n '. i v i - .it m i ft t I' rears that the- Vine: of the Two Sicilies, at fl th'j ..v.( of the French Emperor, has ! gi -:ii! . .d" M. D nvi, the General of Cavalry, i ani General in Chicl of all the Neapolitan' truo'w, his iii.mis.don fron. service; and has i disarmed the. Neapolitan, niiluia. The Rotterdxi GmiMn-t. and the.Leydon' Gazette of Tuesday stnni,,ht, also the Schi edam Mercury of the following day have, beenrccei.vd. , The first of 'these 'Journals'-1 " cor.tai.t3 at k-ris'.h a copy of the new Dutch Constitution. . . To the Lctrntetlve Body, " the ancient titU of " Tneir n'igli'MightuieM.es'": w to be re stored. Of the ".High and Mighty, Lords" there are to be 19, and the executive power, ii to be vested iii the hands. of the Pensionary 'who, of course, will -act es a kind of Vice roy io Dnonanarte.i Schimmelneninck islhe person-appointed to nil thb sitvniion. He is . to have a Council of Stale; t he fleets and ar-..-ies arrj tobb at his disposal; he'.is charged with the supreme Policy, .uub-is to have the . "sole direct: iv of the Treasui Their lligfi ' .. " itig'.uincsscs in whose na'ifre -ho h to act, may approve or-rijctl his plans, but they v.i3t novaUer ther.i.- With the new Goveni- ' "merit, a fresh tax of three percent, on all property h to be im'ps'se-J." Arbost - import-' at)t.st.ement appears in the Ley don Gazette respecting Sweden, namely, a 'declaration of the yonnj; Sovereign of turn country, that he doe not coiisiderlvimself bound to render an nc '!'" to any other povci respecting the al liances which he r;.iv think proper to conclude, atl i;!:n to-the pending vncrcciatipns :vith Viii country), that in ctie any for-iri troops . RhoaMv'-.it his.tev'.i.-y. thev will be treat ed as enemies ; and "that, 'at the sHnnt:tiie,-he shall vbim the troop ..f ilu.sia as Auxiliaries. , Mai oh '21. ' A cabinet council was held yest-rday at the f.jrei;.;rt uiBce,' and was .attc:i led, (with 111.; excjp.i v of 1 1 ; - Lv.l Cbmcelbr) by every member. '.Tiu cmiucil . sat nev.-ly three h.-virs. - U i co.ijecturtd th it the dis patches been. rVe b? the' Utis'-dan messenger, who arrived lit preceding tby, f irm I the subject- of d. liberation, liiimediaiv-ly on . . the- council lire".k'rai: up, a..rae'ie:i.rcr wa$ v'.order'ed to be i.i readiness t,u set o!Y for the corvinent, Dutch Journals of a' later date thm those jJ -which .arrLvcdTbn7.SatutHla'Tiave bTetPrcV" ceived. They 'do norTtn,mir"in'y1nteitJ lience of m unent. It is announced v.nd.v the F:v.nki'rl head, that every thi:vr; has been tran'uil in the kingdom of 'N'-ip!es fc'nce '.be interview of lu nice .Cirditn ri'h the l-'re;.ch general. Pann. it is us-eitid, will !? i:n:orp irate 'J villi the intended l.in:r ci.'.m of L-i.bb.irdv. irtd. it w is t yp el. rl th. t ll.ioiupirte's j n:rney tl'.itinr would j-.ot He d-ljyed bryr,i;d tin; pii.'-ent iumr.li. as it h.i 1 b en of.i -i i';!y ncliHed lhat he would bs at Lyo v; b fore the 22.) in-.t. It ii ti ii I that n it Ie-s thin 5030 men will b; euib iik.'d isi th." s!i;)Vi'..w alv.ut to prnvc-l to I".v'.'a t:vl L'hinii, ati'i b-:?wrcn 6 f.n'1 ".) ' ) tii-.n under the command lof Sir James 'Ju.i,;. M. rrh (:i We ! t?s 1 ft vevmv.n'. ."ei.t nb. r; to GiMVese i 1, i' lttsm u!'i. .t'l liie 1) -r.viji, t) detain nil C!ii la and JL.!:v: -.'li'vi v V'fi r. :ul to s:;l fri-m tht: nhom ra jDe Lanje Van" Wyngtrden; and the proposition was in the mean time ordered to be printed for the use of the members. " ; , ; The PIii of Constitution consists of 29 octavo pages, divided into 87 articUs, the first nine of which contain general limita tions ; from article 10 tfr U incluMvertht territorial division of the Republic is fixedf ( . which, as hitherto, is to formeiRht depart- ' ments, again divided into . arrondi'ssements or districts, which are settled by law, the ; exercise or suffrages to continue provision ally on the present footing. .. It also propos es that no ecclesiasiicks, of any persu tsior., shall be cligii)tetoo!r.cs of pDlilical go vernment, and that the military shalPonly-. have a right to vote at the place of their established residence, and not where they may lie in garrison. ' Articles 15 to 57 inclusive, treat of the Legislative Body, the "title of which is to be iTheir High Mightinesses,'' representing the iJataviau Commonwealth, th nienibeis of which are to adopt the title of High and Mighty. Lord-. . The ' sovereignty of the Uuiavian neon'.e is to be rtrv'v.n-ntcd In that Assembly, with the Pensionary. To it is j! to belong the enaetmant of , laws; it is to i consist of 19 -members, to be elected every three years', and to be nominated by the ds- . pirtmcntvil governments, vz, seven lin Holluul, one for Ztaland, one.'for'.Uirccht, j and two for each of the remaining p:vvin- ' res; tncir qu;,l.ncatirns to tie -voters, oi the agt of thirty. I)irn within the eight de partments or colonies of iV state, cud be fore their ap-ntm-n. luvi-v resided six years in the department to which they are eleeted.. ;'' Tte DepaCn-ien'a! CVv? r.vrneJr.r nomi. r.ar-s (o..r pc;f ):. a-t t.-aof n'n fiieh"n'-. oii'Mti'f: f.i '! e Penfi.rnarv,.who rtd. ces ill-; r.j iiber to iw:), Irtrn v!ii;h- rhc toT. T'i,. i. ..r,, thing rclatingio the Pcnfionary, and con tain in fubflance as follows: - The .Pcnfionary.i by virtue of the Con flitution, repfefents their High Might i neires in all that concerns the govr nmeut and exercises the executive power in their jui. ile it eleded far five years by the majority of the 19 members of the AlTetn bly, and may at all times be re-elcfleJ. The commencement, however, of the ft fit five years, is to take place from the L; period or the. pe ice with England, com puting from the ii tit ct J a;. nary of fuch year. lie may refigri at jilea f.uc, Ahcn. in fuch or other'-like CifeS, he is to be fucceeded ad interim, by. the Pnfi.'ent of ,fl e Allem'ily ot their High' 'Mightil nclTes, whole duty, is to luir.mou th: mem- 'bcr imuveaiaic'y, for.; the . appoii.tmcnt of a liiec. r. " The I'eosioiury .exercises in no "C2f, any lei'-hrUrive power ar..l is excluded frum intfitering vvitti matters -a hv'h arc c'ori ti ded to the Tr'i'vuna's irisxitijicd by iaw; nor ii he to diiphse ot ihe nec:Ki-rr'v ivfaus of -: State, o.i'.c-rnire than' in cp; twrmiiy to !iw. lieippoints a -Cont'd! oi eSt.iti.-, in) le-s tli mi f.vc, and v.o tvo'e t i.Trr who' 'tv. "p: H'ss itie NEW-YORK, - i i: e, M en-ib: rs, mcr i- ii;di inefF.'-s, Airn'dv' C( t'idr wh 'll t'i," . JTO-'C" i "to :!,0 l'( .L"tioil (. j IVeliUvt . 'r 1) ,!.. ; All-m'.'v to be -lliilv.j by a R-eoi cl.-cVc'd f-.:n ' ?-n;;mir.ation niade hy. th . ;i. nf-tvo per. f ).".-, liiiof fh-e'r ,h idy, to 'v trar.f-niM-! t ) 'Iu- IV.ifiooary. 'AM.i!"-;rs of iiii L ASazlLi-b. .fi 3 i.ie. . rJt b - P.. u V . Ml . .1 1 V ' I tJ.JdiXi.1 'r.ter.- T M.-.S-rs "f th.n Alle.nbly M vnif !v, or rnnf.nc ! same quahtieanons as. the hiem kms conrsj p.osmgihe AsEf.nbly ct their High M ighti nf'cs, and vviiom lie is cblicd to coiiMj'.t previous to iiiv' a nrona-ed law be arc i Ik ir ) i Mihii-ics-'cs; he may person all si pj 'rt M.di-l'aw in the A.serituly, "r Ciinse it io!eih::e by J.leinhci .of -the jj Louuctl ( 1 i,tjie iti hii i.atiie.-1 ie ap- i; po'.r.'sa Geueral &eTrrctery, and five Be A. i'!caiies 6t S a'e, .for the Department of jj 'Forego- Afi' irs, f the Marine, ..f War, t: .'of Howe Arrv,'ii.s aiid- ot the Finances, j' the Ir.tfer I'avit.i; u-.i!cr !:irr. t h r cc" Cnin- l M'll'.f it nis'i him. He- airo appoints j! the Diphmiailc Agents to Foreign (uit.s, j: the Orileers of tt'.e Annv a d of the !, Nivy, a!! Functioi.aiis of the State, and an ilie liSiMnliers of t'i'J I ribur als aoper tainin;; toiiVHfers c I general otcnur.etit, ' X'rx hij "tho c rf t-be .'National Court. 'I h.ef: e ? and aiiniisof thecpmmnpn'.-il'h a: afiiv d'i'p osa! -; -tewnfrrs'-ir.jtini y ftnt tl'iMi' fiirily-aiut .firi.ny .f t;- Stale Yeflerdav inorr.litr. ire li-iCaTff' ln,n' Adams and three giir.-boits laiic.l t :r i! e Mediterranean, will; a tii.e bretzc fioou W.N W. ' Gun Poat, No 2 !z C, from ,Cha: -f . ton for the M.ei'.itfrr'a'iKan,: y etc Ipola-u on Saturdiyt 41 H in!? rh y " tc Vt tetzrr" in lxt-' 34, Ung. ; 74. 3 ; allwdl. . Cil ARLF.S 1 ONT, May 14 ' ' Capr. SlLLiM'AN fsil-'d lif-ni Chcr . boorg March -2 id. at v ! ich ur. r 1 y cr " . . , . 1 - ii 11- counts or the Ut i' rt sbi i;;e't nt.it been received at. tlva-i p'a'rc. 0' ti e if 'v Marvh, Buonaparte wss ( t.. :u. tv.vd ataiie, by ti e title of u: Jhr.pt r or of V Gauls, King ej Italy, and Vrcicfrcr tj tie S'U-ifs '!!" : L'apt.'b. had papers-1 cr-Wii-ii.g the .rtcla? oi this inliullauon, but, ui-.f tirtij i'tt-1 y , Uf; 'Viein May 17. fvtjoetf by 1 lie arrita's fnun the Vvcft-Indief, V'Jladjv, exuKi.r io Pating, -that -the F'i'e'.ch ftjuaiiron,--alter throwing'' a rt infurec - c t ot troops intii St. I)-)tTtirto, !.ad failed iar Kratux-. The Ei!ji'!il!i ftj'U-ti't; left st Pott Koy aI4)y.Ai:ln;irai' Coi'brdi.e, ate fa id to have tiV'ii oil' il.i -2H f AfrH; '--r Krrc.l.u:; a? convoy for 'he fleet oi 13iit:fii iome.id. bound tre.rrhatit o'cn. The FreiH'h' fleet i rrp.ir'cJ to !'3V( !)ui-. on the cad oi St l).;rin;o, ti:J 'Len A v,.iiein vt l! els, ai.d hung feytn.-of the m jliers. . - . ' ' I I it '.; th v. " m ; tbdr I, b I ". 1 111 r 1 '(! 'PetTrtnu'iital" rntr"",t $, 'v tn t m : ie -. t.-onps on i i ti'i the I m i fcij i.'.r'-s. in or is .ir ! ,,!' ihrm. urc t ( t. i y two t.'.Ut.Si::! an', f :y r.te:t ac!, a il the ithi ti !m" titn-.'.red. or .,:. acci'i-!';.:; to ilnir i.'i- . rnepsi in, Tiia C ti.u ! bis ur- 1., di".:i. Lr ''u'f tr.is nl Miir.:s. The!i.lc ! nuni v.rot ;"u .; ,?:;t out w ill win ' u Mwreu f.xir an I fiw 1!. vi iw'. I h". y r " : "..'".nit nt ;!! , tn.-y n:c iri it Mo,!rMc f r - i :J' l in v.-s AT. s.S'y of. their H 1'' e Nlr-ii trs -.f ?'i !-prtm-"ial CI f-n,"-t , Seor ' j; :r r S;'iir, .V-tl. ': hers, of t'ic t'o-mcil of S'r.'-, , of th-; ('"tiu ii ot Fi: a;u'r-, r- I of the (i:ri ot Jnllirr, a;-? n ? ,, ;; h i-. f,;, f. fc.iib'v ti'l t i -V b;'.e rc-'tv1'-'. ihe nr,f,e, , u-hith thjty hl'el -mi 'k-ir n-!.-i.'ina'i' 1. 1 ! 'I f 1 i..i th t to, o; "i'f.-i 'Mi fi i't-lf.r (.j1. i.'.i it. j'r ti.:,-;;. tv 1 ?.i -v e ti, mi, v.'b ' nit n- , l to ! - f; , .-1 i 1 1 .'ll; llU1 llt.ir.r-r. ruptrd-v .;-:rii,ijt i..t!.)n ofj-intice ; ht ma.:o. ' .IFJLMlNCrTOl TUESDAY, MAY 20 .1805. P,v an r-rmvial r.t..ti.'u-.el table pnbljbV-rd :t Va-.hintr'.on-hv S. Hlodrj-t, jnn. it at fis tint the '.niPibev "f f.ee inhabitants . i :. the l.'niti'd States :u.d Louisiana, onvniMy td. in tlx vc-r i:-.0'- 1o G,OC 0.000. 'II : t ti e. (jiiintity r.f imp'-ove-d lai.d in tl' United States Was .";(.? -:0 ?r.res. Tlv- t'1-'-military, voi-untei: to 1 oo.'0(.-0,.t.pl t!"-vec-r-,tn tofi) (V.o pi':n. 'I b'U the value :' ioi- p-ts iv;iv ki ''060 000. dollars, rr.n trr . j p-),ts ::.6no.(i7t. d.dtrTV. Tb.t tie bard I .niontv it, cir i;i 'i' t aii'.oitnte'' t(. !7,5WO (-00 du'Ts. and' tji.' E7.!ni.e5 "I'TTl nm-.rOr-rmtf-that tb .-.cu" 1 iuiise binds s.r.d cit.t-.h m the trea.tirv ","iiitedToTc7ro?70u uolrars. r ': rii' if t t I'llSI... ( "t.( ch.irrt 1 rh Pl.t 1 in- ; o r . . ti'i-.s. r.ii.-s o. i.'.c pi.-.r o' :. .v rtut it'. n "I 'i e la'.v: , il .. !( e ; 1 'it e.'i . 11 .1 . as wed in C.i'il 1 t lie 1 i ,1 lppo'.n'.s v i.idi is the ic.t f i.e 1.. tioiufv ha:. Ik: rh'cf direction cf T the 1 ,.t i : 1 i! r-Mi? y; I e f.xcs ti c claries of the P .l;li,' F.iiic i uuties, ai d grants puiMii.'s serordiit); to the provisions ii.a.le I v bivt. ".e iv;'s a i ii ol I' r o j'c o ti e As- c m e i' "io I :icit 1 P !i-d p oii ,t; 1 1 ' t: :( tt it 1) l.( til !):', ilr'v 1. .;. v, in.' v- ! .' I 1 . ! . 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 ; i :iy 1 1 i: 1 ' i t..r ! .1 ' 11 j'i I. :- 1 1 nr..''. e.ii. ini 't'rn en- pro. ; d v. it-,"t: . n ct i'. If it he i;iv i; e I'.: I -'e 1... a,,,. i.t. i.-f? (A t'f. i' ?rx vivt. 11 !i 1 ni .y prijv k- t.-j.n t.l y.: S:b i.f M j lb leel r:!Ttu-tl i y Id mij: sty's, 'ohi; I lin- dnntan, fir the uie desuii.i'io:! 1'btse t '; p h.ivo br.T. 1 detcd to ! lin, i:i r jr.so it .e.i'-e of th- u.-i 'eaiant inte!iiK:nve lalJy ti-' -iv.-d Mo'iitb t ;uartcr. T f 11 iv ii ate the-rt.MnuT.M wh'th . i"n "i 1' : vri:t t rprd-.ti'-n. us it has b:e 1 c." !. bu' nb'uh is i;cner-;Iy l ilhtd ti 1 dvtrvd fir th" Meditci iv.tuan V Iru'.pi of t' c C V.li l.l.bt Unrvoti.-, ri!frlh iO!UM- ' of I. 'rule'' ant l'b.icl T.ivh.i the 1,-tli. ;;ih, ! l;h, ! h, ati I fist ''oii.-n'i if i:ii.trv, fin in r.r.d.ipd; t!.e ' 1 so 1 when hf 1 i ..,, 3 l hieing :i. t ivts, or 1, ,i'i. .j f .iiie a'leia'ion in it. It 11 t t'.jr t!'-1v .c'u.liflv con. fi l f 'o.tf. liliTa" o tn: ; t"ti! i:iitmici f ;J:r peb! e 7. s, .i I a : ' a l.vnre ttiois i rn t, Hr j.; j ;,s ;',,,r j,.. lb'. I', i I; .11 v. A . j 3 rr::' il f-i tifM-U i'lr u.x '. rf-t ivr ! ifif i'i v; :t fi - n ti e fia:(in! Co'ir' ' I J :r. i c, vi' 'on, boli'i , , r i,.n::!o t (, nti-.'-l, ,,,-.,. j'l (b iji bi'tf. t( n ! not 5 n..te! I' b--' t. f-.f.; -:. ! tryfo n I'el;;l; Viil .luwidci of Ar- I'd -I'-, l.ivp iev. (): liMnri , l;-r. ('.ener d; Vr J m -1 t'j-:; 4 t- he l'Miim.uid?r i i j ft.',.';', l.'ulrr i .in, ii.-r-l Sir Jo'in j art. s.i hv. i 11 : '.t .(',-ii' !-,d. l;h j ('-,.. 4 (' .'nVi-',!. Ab!'.t:i!,,.t;c:ifr.. to tt,e ,! i ,".ii S ' i ; i'. I (.''iu. r,i.tj.rv, ),!:;iir- ; . ,. ,. .1 'i'h .11. i i ' r. H fl! 1 !"f ta:ir:ili f!iv.. 'v '-i r- ii - i.! inn-' tii. .i.i., iitn ,',.'.y (' I t" ;' the c;u:i.it fM.eti Lu'r ''' 'o M..':j i.h I t -r-. it "i;o? br I'.us i ti aj.',.i;ui v i f.f.t be ! '..'. n: t e o.' .Tt rt". : rv.t t n. i't"!,! ih' Uibir.!, I: : ' q. lb.' IX.'ll.io-i ..I.i . .!; k", i .c i ( iCUlKan.i!" ti .- t ','IU T to 'he A:!'.'-.!. J.lucuJiiu-i.ui.j4 .U,'i i. that. Ad "I'-ly . t x. !'vi '.J . .. ti. rtji'it ' p 's .iliiiivf 4 I io ii.'u, Cf ; but t'.-j fir-ct arriJ.? attii'h. I n f-ih Vntv ftrc r ro'nr.'-l.-i h-1 i i hit r i-.'jjit i, ,V ii srticl , li'iMCic, in-'.'! ". L: r. .-I -.n-t i. il e p i ;.U,' o..t 4.1 ! nr t r v I T t'u c-'ii i j nl 4'Vfrr.rrr o tli Lmiv:ii Cn .! w-i i 'i r i i 3 t'e -I irjf n cf v. r !,- .'i - f ,r. i pr viiu dc,fTC ' ! sh r H;;'! f f T - -af ,n ';,c- v, ,;i(i.r- i t'.e V :u-y. i : A.: 1 v I i ..t r vi a fctidv of their U.h Mi-'i'iu- v r, arc to approve-, or r j,-c? but to al fr it- In th; 'bi 'e it to he un ttc:i , t.,r ohje. ti r.ct m epi;l leof lei-; tj-e ifu d, ai' I ;t u l.ich the I'j.vioniry (iispcs for lK- tr ire of ti e s'utr, an. I to indtmniry I ini tor iiMy.orlif:; his i fi with p:vreV t''i'V, rn I 'he pivihi i.i if lie pcri ns i' "V. '.in h;s ; i.-'i.tiiir buna :, rvn hi n-; Uc 1 t it,. rtc. irt l't f !:: i. rl the cn.J i.J i ' e vtii a i'e '..nation in his lun J rut ti X be s as! miii? r.as en ex. C ib-.i kxvlnMic fi,r the i;rrc4iti ae.,1 the i , 'enb- o .'f tut ',' witli- iit hi-.! :g ht' i' tofi it, lil.ttivilt i r 1 Is tairiiv. '1 he finarvi.l men cu lit lie r.s at ; ic si t i i t , pjrt'i'f '); bo! it i r -"(' trr: del ij the '.'c-s f.'i, r.s o: c o ,-. In 17"". heut-8T":-,t'iry after V. iladclphla was f iM 'e.l. there wee hi il Ci:'r) hoMst-s and 4;.or.i) neon?.. At the ti"t-seii t'ht.c it is computed to cer.lain -KVoC-O .hwUseuiwd CO, C00 people. A T'amb'.irch p-r.nrof the tV.h cf March, stati s, that Dutch ! t titini, rtf fo'cia'td by the French, an ! ;v ;b!i' I hive ye. rs r.fter the cuirlihi iti of J ''-''. It a-.'c ri-c-n S per ce' iu co ls-qu'-.tce i.ine l r pcsbt.ng i;ttrta::?ed thelpeaee i- r.e. ir ai b.nd. i'iUCFS ATC.'tDi;:, MircVii; Flour 2: t 2 1 1 21 doHir. ! I n.iian I'm t, 2 to 2 I- 2 dolls, pr. bi-Puol. j C-iio'.iiu !ti:c, 12 t-2 o. i-j dolls. W 1 i v: I't.T's , I 2 to 8 o'is. ! A'''-'tic.-.M 'vYh'ei , 4 . 1-2 per hiifll. ' ! Ti e m'-uvc arc the vlh -i;cc , o:t boaid. free i-t duty. Cirt. A-v'cv nHV'vb'crcr, w'"htd bcii perf',inall i I tinv-l-bv a 1'ritillnd. ficrrol hi Melh' ll:;i Car-, t rt,tw o cd Mil lun Is preil-1, '.v.en ci-rie'l into j iHt, tk-Tindtd LiMscV.uu ol luidonicur btiil Iiiot bint in a duel. Uif, to drv; i- tverv pr!-,h'r o i-r.i lint ol iti-.nti.:ii j ti - pi b' c t. , ; , t Iv tvc-iy I'U'a.i i I A h ii::i t.-.nio.i to it t tc hive ct cry h"'f t.to.: ii. C'.M.O.lJVJ , n?" i: i r.-.v r'I'.iC'jroluj'i'jp.I Co.uiary i aoic. a:. t pr- f rf I. . wh .'hir I r i!'e bii.-rovcii r'.t of ; pfT"! n.,!w ot ta ; ou, or !i r t',.. j ' Mlu V ' ri rt'J r-frvtci! (.tTtrricnirr ta-. J .. ". e. , I .T-i-.; iT.d:y i ;r-ri 1 , vrr t-rvjv I a i i tl.f I.'VJm c "cii'' "r If i i i i e O tfit sry rt State, j.tv; .'tx a p... - lio.i ff 4 iu w ( ?.'! l i 'i' jl y ,';. - li-.j( t ; p!r tcrii. o-it'ir- i , i ' - v i.'.: in, in in ti,..; lUT'ne "i hi lr llft'lii t A'iii-', I i-'b t ' v. in'.',, IJt.t i j ii.ni i.i i j i . a, , t , . ,i ir ' i i" f . .. .'( 1 u rf tr. v 'f'.i ; '.'! Ave i Me, 4 ! ' Kiif .niv 'i it i'", p ; "i. I. TI -! tbf lie v rl ri f,f ('.,it,-. . Mii ; ,, ' di. b- , . r $' f j !r f !:!', vir i,r:it ir liM-ii : th i'l. 11 iv du,'! nt'(n ' ' ii J .i';"'l i' i'l it te ...lie .Jt 1 1 p , In er. ' v. i'.t ..r fc-,"...i'.' .- us ;y , r. v i.'.. I in lb- J b. f t " f. 0 M. 1 1 M, j,,,tf. v . rii'Wt. cf th- rlo c r n. i "C? i,l fjw; ttn brr 1 1 !'f I lltf iu th O'b.'H Ihp rear. b in A 1'' .h "itl c I I r f Jon -, ?: ff , 1!,,. 1 ,,'t I) .,,.', f t,, ti JiHiti, I'M it our f t-;i n il t, M ev: VI- i n ', , audi ., 1t t , . p . ;-b TI .! ti f. l' I'o i ' . ' ' t I (! , f t ' . i-.v k () fi , t (f v t! 1 1 (l i 3 'ih 1 1 of in-n"t-M , f',f , T :.t''y i o 1 ; j I -il I) ; :n I thi ..jfS' i-i.vi , U ("n'l t( ,h- I 11 il'-uni: v hi It ii: i- . 1 !'. l l.l1il.l . b p w t 1, t 1 .! ; .'..'M,lt . i.i. n f i 1 1 1 l.ttre m r.f -r ( rtifiiiU4 of iiii,i-tiiUii airiJii - - - . . - , . .... 4i u. 1 1 t u? ri i nut;, iht'l iirrur ut I' vT . 1 r t, t f .1 d. i) v 1'.. it l'.,t !t ' l . II ill , T . , si I rcii Je ice at i!u 1 i i n ff an t o; 'i it I. 411,1'., Ill .It! .,t- i 4l IU- I f( l i' l f hp it I.VVI .'iur i-t; h!h Si Ictn. w.i K (c'f I lo i;tf C':r.!.J'i'-C ( I : il..C. Tor Nation il Si ).di;a f 1 1 r 3 ." tu". tio'i i!ui th. v ir 1 n lo -r m 1 ve II. e j at ill it y cut t'J i u ru i r In n.iip.'f! d li . ic.iti 1 A ha Ut v.i 1 i.i;:f pa: hecu H'.'.'y cttsfric;:, . n,!S Iro-n tx'trn-l jt ir u ft ijii-- , ; t 1.1 in uvi !u t;.;; ' I.f 'i.la;ic I .May IJi'.. ii w Tbciiv.oni. " . t : e' ' State of the Course cf .. t B I y 5 ' weather. the vvinJ ; fl I ?.( ' i I air N. . i Ci j (o rj i'a,r - N. W : I . I s. b w. ! :.i A-tro n iVir s. b w. I I I , , 2iir: I T'J ! 7J Cloudy tr,d rain Calm '- 111 1111 . 1 u. ! 7i:: I I V. r . r..X. L. ' 2: or rs j r j ci-it.!jr K. c. ': Lj DliATliS KINGSTON, (Jrrr.1 lj. , ri 1 ; v ji. fi ni-t, of 33j) 4'iH l-rs. 'I".- "?' whifitin! h rxnire.f. .lie i'l 1 M m -1 11 1 1- lern nait m ' i -.t f. 1 'u e rtly U j be cla f;l ! ib I .f, ,ifV, AmUUi jitnfii ludaute, fi ercrjr Ir.forrnaiitt.i u.ui I ! y tbr b ofk 1! '"A tf war ihtci, ih.i 1) . v fp' Ve an An-fii tanviftt1, in thi M.iua I'.:faf, ff-u w! bit they learn ihe I mhIi t.j 1 anchor. til Off Pof.'O UlCd, ao-Mii Cnfifvq I.IHC r f ' n. rrfiili'-.c fn m ilia iubabitjii'a u 1 landf too irorp, whit haJ ravaged ihetivn anj cot.i.r.i teJ many othefx.tlf.'i. 1 37 J T. V. i." " - r- I ? 2. f -4 r 3 . i" C 1 Total, an I tmntci t of the drceand t ',

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