tV,Ty authorise said peeler to peddle and LvTK" goods- in any and every county in this ate for the term of one year, and if any pen -son shall peddle or hawk goods in any coun ty of this state without licence he shall forfeit: ami pay the sum of Uveniy be reco cted by the Sheriff or any other person of the'eounty in which he shall so peddle before any Justice of the Peace in the name of the Governor, one half-to the use of the said sheriff. or other person, and the other' half to the use of the state . V And be it further enacted) That all merch ants either, wholesale or retail shall pay a Dls.Cis.Dls.Cts. prices arxmrrtWinhigMr 15, 1805 BACON per cwt. Butter per lf. scarce, : Meal, do. ' Flour per barrel, new Lumber per M. plenty, V. o. hhd. staves, R. o. do. do. i do. 10 1 9 9 . 25 12 . . i i i tr " . l i.i. i. . 1 1 . u :i . . n unf it 1 1 1 f i mvpi'u u i ( t- f if r . hi r 1 1 i- r- r in this state,--at.. 'which thev shall sell any , 1 f.MlmnKru irwl nil' TVr-Vi ants or owners of stores as aforesaid shall give in his, her, or their store or stores as the "case may be, with the list of their taxable property under the same rules and regula- ! tions .that other taxable property is given, on which said tax shall be levied, collected :' and accounted for in the same manner as o ther taxes. .. . . ." And be it further enacted. That every person who shall come, into this state on board any vessel with goods and merchandize on board tlx-r-nf wliirVi l.:iH Tint let suhifrl tf. the mv- mentof dulios. inapoited by the laws of the -United Stales, and break bulk or retail the said goods or merchandize, shall pay fifty shillings to be collected by the sheriff of the county wherein such vessel may be anchored and by him accounted for in the same man ner as other taxes are by this act directed. it further enactid, ' That the sheriff of the several counties -of the stale shall be and are hereby authorised and directed to collect the taxes herein imposed on vessels arriving in any of the ports of this state as soon as the said vessel shall break bulk for . the purpose of vending goods thereout and . the said sheiiff shall also immediately pro ceed to collect the tax on all stores by this act directed from all persons who 6hall or may be considered as transcient merchants'. And further enact yd, That no sinking fund tax shall be collected for the year 1805. JO. RIDDICK, S. S. S. CABARRUS, S. II. C. Read three times tn both houses ratif y Dec. 17, 1804. W. o. bl. do. r9JjgJi, JP Mungles per 1000, -Molasses per gallon, Pork per barrel, 70 13 4- IP30 20 '" -1 25 -r0 30 . U 14 503 -;s : u -30 I 1 Rum, W. I. pr. g. 3d p. , 80 Jamaica do. 4 th do. "" 1 ' N. E. " do. plenty, 60 Tobacco pr cwt. . '.5 50 Tar per barrel, 5 1 Turpentine, ' . 2l 56 -75 r 15 25 50 AN ACT - ' .'.:;.' .. , To amcndanacl fussed at Raleigh in 1803, to rai;e the jurisdiction of a single Justice of tin Peace out of Court. . it ' enacted by the General Assembly of the S'ale if North-Carolina, toe. That from and after the passing of this act, that if any per son under any pretence whttexcr, shall bring a suit in any of the Courts of this State for any sum under 30 pounds which is cognisa ble before. a single justice, unless the princi ple und interest shall exceed the sum of 30 pounds, that this act may be plead in abate ment thereof, an v law, usace, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. . jj And bt it further enacted,- That the Consta bles who hircuftcr may .be appointed, shall 'jfiv- bond and sccurjty in the sum of five uitulrtJ pounds under the same rules, regit- !,itiim4 ami restrict. Mis n? div nil rail v nrnv!. tkdbylaw. Ratified, Dee. 17, 1S04. U HALIFAX, Ncv. 15, Arrived, brig Ailvcnturc, Peebles, from Jam-den. Octobers, in Vat. 22,75, N. fell in with t wrccktd brig, and the crew in the most distrcbsed situation on her sides; the lioat wus immediately lowered clown andaent to their relief. . She proved to be the Sally, of North Carolina, captain 1 1 old i worth, from rjn.outh, bounel to New-York, hden.with turn; hnd been upset in a squall lour days bp fore, and llic captain and crew hud been in that melancholy situation, without lustcu during llul period. A'tn'-Iorr, Dee. 27. , A report IranspiredUst evcniDgin the Cof-ftt-'.IouM- which if founded in fact, is the Irirbiiigcr of very important new. A gen ik'UU'U was said to have arrived in town, who rune pansjngcr from England in the No vember packrt, which he left in the Sound on her way to this port, who states, thai the Bo- 1agTTc flotilla had aitcdTmdrr pover of avery" dark nlht to make the long threatened de n c.toit England, when after having proceed ed I S IcafMirs to sea, it was intercepted by ihw chantitlifleet, and defeated ecn to ruin. Our re. d r J have been ho tunic muscd with stwr'u'S ofthtf invasion, that it It needless lo, Caution them rgainst giting implicit credit lo the present report. Extract tf a letter from ,Vin. Tlnmat and Adu,ti Cremtr, rf Rotterdam tJ a fntnd i't l.Mf.-i, " , TO RENT, And pof'tffiin given immediately , TKAT'eflnmodiotis well finilhedthree flory brick Tenement, corner of Front and Dock-ftrrfet's. The ground ftory is calculated for a Store ; the. upper ones for a Boarding-Houfe or a private; tlwellinp;' having a good yard and k itch en. --Apply to, i Thomiis Jennings. Wilmington, Jan. 15. Ten Dollars s Reward. RUN away from the Stibfcriher on TuefJay tlip 13th Nov. a nepro man weli known by the name of Scott's JACK, about 5 feet 6 inches high, 35 years rfage ; the little finger-of one' of his haoda is crooked -He is fuppofed to be lerkir.g a bout Wilmington The above reward 'will be paid for delivering 'he faid to me in Sampfon, County, or fecuring him in jail, fo that I get him..-. Mafisrs ot veirds and others areherebv forwaried from, employing or carrjiig nun away. DAN WILLIAMS. irpnfrtn County. Tmyiary. TI.IE Tste Mr. Bifhop lent fome per. fon in totrn a felt of Harnefs belong, ing 10 the Company, end a late edition of Prk- en Inftiranc. : whoever is in pof--fdfion of either, will pieafe to leave their, names at the Counting-Room of the Sub fcribcrs. IS-AACKS& SIMSO3. : Wilmifpton, Jan. 15,-; To the Parents and Guardians . of young Ladies in Wilming ton; anil its vicinity. TWO Ladies (the mother and dtuoh. . ter) lately airivcJ from France, now rcHJo in New. York, and have many .voting I wliosss hoarderr, whom they in 11 1 11 -t in the arts of Emvroideryt MKftc, - NOTICE. ALL Pcrfons are hereby fore wvartfed . from receiving or negotiating a Note of Hand at prefent in the poffelfion Mr. Henry B. Howard of this tovni, Taid ( have been given by me to ond of his Clerks fome time ago. T never figned futh a note, which I am at any time able to prove, and confequentty will not pay the fame. .' , tmivt mipr rvinriM Wilmington, Dec. z 3 w ' ; . -1 L :' 1 -- R A LL Perfons having demands: againft 11 Anew hw hasuccn pafd by our ro T11 mm m, npCling the quarantine, by whiih the Atncriraits are shut out fitm the pMit of Hrn it. All Amciirat) vessels rami lirncclorth r nicr the port or Ilclvoctiluys. MARRIED, O.tthe CStl.DcrcmHcr, 184, Mr.TaoM&i It: lojwaaTr. to h!iu AkK I'.vavi. rOKT OF H7..V.W7T0.V1 ft atu"lc :c o' m i.kT 1 S.I.V Sj.j Matij, CUtL, New.York 'lii.i, Uei.tie'i- S. AMKdino ! CW.JII.ICf , VlinJ, (f 4udiU'ljf ,L1. J'ti lt., S.i.ith, HV'JUI, Jt:tffl1V, S 1,'r .n, !Jlwnk. ht t Mail, Djthiir S.Thomii New.Vork Gienada (5 ludi'oup Si. Crouc and Painttr.z, c!fo, the French Lan?Hii?e. l.-iit f-.ndir.g thf climate of Nevr.York tra.old, they a;e defirotis of removing 10 Wiliiii-iton, provided they can be a o! u.pport in teaching the arts of their piofciboii. They fprak Ent;lilh, wli'tli may he countered rfTenlial in ihe inilrndlion 'of the French Language. Parcuts and Guardians who are deliroui of having ihcir daughters and wards in flriuUd by ihofe Idits,aro foliciied'to fi. nifyt hp lame in writing to Mr. De Chan b, at General Smjih. and fliould futli. citr.t i ncouragemciitofTcr, they will come on in March next, wiih recomwierulatiom fro-M the fu3 families in New-York. . Wilmington, Jan. 15, i8of. Five "Dollars Reward, KAN oiPajftomthe surriterjitiig at It. 'land Creek JUdls, in Nev-Hanoter count?, on the SOA "viilhout the least provocation "" apprennte voj CCWt 14 1 jeeitiof nf, of fair complexion, and light red JiMrr .f(ilJye iJtxbt t highiad c-ehtn he went mouj a light coloured broad hlh thott coct and taMaf,Mn$. ..H haevcr will tale ubsaid . it.' .. .1 . runuwoj uenvtr nir.i 13 int fir the jailer tn Wilmington shall nttite the atvtt rev,ird, George Weir. f.tnuarf t, 1 K04 3t9. NINE Hundred Tons Shipping, to for one port i i England a liberal price will be given by i homns I. Beatty. Wilmington, Jan. 8, 1805 jw. IN confequence of hiving fome expec tation of moving to LouiHana next bprixg, I offer for fale, two thou fa nd Acres of Land, lying inthe County of Dlidcn, and one tlioufand fix hundred and fotiy in the County of N. Hanover, which will be fold at privi'c falcon or before tho 2ih day of l)ecemher, 180c. ALEXANDER KELSOE. New.llanocr, Dec. TORENT, A DWELLING ilouaconthe Wt aide of Froni-ktrect, and a WartOluuie tn the wharf. Apply to Ten Dollars Reward. AN away from the lublcnber s Mills, near Lumberton, on the 3d December, 1804-rtwo negroes, Argyll 2nd his wife Br UN etta -Argyll is a well made fellow, about 5 feet 7 or 8 Inches high, 35 years bid, yellow complexion, and very much pitted with the frriall-pox, by which he loll one eye. . Brunetta is a very large wenchy; a little pitted with the1 fmalLpox, and very black .complexion ; Ihc is wellJcoown in the town of Wil mington and Fayetteviile,- being-one; the property of Mr. S. Shaw, of or near W iL iniitgion, . - : "... The above reward Avill be paid to any perfori apprehending them anct lodging them in any goal in North-Carolina, fo that I get them of Or.e Hundred Dollars on proof f th,eir being harboured by any white pcrfon. MatUr-of VcfTelj arecyii. tiohed not to take them away or employ $hem, under the penalty of.the law, - Win. Norment. Mellvilki January 8 1805. NOTICK, nj having di the Sublcriber are requited to Uricg them forward for Icttlcment ; and nil thofe indebted .to ..him are required to make payment orr or before tho fir 8 of- March next. .-.Thole who tail to comply herewith will be indifcrimi'iately fired im-V mediately after that period. BF.NJAM1N EVANS. Wilmingtonpec. ii,rrtft. . .' To be LeafecT lor 4 ycarjj. A VALUABLE Corn PUauiioa in B!4en county, lyin; on t'. Brown Mrfh,.iid boutc 40 milcl" 110 WilmifijtcD. Tli l.iad i' woiir-y the tUtnijca' ot Pi nit r I, 11 it is out of t'.ie way of If.Hlti, tlett it a cl erring fatiicient to eop'.ov i.Uy working ktpdiia the culture of Corn and g-iii ; it hn produced t one feifa.i urwtrdi of 3000 Whtlt Iodin Cui n. It ii iboit fev.a mile, from tbr orth-cU river, and tlicre it t good wijjo road to In landing. PoffelTioj wi l given on the h 1 of January next or fooncr it icuuirpd.. F iwii p1v to THOU At IITZGERALD. Wilruing'on, Docinb;r 18, 1 8J4. notjgE-" " THOSE indebted to the Subfcriber, either by note or book account, are requeued to make fpeedy payment, ? no longer indulgence can be given, by rcafon of his being parity compelled t lenvc this place, and wifhing to UtUfy fits crcditcri who have lung indulged him. JOHN GALLOWAY. Wumingtcp, J.m. I. tf THE Cjparnr(hip ot'Ifaaris Simfon i C. was tUliw'ved on iht 26li i: i. by the death ul Mr. Ifaac Bitho;.. AM pcrfiuit iuvliia; any demands fiJ firm arc ifuelted to prrfent their ac ciuits to Ilaacks and Siaifon for fettle inci.t, unl ail thofe indebted to the faid linn, 01 10 lfaac Uiihop li Co. are requeu ed to pay the fame to the fubferibcrss -Suryiving parmtia. ISAACS cc SIMSON. Wilminpton, Dec 31. ti . .. NOT1CK. DICK'S HOTEL. ; THE Suhfcrtier informs hit Friends A and the public in general, that he has taken the large and commodious Brick Houfe lately occupied by Alfsl Meek, en the eujl fide, of Front Street t a ftxu dotrt north if the Court-Houfe ia fillmhgtsn, and will entertain gentlemen, Travellers or private Boarders. As be tat been for "4 cenftdera- Me time ' fuccefs fully engaged it lufinefs of this lini in Faycfteville, he flatters himfelf ty Jit ict attention and a conjlam ' fupply Hf Jhe btjl articles the place ivill offoid, to be. blt'we'athfacimotboj favour him with their cuflom- ' . ; V- Wm. bicK. Wilmington Dec. 24 . ", ,w THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST RECEIVEDFROM EUROPE cy me an pi rony a ivuocy, mo Hero, -Jib- January I i. JOHN DIl AD LEV. THE Sobfcrjbcr i one of the perfons who in June lad at CamJcn, South Carolinj, apprehended John MacDotuid on a charge oi having mbbcJ the Mail of the Untied tafarai.diriiracitirof nr Court of Mailborouh IMiitf in the faid . (fate, when- MacDoiaId was la have (food his trial it he hid not hanged himfelf in jail before the fctting of the Court-froiri. thefc cinomltanccs he has been advifed by one ot the Judges 'of the Supetior Court'of Siiuih-Carolina, to receive into his ban 'a, and ht accordingly received from Du.ican M'Kae.FoH Matter at Fay. etcvihe (in wl.ofe lata keeping it was it firfl plact-dj a'l the monejf that was found in the Trunk or poffeflion of the faid MacDot.alJ, which he is ready and ani ious to deliver up to tbc'lrgal owners, on their giving Kim fatiifaflory proof ot Uie juflncii of their claim, or fucb proof as will fully Jollify him in furreoderiog it up. $T Iht etifftrtnt Printers tvfo fuUljhtd an acciunt tf the nlhry tf lit Mail gr. J ttprehtnfttn tf MaiDtntU, will f leaf t aim ft give filial f It thit dtrtijtmintt tnd it it pariituUrlj rtifucjlidlhal it bt infer! tJ in the Satitnal IntiUitnttr and m ilt fttetal papers tf Nrlb.lnliti9t Stuth Cartlinati Get'gi ihrti difftrtnt times, that thtft having dairumay avail item sites tf this AtV. M JOHN W1NFIELD. WinfeUtville, Marlltuugh Di. And now opening i the Sloie Lic.y occu- pTed by AIrm Jihn.Sbuter in Marlei-l Street, next door-to Mefsrs, John iS Richard Bradley, A CKSEHAL ASSORTMENT 09 DRY GOODS, SUITABLE TO THE SEASON, Which they offer for Sale on moderate terms for Cafh or Country Prorluce. CHRISTOPHER. DUDLEY U CO. Wilmington, Aov. 13, 1804. 4i LIST OF LK H FllS Remaining in the Po;i-OJJice at Wilmington, January I, U05. A TJ OliKRT ADAM and Co. JUL William Ac.kius, Samoel Afh, tiq. the Hon. barnuel Aih, Col. Samuel Aih, 2. JJ. Richard Baker, care of John .On-m-ciic; John Blanks, lfaac Bakfr, fjrtinf wick coiinty ; Timothy Blcodwor h, De. . non Bane, Ciiptain Avery Bill,' TKomaa Brothwell. csptain William Berul, cari t)fWitri,.Gilesj Mrs. Henrietta Bern. ard'Sylvefter Bowers, Pcfer Byncburgh, book filler James Brownlow. , " Z C" fi 1 IcV- Cray toil Mr. 4- Coxet cr, 7. James Cooke, Thomas Cowan, Ana Cunimintst captain Chapltirh, MifsEli- , zabeth Cutlar, 2; Plora Colvin. Kranci Cart ar ight, Marft!c;i .Campbtli, Mon. be. Liaig, J.W.lIion and Robert UidJ1cv Execkitors of thc.tlUte of R. and J. Ha milton. . D. Mr. Dnicz, Fdmund Dojy, John Divis,care of H. Kelly, Mrs. Mary Du boice, care of Mr. Ecrus; Andrew Dun fo.i. 4 E. Richard Emberton, captain Jofiafv Eldridge, Mrs. Sarah Ellis, Samuel S. Erving. 1?. John Fleming, 2. G. John Glle, Robert Grccrfon, cap tain Bery Gammon, James GiUcfpic, " Fort-Johnflon. H. Caleb D. Howard, Abnrr Hop ton, Doclor Jonathan, Hubbell, EdmnnJ Hat.fley, Richard Holmes, captain Tho mas Hunter, 2 ; Samuel ILliTey, William UudJclfton, John Hogg and Co. Nirho las end Hodges, Doclor Naihanicl ilill. J. Eliia Jones, Thomas Jones, on bord captain Rutherford ; Mr. Johnflon, Damnation Ally ; Henry Jocclyn, lUn ton lames. K. Alexander Kerr, carpenter An gus Kerr, the Rev. Robert Kerr, Bcna jah King. r- L. Mr. Libcnne, James Larkins, George Locus. M. Roger Moore, Joferh Milieu, Alexander M'Call, j ; ' Cliatlc. B. Mor ris, captain Miriin, , Juhn G. Morris, William M'LeUaji and-Co'. WiUiara Middlcton. care of Daniel Arnold, captain Wllllim Vtirl iK k,ir Mnou . ww wmtvwMv waa W WV Wai J f George Mathews care of Mr. Fontain s -AnnMillcrrJohn M'Kay. N. . Kachacl Newkuk, John U. Ncl fon, captain. O. JohnOcUfkry, black-fmith, Cy. rus Oldridge. , , P. Captain Robert Vettit, 1 ; Jofeph Prince, Thomas Player, captain John Pcarcy, 2, care of Jocelyn and Gautier ; Pergy Poiflbn, Alexander Pcdon. Richard Quince, 2 ; Ann Qiu'nce.' R. Captain William Ru Jell, William RiRbt, Mr." Richard. b. Richard Stanley, Allan" Shaw, 2 ; Mrs- Sarah Swann, colonel John Scull, Drunfwick, 2 ; John Shuter, William Simpfon, John Speciall, John P. Stater, bery, James Saford, 2j Mty Sarei, John Sladc, John Swann. , T. Adam Teabo, Juhn Tiylor, Joha Tfuft. V. John Viiiry. Mary Vance, O'Valcntine. . W. Colonel John Walker, captala Henry Wood, 5 ; Eliiabeih Williams, James Waller, 2 Hinea How Willfot., Mil. Walter Wnion, South.WafhlnBtocj lames Walker, tfq. John Welch, Ifenry wattert, Mrs. Mary Willfon, Jamof WiilfonCruakfcllit, 2 ilayiG. Whiif. 1 Ml Wifl. JOHN LORD, r. Jiouary 8, iSo;.

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