U ' U i H 1eftTe in his ciSrnrto-go an d interrogate the people, and said that be could purchase ' pnt.'ciions at 25 cents each. He then cal-L led his carpenVer upon the quarter deck with a boardiiog pike chisselrTnallei and' rule, to measure- he measured them all -the carpenter, undoubtedly knew the captain's intentions some he made shorter than the protections, others longer He said .that he would take them and at off their heads or feet to make them .agree with their. protec tions he then said theywere all English- -nmenT-notwithstandinj-I had every paper -to- prove to the contrary. Alterwams .1 -was pe rm itted ip be 'heard. ' I m ade. use of every, argument, and with, as much, politeness as I;. was capable of, . but they had no other ef fect than repeattxj insults. , Four, men out of five were born in Salem, the other in Brooklyn. -! He ..took four .and would n6t take the fifth on account of bis being so amall and an old man. ri cannot omit men-, tioning, that e mtKMf : pressed were four, of the -best I ever had! ;" Their names are Samuel Shepherdir'Samutl Larabee, Martin, Pain, and James ihslej. After keeping - me from .2 o'clock to neatly , P. M. and finding it amounting to' impossibility to get my 'men Mj?&ia, toHUhJ should not. go on board of my Vessel till he gave me men enough to carry Mr ta P"1" he then gave inti four men out ofithe; Doctor's list," three of who in .were rw, irishmen, who could not fcteer the",', other an" American" young 'lad, born at Cape Cad, by the name of Benjamin Freeman, fltjiaitt? pojiunsa'to send me on board niv vessel on a very dark night with these ' merii with the boat nearly half full of water and i large sea runmng. am sorry to Jind ro communication between this and Barbados, otherwise I should have sent a cony of the enrolment, and his pro ceedings to. ike. Commodore -. who .is.: station- . ed oft' .ttai'bailo. i thiuk if a certificate of thh and tbsic.-bejng Americans is sent to ' the. Commodore, they may be obtained "l would .sparq ,nffcxjnceif;I could obtain them. I aniyeJ here on' the 6th ult. and entered a' protest.' and have been these two lays trying to extend it so as to send on the. oritriunl to Ihe Secretary of ; Slate. I must observe that it ,hus placed me in a disagree- auie iiuaiton. u.jh;u,u jutoem iiduqssi NORFOLK, January 18. It is with sincere regret we state that the privateer, mentioned in our last as having been left engaged with the Ardent, has suc ceeded in capturing several of the homeward -J bu:id fleet of merchantmen Irom St. Uo nvnjo for Baltimore. Our informant is a 01or who was 'landed on Wednesday, from' onboard the privateer, at Cape Henry. He states that he was on board the 6chopner Aima-Maru, Bryant, of Baltimore, which was among the vessels taken. The Ardent succeeded in healing off the .privatscr, who jnittuking htr gum (32 lb carronades) for wooden ou;s, ran close along-side and fired inn her, but received immediately a dib chrrc of t.;i'P- a:d langrage, which killed.a great number of her men. .After maintain ing a short action she sheered off, and went in chawc of the other vessels. She was after ward beat off by the LoineSs and IVIicity. He bays that she made tight or ten prizes; of which he recollects the names only of the brig Hunter, Captain Williams, and Philip, Captain Iluflington.- The ship Ardent he thinks either has foundered or will founder. S!i- w-s extremely cmy and uepiy "liucTi ; j and mutt have been much injured in the ac lii'Ji if. notby the fire of the privateer, by the weight oui. r bvfil MctSl was very leaky when, she sailed. The privateer is not a schooner, but a brig, called l.t i?Mctfl.irfr,bc!ougingte IViut-Pctre, Guadeloupe, mounting eighteen guut, and had thrv.e hr.rrircd men on board when she att. eked the IWt. She was chased iy the, Cambrian frigate ou Tuesday, but ran her QM$ of sg!d'.in..a few hours. ..fthc is. now off the Capes, cruiiing for the remainder of the fleet and for Vessels bound outward lor St. Domingo. Jarmary 53. The inhabitants of lids part of Virginia, Invc seldom witnessed such a severe season a the present Yesterday morning the ther mometer stood at eleven, and this morning th.tc was ice across the river (ckcrpt about a hlii:) paa;;e in .the channel) a consider able distance btbw the old fort. day, and broughtto .towiu We are in fornted that the-letter mail, received little or no injury the jjewfpapers were gen. erally mutilated. BOSTON, January 8. .The Seeon. The weather has for foiire days paltf' been' intenlely cold. Thermom eters generally funk at the coMeft'hours of theyjLj., the latter part of the laft week, fevcral degrees below o. Many br'turr pumps are frozen up, ami ufeleTs. tvery exertrpn oughfto be oiade lo tree them, at thr feafon of the year in particular a we, are -expo fed to nres. WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1805. ; . "Bank of Cape-Fear. Secondlyr By iscountor loins grounded on its Capital-and the . Deposits made therein, it Will cre ate prodigious facilities: poes the merchant (as is now the case) want money for the purposes-of his traf fick, owing to a dull sale of mer- ; chandize, with which his store "or warehouses are filled? The bank loans to him to answer his'imme" FRKDKRICKSBUKGH, Jamiiry ly. On Mo'idajr la came on the trial of the ncgroel (U ludbcen prcvioi.fly coinmit tH m Staiford ail) belonging to Mr. William Fiihuj-h, o Cluthan, for the murder of Mr. Cenja'"'" RflVI. We nnd.tflanJ that two ol ihnn were found ptiiiy an I cordcmueU l be hai'gcd, the rill were acquitted. KxiinH tf i UlUr Jrtm Daiiftn TnjUr, ,hlf'i GtniMtt, D( ly, 1804. 11 I affivtd at Jernnie, but found no flei could be ma icto a profit then pr cieded to Gonaivc, and loundthii maikct a'(') g'ul'cd 1 beating many neutral vef. frU, wcrat alllbepurtf, I am at a loff whit is bell 10 lo done coiTee is very fi,atce and riftng. Jan-ury 11. 7lc Nnnkrit MalUSaj'e, in atiempf. frc ) crol IVtnmaC fun, between Fal rriiuth and Suttord Court Nome, on -ITJfE Gommissioners appoinieil for .carrying into effect the act for establishing a bank in the town of Wilmington, feel it their duty to address diemselv.es to the public upon that 'subject. One more im x)rtarit to the .general jprosperity of the planters and merchants and. vety' other class' of citizens, has not at any period heretofore (ie manded -their attention. It" is unnecessary to shew on the authority of wHters the most, pro found in research, thdt, banks are : highly useful. The experience of Europe and of the United States affords incontrovertible testimony that they are so. If successful then, every where else, can any; reason be: assigned why", a ba'nk slipultl not be useful here ? ' Are mer'cial places so different from" ours, ; that hcte alone such an in stitution cannot operate to advan tage? AVe trust. not- oh the con trary, -o.ur -hopes and expectations are jhat the - opposition of .the in terested, and the objections of the timid will neither defeat nor retard its execution. 'Theiruth is, fellow-citizens, that if the present at tempt proves abortive, it will not be owing to strenuous opposition, but to that listlessness, that 'su- pineness and that averseness from k'i thought and reflection which un happily pervades too large -a por tion of our people. We do eon tend that the institution in question .. recniires tinly'to be considered and thoroughly untiefstoou, io tCCZtt cnUmcraViOTi; universal patronage. North-Carolina only, of all the Atlantic States of the Union, is destitute of a bank. It is the reproach of .our state that not one advances so slowly in improvements, and so long as men wilfully shut their cars agamstlaT6rTand aTmTrVt tliat rqjroacli must remain. In truth, the enemies of a hank do not found thciropposition on the ground of its inutility. They know too well they would fail there. But on the possibility of its being misconducted, a specivs of objec tion which if admitted, would have equally operated against and nip ped in the bud every schcmcTor public benefit which the enlight ened understandings of men have brought forward and successfully improved,, since the creation. Let us examine how, and by what means a bank Will benefit the community. . First. It will increase the quan tity of circulating medium. It is true that it will be paper, but that paper not like the currency of the state, a substitute for gold and sil ver, which it cannot command; but a paper which will represent gold and silver and be equal to i diate necessities j and saves him - from great loss,' which a forced sale. 01 his goods would mevitabjy bring on him. - ; Is the planter pressed for mo ney, his rice, tobacco,, lumber, or naval stores at market or prepared for it, but owing 2 to tjiC state of business there is- little or no dc-r mand ? From the bank he receives C aid, and thereby1: obtaining time, ! at the charge, of one half- or one per cent, he is rescued from a loss of 7 1 5 to 2 5 per cent! on his pro- s duce, which he would suffer by-a j forced 'and untimely sale. Thirdly. It inculcates and en forces punctuality. ' If theore was a time when this theme should be pleasing to mercltants only, arid unpleasant' to planters'.'that time is past.N The planters formerly ;; ycre altogether on the'debit side !; of the books, but now the tables j . are turned, and a system of pun.c- ' tuahty is equally desirable .by planter as'by merchant.; "" Fourthly. : Is it not a complaint, tliat.our mcrcliants ;want -enter-prizc ; that our port possesses no shippingof its own, though scarce-' ly any part of the United States . is in possession of superior advan- tnges for building vessels' PThat a number of manufactures are not established which might be carri ed on to great advantage ? And to what is nil this owing but to the want of capitals? Banks then, in their natural operation,, furnish facilities thai in a very considera ble degree supply the place of actual capital, and this will - do the same. These arc some of the most prominent advantages that result from banks, but there, arc many others too tedious, however for shares; iiecause the pficeccC. their stocks :and rate of dividttuls arc not published ; but therelcan be no doubt that their- profitJ are iu a ratio with. that 4f others in the. proportion the5poperatiqis bear to .those of the higher gm le. Virginia of late only ei nbarked in the scheme of a banlc 1 That rtharstate- ha sbecome4ul jjrensi- blef the advantares that would result from such an institution is evident, from the eagerness shewn ., oy 'intuvKiLiais;. to engage and -the precautions whici sembly took; m the act in it, its as- . V r; erect- rs should ' FiiJr evening Int. n hy the rapidnr ot . them, because at a moment it must ih current ,auic 1 fume difljnce down the j! ,f.mw-ni .uw,- n flrrim,al I wo of iheStage huilei drown ed. 1 heir) til wit rtcwreicJ the neat command thchi, or the bank ino more. . . Doubts ltavc been expressed whether characters can be found competent to fill the ofhees of the bank, who will accept them, and who will have and -possess the confidence of the public. To this ina v bjisYcred jjynh propnejtyv I tliat if our community is not com- posed of a greater proportwn of men of ability and integrity than that of others, it certainly is riot of a less, and thca-fore Mich sug gestions arc as ill founded as unhandsome. Respecting the crrt6litmcnt;V to be derived to the .stocklu elders from the operations of the bank, we can only reason by analogy. We therciore state the iact, that there U no bank in. the United Stales established upon the fair principles on which this is found ed, and in due operation, whose stock will not sell at a considerable advance. The great banks of Bos. ton, New-York, Philadelphia, Bal timore and Charleston, it is well known yield a very handsome dividend of profi tsJ periodically. lj Shares in all of those arc above ; par, and in some nearly 50 per J cent. Of the banks of lesser conse quence and capital wc are not J enabled to state even general ly their profits and advance on " ..... ing it, 'for preventing -a minopoly or trre shares, and. thai n than citizens.: pi " the -state hold any portion of them. V l Upon the whole, the Bank of ;f Gape-Fear holds oitt, to hilividu iais the fairest; ; encouragement. The principal embarked ii it will: -be safe. ' No doubt can b enter-, tained that, a prpfitequal to the legal interest of money , will result . from it in its earliest ,stagei and that in. the courscof a few years,' property tbereirt will he pifcfera ble in point of profit to real estatci most kinds. - H Wc reiterate the, obserj. ons. maje in the- former part of thi. address, that the-; institution re quires only to (be imderstxi to. receive general errcou rage tnent..- . The Commissioners conceive they have dischargedthelri daty to tnepuoiic oy tnuscalintir their attention to a subject in the interests of all are so ally concerned, and shouH iny be disappointed in . obtaining shares, they may blatnfi themselves alone for not', profiting by. the . Hernia tion furnished them; - I . &jrge Hoofer, 'John London, Johnllogfr Riehard Bradley ' . milium Giles, . Henry 1 Patters, John IPinslow,, ' David Andersoiiy ' William li. Grove, Dmicaji APLeran, - ; Robert llalliday, Peter Perry, ' Simeon Belden, which, raaten- u B V5 E o E Arrived here on Friday last, the ichoontr Tatty, captain Charlea Ssheppard, is tliitk frjru St. Croint on thes28thult. in hu 3L r 10 N. long, 77, 4o, apokcthc aloop U iljiaili capuin itor, irom 4imuietown, (Lonnccl . icut) IouihI to Chai ltH (S. C) wti 61 dayt having oo board a gentleman and hisfamUy: .She had tost her deck load which coasUteii n Tuulcsand hay, hud only two gallons of watcu on board, and her tail appeared oiuck ahull .ered. It blowing hard fromX. W. captain Tilicppard could nt afTonl her any re lit all though, he remained in' company with htt fuur hour fur that purpose. Ettrt y a Lttlir from iXt City 9 Waih mriot datta januarji. " I hate recently received a letter from lYicud who accompanied ou fleet lo the! Mediterranean, written, at Malta under data of the 30th Sept. 1804. I will extract a pare of it for vc-ur use. if you have become yol aeted of the aame, or nearly the aarne in formation before yau receive tlit, wrhich I think probable, you will give me credit fop' good intentions and the account between ua will be acttlcd. , ' The following otracti will, perhaps, be acceptable t . , Commwlora Barron's iquadron arrivjl here n the Jth, and. ft II in with Commodo Trthle, off Tripoli, on the Sth imt. The t tcrprlae of thti judicioua and gallant Cob, mander hat effected astonishment here.- You wilt undoubtedly have the facts in let.V before the public With the small force hn dcr his command, he bat stamped an imsJ sion on the Uarbary mind, which will xi b' erased this generation, and has reiloriJ W, character of our arms, to its properfraluo among the neighboring nations. As e Silence of this conclusion, 1 extract the foiuwibg paragraph from a letter addressed lota Com modore,byt distinguished Coromsiler in the Dritisft tavy, whose ab'ditis.i v YaJor