Lowdov, April s. "Al-w J-arr expected respecting the Brett Jtttt a partial action hi taken b'.ace between it and the h tmtl feet for tyjf :i the hit accounts cumt away, the Windsor Castle of OS pav thevan h:. was actually en- vat'd Our Plymouth letter of the ti l inst. says ?.'. . . i .'i " lliis day leters nave oecn receivcu jrom me Ires Pfjivhich It aWfa-j, that on Salwday la-t, the Ijench fleet, consisting of 21 sail of the lt.it, 5 of which wrre three dickers, besides several very heavv Jrigctesy were hint & daclur in Bcrt':eau:ne K'ouJ,- -near Brest & that g'cat ho'pes.mre cnte-!a-'ntd that an action cuaJ. be 'brought on between the two J.eets, as the Bri'u h were ai that time v:ry near Jhem;. and when the account em'i cvuf, the Windsor Castle of 98 guns, .eapt. G ii?i, whifh was the vein ship cf the fleet, wai fi-ingal the French sh:s rni both s;des. The wind was at ih ittime fining wfflcry', sot?u' if the Frtnch feet were, cs u$ual,..'diyp-)sed to tc shy, they would endeavour again to .sh.dk into Brest, ai the wind favoured such a . purpose. U'e' are howdy looking out for further acro'inlsfmn them. The JIibernia of 2Q guns; and the 'jax.of SO guns, "sailed frbm hence-on Ahndcy last a't.l no uoubi, have reinforced thi British ere this." . ' l,o-s of t-'i: Sh:i Ch'na. ' The shi'i sV:!.d f.v7i 5itavh tbf Dtli of December, wi'Ji a car,';') of suj;:n "'&. coffee, . worth -.hot Is.- ;", ih.i) 50,000. 'ibljarsi, On Sunday, the 21st nit they took h pilot o-t board, anrl at' eleven o'clock- that Tiii'ht, .htf struck oi th; five f.utvrn H.n!;, ah-nt: five l.epies from the Cart s cd tli D.tl v are : ?le s i c. irri 1 rv.v.u: hr.-r 1 1 !; to.vtr !; r i'ti insj she dnued ofi", mid tir'y let ijjoa.i anchor, but v'i;;h h i..'.i;u; :hj anr'V)!'iil br:k': and " tli d; ",vin l c:ii:'n at NT. W. she (Iimk? on the. bank a.j;ii:i, where nbotit 3 o'clock shs bUe'l. n(n !r; ! o- 7 P;elv.ier vi lirr bold, by this tiuie th.-y had several pilot bna'i '.tl ,"-bi'!i,"j.i) ' rc.rtVu'rfl whoever they c.nill of-their blr : "i mid w;; , to-. the V m i . of i'. J bij of ri'T-on b tr;l t!ie pilot bots. '.-vie was ' t o!Vii' l-.ss tii i:V tiir?c tim .-i,, a:j:J u ofteu 'drove on s;,i;:i, wlij'i it cr n'n ; oi to blnv a-fjdr.-nn 'l'el-' rus.'.iy nvinii I r. the pil-it !o iti .vi'.'i th -crew-w-jr. o')li,;c'l to lciiv hr. A p'-s'vi wirj av:ji ill the hut Ivoat th' ITi her'o;i We do iy a? 12 o'i:I )ck siy ihi was th .-n of? r.::l drif ti i;j tow i'-iU" the' main. I'v th-: :i':cnnt - "oT t hl-j "p erV'in t "i slurif "pr hab'e piH' siiT 'i,-li.;:;j'.J,-a'u so'mr other mi' tern may be sn- periihed with her t tre i -then Taped onr icourse to ths westward, continually relieving the oars, and with difficult finding a passage for the boat through' the 'fields of ice which we were passing during the remainder of th&C niht, wntil 13 o clock on Monday, A. M. liavinggone about 100 miles W. S. W. from ; For Sale, On Wednesday the 10.V ( July rest, et the Curt-House in E;ur.v,ick County, ,fr the taxes due thereon, I 1 rem rjttU..!e, . T FSrrCTFUI I.Y : r(M ; t, ; "the time of leaving the ship ; at 12, finding- ning to mdKe, so inat tne yawi was unsate in tow, and they not being willing to increase their number in life long boat .fetjutsied td cut us adrift, when they immediately left us stect'ing north with a sail set, and a fresh breeze from the southward ; our situation . was now such, that we were obliged to keep before the" wind, it being very .squally with heavy rain, and the yawl being so deeply laden(asto make us apprehensive she would imtnedutely .fill. About suhcetstlie wind abated, and the sea modera'ed, so tliut we were enabled to pull' to the westward, which we H'! from 7 o'- clock, until eight a. m. on Tuesday, the 9th, when wc had the happiness to discover a sail which we found to be the sch'r. Jo anna, Capt. Qninqr, who humanely received us on board, and paid us every a'kntion w'nch was in his power, and which our sjtti.uisii after sulTring roudi from fatigue, - and being considerably injured bv" frot, ree dereil necessary for the preservation cf our ' t lives. - ' .When wc parldtl conipanv with the long boat they had. plenty .pmvisiotis on board, and strong hop-js are entertained that they were so fortunate as to meet-with a vessel . shortly ii Per, there being several at no great distance to the westward, or that they would be ub'e.JkO. reach some pot -in Nell found- A'rTi pictAL CoFFif.E. The p-talt" is f.'.inul to tuscnble ci.lfee in tusic smell 'a"d ";. iriiiu tlun any snbsti'ut ? .t!ut I'.is !v'i !i 'r ;;!, f,-"j) perttns "ca i-"t!is ting uhh oe ' fr;r: ibc 'tthtTf ncudes' l.v.e it pu...'f-sr mlr i piiVu-jtm and eircoins,Tanrcs v.liii h ot-.''Vt to ;e.-v)i;tiiMid it to 'treial irp. It i ; o 1 UC' I011Qving -L.aa3, iogontheCl.airli.pr,',:,!,;-'- i ' - VIZ: , 6p)ozo Acres, the ; ropr'y of JplinG. Elouiit. - . co.cco.Acrev ' ''!C' r'f"rcr' of Lewis,. Tuney. ."' , Wm. J.' CRISSET, S' fF. -. Ernrfwick Couoiy, rf0f. ' ' To Rent, - TI I E II on fe n n i L 't a prcfifit. 05 c -j 'pie J bv Mr. T"'eph Pfincc. " :., ' : . ALSO, The' Sorr Houie mar t'-p Ti,rk:r, ar p ef.nt in' the occopiocv f Mr. VVuttc. PinFetnon will be given it June next. tO;iN HILL. ' Wilmingioi.1 M-V 2S; - - cr o-:r e'lcppt j vp 'eta.) h'mI f.ior.f - p en 't J Ted. hv?!l t! ra'hei' continue t:r foe. 'J aited Sta'tslirvTrTP in the loss of ships tro n "IriU'v'u in t!.i'- l.i t f-Mson ; 1'ii 'v.-in the f.ur'b oni: ritbin ;!x' nr ei hl to'inib. iz. t';J S.m 1 :I limit h and cM'.tts its theaivirs', i nilv ' l-t ohi .n'vr.it' Vo .'1 I rhees a't:d j" 4'isv Cj'.-ai.-... t fy, n.i.. are wf e.e nlnt mi tcici-o eoiv,. tncf' e tnr i' : I'l.if. !io': i';;ie ttr cifiP si- ri hr rirrthe" iit to,- t- n i h-c -? n.i cist ..i,,l . a; d i!o. i;;,t ini.''..- ii..e , .:?.; iH'ifot.s. j 1! C in'.nn of r'Vfr M il'im ; t.!ie Marv!a;'l p 'for NSm'-Vo :o 1 the (.'hiiirt, of a'i l for 1- !u-se we m iv a ! I j!v the ra 'n.- of th M.in'iuttao, f r Ni'w-"V'ik, taken by tht Ilri'.ish as a!ss in pat!. lv s!'.o;d I bc !; rl -are l. th- d.-'eiition and fr;,,nres will no do'tbt b.' v;rv h"?.vy; U i 5 eooj. 1 ! 1 red t'mt !) ! s-, Hjst.d iH by thos- rTirern.-d in the a'.-.vj f.vt vese!s will be I . t : ! j .'u t of two of h m. an 1 to t!v r fthe United State, h i'' they an-Ucd s.iT.-, tlr.-y w ,n(-l bare cddtJ br'.'.v.'rn 5 ar..l 5l:).n-,)5 ih.:irs. L-jf the-Shi Jupiter, 7' Xeve--'. It i m'! loni Wv' h ivc to r -co u a m i-e nv-.incb-lv rela'iob'jh v.i that v !:i -h .i d' 's. cf 1,', of the shin 'HUIMT'.U, of N...v Yo.k.of T. 0 tons I iaded wv.h b ile o )-'1.. fee. -u t f ths ' regu'.a"' trader between that c:'y :h1 I,o- l n. Tlie pijons preserved in lh- ya .vl have arrived in, to. rn: Arrirrd th'i !iv, sr'i'r .b.h tnii 1, V. n rionry Q);ner, Inviii" p;rt-i-d fi -t c eitirn f.'.ot-e of !s -f .no '1 1 1 I, the v .1 of tit td-'o Ji!;ii-r, la'.- f;f Nr-r-V") '-, vim thj cup-i;i, rr.a'e, o-,e r-i:nan at..', i.t.-e p)sen"r, wliii ii ship v. . is 1 , d ' ' j. i'-e at IJ o'chrk ort the ni'.i f.f t' c'i il-t. nn Iff jmM'.'p f n:n f ,o, h.-, ttN.-.v- htvmg on board T .. .-r. v'nm wt-rfiiv in th? .ii, the rew t'vik to the ! n..ho:i i:r Vj. !i rr." po-a,.T.,sc!''" : r.! iVm ir.to S""a'l' : q' ir. pii:ee c-f ait.i o a liJici 1101, tint ll cn in'o 1 i:ia' i!.!ii Or pan, fct '!n fa t 1 .1 u mp r ate -f.r. e, in .laiiven ..i'tr tie l-re.t.l is ti sin t!ii !.t '.:. 1, iy to pieif ut tb;tri f.i'.n 't II I. . St. James's Charclv 1 , 1 . t. T'O' be let, by order of the Vestry, at Public Auction, under the Court-house of V ilrnin'glon, on Monday the 21th of-June, at 12 o'clock, the following Pews, until next lvaster MoikLw, .viz." in the lower part of the - Cliurel), Nos. 14. 18 and 53.-' Also to those who will engage to put 'up Pews fmisheil in the same m..nnr as those al ready williin the 'Church, tln: lots or spa ces in the iowoa- part thereof, numbered 13, !0. 41,42, 55, 57, S-. 58, at:d in the I'.al lery, 'o'i. jl, 0-1, OS,. G7, C'6, uj and 70. Wilmim.ton,- Mi'.y .28. . ' ' . CQTaACT. X7 ANTP.l) a VV.il.L tOMirround the CIinr.h- a "d., 5 Icet hii;h (dear of the f: ):;)'. lotion lin.u ling the Ophtg, 01 e b:i' k tliirV. '' en-ihvned by pillars n! every le.i tV'el I'istaiif.e id' nnebii.ck t t.d u hidf square, 'l'he fouitd.it ion lo be one biiik trnd -a liidi li.ick aih! one f'.i.t be'tcw. the ktufate' :;'.! ro'i:u'., iveipt tiepait in ket-stu tt, -vbiJ) is.iodie ?orl w. T!- insi(!e fl the Will 1o b vr'igb rvst, the vhole to lie bi'.di-of '.lb-' t',w.d '' ! brirks. In the 'Wall are to U pl.n-i d to 8:ion;fn3t.f-!('ing mLiAu 1V. 1 in il,r (bar, thel.r.ver d.v, p. t uc, arii tim. v : lit r , i i 'MoT lint li i y "'V y; wi-.c.i .I,, y a.e p r t t'y nt) ii.to 1 0 v b 'U or hox or lev a.I. K-ep lor an? "b ( ! I.r., tV, v ar 'o ! jiari to be pann-i;. d 3 Fvet Lit: h, and the i:pr p.-rpii r.-,. (ij i 1' pi'' ng from 3 to -licit i i.;1:. T!ie g.tes :ie to by p-.'-ntei', veil I. tin..; .wii n vni'i -l.iii- 1 s ;ik' on pletely lit '.e 1 witn l,!'l 'i . u'l ha k. Any p ison wil l.ng to frntr. c' lor the b ve will l e pleu s.i! 10 lUhvr in th'.-ir i;rot..::ls M-bled, on the liberty to n.u mi n tlut ltc ,.';';, r 7 ') documents to sbrw thot iTe" 1 .:: r '- .' ' ' inipiovemt-nts in usi ml'ArKv s I! I I . .1 f ouj UC IliU'l LVwI g IO M i l . 1 ..adapted to the si'm.tlrn V. , ',,V well as many other S( ; j oat , .' . which is his inve:t:oii !( : i ( .1 ninn air more si -iiibnoin Ii .,- 1-rf- ---,-7. liiknofizbiiUlWindW! et! v. 1 1,' y-'.-p strorttd to fruMlltate !!- 1 j i:; t.( ! Salt from sea water, iiTuIl'i. r ( : h: , nnc.,. P.... ,.rl'irK t. ...J-....,. . ... ... r.wV, : 1 II . .. v , V..1J V.l. LO eut,,.J froni government. ' Vv ilminjilon," May 21, '05. I i-ULiLt it -i- . iif v t'"!'t ;v- ' : .n 1 n ii',' , a- ! ' i'j t: 'o el 1 4 1 a u;t m 1 re !..! 11 t. o '1. tl i.i a v. a mi, 1 ,r. So.t. I , v' --" 1 1 ! 1 wont ! d th" :. :. a i t', i 1 t i ' I 1' c !:: . r ni r t -r ;; v. vi 1: 1 ! ur O-.f or hef ii- 1 hut ':v ' v t.iu,' i t civ.!". o'c t V, to the lU-r. I):. l!:':irr. s'ati.'.g ut v.li.t time the si adl.c t'liphtei". V: t is- f .1 tot y j a 1 1': i' y v.id le Vi q-,;ud ly tie 's. try !oi ti I. i'i ;Vi pcifi-u. 11 re ol ti e tm-i- M, U ('. ;. I, n h ' h io ei iiaj the ..I. - C 'ip'i..! 1 ;p. 1 10 tin- t'ririactou I'.'. ih.r ;:.., 3; li5. .100 Dcli.irsltcv.aul. : t -fir ; c ;! p , iway f.( to the smVm til u'! i. 1 1: i .n 1 .1 r-ii - 1! ' ' -.! I : iv... ,1 1' .. .,, r-'.-j 11 '.i'ii. :.i t t.t- ii-on 1st. i- rvjfi'" .''t t t ( ) . i ' iii-. ti n w tut in on !,i. L- l-.'ivi-r f i l v I'reii .1 e UUi C;'V;r In tvJ.,.w l.a ,:c d'.iuj'i Ii:' JV .'. NVn.Oik ii'.s.ont! - r.f t.irrh. (';! ni J iKi !iA V, n. si.,, . f tl,,- TJtticd M 1 - IV, oi 1 ll'"'llg Ili'VSS. t V. by N. ;;.,i f". rr ! ii'bfr pi C , roiiirtmiT from tin v i.,ii ;(ii' ;,. v u. in iieuvy Kqoa'.ls, afur having Ii,; ;I,- , . tlut lii'Viing. Ti t fi llowln-- par'i' bir rf t!r 1 .s f the Jupiter, utv cnuiii.ut.ituud to tis I y - "c -i i i.i..mm "-- I 'n t!i t'.ip Jt'pb-r frm i!,e Drr-,, f ,r Neiy-Y'.rk. M in':, f-b. N. t'u-.j retni'kM- r-i. rc l rvi fi'i'i - f-. qi-i :H n-lc r.t-t lnd fc-tS-r. m.tiS fi Aptil. I th- 1 i 1 it. 4 1. 1 I n, j. I,v u, ii ,t ;,l $ bVkik in trr r.nat ' ;- a rrmt 111.0 1 ; r rf pirn s nf b''k' i e. mMi'i w.-s;i.m! in a!ru t'-'cc li"it . idi 'itiu- o-,-H.v(l ..r. h'e c!i ir, tip K. !. in 1 f..i -v. tt- M. '-PTil It, I'.trovi 1 - 1 f' f (, 1 i'! t.v .1 ' ck .lf :t I p- fi-1 i t Ii- n 1." 1! 'b h ij ri t.prmi tin n v.i-rt- 'y tn cj t i f, tf I' c Su'li'i mh J'ft.. t f ii' o -'.'y t ti" r 11' r II is. I a oU. tin'il 6 J. ?.. '.. h'm- f. ti.! t'o ire eiiiiib -4 w f..i t i) N. : r., Soi-ili 1! t .' r"'l 1 -fit r!-.-, -r it : I e n'm it mi-l tr,t. clul the Norh . ni' ; b'1-) 5, e tm'-l niIit fo-neo't itPupr o"( ,p in f (..r, li'-T? i t.t i-r ! I,',- rt,f, . 'iipsjiS, in I ipts In lMeMiri ;,t! i'.-1., k,i .i lcr ,.f t'-i f.JN to I - -t f .hl ihr I. -It, but f niml at II 1'iat f . ii f,i in n !rr;u i I. nl, ws fJ b. nl t., ... r ),)., I a.l tulbr nutliua-i i-n'roia , ,.i Klinr; I bi :ti'is Bwtiv f, rthc b'f-li!! i r, ?s rr li.it, ri gour'!, I'ti'il 12. 1 n ,. i,-k niv.it a nj! jiire ulilc't pint'! I'tiMifhiln i.iboirl j tmni,i'i- 'v ,!h f'i"n. "l pit li"atl f it' I .'. ti nt, pmrn ml il.'i! Inn ftt li to il-r l I , tr,l It lit tb- !. Pt. l pgt !Tf "-mi!t- 1 ip, f,iih ,ni il-itin j t i.,...it Im'f hi liKiir.f-rr.i is ttne l-e s'-mk. haiin? pi In-aril It 'hf lim iKbtnu KU htr, tiiutjr ittcn inn!, ln 1m- '. r'trit-! 'titUin lita.v Inu-iiir. TJsr 'j"--i s.iu.t f..!-istcd t.f t!ie I'nitel Slfi-s t ii'. : v. un.l d.iT. imt f i'y 'ui.i.t',i.er, m.l ri.i. ut!-.p.invipi!i itii. n. -: nyi P. I iT.Ij CV.'f ,'i .; .V" - U'ri v i.v c rs v. i;.7. ti::. J)!:. Cis . -Ult : . v.i'c per b SJ Corn pt r bil l, I U .Me .l ii' . I Z 1 I touh ! I .ir per b.rtr!. new l.'iVuT tnr U.V.J V. ,, I ., ; i-1, I'. I". .o, ,(), ; v. o. 11. :. . ! u.ns'lrNpcr 1 r I ,i.l..s..s j rr ;'-:tgo ' k pirbincl, . 1-is p-r tt!. . . . : lli.m, V. I. pr. ?.!! p Jat!iti4 1 . 4th n f S l' ,'. j Tnr iw-r J uml, Tot t-.i;f, Twbjcio p r cwt. I I 9 8 n 10 I) I 14 . 4 I 2 4 SO IC II 12 f.A ,, 4S IJ t 91 2 J o ;i 53 O pout cr nii.Mixaio:;. , I art. u a Hi1, i!r!bf. Csrl'oii, J,ini-i"fti I'.ttv, I .i.i, liiritad iiius, l'jitii, Ntn.mk tttato - fjhp fnirn. Cold, TrViilil SlI.V John. MtOit'uV. . I'n..n I PIT UK C.4ML ,1.. it if I hie ary time hcieinf.tfr, n proVi! n 'Sipj 1'ffmi'fttf 10 thee!; 1 niler of Ctp'atn J-hn Nflfin, it wai wiih'mt fo-inilit'ni, and gtourdlf f. ?9'h Aptil, te. CANU. AVitticlTei, UOl'h UT IMRI.r Y. J ACOD 1IAKTM AN. ol J-i ini), I ; ' , a livj io I-. I 'iw r.01 id S ' id.O'l. i leaisi.f ;);e -in i b'i,l 5 Last Notice. A LLtHofe ipdibifil tnthe Sate firm cf !. Jacob I.ivvVOi. e itqu-flcl 1.' ..... ' . 1 tucill in.l lettie tbfir iicminn wim trie fii'ffiib.r rmcrbcfjff tfe ftdeenih djy tif Mir i-'t, ft iiu further inJulgtnce be given. RICHARD LLOYD. Apul 1; -j the' .'urscRu : , V- . I ;a for ,v JAMAICA JfUM O-liiF. L.tV.-:i.-..V0Kn' Wir.dwaid luar.i.d no. N. E, , to. Plaik rrrre'..do. . -. ' Molallcs hy. the J !, '. ; ; F'rer.ch Li.p,!y ! v it-r. Peach U.au'y by ifr ,tl. , i., , Tob-ero, P.-:l;t , , lJlpnr, S, lit -i'c.i.1, -1... .",'! y .! r 1 - White Lis-', f . .-. , , . ! ...Mi-fbTQ, . SPiiEU & DlU::;.r Inf. -".. " rrm..c.trrt, 0 e , tr '. t il.'r 7"n.f 7'M-;i,..(V, ""'.' A iieht and fashiutiublc asv(,.tn f.., Lr . I)i-:Y (-OUiit Mntiible to tlie Seiisnn. v.b'rh ;l-..y j,', terivtiit-d to sell vtri !-."w f. "rCirsh v- C' rrodnre, rilln r Vi la lis, lc 1 1 uv;. ili.iinti n, April 23. ftrm tl-e hthfit'iunu c, :,-.'.. r r,- t tie Tih'ic in r.rr.yiil, i.ey''i, ,"f jvst uniiu! P m Y'..tk. , ',ie y nr. (, . To Rent, rniltT larce aril c n-rt-i d'on IJri fe Pli'-plfd ly 1? r' Utv jtd. llMTiolt v. ill be iven 01 .!' dtl! i f I--rn-fxr. 1 I OMAS Jl VNINCJS." ' Wi'fT.'ngtor", Mil; '4, i8:'5. Ui KJ , , 1 i ' A HOUSE, Ciiaa u il Ih.-ncs 1. 1 J -l Ui.li ij'lj to - j.x3m:;ir. Vi'ir.ir jjnr, pri'130. f. 1.1 ii i;,i h 1 hi iify b'iiil., hv -co" mi i t, i'iIi'k.i'I i.ti.1 1 b. I.i. w 1 n. mi l ii l.ur.'.t, I .is rt. ii. '"op- a i t b in : ; i- ; II Ho li I'll tn.n mi , v ' llie viic 14. s t -t lo leave the per.:'. ..f I in U-s. ;i- mi id NcMD w it furmeily onised lv Mr. ( idn'n oi 'i-.Cir.i. it: : Ni'hI'K, uti.l to I'd- mtu-.l t'. -,i'.n f -i i'l Mte, t!.i:i to Mr. MM. 1 '.fr-.u Ii-y of (leoTVj. 'i t,..- , vl ..e, rob h I 11..C1I lv f n i a'.!or, tod b . rtfu), I ib i i't y;.i.,i !,,; lis ii,!;! name 01 ..;i.'ir. lie i a little bo.v I il liidi Mi l .i C. hi . w I.v'tiii ,00 the ti.'-j t 1. tot I:.-ilirrrUtt to . I., -b .ti.tir.h, l t: ' 1.' Any I" 1 .on n lo u-ll I Ii NiR'o in noy j il in S mS'-l'ar' .nu rr (iv 'r. i 1 1 "TT.rVTi-i jit ." 1.1. ' J-TT"VTrn ft TTCC"Trv!Ti.i'cT" in. t.ii- ii 11 rk nanl. or I if i'i 'I..'. I r ! .; iti;; l.im a'.v jol ! tl;. tJtwre and i..f.in.i..,. n.c 'I 'tr. 'I by J it ()t f I.'iH'i.ui! ; in! i 1! y m.liJi ! .il.vit 1-,; l.itn t 11.1 l b I.'. ii-Hi. M ' 1 .t. I o'rt.en i.f u'li! pi- b' .mil .i;ij!.i 1 are f t-wnml fn tit I a.boui I I OT l ll'si 1 1l4t tbc jii Nil" 1 i.lw ii nYN:. y.tv f. is Ten Dollars. Kcv.a'.J. N Jviy on tb 1 ii!!. .1 tifi I low MTf ' I'li.ti. 1. -I k i.m n ' .1. u.e to' n 1 t W'ibi, ii 1 1 , V v. ; ni by. !: 4rv:til ie.f I 1 . r-11 ;t j! tl r f, tviii ! Mr. J I n 1."..', -V) tie j r i.!.' c ton r..b v 1, ti. .'ii t'.ti 1 i'H I j nt ib i l-i, a bin i ' I" hi j Wlnur will t'lliitr le Udno M n r or Icii ic l.ttii in jii , llul iucu tie r.boe lew aid. JO' N' P. Tr-.(5Vi.R. HVv.'-glin. ,-tril 16. lie ..-..-.I. iNO.icu v, hereby pvr:i - ; '"'MA 1' the 1'i.pallit rr-l ip i.t U.tliw ! ' J4.111 i tbi ily li-fcoil l.j miitii. l f'nctii. All person !. iie in-'tb'til In tliriu are nqniied lo u.ke p4vitutii, 4 tliosvto ii.iti tiny te imlftKd. me rvptcv tnl lo tt'ntiit tbiir pffootit (or unKniint t-i John lUrlow, wlio it intboriteil to kittle nil oettuiiiitaitiir.kt ai-l firm. , JDIIS liMU.OW. JOSHUA JAMLm. Witnvntfnn, April U. Ilii. Jl't'rljd 7;,v.':. .... c! i.(,t)UM vir, a n.-Itrin a tniva'r l-.m ly, to ! in ' . 1 "' 1 1 I ti v t il! 1 neti Ap',.,1 i' If. u-ut.vr 1 -.. . . . . .' 1 on 1 1 p-wil oiiiii.. samlt-l :.:Ar..:c.. Ap d9, isbi. .'IT .."'.. ''Afr'y to -Ii fi.il. .1U1 i:. i:.d.i iiu';', on bit. ill k.ttr, j wm. ii.-l:: n v. ! M"M f. Police is hci to five::, i OV '! c'r-rrl'f I Tron il. J'"" t,'lncul L'li'f'ol- ;,J ibe fu'-Jiii'-ei l i1" 1', si ''I Cvtmf 11.1 (.iir.t, r n. ' -id Kmiii "Ml 1 4 li.'l Wil 4oa' lilb'irM ii - Iilnril tutliert.ic 'e 'i'f'1 '' i nimi'ulf pi)ncnt ji d ! U rut K rriiMf 1 I'tti.iii'i si''. I' '' ''f iv kri'i? ff e!t in nii-MHi, . "r'""1 ' rxl.il i lie hn i 'niltr hn ''' Hy mm,& i'li!i- H.rt:ne i ' ' iK Afl tl (j.iii.lri.S ii'Mi, .tl ' ,.i l-f.', en i 't! Ai. '' .riniiiM ii tO. "! !: '( Will, ti.' f I- ' ' A ,r fiil, -, 1 k:" " 10 ii aritii t.t 1 1 I I " li, (.iuie liM.fl ' ;' I J in Urn. tU iiimu) ') '';- or iicm4itl. . " jonN rcr.r;. lxUit gi .01 c.l a.vis, j Apiil jo, iU5.

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