nvro frigates trader the land, " ad .a fresh: aignal for men of war, and transports' soon .'appeared; but last night Lord Gardiner is saidtp have written to Lord Cork that se veral of our vessels had come into the . har bour from England, and bad not seen" any ships at sea; and Lord Gardiner, it is re ported, teemed to think.it was a rotre a larin: but a frieate or two and a hooker, which had been sent to reebnfioitre, are not , vet, according to the ntwiw "." 5t u now fmir o'clocki returned, nor has a yeomanry yet come back, who was aent by 1nr . to where me siKimin'0k i tema P-reatlv subsided, and it is generally beliVed thewhole-priginated from-aome- mistake of the sienal-post at Knockadonie, which is the roost eastern one we have. There bas been no express by land, and one mav suDOose that there would have been many, if the enemy had been, two days ago, close in with the coast. 'I suppose our ships at ftjntrv Bay have tutr to sea, and we have had five of the line and a frigate there on the 21st. The greatest lovalty was manifested on the occasion by the puaaantry, and every ' descripti6nof people. . NF.W-YORK. Anril 9. 'Gazette d' Haiti Capt. Boyer, of the f.h'r Harriot, from Cape Francois, yci: terday obligingly handed us a regular file from its o -nrnericement to the 2?J tilt, of the Gizttlt PiYttique and CtmrAtr dale a" Haiti, printed " at the ;Capc, by P. Rmx, printer to the Emperor.'' The e ditor flates 'that the paper is rublilhed under the aiifpice ot his excellency the general of divifion Vcrnet, miniller ot fi nance's.! ... Xhe moito is appropriate, L'hjujfici a ia fin -frtdwti Thdtptndtnce. ' , , , i . . Vol t . Thefc papers are almo'rV etvirely filled wt'h extracts from Er.glilh and French prims relative to E.nopean affiirs, and articles from the American, rtfpefling the civil tranfaclions of this country, tfpe . cially with regard to our relations with St. Domingo. The editor fcldo n indul. ges in remark." A a Cample, however, we miT ive the following : The great in ie;e!ts which the American merchants find in the (commerce of this country, guaran- . .1 . . .. ICC JU US I IICII pcllCTCIHnvr in vviimiiuiii "".it. And whatever Mr, Eppes and his partizans may'fjy, the. empire of Haiti is independent, and conuins in iifclf the power of prcfervit.g this inV:j-cndence - in laborious inhalants r.avc procured jor themfeUe?, hy the richrcfa ot their culture, means fu'ncicnt tor defence, of whuh the valor vi its lVdicrs know how to profit. Ab 've all what have we to fer from 'he aMrtrpts of our enemies ? He who hs conquered -hem with fomuch glory, is he not at the head of a D imerous " army, of men hardened- by misfortune, and who for the moll parr, have been per fonally viflims ot long and cruel perfects tin, which they thctnfclves have to re venge." " - The Gazette i lUU't i f the 2tft u!t. coatiins a p!ic: cm rent," tut which wc luwt fcUit:J the Mh'A.n.: ariclcs i there or not y1 but wis lulet as Far as bisobfervation went. It was reported at Malaga ttut the EngHfh fleet that had for Tome time blockaded Cadiz was. with drawn. ' , NEWBEkN, April 47.;!. ;' On Monday laft, agreeably o notice previoufly given, the Stockholder ot the Ncwbern Bank, met tor the-purpoie 01 electing eleven Directors ; when the fol lowing gentlemen were chofen t John Harvey, Edward Pafteur, Wil. liam Shepard, John Devereux, ijames M Kin!iyr Ifaac Taylor, Alexander Tor ranee, Samuel Chapman, John Stanly Brytn Whitfield, 'fVanci X. Miriin. 4, The Dircclors met on Wedncfday, and appointed James f M'Kinliy, Prcfident, and fixed the falary of the Caihier, at'diie ihoufand dollars a year--the next day William Shepard was chofen Cathier. In confequence of the appointment of Mr. Sneuard. Francis Hawks, was chofen a 1 . Ui lector in his room. WILMINGTON, T U KS Y)Y. MAY 7. 1 ft05t lb U 1 Ctfce Ctra CottOH Jlfj'aists JItdcs Ox Slu'ep arut g-wt 1 Tan ud 2 2i C ji u 8 Aciirj. 4 inch't lMirJ, 1 inch 2 t3 I 25 30 iftiS fx lh. 17 do, do. d h.firrczi t, d.. Is. scant d. i.lf. . dim Sj?J',da;'d tij. da. A., dj. du rrtt. do. mil. From reheated declarations of a person that Accompanied the post- rider. & who said he had contract- ' - ( cdfor the conveyance ff ilie mail,l tt was asserted in last week's pub lication that the present Contract or of the horse mail between this town and Fayetteville, had refus ed to carry the Gazette to its sub scribers on the road, &c. . Xln editor has since discovered the fact to be olhenoise than as related by . the said person, and that the con tract was made by Duncan M'Rac, Esq. vf Fayettevitley to whom vo allusion was intended iwthaf publi cation; Jor inasmuch as tlw friend lffixcsojir serviceable to the printer of a nevus- pir, that gentleman is entitled to th merits. editors warmest-acknowlcig At an e'tfticm 'xA onEHer MotJay thriiihot Aptii, ihe lolloping gculc men were duly clecled as Vcltiymei of St. James's Chnr.h in ihis tiwr,, tor the pick-lit year, viz. Glmi. Beij-iiuih Smith, MtlLs. Robert c-tt, Julia W Hikings John Scott, John A'lan. Testerdjf arrived the brtfr Fitto'v, Lewis, 14 das f'em Martinique. On the 2id cf Abnlt vjf Ihminica, spoke the brig Recovery, Banner, of U'jihingtm, N. C. brand to Scu-Vsrk. Tne French jtctl st.ilrd frcm ?jrt Rtyal ub.nit tin 'i I st Wwch ; and a fen i.;ts bcfjrt cait. Leus ijiU-d, it :ivt rtptrtfd that a ui her French Jet liadarrtv:d tj'eeu,.'d, a id fh.-i the Roci.JtJrt I .f hal tailed tjjj:n them. .... . r.ABF.LAM tails us of a torf of one PHI pot I'lacut, who l.in brisk and hale, f.ll dead us he w p.ijf in; .in tVi iolt ; which pjtlnpi cause .many, b.iys he, not to pay thc.r's for fear of the like accident. IMPORTANT tf Taoi. ain M ori fun, ar rived at Philadel phia, frcm the bay uf Honduras, was, on the 4th tit. inlat, 30 long 76. brought to by a French armed fch'r who took capt. M. on board, threatened him for not leav ing to as foon as in fighrv. The lieutenant of the fchooner, in the ab fence of the cap tain, informed capt. M. that foe -was a national fchooner 28 days from France, was bound for St. Domingo with dif patches; and after that, to cruiie in the Gulph ; tha, pre vious to failing, a French , and Spanifh fleet of 34 fhips of the line, and a found er of gun boats, had made a Jrfctnt on Gibraltar, AN DCA RR1ED , IT ; and that another French fictt had failedfrom. France, in order to capture1 all the Briiilh Weft-India Iflands ; and further, that a B.ritifh 74 had been loft on the Mai inella reef. From the Raleigh Register. . The following is the translation of tht speech of tieneral Ferrand, to the soldiers and inhabitants, on the "walls of St. Domingo, in presence of the brigands : Frtiich Soldier Sj- and inhabitants of St. Bo-' mingo. . .' Tt iVhere you must remain ; it is here you must e ther fight or perish it is here that the '.all-powerful' Cod has marked out the place fcr vengeance it is here you ought to revenue the manes of your fathers, mo uther, sisters, wives, children and. friends, who all perished by blood thirsty hands by the m jater who surround us ? It is here that you ouhl to shew what the valor of a chosen few are able to perform against a numbur of assassins it is here where the field ii chaiked out for victory ! ' V "Do not be alarmed at those cannibals j they appear only. here strong by treacherous .Tn-.trder aguiuai .those who are not able to' defend themst Ives But what can their nu tuerous cohorts do against brave soldiers and u place .fortified -by - nature, ar.d art? "Soon you will sec tin in dispersed and fall at the foot cf these ramparts. They will perhaps tell you that tht-y Jiave conquered evci y town inSt. Domingo, thouih they were forlifidd and defended' by very 'brave troops. Pure, illusions ! 'They only conquered those towns which were surren dered to them by treachery and treason. rNoiie sure "was taken bytrueTofccrCxcepl" St. Jt) ; which, though ill fortified and de fended by a handful of inhabitants, has shewn what vulor could do against such -enemies." iglLtcenJiundred.jpQho bit the . dust, and we6hall soon give a goed account of the remainder of their army. Inhabitants of 15 1. Domingo, I do not know ifyour misfortunes can bear a comparison to the direful necessity vthich forces us to give . battle, having no place for a retreat ; on one side turroui.dtd by the brigands, on the 0 ther hy the sea ; having not one single vessel eitlie11 to fly or escape to no other alterna tive cflti'x but victory alone. I repeat it a-g-iin, it in here you must pcriihor conquer ! Have courage no let us fight, and victory will be our lot. epen, fot the importation of provilfortV; but in " or der tf be ad;n i t r ed f t he v ni't procure a paflport froitt the ttfeiiwc Spanilh Confuls refiding in the Ua ted-State. A gentleman who on Fridai 1al arriveJ in town from Porto Rico, (fays the New-York Gazette of the i8ih nir. informs that juft before he failed,-a packet arrived here in eighteen days from Corun Siat, bringing a file of Madrid G.ucrtes, one of which (fated, that Buonaparte has confented to Moreau's taking the com-' rnahd of the Spanifh army that he had beetv-fentj-wuh tevcraM' renclKngmcers, 1 d). tvr. fot Jj. tjvaredj. A,-nl 19. ' A Frf Vh pjT.ner, who atrited here vcfrrdy I n the b.ii Lio-. o I '4 djyi f nmSt.Thomts iairm! il at the French fl -e lu.l UiUd f.om Furt Roy. I, ttd,inc in ih? Cl y wl St Domingo, wi'h.2000 ironps o be UnkA at thai p'ace. No I cv lu.l reavhtd bi Thoma of a feco d Fiem-h fqu.lron hivicg arrited the Writ Inhe,Jcr of the Crtalh fquadron nr.Jcr Admiial Coclvrano. We understand that Mr.Bjrcl.iy, the Bri lUh conscl. h received positive orders Irom ?lr. Merry, not tu attach his certificates to iny notarial act. accomp-nyinj any trills of ld;ngat'.d invoices of property. PHILADELPHIA, Ap-il If. . YtUuday rin.d, oi j; ll.ui, captain Tt. fiom M ii i, whu h he 'eft ihe 3 1 Mitch, where om ot the French fru v.ho ainriel in taking a part nt th K ;'u1j conv'y froMiWa, arrived li t l'it hhI -f Feb. Ihe brought in a num. I er f the Biiiifti ptifncr an lfcni them 1 Gibraltar "in a Ciriel. Capf. Fells l4i the French fleet had failed from Ton. )!'!, nJ it was ICfOtlfd ihcv hit paired ihe Itraivhtt a.d wete joined by 1 nti'iibrr f , Si jut ih fhlp. while at Malaga, l,Kh Ik onlv Co milei IrottGihraltar, he I', o n. iU bend t the alfeinblins of ilie tn:fh tiihtpi in the neiglbanihootl of (itUulur; hu heard of no attack, or of i-r hivino co in me need the firce. He 'pa ted Gibraltar in the i;1il, fa thai bo .ii r.jt fei Vhciher tjcit wai a fleet Yesttrdw, arrived here, the brig Malia, cap'. Saur.dcri, from the Mediterranean. lie intorm that a Ilict oflhirty sail of merch antmen, from Malta for England, undercon- tor of the Arrow sloop of war, ofl3guns, cpt. Vincent, and a bomb brig a'ntut the 1st !! iL.! I..I.M.I-. I'll 1 CiinMry, ncjruic itioiiMwi irica, ws lOiietl i 1 with by t vo French frigates, and after an engagement of one hour, ihe English sloop of war blew up,, the bomb biig was captured u a considerable pirt of the convey. About mn sail of the l itter had arrived at GibraU' tar previoui to his lenving that fortress. j It is pro'iable. front the weakness of the convoy, and ihe fleet Weinj bnind from MjIu to r.ni'lind, that they convstcd principally of empty, honwr bound trnports. Tho the Arrow rates at an 18 gun' sloop or war, she mounted SO gons Boston paper. AMERICAN CONSULATE.' Jlataima, March 30, 18 )5. circular J SIR, For th inhrmi'i'iti nf th? merchanii and mhrrtbf your lilh ic an.lci'V, I em. brace this opportunity ofTwrir-g this mo. ntrntio infirm you, thai ihe pons of. Ha vanra and Si. Jaeo de Cula, are now open f.ir the a-. minion of all kihdtof pro 1 lion and dry frnl, kc. in ninral pom, rn the fame terms and conduioni 1 during the late war. ( fends ru copies of the decreet hire with enc'ofc'J A am Sir, Vrrv lefpeQ fully, Your rr fl orient frrvin', VINCENT GRAY. Tht Cantor tht Cuilomtor ' tht f ott ef f,Ulj.kia. S P. S. Duty at prtfeni 31 I 1 per cent, but about tu be reducci iaimediaicly. An Englifli privateer. fchooner h s bern cruifing of SamU-Hook, N - Y. tor foiirdavs. Shi boards all veifcTs going out or coming into N. York ; ;u,d 011 Sjtnrday 'alt the fired fix (hois at the fchoonec In hitlry, from S?ava"nah,. one. of wiiiili went through her mainfi !. W e hvr not Icarne I her name; but undrr ftand llie ii from NewProvi!encc, whence th: failed two months ago. She is a vrry l:iia,U ttifd, w ith a Crew 0136 men only. Mcr. Adv. Rrbert Williams, Esq. of Pockginham county, in this state (formerly the-Hcrescn tame of thai district in Congress) halcen appointed (igvernor of the Mississippi terri tory. ThW appointment was concurr ed in by the Senate before the adjournment of Con gress; but we have not yet heard whether Mr. Williams has accepted of it. Abraham Collins, of Lincoln county, in lhiiHitcTtthrtui long" betlOus peeled "of counterUiting 11 .ink Notes and other paper money, was lodged in lftUsborough goal on the 9th April. Benjamin Doiscy, Lewis Hunter, Lai kin Sawyer, James 1'l.ighorp, and Ceorge Hindal, 'were alo apprehended as accomplices, but admmiltcd lo bait. These persons were taken ly a Mr. Aber crombic, employed for that purpose by Ihe Directors of th: Itianch it.ink at Saannh. their trials w ill come on at our June Federal Court. A person of the name of Slain was triei at IlilUboroiigh Superior Court fur hnrsrslcal It .. . . Z, ana convictcu. jic is tam 10 ne an ol4 olTciuUr. We are informrd by a pcntlrman immedi ately from the Creek Nation, that ColoiJl Hawkins has, since the rejection of the late treaty, declare! that iheprovision in the trea ty which made the stock tttmftroblt was a mistake. He also informs that aevcralofttse most intelligent chiefs bad rone in einlore Upper Louisiana, for the purpose of pitching upon a country for which they will exchange their present possessions j and that the rnm mon conversation cf Ihe Indians turned the plan they must adopt to remove the oil II ana inunn oparu paper. to reconnoitie the ground mod favurahle for ercfling fortiftcatioiis for beficging Gibraltar, and that he hid informed his Catholic ' Ma jetty, that if Ihe would fur nifh him an army of 60,000 men, he won d forfeit his life if he did not take Gibraltar. This army was immediately granted, and u the attack was to commence without de lay." - Charleston, April 29. . Gsptalr, Allkn,' arrived on Saturday in 16 d;ys fiom Nevis, informs, tlat a Britilh fket of fix fhips ot the line and frigates, pa fled that place on the 8h ind. On the hrft appearance of this fret tha town was thrown into great confufion, as it was fuppofed to be the. French fleet on a return vifit, but the inhabitants wtic fiion undeceived in anfwer to their fii nala on the forts the fleet hoisted the Britifh foe,, fired a gun to leeward, and continu ed her courfe. A fmall cutter went (ut and fpoke.one'of the fhips they tt quiud for the French fleet, and informed tl at tlitir fquidron was. compofed of one halt 'ot a ffret of 12 fail, from Europe, and if.it the other half had been left to windwatd, cruifing off St.' Vincents. Capt. Rnfs, from Point Peter, informs that the F rem h" fleet touched at BafTaterre, Gtnd. U-upe, about the firlt inft. and had pnneeded, it wasfuppofed, fot Jrori-Koyal, Martiniqilc. . r- April 30. London act cunts to the 5th March have been received "by the ihx Aniphlon, ih"4f day from Greenock. No event of great importance had occurred since the preced ing dates from Europe. Under the London head of March 4, it is stated that no lesa than nine Hamburgh mads remained uuer their detention was attributed lo the seve rity of the weather. The loan raised for England the present year is statid to be- f ST 1 1 .u,uuu,you ior irtiana, tnree ana a nair million one million of which was to bo . raised in Ireland. A report was in circula tion that the Cape of Cood Hope had fallen into the hands of the English but not any thing appears to entitle it to full credit. Ihe fever had entirely subsided at Gibral tar: No serious disposition had been ma nifested by the Spaniards to attack that fortress. According to late letters frcm the continent, Gen. Moreau was not to be suffered to depart from Spain, for America, I.... - . 1 1 . ' , . 1 r . - uui witi iu oc uciaincu in inc lornier king dom. A new constitution for the Batavun Republic, it is ataled, has been sent from Paris, and- M. Schimmelpfnkikck is to La placed nt the bead of the government. It is of little consequence what form of govern ment is given to the Dutch province -under any form, they will remain at present noye other .than subjects of 1)i;on apart. The ministerial majority in the British House of Lords, is stated lo be 73 in the House of Commons, 2c T. A bill for the aliolition of the slave trade has been lost in the British I!oue of Commons. The Spanifh Confol, fa the United Si airs, refi ling In Philadelphia ir.formi ihe Merchants in the United Stairs', that ih; pirt of S.. A uflinc, in FlaiiJa, it In our last we mentioned the capture of the ship Eliza of this port ; since then we have heard some further particulars which excite very considerable alarm for the safety of commerce pacing near the island of Cuba. v-r'-"- " nvor inrce weeks with hiacrewuiKin the Me ol Tines, on w.Vich tkere are but two inhabitants ; du. ringthit time he aubsisted upon roots ; a..4 , at length got to Cuba on a raft constructed by themselves. On bis arrival at the Hatannabe appli edto the American Consul who informed him that thee wss no bope of redress from the Spanish government ; that similar in stances of outrage occurred every week. That plan of deprrdation is reduced to a system; the piratea sally out from the small ports of Cuba, and having tktn a vessel, they put the crew ashore at some distance, lard the cargo, and immediately sink or burn the veisel Wo art not authorised to tay that mir government Is informed of these transac tions ; we br.pe that is not, as we are cn willing to believe such insult and injury could be submitted to from any nation. That the Spanish government U rejnni blc there cannot be the smallest doubt and, lo the Unite! Slatei it it prrcitely ihe tats thing whether suffer because thai natiorv isnnsble or unwilling to PuouUtba agcniS wu-XrJJk Udgtr. ! We are ttdd, from auiKoriiy ssblch can not juflify ui ic doubting in luhenilciiy, that a very lengthy and fcriout foirefpon dence it now going onbetween Mr. Mtr. s n, the Urmfb minllcr, and Mr. Kiff I' J. Secretary at Suit! on the fubicci l

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