V J. FOREIGN NEWS: ' LONDON: November 12 A letter frem Hamburgh by the last mail ; ys, '4-the Russian, minister here Das . oy ' ntucial application, "caused the two notes from M; D'Oubril to M. Talleyrand, relative , to the disnosition of Russia towards France, to be inserted in the Correspondent oi this ' city. . , ..' There is a third note in circulation amongst - the diplounurcorps here,, the fuii eitent of wukhhai Hot transpired. It is - "subsequent - to the foregoing, being dated the 23th -August, the day on which M. D'Oubril demand ed liis passports. . This.importantTioterit is said, declares, onthe part ofhis Imperial Majesty, " that should i ranee be guilty ot. further provocation against Russia, ) or tier allies, or threaten by any new outrage toe safety rr.d independence of Europe, and'thus force Russia into a war, lvis Imperial Majesty' will not fail to. apply the last resources which a just defence renders necessary, and with i niuch vigour 'as he was patient in the 'ap plication of-means which moderation dictated, . .... . r ... t. ..... ...I ,i:;..r wunoui prejudice to us noouui wiu ui&miy . ul lus-trawii. . CHARLESTON, 3suat SO. . ( The ship Intrepid, c&puY.. Steed, has am- : Ved at Savannah, in 49 days from Liverpccl. j We have been favoured with London papers i from the 1st to the 4th of pecember, and Li verpool papers' to thi th of the same month, r Ccpt, Eretngi-urt&tedt this . port y ester da.?, ju S5 days Irom Ramsgate, (England,) brought two London papers "of. the date of December 17- -,- -That war lias commenced between Great- Britain and Spain, is ntlerigt'h certain. Capt. gorerntnents. For, having been convmit-" mitted after the outrage upon Sir George Rumboid, those events must be considered by Prussia as a positive and insulting avowal on the part of Buonaparte, of his resolution not to abandon a system by which he claims a right, which he will pot allow any one else to possess, of plundering and violating any territory, or "Minister or Courier he pleases.. As a part top; of that system, he will no longer suffer any power whichbe can com- I t . ' .. . . i .v. .:i -f mann to remain nemrai : auu me nmu ut v...: a :uaua5: nn nait of I ' yesterday mformed us that as soon as the U GreaMiritaivUn .a London paper ofje S CpartUrf fSSRt fi, . - 11 usviua vviuii .Ta v uv jms.t i ris Buonaparte hesbeen-crowned emperor by the Pope. : The Hritish Minister, air ueorge itum Tiifi Emneror. of Germany is making ex tensive military pveparatibiis,for the avowed purpose of maintaining his neutrality in nhe event of, a rupture between Russia and France. The Imperial Council of War has -' given orders for the formation of four armies of observation ; tbc hrst in La!Iicta, the se- ; cotul'on the frontiers of Turkey, the third oi: the boitlers of the Tyrolese, and the 1 fouith in the neighbourhood pi Egra. ' " ! It is finally arranged that. Buonaparte's wonatioa shall take p)nce on 'the 25th of the present menith. .' "" ;', ' Letters from Dublin, to (he 7th, state that , jeeveral meetings hadbeeh held, at the request ! of government, to consiaei; of a proper establishment lor the Roman Catholic Cler gy, to be.,paid ;by goyernmeht. Upon this important subject a letter of the 5th ".ays " I aiii happy to inform you, arrangements are making (here, fpr the removal of one of the grievances under, which tlie country has Jonj; Jab'jurcil, ' and which' haj pressed with p-culiar severity, upon the pe aafirryr' Mr Evan Ntpcan, liistrutled, as it is said, bv Sir. Pilt, hs callc'l 'upon the Prelates', and other dignitnncs of the Catholic pcvsuasiofi, to consult tlniir nfrior Clergy, in:l to lay before him u; o;m? of such.annual stipend to be paidjvy the Kte, us may enablf them to liv 'n j.heir. several ranks with cmlort and Teipec,Vi!jijty, without being obliged to recur, hitl.no has been Uio case, for a pt '?r.aripcs,(su;?r;prt, to the bounty' of the L ..'.v. , meeting of the Roman Ca tholic liisfioos, Ike. huve been he'ld in , con c'u.llc, in M rl"53i ough-;ircet, and the rs:lt hai U:i repeated at the' Castle. It is Vaid tint tHe Kiiig of Naples' lately - nuvfieil, it (itneral St. Cyr, that thw yer diirin-; wl.:cb he hud engaged to maintain I'm: iYuich (tMp in iii dominions, hiiving xpirrd, he was no longer able "to provide tht-ir subsi'stn'ttc, the 'charge of which vs rtit'irri-! still m re oppressive by the l it'. rrini rcnitins from France. General St. Cyr, rcplkil, that hiiMajtsty might do jT tliouht projwi, but tltst the trocis ruu t be ftd l a!l, that :t the Neapolitan Rove.nmrnt decliiied to fnrn;;li Ihe neces sary unplifV," ie( wouM'i'mir.ediaCtly n rqy th.- hp!sckiitgt!cni jnI levy cbnfribuHons by frcj. Thi t nfurcecl by the most inndeiu ux.-.-ijecs rf I lie Vrtrn h Minister, Alquicr, totn'ppned his Sicilian M:tjes:)-to ro'itiinK- the aTlv vancc, and make the most h'itniii 't'ni;j CMicesos. A ii iir.'v.r of Cwiitivisl societies through l7,ii wai b'i!y for Intelligence from f.iov a- to t!ic"Uf wficn lliionr.Psrte is be rr;r.nd. toSx tipbn the ikame dy for' Ihacoi-ju.uioHof tv Emperot s and Kings, ' in Jk:w ttX JVcsulcr.tc. lf rhis roysl ni.iu , praca.-ili a hasrfnncTien tdforc, there will t-vin W no such t'siin ass fcpiMctin shitty U be nv:t uah ; aiid, sih lerfK'wn oldl. Af tVid iA the !..ird, .r.e -rtill lurdly be able to spit out without pitiii:g upon an Enipe tov. k ' ( - - " llAMBuadii, ocTrtrao." ' No further aecw-rts, Which can be relird n". 1tve him rfeUcd licre' respecting Sir George Kumlnld It is rirKrtcd, however, that f rr his tU wcrtss mined by Urn. nulgtrc at Ifanuycr,, heai cmivcycd-tfi Pa. m.. Sever! qutlons urirc fur to l.itn,'itU" Mid, by Rernidotte, but hi tlecjiacd jrMnc anyaaswer. After tht French trop htd e nbaiked Mns htre, their nmie Itpt pW j.i? a thev dropped down the Elbe." The" Husiien Mir.'uicr, M. Fbrtemsn, tni te' SufdlJi Clurt d'AlLirei, hac tfeclo!' t'"t they accordingly cnt tontlen to their icK-ciiv coru, rliu:ne erniiion to utpurt. bcldi'who was seized at Hamburgh by the, military agents-of the French Usurper, has been released, and has arrived in England, i One account states, that his papers did not j justify detaining h.im; but from the contents j of a paragraph,' 'which our readers will db' ! serve under the London 'head of December j 1, it may be conjectured that the interferi j ence of the King of Prussia , had some inllvw j -ence on the nccasioiw a -' - V- f'A note on the margin ot a li verpooi paper,, stales that the Minister in England had re ceived his passports, and was to set out lbV honleonthe 17th December. Tne' Porte ha not vet acknovledgcd Buo naparte's authority, in a way acceptable to the Corsica n "Mr. WagsUTf, an Englisli messenger, who left Loiaton, with' dispatt hes for Petersbtirgh and Berlin, was stopped by six men (suppo sed 'a French ' officer .'.and five soldiers) be twVerj t-nbec and Mecklenburgh Schewcrin", and his dispatches taken from bun ; after the cCicer had taken. pci'-ession of "Mr. Wag htarF's! paper, 'the 84Jiers plyndtred him of r hi? ca!i, wstch, Uc, Mr. Vv. after his arri v.ilatSf.hfwerin,: -sent a letter to "Mr. Jack- sm, the Pfiti-.li , Minister at Berlin, inform- 'ing' lanvi'f the loss of the dispatches ; and '1 then re turpwl to England'. ' A Pari- (Kite of 'November 13', says, ' ('a- i ucral Arrtistretig, the successor of Mr. Li- ! vi-i'gston, .as ambassador .to the- Emperor .of" J thtf French, is crrived- here,- and will be pre- A senled ncSt Sunday at'llse grand diplomatic J aunience. he brings with n'ni uis yovcrn- ; mettf '3 acknowledgment ofour S'nvvhign in t hisuewJdignity. "Our Ambassador to '.he United ftMtes of America, GeneraLTui r:..j, "wU not ojcupy his post before tfie difTei e.i- ces between Spain and America, are anally J svtthd. It .cannot be. a lung time hciWe' j such an event ,Xn.lv's platv, .is lifil co;:trtii8 1 have accepted the medictioi) of our Emperor.- ' ' Vienna, Nv. 17. According to accounts frcm Constantino- ', pic, the French Ambassador, Marshal ifiume, j has, at the request of the Porte, deferred . ( his departure, which was fixed for the 12th if October The Porfe -is willing to ac knowledge tin. French linpniui IMgnity ai Mori as it shall have had lh necessary com munications with llussia on the 'subject. It is believed that this u-rkiroulrdgmtiit will be. 'made within a definite time : md that a crrta'ut forcii,n, court hs applied to the 1 reiiti. government to umstflt to the del; j. kingdoms of Naples and Etruria, ad tp. the Ecclesiastical State, that they could no .long- er be permitted to remain neutral. Having .inhuusteci the North, Buonaparte turns his Attention, to the South, which ; will, be-pilla ged and drained with the same merciless rapacity. - . The Rotterdam Mercury, which contains the French order against the Introduction of English merchandize, also contains several , advertisements, everyone of which announ ces the sale of some article of-British pro duce or manufacture. ,. . , . ' The elector ol Hesse 'has sent notice to Mir. Taylor, the English resident at this .coUrt, to quit his territories., lie has ac tually taken his departure, and the Secretary of Legation, who officiates ad 'interim as Charge d'Affairs, will speedily, follow his example, and quit the Electorate, ' wath all the papers -belonging to the embassy. ,Mr Elliot must soon bid farewell to Dresden ) and then ' there will no longer remain any English Ministers in Germany,-, with ' the 'exception of those accredited to-the .Courts of Vienna and Berlin. The British, embas- sy, whose expected arrival at Ratisbon, was f lately talked of, will not now proceed thither;" the principal lates ot the Empire liavmg declared that the Diet at Ratisbon Has no , rcl.iions with England, having no affairs . whatever to transact vith that country. Letter; from Frankfort state, that all the inferior German Courts are determined .to dismiss British Resident Ministers. There is. really nc saying how far Buonaparte's extravagance may drive him, and we have no doubt if he made such a requisition it would bo pretty generally acceded to. The , present situation or the fce'ble German Slates is to tne lat degree, lamentable. In no' instance vras the picture cf imbecility ti&m pleil on by jower, more degrad'mgly ex hibited. 1 he, French journals toast that the Courts of Vienna and Berlin alone will be able to retain a Bi'ui!.h Ambassador. This may be true ; but if the prediction should be realized, it will only illustrate, in characters still more striking than any hitherto dis played, that Buonaparte unites in his conduct U wonderful mixture" of oppression and ti midity. He builies the weak and feeble, while he endeavours U cajole the resolute and the powerful. - One of our cutters looked into Brest a few days at;o, and counted 21 sail of the line and live frigates, all apparently ready lor sea, fat indeed they have been six months ago. . " The tensation at ITaiil)i-,i!'.i1 tj ' .' burgh, and even HolsUinr.V.l travtiie'S " down',, was great ; and fears entertained hem the. reports brought cf some mcY;mJnu of " the French at Hamburgh,". '. . . ; December 17. ' . We have long assured our readers that war ? 1 with Spain was inevitable. We have now to state, that the die is finally cast, and Ua; . letters of marque and reprisal, which havc y for several days past been prepared, Will i,,,. mediately be issued." The Chevelitr D'.n. f duaja, the Spanish'Ambassador at our Court ' 1 nas rceeiveu nis uussiioria, nu jjuiuubes-ift. " tingiOutthiiK.day-j0J0.-.hii return j.pSpav I.. 1 U'.. -- 1 niVn'.l nr. ..If accompanied by General O' parrel, an ciricei t , in the Spanish service. The grounds of w w ? will shortly be made known to the nation l,v ,, Altnisters y .and, it wti arft correctly inlornftt" 'jii(;n, Ncv. 19. Tlie Prussian Envoy, Couni Gorz, received advice by a rescript from Berlin, that his Prus sian Majesty, as Director of ll Cinle of Lower Saxony,, has caused the strongest rcpr:seiitau(.ii to be made lo the Imperial FiCtich Court n-ln'ive.to the nirst .f the, F.iVlish'harge dAilirs. Sir George -Rum-' bolj, at Ilaa.i-urRb. .The atlic.e in the Mmiienr, which varc.c 'md here eteriL), titf.ig that the said Chaigc tl'ASaiii, Uu: Chtvalirr RumMd, had 1h-ii uhiistd in cvfisequeiKB of the intn puioii f.f Piutsi.i, hs'i cutued here ihu most breciblb sensa tion. . Lonjjn, D.fCinle'r I.. The King of Iniv1.i' ht.itixm.lile criiiduct m d-mal.dir.g tlie releuse f Si;- Gcdl't P.tini't.ld, U pitted by every jiiMil that ar ! rjvrs.t) have been the iCV.it r f r.j iu'd',ii ei)ultiMn of Miigtr, of ii temporary impiilsc i ' r.f prido, Cabir.eu re seldom suliject to thoc '. 'tiikt. it..i.t... . ..i it. .- . f ..... ." J weil "webbed M,id t..ii'nieitil, ord itrrurn- ! ed ujMjn yeviouUt io Vie uiiun-1 ear J.l;n- i hur, 1 his is a ix.im t.rth- utmost impr j tnrj'beciuw it ttnviricts.us t!iat the j ! rcVune tf that Mii.'uicr, u lar fum cr.n- i ; nlts-ing or satisising his Vruisun M?fmty, i!lNf rnnitv biiii more firmly Uaclird U ' a y H emV whose operation. bus lccn so spcr- Hy tfud it HoneCiiul, and which he bt.ds to the cnly nit 'bod of checking the insoletioc of tVe cpritH.us C'x-kicaQ. The Pigot Diamond has been purchased by; Buonaparte. It is intended to form part of Madame Buonaparte' necklace on the (by of Coronation. All' the .diamonds in France arc hot considered sufficient to give eaat lo the ceremony ; orders have been gi ven to buy up' diamonds in Holland and Eng. j laud lor the occasion. ... I 4"' . December 3. j A Swede, which left the Texcl on the 23th. I ult. has brought intelligence to our sniudron. I that 50,000 r'ench are now advancing into !l I dil.liw!. minim ii-il l i li nrv-i-w tr mm -I. v, ...1 j , 1 - i..i1....whi.ihi(u j lke potsestion of Hambuigh and Swedish j Pomcrania. I Som Utters from Spnin received br the Hamburgh mailvhich arrived onbaturdky evening, state that the French Charge d'Al f aires at Madrid had presented a siclcM note upon th subject of the detention of the Spa-, nub ships; that increased actisity Jiad in cousrqucncc taken place in the naval and mi litary departments, and that en embargo up on British ships was expected to take plate immediately. It will be of little conMmuic to us whether an embargo be ml tr net, for there are scarcely any iJiitii.hsl.ip iu the Spanish porti. Admiral Gmtina is I.) be rcca'tcd l.om Par fa to lake ll.c commCi.d of the Spanish Heel. Alttici from an officer who holds an im pirti.i.1 ttioii in the Kus-.uu tM,vy. dated Revel, Octt'hei 12, . Iu ll.c cot.', u- of next Sprjig Urge licet ir. cnguiMi win eeriauuy aii ii-om this jort. ' a stronger case' than- that which will be pic- sentecl, lias rarely been made, out on any si- ' milar occasion. Fast sailing vessels are ini mediately ,to be dispatched to -our ; diflerent settlements abroad. There being lio. Spa . nish ships '"at present in our ports, excepting those under detention by our cruizers, no or der for an embargo will ol course be issued. A vessel is just arrived at SatlgiVte creek, -whiclv sailed friiini Cadiz on the lsOth ult.r w itlr-; only half a cargo, in consequence oi" an inti. njation from the British' ?oiWhI; a that he did nt't consider it safe for English testis to re- main in that port, an order for ao embargo , being hourly expected. Six British' jire.n n war, of different descriptions, were then trri-" '-.zing, off Cadiz. The disorder inthe town hnd very much abated, owing lo a material unci ' favourable change in the weather. . The report of a projected change in the . Batawan goveijuntiit is revived ; and Schim. melpemiintk, it is pdded, will certainly he . placed at the head of a.new system, as a kind of Vice Roy lo Buonaparte. The Dutch fi nances continue to be in a most deranged , state ; and to add to the distress of the coun try, the sums required for the ensuing ti-.v, greatly exceed those of the present, of which upwards of 40,c 00,000 of Hows, nearly lour millions sterling, are yet unpaid," and unpro vided for. To 'the other calamities which have resulted to Holland from its connection with Fiance, that of a iiatipiud bankruptcy is row seriously apprehended in that devoted country ;'..- V Portsmouth, Dec. .W5.. The following is an extract of a letter with whi( h wc have been favoured frcm an offxer on board his Majesty's ship Fitzgaid, dated off Cape St. Vincent, November 28 : - :. We cannot desire a better station ; we heard of hprijlltieswiih Spain on the 15th cf OctcJier, and on that very day wc captured two t-hips. Lord elson received Iioni us the first intclliKtticc of the rupture -We have already ttkt n 12 ships, and entertain hopes of as many mote. Yesterday we fell in withtheDonegal, capt .Sir R.Sirachan, who has taken a large Spanish frigate, alter a chsncof 4G hours, and 15 minutes action, iu which the Spanish captain was killed; the prize was from Cadiz, with din patches fur TennerifiV u.d the Havanna, laden with s'.oies. The Doncgil has elso captured an other. Spanish ship, supposed to be the rich est that tnr sailed f om Cadiz her targ is repot ted to 1.6 woi th SOO.OCOl. l AVvfm.Wt9.-We have this day taken a large ship fiom the River de la Plata. DectuiUr 3. -Since writing the above, we have raptured the following ships Ncstrs Signora del Roiario, value lO.ocol. II Forluna, -, 8,i.eo St. Joseph, - . . 12.000 La Viginc Assumpto - 6,wo Apollo,' .. . - 15 1)00' Signora del purcfccatioUCi . 40,000 Fawket, - ...'".' ,:oo CuMavos Adoiphiis, . ,. - - I,ooo A Settee, - -0 Ashipwith navit stores, . 40,000 NOTICE "... It ktrtij givta, THAT th Mtik-r tjuiliCeJ a AJ.Ttinnlritur oniherl'atc ol Peter Manrco-u lately .IcctlfcH; all ptrfonl i lh!rele e h' are Indebted to fill eOsie - re nqutfUd losffiRie forward 'inil makt ' lavnr.u ; ai' a'l peifoof svho hive nij demsnf. tainfl thctlltie, lomkf ihem known siiltin.iho time prefciiteJ bv an ' ad of AilVmbly, emhVl An ad con tvni.j prfing of Willi anJ Rfanting J.fftfft cf Admininra'ion, and to prevent Iriu-li in iht mmsrment nf Inirtlaici Ef utt;' oihetwrlfe they lll be buret . gecM to the provlfmr, of f.kj ail. , A. LAZARUS, AdmV. February 5. ... 1 . i- iiiuvcu,! 1. 1 nerr 11 nmv asin.ii souatiroti i.hl-. Uui i fcr fiiothl lhal ihe rvlese of Sir Gorge,! to pult'it4 immediately ileojhslsti of two ! fcn.Anikamlor. in which character! ships ol the line, two Iriaiei, and one sloop ; ,.ul.WraUuirvii dcmr.ndeJ, but asa pmaieV ..of sear, under ihe command cf comnunlote , ln.hvi,bial, 111 bub rJtracter the X'mg-of Greig. We every di eupcct war lo U iic- Pnissia cotild neiiher kimsv nor rrc alxmi lum, , could he satiMacU ry i Hrforc ibis nrg was conmitted, the Prussian fabi nrt, as Mr. Jnektoret spiiiltd note prors, lud Mtp'rtssly elei.Urcd his PiussUp Maje's. if determination r0 txlenJiit fvmrjj in tfttitn to iht lUMtrulttp end tnjejxiuinttt e ihs Kl'th y Ctrmanr, anJ ttfvtial'j to iht Jta' Ytrtnu tu tonscquciice of thai known oV elarsthm, IjiUek has rtfewl the demand made by ihr French of 2 do ,000 rix elcllars. This tkiuind, accompanied by Ui recent higlmay tobbcry and filmiy committed up on Mr. WagMair, ihi auUtora of which are known to have been lh Fmnh Ctmmjnjjr.t at R.ilttfarr, 14 CeJjrmn uJ fvt hrnth mmn tMur,, n tnd to btin affairs lo a aiiiii, Utecn the Pnmiati and Fietieh e lared against France. Thia country hits t regtuar army at soo.ooo ol ihe beat troops in Europe, exchi.Mcof aJboi.l 260,000 irtegu brs, Calmuct and L'asaci. .. Ikt Dniuh AVTTh total nuwdjer of ihips now in commission is 85. ol which I0J are of the line, 33 of 50 guns, 1S9 fri ;aie, and 419 aloor of war, kr.. There are Uildim; and repairing i$ :iil oCtCc line, which, added to Ihe rrcttvinir shit.t ml those in oruinary,"lfr,ke the local of the ISri tisji navy at f teactil 0J ihipa cf cliffuent ucscripuous. December 4. It was said that l n ilitat y commisiion waa sitting upon thtr house at Rotterdam which had large concerns with F.ngland; mciruioks, fcc. anted and eiaoiuitJ. EsmCl t,t t lmrr frcm fipl Ilufliioi, tt ih trr4 if ln( it 9 P ymwdii, tt out on hff fi'A Cti(f( tr btt Jit't irti snt Mi. E.kf. mrril t ,P!h- OjcK 4alt4.ff l.idoa, Oct. to. sl4. furfaiMK lh ordrt yen rr 10 !( tl iK Cair'' til bd wtmhr cm.f , I pvitf4 it f pMfh fl9ft unfit I lad M witk lK fW ol Aim-i. tl Cob(i f Pcttot, wkO ljtnd hm rtptu't ol l ilUo. UHd fttji my cnf"f U lWft M.nit,, sK., coifif tti 4ty, C.p Tis Ri ImiiUiK l )j lsu, iMw tt lhrBifw lt4 Jifiitif4 fi io lU $. W, flrdirf in iK tA. s. whUk st 4UtA C ("t 0"pt 4 , Otf K r MlU.Ou;, to rik.f hl ft ' I Utplt bU I bBt 4CQ In4. Al fc tuiHt tflart la (r( 4 44 eel diet tirrronrfr, lcm p with rrt(.l. 1 ic. k it fn j;rn4 ik.i (1 . 'h Ergl 0 flaoool tl, Of ImSi4 Iipm ! VtnM( r Uric it k M.3 , 1.J Ci loi tht, it told my titMt )W lafisoa m.tm4t fl oM At l r D..o. il lKv svrli 4 DOS id mt, krj iKy jt m ihia hn. 4 ( iW snot FKt tt rVp hili ih (! ibot iff. Al Ira f. U. I M in l hf, I..ilr4 ht't 4 oa lli fttt t tm l.trs Vu Ctai, I 4rf4 Iwt la Liirlo. K talvti tttf r io la . ('( rwi bslto m bond, I f.n:J ha f aftit4 Its tokto l ilh. tomotrtw. This COtis-irl 0t sit if loi4 io iifiB. 4 a toWio't tf .n kr ai iho mofofiM tiiU4 tf muirr i iM rUtitnii rf b.4i tf4- Ncmi 4i4 Mifh imi g iia stiti.o io ktf fulu a-aiof Irtt sr4 o rru m .f h I 4tor4 lto ti Kc io , ,f nk, fi 4 9f 64, slrcli I sit ttiptt MromrltDt, U io fa 4m ki4 ikt ae4 loia U ' caS " fi 0ty hf shftl4a tWorioo faio'f4 lo ptM art ltiVa4 itt, vt aS44-lofisiMtilt Rif oo (if, 4 Ull.ff M lk ItOtc M W,4 tk fMT, of'-. nwi l'tM.4 kr ik art ilas i Dom, C-t or o h 4 sa4 kt ik 4Qraua of lie otlg U. ft.t.klf. t ialtoii fo 4 tiuol tMfi Iko rtmf, tmti io aa4, kynmft ff kjr iM so' rt, Yf Yt fU (1 4 MM C UtksifOM 4i 1.1 s im M, s4 ti(sU4 ik co't M'tot oo Vt4. Tk to;t4i, aaiaiik. ' ii4fik kt. Wi o lt, 4tio tbliosie to f.Ba ki ktag 4tivof ikf atn.4rk, t4 , iM lora tfiag 00,0,4 lr Ifcinf al mi MOftt, ( Ikff e-0 (kati(4. ' 11 tn r h.1 ( Vf 41tW-WH( t4 :. i -:) of I 3 ' K f C ft K 4 Q w

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