. .:.?,- t -if . The last accounts received at StvPierreV f the Rochefort squadron, vrere that they bad gone into one of the Brigand ports, on the south side of St. Domingo,! destroyed a number of American and other neutral ves sels, and hung their crews; A particular instance was stated of an armed ship be longing to Saleni ; the whole crew of which with the exception of the cabin boy, whom they considered innocent, wert put to death. It was supposed that the fleet after leav ing St. Domingo, would proceed' for Ha-Tanna. Extract of a letter from Cadiz, received by a respectable house in Philadelphia dated Fe bruary 23d. 4. We beg leave to confirm our last, re spects to you on the 28th ult. We apprised you in our fast of the blockade of our port, by the British commander on this station. He, however afterwards annouueed, . that vessels laerTwUlrprovisions would not beprevented from coming in, and accordingly a numberof cargoes of wheat and flour" from different quarters have since arrived here. Such, however, has been the urgent demand for ' both these articles, that the last cargo of 3000 barrels of flour for sale in our bay, has been . disposed of at the noble price of twenty three and an half dollars per barrel on board, lor the use of our navy, & at ready money. The Above price will clearly show -how great pur wants must be, and to which we must add, .that at present there is not a single fanega of, wheat, or barrel of flour for sale here. Therefore the first importation of either ar ticle will undoubtedly command very high prices. We must further add, that we dV not expect any material decline in our prices until the collection of our ensuing crop takes place, which according to every appearance by no means promises to be very abundant ' Our government actually permits the produce of wheat St flour to be sniped hence in specie, en paying the customary duty of near 7 per cant. Flour 2 J 1-2 dollars per barrel. Wheat 1-2 per bushel. Rice 12 per loolb. , .. Indian Corn 2 a 2 1-2 per bushel. Staves 100a 120 per 1200. OR FREIGHT OR CHARTER To any port in Europe,, -the ship NANCY, - warn?. a Zi 1 ' L2adpilyto JOSHUA POTTS. May U, 1805 l.Y : To Rent, fTfHAT large and commodiouiHoufe ana JLOt in r ront-atrect, at prelent occupied by Mrs. Howard. PoUefiion will-be given on the firft of June next, ' THOMAS JENNINGS. Wilmington, May 14, 1805. TAKEN up and committed to the jail of this DiftricV on Sunday the 1.21b, inltant, a Negro Man, five feet fix inches high, very black, (peaks broken Englilh, Guinea born, appears to be about twenty five years of age, has loft one upper fore tooth arid two under ones, and fays he belongs to a Mr. Thames. He fpcaks fo iinentilligihly ' that 110 furilier paniculjrs can be obtained from hint, tiv had wit!; him an o'tl Frenc1. ruikct. SAMUEL S. iiLOODVORTII. Wilmington, May 14. Alexandria, April 52-On Saturday, ar-. rivekschrr Paragon, captain lliynes722 days' from Nevis. Captain Haynes has furnished u with the following important ihfortnation : That news was received at St. KLita the day before he sailed ,, that" the French fleet had went to Barbadoes and there taken and burnt the greater part of the Cork fleet that they had effected a landing, and it was sup posed would levy contributions on the inhabi tants as they had done at other islands : thnt they then intended going to Trinidad. An embargo was laid on all the shipping at St. Kitts immediately on the receipt of the above news, and it was expected one would take place at Nevis the day afutr-captain liaynct mailed.' 5 The brig John frora Jamaica likewise arri ved on Saturday in '.JO days passage , None co'ints of the above events had been reserved at Jamaica when the John left there. - ---nr - 1 POUT OF WILMINGTON. '' Entsmid Ship Union, Goo'lef, North-Klngflwi - Nancy, ChiUs. St. Marlins Sch'r Collcdor, Pugh, Baltimore CLtAlttt Ship Charles Carter, Tompkins. Fal. mouth Brig Dolphin, Banj;, Boflon Hiram, Harding, Philadelphia Sch'r John c VillU n, Smith, N. York Arrived here on Fridav latt, 13 daji from St. Martini, the fhip Nancy, Tho ' mas Child. The (hip Estl, captain Knight, from St. Bartholomew, was to Jail in nine days for Norfolk. TRICES CURRENTWumscrotr. , Ti Notice;; ';. ME creditors to the I' ore of T. P. olu? ar- required to brinp in tlicir iccon zisAs fs:ttbm!n:, :, ;n ?V iljr week,' aed reieiv"' nrler? r.n hit. Francis Fon taine, agreeably tr a ;onv rac't nude v-ith htm f which if, r c .ymotifT ;. ' I he frock that I have fold to Mr. Bcaitort is to be paid to Mr. Fontainr, win is to: pay the ilebti of the faid (lore; tfn account t my leaving this countiy . ,. 1. P. L.01'TlIi.' For Sale,; A HORSE, Chair, and Harnftii, tor particulars apply to J. GARNI ER. Wilmington, April 30. ' u For Sale,. A BOAT, Burthen about 100 barrels, WELL calculated for Rice or Corn planters.. When full loaded her draft of water is but a 1-2 feet. For , terms apply to CORNF.LIUS HUKST. Wilmington , April 16. THE SUBSCRIBER, . ' Has for Sale, JAMAICA RUI OF THE BEST FLAVOR ND ' PROOr. 1 Wind ward Iflannd do. N.E. do. Sugar by the hhd. or barrel. Coffee by the bag Black Pepper, do Molaflcs by the hhd. French Brandy. by the pipe. Peach Brandy by the barrel. ALSO : .' ...... ' ' Tobaceo, Pork, Jjsef, : Flour, Split peafe,. and. Barley by the keg, White Lead, do. JOHN LORD.33 March 19, tf . FOR SALE, 50 crates Crockery, 3000 bushels Lisbon Salt, . Ar . casks best e;rccn Coffee. 'WILLK1NGS, SCOTT 5c Co. April 16, 1805 -3w. Wilmington: May 7, 1805. 1 or Gale -Teh h-jfr G:sfi, A valuable tiv.efof L?.n,. FNOWN by t-.cr.jrrc i co-v.ainlnfr o;if hi, 'iff d on tlic v.e:i I ci- of c 0: 0 11. 11. 2 fid idj 't,in" A.1 bcr nov. li lLo L 1 V - . r t 1 - J. ' Dtu Ot. Ms. Ctt KACONpercwt. 12 Coffee per lb. 53 Corn per buhcl, 1 12 . Meal do. 1 5; I JO Hour per barrel, new 9 10 Lumber per L"pIcnty . 10 " " W.o. hhd. ttavci, 18 ; R. 0. do. do. do. 10 12 W. o.bl. do. rough 10 12 Shinglei per 1000, 3, , ilolacs per callon 4J Tork per barrel, 14 II hke per ct. i Hum, W. 1. fr. SJ p. BO . Jamaica do. 4lh p. J N. E. do.. 53 e Tir per barril, I 21 Turpcntinf, 1 $0 Tobacco per cat. ' ' 4 40 Wanted Immc!.itcly, A SCHOOL MASTER. App'y 10 fiCcril)Cf in Bladen cownijr, n 5outh.Rler, WnCIirEEATTYr Mayt4-f " For Rem, THATplfnt in.l heilthy Plini-j ton, ntir the liea.ltf the SoantV kriovin by the nime of StJiiUj Abbij. Fr utmiiprly lo I MAXWELt M7 7, ttc;. 2W "Nt'.ct; is lic:-:T,v f;ivt?., JL Jenlar' Cam , hns b1 Tr.f'ctl li ."ti my bcil Jf J xvi.' 'm t j'llt p-.'ora. tlyn. Al! t ctio is arf li. nicer foievvarn dl from crediting' her on t.-y account, lioc: this date. P. S. CANU. Vilminpton, April 12'h, 1S05. Notice is hereby given, OF the. oVccalc of Tumiiss il. Hoop er, late ot Bru;.(u!c Couniv, L of the f'ibfcriberi having at the Ijft Court of ii'ul County, Cjttalifcl as Exccirors of lis laft Wiil and Tilineni. Tkofs in debted 10 ih c:lite 41c tlcfired to tnike immediate payment ; ivi ihofc havirr: ac. cour.K rr i!r ntai.f's aair.fl the' cflatc, of any kiml or c'l-nomirtation, ire required to exhibit the iitnc 10 the Executors, agrrea b'.y to uw, U within the time Hmt'ted by tli-f A of General Aircmbly, patleJ in the ytar 179, entitle I . An adt to amend an entitled "an ail, concerning proving Wilis snA granting Letters of Ailmi ' niilratio.i, and to prevent frauds in the tmnagement of I nteilatts LHatci." Tn failure Hereof ti.e? Tame iill be plead in h-r to !ic recovery ot any fuch debt orilcntand. JOHN HOGG, F . . GEOkGE DAVIS, April 3 105. U DICKSON I-ftt t'r lut-alUintt tf H'ilminln and fie Public tn Znrrel liif Ibty hnvt itutjrrii f ' hvi Artw Yttk, and art n'e $ftnive in h'rtnt.Sirttt. $n, tfirih th Mr. ;Vii jtnntngi t, I A neat an'l fashionable aMirncntGf DRY GOODS, S't'.uble ! the Season, trVch they are de termined to tell rery low far Cash or Country IVttdvce, either wholcsnle or retail, f Wilmington,' April 23 Last Notice. ALL thofe inJcbted to the late firm of Jacob Lkvv ciTCo. arc requfted 10 call and fettle t-heir account .with the fubferiber on or before the fifteenth day of May next, at no. further indulgence t . Will be fi vcrill : " , RICHARD LLOYD, j April 30, 1805. I Notice is hereby o-iven sP):r!t !! V Fayetfevillc, and of the lubfcribers hav:r2 at April term laft pafl, of the Con it of CiJinbcrland county, qutlified rs i.xecuors of his laft Will and Tela, ncr.t. -Thole indebted to the eftale are (I'.fiied to mate immediate payment ; and .'.icfe having account or c':mands againft the rf'atr, of j-.ny kir.ti or denominatioii, are rvr-jireJ to-exhibit the fame to the Lcc;ttori agreeably to fairy and within ?!." t!:;-.-.. I'ur.iicil by the ik (f f?c.i;ral Ail m'iivy p-jfT..! i'.i i78;', entitled an ,, ad to tni.trJ an acr, entitled an ac, concerning proving Wills and granting " Letters of A'im-.iiiiiriition, and 10 pre " vent frauds in the iranaetntnt t ln- tcrta'cs' clbtn" in fat vire wherecf the fame wtJ.1 be p'eart i.i bit to U u'eoveky of any fnch !rht or demi".d. JOHN F.CCLE5. r,.fC JOHN WINSLOV, Fayctteville, April 13 1805. I 1 1 I tnt Jttr fOUSALE,, Two likely young Ne gro Fellows. Tliey ate fold f r no lau't, but tneraly on account of the prefenl ovrnci baring no employment Ut thera. . For tcrmi arp' 10 Wilmlrgton, ApiU aj. 3 On Friday the 20th of April next, . , Will be Sold, .t tht DvtUing House of the Ule Peter 3!al.'ettt in Fjjettnilie, . Tfil rOLLOWINO ARTICLKS : ALL the Furniture & kitchen utenfils, a neat Coathce with Harncfi for two horfes. a riding Chair. a.Wagconandfix Oxen, about ten head of Cattle, &c. &c. , ALSO at lA: tame limet if Stage Establishment, - akTwtair . raycttcvillc and Wilmington, confi II tup of two Stager, one quite new, nine Horfcn, with the Corn at the (landi on the roaf, &c Three Negro Men, orre of tvhom 11 the driver of the Stage, will Uoffered forfale at the fame time , The ttrmi are fix and twelve monthi credit for the Staee Eftablifhment. with Intereft on the lart Tndillmtrt Hz momhi for all other irticlcr, the purcf.akrt gi vine bond with nuroved fecurity. . The fubferibcti cflfer for fale fundry Loll in the town of Fayctteville, fituated on the fomh fide of Crofi Creek, near (he dwelling honfe of their t editor; feme Loti in Campbclton, toccther with Lardi In the neighborhood of Fayctteville. PatiU culari may be known on application to them at Fayctteville.- On Wcdnefday, the 15th day of May, will be fotJ at ihe plantation of the deccat. td, Point Fcitr, all the Furniture tod kitchen utenfiti there, together with the (lock of Cattle and crop of Rice and fun dry other article!. 1 ermi fix-monthi credit, the purchafcri gifing bond with pprored fecurity. joirs rxcLus, ?r . t JOHN WINSLOW, ji-xri. FajettcTitle, April 1 J, 1805. JFUlbeSoH, On the twentieth day of May mxt, at tfie r.jurtt House in Wilmington, under an Order of t,. County Court of Nerz-Kjnaver, graited U Carleton Walker administrator of Rober Howe, deceased, - . A VALUABLE tract of Land con. taining Six Hundred 2nLForty t. exes, fitiiated on Barren Inlet C.Vpck, neat the Sound, the property of fa'H Ho;ac. By order of the Admir.iC.rator Wilmington, Apr 2. A STATE OF NO R TH- CAROL I N.I, Superior Court of Law and Equitx; ) - Wilmingtm District. ' " Rule for Trial of Causes at May term, iso j. ,1,2, 3, 4, and 5th days, New-Hanover and Brunswick. 6, r, and 8th, Onslow, DupIinr Wadcn, and causes without the District. 9th Criminal 10th Argument. -1.1, 12, and 13th, for. the trial of causes in Erpiity. C'ZlZ Witness, JAMES W. WALKER, C!k. April ifttn, 1905. :z " Will be sold - On the i$th day tf May next, in the pre. mifts THAT valuable Lot & Improvement! thereon, containing 66 teet Iquare on Thlrd-ftreet, the property of Dcnj.,,;,;,, Jacobs. Alfo, a'J his houfehold Fiirni tnrc, together vvivh :two likrly Negro . Vomcn flaves, a Horlc and Chair and horfc Cart, tofatisfy an' execution in my handsagai(uft him. R. lOORE, Sl'f. fFtimjnriirt, March 29, 180. FOR SALE, r" THE Houfe and Lot in Dock-Hreet at prcfent occupied by William Gilts, . Efq. Apply to '. ' ' ' WILLIClNGS,SCOTTo: Co. February 16. . Notice. THE- fubfertbers having qualified a? Executor and Executrix to the laft will of Jofeph Jones, late of Bninfwick county, deceafed, require all pcrfons in debted to the eftate of the fanl Jones to . make immediate payment ; and thofe who have demands againft the faiJ eflate are re queued to exhibit them properly attcllcd vvithin the time prefcrihed by law, other wife they will be barred of recovery. BENJAMIN BLANLY, MARY JONES. April 23, 1805 3W. KFNOTICE. ' 'T'lIE Trustees of Innis Academy (Coheri Nixon, llinton James, William Uobert son, sen'r. Alhnand Hull, Richard Quince, Jamca Shaw, Jchn Colvin, James Toy, end Samuel Ashe, sou of John) appointed ly nn act of Assembly of this Slate, passed in the year 1803, entitled " an act for the relief c.f Innis Academy," are requested to a;( -r.-l a meeting which is appointed tobe laid In ',U lin;;lon on Saturday the ISih of M.tyust, for the purpose of formini; a Domxl, and f taWii'K proper mpasurrs for carr)iti! the ii trntion of the Testator aud tbc said Act of. Aisemb!yinto c.Tect. H) order, A. HALL, Sec'r.rs tern. April 20, I83i. WASTED, . On'tn an rlinrdt nt!- proper for a Tan Yard, for wiich a gencroul price will be given. JOHN NICHOLS. Greenfields, April I'VQs. Wanted Jmmcdiatelvr -.- A SCHOOL Master, as aTearher'in a private family, to, whom a ficticious sa lary m ill beVuent -Apply to the lubscribcr en Topsail Sound, iAMULL MA WON. Aprils, I HO J- " NOTICE. " , T1IK fnbfcTiben havirg foil ofT their tioeV of Clnodt. in order to meet r demandi o their ereditori, reqtiefl all tnofe indebted to them to come forward ayd rnaVe payment, otherwife fuiti will U immediately commencrd a painlj them. 5bAvjKUVt iiwunj Wilmington, Feb. 26. Ten Dollars Kcwanl. RAN away on the 7th ir.ft. W fellow named iMr.ce, wed no- in te town 1 v , , clnity. For federal ) earl he ha Urn m the fm.ee cf Mr. Jhn Lord, p'ayi Fiddle tolerably .Jl.ear. brow, chnth ranahni, wun 1 inon Whoever will deliver the f meorfecurehimlnjail, ft all tree, tn th. above rewd.joijND TO0 R4 . ;siV" Aril li

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