f -hi- TO A FRIEND ON HIS MARRIAGE, ' Br.RoCBBS. O N thee bleft youth", tittict'i band confer, ' The maid lbTear:ie8, Joadel withe koewf. Etch fjf: eochantmenrof the ,fouf i ber'a ; . ; Thine be ;hejoe to Spay WKbinM. doe V Aioo fhemoi with herua,:ing grace. She'll dkraasrfrdm bit fo'otMag voice t , Andwift a loot the peocf cottM aot.lraee," omilea ihio' her blwthesVed coiifirma the eaoroo. Spite tbs f ne tiemoM of feeltpg f ra, To thee (he turniforgive i Virgin fsart ) r Ti thee (he toroi,. with foreft uderefl c'aint .-J-Weaknefa ihat iharpia, eluUnce that endear. At each refpoofe the facrtd rite requires - .. . ( - ; From her full boforn hurtle twbiddeo fight. A ftrange myflerisoa ewe the fcene inl'pheSf , A ad oo her lip ibe tren-.bii'ag tcccott die. - O'er her fait 4ace what wild emotion play j ' What light and fbadet in" fret confufion blend f i; Soon fhall they fly... gltd hprbiogcr of day, Aod fettled funfhiite on het foul defceod, , ., Ah foon, thine owi coofeft,'exflatie though, That hand Aiill ftrew eaoh ilioty path with fhwen-; And (hofeblue eyei, with mildft luHre naught, Cild the calm current of domedic hour. But tfcotign for the lime it was nccefla-. ry that the German States hould concede their, pride,' it was found to the inter eft of France to cherifh thefe animofirrej againit Ruflia, and thus deftroy the hope of a confederacy7which rhuft in its event have abridged her. power. t . , - From theconclufion of the indemni ties, nothing of mutual friendfllip or good will m fubfifted between AOria and Rufiia. The common reciprocations of diplomatic civility have ever borne on the face ot Europe, ' the lemoiance o a con cealed hatred, and a jealouly ripening and inexnnguithabki -"From a London Paper of October ?Q, ISO t. -. Alter a panage of eleven . days, Louis XV 1 1 1 .' the ! D a k.e- jof A u gau leme, and fuite, landed on the 26th ult. at Caiin-rv from which city letters were received in town laft Saturday qf the 251I1 nit. They fpcnk of the : honourable reception his moll Chrirtian Majefty met with, the King of Sweden having carried his ene rotis and delicate attention fo far as to or?def ' perfons of his own houtehojd to nvait'tiprm him,' and the fame' honours' to beh'tfin! fo hirriV as if he were already 'feated ipOitVthe' throne of hi ancelWs. At'lihdlng; hiV'trtajtty was fluted by all the prtiIlerjo.n the :ratap,arts, and ths "Sv,edilh governor of the province am? ci ' of Calmai adjfefled his Majeily near ly in thefa wofdi : . . , O.i th pari, and by the command of my Oracious Sovereign, , I have the Jhiu; nour t coTipliment your majefty. In happier tixes, Swedilh Monarchs have vUiuf Frairce : your Maieftv is the firfl king of Frahcc'anl Navarre who honours 1 t)i co'tntry with' his prefencc- Mav' your Riujeuy nnj your re,lid?ncc here as asrccabl;. as we have orders to make ir, ant only leave bwedtm to afcend .the throne of your Maielly's ancc.lors in France. .' 1 hr Mvernor then prefented the colonel and ofnct r of the regiment of fonkonin. or !cred to, do duty as guards of honour to tin.- king ot trance. He afterwards in. troJuccd tha biihon of ihe Diocef of Clnar, who prefented the membeja of inccirrgy,. ani in an appropriate Latin fpcth'ctitJplitnetited Louis XVIII. 1 'he burgoir.a-det and ma;irtratcs were Jill prtfented, and atrndi.tlhim to the t!. vernmenc's hotel, prepaTedt and fined up f"r lri majeHy,1 hrs relation, antf fulif. Though the tug of France has dec!inti all pnbac honors, tjiey were, nevc.-'he. lefs, Ihcwn ro hiui, as the king of S- c den hid given pnfnivc orden on this ful- ircl to In governor. Oft the r.i?ht of ni majeuy s arnva;, uie city ot Ualrrwr Was i.liuiiin'atcd'. Mon fitfur,' brother to the king of. f rince' Cad not JanJcd at Go'.tenburgonlbe Jqrhtilt. ' ' '' : '' - STATE 01 I'LULIC ArrAlRS. AtihcpVefcnt 'nfrrtsnr, when every to pic of ptilhltiavl aTifAifTiori U cninptetely cxlnu'lei.'we lliali call'ntir readers to a gtci at review of Eroeiii politics. -Trie fir( fuhjnftoV Co ifidercd is the confcJuicjr vtrtS M. expedel. ar;airta Frince by KIi4j'Stte'ahJ Denmark, ' uj ir.:e inret ngiomi,' the far fl ff ts the Oily px?jtriw!uch can'thrraten osfenfive wartsrr;ml there id a diHculty of a vrif ferkfe fititre ateiH!i, ihe ir- trodfiflloi rf ShV Rurtisiiartny irtrvCtcf-, many. It it .ciiknown that fhf.LJ perof nf 'Awftrisi Tcfcnird nothing more tlaan the iAtcTfdence f RihTks in the af fiiii of the iMcmjlts..ari4 Uirufion f an ImpcViat c'iitfn rh I)iett)f Ran tpn. ' ' ' 1 To fueli 4 arc' In tke hsbit of nerufirk Gttman whiii:S' it iinnecejtjiy to inrrion iht Mninwit pamphlet! avid lo Inm! wi h wfveh iht German ertfs ttem- cd Mporttrtii ft?b;e3, -Tht fi'hiittlon uf tb-i Kr-rtich avaa rrraded ia i fttrmJirv fSj41 of ffenttrent, al the hmrnrror felt mr froei'tlU in ftit rn"ete4 lo'Hii a"i'f bi fmxJic lobbfry ti vulori. ii rrtxfj' r n't . , , ; .., ' 4UfoUt iV H hvotttitt ti&. i till 911-1 llroftdarilirTjiwcM.iii onifcTi; anl a rfmw.fUa apaWn the ioiertt-.. ci- ,f Rflflta ws'arifuVs't:v trptr4bf.; !" mtnrto if irtf loitny c ptiwcif rH-lr '.r twT.rwTiictaoi r rancr,' it wctiid' I.at fvvid ii way iia Ihe UiiU 'J I The affair of Baden was yet another fore, arid as thenremoriftrance of Ru(Tu was warm andanimated that of Aultrla was cold and infincere. A turn was even beheld in her cabinet, terrifick and unfuf pecled : Pruffia began io be regarded with a friendly countenance, and the ge neral, rumours on the continent wcre that (hould a confederacy of the Northern Powers' and England take place,and ;jn conffquence an invfion of Germanyby a . M M : c--- - - r V- Kuilun army tor the purpoicot anacKing the enemy, an alliance would be framed upon the continent, which would tall un der the purpofes.and tlireftion of i)ie Em peror or the French. . uch is the. cloud which at preicni o vcrhangs the hopes of a coi.fc!eracv, fi far as relates to the lining up ot acontmen tal war. . Maritime'an1fts.tice indeed miaht be hd, but it is not wanted,, and France is read to facrifice every colonial ubjeel. Sweden and Denmark aie. u.ipleafantly fiiuated for attacking France, or having a war commenced in their terr tar'cs ; and unlcfs the chance of fuccefs was great, it would be an unfriendly part 10 ex pole licm to the fury of an invader, and pro bably be compelled to cleferOhem, iit..tlie fame manner thatHollaml wasrelinquilh ed in the beginning of the lalt wnr to an enemy whom vre had invited irito their ' '-territories,' but were unalleto exptl. In a word, - n6thi.g', fcetr.s more difS cult or ambiguous at the prtfent morncut than the organiz.lt ion ofa cor U 'cracy . . As to the other powers-of Europe, if they can'af all be confidertd as detached .from the iiitctcft and influence of France, it is of little moment to obfrrvc tlwir po licy at thiscrtns. The Legiflaturcpf South-Carolina has palled an St w autHorife the City Coun- Uci t)f Charleflonwith the con fent of Con- grets, to lmpole a duty on ne tonnage or (hips and eirelsi for the purpofc of. build ing a Marine Hofpital T 1 TttoMAs Abtts Emmett Efq the l celebrated Irifh Patriot, is-adtnmed to praclice as a Counfcllor arid Attorney of the bar of the United States Circuit Couit for thediftrid cf Alexandria. This gen tleman has received from the Prtfulenttsf . thcUnucd States, and the officers of ythe i general government, ;.that hofpitality and refpecl to which he is ilefentedly ' entitled by his talents,' his virtues, and his fuffcr ALLMAND HALL HA J FOR SALE, ' THK.F0tL0VINO BOOKS & STATION JRT. FAMILY BIBLESfolio hot press London - edition, with superb engravings. Do. N. York do. do. Quartd New-York edition. Fourteen volutries of-the Monthly Mirror, with elegant engravinga; late English work. : ' Rayiiold's history of the East and -West-Indies, 8 vol. royal octavo, elegant Rolin'9 ancient history, 10 vol. Russel's history of modern Europe Flume's history of England - " Moreau's history of St. Domingo Morse's American & Universal Geogrnphies Universal Gazetteer, the latest edition ' Muiham's navaligaretteer . Adams's Flowers of Modern Travels . Geography . ; ,"'..""'' Ilartolomew's Voyage to'the East.Indies M'Kenzie's Voyages, with an Atlas Harrow's travels ir. the interior of Africa Brydon's Tout through Sicillv and Malta Vaik's travels in the interiordistrict of Africa lli'uce's travels into' Abisiiiia ' Travels 6r Cyrus Willock's voyages (ioldsmilh's Natural History Gordon's History of the mericanReVoIutiQO JclTerson's Notes on .Virginia l'.,:,.., ' Robertson 'fc history of Soulh-Amenca Carver's Travels . The life of .Catharine U;; A. Ve have already given our fentimcnts upon tn: prooahility ot a biunuii war. It certainlyr never can be tie in etell of b rancc or Spain, that our Jailors or (ol. dicrs fhou!d be fed with colonial plunder. No power is lo open to attack as bpain : her flrcngth is in her cokmin, and her colonics arc d'.fptrfcd and infetuc Sh is luppcrteil, in a mrafure, by hcr .mer- chandife, and has no navy. To attack fuch a power is to pillage h?r under the namctf war ; it is to .gain fomtihing to wards the payment of our expence", ar.d give us what wc want, r mp'rtyn.erit. Extract of a later from an Amcilicn gi-ntkr-ien at Port-ku-rrinrfj lo hh friend in Fhiladel - pJita, daltd December 3, 1804. " The Aid-de-Cafiip of the EmpcVnr Dcs Itlines balled on me this evening. In the course of ouf ermveraution, he mentioned and wished U lo. b kntiwn that ihe Kmperor was tmutily. tgnqjunt cf the hanging cf the mate of the Pilgrim;, .General Christopher order ed it without his knowM, and has since received a sucrc reprimaiid Tor so doing." Extract of a Ut.'er (recei:cdat P.'tUcddjJtia) fru:n A'cK'OrUtins, (L'.ltd Aov.23. tl The ruimjtir of a Spanish war lus subsi ded !Iut an 8lT;ir, however, happened the other iluy, which has" given gret ofie tit e' to the Spanish Martpjis A man of the namo.f 11 was arrcsiwdby oidcroi the Govern or of Pvnsacola, deprived of his prrpeny, and detained for a nont! on board of a Spa nish vi sttl; he effected hisecpe with some t5i(Tictilty, slid returned to Orleans. Some -time l0r, findinp lhe-rrnnmitUrrof thf veil" stl here, he commenced in action against him for his goods the man ss arrested the Mnnpiis.sent a vcVhal mtssae to the Governor, demanding Ms dixh.trge, and threatened to leave Uie country immediately if it was refused. ."gurWm. C.C. (ai the Frenchmen In derision call him) nttcd tlccisivtlr. He re plied that he would not answer a verbal mand ; but it the Marmds was in ham. his pattpoHs wrrt ready lor him an applica tion wai made by Lis couosel to the cmirt for : the Unit piirpoac, aod met with live same auee thj mn was not tlim.lwrgcd, and the Marquis has not left the coi'utry. Tfccjr 1 found some dilucuity in arrest nig the uilow ; the Sheriff at first as prevenud by alnut twenty Spanish tfic era withdrawn. swordi . 1 they, however, thnu-ht proper to return , them fpiietly ti their acsbbardt, on set ing a j file of solteriDtljfe;orieU, Irb3lrd loBd., j AUf rr.ply we udrrs'.and, were mJe tn J Friday etenittg to tttfire lothe College, anrj tn the Mclhodist Church In Duans-street The trustees of the Col:je, In conserj-icnt e of Ihe atttrnpt to fire that lailding, resolttd, pjk meeting on Saturday, to appoint a watch !rinltbe plnfe. It is also said that at lempti srere made tlx name evening, le srt fire tithe McthanW- Half, and the brick Church. ' X r. Jh, lj .duriiut, , Secret memoirs of the court of Petersburg Reid's Essays on the intellectual and Activs Powers of Man Franklin's Life. 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Bennett's letters to a young lady ' '" llftron Holler's letters to his daughter Aikin s. letters 1 mm a lather tol.is son ; Zimmtrnian's rcCettiosis Raw's tetttri I-ookcr ()n Democrat American Mentor Fdementsftf morality Wisdom in Miniature yewriciing,lQ.irgcior,orjroongJad'at.ido to virtue and bspfiittoss . Moral Librssy Lady's Miscsllony irs. test's Utters, acrtael to a young rntin on his flrtcnt ranee Into fife Aula, or the 1ite and Contncy r.f SavasI iilhcdcsart Dr autits 6f Natun . AtnWoseand Cteoh6r, or tra lw. tuUai deserted Tristram ShanOy CeteJi ' .-' " The Royal Captives 'Slave cf Potsiwi , Madcod's history cf witches, -c. - ' Edgar Huntly, orintmoirscf asleep-vulkt The Armenian Constantlne deA'aiii.tnt , The Animated Skeleton . The Siamtw: talta Vicar of Lansdown . Mountain pirl. 1.' 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