" WILMINGTON, N. C. ' "' TUESDAY, FEBRUARf 46, 1805.' ' Art Wed here laft week, the (hip George of Portfmouth, N. H. James Grenougb, maftcr, in ajr days from Jamaica, Cap-, lain G. failed the rl 8th of January, and was . taken by a privateer ichooner of four gun?, upderEnglifh colours, the 24th, and arrived at Key Blanco, where hi (hip a was anchored and detained until the 25th, : -Hp was permitted ;to proceed after being compelled to take on board , his veflel , Captain Rochwel', his mate and eight ceople, late of the (hip Commerce, of New-York, which they had taken four ' days before, on her paffage from JLiver-li pool for New. Orleans. The captain of the . privateer told Captain G. he had a com miflion from St.' Domingo. - r f ';; Extra frtm tht Prottjl of Cbarlts Roch tvell, Mafltr : Richard $uirkt Matt , Jtn Motrt and y antes Strain, Seamen of tht Ship Ctmmerct if Ntw-Ytrbjfrtm . Livtrpiol hund li bttut-O.rleant.-1' ' W E failed frofti Li vet pool on the 29th of November j 894; about two hours after the pilot left us off theN. W. buoy, wedifcovered a leak in our (larboard lum. ber port, and not being able to get at it ' on either fide fu as to flop it, we thought ; it mod advifeable to go into Cork for that ' purpofe, at which place' we arrived on I ha firft of rWtinhef' i after doin? what'' appeared neceffary to the. veffel, vwe em-, braced the firft favourable wind, and pro- ceeded to fea'oti the fourteenth following , We continued orr our " pallage-without any thing material occurring, and made Cape Samana the 13th ot January ;on the 2 lit at day break we made the high lands on the Ifle of Pines bearing N. E. by JN, about five leagues di fiance, and at feveri . '' . 11 r ' 1 A' & 1 ex. ivi. a 1 man icnooner was uncovered on our (larboard bow, Handing by the wind, to the eaftward, and after tacking three or four times, (ha got on our (larboard quar ter and bore away for us, let her fqiiair , 'fail and got out her fweepi, the wind Continuing very light, (he came within, about halt a mile of us, when we (hew our colours , 011 which the fchooner hoi ft-, cd Engliih colours, and gave us a (hot; we hove to at about twelve o'clock and (he came up, hailed 'us h Engli(h and fent her boat on board with IU men,' one4 of whom demanded 10 fee the.. people's; . protections, and then the lh id's papers, Which be took. with, bim 00 occk.f .fQ alter he faid he (hould take them on board thr fchooner, on which the deponent miller of fiJ (Tiin ohferved that thev were at liberty to examine his papers, but mud not take thtm from, the (hip they re plied in a very abufive manner, and wreft sng the papers from this deponent, took them on board the fchooner ; the boat foon returned with feven cicd, and order- cJ this deponent on board the fchooner on bis arrival, he was, a Iked if he had any more papers on board, and being in-' formed there were letters, they fent their boat under pretence for letters, but foon after they got on board,' they put the (hp away for a harbour called Port Franca,'' the S. W. fide of the Ifle of Pines; at about three P. M.they took out, (our of the (hip's people and ptocecded, with the (bio and fchooner for their port of def- r tinaiion, where they arrived on the 33, brought the (hip to sncnor, and began plundering her of two calks of porter, her ftcro boat, cordage, kedge and tawfer, fpare canvas, depftaline, carpenter's looli. blocks and many other things On the 24th they contipucd while they lay there, to rob the veflel from the Ichooner, thofe on board the (hip breaking open caflcs of bottled porter, & ufmg & deflroylng every ; th'ng thef could lay their hands on.' At about ten A. M. a Spanifli pilot came on board and got ihe (hip under wsjf at the fame time the fchooner difcoveiioga fail in tht oiling, gave chafe, and w hile ihe (hip wh under way the.pi'ot Informed Ihele deponents that they ere going firfl 10 Kt f Blanco, fioro ihence to- balabetni, (a fcnall port on the fouth fide of Cuba) that the Captain of the fchooner told him the cargo was to be taken out there and the (hip g'ven up. ; At this time, the maflrr, mate. Cock and boy were to go In the (hip. A about one P. M. the (hip anchored under Krf ElancO, and fooft after we dtfeovered iha fchooner teturnlr-g w'nh the (hip, which proved to be th George r Portfmotuh N. II. fiom Jamaica, Lound lor Ntih Carolina. On the 151k At aSout fun-iifr, the captain csme on haid fiom the fihooner, and Ordered the iiuIWr, mae and "prople thai wen then on boatd the (hip to go on board the - (irorge lt faid that he (hould fend the (tip tnd cargo to S. pominge for, Con ctcmnation, and that If the deponents would no give up the cargo as Uiitilki jroperty, the fhlp fhould te condemned at cU at ihe cargo 1 or if it ot hiWidi ptcptity, tbej had ndcil flora ih General at St. Domingo la take 907 Vet' fels from Europe with J3ritifh manufac tured goods and fend them in for condem-: naiion -Notwithllanding the repeated re monft ranees of the mailer of the faid (hip, againft their taking him from her, they, perfitted in his going on board the George -with the mate and eight leamen,and re tained two to go in the (hip, and would not fuffcr the. deponents to take the : log took, nor letters or' papers ofany def cription, except two account bookfand the mate's journal. They gave as a rea jfon for not permitting-the maftei of Ihe fhip to proceed fn her, that he, would claim the property and might get the (hip, but; ;if Jie was not- permitted to go in her,, j they would get both (hip and cargo. The rdeponenta further (late, that the privateer iWaia pilot boat built fchooner, mounting" f foor guns, with fixty or feventy men, half of which appeared to be French, the other, Spaniards; that they were In? formed by the people (he was owned by a Frenchman in the Havannahr,and had l commiflion from St. Domingo. She Is' i called .,Ler. Venuer,' 'and "'the captain's name was Bourlis; that (he has been a . Jrpager on the. coafl of Cuba, and that , this was her fir(l cruiie.r ' . v Extract of letter from a merchant at New-Nno-tarln his correspondent in this town,' :": dated February 5, 1605. ' ' ' ; " ; ' The November anf December pack, ets arrived here lad, Sumly, alio . a veffel: from Cork in a (hurt paffage, and.'one from Liverpool. -They brought accounts knd newfpapers fi 6m London , to the 13th of December, A Spanifli war appeared from Pitt's fpeech, unsvoidable ; , and from accounts received from Lifbon, . da led a8th November, the Englilh ambaffa dor at the Court of Snaiit. hid left Mi. itlrid, and ihe Spanlflj . nation at large had ;koi into neDeiiion againit jts government, lit is faid, but J do not vouch for the truth hercorVthat the King of Spain is gone, , Cetttnlurih, hlevember 2.--Ycflerday mornine about two o'clock.- a dreadful fire v . w - - brke out here, which continued wiih un. lemming fury tin ten o clock, during which lime (the hmifes being chiefly of wood) it con fumed the whole foiith well' part of the city, the whole rvvt Barrairks which were built with brick, anil colli 4.OOol. (lerlinff. ihe two Roval Mim .lines with grain, the Poft-OfEre, the E- pucopai tjoule, the free Malona', Chan ty School, together wiihbetween two and ihree hundred private lioufej, were ' ei tirely dedroyedj the dillrefs of ihe fuffcr-' ers, particu'arly the poor, at this intlem. cm feafon, Is very great, but every means is taken to all late it. The rich and pa. triotic merchant, .Mr. Jtb Hull, has,' with a humane zeal, which aKvajs dillin. guKhes him, opened his fpacious houfeand prfeiifes for as many as it will contain 1 he has given up his private theatre to ihe ufe of the Fiee Mafons' Charity Children. Several others have followed his example: , It is afiertaincd that this fire has difloriged more than 7,00 people, and thus fdly delormeJ one of the handfomeft cities in the North of Europe. ' The antwer of Judge Chan to tht articles of impeachment tontuttd tf upvardt of 100 folio paget of manmcribif and took up 3 1.2 hours to read it. " the plea of tht judge, a ton it pan' dent of tht Aurora tieervtt, M is crpioui, J what lawyers vomld tall a ery obit plea it consists of recapitulation of tht charges, and much legal ttolro9eriies of ihe principles ef the several er tules. . I here u terj kiL't ij any thing en point' of fact denied, ana eve tht paper handed about in frt on fries' s trial, is not only atknon-kdged, tut Justified at proper and necessary. The refu. sot to hear Engliik books read at authority, is got rid of with drtterity, upon tht ground that no , English law book, prior to tht revolution of 1 618, ought to at recetvxd as authority, ike political charges from tht bench ht vindicates as right, filing, jutt, and necessary t and, at it had teem Lut heretofore,, it terns not consnruiJa nor imptaclioll 14 him to do them. . . Daltimort Fed, Cat, PORT OF4VILMING70N, TRICES CURRENT Wimingien. February 36, 1805 Dh,Qt,l)ls.Ctt. HACON per cut. Duller per IU. scarce, Cotton per lb. . ColTce per lb. scarct Corn per biuhtl, Meal, do. Flour per barret, new Lumber per M. plenty, W. o. hhiL , ' II. o. do. do. do. V. o. bl. do. rough. KhlngUs per 1 000, MoUuwa per tpiUon, Pork per barrcU Rice per cwt Hum, W. I. pr. g'Sdp. Jamaica do. 4lb dv N.r- do. T(4accopeT CU Tar 6r bam I. I TurpenUnei ? ttaiTtniB sisct oua taip toiUti, Uaoplircy, : Vtaot, Buacr, . ; C.rk a4,kt, R.ianr,' : Oeotp, CrtDough, 3l4en, lebtackt Bii DiflMr, Ttftt, l , Tiiteo, farlosge, ' ' fch'r ItM sinU, Claik. :. Vtrjp, t . Com bi free, Merrick . ioh, Oti. ...'.'" aacyjlpriff, - " lbitry, Unt, ' : ' ' llooj TwoViitodi,Plice, ':--' .' - . C tEABEOt Ship Enalce, MithtU, ohn Frt4ick, Schwccr, 1 Imi'iIoi, Derly, - - , Cehimbit, Ifafoa, a Vlly Chlf, i ; ,' AAtoa, Mifo, , - . ilin. Iu.. Uamiia. ttVt Slock, Piltnfoa, . -Apollo, iirot Dalpbia, Trip, i ; ; Vyaphi-Oliver, . - - Dtfiaoc, Svmsi, 1 ' Dolpbia, Cox, ' " Vrndyck, 5ellf . Orng, Day, i , Aaron, Lee, ,. : '' '. AltModer, ritcomVj LAST, . MewTorh LiO Llvcroool St. Lbcu, Jm. Bottoa v . Bermuda Newbrypoit Horlolk .! takm . New-Yoik- - Barbadoet BoBoa) JrToik Tk'a-ltl4. '' r" ' s, BoBoa 1 London St. Crois - Atiu Marti ii io CaadalouPe MartiniijM Greiuda Bafbadoea Cbarlc&oa - -Baibadocs , FalmoDih, Jam. . Barbadoct Baibadoca CbarleHoa . r Charle&on i : New-Toik . Salem 10 10 so 20 23 IS 10 " 40 1 I II ' I 31 10' ' 10 . ' ts 13 IS ' IS IS S 3 SO SO ' ' It IS -s so -fs eo 4 yia-s I it -i S0 NOTIHK. I HEREBY forewarn alli.perfons from trultjng my W t it on my account, as' 1 win not pay any debts (be may hereaf ter contract. :, n-r':: ; .;,'-.' .w'. 'v;" -. HENRY- DAY. , ; Wilmington, February 26. - : , V v BASK OF CAPE-FEAR. . i THK Coromiffioners for carrying into - cffctl the laws for eflablifhing faid Bank, give notice thai the books for re ceiving fubfeription for hares in the fame, will be opened in Wilmington and Fay. etietillc, conformab'v to faid law, oh the fiffl Monday in April" peat.'- . a nvy nave jiircaay aoartuea ine ptiolic on the fubjecl of the cftabUlhment, Con ceiving that their appointment impofed it upon them as a duty fo to do. Individu ally interefled in its fuccefs no more than any others who are impreffed with beco ming teal for the advancement of the ag riculture, trade, msnufa&urcs.and gene ral profperihr of our (late, they have for- borne to urge any inducements to embatk in ir, other than luch as (hould refult from convidion of its utility founded on an invelliation into it thorough comprchen- lion otine luniecr. , They oulJ now only obferve. that the .charter of Incorporation of the eflaulilh. ment is universally allowed lobe liberal, and that in their opinion.' rven If its odc 'ration (hould be retarded by the want of ipirit or our own citizens lor whole ex clufive benefit it is inupded, it mull and will attract the attention of the people of other dates, and of flrangert, and through their means and t ihcir emolument be carried ultimately into execution. Wilmington, February a6, 1805." r " NOTICE, T THEfubfcribers having fold off their flock ol Goods, in order to meet the demands of their creditors, icqueft all thofe indebted to them to come forward and make payment, otherwife fuiti will be immediately commenced againft ihem. . SEAGROVE (HOOKS. Wilmington, February 96. -; t . "TTTANTED Immediately a School' VV MASTSt apply to the fubfcrU tcr in Bladen county, on South-RWer, . - VV. II. BEATTY. February 33 w. ' A ROBBERY!! WHEREAS, on or about the firfi day of February laft, at M'Hain's u ult, the Subfcribcr was robbed of No.e of Hard for 1 wo Hundred Dollars, giveo to him fume lime In Acgwfl lad, by lofhna Braddy ALfo, ihree Twenty Shil ling Billi, de Ten Shilling Bit?, and nine Spantlh Milled Dollars. The faid note and money were in my walflcoat picket, hich was laker) from under my Jxad while I was aflccp, and the next morning the faid waiflcoat was found on the floor between the room door and the bed. I i!l tive a reward of Twcniyfive DJ- , lart for thedetection of tht thief, if a while pciioa, or Ten Dullari If a negro, and recovery of ike note and money. All perfons are hereby forewarned from pur. chafing faid note. ARTHUR 5TUCKEY. Wilmington, Feb. 191b, 180J. bokflrtet at -FOft SALE." " sft low jvboIefaU pr leer, - The folio wTng articles lately impoUed and now landing from fcveral velfclf, T VM ffomSt.Croix, Grenada, An.. XV tigua and'Demaiara, Molaflcs, from Antigua andHavannab, Sugar, Mufcovado, from St. Croix, l ti nidad and Dcmarara, - . Ditto- Havannah whii-. (mm M,(To.. . Coffee, from Demarara anil Havjnnah. 4 ' . - IN STORE, Barrels loaf fugar, " Barrels brown ditto,4 , Kgs id. nails, KegS brads and fprtgs, affi.rted, : Keen SnantUt O I III Vila oxesjnd bundles tJeerriflbried. Rn. ".; t- : . ...... ,uci wmna iea letts, . Boxes Spanifli Tegars, Cafes men's coarfe hats, ITrunks rhufiins, humhums &c, , ; Coils cordage, fevcral fijes, . Hand mill (tones, good tjoality, " ' Grind Hones, various (lies. ; PRODUCE, Tobacco, flour, pork, beef & bees-wax. f Apply, to- ' :5 v ; TESSFE WING ATE, or . . . , JOSHUA POTTS. r Wilmington, January aa.1805.-" WILL BE SOLD, ' The Oth day of March nci,' on tke 'prenirety , A LOT the North fule of Toomer's XX Alley ; alfo Lots and Tenements at the North end of the Town of Wilming. " ton,, the property of A.' B. Toomer, to -h iaciuiiuii m mv nanos . 1 onn " . ckiuioiiui nenty a oomer. rtDruaryo, I805. 1 1 i. DICK'S HOTEL. v THE iubjcribtr injortns bit, Fritndr . and tht public in general, that be bat tabtn tht large t,nd commodious BiklHtufe la tele eccuticd At Mrt. M,,l 1- ... a Jtdt of Front Street, a few dotrt titrth cf the, Court-Houfr in tVtlniingttn, and v. ill entertain gentlemen, travelleri, tr prtvatt Boarders. As be lit been or cc-nfidrra-bti ' time fuccefifujlj engaged in bufmrft of thit bind in Fajetttville, be falters Umjelf bl fir let attention and a nnflant fupj of lit beft articles the place will afford, It be able to p'rue fatiifari'ian. it thnf O I . J " mil fovtttr him tvitb tbtir cujitm- wr . ' wm,. ul La. JVtlminpttn T)rr. FOR SALE rpHE Uoufe and Lot In I, pre lent occupied by William Giles. Llq Apply to WILLKINGS, SCOTT k Co. Wilmington, Feb. 19, 1I04 A DWELLING llouHontbe West aide of Front- trt ci, and a Ware-llouie on Uievtri A pi 1; to , January I J. JOHN BRADLtY, - risk 'V.vv 'k'h'-s i- v - A - - f.av,., LL perfons who have given bonds or notes for purchafes made at tTie dif. ferent f ales of the edate of the late John Burgwin, deceafed, and air others who are indebted to faid eflale, are requrded to come forward and make pavment to the Executors who will otherwife be under the rtecefTity of commencing fuiti againft them without diflinion, v:t!. t . iiuniiiwu, January 31, IPOJ. , NOTlCfc. . : ALL Perfons having demands againft the Subicribcr are requeftcd to bring them, forward for frttlement and all thofe indebted to him are required id make payment on or before the fitflof March rext. Thofe who fail to comply herewith will be Imhfcrimli ately fued Im mediately after that period. ' ' BF.NJAMIN EVANS. WilmlngtonrTJTc. 24.' tf. " WHEREAS divers perfons hse fo foma time pad, been in the habit ot driving and (hooting on ihe plantations and grounds of Csflle Haynes and the Hermitage, and thereby have injured ihe fences and deflroyed the llock ihis Is 10 forewarn any one from either driving or any way trcapaiimg on the faid grounds, as fhould they be difcovered, they will be profecuted at the law directs. - JOHN F. BURGU.N. , Wilminoton. Ian. tf IN confcqucnce of having fme eipec tation of moving to Louifiana next bpiing, I offer, for fale, two thoufand Acres of Land, Itirg in the County of Bladen, and one thoufand G hundred and forty in the County of N. Hanover, which will be fold at private fa!eon or before the 15th day of December, i8o ALEXANDER KELSOE. Ncw.IIanovcr, Dec. 24. if. ',''' - Ten Doll an Reward. AN Awsv from the Subfcribcr on l 'he 71b Infl. a Nrf to man ramrd ASH; he Is about Twenty, five vests old, five ftet ten or eleven Inches high. The above reward will be giveo to any Ci ton who will deliver him to the Subfai r. Maflets of vcfTcls are fnrewsrnrd from emplotin or earning him away, THOMAS ROBESON. Wilalnf on, Jsn.ai. tf