ihntmhf 9 11 wlifc deaiactfoa, !e tlx etnue sf the enemy grrwer ibin it would kit, bees, tt wi tnm d bo oarler M fir (I, part "of my men beieg employed l cat the bri clear of the ftr. Th GLiom Ufa A b f p4 te P. M. but it wat (oar A. M- be-' tw the fhijrwM co:ru)letely im oyr polTeflioo, and ibt Bii'oMi tecored. Out tuft confifled of it tberr krJIed od at woundei mong(l the tamer i th (on of ..Dior nrif 'ibour Caot. Cottrave' of the Karat jjavtf tiid Old Vinegary at you cttiea hie, the boat, fwtirt The Memy bad forty killed befidea the focoai Captain 'and. two pfTengeia, tad 76 wounded. About five the Lord Me ViUe blew p about two. leaguei K. NtV, W. of o. The PrUt proret'to-be, U ,U M elrtc le Tedot lot Snt i. commanded . bji Cptim i'joy y Coyoi oe, pierced for 30 gvaa, tod hid 14 mounted, it pounder, Mid tto men, t new thip, frofo Vert Crut, loaded elm fly wilt indigo, cochiotel, tad bidet the hit ok t y forty chett oi dollart pa board, and t few ingou of gold wi liWeri, I im now off be Rock of Lilbnti ; : but not caring to truttttre Fortngnclc, I (hall njfh for Gibraltar, the wind being fair, uulefi 1 O100W men with one of hu-MajeDy'i (hipi bound hooie. Thi got, by the Guftavu Frederict, rii.j umtlir n. Swede, from Salo. with bran. diet, bcund t,o Gueinfey." .. -;, RALEIGH, Jantfary-28. . . THE trial of the Judges 6t ihc Supreme Court of the date of Penrifytvartia com menced,betore the Senate of that ftate on the 7?h mfiant. After the Court had for- ! cu - arm. ijo - y' " l",lu - Cicrk read an article ' f ..impeajihriir'nt, . :t j t. -li. iiLii-- wnicn diaries tnej-juagc;wH unfiriiuri ing Thomas Paifmore thirty days, . ant! -firliig'him fifty dollars for contempt of court. In this article the Houfe of Re prcfentativts referyeio themfelves the li berty 01 exhibiting afany ttm hereafter, any other accufatiori or impeachment a- gainlt the judges, nuer mc .;:iiu been read, Judge Shippen r'ofe, and in bc kalf of hirhfelf and his allocates, requef. ted tat their " plea and anfwer to the ac l.ition'., rainht be delivered in writing. The requeft was granted, and theanlwcr read by the Clerk, which Rates that the faid Jiies are not jointly , or fcvcraUy, guilty of all, 6t any of the matters in ilie faid article contained, in matter and form, as they ate charged agatnil them ; and iliat sll and lingular the things, which they Kite judicially done, in the pfemilej, w;re warranled and jullificd; by the con flit'yiiou and known laws of the commor) wealth ; and were- free from all feelings and defigns of favour, prcjudicecruelty,. or opprcifion. ..' The managers of the impeachment then rfrtnanrftf! time " to foiifulr ihe Houfe of RfprefeMatives upon the replication to Ve given 10 the fle." The time was grant, t-.', and the court adjourned to half after eleven on Tucfday. 1 . February 4. -The present Congress expiring on the 4th of Match next, we, understand his Excellency the (iovernor Las determined not to issue a writ of election to supply the vacancy in the tlibtrict of . yilminfion, occasioned by (lie rlc?.th of Col. Gillespie; as the interim would barely allow of proper notice being given lor 11 election. Indeed, it is probable, as there is not the most distant expectation of an extra cssionof Congress, thatthe election Tor a uew member may be postponed until our annual election fur members of the General Asscm M)', as at no other period can the sense of tlie district be so completely obtained. Theimpcachmentof ihe Judge's of the Su preme Court' of Pennsylvania 1s going on. It vai opened by Mr. Uo'.leau, who, as leading mannger, stated the grounds on which it was nnderuiien. - Mr.Hodncy followed, and after laying before the court sundry written docu ments, examined a number of witnesses in 'ipport of tlie prosecution. Our last accounts state that Mr.Dullass had opened the tltefcoce. firOVtOCe Of Biscay) already h&rr&Si lta fo u tleniol part of ihaFieech Keytook taUbottnd reign war threatens public conndence is gone its national treasury empty its dtbt great tfce spirit of thepeaple broken the maimers of the great '.vicious the ind6lence of .the poor proverbial Such' a combination of evils must inevitably. Jea4 to distruction How little to be envied i w. monarch who governs it." ., '. . ..' . . ' . Eittra of t letter from a gentlemaQ in the Iflar.dof St. Domingo, to his friend in Charleflon, dated the 4th December laft. ' I left the tity of St. Domingo ?ight days aeo, f can therefore give you, as you required, a correfl account of the fituation : r . w . ... . , , I 01 mat place, it continues--oe-wett-4 provifioned, and fupplied with all the war. like articles neceiTjxyY "the poaulatipn ; increafes - daily frcm the - influx of a ! number of pet Ions who have arrived from alparts into the colony, after having .experienced, theinhofpit.ality of'i he neigh bouring 1 (lands, where they underwent great hardlhips and mifeiy. ; " The general has .received fif'.een hun dred thoufand ffanes in bills dran by the treafurer of France on hicnfelf at Paris, at 60 days fight. : This papcris equal to gold orlfilver, and is fubject to no kind 61 de preciation.. A 1 1 ke f lifts allured to him every fix months, for'Aht, fervice.of the co. Joiiy, This is a fupply" fulnCrcnt for the cojony, as its l?cal refourccs alfo afiure abundance of all kinds ,ot fupplies. '., The bigands ; are' incapable of fu'd ceeding in any attack or. expedition they - may make againli the city all tlieir ex ploits niinerto, nave- only- arriounieu 10 fstfble exairfions on the luhits which di divide the 'Spaniili part from the French part- of thcifhod, to' fteal a fc.w caule, Without doubt, with the aid of theEoglilh, they might do. more mifchief ; . but the people of that nation, whether it is owing, to orders from their government, cr to the general efleem which they all pro'efs fo( Ger, Ferrand, would at this day blitlh to be found giving" the lealt ' afiiftance to catinibjls 'bey ought to be equally Ihun. ncd by all civilized people. , . The blockade which the Euglifii have from time to time -pretended 10. en-; force be tore Ihe placed has never in - the.. lealt degree tendid to 'create frciry of provifi'jits. ' Their views have chitfly tended to prevent the depredations of our Hate vefiels and privaie cruizers on their trade." p i E D, At FayetlrvilJe on Sunday the 3 I. it. ft. Mr. Peter Mailkt. At Richmond on the C I st ult. Mrs. Wkst, jun. the most distinguished onmment of the Vii giniu slae. Near Lexington, (Vir.) some time ago, Mr.. William Dtrxux, at the advanced acre of 1-i years, in fail pessession of all bis mental faculties. Aboutthc 1 5th tilt. Mr. Jonathan Cavi of Sulcin, 9 mariner on loard the Schooner St. Patrick, Cnptaiii llickford On the 6th instant his body was picked up and- intered in the Church yard of thit Town, tinder the snperiatendance or Captain William Punch ard. His funeral was attended by a large concourse of merchants, citizens, and all the masters ofvcssels iti port. TP "n It tTJt fT"" ' PRICES CURRENT At Vimmn. February 12, 1805. DL. Cts. DIs. Cts. the vend trnt to piece 1 J miaau after. Cat om more wim mat difficulty tbc lane aight Uaeylolt their boat 1 part of the brig wa driven ob (bote et. day, which enabled them to wake a raft, and proceed cd to another key and landed fata. They agreed to try to aoaka Crooked ISaad, tod the captain and cook were to walk to the fouth fide, atd then take to the rati j the mate and three hioda took the raft tod proceeded oat the wind being ahead, wa unable to proceed, tod waa obliged 10 make the cafternmoft Vey. They remained there nine daya in a ftate of ftaivatiobi The mate and ' another man went over to fee if the captain waa alive, tod alter the mate remaining there fix day! tad nuking no fignal, they went off, and after drifting about for tixty hcuTi, without any thing but one bottle of water, got afhore on Crooked 13ind and arrived here in ihe Tamer.. Wm. Baker, who turnijhea the above, know nothiok of the captain, mate and two otbera fuppofsa they have perifhed on the Ifland. . - F O R DUB LIN, i;..TfljQjUaUing AZ . ' TWO NANCY'S W. I. ' Marshall. prefentmonth. She has excellent accommoda- mm tions for palfage only', apply to the ma"erT)n board. MoU WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY i:, 1805. Levy I JncoIn.Esq. Attrtmey-General of the United States, resigned his Okc on the first of January. The fhip Smpfon, of and from Ucw Yoik has foundered at Tea, and every loul t.n hnsrd reriflictf She was armed and "iwund tor SifDurnlcjpo, auirat olnerjr" ftrn on board. V Ttrk Gz. Kit THE Insurancu Companies in this city fcavc couie la the conclotioti jointly to fit out tlie brig Ann-Maria, Capu CiTn, iith men, trotliions, and other necessaries, tocmitc. IT the coast, ffcetut purpos of aiding our jrtcrthsBtrrKn into port, and to succour the db'tiretud t henever they trj te found. She irobly remain out 4or juor4oo4s, n.t . .!i till tM Ha. So humane in uauer- irill tikln rirw-vct th most liberal support of at! who can fed for th wretched situation that many oT our felJow-bc'uni roust be In, from the continued Inclement eaihr wc baTC experienced. 1 - iUuaAhlt AM Ittrccl tf a Uittt frtn 'arenlUman In Litis . 13 iuifrittJin Tfabdtljftia, ' t i em ftarrv La ssv our boliliitl horuort a- tnla blackens. ITiert is an appearanct of-, Af Oft WCt n .ijl'i iuu Jyain, niiu viiwuim at taka n'axe?. tJvS silUaUoU of thit COUhtry il ie i-erjr unpleaisit- t The sute of Spaitj is peculiarly dtstrcs. a'uiC but many tf iu mlsfortancs are to be st- Vtbutcd to itsUd government, riague, 1 Kijjc, La.tKiyake, ch.il. dissensions (io the flAtON per cwt. 10 UuttcfpCiv lb. scai ce, Cotton per lb. Coffee per lb. icarrr Corn per bushel, Meal, do. Flour per barrel, new Lumber jht M. plenty, W. o. hhd. staves, R. o. tlo. do.. do. W. o. bl. do. rough, Molasses pcfgnlToh, Pork per liarrcl, Rice per cwt. . Rum, W. I. pr g. Sd p. Jania''Cat!o.stl)(!o. - N. E. do. plenty, Tobacco per cwt. Tar if r Irarrcl, .. Turpentine;' 10 20 40 50 19 I ' I 9 II 25 12 12 1 25 JO . 12 3a 15 15 S 3 : J0i 14 5 75 tO-CO S 5 I 2 50 50 25 50 rORT'Of WILMINGTON, ttMTfHLD SIMCK OVa LAST, IcbooiKf A i Th com Ue, Ntwhtrf Fort, Pajty' Ctltoi. Nat tod John, Edward,, iakai, -tafiaaah, Ar.her, dmo. CLtAltO. Brig Fiattnct, Ihatltigh, St. Cioiti a terei, rit-artan, latb.dort. ichsottf t'trolUe, Locd, St. Croit Vtonl, CoAdmat, Kaw Yell. H .', WhNaey, I ihodoee. Daphay, lobefao, , New.Klvei. Brig Aletit, AUiio, Newiy, Iiclaad. hi Folly tti Maoey, l-ad, LiwpW. DjI;I the taw lday 11. the (Uap Bet. by, opt) Str, '0 JjUenUrf, I. C. bo 4 14 CtotffrTo, loik oolkt W..hlt Capo-fear, tod tlttr lofjC hr foJdev, fU tod t fit tithed t Diot bath ! OtMHaod trithit ih be. - Maiitv, Jia,u kkMf Jttepk Dttlt f TtaabSoM, ajonh Ceiolint, failed m im ,rh Hot. lot t(o-a Um iib, M it f. Mi lrti m 0e Wilmington, February I2.---2W. , WILL BE SOLD, . The 20ll .ay of March next, on the premises j A LQt the Nonh .fide of T oomer s i Aj'ey i Lots and Tenements at tlie North end of the Town of Wilmlng-' ton, the property of A. B. Toomer,- to faiis.fy an Execution in mv hands. John Walker vs. Executors of Henry Tootncr. ;. . R. MOORE, ShrF.. ' February g, 1805 . .. ' ' - : TO JRENTy A DWELLING House on the "West side l of Front-treet, and a Ware-House on : the warf. Apply to . January 15. JOHN BRADLEY. -- it tr - 1 1 in 1 1 . . - . mi . . N O TIC v - THE Copartnerfhipof Robert Dor se y and Co. was dilfolvcd on the loih of May laft, when Robert Dorfey purchafed the flock in trade .belonging to the firm. . All perfons who have claims againflthc faid Copartnerfliip arc defired to prcfent J hem for payment to Robert Dorfey, who ' is fully authorifcd to fstile the bufinefs; and all perfons indebted thereto, are re quired tti make payment on . or before ths tenth day of March next. ' As a pr- . vious noiice has been giver, to this rffccl, and no atien'ion having been paid thereto, tl.ofe who fail to comply in the prefent ir.lUr.ce may reft allured, that their notes, and accounts will, without refpeft to er fjns, be put, into the hands of an attorney tor colleclion. ROEERT DORSEY, . L. A. DORSEY. ' Wilmington, Feb. 5, 18053'. NOTICE IS Hereby given, that the Subfcriber his qualified as adminiflrator, with the Will annexed, of JAMES READ, late ofCrutifwick County, deccafcd. Ail Pef fons therefore, who are indebted to faid edatc arc required to come forward and make payment, and all ptrfuns who hive demands againlt i', t: ciakc them k-own to 1 he fu'jfcribcr within the time prclcri. bed by an act of tTsc Gc cral AJf-tubly, palfcl in the year "17S0, iu'it'el 44 An acts roiiceriiing proving of il!s and granting" letiers ti aiminiilratkn ; and to pre vent frauds in the inf.a;Siti.tt ir tcftatc .c Hates." other ifc they will bc baried by th: provmons o( faij act. THOS. F. DAVIS, Adm'r. Wil;ningto.t, Feb 5. 1 805 2 w. H ILL M SOLD, BY Wm, J. Glillct, Sheiiffof Dninf. wick county, on Tuef.lay the 1 2th of Kbmary i.ext, by dirtlion of the Ad- .ininillraror, a'.l the prrfjnal cfl-te of Pc. -ler langcon, dcctcoi.U.lingpi. Mr.rcnap-. uize, iwo urge iMuts, one pur 01 wen, a Ltm'fr Cariiage, ore Mulatto i!oy, fomc iloufchold Furniture, Wearing Ap parel, and a quantity of ton Timber at the rcli tcncei f the late Mangcon. Terms of file fix months credit, the purchsfcri giving bond and fccuiiiy. February 5. BiiiMaaMeBaattiaHMavaMavtatV tHaaitHHaMttMatam 'mmmmm aMW To be Hcntcd or Lcarcd, THAT valuable Plantation on the Notih-Esft, called CASTLE HAYNES, (ontainlng upwarJa of 5C0 acres under fence. For terms apply to JOHN F. DURGWlN. Wilmington, Jan, . , Ten Dollars Itcward. SAN Awav from the, Subfcriber 00 the 7th loft. Ntf to man named ASH, hell about Twenty. five yean' old, five feet ten or eleven Inchel hK The above reward will b given lo any pctfoo who will deliver hitn to the Subfcri. Lr. Malleri of felTeli ire forewirncd from toiployinRorcs 3 tvc.dvn FOR SALE", s4t low ivhokUU fticett The folio wing articles lately imported an j now Undine from fevera! velTtU vj. UAf, from St.Croix; Grenada, An. tigua and Dcmarara. . . loUfles. from Ant S- . q .........limn ugar, Mufcovado, from St. Cro!x,l t;. nidad and DemaVara. Ditto Hayannah white.'from N?iTau Ccftec, from Demarara a, Hav'aKn.V IN STORE, - . Barrels loat fugar, Barrels brown ditto, Kegs 8.1. nails, " ' .' . t-KegsadWanUTprigsalTorted US ODSHUn Drown inm Sxes 9 "'j -bundles Oec I, aiTorJed, WxeTChma tea feiis. " . Boxes Spanifh fears, - '- r-., Ciles men's coarfe hats, .. Trunks mullins, humhums &c, Coils cordage, feycral fits, -Hand mill (tones, good quality, Grind lloncs, variousvfi2es. . PRODUCE, Tobacco, flour, pork, beef & becs-wax. J :,::r Appl v in ----- . " JESSEE WING ATE, or JOSHUA POTTS. - ', , .W',mn8ton jAnuary 22, 1805. DICK'S H0TE17 fi THOMAS Vilir'cn, Jo.2. tf r info X enithepublic hi general, ihal he has taken the large and commodious BrickHoufe iatfy occupied by Mrs. Meek, 6n the taji fide of Front Street, a fw dain north of the Cwrt-Houfe in H)ington- and will entertain gentlemen. Travellers or private Boardex. As bt h.u been fcr a coujidt r a bU time fuccefi fully engage J in bujinefs of this kiwi in FayettevUr, hi flutters himfeif 1-1 Jirict attention and a conflant ' Jupply if - J - ' " " J ' " " JJ J ' ' w able to p'tvt falisf action, to thnft w-h iull favour him with teir cujlont' ' ' v . . . wm. DlCK. : ttllmngton Dec: 24. . "' '"J,' ' ' -' - Ifi THE LAST NOTICE, A LL perfoDs who haveeiven bonds or -v imtmQ titxr ft rriii f tl in 9 it a t eli if ferent fales of the eflaie of the late John Burgwin, deccafed, and all others who are indebted to faid eftate, are-requelled to come forward and make payment to the Executors who will, othcrwife be under the neceffity of commencing fusts agaiolt them wiihout diftinion, Wilmington, "January 22i oc. iJ ' , at 1 1 " 11 1 . I V W af W f '-ft AIL Perfons having demands againft the Subfcriber are requelled to bring them forward for fetljeincnt and all tV.ofe ..indebted to him are ..required to makie payment on or before the firfl of March next. Thofe who fail to comply herewith will be indifcTiminately fued im mediately after that period, BENJAMIN EVANS. .'t Wilmington, Dec. 24. f WHEREAS divers petfor.s hav.io fome time pad, been in the habit ot driving and (hooting on the plantations and grounds of Cafllo Hayrcs and the Hermitage, and thereby have injured the fences aud dwllroytd the' Hock this is to forewarn any One from either drivintr or sany way trcspafling on' the faid ground. as lhouki they be dilcovered, they will be profccuied at the Taw diecis. JOHN F. BURGUIN. Wilmington, Jan. j a, if , IN confequecce.of having feme expec tation of moving o, Louifiapa next Spiing, I offer for fale,'. two thoufand Acrca of Land, lying iir tlie County of Bladen, and one thouUnd fix hundred and forty in !?e County cf N, Hanove r,which will bcfolJ at priviH ifalf on ot before ALEXANDER' KELSOE. New-Hanovcr, Dec.4. f. Ten Dollarslvewart? RAN away from the fubferiber'e Mills, near Luoabcrton, on the 3J December, 1804 two ncgfPti, Aicvll aidhl wife BautTTAArgylli well made fellow, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches, high, 5 yean o'.d.i yellow complexion, and vei"y vamh pitted with ibo fmiM-pox, by which he loll one eye. Brunetta ii a very Urge vench, a little pined with the ftnaM.pcx, and very r black complexion ; fhe ii well known In ibt town cf mlngtonanrl Faycttcvi.'le, being once ih propetty of Mr. S. Shaw, of w ntir WiL miction. " '' ., The above rewiri wilt be pfd to tnj ptifoft apprehending ilcra " ' them In ant go In NorthXarolM, h ' tlvit T gtt tnrmor Ona Hodred Dol an on proof fthtir beirg harboured by any USip.rn. MaC cf Vmnlo; :ti9aUo t.kethcniawiy or employ thtpi. vtdcr the pcoahyof th Uw. j J-' - Win. Normcn

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