7 i . A POSTHUMOUS FAME. MONSTER, is a Cjgr&.of vice grown old) Lcavta to hU pping bctr his ill-gita'd gold, . , ' Horn breathe his buft, ow arciit firtuet fcooe, . Their date commencing with, the fccljmii'4 float, If on hit fpeclou mtrbl we rclj, ' Jity a worth like bi Ihoold ever die I If credit to bit real life we give, Phj a wretch like him fbookl ever lite! ANECDOTE. Col. Coekburn rofe from a private foU rlier to the rank7 which he? enjoyed when St. Euftatlus was retaken. ? Of this circum.. fiance he was Continually boafting, and "upon occafions whrre'it proved more pride than humility. ' One day in the- ifland of St. Euftatius, he. was reViewinghis troops, and took notice of a man in the ranks who was excefliycly L:dir!jr'6;oingupjoiim4 he faid ."how dare you, ytfu rafcat, ' ap pear on parade with that dirtyftirt, it is. as black as ink. Did you ever fee me la naHy, with fuch a dirty' thirt, when I was a private mani" 2vV, jour aoiiojtrt tt he fvre 1 never, did," anfwereel the man" But then jour honour villt he pleafcd to recolleft, that your honour's mother ivas h wajher woman." From me American Mercurt. DIED at Fort Stoddert. 0tober2o, 1804, 'Ephraim Kirly,ct. of Litchfield, ' in this ftate. He was interred with the honors of war, and other marks of refpect and efteem to which,-as a man, an offi cer, and a citizen, he was eminently en titled. ' Previous to his deith, Coh-Kirby had re- ceived a further proof of the confidence of the general government, by an appoint ment as a judge in the Orleans territory. His char after as a'profeflional man is well known in Connecticut j and the citizens of this ftate will,, with unceafin( regret, . lament the tofs of an uniform and inflcx libIepatrlotand ..jhe.fi.rm unlhskfcn advo- ?ate ot their rights and liberties. ;' . Wererwe difpofed to adopt the modern and falhionable mode of appealing to the pillions of the people, we might call on them to come forward and open the grave we might call on them to Uncover the head honored witlrfcars recelvc.l.in de " fence ot our country. But appealing from the language of paftion, to the cooler decifionsof rcaton, they will discharge tliejult tribute of refpeci to the departed futnot, who, while living was cquallj? be, eved by luilricndt, and rcfpccled by his enenves. The following is oil extract of a teller from Dr. John St!lj ialed Natchitochesy Xoiem ber 6. ' " The Negroes that rose here about two weeks ago, and eloped to the neighlxjuring Spauish Province toobtain their freedom, agreeable to the annunciation of the com mandant, were pursued, art taken and brought back, and we hope a btop is put to any fur ther' attempts; but most of the negroes on Red River were about moving. It is posi tively ascertained that they were excited to it by Spanish emissaries,, one of whom was taken with the negroes, and two others are prisoners at this place, their guilt being clcf.rly proved. " Two Americans have lately been mur dered by two Spaniards on the road leading from Appalu&a to Nacadoches.' The name of one of the murdered is Owens,- formerly of Kentucky, the Spaniard slashed him, and took his saddle-bags which contained consi derable money, and hit horse, and made his escape to Nicadoches; he was seen with Owens's horse and saddle bigs they were before nen travelling together, and the Spaniard's horse was found ttanditKj by Owens a dead body. . Tlic particulars of te other murder are not so well ascertained t it is only a few days since it happened. The murder of House Andcraon and Knox ha) been corroborated by sonic other circumstances aince the first account of It." ' ' 7Cul4 . itotle oecifi vs of the quenion , or elfe the ifiue a joined muA admit the truth of the plaintiffs own evidence. The conOderation of this prelirninary qucftion thecourt .referved, "without pre judice to either party, and orderedan ar gument upon ihe rjaainyjueftiea. 7 This argument wst opened on 1 hurday by Mr. Gaftoo for the plaintiffs, at great length and with much method, perfpectiity, ele gance amI.ftreng(Jt-the defence was argu ed on-Friday rby Meflrs. Camc'r6n Baker arid Woods, with great ingenuity, ttdl andJorceand thertmeLwasMea t)ole Conftihtlne (hfoflier tortie r rfpft. Wgar.HunlV. c? fnttikin .-.? ?: rorand nti title of Suwarrow) left Pe- M Tlie Armenian Constantinc fe S . r..w ; fit . KALEIG1I, Jsnuarv ;. , The Circuit Court of the Uniinl Slates t f.ir this dilt'fiQ adjourned .on Saturday hid, after having gone through all the bu Ancfs that came bclore them, -it will be uvo'.lecUdthai the ?( meat caufc Wro't in thatcotirt uy the c'cvifcei of the Marl Granville, agaiutt CVllirfi and Allcni taiic on to be it'e 1 June term, wlxn a demurrr wa'i mTcrcd to the evidence of , the ueftMami, mJ a joinder therein, thereby uking the trial of fha caufe from thw'jury, an.rfrfcnio It to the Court iio on ike law of the cale meiciy. When rnij ctimirrcr ca4 cn lot tttal at this term, ' it was moved lor the defendants that the ihinuntr fhotild bt withdrawn and a re- tl.r orJecl, upon the gruund that the ytl:t dcinuffiuj vcre in the aftirtnativo i f the propofitkin, and the evidence of Hi; delenJanii wai of a nrciiivc nature) that citl?er the Irgatity ff evidence of ilf .tlf ftiKti rtnttf w&irmbraccd bv the iiTuc anJ not that I the pUiiii:T, anJ oh Saturday by Mr. Harris for the plain tifff, with much . learnt Qg'and ability. The court have referved the confideratioti ot the principal qucflion alio ; and it is De lirved that, judgment will be rendered at the next term, but for whom' it will be given ;no hint-flas been dropt. Thecoun fel for, the defendants made the following points. in their defence: ift.Thatby the mere efTedls of there volution the plaintiffs were diverted of their right, , and the, land in qucftion be came the property of the State. 2d. That by the 25hfeclion of the de claration of rights, the 'lar.di in queftion are declared to be the property of thepeo pie of this State to be held t"y t lu m in fovereientv. "thereby deftroyinL' the plain- lifts right. 3d. That the plaintiffs right, if not be- -fore taken away or loft, was forfeited and .dtvelted by Jiha confiication and entry laws ot this State. 4th. That the plaintiffs are aliens and. therefore cannot inherit lands in this State. th. That the plaintiffs are barred of recovery by the zcls of liim'tation. ihe points mane by trie. piamtiitscoun-. fel were intended to meet the objection to a recovery arHing out of the points., relied on by defendants. It was faid by them that the revolution tad no etfeci on private right .; that it oc-ca'fior-ed only a change o' fovercignty in he country : that the 25th article of the Bill of Rights, which fpeaks of the pro- perty of the foil. being. one atihe.effcnt:aL rights of the collective body ot the people had relation only to territorial rights, and did not affecl the title of Earl Granville; that in 1744, feveri eighths of the Lords Proprieiors of the Carolinas having lif. pofed of their rights and invnunitics to tne King, the Gtanvtlle family retained one eighth (hare only, and that divefted of all its fovcreign appendjges; that they therefore could be confidcred only as com mon fubjc&s, whofe property was not af. feded by the revohition. With refpeft to the confifcation laws, thy were filent rc fpe6lingl!iis property ; theeftats of po thers had been ConhTcaied by name, Hut this had not been touched : That the law providing for theentry of lands had, it was acknowledged,' been confidcred as ma king this land liable to entry ; but thouph this had been the guier.il opinion, it was no proof it was a corrtft one. They contended it was not, as ihe land had been already granted, and all granted land is eip'refsly excepted by this law. Hut ftfp poling this property had been forfeited ti t her. by the revolution, or the confifcation laws, the State had never become feixed of it by any office found, and therefore could not legally grant it.- With refpeft to alienage, Uwas infilled that as Lord Carteret (tn: prefent plain tiff) was born a fubjeel of Great. Britain,, he cou'.d not become an alien to hit fcl-low-fubjicls, by the revolution-; and as they cnfidtrcd the grant of the land ia quediou as void, having been already granted by the King to the plaintiW, tlie aft of limitation could not operate in its favour ' . Col. A. Martin fpke at fome length, ai in'Jmitus Curi', in favourlif the dcT fchdanti . The fuit brought by the fame plaintiffs agaiull Gen. Davie and Gen. Jones wat continued. As the dec! lion of this caufc is all im portant to the people of this ftate (two. thirds of alt the foil being involved in it) the Editor ptopofes publilhiog the argu tnentx ot the Couufcl on both fi Jet at length, tic gentlemen concerned having promifed 10 favour him with them. terfturg, forjnc days before our. informant ftiledV That the general expectation was, that .hoftilies agatnft'Frarce "would coirmence in tjh. fpring, unlefs concilia tory propounds were xecetved from buo naparte durinstlie winter, kufiia Can fi out a nav-y of ?o fail of the line. Sweden, it was agreed 011 ail hands, would follow the fort u nes of Ru (ha ; w ith out whofe a fit (lance fhe was in no fituation to engage i n war. Denmark, it is faid would preferve her neutrality as long as fhe could 4 and fcemed rather inclined to francethan Ruf-. j fa a-. She cannot long remain in peace; if the expected war break out. 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Invisible Karibht Louisa Ily a gcnlfcman of Information jufl ar rived at Ilofton from St. Pcteifburg, which he left the acuh of September, we are informed that a war with France wai confidcred ineviuble t That the Charee- dcs.AfTaifes which bad been left by the French Milliner, wat otdcred to leave Huflia, on the 741(1 of icpletn'jer; but, kthat in wnrcjiiepca tof the tcc'elpf of fn. formation that the Ruflian Chatge.de Atfaircs had bren dctaipe d at Stflfcurg, a tourier had been detached to Revel Jo de lain the Frenchman Thai ilic gteatefl acliv'uy .prevailed in the Ruffian Nafy Yardi, and feverat fhipt of the line have ban ordered out of dork, which circum fiance at lhal fcafon of ihe year, evinced urgency 1 That an army ot ijo.oco men wt flKtmli'edon the wtilcrn fiontier' ot ii-.titl-re a juJinint upoti the deirturrcr jj Hullis, to command which the tirani Raynold's history of the East and Wes dies, 8 vol.'royal octavo, elegant Rolin'i ancient "history, 10 vol; '.. 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