iBllriifJIlMAD 8ALL TUESDAY, JANUARY 82, ISO. i; i VOftTTrGt? ELLIGEKCE. JbctixKdatikis Port tj tkt Brig Tw' Friends, ... Captain Isaac Jiull,-Sivtn fajs jroin Ply " -"WwttfA. This TOorniflfc ie Teeefred Tri papers rtathe S5th mstant. ' , The only igehfet ' hrch IThey'conlw ,': Is given in the fclloWinjr tit tract '''''jVs,"'J'roJr'2d. It is ftot yet known -what kind of Crown Some persons assert It will be that of Crssar's, that is to sty, a Crown of Unmixed laurel with its fruit ; others say, that oak will be -intermingled with the latirel. : " The report that De Champagny had pasBed through Nancy, inserted in the Jour nal de la Murth is unfounded ;-. that Ambas iaadorwas still at'Yiehnaoa the 9th of this month,' and Will Ti9t return to Paris till the '"' 4 , i OctOBZA 21. dilice is constructing in Military School, ctr which the Emperor will ( . LM1V , 1IVV UfVJtlJ ., Ati.tmmetjj e front, isM 'along tl sit in view of the people, 'fend the military who have arrived from the different parts of the empire, to be present at his coronation." "The Imperial tstrade ; will be raised in the centre of the 'chateau, in four columns) surmounted by an arth, in form of alome, having above it that of the- Military .School. On each side extends a. gallery, supported , "by fourteen columns, -arid terminated by a million; This' gallery, on a level with the Imperial estrade,. appears intended to be oc , cupied by the Court and the first Dignitaries of the Empire.- Other estrades and inferior raised seats are11 reserved. -for the members of the different orders of the 'State, according to the rank they hold in the public cei cmoi. tiies. A Tast staircase of wood, consisting f three stories, !ds to the galleries and ortier places. This edifice at present ap "peBfs only 3ike a scaffdldaRe, but as soon i the carpenters and joiners shall 'have finished their 'labours, it. will be adorned "by the painters and OthcT artists with drapery and tapestry'. Labourers are now levelling the hillocks raised in 189, which 'extended towards the Military School. This levelling will enlarge the ray bv which the procession . . is to pass on the 4th -of Frimaire. No horses or carriages are permitted to enter the Camp de Mart, " The curious, who arrive in great num bers, are obliged to alight from their car riats to approach the eaclosure in which arc .the workmen. ' w J The Imputation T the National Guards ' l La Vendee, organiMd by Napoleon, ( ci-dctanl la Hoche sur Yonne ) who are to be present at the Coronation of the Emperor, ct out forVaris on the 15th of October. " Lrovs, Oct. 14. M A courier extraordinary who arrived here last night, ha delivered to the prefect cf this department a Utter from Monsiegncur Cardinal resch,llinisterPlcnipotrntiary from his Majenty the Emperor of the I'rench to the Holy See, dated Rome, the 7th of October, sn J importing that his Holiness will leave 1'omt for Paris on the id of Nov', jiextt His Holiness will be Accompanied by tve Cardinals, including Cardinal I'esch. lie will, besides, have in his retinue four Bishops, two Prelates of the firt order, four rrtUtcs CluimberUlfts, three Alfnontrsj two plasters or Ceremonies, I wo Roman Princes, Commandants of the Ctiard of Nobles a TViperiwUnuUw f -tho IK.uiliil-t, to Je- trcUrMfh aargan, a PIjrsiKMi, fcc. the ivurabcr of persons who will aecti?9ny tht: Pope w th CrdTmuY jrccd'tf IgfttfT" The" ioumy wiu lxt m.xi in litres-divisions. The ftst, in which will he the Cardinals and ft - , t . ' 1 ft t. 0r atcihmm, ui urctrue nis iioimevs by a dfr who wi?l Himself l followed, after tha iottn al of a dy, hy tW third diviWn, exnfrmaMy to the intentKms of n Imperial Majtsty. Hi IloUoess, on his nMage thnu((H our city, win he lodged in the ar clnpiscopiU pUca. ; Jhcrr Vet. 19. m A-a the pnjertei reform refpiires that rerv thintt slVould he maternity weighed tcfow proceed to 'tin, introduction of new rtlcT of' tniV we learn tT.at no eh'an'ce will ht riade Hi the prci,cht Connitu brdie ih reUirn i4 M. Sclilmmeljitn. fiiitck fwn Pltis, whtre he will be patent ii the Coronation, artd hava a personal con ter- trice -with the Eraperor Napoleon n subjects or the srcalcit Importnnie to the mteitt Af this Rpoblic., OHclt de Artsseh, Ort. 24 tVe doubt much whether the substance of (1 Me stated to have been delivered by the rrtflch Mininer fr Kortlen Affair tb Hie HununCharct d'AffMrs. In answer 16 r',r Kmtefr Aleltander'i Rcmoustr-mcc, und t?lnch Is RWen In another r5srt tf this tfr. he renolne It Is In tdmoot eVerV wint oy Inconclusive and unguarded, Uiat we cnni'ni, wiihmlt treat dilTtculty, he Ihdurcd to htlicte that rhionnrie, with all his iMewnvrirife and pretlpitation, cmild hare f ilt cml so llatfrtm an Itistanee of aU Mirditr to erpe fram his manufctory of li.M U ami IIHCli( vimiut it vi 0i anr la tht charts prtfcrrtd an Russia, and forms i - : i , . reak a defence, as to justify the doIIct oTthe Court of St. Pettrsbfarfffci in suspending all diplomatic intercourse,' but in declaring immediate war against FranceV The long rumoured change, in the Bataviaa government was, according to private ac counts from the Hague of the Wh, to havt; been carried into effect in the course' of the J present week. Schimrhelpefininck"was to be the new Chief MatnstraterWOTtle of Grand Pensioner and his office to cony tinue for ten " years. -The marine -department was to be placed under the' directron of Admiral Verheuil ; the foreign departi ment to be confided to vender doea; and General DumonceaU was '-to have the ad ministration of -military t affairs, which waa, to ha?e been conducted uponlhe sattie Tlan 3- 1 O ... f -IT T k-MT as yws supreme coircge oi vv ar hi aienin The Ixoc1iwniion announcing these aJre& fions ,wa.aftUlly tTi-awn up when a -corier reached th.' Hagoefrom Pam.. ordering Sthimmelpeeninck to set but for that capitaU The result of his conferences, since his arrii val there, with Talleyrand, had not trans, pired when this intelligence was dispatched 5 and hopes are entertained by the friends and partizans oi the House 01 Orange, that a new arrangement, favourable to its interests will still take place. It is impossible to findi adequate " words to paint the scene f horrorand dismay of which 1 am a daily spectator I Many ot the inha bitants have-got on board ships in the Bay, whe.re they anxiously remain in hopes bf av apeedy termitration of this dismal 'calamity. As many persons may escape from' Gibral tar, We trust that government will order the most vigilant measures Jo be adopted for the examination of all vessels coming From the meuiicrrarrean. We lament to learn, lhat the "contagion which has so long afilicted the wretched in habitants of Malaga, has extended its fatal ravages to Cadiz and other .parts of Spain. Letters received yesterday from Lisbon, by several commercial houses in the city, give accountsjruly. deplorable of its eTTects. The disorder was, on the ' 2d inst. raging with great fury at Cadiz, and tiearly two hundred persons had,'" for the" three preedihgday s7 fallen victims to it. Every possible precau tion was adopted by the Spanish govern ment to prevent its diffusion. A cordon of troops is drawn round the c.ty, ,nd no olie is allowed to pass it on any account what ever. Ro alarmed, however,' arc the inhabi tants, that theY fly in . all directions, and crowd together as near the prescribed limits, and as far from town, as they pombly can. The disease has also broken out at Alicant, where it threatens to prove equally malicr- lKinl and fatal. Allboujrh the fever at Malaga was conni-. derably abated on the 2ra.h of September, to which date our letters reach, li.e mortality beinft confined to the daily average of 42 instead of 60 and 70, as had been before the ease, it contituiua to.be fatal to those whom it attacks. The utmost detraction prevail ed throughout the city, and during twelve days no letters had been delivered. Every indivi(!ialin the Po-it-Office had perished, and the only person who gave out the letters at VHc7. Malaga had also died. The people out of the town were so terrified with the diHinal accounts in circulation, that none ot them would venture to fetch or carry letters ; and it was with the -greatest difficulty that any one could he even bribed into activity. The Commandant had notified to the mer chants an order from the Gcncrrl, interdict ing the landing of goods ol any kind. A calculation was made on the 2Sih, of the nnm'-er of patients in the lropltals, town, and suburb, and they w ere found to be re duced to twclre hundred. To add to the Unfortunate situation of the people of Malaga) they arc inferred with a set of villains, who, fearless of the taw, mil themselves of the distracted stale cf the city to plunder and rcb This evil, our correspondent sas must be endured till the pes'ilential dicase tiKapprars, and order ajrain, be restored. Alicant. Valentia. Cartlugtna, and many parts ol the interior, have been vltited by the feveff which had every where proved destructive ; but all regular communication being restricted, the particulars cannot be known. At Churiam:, a village only two miles from Malaga, twenty persons have died, all of whom had been removed from the towtt of Malaga after they had inker: the disorder, but of those who have con stantly resided in the Tillage, not one has been affacted, notwithstanding they hae been constantly surrounded hy the lick. The tost aeeovmtl'from Gibraltar, which do not rtaf h lower than the 3th Inst, are of a contradictory nature. Some state thai no symptoms of abatement in the violence of the dion!er had taken place, while other contain the most melancholy dctaili of mist ry and dosohtir.n. The hospitals and n rcltos arc cloaked with the sick ; norlstVtre any further room to admit tlSe numbers that are attacked. The few of the inhabitant who continue untouched lake upon them, in rotation, the ud office of inspecting the re moval of the kick, and ihe interment of the ! dead. A letterTrom one of thctn lay It wsiroy turn yesterday to attend theremh. tit of the sick, and the burial of the dead arid though Thad from fifty to sixty inch to assist me, they were unequal lo the titW, sjch are the dumber that ,are to be removed or Interred. The heat cf the weallcr U m tcrfse, and the alerith that ttt from turn ing every where the bed of the deceased I b great that il tKr1y pniuu luffueaUgn. Admiral okirirjtLiis, it appears, Svas for ced by the violence of the late gales to bear "! away for Jorbay; .Jbut'the wind havjngi changed to S. 9 just as he reached the Dedman, h instarnly proceeded to resume Ms station off Brest. Alett'er from a gentteman in Gottenburelit Veceived at Glasgow; Oj J- rfduy, . atates, tlia the latest intelhgeTTc;. from -Stockholm an nounced that a eaty hadtbten entefed Mito Between Britain ; and Sweden, " in which it' was agrecTj, that on being supsidized, a latge portion t)f the Swedish Navy and Army were to be-at the disposal of his BUtcink MajeStj. Russia was supposed to be a party m't'hc treaty. Our ennzers oif tire coast .of 'TLMland ob tained information in the beginning of last week from a neutral vessd, which sailed from Rotterdam the 19th mat. tlmt between thirty and forty gtm-boats and artved vessels had, after descending the Rhine, passetl throngli the Dutch canal, 'and-by the river Meusc, for Flushing, at which place they bad arrived on the 2 1st. Two of our boats were in; consequence sent test Tuesday night to look itito the hai !)our. and to reconnoitre the Enemy's forces, which t'ney fdindas the Cap tain ot the neutral vessel hajrt -Mated UjeVn. to ooy with "the1'adcnuon"6f 'tfiree nafn si, "all ly ing at anchor, under the protection of the battc rics. ..At day lighton Wednesday morn4 ing, pur ships approached, with intent to prc yertt their escape for 'Ostend,, when, to their great disappointment, they observed tbenv ascending the Scheldt, out of reach of beipg annoyed. They will probably go to their place of rendezvous,' by the canals of the in terior. According tothe assertion of a D.itch fisherman, these armed veBstls are the lait fi vision which will pass this year through' Holland, for the grand armada at Boulogne. llQRLAvn, the celebrated painter, died yesterday, in a very, indigent state : As an artist he v. as unrivalled in the age in which he lived, but as a man he Vas peculiarly un fortunate, frorii his natural propensity to dissipation. - RUSSIA .AND FRAS'CE. Subscncc vf the note which the Emperor tf the V;;:ci directed to fie returned in answer f M. D'Oubril's note oj July 2si. After stalirg the uatoniMiment. " of the Emperor of the French at the complaints of Russia, and the tone in which they are ex pressed, which is represented as being that of a Conqueror, dictating to a lubjvct power, intc0 of the f.imiliar tor.e which ou-ht to be used between two countries standing upon terms cf intimacy, and treating upon a sys tem of perfect equality, the Note asserts, that France has a right to reproach Russia with, having neglected to execute her engage merits ; with having inttiTcred and changed the Government of the Scten Islands, which was placed under the joint guarantee of Francei Russia, and the Porte, without any 'concert or communication with France , with having sent large bodies of troop to Corfu, and having made an ostentatious preparation of sending additional numbers. ' That the Emperor of Russ'a had tho given an ptn reception to the Emigrants of every tfcscnptiont and had conferred on them public 'employments ; and Vo farfrom expel ling from his dominions the individual of the Rourbon family and their head, had al lowed them an asylum in the Russian terri tories, and had participated in their criminal firojects ; contrary to the wist eaimple of lis falhef, at the the time of hi endeavour ing lo terminate the war, and to restore the tranquility of Europe. 4 That Rusita haa also recently placed it Self in a posture ofdirect defiance to France, by ordering a Court Mourning a a mark or rc-pect to the memory bf an Apent in the pny of England, engaged in a criminal de sign lo effect the ruin of France ; that Ru sU had atted in this manner, after this trai tor to his country had teen condemned ty the just decision of a tribunal of tie French Government, and had been executed in pur suance of it sentence. M Thrtthfie and many other example of the illdispoHion of the Russian Government, the whole of whose conduct toward France htd undergone an unaccountable alteration ; the glaring partiality which Rtmia uniformly msTiifrtied toward England, and the perfidi u conduct and plots' of M. Markolf. who hai Increased, the difference Ulwteh the two Govctnmetit, and had engspd in all the wicked designs of the Emigrant and div afTetted' person In Vrahce thai these were the real cause which Induced the Riisilaa Government to adopt that cold inexplicable cvQlett lowaxdl Trabci, tUl U Ui litttr thottght proper to evince upon eVeryotcasibm" u Thatfinafly, if ootwitbstanding, all ih aolicitude of the EmdercB Of the French to maintain the relation af peace and .amitf be tween t hetwoieoutttrieftj tbe Emperor of Rus sia should joinpiaarma to those of England) the Ernptror .ofthe French yould in that e Vent" rcjy on the ' sinandjvalotir.bf hirar mies, and would mttinta'm at every hazard the honor of France, und the lustre of ' th6 -Fretich rtatne" t J PORTSMOUTH, tittobtr 2. ' -, . This mor'niitg the Swisiire, of gins boTsted the t?ag of YJce Admiral Sir JohA Orde, I'wlto iramediately took under his com-' mand all the &4 gun ships lying i.t Spithead and the Wasp,' ui'l S giMrs, captain Aylmer wlwch have secret orders usueato them, u J T;''WbEAt.'. Octpbef33.. , Two light-hojsis hltVe hen erected on the territory of ihe 'Imperiai City of ftrcmcn, at the mouth of the U eser and the point of the Melni ; one of them to the south, is forty feet high, and the other" to the north, tweiity threc. . ..Thc4e lifht-boues. will be of the highest utility to'kcafaririg men. . . As a striking insta"nce of the mildness and growing state of the present season, straw berries were gathered last Week., ripe, and a medlar tree is now bearing a great .quanity of fruit from a second blossom, blqw'mgwhile the fruit of the first Tildssora is on the tree, in the garden of 'ft,' ffi"Mising esq. of Poshbrpok Cottage,, in the jiai bsh of Titch field, in Hampshire. '. ' CORONATION OF Bt'ONAPARTE It n sard that the Emperor, on the day of bis Coronation, graciously itUends to establish several grand and Charitable institutions, which will eternize this happy and memora ble a:ra of our history, and make his Majes'ty as much revered by future ages, as he ia a'dmirtd and beloved In the present. At both extremities of Ihe, capital of bis exten sive domjnions, at the Bois de Boulogne on one side, and in the Wood of Vincennes oft the other side, bis Majesty will by the foun- . dation, 'tin "the day ol his Caroiution, of two extensive buil'dines., called lmbtt ial Hahaleon ' Hospitals where ten thou. and persons or both sexes, widows, orphans, wounded mi litary persons, or decayed civil public func tionaries, and their children, will .find a comfortable retreat j where youth will be educMcd and instructed, itirirmitic tclievrd, age supported, and the sex protected. The Imperial Napoleon Hospital af the flois de lloulougnc will contain females, Whose pa rents and relatives havijierved, suffered, or perished, in the cause bf the Revolution ; the Imperial Kpboleon Hospital of the Wood of Viccnnes is" destined for persons nf the o'.her sex, haVinjg the same claims from the same cause. All boys there will be educated for the army, and promoted, when past 15, to the rank of ifficers, in prefcrtnee to othc . competitors; all girls, when at the same ape, may rhoott their husbands, end will ob tain a marriage portion of 3000 livrcs (1251.) That aged persons may be ammed, as well a relieved, three time in the week the player of the Emperor will represent some pieces in the Hospital of Hoi de Boulogne, and those oT her M. it sty ,the Emprcs in that of the Wood of .Vincenne. Twice in the year ptitet. of injuitrj and reivardt of virtu will be distributed, and the Emperor, the Empress, or some Members of the august Imperial Family, will be present on these occasions. A Museum, and a Lyceum will be formed in etch of those Hopitali, which will be joined by ipaciou garden, laid out in the most elegant manner, o at to crvd equally for the amusement of youth, and for a place of meditation for old age, and fof exercise of both. Th,es garden will be decorated with select tatuet of the humer ou great men produced by the Revolution ) and mculntors and .i.tuir'i. r .trr,'w n. gaged to finish these woika in a manner' worthy of the I'otto, and the place for which they are intended. lo each of the Hospitals will be built a grand Imperial Chapel, where the Catholic worship Will be exclusively celebrated by the imperial almoner or chaplains. A highly liniihed drawing, Trotr. the pencil of Gamier Ihe younger, delineat ing these projected Imperial Napoleon Hos pitals, with their gardens, and containing short note, with explanation, kc. hut been pretcr.lcd for, and obtained the Empror' graclou approbation., Thlt drawing it now hung up in the Museum jnseptene, and awtatturt, at well at att'nts, by applying Iff the Gcnertl Director, Denon, obtain permis sion to see it, and lo deliver their observa tion or critiquct. Many think that the numeraut armnitemehl necessary for thw , rmptror'a Coronation In the capital will from Ihe want of time, and haitdt, oblige his. Majesty to postpone the ceremony of liyingthe foundation for these hit r;rn ami nMf ettablithmentt, for ome time, an4 prrhapt lo the ioth of next May, the anni versary of hit Majesty' pmd.mattoo a a Empcrcr tt If ettu Tk-a cxpiact ff - i i