"'V; I - , . ' ' . ' ' . . ' . ' . " ' ' , PUBLISHED (WF.EKI.T) MX ALL HAND HALL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1804.. roi..yo. 4"13. - s of ll e4 r Li lu I, Inj; .1 - General JJfembl) OF NOUTH-C AR0L1N A. BOUSZ OF COMMONS, ' November 21. - The following Mcffage was receive! from the Governor, by Mr. 1. W. Guion, Ms Secretary,: ' To the Honorable the General Assembly of North-Carolina, " GENTLRBIIf, BEFORE 1 proceed to lay before you the feveral fubjeels which I have it in con temptation to communicate, permit me to congratulate you, as a Body of AgricuL turHis corning from all parts of the Stare, that notwhhlfartdjng the excc(fiv and a larming' drought which we experienced "dutirijtW. litter part of the palt fu miner, our crops, though, comparatively iighr, will be found fuffi;ient, if ufed wjth ceco riomy, to furnilh a comfortable lupport for the people at b'rge ; and though jhe encreafed, price of the necetlaries of lile may fall heavy upon a tew, that gsncral diftrefs, which at one 'period' was appre. Jierjded, will riot, truif he felt. In purfuance ot t!?e direction bf the laft General AHembly, i tranfmltted on the 1 8th December bit, to his Excellency the Governor of South-Carolina, a copy of the at juft then parted, .entitled " An act appointing Commiffionera to extend the 1 Boundary Line of this Hate and the Stare of South-Carolina," the receipt of which was acknowledged by him the 17th March following ; when it appeared that my com munication was not received until after the LeiQiture of South-Carolina had ri fen. -. J ft this letter his Excellency Hates his intention ot hying our aft before their Legilhttire at their extra, (eflion to be held in May t but not having been favored viih any communication from him liuce, it is pre fumed that tbs Legiflature did not ad on this iuhjeel at (hit fclfion. : Soon after our laft General AfTembly rofe, I recrived a letter froin his Excel lency the Governor of.Gcorgia, endofing an extract of an Art parted by the Legifla iiireofxibai State on tb-if ik't December afl, nukiirg provifion for the" afcertain ihg, running, an J marking the Bonn iary ' Line between Georgia and North-Caro Una. It appears that bf the convention " entered into bet weenihe IX'iiie i States and the State of Georgia, on the 34th A pril, i862,'ihat that part of the territory, ceded by South-Carolina, to the General Government, which lies well of the Blue Ridge of M-i iutns, and iouth of the fotifhcin b'iiniirics of frorth Carolina and Tcanciic:, was edcl to the State of Georgia. It u pre fJmed this clrcum ilance was ncM adveiifid ro by the General AttijrriMy 01 thts iute when the above ad wat pa'lud ; and had the LeglfUture of South-Carolina, at their M ty feifion, have , taken up the fubjef) and ma le provifions for co-operating with our CommitHoneri, aJ the Boundary Line between thb State tnd Sinth-Carolini, had been fettled as far at her limits extend, I lhoulJ have thought m)fc!f jutliBeJ by ibe intention of the laiv in directing the Comminloncrs appointed un l rit, t have proceeded with the C" nmilfi'r?ri which might havebten appointed for the purpf bv the State of , - Georgia, o hive exTcnJcJ the line'to the Stat cf renneffce. But it appears from ih? letters which ' hate palTcd between his ExcUency the 1 Governor of Georgia and tuyfclf on this lubjcct (wluch wuh ht extract of iht law above alluded to, are herewith fent, mark aJ(A) that if our Commidijners hid have met the Co.:imi(Soteif appointeJ by that jiatr, nothing coold have been done, on Sccotm of, 1 he Gf rrnor of Georgia' b iecli.insiOthcrrutifjInour Law, vhfch . . . ' . r . 1? Hates that tttf rxtcnuonoi ine line man tnt tlic titVsT of inyperfon or per. font to the butts rmered in either of the fji.l Ststr unlefi thi provifo was a. greed to b Georgia, I cnnccive no ati. thniliy but tl LrK'flatitit hid a right to concede it. The Leiflnute will per ceive the ncceffiiy of making provifions to adjuft this matter with Georgia, at that luirr.nny which oUjJn 10 fubftlt bclwetn filler Stairs, canruit be maintained with hu 1 heir liiniu'aie accuiaitty defined a ltd ntaiLrd. . , A cerrmurlfatiott ftin ii Kxcellerry tUGctcri er f the State cl Tctirtrllct, iVfd the loth i f AnK'-fl '-H, irdofifg a cpy of an Acl of that f ate, latiljir.g and cnnfiitnlt. the set f this Stair, -I fd bv the latt lifTiort i.f.ihe Gei.tl Af fnnb'y, auihottlirg tleGcnetal AITtm'ly to pfflrcl titles to lire's tifttved'to this Smeby the CtCiort Actt Atd snotber 1 letter dated the 8th October, 'inctofing a cony of an ad of that State, author) fing -the Cuttcf Sevier county ,-to open a ce r- tain ruautneieir. mcnuunco, : auu-iu ha. a turnpik or turopikes Athercon, are laid" , before you, marked (B). The law of this "State of which the ,-firli mentioned adk is confirmatory, 'did not receive the jiecelfa ry alfdit of Congrcfs at the lafl fcflion : but it is probable that the fubjeft will be at;' 41 tl )iy4iaii iwiiiw vvutyij a ; itec 1 ituii ut Dc naa tnercon in time to De iTTaid before you during the prefent felfiiv. In thilaw tor opening a new road it will be obferved, that a requeft is made that, the Legillaturr ot North-Larolina will co ? opeaWSvih the Hates' of. .TcimelTce a nd GVordrtu tn- etfectirtz'that part of it which ' pa lies jtb rough this state, which isetUma- . ted at aDotit tpuneen mues, A letter from his Excellency the Go vernor of Maflachufefts, dated the 2id of June bit, '. inclofi'ng. certain Refolotions ot the Leiuiture or tnat o ate, propo. ling au Amendment to the Lonllittition ot the .Unwed States, accompanies tins marked (C.) A " propofitiori of this na ture will be thought defsrving'of the molt ferious coririderation of "the LcgifliVirc, and I make no doubt, will bs acted m with that deliberation and CJutio.1 its iiii- portance requires. .'..; Thc Secretary of State of the United States, by i letter ilated. the 24 h of Sep tember latV mark J I (D)-ceitihc:5 that the propofe'i Atiendmcnt to the Co.itinuion of the United. States, relpcttiug the elec tion of Preli lent and Vice-P.efitfcnt of t!e. United States, hs been duly 'rati fie 1 by three-fourths of thc.Starcs and that it is therefore becomi "a part of the Contlku lion. An extracl of a letter from the Sa'ici. tor-Gcneral bf this State, dated the 10 h of Oilober lall, rcrpect ng the trial and puniihmcnt.of Slaves, and the prefenr in. fufficiency of our coals, is fubraiued to your confi deration, marked (E A l". eft pillars of national ftrength. And fee- ' iievin! that nothing would tend more to L. the advanfrmrnt of the cha rati e rTa nd re f peclabiliry f this Sta!e, than a general difFufion of learning, I am dcfirons "of leeing a plan of E Juration introduced, 'which (hall extend ilct to every corner oftheState. It is trur tnsf macy very, refpeclable Acad:,mit;vlt've been iailitincd in various parts , of j!ie.,'S te ; but it is alfo true that feveral of thein have 'failed for wan,.,ot fuffici"nt fnppnrt, and others are in a 'Ungiiithiug fla'c. Since the prof, peril y and h ippititf-t ol a nation depends fo much on a.prrtper education' of isciti zens, individuil exertions-'ought. 'Co" be lecoiiiled by public patronage." .' Were this the cafe,' our Schools Muuid be piked on a folid foundation, and the children of the poortil citi?cn might have arcefvat leait to neceiriry inMruclion. ". The heft meihod of trlVt.in" iliis ilcfi raole end will be deviffd by the G.cneral Alfembly. , 1 1 cannot, I ..koovlraccoj-nplifhid 'without an addition to o,.ir. tcver.ue ; bit! certainly every citizen wil? he willing and de (irons of ct)ntriburmg tc-A-ardi an expeneft' (0 well applied. ' , ', l'he United Statts luting wifely deter mined not to 'maintain a lart'c (landing arniy in time of peace, but deret) I alto geth'jr on the Militia ot 'our Nation for the defence of our liberty on ipmjt'erty, it is therefbte .neci'lliry tluf ilic people fhonld b- well pro idfd with ains. Moll of ihHlates have entered ii:io reulaiions tor this, purpofe ; ' but, as yet, .imihijig has been done on litis head in Norih-Ca-rolina. And. the coi.l.qucuce is, thar, a great part of our tjiizenn are without arms, -or at lead without fuch as wotildhe eSccl.ual.in a fi-afon of acltial for vice. 1 1 is hoped the Gfneral Alfembly tvi "I tahe this fubjeil into cunfidcra ion, 3rd retnedy a defect which -ouht not to txill amon a people fitaaicd 3s we are. In coricliifi n. Gentlemen! ricrmit me felicitate you on the proftx-rou a--d letter Utcl December 16, 1803, was j hippy fituatin ( our Nnio:; .1 AHiirv. ived from Oeden Holmes, ol Georgia, 'o-x the recent comnuin cmion of the p ... r. 1 I n t r 1 O'f. I. f .1.. tT. C . . .. . . i . that the mifunilerllanding nith F jairi which has for fne time palt occalioned a :reat degree of abn.t thrcuh'tut i nr ij Cujnlry, i likely to be brought to an '.".'amicable tcrrr.i.i.t tioo : that our frlen.l with the i.a'inn of recei immediately after the clofe of the lad (ef. (ion of iho Lcgifl jtti'rcT atledglrig himMf to be the fole proprietor of the cotton gin, requeuing thit his letter might be bid be fore the General Alfembly, and that s lie money payable by the S ate to Metlrs. Miller and Whitney," might b- fufpendeil until the deciGoi: ot a certain foil drpcud- j. ing in ihc Federal Court rcfp:-cling it. U Ths letter is r.ow laid betore the General , Alfembly, ; to c:her with a copr of the ' patent granted to Miller and Whitney, ! and ot that granted to laid Ugdcu Ho mr , marked (E) which I have obtained by mean of Mr.. Macon, ore cf our Rcpre fentativrsin Conjrcfs, for your iiiforma tion ; and from a ptrufal of vshith; vo-i will be ab'e tt farm" a oin-clojir.ion on the fubjtft. I t the courfe of ihc dimmer I recrived 78ti copies of the lav s of tlu fint fcflion f the feventh Congrcfs of tit; U. Slates ,for the ufc f ihi State, and I am lately ad vi fed by theSectetaiy of State, that he has direcf cd 6;o copies of the laws of ihc fecond fclhonof the fcTenth Congrcfi to be forwarded, a a part of ihofe tu vhrh ibis Sta'CMS entitle I, which latter parcel . A mclTjge was rect ivrd from the. Senate propotitg to .appi iltt a coaim.it t'ce to prc . pare a. bill for t lie quajiiiivg thlaniUax, -and appoint itig on their, parr. ' Meffr.--' Willi) 6; n, ylexan(!er,VLe, of IWluu Williams,' of P;t, M(n'tgomi-i.y-. an. I Aj fl'ur; .''which the Uoufe of Coaimons 4. "greed to, and : appointed' cn their' pa it,. M. (Irs. M'ore,X.o--t, Al!enf Tlwtrtj.i.fooj - CatnpbellW; W.iltams W bihea;f, J . " joniiS, Sawyer, 'Niftl, I ur.iiumy i:Ttjnch , Richardfort, Knight, and Br..vn,- " Jm-'etuber ' The Speaker bid befon.- the "'fV.jirV the letter ?t J )(vph"Giil:V .ptbHe.'pn;iev ; . referred to thb ciriviuJ-.t-,- to whom w.&s referred m letter "ot ilia n 'lioylah, . printer. " ' . ; . ; . Mr. M. Moore pn-fentcd aj:Lj.il. to re- . p.al an act, eiiiitled f an acd, to repeal fo nuu'i of the feveral laws uuw in ( force in ' this (late, as grants power 10 the Ti n (tees of rlie Univei (Ity ut N .C'. to fei?Vci polR-fs (r the life )(. the fjb'U 1 iyei lit y, any t f hea tci! Or coiififcattil projieiiy,". rctd, ft nt to Senate and rcvorned. . ; Mr.'Ndlh prefciited a bU.fi;j ,fhr re lief ot thofe j,eif.Vfii .ho. ar i-ivcuttd j "(torn giving ?n evidence- :htii Dcfd, lJiils ' ! 'ot Sale and conveyances of ihetr. pifona! ; piopeny, .-proved and rcjllcrttl iit.dcr i:.o I law, . ' ' : .- ., ;' . j The bill to. er.coitrage.intjuwj. navigation' wus referred to a committee .ut the I two houf. s. . ' ' .-" j , A co limit tec from the two houfes are appointed inr the pur pole cf examining if any, and wia: altufation? mgy be tiece'". C.ty,iu our judiciary f) item mi theiomi,,it ict conliits vf MrlTrs Alexander, Jlsjnpn i"oii',j" M"o iTi :.y7 tu cry , K . Coc h r a ri , J u ' T Cberryi of. I3ertie( Low tic, Peaifou a.;d Pniicr. . ' ,r i November 2, Th: bullotting fiir Snat'csr ! thc.f.lJni ted S ates, is. to take p.!v.e on jTucfday j Mr. JifT.-e rra..k'in was r oni'in.iied. n '4 Mr. Biown prefen ed a bill to .amei.d an -J. entitle I " u .ic"t concernjo" pn).) vii j! wills and granting fcieia ot a Inuijf- a' ion, and to preVftit fuiJ in ilieiiii-. ujM-mnM ot inieiltch' , eljt".',';. p(jwd .0 'I i.e Uiivtifiiy LiH tabid over u;wil Moi:day vctk. fhii and intrrcoui fc Europe aicundidurbcd that 1I1V tempo 1 .1 1 y Government ot Louifiana ti onc j.: tiful ; that a pood unrjerllnndii j ius j, ;n ellablijhed. wiih the Indians within our new'y -acqutei itni oty'i; ihat an Important rclt. q itbmc'it of native title ka been icciivtd from the Dobwarrs km ween the Wabalh andOhi. : i!ui oir i D'iaii;ci continue in iu.ui every expects- j tin raiff l icfecling tl'.em ; that our 1 Na io;ial IJe'.t H greatly diminilhed ; an.l , t'ui our prcfei.t K-venue is fuilicjertt for J evi rv pnrpnfe of G wernnjent, iihout 3. ti ny a Ic'itiotial burthen on the People. This certainly i a fi altering reprcfenfa l.on, and its truth cannot be doubted. There tscety probability that the pre. 1 fent chief rrtaciftratc of I he Unite I States j w ill be rc elcdlcd, and that fume prrfonof limilar political lenttmvnts will be cholcn It We vtjc.r.tiiJcnt. 11 10, we may tea- I am informed Int. arrived at Newbcrn, '; (uiably calculate on their roiidi.clino 'our antldircclinn has bcrAi given for t hem to' .! concet n'i'Tir ilic "nexTrour yean, with the be forwjidcl 10 ibi pb.c, anJthc receipt ! fe wifdont, moicration and economy. ol them it t Specie I jo frw dayt; fj tlut whiih have dillii -guifluJ ihc prefrnt Ad. a double portion it n lu be diftributc.!. mil i'Sratiou; It is the duty of our iiii. Yoi will i ufual, 'irtcl in what manner I ''-r11 l'Ki hoacter, 10 be cVir.tbtaly they flnll be appoiiioncd, and by whom lent loihe kvcral rounties. The file marked ',Gf cituin ihc letvrj on their guard lUat no tucioachmcn's be made ti their tights ; to be ever jvaloui rt their privi rpci" atricemrn; aid to of foch militia oflivcit and jtiil.cr ef the j -ke are thi'ihc revenue paid for ihc peace, ahavr rctigntd ihcir aproinmer'i f"ppon rf G errmctit, be not wallcfully 10 mc duiirtg t! e latticccls til ire Lrgttb. 'r.propti'y applied, luic. 1 hiotid at we sic v i h ihc triofl rx 'Having fo:' '.ro fi:rl,fr at rrcfeut ta corTiniunkate, I miht l.cre c'.nfc my J. lrtf; but though I hive r.o donbt that ivirr mtifvtc caUiibtcd for ihe good i.f nr ct mif.cn coontiy, w ill occur in ihe General AflYrnblj, t hope 10 be emu fed tor mcr.ticnii g tuonr ihtccohjcdt which appear tome patllcubily wonhy ot no. litr. Pciluptit is altrpether unnrfelTary for me to re'vaiiicod 10 our ctM.lidefaiimi ihc impiuititeiit eif our toads at d irbnd rtlleM Gcvernme tit on Earih 11 lccnrr.ea i. to he graceful 10 ihe 5oprcme Jlcirj ) r thit ictltimhle I hlTmg ; and as ihe primanmt (elitity rf Nations it Wifely (or.iitfttd with their virtue, it is incum hei'i m iveiy good citlren 10 exemplify inhii omii eharacler, his refpect lor Re ligion and Morality, that our Free Go urrmcr.t may be ertablifhed on the cn!y fine luur.daiion. I'uai.ic OiDia. jAN-STUHNt-R. . - November 3 2. The 5prker laid before ihc lloufc ihe natiLatun, a. far at prorturuy e(I.rs and our iriunnr.eti will allow. It j; reptefentilion ard proptifitiom ot Win. wrtild be eq ially f0 10 fpeak of ihe im. I Ilr'y'an ol the City c Raleigh, primer, jcrtittceot incouitiLingsy evety Imiabb wimn beirg rn.f. mean, the agrtcultnte, comtnttce m mar utacnnes i.t our cour.tty, Ijjt would molt tfprtiilly rail )our aiiemivn tu he fohjcl ul K,!oation. It it a nulh lo'undeil un the t ?f eiienre agtt, thai It vvJcVUorc fc hits Rifi.Uiil. Ti ki ih Piddle Piiminir of j lie picleni Selfion be divided between Jo : fcfh Gale: and William I)o)bn, at.d in , older to prrfenbe ihe lutie df rath, a fon.m.iue be feinted to tilng in a bill j '19 that cfftcV :i r ? 1 the ih'p Clvi!, Hum Ca. 'i:z, t'ui iiur 1. 1 lii.u diliiy tlioiifjiift i.tj--u.Ufi i:eic; Lid tailed victims l MJi, to the yvllow level, vl,it It in in deftruttive, prnj res ivjA ren h;-d (iihialtar and Gadii. . At i'ic U'ter plet: Irniu Irve-iityio eighty' periods died tUiiy ; and ihf.j n o( Gtbral tar was (hut .gatnit vtflefs'fiuiii tttry rj'utrcr.- " , , Ti'r United Stated frigate' K(Tck touch- id at Cadtx abut a ucek titiVe ihe fail, ing ohhe t'jyde, 10 obtain informatit. n reinrctitif foinc Moorilh vell.-lt vbirhh, ' I- n " - r J - . - 1 " . uepanru ipr i-iia n j out me rcutnicil to her (bt Son on hi.dirg ihey'wcilt there on-, ly to he coppertd. ''. 'l'he hero ol Hohtitlindin, " t'ie brave MoRf.AU, remained at Cadiz. 0 c ol his IvrvantJ was i'l of ihe fevrr. The warrior and his family, i' was mmoure l, intended J iu remove inun C-dit tuCorunns, if pcr midion cftuul be obtained. The ore jtck- -merxii MadamrMfitrcati had ttiniSrrale.l'" in the bum el a daughter ; aod as t'e (i iiution of his bdy'wwt il.c piincipal ob ject wh eh retarded the rmbaikation ol the Gerural, ihis ilhifttioni man may be ihorily cxpcclvil in tin U. S'atei. By an arrival ai thit place, London papeis -re received lr the 2vh ol Sep tembrr. The Ruffian charge d'alTi.cs had lef Paris. The tniniflcr of Sweden had been direcled to have Ibiii within fi diyi. Tie French minilUr at ihe Ruf fian court hadbten ordered tu leave Pe tetfburgh Immediately. An infurreelion had taken place at or near HillKJa in Spain, and 10, ceo mtn had ei tiri chcd ihem. felves 10 tcf.ll ihecommanjt of ihe Spa. uilh iovrrnmci.t. A London piir i of ihe 24th of Srptem. Ur ubfervei Lrtiets front Spam, i:h ihe (all LifLon mail, irtntion, that after il.c atiiv.l 1 if a touricr Iroin Admiral Gn. .vira, ihc Ambafta.litr i hit CaihtdicMa. jefly In Fraree, the Cahir.ei ol Midrhl I'idertd il cjuipmeM of ft.ma (htpi of the line and lume fiigaiet ; Jlunapatie in tilling ilui the blockade ! its porta by a Iiiiiifh fuadrou it an ir.fiaUion. tipf,V :he i.euirattty r I Spin, li is bctievtJ ihofc Spamfh thtpi now are tied i red to ferve ai convoy to I I.e l'trneh aid Dutch Ihipt at Feiio!, or raiUr. u augment their lumber ir-d in cafe th-y are tt. tacked, (uth an atl will bj rtgaie'tdt dcclataiion of tsar on thopatt of pair.. 4 .VI r

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