'1. '. ';" ftuvvnvn. Tire. 0. . . "TW Temtfiwtess of our situation from the European world,-and the nature of pur re publican Institutions will -generally eKempt -us froni all the occasions of va offensive war. -Shoold a. war evcr arise, with any of those nations, our operations will principally as- . sume a defensive character. Our coasts w ill Jbe invaded,., and qur seaport "town's will be bombarded, and againslT anf; casualties of this sort it may perhaps -be good policy to . prepare the' means,. of defence. These win i mmiki Hiihfi- m n nniv which may change its place of destination ; winch may advance to meet the hostile fleet, or retire from its power ;' which, may accompany it to differ ent quarters and defend different points of ,our coast; or in forts and fortifications of our harbour, which like a. stationary navy upon the land may defwid the places where they are erected though they-are unable to shift thescene of action, defend other places, or march against the- invader. The follow ing extract from a New-York newspaper is intended to illustrate the advantages of erect ing timely fortifications- to- defend thai - har bour, i '- ". ' Eir-YoRK, Dec. 17. " Our Dm Friknd. The Jiritish Frigate. Cambrian, Br ddlev, " 'Commander, returned .liroln Hah fax. on ..Friday last, and tame, to : a.r?thor wiin, the Nafrcws. This- isMIre Same Bradley whorin the. same frigate, r listed the visitation .of our .Health Officer, impressed American seamen on the Quaran tine Ground, trenched upon the Sovereignty of this state,' and opposed the operation of ths Revenue laws of the" United States. rMr. Lang, the confidential friend" oF Col. Barclay, u His Britannic Majesty's' Consul , General for the Eastern States," has not con descended' to Inform us whether Bradley or his successor Bevesford, is again. to blockade' our har6ourA insult bur laws', Impress our semen, ipoiir grapeshop,'" moU valiantly ' into our'defehcelcss vessels, and plunder our merchants. He still .finds us. however, in our wonted unpr.nected condition and as - vilfing as ever to hear whatever outrage it any please this -servant of the crown to . )ij the bye it way be worth while for Con ;rsss to enquire, now thnt they are in session,- inin ti(i- exnKtlicTit Ti i not necessityroi cl-1" "' fectually fortifying the haibour of New. York We. h:ivc long en'o'.i h been the sport, and ',V2 are ever" day' liable to become the prey 6t forciorn n-itions.' Ths safety of-lliis xinu- knt city, -perhaps "the tiaiujuillity of .the t)uitC'l Sta'.es, imperiously solicits the atten tion of Congress to Vn Mibjfct. We have bvcu buffeted, and l.ickjd and Jfi'wTromthc cxv'cuti.m of our laws, by the Camhvi ui, the 'Lt-imlrr and the L"!:;-; and to ndd to the indelibility of the. di- i-.-ic, the minister of a ' fief -A 'r'.'.ui c has lU; tu-u-m-d us with three . ,. . . . r ; " ----- . W arrtVed here ycflcrtlaf -rom Gibraltar? in 43 days, from whom we have obtained the following particulars V , V . The. tevcr at Malag'y had nearly fubfi dod, that at GrbfaltarnotTrhdre than 4 pr 5 died in 24 hotm, the Opulent part of the inhabitants of Alicant had quitted that City, : V;. .v. , Capt. Drtimmond further ftates, that it was believed at GIh.raltartjhat a. rup ture bet ween, the -emperor of Morocco and. the United States would fhorily occur. It was not known at the timecaplairi D. failed that any further attack had "been made on Tripoli by thcAraeriC3nJqua dron, but as, there are.a. number of letters from the officers, we prefume lull 'details of the operations ol the fquadron will be prefented to the public in a few days. . By Capt. p.. we. further Jcain, that there was every appearance of wai between Great-Brit ain-a'rid-,ipain, A-fcw-days : before capt. D- failed an embargo was laid on all. velfelj not cleared cut. - ' - ' jnUUNGTON, N. C ' TUESDAY, JANUARY 4 5, lsusi vBy; the last New-York 'papers-it appears that apprehensions 'are 'entertained that a conspiracy has been formed for the purpose of burning the city, that the conflagration which took place on the rfth ultimo, was the result of tlesigu, and ; that subsequent at tempts have been made for the accomplish ment of a similar purpose. The Mayor of New-York. has issued a proclamation offering a reward of Five Hnndred Dollars for the de tection 'bf such conspiracy, and a further re "ward of Five Hundred Dollars for the disco very of he"inctfidary or incendiaries who may havc dccasioncd the fire on the let'li, or any subsequent fire, or who shall hereafter . -tet fire to the City. The Mayor has issued another proclama tion, setting fcrtlij that anonywious letters have been sent to John Dufiie and, Ma cheag, the former a Merchant the latter a Groxer of New-York, advising them of an in ..tention ofj setting fire to certain parts of the city ; and offering a reward of Two Hun- , drcd Dollars for the discovery of the rrHtcra j oi said letters. Thfffricnd'. r.f a wide diT.ision of knoF- Ict'pe, through propr srviinnrios, and of a I vigorous syo em 01 r..f..iai uripifivemorts, (says V..s National Ii.'vlligeiK.ii) hbv not been disappointed in their cfcpcrfatiolift'Tt.af these great objects v;- be pr'. molt:'. u:i tici rtpuMitan .up.',,i, xvlth y7.nOT.tcd States, ta3 arrived at Nantz; that a fe days before he left 1Orient two Spanish ships loaded, with linens, from St. Maldes to Spain, were, captured by a British frigate. When Capt, V. arrived at L'Orient, upwards of oQ sail of Gun Brigs, Pinnances, &c. lay I mere ; on, his departure, not more than ten i remained and they dism anile d,1'aDout 25 had been- recently captured and destroyed on ; their passage thence to Brest, by two British f lrigates, the crews ot the Gun-Boats in gene- t ral were very sickly owing" to the want of j accommodation under deck. A fine ship j oarryOuns was launched there .during" his stay, and three-others in forwardnessv-on the stocks, but-no seamen to man them. i War with Russia was-strongly talked of inthose tiircles where liberty of speech was xcVcised, -and the lonij contemplated iiiva ; "sion of F.iigland generally scouted provi sions plenty and cheap, but the once flourish ing poft of L'6rient was totally bereft of : its trade, and the ntfcrchants' extensive stores occupied by the goernmtnt." K. T. Herald. Fi?;.f Norfolk, Dec. 13. Loss of the svfiQMcr Fatty and Peggy. Ve are sorry to perform the painL'ul task of announcinic the qm of the scli'i' Polly and Peggy, captain Be!, of thiti poi tr from Aiili gua, bound to this place. It appears that this vpssel was r.ast awar on the night of T lihrsday the 20th inst. near Currituck Inlet, and distressing to pta'e,' it is bdifcved every person on board pcrish.et!.- .Of the '-cargo, coiihisting of rum, about sfventy or eighty puncheons have 1! rifled on shore, and are sa ved. The vessel has gone to pieces. Ledger. In addition to the preceding, our Marine Memoranda will be found to contain details of great distrrss on Cue coast, and we uppve hend that yet lut ihi-v and rsater distress hns 'been suflert-d.1 for wedon.t recollect .at any period for nuiy years past,. o imifh bad weather as Ins been .experienced for the last .'ten or fifteen ckiya'pasU From. 'a pilot wc !carnlhat a 9ch'r has gone vr) o Baltimore,, having the crew of a vrr.t.el taken offa wreck a few days since; paviicu lars wc have" not learned. Arrived brig Superior, capt. Wallington, w?5'.'da;s from Lisbon, .'.bound, to PJ)jJa.delphia. in distress, has betti tw;ce within the capes of 1 Delaware, and fire times driftrd into the v Gulphotream, and has been one month on the coast. On 1 he 25th December, inlofa tho:v: water, pickeo up rapt. Iv.i and crew of the sli, V.!u a , t;ooi burrinum for Mew i 'ort, hv rwr.jj r. It ak in a gale of wind, and sunk. . -r.H. 's -.vis and crew were 48 hours in -he boj'.,. h ( re they, y ere picked up by capt. Wa'-ingUMi. A jeweller ontn&tpad il'Crrjtrc 1 rr.cfi." ' gaged all his landed property 'o pv,' s.c dii monds to the amount of 1.0'',0..W 0 r,cis (" " 0001.) and twelve hundred new v:ur-.;.s hn been finished by the" coarhniaktrs on f Boulevards alone, while double that numh'. -- -have been ordered from Simons, of Brasscl. There were' 2300 petitions presented to the prefecLof police for leave toopeii new coffee houses, and eighteen new theaters h;n-e al ready been licensed for the time of carnival. , Out of beveral hundrscl . petiii&r.s to (ij tn gaming-houfies, forty-four have been' !-rr.r.tid and .ladies -of certain d'escripth-n- havt- ht n allowed to receive a' reinforecmcnt oi' Severe 1' thousands from the country. :..The, Paris Moniteur contains the follow ing remarks under date of frank fort,-July 17 : This year will be remat-kablie in tfc'e annals of Meteorology, for the exiraordinary . variations Of tilt- atmosphere ; nd the nimi- ber of storms that huve , followed ; thunder, .especially, hasniadc rayjgejLjjiihjLherri. are but few examples, in Germany ; upward of JOG house and edifices in various j lac s have been struck, and fn 1 prti reduced t. ashes," while .1 still greater number of peopi'e have sustained hin:. ..We have before' tpoUcn of the sudden inundations in-Saxony, SileVm, Austria, and Hungary ; and of tbe ibwrhi ii, the' western parts of Germany ; .while"1 in the" cast the rains have been excessive and inces sant. Wre may infer from,, this singular irre-; gularity of the sear.on, that some revolotibn? has occurred in the interior of the glclte, which has deranged the uuri Kjnilibi-iwm, ai;d oc , ciisiontd a sudd'-n Mid considerable increase of the electric fluid" ill the atmosphere." j ; 0. v.ie. t.ne uiu -iiw ivi raus r.0.11 me Ri..g itiy mJiH'.t; !" Were the King his m-.ater l pi. ..i !''CM 1 x.ecu:iun .he Tni,;'.!'. !y us h! .r a ' co:trH;Utiou' etpihl in am iu 'to a"V ?' 'n;:- which ho most tom- s 1'' . 1 '. ... . . p-?v! an"lc;l C iii ' iniio:i cuii!i cue .. It ill i:o'( r vv'i'. ! , nvidc'aii'l safety, of the nal'.o.. t- ': thvi u iiv.ccssarily txpt.sed to San ;tr fr n jii'vvit. Perhaps -wc vi e more valti'TiL-li thr.i utH'.hT part of the Union. Ais ! ytt ." itsi.-.-ome of tha greatest im-p-riunce. I'.vfry "one knnvs tlut the annual revenue f t!ie Uni'vd S'.i!e! is jsmewhat less than n.'O.OUO doli. Ofthiuni the pott tfNfvf-Yorlrhas glnvrany yielded ahoni ft th'u Knt 1 am tuf irnu'd, and I believe cor fiictly. 'hat he commerce of this port riel'.cd, the la.t 'purter, 1t little 'less than 1,5tX,O0O tloU. w'lic i is at the ikk f 6t0.tv 0 per an rum. or one half of th rsvenue of the United hta'. s'. An.irt from t'.l other oiiMdrations I Uku. do lift the receipt of our Ctu!om.ltutise ' re iuu e the ino-.t fHicatious,protettion ? U is r.'t answvr to Siy that, under pretent tlixuinsiuncts we hac nothing to frar fiom witliout. We know, wc f.-il that we have Vuffc-cd insult. Mid wc are sensible that by the lesHl n wtll 'n tie greatest of Kuiopcan naw-rsf o'.ir hanks unJ wealth) individits! Jiiiay.srl''ln''rliLai,c ftH" c'-' MZed -tu h 2 rr jt.n.l. " We ouglriot tolr t te uier-" kj of any owcr on rth. trlcJn CVaiw. . NORFOLK, D.csmher J2. Aho'it arc'k on rttuilJij mrtrnlr.p ".he inhkblui'is "wci alarm? I with the nrr.rr.cl 't of fuel H h hv t;Ucn ".p! kr in tli-.i!w li1" -CJfc ni Mr. H nii, (ii.ir.Hv. - hc fue l.al taken ch uTr.'t'.i ftui 1. t re IK ivu were ii xarsrf itj tsv" ftS'cilv h4(i tint- to fj.e iVhiftlvsi Irem ti c i,tviiinf,etc. ii.ct, h cb imn,s.';,itclf j.Tiainiiail t.i M, W ait h .Iwcii'i-j r.'j.iii'ln, 4 k!.i;;, '.,h a'hhe mtuh 'udi, in j ih.'ft t' nc, utf cntrtviy I'ei'tnvr!, rtntni'lt. (1jV,i.h' ti i fcifc trt.j- -t a ult a' 1. v hi 1 - ! 1 ti r ii'.i t in.; a.ij ' ' . v.r i.l:;'r. jKf fef iite i ! c I ir. Al t.finl Our 1. 1 ,. .r t r;rt ; t .41 . h tvrii c .irrn uu'.;t iotkaJ.L'), it .inilJWM 1)c Wk are forrj tn trmit' , ihM ihi i thr "f I Kv,r H iu-r i"' ' ten itrchi, X; . HvsM In f..ft ml by fire. t h II i e .HI I t tr.i.l! of .-t'. Wnttni 'f j gtui : it.t'.e tm.c to fat I.ii)t6. ,11 O.vrrrHtr it. i i I'. c ',m iiv 7.cal. The spirit wiii'-h h:T rep'tsvd in the breavts of a small Ti'Ti.bcr of citiren, iji ra pidly paiMug from oii: p' 't cf .the country to a:r.iitr, and tsrit'ng an luinourb!e ri"nl.f vy b.-twie'i .t!i' diffi rent mtrr'ars cf. the union. Amor g the instunccs that it'et 'he e.pa:idii.: view 01 our cnntrvT.cuv wc notice with p'.ensuve the ".."Uiodur'ion Into the kgisL'ure of Nor'narn'mif, t a ' ill to empower co'.r.misJKuiers to contract for the opening and t b:ish:r.: att.'rnpikc roari. to pats through patt tl.i- ''.. 1 i tor y 'tielong ing to the Cherokee lndi'!'s ; smd of another bill to iticoiporate two i n.t, lit for the purpose of cutting a nav,r Csnal from tut: Hoanohe to the Mehcrrin nnd from Betirict's I'rcek in Korih-Caroliua 10 Nansc nio:id river in Vi'.ginia. While e grttify anho:iet pvi'le in sttcM- kig the li'jeral pf'.icy that is abbtit to give i birth to these important improvements, wc cannot refrain from expressing the humi riation wc feel, at the trertlment whie.li the University of North-Carolina has received f.otnhove who should cons'dcr themxhc;. i'.s best fiictuls and guardian. With the examples of the munificent support of edu cation, set by -the neighbouring Mates of Sjuth-Carulma and Georgia, it was hopvd that the tnuneiU of Notlh-Carotina would, by a rtRUlar- puticnage, however limued, -1mv WcriuloLeJuiily. rcaLseiAi p ar v within.. her limits. 'Ilcr Urn verity was founded rmny years since. Tire existing resourcc-s f the state not bfc'.ng extensive, the endow men; was small. In nnler to increase i?, Oic lci5ilai;re it a ihbsotunt periml, grant ed the luiiilutiyii the proceeds arivng from escheated and confiscated property. About the t'.mc this funJ began to CTO1 produc tive, the legislative repealed the Jaw grant !'; it, an-1 tliettctJ the University of this . The "Mend i of lhcxX7iiivcnity Vtive, rith i pcrevcrirncc that does them honour, at every subscrpcnl session, endeavoured ft aUrzc the repealing law, and 'restore the fund 41 islt.g from eicbeaied uud confisestCil property. I'or tin ec successive yenrs the itempt lui failed. lUncwed again at the pri'setit session, it 1ms shared the same fate : by a tnni'irlty however, so small, as to ani. I rtntc rather thsn to repress taU The jus. ) jnty m a oKjy 01 oiw iiunureu anri ictcti tec 11 it but six, . tATn rour.iGN NUWS. 1 he ship rerth-tul Captain Wills, hat ar. lived stlletdr-UIn''. in tie Delaware, from I.'Omt.N wheh tbre she tcs the Vlth ff Oclohcr. By her, tll-s of m snd Nantr, pnpers to the 2 1 it of that tnt.''1i rv uccived in l'hilad Iphia, but,ro trhntlatiotis had been mail! when tnc mail wWith rrs'hed us this morniMr left iNre. ('upt Will, (savs the I'll! fHlphUTif. Aroeri(fc!i)mfurrn.MTliat the hij I lcn3.frii NcYink. viih Gm. Anu'n?';, An,baiii'vr fion the V.'u;tc.t Wc sr; informed by a gentleman from St."; 1 f.oir.f.;.- that th late distressing fire at.lhat place, wao occasioned by th following cir cutnotaiirik : A donu-siir. in the act nf fu migating a ehajnbcr to clear ii of those pests - of these climates, the muquetoes, Bceiden'ly lei th" candh come, in contact with a mus-., ciuettc-nct. vJ ich being very combustible, ws sooa iti fhiuKS, and spread rvcr the whole rocm. I he lit roulcl not-be arrestee! ; and it w: cJliuiattd that the loss of property oc cioneJ' by this accident, exceeded a'even n'.iihcnacl' dollars. ' Phil. Paper, There are letter in Hoston, fiom the River cf Plaic, tlated the 12th of Atigust, which imntioti that on the 6th of that month, the Bciniti of pll the vessels in. the rivrr, ex tc t,ng t-.vr, vvci c pressed, to reinforce the ch-vs cf tin Sparjh frinates then lying at Montevido, ladtn with ecic, nnd bound im inrdiately for Cadiz. '.This circumstance is I'ivtn ss enrro'.'f.rBiive cf tic Lnglish ac count of the capture of the Spanish tteasure ships. U is probable, the KnglishJ'ngtes were stationed off the trie southern Azores to enttrcept thcic vessels ; which they an ticipated womM make iit. llary'fc their first land-fall from tha coast, when bounii to Old Srauu , , . , A-gentleman who resided soruc Tcari rn. the Kio-dc-la-ria'a. mcnlioiiS, that during the 'lfl'.e war with Spin, there ttcupwan's of 30 miiliors cf dollars coilrtted t rrrtos A)re?, at'd distined for the mother ccm try, brr-nght fn-vn th interior, cn mules. It Is probable, Irem the r.uroWr of w n V.' Spanish cspltned fr'gaHs trn-k cn Wtrd in the tivrr, they had Kara of an mprcwu rup ture between Grvst-llrittin tnd Spun before their rcpait mtnt. . , Those e,iintfiL tiith the Spsi.Wh navy say, tl e I ; n.e, capured by (he LiT'itli, is one 01 mc i.ntki nieate. in um- wciut. v. X. 'T. Mac. .Jv. I , Ixndon, Of fc.hr r 4. Nothmp, arrot-t'mp to ihr miner I'oris Mf the full sum which, Uie owner or keeper journaji, l.uscvti rrju.Vled tl.e irrpui.tioi lor tlx kppio-K.lui'K ccrotietion. The event is rcpiTtu.'ed as rorcni-sr tl.c mctins of in- rlfpt-fiiUnee lo tvtry induvtrious inhabitant olthe I r-i-r I '-n nsl. It 11 aiicried that tirv aniof J.u,rtt) itrsngers will I ptevint on the occasion, of bom a.COOtCOo trt for signers Apartments, it is adcd. Uva !. rcadj been tngiiged for, 9,000,000 cf iiiir, moir:M;wtibtn are rcpvntrtl to he 3 kinps at.d It) inferior sovereign piii.ces. li e mil linen and jewellers are ineciiMitlf ceeupiedt one of the fotnirr, roadatne le Moine, ho always kept in cmptuy fifty apprentices and fiifcWutm. has tne,aged eighty additional females from the provincial tones, and lis I bed three large hottscs, which she l is & Kd with the I'loJuttiutntyfltr art. From a Correspondent at lir'ah'uigton, under dlr ' ... December 8th. " CONGRESS may be said to be literally doing nothing. There is, indeed, little in teresting business . before them. Atlerirpt have been mide to muke'soine sort of provi- ' sion, for the mare effectual preservation of peaeein the port, harbour.s, rnd. waters -un-ilr the iu'risdiclion. of the United States. but all have failed f'eretcfore, and the subject stems to be pat to sletp, at least for the pre sent .Tn like manner, there has been a com-, ' mitttr raised to take in'o ronVu.'eration. the qucstioirof'sirmTngurT a bill has been ttportfd by them, which, after havm occupied the House several days re ceived a score of amendments, and gone even to n; engrossment,' has just been recommit ted to another -select committee, tnd the whole business, I presume, is to be taken up de rovvl i . " Within these few days, the weather has ) very severe. The Potomac is this morn ing f.-oifcen over. ' '."'' . 4t Accounts from most parts of the Contin ' ent leprencnt thectpps of corn as indifi'erertu ' The price ci'-vheai, mkI oiher grain, has tak en u l is' '.uely in nvst of the sea ports. " The tobacco crops are represented as abundant." ('iter Rodney member of Congress, from the state of Delaware, on the opplica- tion of ll.e Legislature of Pennsylvania, has agreed to undertake to support the impeach ment of t'.ie Judges of the Supreme Court, beiure the Senate. Messrs. Stockton ht M'Whorter, (ays the editor of tnc American Citizen) two leadinje federal larycrs of New-Jency, ha,ve aceeptcd fees from Mr. Burr, to plead in las defence, hi the eft of the indictment found strainst him for hiving killed Mr. Hamilton in a duel. Mr. Harper, it is said, will appear as cours ed for Judge Chase. A Tig as killed by the Post-master at Kintlci linfik, (N. Y.) on the lllh ulu WcU when dressed, weighed sn hundred 'an4 twenty-four pounds'. . LAWS of NORTH-CAROLINAr . 1 AN ACT" :rV- T? raise a rextnut Jor the payment f the eitil- Itst anJtontiffjtnt ihurgts of jptrnment Jr ihejecrltOS, , ' Bt it (fuute'j by th General Jtstmllf otke itate cf Sorih-Caroliiu, end it it hertb) tjiOC.eJ fa the amhorny tfike tame. That for the tar 1103 a .tax of eight pence on every hututed acres of land within this slate, and a lax of two shiihiixa n svery hundred jounJs value of town lots with their improvements, and tax af two shillini-s 011 every poll shall U Icrud, collected and accounted lor in tha same manner as such taxes hath heretofore ' Leeii levied, collected and ar counted for. I....- j .... . mmiu, nab l uii ii s'nd horses and jscV asves within this state 11 a such suJ hone or jnck au shall Ask. demand or receive lor tue season oine mtre aLo.il b levied and collected is above. And bt h further tncJeJ, That all free tnalea Ulveen th aca of twentjr ona y:srs and fifty and all slaves UUrtnthe agrsoflwctva nd fifty years shall bt subject to a poll lax. Andh ttfmtthtr ttaettJ, TUl each and c tery person who shall hereafter e6Ue or hawk goods in any ol the cov.B?ki of this state, shall first obtain licence from tha Clerk of some county in this state J under Ida seal cf office, and the person so pedJUn;; atd hawking goods shall pay to tht Clerk before obtaining said licence the sum often poun-1 to the uc cf the state, tote Accounted furbjr the Cletk in the same r.isrncr as 1st fees ar accaunud far, and any liuucs sv oltainsd tl 1

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