihan their rcqmfiuons upon he llaitfe Towns I The iniquity of thcCe deirdatloni can only be equalled by the tkfpicable tamenefs with which o-htr "flari 'bthoU this enormous" fjQ'cb f plunder. ' " 1 he VVilmlogton , SubfcTiptioa haccs ; t . WILL nmmencr on Tlii'Jy tU itf NiVemhr txtt J ' tf ftr n) hre, mare rtf , ftlhwt t , ift Jjlbru mitt btiti tbt hjl tw Ibretihrte ytari pJJ nit 1$ cittj mitt Jour iti IJ Jt. 100'i ; or )trs iddi, 1 14' ; fa n IJ du Ta4i; ftvtn ytrt tld dt. I jo tel ytr ttd d tttthti. id dtyTwimiUhttii, at livi. 3,i One mile h.tttirrjiKgatthi " frt firjl it f'ft It tUft thtdl tf fuheriftitn $f hit 640 ddUtt ; tht r4 dgf't purfs it the etma'mhg tnt third ' ibtrt'J 1 and the Ufld't furft, fmftp' Jl'ltti it the ht'acf mtntf $: tbe thttt Jty't rci 1 4iY4 It 1$ dtdUrt ftt the 4?h W "if tbt j,ctniih ai 4 J" 3 I! tt'ilniitat QSAtt 10, IBol. f. GARNIR, lias Tar SaK 'At his Gpoeeiy Starch Ifr. Wriglift N9 Building general assort tktntpf G roccriei , and the beft iqaors 4 . ... J . 1 l 1 : Amtmg mcn are 2LD Coniac Brafidyj" warranted genuine French do, 4th proof .:; Jamaica Rum and real Holland Gin Madeira, Sherry Port AVines, best quality Claf et (lon cbrts) & Frontignac Wines, do. CoMtals of several descriptions Frn'us. preserved in brtotfy, Anchovies,' Olives and Capets I Syreet "Oil, English Mustard and best Wine Vinegar Muscatel Raisins, Almonds, softhells Fresh Hyson Tea, New-York Loaf Sugar Pearl Barley and Split Peas Spices of all kinds Cloths, Market, and Ladles' Work Baskets Empty Dernijons, Gin Cases, Velvet 01 ks -Best English Cheese, and London boujed Porter. A constant supply of these Articles -wifi, he hopes, insure U hhn the patronage of the public. Wanttd to ClIABJZJi) . For Chafleftot.,' A Vessel from "100 to ' . H-Av ions. ,. November 1 3, 80421 '. .fflST -ARMVEDy i .ihe Stbootwi BETSEY, Edwid StnitK, Mi&er, Irom gslem. rtd itr 'Me, lor r. dy Ci fh or fertcr for fuch irticlr, it mar lofwrr. - H!id. of NcwEdb4 J Hum, ct good 'qui it y. Be' qutlity CogoUc i tni1 lea qulitjr No, i. 2f, m bind, wly put up, Rdailirg Sogir, io btntU. ' , . Cag of tOgl ont ech, Ginnon WWr. Tor piuculr enqtiii of lie Miner oo kotfd, t Mr. W.lkeiH Whrtf. N. B. ?rtof ike sbote irtie'e rill be gin in 'Barter forXamber Wilmingtoe, Npretibtr ij, 1804 41. ' For Freight or Charter, To Grcehock, Liverpool, or -any port in Ireland, The. British ship P A N-D O iVA, CaOt&in LANG. Apply to Mr.JohttEccles, . FavettevUle, Thomas Ar chibald, "; Wilmington, or ..the Capt. on hoard. 2ws 'aeoir Nov, 13, 1804. None e. WE fhll remove th'u week from the Store hereto lite ccp c4 by io Mk BrtdleyH Wh.rf,io the one Iwe'y bui't ii UnVet-Street, brtweeo Uefiie. Levy it Citrol Md X. Cempbell, bere we propofe to eerty o ihe ( Vendue & Cnriiniiflion Btmnefs. Orders ta tb liot Vill b thi kfaMyerwd. - jocEua ; GAurwt. Kwember it 184. . 4 . WE HAVE ON HAND FOR SALE, French Brandy Hollat.dGin Rum and Sugar. 70 BE SOiD, Oo retfoble Termi, i . Liverpool bait, by the quantity, Crates of Earthern Ware, con- . fifttog of ir firitry o4 Crates ot. Stone Jus?.. , JOHN RlCHAlD BiADLlY. . Odober V 48 , .N 0 7 I C eT THOSE loot bud to the fubTcriber trt heresy is (oioi'd, tkat i confrqunKt ol e Urge iwium 'lee him, be hn beeo liviicd U b ordei lor C'lade k,. 1. 1 Ji. li theicfore bODe4 thK thfe who l-. dtbted to him will eitil ihnnfcNet 10 difcherge lhctv4 fofli,i tcconatt. which loe cabi bim iv tsrei bit tm:oM- f U "4er ihe difgetbl eccfuty ol tbut ootlig, tt iu m aty 10 coBh. wiH be Uditciimiotielr ferd tt the ' M.y TeVm. OW1H XIAN. . Wtbf,,oil ,,0, h 4,0 At Public Auiflion. TTH Wediwdty the tt hi. tb Hofe Hwi U t4. V- j)loig Itm. IL jo.tJT. Eiq. oo mmn imi d ibe Wiker Lot oe i Cip. Ctotltii.o FitM Bieet, kti4orfl t4.C4ifa4 UiMHpe,' will be let ep et' r. Vie Awfito, f lb ur iPfm wmieM to wk. U...bart4u.u , JAWU WAlktit. 70 HEN7, foe ttMortflOrtYetrti "TrHtaT WWU 4 highly ip't4 CORN I 1 rUNTATIOf. m Rochty P,, well kw by Ut .Mwt t MDf 1LTUL4m -Itioirl lttef ibret ltd foot be4iid km o7ea U.4. Tbt li.oo ti plttl.wt aca oetlthy, itt UU It ..! i toiu aijkiotbo4. ' ' Wreett ttt)vt Hltli wATTERt. :. tvb, 1104. r-flw 70 LEJSE. "T A VaUibblc Corn Plantntion. ON Rotkry.rolM.'ctoitiwioi lioat Ijt to too etc, wh lb ibt Ua Mi. olo R, Mtort ff , CMily trbie4. Tbt l4 it of Ibt til o,tt ii, t4 ir g4 oof Itf ttMtvtooa. iMtofpitpplyto HELEN UOOriEt ot ia kef tirat to -HUM WATTIEf, Wat. ivb, ti4 a J , For Sale, A SULKF.Y AND HARNESS J.BtSHOP. Wavii, ioa. pVtfi wmernai tnd iftuatf ' t4 tch bfi tuUrly io;he icwi otLtveral, m tJsH CotW ura, in $.-den, n4 Norto'k, 1p Virt') rtmitt it proper to rrroUsl l p'tM. "h pcfffi friny l tVeVoitei Suic of Amerfoi, of ib ciliy ! W it hil oii. i cci.(t.:iicfl ot Ue ex cotv "efliip. fcrer it kivcjMt.e ?fudrnc 10 prpft-tin fPpityv by lnfarwceThe T..b-i CopT , piT l!6, ew)A 4iMriW(ve.ftf.feriooi ifotinK4 loffci opoo the liuil)'fi)?s nd ttort in the tkrvbwtowM, na Uctton ncrrffio fiich rtfkt tmtt it icfciito-but t lJttei hope, from (h iKMaf ef. trick ewr ftuW bi'v-ritngi,?(i A,r imptyfente offccvtity, hu W pie it pm fat' .lft?t, 'thfy will b iib ffeiry,ti mitigt the TtMip Turtecc hi Koith Awerict 1 4 -ibtf codfiJentiy prt tmii. fhit the prdfinstiwde 4 tiooor ; wiih vwkh ' they Kv nnJfortliiy fulfiUed brlr eicUTilive enm rtn.u, hMeviKtyocnUTFCflUtb d be (oliity, iff Ait n& foqi fiih, f rteuayy.. . TheT"JCoifMif rtui idoMcc pooWiia. ihgi, ooai, M'ibr' ' wbrift iirdotk or i.1fcjtl , fyonv itfft oro'aintsebj-fce.apoa x mo win '.dequitbeteroM-4ff'Mlt!ro of tecurwjt P;eyV.rty b pirwie,,trBm yhn, compwy, tleanSn Crtat Biiini. . . 417. trpHt futfcrftw.Wie oiuiof4Jinlilrrl6arba theieafepT tlw iieTRjHi. Hqoi,rwi0 tt prriont inocTuo iT)e.eto.o,wrw mneoie pTF,, iill .thr hye ijfiHt itpH the e1W 'lie deceiftd, ire mby .reqi re.J wVxhibi' tbtm proper ly ttuBed, Sot tlemcr.i, WiU ihe time pie,fri6td by Lw, otherwif tby will h Vrrrd o v-c r. ; ' MUM H0Qni ? Nor ith, 1804. ' ' ' . ""3V , Boot aM She MAKING. HPtftK forttib'r whh grulrue, scbnowledget-tlt A eacuuragrmcat he hn rtc-jvrd hi h'n 'ii e I buft f from tbe Ladtet n$ Ctmlcmen of Wllinfpoo, nd Miforoa Oicfe that St bit tn y6itd Virfout k'tbdt oftcMher, of the belt 'ufliiy , jrn4 btmc fncplie4 with Jourt'Cv'ni'o, continue, to-ttrry rtfm ku!iof ) hit (hop on ibt Kift fiue of titat St ret, bnt door ibcvr. md ch che Ncib of ihk f oft-tAieewhers be 'will thtnkhrtly'Tfceive ti p j t'ricl ttieritioo to tny com Atoih hit fitcaii mty hvoftrliim wiiih. ' ".'.' -. ' W. C. BAKER. He bt tJfo for We CtDBft. quetity fopeiior tor tny (hit h beeo impoitedt ituolryilaiingioo, for long Ume pot. . ...t,.. ' V"OTwer tg, tS04 f,',. : Feabocly & Walker, REStECTrULLY ierofn tbt mhsbiumi of bt piece tni i viciiif ' th( ihcy htve for Ule, at OieirShop. ..ihe We! i4e( Troa .nrtei, netily 00. pofne the BricV Hoale Ittaty occupied by Mr., f-'e k, t,n racelfeM adurmifnt ol HfOEi m like, wife rent LEATHEN; n4 brtrer ock 01 1 (tr lot tjtul'iy. B otl tni ShOMot t tepeiior qetliit i-ihH tttbclhoruQ aoiice -Pft t .d Uie f.twvu wi b, grticfutlc ckowletfgd. ' Winningt n, Ntretn ,3, 19 n 413. . ' ,' Taken Up, ' A T.J) CvtnmitW to rbe dm! oT tbii Coanty, on rb d of Aaril.t nzrofDtabo cdith mletf IOU!f MITCrTllL, Trtt laftee fi with at papert te filow it.) od cine to this lawn tiom ChirkRra, S tV- 4o 3aary hi, by Ua4. tht b fftrwt ly Ihrtd wib IdwndCrofu,! CbftkloH TLafiiditrf'ab'tVta ' uactat ft, tad lei teuiritd lothii Krt. Hia ut- a J yctra ot age, fiet itch io beight, thi a thee, fhort woolly heir, aixd bi femetblag like the tjpeir toca of Itwt 00 bf bark, which be Uyitii got with a rope a4 white em boid r a veH.l a fee. Aay peit.a tnowieg ot Of cUnniog tbt ttore'tra re. p. 11 rroutled lo coim lor card to4 kiV kacra " iht ttatt 1 piytkrg-t aoa ukkbtia twiy, ot'eiwifa . BO WIU PI IB IB 11 IIW II W OUCCU. J Sullivan, Gcalcr. Wilmlagiaa, New.tliBOver'Cdtoi, AVgUB1, ISC4 Ht. 397. too Dollars Reward. RUN twiy from the febfc fiber lieitte a Te-Dif. IrtQ, toath'Varoliat, iboot ikt of y, bodfomt Waltio Bey, tbxMit fifteev ot tktean yetrt 0 4, katrraitrktbk kr Mbit right tbeSk. Ue t fceo ia MttkWabttfg County, rj, C tbooi ikt firt U froiiHg for Itlifborp, t4 wti ukia i.p, Vat by bit"" iageowity totdt b ttUpt. Hcttbtdly clarbed, bv tag lot b t clWt Vea b WMtktb wet s b' bur Httly tdaee4 a4 lea, before, wkkh bacsila. lit bat p(tt4 wt l'caMa,f4yae bt tn t fiacb ! bf, tnd lha ba wMltitly Iroaj CbtitlTwa, Mt kt Very leahtM IM arui', toa U M eiptOti W Win waa for B-ltifwort ar fiM aMrt la acta t4Stll5 --ib'.irl-dlta. ; , V Htewlntil tUl Snwa M Tte'dlT III, ttmt IE -WfWit, Cbanb-i bw ItigwU buaUU to ' aropertj of lr. bttl, of tbit towv '' A ay patUo Ukig f tK bo iffdi tefJoe. tnd aeliveiiej biet to t k Yak-pilet,'.X o lo Cure Wet Di.rJ receive tbt Ueveee ward.. AS) aiiSrri of etff.Wett farbjd tanyiaU of. IX I be bat oedetlooJ U4 tbt bo eta Wiiu. tabifptttO pfibue,. , hiluan mum VUa-Ugiaa, Atful it, it,. a Five Dollart Reward, 4 r. QTEAtlOae laWtfr ibt (tbltriVef.oo tbt tub J of r,bef lef, la Wilotatw, ao lroa Gree HOR1E, tbaet 14 btaiMgb akaet tail a4 rt.Jm tf IM tbtdidHeeft, 4 4tW bita to tbt Nbtcriber, Out! race tie aVaX Herard, a4 til mloMelt ta prK ettd." - '"r. JOHIf EAbVLOW,

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