Vox., rif. ao. 4 12. 1"HXSE DOLLS AH." PUBLISHED (weekly) "BY ALLMAMD HALL. TUESDAY, NO-VtMUEil. 37, 1804. rr.-- r .... .. .... , .ton uazctte are miormeu mat on tne aisi. , D cce m uer .ensuing, the 8th year's subscrif- tion will become due,, and that their accoun s :,will be brought up O that period, and pre sented far payment- Those who live at a distance, are solicited to inclose the amount they owe (which will shortly be made known to them) by post. . . After the first of January 1805, subscrip tion, to the; Gazette be Three Uolhvrs3, Year, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars,; payable as usual. Advertisements will be inserted, as usual, at 7J cents a square; ;iV the .first week, and SQ .cents a-s;p:';' fi" .eh continuance. . A iliscou.it Of 2V ut. will be mads tfl s.l'mri'iU-r r',T u i. ill .n hi. ihtt ivap ' To t!ioe wiio'are ac iainted with the'la hmr and x;v;!ioes of newspaper Printing and - the present enormous rate of living in Wil-Jnin'to-i, I would presume it unn.-cessary to 'say any thing on the propriety of this altera tta.i In th terms of. subscription ; to others, , hoover, it ni ty' be proper to observe, that the present expance of printing and xircula- tih r the (inzjttj, is at the lowest cornptlUa- j . . I Llin 1 II . . II. nun i jiw uoiuirs a year, cxcccum oy vuc third its original cxpjnce) which nvist be j paid in actn il cash ;- and to meet this demand" ; there is k subscription of but 1500 dollars, j from which in ty be deducted at least 25 per' j cent, forbid debts !lence it is evident that I . the present proceeds are unequal to thej; imbui-serpents. To sustain th Gazette on uch terms, would be unwise in its'prbprie ot, and could not be1 desired by its patrons'. I take this opportunity Jo acknowledge my- ' self indebted to tho.e of my subscribers and Other c.i ito'ti ;rs who have been punctual ami honest in their dealings ; but I cannot agree with a certain honorable writer, IhuT.I am un der obligations to those who refuse .to pav uf t iv beinir indulged for several years.or to those who under spacious promises of payment, '.ungenerously withhold from me the rewards of from thre to ei''it years labour. The fii.-tte will le continued to it pre sent subscribers, on the proposed terms, un- . less countermanded by the first of January IK'Xt. , , Subscriptions are tiken by the yea only (except transient persons) and an order to fliscon'inue tl.eGaz'-tte after the commence-, ment ir a new year, cannot be complied with until the end of that vettr. . Al.EM n HALL. 11 AM i nnn-.g-'jj.cr, o, iwi. Attention I RECRUITING-Rt-DZVOUSJVT-1 FOKT JOHNS I ON, FOK THE 1 Army ot the United States. ALL youno men i delcriptive of the Law f the V$ted ti es, who n dejir us at entering inn l'e military ft-vice if t'etr C,untr. wdl rrtitir to the .R.endeWu', 'where4ke -pr inciples, 'j the Eli b'lifkm M wWfe eXtila-n-d -the K c wis put tr. tm- m d at? p y, go J quarlt rs, and bar df unci) clothed. : Black nith, Carpet ters'tt lheelivghK -).. have fefved ' a r-v ulur, upprenti ehtp, will he "reccti'.;i as 4'iifir'it'i the irm' NonewUtt'f tngagta but fiber, healthy young men. . . T 1 '-e I bcral pay., clothing and rt'nis w'ich we hy G:vemnent , it cmcuUl-d to induce the ynng an t en'etp'iJi'H t .he Anns rj b-.ci"ic lt p'O jiinJ g vd.i:.en and d ' -finders of their Count' y's R-g-ts nJ Lihrrti S. GOD ui ctbi United States of mrjea. JOHN 1 KRGiJ, ' Lit uttnant, C m-nnnding Fort-Johi.ftpi, N. ( Nivevlxr 20, iiso. 4,l--3:u The Suhfcnher INFORMS his friends end the fiiddic in vene- ' v ru.t, that he has jusi'arrived JromsNcw-T- rk and recommenced .Musines ' h trXf 'cttTJT5ih At a.Mecjr5 r'f jfc . Ccirr.'jfiioiif t? , fct!l mi iM o-ti?v the 5thayH:jNj.je4i "TO rV-V 70 LEJSEy A Valiiiiblc Corn Piantatinn, OS Ror.kfy Poii t cool Ding fiom I 5-j to ac.) trt, oh wh ch the ;ie Vo. J'.,, b. M.oir lo meiiy flijrd -Tilel-rd iolthtfi:it qi.ait, ind 10 gO'id ord r ( r tul iv.llou. ' lot ie:mt if p y 10 HIE J UOOPtR, ci in her ibfc- e HtNRY VAiTKR?. - No 6 r, 18 4. v-' U Uir th ,.nri btl. EV, Eowiid Smith, Mmrr, 11. 1,1 bilfm, ind Jor llc,ijrit. dy C-fh u( Cinri ur Tuch ruc ri i miy iMfwrr. H'idi. i, Ntvtrjljnd Kuin, ol good q , 11,, b: I q . .1. (.i .oi l B Jt , I'.tll q.,il,,, u 1, Bc' in btrt!i, n:v1jr p ui oj, inf Sn?ttt in rrlli ol o r l,'- e,rhL C nnm,,n Wi'er. F-t oMiii'.-r c. quiic ol lb Mtutr on bond, i Wi. A HVei'. Wh il. . . , v. R. Pin ut t'f bot tilie will t g rn io Bjr r lot I. u. uber Wilifiii'K 00, Noeoktr 15, 18:4. 410 NO TIC . T7E fl ! f 01 f lh . ftk lOW lr.f S o-f hr-l V I'.rr ihc p H bv ino Mr. Brd e' V Mil, .0 H itne I c u.i 11 Muk-t-'iir', tiri M.l.it. ,n) tt C.iui jho K CimKtl , l.tn et (ul 1" cii V on tl t Veil J 1 1 r & C . 1 i in ii 111 ; n ft 1 1 fi 1 1 el s . Oicnnnwi Ir i teMf": k'n'iy f; d. JOwEl.vai OsUMF., "K it 18 4. 4 tl' ll.Wc UX 1IAKD FOR SALE, r.v.n.. B '.niy - ll.il a d G u 2J Dollars lev..icl thi t.W f 01 Ccpt. ifjnus P :':, tV living in ( unib-'nin l Cuoij, cn ur u tjiut te ith cf Oil be-1 It, FiVK JNI GiW iL-.VFS, viz Charles, a ue.l h t 1 tclUv, about 27 years of ae, fas a cur on his head r.ciuji.utd by a'lutrtl I ryal, a linall lellbw, 22 yenri f.f 11 a f lint mnl e f-rt f mrhi f It k. hi a Jcar on cut I g caajiitiedhy a turf. J - VhailoUe, a -yrllv w nc!, si-j yan of nge, and has a ver y xv tt y head. ' Hitty, a mulatto wV iich, 19 ! years tf age, j-mtl m.d hm j mTan a Girl C.liil.l ab(m mie jcar '.. a'mol u h'te. ' "The tih .-f re'verd XV I! he ?.'; f-.r frit ring J -:d fnvt fi it at the 'u.er grt il,, n, j tnl all tr hJ .n d'.e clarg-i p.rd ; tr f.ur ! iloilurs frmchAnda r '7 t;nn'y j jive liiuws wklhr pni t fy 'df - ty .f unfW 'i.'e p rftn tl: ! mcy, ht?i' tit ' i I r cn tu'?e t 'fin aurty, fin pt jof j-jj. j cteU tt lO'iVtct i..m P H'jDGE. f r Catt. T. Pill EX., Kua-ilcr 1 6, 18 4. 4113:1;' TO BE. SOLD, Ha Iii OV'j c It mi, Uvcrjnol ak, by Uu- cj'tnntity, Crntts l-aithcin Waie, Cwiiv fulMj of g'ti tvif.jr ind Ciatcit .tone lU'. J.illS li RiCiUKU BRAD' EV. llasi rtway F'ROM ,V (,,Ut-it n $-,!ei.brr t(, t H,o Mm nm'i JsCK lrm-r y ihr pirpity ol Mi. 1 h n..i J. , o f C -f. Bixii, Upio I wi-l HfRr i ci t ultrn I) , 1 1 . iU bo ot u, bt 1 m Wl mint no. V , - I H'ldriilo.d bt II bu lit !.. nri.li 'nn pi h Ci K .-d . SAMftt. IU K'lvp i.'in 41 -, " N j 1 1 c ;. AM. fi 1 ii .e b) lori'i.i lii pvrt'.fi" tr l c i( in iij.eb im.-ci !!., Noel 1 1 a u -. (ii Uv Jim nil ki ! J Sol TON. Ol i(0 C. 0- .f 1,1. t.f n .Mf l)i tt, o. R.j l $.i mei, it. 3 i I h.vc uglily ilKlica Iht ihiouI ihit .l in i l.ij en . HtykY c.:t. o. . ii .... Is; llt.iuir.1 Vi Unit, Mt, 10, IV. 4. I . t'ronl-Street, a few doors bouih of ibe Couit-ilouje, '!(?' e he is now ('petur.v A GENERAL ASSO R l M L N '1 '0F G O O D 8, ; Consisting of tlu folLu'tiig at tuus, Hie nhe'e vf wluci are J:eih impoittd una seUctid "vjuh cart,ii'h!vt -he 'offers for -salt ut the in l 1 educed prices, Jor Lush or Cuuntrj Prvdiice. ' B EST Webt-India Rum v - . liviland Gin " ' (Jiiijc ilrawdr " ,. . ' ! Apjle will I'etci) do. . ' I bicrr) and Libboii Wines ' ' J-oafanct Drowi. .Sugais , . Imperial, liyson and souchong Teas CotiVe' aud Chocolate .Ciniiafiiou, Cloves, Mace and Nutmegs Mustard FcppuiVANpiccviiO jiii:ier ltuisoiis, Ahnncs and i'i lilies .' Salt upjrfiiie, coar e and tlastic C loths Ca.-i.iiucreS, i oiliiicis uint v.tibi!owns lJlain, cloirded and slnpLU Coatings TCcm-y-s, iljarUuis, 1 carnouijiila ,ind Half '1 hicks . ' Double inill(.'c Drubs - 1 Uose JJlalilnrlS Yam llo-e, iiiillcd and yij'n G!oves v bite, yi'i-cii, hCiict, ciiti.tyn, led mid ycl . low l'lainiCls . ' Green I3.ii?.e ' Gziuibuijjs, IVdtir'kirjr 4-4 and 7-6 in.-ii i..i:uiiand I.eetings (.checks ' lJ!am, coloured, tamboured, jr-paimtd, em- (jussed.lajiptjl und bojk yuslins Plain, nuicil and colonial jaconet and book- muslin llaiidkci t hi, U uiiU iSLawb ... I'hiin coloured S;.spi iiieU Coiton Candnick CruV.tib. l'li.t ;;iid t oaise Ini'ia Cottons iiandanna, liticu, culion and clivck ilf.miker- duel's , Trinttd Clitoes and Chintzes, of the mot , fashionable patterns , D'unilics l-'.mcy Coi ds cotton an 'Uilk Vvl vet. ( Duranis, v lUiboii-s.Tknibaztts, Moreens Sc Camblets -Men's women's and youths' silV, cotton and worst rd iiose Li-d'u'.sV M.ick, white and coloured &'lk and kid Gloves, cx'ra lon "7- Mcn's sil1;, buckskin and wash-leather Gloves Silk and mum Sipi ndtis Sewing Silir (nd .Twist j Sai i cnei and China lti'obons of all widihs and colours Nrt klaccs Men's, women's cm1 rent' s' Hats I.-dn.s' kid, n;i im.iu und li alhci Shoes' ..Miss's und children's !ii:o Men's coaise and fine !iho Stock rim, chest, cupboard, pad and port- , mantvau Locks .--.. - Cutuuu, poll, buu'he? r.iul bhoc Knives .. H.izors, iijscis, Drawing Knits had Irons . .Mill, whip, pit and Jiard Saws. Kilcs Ciiwond shoe IlamiTicib Hinges of all kinds, and a general assortment of I Lid ware and CiftUry Shoe, horne. wht'c-wall, scrubbing, tooth, comb, cloaths and p iiol Jliushc II mi n iod noiy Comb Toilet Glasses T04 Tray and Walters . . . Il.Mss antl iro.n Candifsticks . ,, Cotton and wovl Curds Ilolhlw N'are. 4 , f.d, Hd. am! 2C.1 rut an-J wrought Nail Spr'o;s, llraU and Tut ks Chair and switch Whips Lni'iri.lltt : 1 ookin Glased. i l.adi,' and Ri-tiil'-men's Tof kit-Ilorks , Q i.trtvr pint, luif pint aud pint Tumblers DedM'eis Qiir.i.'-Warc asnrltd XHkKEAs, from a lat; lijpcttfrif -Utcf, V ! u.,n t. a n u 'uhuiLtfJi iil. ,ail!ie:.r. I'j.i Ortn Mipriv d -i with tne Jbu.k ts a -ut b it e . 'Dug s- R DE fi ED-tb u e. tb un e . cy I i.a iti.nl if . IIjuJc jhalt pto. duce to hr (.cii ijtneis at I tir tixt v(c ing on t e r'dil i'i De unto r tn ju:r, ,no iruiO. r t v e &u: At:j.-j) t& tie n mc if tl'e :v. - er ion' catt', a'd two F,e jiu?s aij'i Mali d ith the nd'ne oj the izvn- er, caca.bj u . ; " t e large enough iq l ou'um thr.-e b:,Jtcts unJc the pe uUy-ef 40 :r pil:inls And. w:e' -as, m."i l;a,ied : hy tos I'ornmiJnners; tb.it it would ae CjH. s v -ni -Tit and advaiagts:ii to have a nuii.lt r j kf. b.e 1 'BucK'ti 'jiepjitrd i;; Joe futtrc ; p.ac , to u'jh h the d.n;bit ait's oj tic nu u . mi l others wight ' elv t tr ct'Je' 'f t- ciu : cy OiCoJ 'toned i'v' fir?,' It is jUr t:e Orter. j td that, que ) the t wr. B . kits uhii h 'ea.dy l-j'ubitnvt ej the t u it b ;., to be. 'b'tvi- dri witt pud to pruiv.ee us above Jl ttd, fbailbr d pifitfd it the t'.'w t lH',ult, ,h. te to r, nt.'iin ifder -"the (large and dir-tl.'.n if ' the C-mtnjfiontrs ; .i'it ! ("e a;y of t'-g hu Ut' J . dt-p Ji'ed fl?ail be f ft r dejlroyei tle Jh.il bt tp.ac a a' the cbarg if Hit t'lO'i. A true Coi) Irem tht liiixutes, ' .. " i njs, . r 7 HO: ; DAVIS. . Fresh Goods.; ' - v- C. Cc R. DUDLEY; HAVL ytJST RECEIVED, By th Sh:.)i Po l, St Va.tcy. n.d 11;io, ttoi'i livf rpoo', A CtNfRAL ASOBTMhNT i F DRY GOODSi (t rcju ly fc.etfed fi tm t'eMufiifaclones, which H ey are u6w opening, ut tteir :toe on t-e jonihjide of Market Street, fv,' djirs id'Ve the Ccmt Hsuje, end tir'e oettmi ,e I to fell on :l;e Lw ji tern:) Jor - V.alb or Ciuntrj Pr.duce. - AMONG WHICH ARE- .Sl.'PF H F 1 NE , Conjxbn ar.d Cojrfr .Cloths r...!i'..i.ctc.t, T.oili.'c!? a:d Swaiifdov i$ I' Din i;id viooli'! Cuti:-ps tJrce'n r.rd i nc Kmdal Cnltor.S P.i'lc ar.-! tii-lli- IV-i.k- ts h Ik, ri.iioi., 'ytit , s; .1 woiil-J Hufc Luis' !i!s atid'.n t.i. (J ..cs Flam e.!1. Olorfi'iiif:, ai.j Hcdiiukin Tj!i'i: C'mih a 1'. D.jj.rr Y-jd wide l.nll Liiuus and Slxuii i; 1 urct ant N 0 7 I C E. '"j'.S'C H.r j 1 in iv-ufibtf tit y X ibf in t-i' 1iwt ol Ih U' hmi dw Wl l"'" I'Oo .d i 1 1 d lv G ih I U I 'I " l ' ' ' ""f ' third 10 i" ri il ?.'. a d'kbmt 1! nr if'rU' .. "' b',H mt -lil bi t-iw 'O in hu II md i l.'b tnilny ' " ' ' " t...,, ill or i,,.mic.r l-d .1 tf-. 70 HE LET. . '1MAT irlU-i. fcMKXatl UIVCUP.t. 1 i ni, 1101(111,1 I4in Hi 1 .1 14. ll luuiiin, lonfiilU n,yri4 I I (, m'r ! M I. Mulk'l t M.i. g I,, ul, T Itdli 1 'li bt .r on the 1 j h ol O.tuin, . torn iu M i TUOVttK, 01 . A. J. IjI0 k.. irUMi, S, fU 4. lS,. 4UV ( 'j Ji ',S und lluttcr I'ols " j( Tr.ifo Hope, llvd Cords and Lead! I akin Up, At' D i,in turd 0. ib 0 '. l ihii f oaniy, iht ic el AnS. 1 '! 1 in klo tIU b-mit I ,C)HN il,., r... 41a tit I tri, -T KT U.i.l' Mitf tp,A CORN 1 r I. ANfAfi'OI MR V.y'p.M. i I lmn y rl.W vl MO' 1 1 V '4 S LL, fn ...... . ii.ff d ! Mtti it ftn ltd- IN ! il I ' ' kriU'., lk Inl 11 - 1 i, mii'iT,w' 'fHMMtw HENRT WATTf.M i II lit I L. I, st It 11 ill lw n n firm i ) 4 P. 10 Ki 0 r in n, tin I. h m, k t' in J f UN, bt I.iH, li K lu.m ,, .inlaid I 4.iv tiif'i.ul ( It cr. 1 h I 14 1 if h'l t''i f oif H lr, II i jyl 1, m id 10 I 'I (lt. Mr II ttm ( i;, 1 f 1 iMh ia li.(li, Ihin (Km mi It it, tM mi I, fnil.g .V il i m ot cim en i bk, h ii N m I'.'l b l' 'irrn hi. mhri4 ol 1 ,f t f, i. An r.l V.r tl. inm-n iU lrr-id M. i Mirkid 11 a-r In ,14 in mM kri f Utn. 1 (y tUtfii lillblm!), li' If til bt fo.AMir it4iu(it. J Suliivun, Gtalcr. nr Lines Saltpetre, Alhitn. Uriiulc:.e, Coppuas r di r und hhol liar Iron Andiiiitii ShotU and Toni and other ariidcs too tcdioui to rnumciatc. IIKNRY H. HOWARD. Vtiimirgtrn, A". IJ, 1551. 410 " th : su iVrckTFhK.s HAVE 'JUST nrCElVU) f ROM WROTE, kjr M bl , folly 4i k i jr, 1.4 tu. And roi iijHiiin in ihc btmc Ltt v mm. picl hy r-, Zbuter in Moiltt St ret l, iirsi iWif to Mefirt, Juhn (J Riihutd flr,idlt), A CH)MI. ASSOKTMf XT r DRYGQODS, Whiih ihcj i-lfcf lor bale on inoJcratc ieiin for Calh cr Cntmiiv t'rtM'ncr. CMKISTOHIKR DUDLliY U CO. It'll ni'f in, Aiv. J, 1834. 410. 410, ml -iiicii, laioiXMijid, fn i'k T.1' 11 ni Mi'lliu ttjri'kcicVrf5 P'nl Shaw! Cruon and ih-ca' Cjiivmu I,, Cuvais J ice and ciuilc Iwtiia Coi.oi.s ifiiul.ii.a. it en, cotU'ii ami tluil'.nlH'l.f, Ffiniii! Cil.coei 4nd Chiiucol t.ic ncik . fallnoiubic j atltii:S DiiranK, l).inli, WH't im! f!iffd Marftillcs Kancv Cord and Cclt'Mi VUrt 0r juts, Wikib'itci, iiouihazc j, Mt ; ieeni an1 Camhci Silk an ! iiiiton Sufpe : 'ris b.win i'lk ai d 1 ' " f.arcs at.il K..I; ng Ssnenct and China Ribbons vf all sviJ;!.t n-d o'ours , . Ftatlier', Attlficia! Powers ar.J Wreaths Wliitc.nl cdtniirrd Jntis Silk, (Iriped anj flin N a- keens Si k and ditto:. U iibtil'as Nickluci, Eardii-p and Firgcf Rinl I.aJ c' c! i-ant Hair Ornrrtms Ty.Y-ub.4, Cnaius, Ktyias .l Stall Men's, W'mrn's and Y nih'i Hals Plated in! IraUCaid til ks I' alid and lomiro-! Callois . -Chair and ri.iinf; Whirs l'niiinanirau Si co r.ttmn TnmVi,nirtc. A Urg'und gtnr.il .'Jf 't tment 1 Hani-Ware, G In C-Ware, intone W are, ami Ln kny, tit ted nut ii mtntt .n. Ten Dollar Hcwnrd, 11 tlIOIII 1KIII Will. t ii lor ukr r i4 rfi'im! la mt, mt Irttiiirf m J I fi ilii t !' him, tj riffi imh kAM, l i.n t fra rf ih. iU. Ill u -1 iccKii Ink, t y b(b, 6 tn m4f ln4 it' tin itHi r I ma- if (ki 4. Sir h4 ta ria k 11. ii, t 1 ln Ourl iM nt4 bom-la i. All r.lu tl .ll fi kiirt cii4 lil tiltVvH,fH!oiaiM HMfiM biw !. .. . . t: fAia.. 1 ,1. 1 .4 1 l