lvwa even said at Usbori, that thews pro eeedines, and this determmatfonofthe Court f Spain, had already been announced at the ', vourt of bt. James. s. : : A gentleman who left, Paris, on the Hthi and Rouerdim on the 18b announces, as -rumour In France and Holland that'the Em peror of Russia ha, intimated to the Court or Copenhagen, .fiat in the event of a rupture juffcr any French agent to residin the Da- "i- L J j:?t-.. . n.n nipt ' f" 4I1MI UOIIIIiriVlia, Ul -suuui l'"v"v (- w Dsnmark, a neutrality that must be injurious to Europe. A declaration nearly to the-same effect is saidto have been made to the Otto- man Porte by ahe Russian. Ambassador at CONGRESS. it: Just ImDorted . two and6 Puinti BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, AND FOR SALE MJ.M. G ADIE's miu PROOF STORE, North ot the Market Whart, A . utN aflbrtment of Cordage, from to feven inch" SnuirYarn ' : Bolt Rope of different fuei .' Marline and plow Lines Sewing and 'whipping Twine' K u ilia Duck Englilh Duck from i, ? 4, . Saflv Lines and Bed Cords Log, hand and deep fea Lines , Small white Cordage -Sheathing and trapping Paper Red and yellow Ochru Lamp Black White, red, Spahifh brown, Yellow and black Bik and green Paint in fmall pots Stripper flail and vump Leatner Punop Tacks and Clout Chifclv Gouges and Augers Cook and carpenter! Axes Carpenters' AJzcs and Drawing Kuives Ciaw Hammers and HatchetJ 1 feet Rules'and GuBUr'i Scale DiVilers Caulking Toota Jack, fore'and fmoothing Planes TimeGiafl:s 14. 8. Ha'f hour patent Time Ghffrj Spike and narl GirrMts of -U lues Pal m I ironi "and fait N etdle. fifhing and chalk Lines Tin am! horn Lanthcma P.nible'snd fingle bolt Padlocks 13 fs. Cock) and Since Pans Cook'a Ladles' and Tormentors Hooks, Thimbles aod Canliuoks Tar and paSnt' Brulhe Grains and Harpoons Scrapers anJ Hooks Faint, an J S crmaCt-li Trail Culler Mills Tin Pots ' , Blatk Jacks Powder ' Shut ainl bar Lead Slates ' ' ' ' lliiulfaw Files - , l and 1 allort' fli.e ft lh' Honks of V lize Oil Writing PupiM-, Ink Powder k inkftands S at'ionary alTorted K.nivc and "Fork, tea nd tilde Scotia Tumbieis by Hie nicit, itraw u; quat.tilj J) pi anJ mould Candles, '., Old J.maa 'Rum by tf.c puncheon or gjllon , j'rtwt oU Cngnia Buiidy (iin by the g'lfon 'it uSi . " " Wcfl India Hum OirSVrry Wine Mwfc Jo aii I lo-f Star Tea. UUk1epi'tf Cpeca. Cotks i.u and Tobacco, ( The above ankles will W clii'potetl ot rcalm.abtyvlor Cajb ' ' v CAM I ROM li BARCLAY. a3, 1604 43 : THE SUnSCRlCKRS iJAl'Z Ty'STJIECUtZD I'llOJJ LVROPZ II M SlJf4 fti u .r,lo And n J iipvtituj; in tin- btoi Lie v orrn ji'vl by &irm Jhn SfH'tr hi Atttkth Sirul, in it At4 U JLj'frt. Jlli Lf a kUtKiL i-.cmTs:.-r r DRYGOODS iviT.iDiJ 'to the sr.iioyt" Wluvfi th, Hf lr Sale mm m-lcraie Acini lur,Cn orCoM-Mrt PfP4'Mre. Cit KITOPlILK; )UI)i f.Y if CO. ''infr-M At'. IJ, 1804. 410. ,. AST i'fiiK VMHtJ Tkt Vj ;t I ., ift.,!it tut.. Eu. 4t li, ffoBSJt'bF R&rMMstxrAfirKSy - 5 November T4. The Speaker, laid before the House a letter from Duncan M'Farland, relating to the con tested lection of Mr. Purviance from North Carolina, referred to the Committee of El ections. . , , ,. The Speaker also laid before the house-a. - letter from the Secretary of the Navy enrelor ping a report on the navy pension fund, which was ordered to be printed. ' ' Mr. Crowningshield presented the peti tion of Simeon Noyes, an , old revolutionary sojdier and non-commissioned. officer, who was disabled in the service bf -wounds and sickness, who a tho admitted on the pension list by the Judges of 1792, has never recei ved any assistance .from the United States, and prayitii; a pension may Jbe allowed him to enable him to support himself, his wife and eight children ; on motion this petition was-eferred to a select committee of three, but on motion of Mr. J. C. Smith, the rjuesiion was recon sidered, aod it rav referred to thecommittse of claims. Geji. Vamum moved that tha cooinvittee be instructed to consider at large the subject relative to invalid pensioners Sc the situation " of all persons who were womnded or disabled in tkc service of the United States, during our revolutionary war with Great'Britaii), and what further me.l.sures are necessary to render them such ample N remuneration a justice may require y ordered that, the com mittee .be instructed accordingly. Dr Leib mentioned to the house the con dition in which the public buildings, (the ar setul at Philadelphia) the property of the U. States were : one of the sections, was raised to the hrst floor, and some other parts were left unfinished, indeed M the uncovered parta of the buildings were more or less suffering dilapidation or going to decay ; he thought itwQttWJbe found prudent tA.finUh .them in order to preserve them. He . therefore mo ved that a - committee be appointed to en- j quire-into the expediency of making provi sion by law fur the completion of the public, buildings belonging tothe United States, near Philadelphia. Referred to a select commit tee of three members. ' - Mr. G. V. Campbell moved to instruct the committee appointed on that prtofthe Pre sident's Message which- relates to the en largement of the capital employed in com-, merce with the Indian tribes, to enquire into what alterations and amendments are neces sary to the law regulating trade vid inter course with the Indian tribes, and preserving . peace on the frontiers, with Icav; to report by bill or otherwise. Agt tied to. Adjourned, November IS. 'Mr. M. Clay presented the petition of the stock-holders of the Alexander Marine Insu ranee Company, praying to be authorised tj make intnrmie on hous, &c. from loss by fire ; referred to a select committee of three. Mr. J. Randolph moved the order of the day on the bill waking farther appropriation for carrjriiif, into execution the treaty bet ween . the U. States and GreaUDritaia. Mr. J. C. Smith Tn the chair. The blank was filled w'ub 70,000 dollars, the cvminiltte then rose ami t (ported the bHl. . . . . - 'le house ..greed tothe same areported and ordered it-to b engrossed for a third .reading. A message from-the President of the U-, niu'ri States was received, accompanied ly the report of the Secretary of the Navy cow- municatingthc doeMineiii requested by Hie hoU'.e relative to the affair of the Intrepid Ketch under the command of Capl. Uccatur, who it was aniumnqed bad'been prnmutcd to the rank of Civpiaiti in the Navy of the Uni ted States. Ordered to be printed. Mr. AUtrai moved to refer the act of North- Caroling authorising the state of Tennessee , lo perfect titles 16 lands reserved to that state by the cession act, to a selec t committee f Cve, wi;U lea ;o report byiill or otherwise. Agreed to. Ur. Mitchell mads report from the com. mi'.tee of commerce and maimlachircs onthe petition of the Slate Companies of New .York and Dutchess counties, concluding that any additional duty on imported slate at this time will be inexpedient. The general prin ciple u;rm which this report was bolUnncd, btiug of unideraUlc loipoiunrc, oivd likely to excite dv.ustin he moved to refer it to Mto.nmitlee of the whol, and that it be nude site order fur Vucsday next ; agreed and im ihe mean timefcrdcred tii be vr'n,ed. Mr., Newton stated 1 fact rdatireto toti- xtnoUtcorgia, svh hd bceii sued In that state ; Uittli rjedilor finding the titiaen was coming t Washington, dismissed his suit there, anJ procured his arrest here. Til Lbtor as a stranger, for want of 1uil most h .re grc to prison, hut throuk the huma nity of tfte roarhal who ernmpttded him to aeveral '.daces in the territory in aearch of a frirttd. tlkidtdttur waw. fnrtiinta , proc tire the rrqnuiu euiSty, mid tkcrtby . avoided the hardships of I m prison mrt. ! 1 1 prevent in fatutt this ?.tifopprti.n 19 wnicn iiiKnucri art itaTiie, Ire moved that 1 a MlcUomaittrt of five he appointed ion J qtire whether any, and if iry, what altera lions art )ctiar"lo))j ms lc in the laws of j thedi.nit Colunihia rtlatite to hoMing, terson to bail, an J that tkry he authorised ! to terKMtby bdl oroiherwile. A committee taf five w appointed accord. j Oft mot! no of Cen. Slants. 1 he pel it ion i cfanumbercf inhabitsnts tf WtMirl'. i th entf of Wrvnunsrton KhOfteIslar.tli - praying arngnt-nouse may . be erected on Watch-hill point f' and another lrom btootng- ton, in connexion far a similar purport,- was referred to. the committee of commerce and manufactures with leave to report by bill or otherwise. Adjourned . -; ' .-: '-; . November V6. -The engrossed hill making farther-appro priation for carrying into effeat thq treaty of Amity, commerce and navigation between the United States and Great-Britain was read a third time and passed. ;. - , , Mr. K. Gnswold moved for the appoint ment of a committee to enquire what further provision ougot to oe macUby law wr the en couragement of the fisheries of the United States ; the motion was carried ; and the re port on this subject made at the last session was referred to the same. i Mr. Jackson moved for the appointment of acotamittee to consider of the inakirig provi sion for the Application .of the money hereto fore appropriated for laying out and making certain public roads. , A committee ol five was appointed. - 1 ( ' Mr. Kennedy presented abolition from a number of Ihe inhabitants . of Roanoke, &c. via North-Carolina, prayiog a port of entry may be estabrisjied at the town of Pfymouth, peferred to the. committee already appointed on thi. subject. . . Mr. FinJey fromthe comnaitteeof elections, reported that the members who had been re turned in the place of those 'who had resigned or deceased were entitled to tke '(dicirteats. aitBaj aJUaWsiaa d NORFOLK, Nov. 12, A Baltimore paper of last Saturday morn ing, received by Capt. Browu 'a packet, which amved'here early yestecday, says,. " A gentleman from Annapolis informs, that a French frigate of 44 guns arrived there on Tuesday , when she saluted the city. She conveyed to this country Gen. Thuriot, the ' Imperial Ambassador to America,-who land- tqat Annapolis early yeiterdayrfisornxig." MIL MJHG7 0 i7 TUESDAY, D ECEMBElf 4 N.C. 1S04. The following table exhibits the political character of the Electors of President Sc Vice- President, actually appointed: - Rcpub. -Fed. Connecticut, tJ 9 .-New-York,:. ' . r' ' 19 ' 0- Vermont, - 4 O New-Jerseys " 8" Delaware, ' ' 0 Virginia, - 2 i Pennsylvania, ' 20 ' O Maryland, LU 0 North-Carolina, 14 o I : 102-- 1? WASIIINGTGN CITV, Not.2V GENERAL THURIOT,. Minister Pleni potentiary of the Emperor i .France, baa.ju-- nred at h place. "'"RALE I GIL November 26. Our present Governor, James Turner,' Esq. was, on Saturday snorning, re-elected to that office the ensuing year, by all the votes of the General Assembly except one. To-morrow (Tuesday)- is fixedLfor electing a Senator of the United States for this State, in the place ofJesse Franklin who U again in nomination. Ml will have been seen,: from the communi Nation of the Governor to the (icnraJ Assem bly (inserted in our last) that, by the conven tion entered utto between the United States and Georgia in 18012, that that part of the territory -eederi bv S. C.arnlina tothr- Crnrrul (iovermient. which lies west of the Blue H Ridge of Mountains, and south of the south ern boundary of North-Carolina and Tennes see, was ceded to Georgia. According .to a survey made by Georgia, this tertitory in cludes -part. of BuHcombe county. Applica tion was made to this Stale to have the 'boun dary -lit: run ; but S. 'Carolina not having acted on the subject, and our Legislature not huvintf been in session since, this could not be effected. Georgia, we understand, with, out waiting for the demarkations being atcer .tained under the authority of the two States, has proceeded to take possession of that ter ritory, form it into a county, hold acourt, 8cc. and the officers of Buncotube have been t esis ted in the execution of their duty. The crtt-1' zens of that county, however, unwilling to see their territory usurped in this way, ros and drove off the Georgians by force. We trust that the Legislatures of the 3 States will take such steps as shall be the means of rtmovinghe present disagreeable state of things in that quarter . w. ....... .Kotf mbe;t?9 At U o'clock to day, his I xrcllmry the Gavct nor. attends she General Assembly to take the oaths of office. The balloting lor a Senator ofhe United ' Mates for this Hate "has alsob'c'n postponed trrthis day. The gentlemen in nomination are Major Jesse Franklin. General Monlfort Stokes, General Thouus Blount aiul Geueral Btnjauiin Smith. On the Stdtnit. anew how of Judge .Taylor, in the upper part of Newberit, was diicoureoioueoii nre, w aim was uurni 10 ashes. The exertions of the citizens saved the sdjacent buildings. The Legislature of South-Cart'.iaa melon Monday the 26th inst. The legislature of Georgia-; the LegiOa tares ofthe Slates ofNcw-Vork, New-Jersey and Rhodi-Ilan4, are now in session Capl. Colb, arrived i Boston In 35 days from Berbice, mforms, that the coffee twp was entirely cut oT, owing to the long dry season, and '.he rainy season stttmg in severe ly. K.states that used to produce 20u oou lb. ofcoffco, will not this year product . 1 00 ,000 lbs. The produce hsa yeto grow that they Intend to ship to meet the bills they pay A mrrkansin. The Governor had refused tn Utlhtmtake away prmhice for those bills which come back protested. 7 ' Salem, Novembtr 15. TRIUMPH OF IRIKCIPLE. -We improve the rlieft opportnaiii to inform our - reader, tbatTEN ol out Repreftntativet to th arxt Conerefi ire drciiledlv lod (hit 1 lie in. jority of -ok now rteeiftd from aVou 310 towm, act .allv imouat to tfpwaris ot FUUR. THDU-AN'D- far the Republican icttiral Ticket. Uim. cxat. NEW-HAMPSHIRE ELECTION For Electors of President ahd . Vice-Presi dent, was held on the same day of that inMa- sachusetts. 1 he Keen (federal) paper, after detailing the retorns from 37 Federal towns, , which ge a majority of 84 for the Federal , ticket, confesses that the event will probably "be in favor of Republicanism. . ". Capt. Knapp, arrived at Salem, from Mar tinique, was boarded off that Island about the 1st of October, by the British ship Aligator, He was informed that n.e blockade had agaia commenced. 'The Governor of Snrinam, by his procla mation of the 5th of October, prohibited the importation of salted provision, and the ex-' l)ortafiJn of sugar and coffec ft om that colo- -ny in American vessels. COMMERCIAL. Extract from the Madrid Gazette of the 30th .. July, 1804. j A Royal Decree has been issued under date . of the 21st of June, as follows: " As it is the Royal will to encourage, by all possible meant, (he Direct Commerce of all the established ports tn Spain with the A merican colonies and national marine, - Ilia . Majesty has determined that considering the subsisting grants and privileges allowed to seme individuals relative to this Commerce, in future'ho other instance shall be admitted, of any or whatever nature UmyV: ; and that it shall be so manifested and made known to' the Consulatki, in order that with this as surance the merchanjs may iioW safely spe culate, and undertake the expedition. rhiladelpliia, A'oti. If. IMPORTANT. A gentleman of respectability informs us. that he has just received advices from Point Petre, (G.) through a confidential friend, stating, that a privateer, called the Cramille, -mounting 28 guns and 3 thirty-six ponndns, with a compliment of280men.beisdcs seamen and marines, each armed with a musket, had arrived there with orders to uke all American vessels bound to Hispaniola, and hang. the crews as.piratea. The Grandvitle was ont cf a fleet of well-armed ships daily expected at roint-Petre. in orderlocruixc for Americana tound to Hiipaniola. LONDON, September 33. . The brother -of the King of France sailed on Wednesday Jast, with a fair wind, for Got tenburg. tinder convoy cf a gun-brig. Pre vious to his departure he received a letter from his Most Christain Majesty, -which is understood to contain an assurance f hat the Emperor of Russia and the King of Sweden are wrllingso acknowledge Louis XVIII. and his hereditary claims to the throne ofi 'ranee and Navarve, provided England ill tjhtm thecxampi.' Nassau, N. P St. Croix Newbury port Demarara , Barbudoes St. Troix Plymouth, Eng Ltdtf lAi Ceijrvm on iWrf ie tWi SuB o rttan'i I!f , 'Cci-1si Jthtulenrvm Tiiai JaJa, . ilhd's'Si'gar, 3 Puncheon Molasses, Of turato q'talitv, for sale 1r 1SAACKS. SlMSONf; BISIIOP. Wiln.ingtin, Dtctmocr 4. 413, rORT OF WIUflNGlXJV. KMTSIKD Sdi'r Cynthia, AlberyK " Caroline, Patridge, Treaty. Wfadley, Cynthia, Salter, Mary, Meagher. , Sloop Mary, Duiham, Brir Younc Jane. Brrnd. Samai atan's Hope, Johnston, TrinWada dismasted. CLIAflS) "Brig Prudence, Shiprdgh, ft.Croii Arrived here on the 30lh tilt, wh'r Cyn thia, capt.Salter, ofPortsmouth.N.I I J6 days from Demarara left there ich'rllcro, Od'f one, of Portsmouth, to sail In 10 days; brig Polhy, Simpson, of do. to tail In IS day) brig Com met, Burobery, of Baltimore, lust arri ved; ship Four Sitters, Whitemsrsh, of Bos ton, to sail in IS days; ach'r Federal Jsck. of and from Boston, just goraj ln- Spoke at sea, in let. 34, long. 61, the brig Mark k Mary, of Hudson, from Surinam, out 3 1 tlavs, bound to New.Yotk. By capt.Dckovcn, of the shipClydv. err cdatN. Voik on the tth utt. in 39 days from Cadiz, we leirn that Mr. CoetKius, Consul for the U. States at Genoa, died at Cadis, about the Jsth of September Hour was from 13 to 14 dolls, a barrel at 'Cad.t-.Si eve liO to 160 dolts Rice 7 dolts. Bocf and Potkiery low. C.rt.l). spvke, Nov. 3, the ship Bald Fa f,l)nRton, 16 weiks from Arnsterdppw l6und for ,U first port sle cmd l snake hcn she sstted, the Eagle had t n boatd lo? ptisetigcrs, 40f rhem likdontle sj, ,te

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