4 ' TVlLMINGTONt .N. C. ; u .a irtori WcltAej&rf lif ofatfat'rsiii o. - Uponingxx ' ? ff'l;-.r; " irnpsthiola,'"ttnc of the ttortbeatitifuland t the sjm)c"tifnexne of the most . fertile. ,pf f! the Yest-Indi Islands haVfoxeyeral years past beet) lh seat of the rnoe.rhorTjble-atid bloody . rebellions recorded on The -pagesVof history. The rtrda? and oarbarou Bges of antiquity,- when tivil feat jonr a'nd turoanity were strangers to the worid, tjae not produ- unhappily witnessed. . .; :- " -f I shaft, not pretend to enter into a minute detail of the conduct of the French, (nor of the, cruelties coniomteti oy tnern upon their rebellious subjects ik th'ii; Island j) suffice it to observej that h'has bceti highly disgraceful lo-ihelf nationarcharaer 'and auch an brie as richly deserved a Revere retaliation. It is true that the French as owners of thh colony were in: duty i bound tosuppVess all . cotntnwonS'inavippcarea-.tnerct jei in.ine performixiict; pf thrt duty-h'exeiri'd such, an 1 1 n o v ins nTl Hrniinf;. t rl 4rKaHrtfti?Sal riti(ltV "as toinsvjre Tthem I utiiversaletestaUpn. " H j Tie putridity ftf which pVodiiceS a Very Vioterit and pestrlenjial disease at the Cape. -1 hetey and almost ever? other cruel jmcthod,of des troyia? liTey.were the delight; of ths veijeral and soliabituated were his troops te rourder, , wan aog. -. . R. must.ttot beMferrcdirttmiXbis-thalt wish, irj the least to .excnlpate' the conduct: ot tire bUcts, thcVr slaves, for I do avowedly declare, that, I consider them, the most bloody arid revengful people-on earth, and highly deserv-" infj the execraUoo oi all Tnankind. Their, uncultivated" and rude state may perhaps be adduced by some a an argument in mitiga tion of their, crimes.; bit this will not do: their leaders have proved thetnselves capable of drstinuishing between right and wrong, and most of their efi'oVrnitics have been, the effect of long and deliberate premeditation, .' Tor the better,.eiucidaling th following account,, it may berhaps, be: necessary, for many readers to be acquainted with some of the material -circumstances tiiat. navc,;auenti; ed this unhappy revolution, from its cbm- " mencement. v . v . . , ' . , The distuVbantes in St. Domingo were first.begun byihe mulattoes and other people of colour in 'the south pact of,thel8litnd,.a-" bout fourteen years ago, These .rebellious symptoms fltfckly spread tnemserves through Tariou5 parts of the xojonyV and filially a small army was raised which committed de'-., predationsipon,tbe property 6f Ihe planters,, and murdered numbers, of th?Vmi.r Tbs um her of; rebel enbrcasing daily, betjami; a . fonr-idabie army, and.oul the year 17914 if 1 rightly recollect, they made, au attack upon the town of Cape-FfancoVs, , and after, having taken It and massacrWd 'many of.tW' inhabit ants, set it on Rre. Thus'ih ft short . space of time was totally destroyed, onejl the richest -.and most beauti'iil Vowusin lh.c,Vest-Indies, with all its contents, including property to an incalculable amount,- Wlonjji.iMr io Anencnn merchants. It was afterwrtrds.m a gitat de- irVee rebuilt, and iKCunied by the blacks, who undter Gcnsral Touyamt, .Louyerture, .11 . ,ed'in peare and lwriu."fl -with the whiteiiii habiunii, vbb now enUffed as gicat previle4 ges as they ..had dope unde.r it Treoch go wrnment. Tounsaint.'s' . pwernmeiu-. was mild, and. much upproyed by his subjects he paid alu-mion p ,th'Cultiv4tioh, of 'the plantations, sou i niicavmm'd toiuslil prin -cipli.ot rnoi ably jmc the mipds ,t)f his sub-, jcts .... .' , .- v.,i iw - - :- j" The Tracks hqd.not at time declared trtrpstlve. in,i!ei;crdent of .the French,, but in the rcjUraiy hail all thi governmental proceeding's wne in the name of the French republi.. i This happy arttl peaceable reign, lasted until ihe-year 18oi, when the French nentemiimaiits to the Island foC the. purpose compromising aflairs. with the blacks and people of color ; the oflU-Frs.of their frigstes made i f MrataKim, invited General Tous--. i; iM to dine with them en beard, and in that ftitiiat'tn caiiWd him to Trance,, where, he: vus i n;'soncii','ard in a few months alter ''ivjrV. Vtw'cd hi li(e in a dungront lie was fci-rc'ied in the chief command by l)csa- linen. ;. f . i , ,.' . TJie Trtnch soon atir this sert large ar-i tfc to St. Domingo, under be coontnand cf : Ctncial l:Vjrre.;CjK-rfnois wssamwig- iher WiwiT,etakf nVut nl.v-hQUU Jiying. undrrj-bn'e rkotheY Cor.Cagtslion. fof tfioon as the tTicks jxrceiirtd the JJ cU btfore the jiit, they' set fire to it, and retired into the nanu'ms with whv',,,,drf they.ver able to crrt i-lT. Anient number of while inhabit ant cre also ntautrtred cn this oc raslonj avd those who cou!d,escped into the' netghlo'ng liW ot on toi d the letups ly Id in the harbour. ( , . .. Tl Cpe tlicn lm onre more in jkwwi rirn iif i'.s o'ners, Vs in ptrt rebuilt, and i.i 'iinitriiihahiaijn we're re-established in ll.e . i.fei)iolMhrirfrc)rH-rtirH' Mostofthco- theT a.pVrt t),tiu wire klso ftuken, ind tie Il'igaus wcrt..dtieti into the ctrtintry. Hire ib'rj orti'pie'd thcmMtves in encrcss ?n iheii fori i s. and in Irhnroting themielvrs in mdUry dicir''nf tht th'ry might be rea lly M- a nrw campan;Ti;wiirii trv.ui)invt vxd aduut. ' , . i hhortl' "ter this. General l' CUn flyiag, jt tas surtrrwlcd by (ieneral Rbehsmbcsu, ii'mler h Jminihtutirn the I rtiith.as I ai the MAH inre4 very grtst hard- .... .. A A.I A MMhlt' .1 i , !l- il.KilfcMta &trtk latttf mi lilt WIHiC iiiini'iiiiH', pii. .ui'un u.mt f.t tit ilraih smnc nfthe hegnr.' An Inv. jm im HUtnWr jr hanged, some detpurtd In V.'urJ hounds, others burned, and frtsient lr ir" cOinpanic wr msrthed intthe e, ami I'roirned. i In fCi s great Wis Uj numScr drfiwind. that at one lima th hir tuur Crrd wiildia4 todies posting, TWe firitrsh 'ihip of war, Xeaftder atid Catnbrran, whiclileft New-York on : the 3d ult. . in pursuits of the Dion and Cybele Hrench fn gates, .arrived at Hafifai, oft the 15th, after an unsuccessful chase. ;, , The Electors of South-Carolina, Virginia, Kew-HAmpsliireraridVRhode oeen un nor nun tneir vuic ior mumm jw fersonand Geqrge CTintdn., : . ,v" ' v The, legislature of bpuih-Carolma have el ected two. Senators n the Congress of the United States, one in the room of. Fierce BiHler", resigiiedand another tn thefo'om of i uorqas , aumpier. wuose jjvcschi umr-yi sefvice wfl expire in'Mafch next, when John Gaillarcl: was elected. inthe place of Pierce Butletl and2aiumr vas re-elected. Buckner Thrus,torf Is elected .a Setjator oT the United States for . the state.-of. Kentuckey in the room (f John-Brown whipse time ex-. pires on thed 9 next Martli.., t ; . . w Ueff. lhOma'Fosey (.a senator irom me counties of livmgston antl Henderson) has heen appointed by the Senate to fill the.'va cancy -occasioned by (.he.death.,Qf Gen Cald wefl, Lieutenant GoVernor of Kentucke'y. :i V ' ; - ttYflilt Schr. -Tjtty, VVadleigb,. : , Mary;Miagber, , - j Nancjr, Church, ; Fortitude Gilberr, ' Pifpatchf HowlanJ, rr. r Regujator, M'llhennifv . Jjarbidoei . ( , ..Curracoa Greenock'. i Si -Lucie St.Thbmas -, Charfefton ,i.V ThomAJj SuKipter, Efq. iiin. is el- eaed LieiXenant Gtiycrnor of this State. A letter from Columbia of the 8th inft. flates, "that 'the Senate, ha? that day taken 'up the bill for clbfingthe ports 'againd the importation of Megroes. On "putting the queftion for its,paflage, the : yeas were l6, ' nays 17, fojhie bifl was loft. . Two rDem ber's abfetit v , ,The' following citizens have been duly elected Ret!rcfen'atives forthis ftate in the Congrefs ot he United Slates, viz, C'1 ' lefton Dift id--RoB.RX Mario n. Bcauff;,' - Barnw.elf, and Edgefield ArVtittAM BurtElti-i;--'-'',G?otgetownv .6rfy, Marion, Darling ton, artdMarlboroughil-DAVrb R'. W ii. itAwS. . ; ;" v '.'': ... Orangebiirgh,' Colleton", a'nd Richland Or i en Smith. ' ; Sumpter, Kerfhaw, Lancafler, Fair- neto, ano VAnerrneiu kichard w ink. .Abbeville, L'auTeiis'', arid Newberry Chcrter Sparranbdrgh," Union & Yoit THrtMAV Moojtt. , : - ; Pcndleioii and tjrenville joHM B Eaxlx. - . DICK'S. HOTEl THE Zuiffcrrbir informs Bh,'Fntmdt: ; and the ftubltt in general fhkl jbe has fektnik, lalrge and tmmdiiius Bfick Houfe lalth occupied It Airs. Mel, 'H the tuft fiat tj print dtrtei, a jtw aoori nqrsoj ir rirljcyiwrr itmmgtenfanazjium enter tafngenliemen, 'Travellers t -private Biatders.,.;As tbe hat beta for a confideror . ble'itirnc. fttcefsfully engaged in hujlntjs of tjii tuna in rayrittvmr. he paiitrs oimjttj. f j Jlrici attention end a coniant fupply pf the befi articles the Mace' will Afford to: be able to vive Jatisjactin U tbpJe,tuhiHviU javvur mm -aiio ineT cunom ' - '.;rV- ' . : ; ' DICK. BY THE SITBSCRT BERS,- AND till SAhi , . AQ. M:V ABIE'S FIRE' PROOF STORE, VV aiTortment of Cordage from two lofeveninch . - - , Spun Yarn' i . ' v , Bolt Rope.of different fizes . .Marline. and plow Lines Sewing iand whipping -Twine .u!iia-iyucfe Englilh Duck frorn.;i,: ,;r4, 5. and 6 Ss-fh "Lines and Bed 'Cords , , Log, hand, apd deep, fea Lines ' " Small. white Cordage V, -Sheaihing and.vr?ppiivgJPaper Red and yellow Uchre . ; 'Lamp Black ainti' . NOTICE. ,LL Perfoo.1 fiavn(l(leriartrfo,airl l - the Sublctiber are reii netted io brine them , forward for T;ltlernent ; and all thofe indebted to him are required jp make payment on or, btfore the firfl-of March next, Thfwho fail tq;fornply herewiih wjl) be indifcriminately fued im meJiatclyStfter.that period ' . -j BENJAMIN EVANS. Wilmington, Dec. 44; tf. - , NOTICE.. ? ALL. Perfons are hereby forewarned from receiving or. negotiating a Note of HaKd at prefent in the p flefliqn Mr. Henry B. Howard ot this town, faid tf have' been given by the to "one pf his Clerks fqme lime ego. ' I, never' ifigned fuch a note$ which I am at any time ab(e' to prove, and confequ'cnily' w ill not pay the fame. . ;; , : v .John M'clendon. Wilmington, Dec, 7.4 3 w. " WTiite, red, Spanifli brown, ") p ; veliow ana -ruaeit i. Black.and gjeen.Painl in; fmall.pots scupper Niili anq pump L,eatner rump I acks and v-iontti CTifels, Gopge and AugcfS" ,' " J .Cookand4carpettt'ejrs Axes ;i , . 4 Carpenters' Adzes and. Drawing Knivc? t.law HammfTS and Hatchets .. , .2 fee Rules aha Gunterrs Scale .. . Dividers . . : . paulkipg Tools . :v : Jackj fpre and fmoothing Planes Time Glafles 14. . 28. c Ha f hour patent, Time Glaflcs . Spike.and nail Gimblets of all fizes Palm Irons and fail Needles . . . Fifhing and chalk Lines ; , Tin and horn Lantherns , ' ; Double and firgle bolt , Padlcckt Brafs Cocks and Sauce Pans. Cook's Lai'les. and Tiymentors, . Hooks,- Thimbles and Cubokt . Tar and paint Brufhes . . : Grakit and Harpoor.s ; Scrapers and Boat Hooks Paint, I jy I - lobcr .. "o'clock", N conftqUenci of having feme rkpec- taiion or moving- to Louiuana next SorinKi 1 otter-for fale. two thou land Acres of Land, lying in the C&linty of Bladen, and one thoifand;fix hundred and forty in the Count of N, Hataover, vvhrch will , be fold at.privire fale.on pir before the ?5h day of December, 180C7 i ;. AlEXANEER KELSOE : 'Nflw-IIanovcr, Dec. 34.. if. . . Dublin, 01 " At this veiy moment, t o clock', i letter has been put inio rrjy ham'.H from LrtgHin Bridge,, in tit'e county of Kildartv whfch comes trynia perTon with v horn I, am well a quaintcO, and whofe vnacity J have reVrr hud jeaTon to doubt. The let ter lined that. they arc all in cvtiflcrnation at Leihlin Btidge i: cot.fequcn.ee of hav ing Hifco vcrrd a.horild plot. Oncof the ronfpiratvrsls inadc a.difcoveryi ar.d has declared ibat the-nun!er of perfons orjan i fed i? very c'otjPderable', 30,000', but that htirrtber is.ptobjtly mt.cli exaggerated. .The lcticf 9dJ?, what we have cerl tainly no knowledge hcie", tha; a Com mil'ee of .70 of, thf ringleaders has been fitting in Dublin. The peffon who has, made the ducovery has pointed out a wood, which was to be tut down, to be manu fj(lurecl iht9 nikc s. The jrttcHigence ft om Lc'phfiif Bfidge has Vce!) tra'nTmiitcd -to gcvernmtnij who are ,r.Ot ignorant of the particulars, but whoi'o not ptrticipate in thealami which Teems t have occupied the minds of the perfons by whom the ac count of the jdot was fent." ''''. ' ' '. ; 1804 D!uCts;I)tr.a'$. .10 . to 50., 20 .17-: t Oil . i" the November fy; 'it Kelt; York, th.'ubji fiber riceivtd on board ibejthioner JANE, btund to this port, . oce,tn.panicd uhb bill t'J lading or kitif, a Trunl uitb rnat covering, aud tr.arkia dia md A. U. is G. The owner is informed t'rat the aid trurk is depciltd wilhi Mr. Ihomas Snead, merclant t.j tlis place., ricu;d BOMIVlCk. Hl.'inirigton, Dec. 24, 1804. tf. WILL, be "hired at the Court-hope in H'ilminrton. on U'tdntfdav the o lecond of January 1805, ftxeral Valuable tverrtei, vrionrinr to lle tliate tt 7 nomas Motre decevfed. The conditions will be mode Mncwn on the day ? hre, " ? H0'SC- IIOIFEi Exr. JVilmingtin Dee. ltj. wt Ii nACOi per cm t. iKiltcrKfjlu scarce, ; CtiUcn pcrjb. , , Cofec per lb. . nope . , Com per bushel, Meal., do.; Flour per batrcl, new I. uaibcr per M. plenty, W. o. hhd. staves, ' II. o. do, do. do. W. o. bl. do., rough, Shinies pkr 1000, Molaisca jScr gallon, Pork per barrel, WlcepcrewU Rum, V. It pr. f. HA p.' Jamaica do. 4th do. -i-N. Y ' d. plenty ToJtacco pr cwu Tar "tt larrtl, Turpentine, , .. 1 1 O 10 25 14 14 70 M 4 I I if 1-i II 30 15 16 X -ii 504 CO 6 67 50-!. I 2 2 J 50 7 J 95 70 sq 50 I " h)lf OF MUttttTOX. Brig Hiiam.Stetfiley, PfotUTcncr, R, I Itifing Sun, llarrold. , s (irtnija Lirk, Gilfpatfick, Barbodoea Schr. St. Pattkk, BickforJ, Salens Aurora, Lee, . New-York . . FOR. SALE, ; . THAT lwtU PLANTATION U Rlidta Can,. JL 17, kaowa tiy ib a,at l IfRINC HILL, kin IM luDicriDfr iortri nvtd. II coattut Twcl Hrirt4 en El)iy Acrtt m kaa4i4 W etr4 tnd sader (enct bout eac byadrr of. bk it low li ! fupcriar aliiy bj4ie4 aaiajla U4, ta4 l rt,irdff kih ,a4. li hu o il oo4 lw iory BwrtUnj .tioaft with. tluil ia dotii i4 kick, tnk Mrilli &ai(atd mi rftatl trorc Himfe. inuik )Hal, KUcMa, Stblc laa Cota-Cribt iik ApU aa Ptiia OtiKi4i. i Mud fUautioa ia ToldV, lU firt of ttam itil, it tll tKak lta4. .tot otrtkaUr iaqaira i! iaf(cikf litiag la' Wllwinrt. . Katbr so, tltf. KOBtIT KOTT. , u-4w ' 1 "HE fubrcriber having obi a! rut! idmtV , X .niAratlon urop.ihceflste rC the lata 1 tioMAi ooddaid requciu aiiper fons indebtei to faid eflatef to make Im- mediate payment and. all .perfons . who havt demands Igsmtl (be lame are rcqui: red. to cihibit them property . atteftid, withtft the timeprefctibely law, to JOHN HAMILTON AcmV Wilmington, No, iy 4ia3w.. ... '''',.. 30 Ihd'j. Sugar, . 15 Barred do. to Pipes French Brandy, ( Ditto real Holland Gin,- . 50 Quarter calks Shcrty Wine, fupcrlor euaiity, w , . . . loo list re's Flour, ' II Ditto Betf. For fale by Ifaackf, Simlon Bifliop. Wilmlngfon, DfC.jl.-iitft Spermaceti and Trail .Coffee Mills Tin Pots- ' " Black Jacka PoyVder . ; Shot and bar Lead Slates" ; ,. Haudfaw Files ... t and i tallon done Ju'Ra r itn nooks lot an uzes - -. ; u Wriiing Paper, ink Powder & Inkaandi Stationary aflbrted j; ! rvnives. and forks, tea end table ppoons , Tumblcis-by the piece, It raw or quantity Dipt and mould Landlcs Soap; r . 1 . .,! , Old Jamaica Rum by. the puncheon or . - tallon . , '4 h proot old Cogniac Brandy iin by the'gVon or cafe iWtft.Ii.lliaiRuw . Old Sherry VVii.e ; . . Mufccvado and leaf Sugar Tea. Black Pepper ; ' 1 . Vinegar,: Cppetas. Coiks Segars and Tobacco, ;. , 4. rgr T he abbvc articles xv'ill IVe? dilptiied ot'reafonably, ior'Cajb or Preface. , ' , CAM RON BARCLAY. fnimington,,ftev.:22, 1804 v AZ"rM . . ..N 0. T ICE.,, WI ftili ,mof ibi wttk from tlo tot hrma. lore ocbi4 by a, on Mr. aridity ' Whirl, 10 laa oo lately bail) U Mitkct.&trm, Wtw Mcfiit Levy 4 Ckirol a4 K CtobU, bta t ftcjoU 10 ..... ,, ,' . enyaab . Vendue & Com million Bufinefs. Oth ia tbt !ta will W ibitifolly r,fid. ! 1. JOCELIN V CAUTUR. Ko Wf itt 1 to .. 4l" 7 WE HA VEr ON- UAXD tOnSALt 1; ". French Brandy ; Holland Gin - , - t funi ana oogar,-.- . ft 0 7 tC . . .. THOSE Ia4cbu4 ta ih f.bfciiWr at Wtby vlai , litd, lbi a ceattoanct al I ha U' kaouai dtt am, ka bM beta lteud ta bit ordti lot Ca4S tbit lji,lhfitgi bopa4 iWlhtf tw tit ta. aa4 ia bim will cam ihm?trt m ttitcbtrtc ikalr tffatr acaoaau, wbicV alaM ill 'takbU bim Tatrt bit (tfaMMk H to itt lU tli(mblt KtctlLit l ibai aat ft tag, ibM ttl b t I'd l car'r, t,UI ba ia44(uimiatuif tt taf ag WiT ff. , ; ' . OWtM K)AII. WilaiajUa, Ket.'i, it. . t To U Leafed tor i years. ., . A VALUA1LI Caa ImhS U BtstlM soswr, il ht aa lb tra.a Mark. tW Uat o te.laa Ira WilaH.aa. Tb s lulU afiiby b maau f fUwtf it U omt o4 ib w al tn 6o ta it Mlag UKlat U b.a b.aaU lh4 eaUa at Caa t4 Ca,11 I ( a 04 k(ea 9fmm4 fooo bvi Il U tbM (aa. U Ira at tb daf-' ikfTf U good wf a taa4 M Iba Uad.. rtfftailbai?Mibl lal J ry Mtt, r laaaet il taitaa. To I" ?' , ' . Wilm'.oioa, DtctMbai it, Rates of Storagi for fale tt this Office,

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