fcer cowtej and the CUopatraWlhcugh ut dcr a press f.aU.ouiA pot come up ith her so as 10 ormg per 19 isira,unui un, - past two o'clock, rYM. of the J 7th of Fei bruary, when, thejactjon commenced an.d I wit. (continued with great fury on both ajdejrj,. and a half, the Cleopatra bad greatly the s.d-;-vanraee,.notwthUtMliag he great supe riority oftheforce of he.enemy; andVwold Jndl probabjdt) have soon oblige d hipto.urrenderahung at Ev P-M.hot Wa :..Jer masts ' ' '- :. ...... ,rwL.rTtArl not the wheelol iheOeoDalra been unfortunately rucwun u.b .w , .. r.,V! i 't? which reUered H immoveable and liutnot a single bid was made for it., tS2r tLe'9khoaken as The ' French squadron at Roch-fort. con- neOia tflthf t'OTce, involved in the present, war w& Great-Britain, ai(d that theyjmuif hare either called on the public for a conirii butfen biM leatt onr pet, cent. ?er tqonfh, .-or - auanwiu .. ""a r-- terred tne lauer, as inc oi w IhdiccdraTng1y "4iraffyor tha "(ftftUc dividend are. stopV'l-hivwill be adreaatul J eiTamuv'tO all the widows', orphan." and o- thersfwhose whole property havocen wagea- in the.public funds of Holland. H wutnare very little IX ariy ifFcct .'mTgqahd The ' French Jjad put ufl to. public aajfc a oreat atiantitv f coffee, ..cunla'scated Adder a tlipt, wilt" " r 1 l -i. 5 1!,; rudder at .the same time saTchoaked 1 to be wholly incapably of directing the move jnentiVof the ship. ' Tthe Cleopatra having iof ahedTasratihemomA6 bVm struck with the shot,' tempting to Cross the bow pf the French, ship, so as to rake hef, when the enemy (seeing the ac oHiok hni hannenefl. and that she .-uii. .,r.,nn4-ahl with the winrt on hi bm. anda heavy swell, um hi head and bowsprit over the Cleopatra qaarer deck and availing ,himlf of hit great superiority in nurabcrs, ttofUr, tremendous wliich almost clear- H th , Ciamvatra'a decks, attempted to n fcaardThey were, However, with the great. st bravery' driven back MJ we ganu w Lu '.r,mrl -tn defend the: ship". An , -WHO TCk UIB..I.W..-, : attempt wan now marfe.to hoUt -the fore top mast stay-sail, ana o ev jne '"'" sail, in order to get clear oT the enemy's ship; , J)t the men"ordrea.tQ.dp this duty, vera : Tail kiliedbviheltiUHqwetry of the other ship and the Cieopatra being now able to bring only two guni to bear apon the FreiKli saip, and -tha with very little , effect, frmn hr . tnpeiMor !Ki-;ht; and the French .mvisquatry sweeping the , decks, the enemy at length succeeded in boarding, and at a quarter past five P. M. C.rfter a severe aal blood" con--JBict of hear thrte hQrt) the CleopaU-a w obllged'to give over in ineffectual resistance, nd to surrender VJtuch a superior force -J aided a it was' by an ijnforiunate acctdent. After tht action the C'eopat ra was a mre wreck; '"hiVlnij no masts' standing but her . mi7,en: mast ; hef fore mast, main mast, nd also her hfJwsrUVbaving been ahot w.Ty7 atvlAthe he'm mornin- te French ship diad ni qiastsundingbuuh.tr fore mast; her .TOt;wt and mizcnrwi hngone over . .ToWm awst-opinionofthe very Rant jd J'eccc mi le by lbs Cleopatra, t in this W, -vere-astiowiiha frigitefttfttOtpejw atrsh, u u only wcceaiary, to ttate ths omjArativetlorce al ..numbers on board the two vsels. .U-Ville de -Milan was laid down'for a .eventy-lbur,U ,. aH;P. f Ji3) tons burthen, with 5 Vr of a svde u; n her main-dsek, upon which she had - jivmiuej in V a'cti6n wentysix trench ei!itetn pounkrs,. eatfh Currying twenty two prmnd ahot,-fourteen Iwg nine potindert 'aijoo ber q-Krier-deck, and six-long Rine .pounders upon her, fore, with a c,rew of 350 , m:n, besides twenty French oncers, and a iu n erof sol liers who were going pissen . i;ers to France. The Cleopitr.t mounts ' thirty-twi twelve pouaderi, and had Wi rtf n in the action t so ih4 "U'!er of iwi-i, an I weight of metal, L Ville de Mdan. was nearly 'double, the force of the Cleaoatra. There were t.ntr(o men -kiUed anl thirtvit. funded ot board the -Ctepa'ra f a-noi the Utter were -tcven o!3:rs, including Ir., Mitchell, (ths el icit an of if Andrew Mitclsll) wh w at din. geroukly wounded jn his seller. Ve have n-it 'tiMrd h-jw-mwy w:f? ki'.icd and , wounded on b.trd th Frincb ship ; anv'ing tha frm-f .nt MmVteur R?yi j 1., the , captains d Va'usevi, and amon the lU?r , M iu'ieu? Cll -t, tht tjptain of the fri-;ne. tS? ClcwHtra hl uce a-. t a ' v.ek ia.J'is pM.'iiiif .hj F.-cnth fjtgHte, tt Lianr, r pt tin TaUi'it, m wt f n-uin itcly hive in vlH:, -d after a tutvl chav.-, took b ith t'w ahips CW-wt tbs l- retstance 0.1 tb?ir put, aal Lwuht tWe-n wi;h her h.Q this p The tcthn bap--ed aKowi V tm defect ti ile VKAHwatd of thia i- lanj. ' ' N'.-V-i I U it. MiVs'rM. ; W. ire i l l -h e I t the ju'diincst afCtr tii i Waite ortbc L ttri ta:kei, fir F.ng lU'i Newjpimti the;ib uit. their contrnu rj'nt vrv itUrrtntihg-lnsrlUcence bid , rctHf I F,kI W iha Kench fl-t !iv'. ? . tuUi hn Hn?icft,-b'tt tleir i?siintion 1 w u 1 ik .!.'. it tnttwottr hl arrivei in frM H -ii with alp'cht .f an j,nji irtH ua'm'J f.a.th , Britis'i ( jvtcj. msiV 'f-rjl ,?! Juiit, of grsat mipW Ul, wat.S'ttttxout at li;1mouth itsdes-tiu-h i wi v. ift I ta bi tome plata iibt lh4 U nil of Caro;t. , aOl Ahtrtist I. mint. FfVff I. ..n4 n;n j nt arrif iJf.'-vn H ntfi lam itvj'ti tUil n v fn-JVtf.- ara iercUl n.r ibt Cnt'f,b H II llnntl. H? rd :iritill SmHis tB ditamtd by f mV'N t.l irj kin I of ftttish iTthandiie io.lU-tateJ. rjruary , . nrf M'l. tnir of the J'hwli. wit -. Trt.nj ft. . - We'aj eotrtdllt elhetotil lota of Uier . IndwtContpany's Ship fiaf 1 of Abcrgaven- nv,witfca cargo valuta "at aQ0,0OQ9. stcrl. 1J)e rUn, the State 01 C-Qrgia rojecttisg tb-l elause in the law of otir legislature a rich- Provides " Ifcattne esxensiKii une 'hall not affect .the, t.ttl of .nI perton- to and having beat off, immediately went down in 13 fathoms watef??rttt-tltptain, mate ahd 4 QO persona perished ; abouty WO lives were Saved. ' ' -if. UK,i.Ji.:jy -;, trfttck upon OwelS oaihe Sussex coast, I 'lands in eiUief Stajtf." ; Thil piotr a-- ZlY,.- .'i-' . -. IT i- ."...uitl,M'KnnPf hitler -'in hi I III f III 1CLJ ail KLUIL.4IIV - " sistiag of six sail of the lme and two fri gates, effected their escape from that port on .the 2ih t. lHere IS HO UOUm pui h.'.arrl r..ft, an nnmm nnn mi.k neets wm oe ame very PDTrto-p ni tbt?-t who;wl ,hem,Vdi; some of our give a good account of tht;m Orders have been ent to the Transport Board, that- al the private property belong ing to the officers and men of , the capuired Spanish '.frigaitet,'' whether in money or 00 thould be forthwith rehtortd to he tiwners. "'. ' ' . ; . . -..The montnly report of the sliips irjjcom--. miion,ib the British Navy, state tblliofto -br0r.of wltich number 105 are jpf th line, 3 1 of 5gunVjl37- frigates, and 3l jlloopt ' of war,:' besides theses there aVc a greaWium,-. ber buiUing and repairing, receiving!Uyps, sntallef yesel. Sec. making in the wkfe a grand tntaj of 903 sail.. ' l cbruary 3. . ' ThrlMjh the samj channel which , some weekSi. Since enabled us to be the first) t an'nodiip the. discussions which had arisep betw;et 'France arid Austria on the subjeot of the Austrian cordon fonned n the Italian, frontier, wie now learn that neither these disKu"is6hs,"noi'"the most angry remonstran ces of the French Cabinet, far a moment suspeuled the execution of that measure. On th'cl9th Dec. the line comprised 4J.00O men; hcr . troop were dn theiriroiit for the sarte neighbourhood 4 and we c:in further assure Kir readers, that the Auntrain corps forming "n Hungary, Transylvania, the Bannat, Sclavonia, ?nd Croatia, amounted, at the dite of the last accounts to nearly one hundred thousand .'mifQ, assembled intdtr prctcn.. that. the .ti;mib)o ..in Jklgrude -and - Scrvia" cndired a cordon on that fi-ontir,.ne- cessftry,to prevent 'aggression on the part of 'theMMr;en:i. llvt had been m .'de thf oic a . sion of l-esh rtnun tr. nee f on P:it,;on the Sr'ouiv.l that the Imperial .Cabinet-had 'not ecmcd si'.rh precaution nccv ssary during thoe ' piVittds of i'lsnnectlyi in which the traTmltyrihTlTit.ia'fpp t;v NEW-YQRiMarcli.SO.:.' -Kfitr$trOik Moillajf , atciiS&n a tnah; pf.the aaine of Binki, -living iq the "BoW ery, cooimitted thifxo-rriii crime on" bo iy of his wi f ! t apfears-thejhd H. ved unhappily for fooe lime though but Jen months married, and' had; often uffd Ibreaieni ng. 1 a iguagajBr abu five cond'id towards each omer, Un .ibat day llifcu but oTd not wi(h t interfere beiweit'ii man and. wife ; at length Bi. k wai fcln from the houfe wa king app ire'i'ly with much compo: furc wiih a t?. fleet oi his arm. It. was then thought proper fc) go ihiwn into the cellar where t'he difpnte happi'ned, wiien inotKn g to rente int-r rouiu ine, woman 1 fl(ul!'. broker., atjd ner throat cut from ear t'y ear . raz r Was oo7rri oard by the bo dy, arid a pail of bloudv WiV-f in which, 'probably, the-' wire ifhfd i.niuidercr had. walhed his blodl-Ratned hands JiiflL?, we hope, wi 1 fooo o'vcMafce, I hit atrocious! violatyr ot the Jaw 0! hi count iy iud of God. '' ; :..''-' '"- .' '' PHIL VDELPHl A, March i Capt. Chpo, of the Brig RollaVwhd arri ved at New-York oh TuTsd iy from Trinidad ami Si. Thomas, inform , that the American Consul at St. Thoni-.v had received a decrea of 14 articles (Whicb-eapt. C..saw) from the gyuriiment Oy the city of St-Domingo, '-de-claring,- among Other refill Hiotp, that all esseUof whatever nution, that were' found AwitVni three leagues of the Brigand ''Ports should bijtaiwn an 1 th'erCRE Wj P4J V TO DF.ATH. Tbisliwwas. to be put in force from and afier the. 1st of April ucxi, 1 '' ' Aetier ws recti vH jaftventng (fay Itatinji, that th net tor the I icor,'orJtion of (hcMiercha:tlV ban''ha'd palle ! the oMiwil -'Qtrev',fion. "Aubiufc Sp;-r.(;er rigbtrtrbo nghl he innocently entered land iiv ojie State, which, in adjusting the line, might bejfound to belong Trtibethtr. nerally been introduced nto Ticiiustmems 01 this wtl bVeWtnTlfte1etStates j3i though it niay'optf ijtejnfnve iaikhtsgeously. to on orthe-StatesthBhUWber, it seems ' g jnit ntl tig atipVilatiote in , behalf of the actual owners' and posse SKcrs or tne lano involved in this dispute. ;? - ;:':'vV THK BANKi. ? V The Commissioners opened tlve siibscrip tion books on ainnxray last tech ot tiic ptTi- tle'meh toik pi-e fur thb dfeposa) of ICO sliarrr. M". Deverewtix'si was 'fided before lOo'clork and that oTMr. M'lyinla f by tumn. " At night . ihere remained unt 23 shares' o be takcfi oA ,'Mr. Taylar'slwok 3,0on'Mf. rlarvvy'a and i on Air. miiiit . -. . , . W ; undewtand a number of centlf mes were desirous, .4 uibacribe- for the whole of the remainiad share,. But, yielded' t'o the re IwsentatiotpftbEoniijl-ion,ei thHtsiucU a step mignipe icwcb as uti u.icn)pi inwunia a monopoly 'ftnd rfeid're' io deprive; psrso.ns. residing at a distance from 'arif opportunity of becoming interested in the banlt especially. & many might be induced to delay cnming t h town until Tuesday, when the Federal Court is' to meet. On the foilow'tng day,., however, Jhef wei-e taken up. r The piper, plates and preit were- writtem for; and part of them are in the hands ot the commissioners'" agtnt at , the -North w'ard,.hd the whole i expected to arrive by tlie first of next month. ' , .it . - Irv the Insurance Company the. books of subscription are closed ' x-nd tjie arrivid of several vVs'seU insliretl. nee -the omjjanV proceeded to business, has caused the stoc to rise 'considerably above par. "-: I I f . wan inc only uin.n,i-nt. "-'' . NF. V OIU.Ii-sNS, Feb. 14. ....VTUl-sl) W , 1 fit-e lm rniiu ivit Ifiseitt-, thtt tbt day pn :? lif ,,hji AMuMf J the Htata had passvd fd'i-v4'tn tbt necf of tiopm py mtottf ttj PVic Awamirs. The decree 1 , t t',a f of tbir bankmpcy, thai thff V-in, h4jlyihn.rwb ihcircon- j niore, tVvsscd h"n at pirsm' S Ih.d there fore thessfinblnn.oJ tiie troops. in quus tion jusjried su-pirion, and. the. more "so. as thelf'nunVer.to greatly exceeded the alltdgcd f.cras:ot.' . 1 ' . We lave seen a private letter '"from Vien r.i,' bf the' lSh tdu which States thMtUomt da9 beire two couriets arrived within the space of a few hours, with di-patr.hes ironi Count Cohcn'zcl at Paris those dinpatehv are repriscnied as bring of the greatest political impMrtaBCCj that three extraordiiMry conferences of state cr.xued, and that orders were immediately after ;ivenTor reinforcing the A.wnun troops in Italy 'Private letters from Madrid 6f rba llth ' lu nieiuioii the receipt of v.ry unpleasant acrotmts from M iico. Some serious trou- Met had broken out there, and the inhab. itant in stnenl are represented as bcingex ttcnisly ,dVn-iiiSed al the conduct of the rrcwLiit Vketor. 'Since the cession of Lou- i-inu to America the pvopSe of Mexico have erinc-td , siroCg imposition to a like nnion with the United Statek, and the Amnican gqveniraei.t ' au used of having sent emit ssries't foin nt their exisliut diaoontent. . The Spaoi'.h army at St. Kch, mU "C cordin; t Madrid letters oftlie 7rblttobe aiim'.-ntcd with all powVk diapdeh to iO, O'JO mitt. A French imlwry carps, rnm 111.11 led by a fi .ld mifsh d is etp -cted there early in' the p"in,. till which p.-i iod tha in tendcd'(pi.M'aliout of tliu Seamaid ara de- ferrt-d. The report that' Lord Nelm has taken Minorca i repealed by vd-y advice fu the enn'im nt. .. ! Sinr late French ptpcrt assert tl-at'it is now dcteniii d to aiumpt the iuVk.iva of Eiiirltnd eaaU in the spring. . 1 llunap irie and the Pope are taid lobe g lug to Mil.t to'tdsi in the cmn.yih of Jif rph fl tonaparte t King d I.onv3rfy. ,It'be,Midrd(JateMc. of Per'crobtrl, it ii ais?rled. tbt 011 trv? day 011 which P De claration oT War was published in that'eity, the IVi'ig signed a Treaty of Alliance with PnrtvV, in virtue of which, the Utter Co vern nait HeclreittlfanVy of Spain, and lheeii5W"n.ntnU Sit ihips of the line and several gnbtmtt cirriiiff 43 ptundirt, have beei fitted l a. C a lit, tt pro-eel (he cutr.nce of the harbour I aif.t Hie Uri;1ilw ' Mny of the ollieert employed in lha grind strrtt Cs?.dt!.B, have left towi for P rts ta -aiih tml S iathampion, in consequence of p ik.tue order. The-enterprite has a pri nt try nnl an lu'erior object, anl the elf art it con.lcrr I the moit im tant ever madt tn this country. The late French papirt are filled with tpt cuUtions on the rirotiab'ditf of peice. U It asserted that Kngland has accepted of lk I mediation of PrMitt thai a ne AuUo Atn isstadirw to arrive al Parit that one of Ike German Pnncet haipreseawo a pun ur a General Pacification I and ihtt the Sultan had cutoff bit Vitertbt 1. fjr friend ly ditposed toward tha English, kc ac U"S'urJiy uit ariiVcl in tliiSjCify, D if'or Hunter, whfl a$ appointed by tie Pfefi lent oi ;the ,U n'ted'aies, con. jiinily, wiih Mn DuiDir, o Natchez, & explore the Uiuch tii nver, and ut Ottr Jt-rv, 01 his leuun from his tour. T.Ji gintKmeii hae -completed he objici of ! their milurt, and have procured ma tin's 1'H an icttrate cit trt of the river, and she i'ltmcd ate tontMv it pair. rl'fimh.- 'T he D.idlorg vts a .Hiiteri'( .Account yfhe country, finci-a'.ly, fbratib wVjlch h.: paired, lie fo'ini a great vaiier of fiil and fit 11 a 1 ion ; lonvtiiii s a loflii coun try, wlvlc wbo'e ft.xtace -h-oawiflown by the river in the wet Lad'n ; fjmttitucs high ami elii; ble4 audai ohtf s brokcit anl roi ins;.; Unt gei.iia'iy ferule a i l capable of tl e:H4 t: t . t.ltatioti, Ms ifcttib L the river -U tuija fe, aadlo-md it um. irm!y penile and Iwatnitul (.he vnocity ut.th; cuiitiH in;t biiif nuire tfiai h tit a mile an hour J fioM eighty to one hundred y.ird ii vi t h, and japnMe ot being ni vigtied r A boats Aith bit few oitnic il.i.ts v.l.icb aie r-l v rsmovcJ) as hh at the Little .M-douri, " a dldance ot tour f.ut,rtdwaMl fin v miles', . flte Oialor, h!hi U a ihcuiid anl in nralogid, tound tew o'-jeds wofiba'ice.i Iron could not he foui. I in (Via te a quamitiei to jollify ilieetrvlii n a turnTr, and na her mine ral of fiffiicivut co tence to be narhed. Coal was t iiin l in p!aves, but not in abun rls'ice, anl f tvery iutrrt r qia'i. TW rrortrv ah(u,tli's In" fati fom 1;, ' t1 wl.ub arc of iqual fltrtijj h with the vaier if the meaii. He v.fiiel the fa mmj$ ir.tdkiral, of hoi fi-rinatt of Uua china, tim found ibem amofill the grcit cil liaiiiial cui'Mt ii in the country hey ilTie from a bid or mountain, i.f upwards d 2 00 tctt in Kdgh;, -and r ear loo feet from in bae i and on immerciog tha thermometer, if tale in Imne to 130, and oihtri to t3dyrre, Farenheit ihefur. lace ot the fMiiidlof lomeuttiance roumi, it f i warm tt to be tell by the fed in valkiigovtr it, and fnowmtlnon it m. Itirdiauly av V falli. TheDoaorhof opinion that they po&ft caiftordiniry' medical vif'uef, " . , Ffon theliilormation we hav ebtiin. rd from l)i1or Hunter, and other t nile. iren wl data vifned tit Oimkiiia coumry, e lie indncfl to believe that there are few fan ut Looifiaia that hold run greater tempta iom 10 emiajtinti. S mated on 1 fine liver 4 a fttiety of fell j eligible fituation ; Mtre falubriout at in..f, Vrre ( and itld temperate climate thefeare a tvtntigt, of which few patti cf tha woilJ on bt1, . The Commissioners of the IJankofNew lrn have rven notice that twelve thouvani five bunded dollars are actually received i -accoum of. the-.so.bsciiption to the capitul tock of said nankKand that on the 23d inst. I there will be a menting .of the stockliolJcra. r r. f jf;,.iM.'. "' fjj.i Lanp&?i. Est. is elected Governor nf iNe w'rll imp'hire -and the 2 1 st of April next ii appointed as a. day of butuiliation, lusting and prayer 111 that state. . aost. I nt. Capt. Bsrnet infTms that the reports lae ly published reso';ctingtiie iiss of the Fj:. X'Ji'd, Driver, tch&c. are en'irely without Ujuudalioii; Uiarleslon Courier, RALEIGH, Aprit I. t IVtppetrt Ihtt the dividing-lint betw.it ibis bttvc tod Gcorj la U nM liit'r toon t The rrev of a vi llf.l 'ately arrived at Nsw-Yuic Jit ine hunirtJanJftvtnh tnrtiijt froft B mrd aut ; they lbfiiled Mp wards -of twenty diyton fweet oil.. The Norfolk Herald tays that Jerome and Madame Buonaparte have left Baltimore for France in the 6ip Erin. . - The a Lnfiartu! Rtptter (printed at Hackensr.ck, New-Jersey) of the 19ih tilt, tays 1 " The court of oyer and terminer and general j til delivery, in and for the county , of Uergctv, will commence at this place o.a Tuesday nest.' Rumor says, that Aaron Burr, F,sj. the late Vice-President of the U. Stat.'t, wilt traverse his indictment. In deed it U believed tobe reduced to a certain ty.. This question which has fr some timo past given - rite to convi le-able (litcussion, will toon, in all probability, be put to rest.' Madame Turreatulady of his T'xcclle nry Gcnn urreait,- minister pleoipottntiary of France to the United States, and her two childrenr - Mr.-Petry-first Jkcretary rj the legation of France to the United Stalest Mr. d Cabre, belonging to the said lega tion t Mr. Lenuetne, private secretary 4f the ministti, wi'h tevtral other Frendb , pasiangcrt, are arrived at Cbarlcston. Mr, Ue Commercial Agent of the LVittd States al Bordeaux, bat driven novice that three American veinlt have lately beta teiicd at tSt port, on account of British ma. nt.faxlured foods to a considerable amount havini; been found in the, baggte ol tha passenger 1 and recommends to the merch. ants and ship matters of the United Stares not to rective any passcrtRart on beard, until tucbhaggaget at they with to slip thai b carefully examined. Thi f slitting it a tut tfthtFrtnth iulrt in th WatJdn$ t Le Mtjestcur, 190 gont l-e Maf ntnimt, 14 1 Le L'Orlent, II Le Gamappc, f 4 $ U SulTrien, f4 L'lndVfatiesble, 54 UClolre, 44 1 LeJIercaux, 44 1 twebriet and tKb'r- An Kntjlisli paper mentioning the tailing of the Roc he fort feet, says" It It evident they have guru to the westward. Immediate. If on recwiTtnf tht tkive inttlligtnce, Sir Chtrlrs Cotton, tod, Sir Thomas Graves with each a tqosdroa, was seat in pursuit of them. j . Kcax-AdmiraJ Crates qtiadroo,' Is com-1 L-1 ?'1 an 'S O :-' 1 . - 'C 4

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