From an English publication. TO CHLUt. . - . Written on the road between Bath and Bristol, " BY G. DV-HARLEYV. YOU bid me, Chloe, cease to sigh; And seeni to wonder why I oic" E'en while the baams of thy blue eye , . . ...Kn. t. lift- r-t i if . luncouragc m3 itiuvc. . rJ - You pray me banish from my lreast The image of a farm $b dear, "Give-to4ts flutt'rirs tenant rest, And cease to- shed the Jjppeless tear. Ali Chloe! if sincere thy prayer, - Why, as you touch my passions wild, Heates the white bosom of my fear ? Qvfalteis her 'injunctions mild? Is't Pity's trem'loiis voice alone ? " Is't Sympathy's unusual swell ? Or frolic Lote, to torture prone ? Sweet mistress of the secret tell? Let not suspense my rest destroy, Bat bid indeed my anguish cease-- And if thou cans't not give me 'joy, O give me back my banish' & peace. f . i . r. i i i rorego my nature, son ana ninu, Fix on thy brow tit eternal frown, Dismantle that fair frame, thy mind ' Tear all its bland adornments down. . . ' n ,! Snatch from thy form its matchless grace, Thy converse sweet repulsive prove ; Fade the Fresh beauties of thy face ; And, Chloe, IWill cease to love. Then free me from the pow'rful SeUt ! Hy adjuration of thy f.jrm? i .. Or lodge mc where young Captures dwell, In Love's own-paradise thy'crj . CQnrERy.l HE POET. Thrfi"oll'wing humourous letter of ihe above admired author f written previotlfiy " to" ths publication of ihefirll volume or his I'oems) wi'l (hew the facility of his rnymtn lai'ms : . " " " To the Ret. John MvtiK. .. . '.. "My very dear fi'.ikn'u, I7i7i roTtTg to fen.l7-w:ui-viheTiymr-h we. re id, yo't may (cratch your head, and fay, I Oipp-'fr, ihre's nobody know f w tether whit I luc got, be verfe or not ; by thi tu'ic and lic time, it ought to be rhyme; but if it 'or, 'did you ever fee, of fan? or of yore, fuel) a nitty before t I hive writ Clurity, dm fir populari ty, ut as wc'l at I cou'd, in hopes to do : as it the reviewer fhouM fay. " to tf nt th tieutle-mn'a mufe wc.ttj Me- ill e, yt ti may know by her psrc, and ti'k aV.ii tfn;e. that (he-ari l h;r bar I-lute litle regard for the ft ate an J f,-li'", and ruling palhons, and hoy tc. ,.!." of ihc model:) day; ml though llisailirresaburrowe.i plume, no I no -.v an the') wears a tiiteriiuj air, 'tis only her plan, to catch if lie can, the giddy a-vl iyj, as they go that way, by a proilio-i on a now coti't ruction : (he hajbiie I her trap, in hopes to fnap all thtt may erne, with a fugir-plnm." 1 1 i j opinion in this will not be ac.ifi ; 't' what I intend my'r.iinciptl euJ and it I fnrcecd, ai d folks ihou'd lead, till a few ar. bri'it to a friou thought, I ih.'l :hii k I am -paid all I have faid . and all I :utre rione, though I hac run, - runy time, aPcr a rhyme, .as far a from hence-to the end cf my lettfe, and by ho' k or crook, wri'e another book, if I live ar.d a-, hcrfc another yc-r. I l-ave heard before i-f a room will; a floor, tail upon fpriig, in I full tike thi lls with f m isYari in every part that wheT fTnTv: ";7t 7n "y ouw7rTiVrce.'' to'l.t.-'a i 'ty'inirt peiee,' with a;i air and a gri .e, f i imi' abtt, now in u,d our, rr.'.i a .i. .1 '-t -'ti., in i figure i feif r, ul-h-vn , t or tiring, r any1 fiuhthiuj; t a,.',.r.v I iiac wiit, it a rliymi.ig ft', whv wi'lmke yni dance, a;r! as you ic, wi.t kirp yt ii Hill at4imt ymir wi't, dtp ::' aw, a'ert tnj jay, till vo i c iin ifl an end of what 1 hae pni!j witivh t!ut yu mayd.i, ert Ma fata and y2wrcmtotnjLtii .with jis' "iT3 bout, I t-ko mv Irsvc ; and here you p.r. ccivc a how prcfo'itul down to t'.c giound, liom your humble Die, . C, July 13, Xttrstt mfs to'ti W ItUtr written hj It it 0 Mii Wartltr Mj.iUfue. A to your nest exjuiiy, I affure yoi It Ucertetr'y fa'.sc, though commonly hrhoed in ojr pits v( the woil l, thai Ma't.tmet eicUdei women fron any thirc tn fTure hippy state. He was oi much 'f a gentleman, k loveJ the fair (, ik wtltioii',tihtn obarharoufly; on th loi.tfjry, he promiit s a ?crr fine p. t t iihe Tuikiili women. He'ayi in ilfel, that this piralite will he separate ji'acf fionthatuf shelf hufbmli;1 but I -Iie if. mod part of tlum won't like it tW Hone forxha', iht f egret of this fc;triMn wi'l not make thir f aca-tifa ths lefafc,-tfeaMe. It remains to tell you( last the virtmt Hiwh Mi-wsinet requires r.f tSe MO.-nu i.intit th tjtyment of-1aiaitb-pi,tfi, ait not to lift la fuh a raanner ts to become ufelefsTo the world but empldy therhfelvcs as much as pof-r "fible in making y oung M uffelmen. J The virgins, who die virgins, andthe widows who marry not again, dying injnortal fin are excluded out of paradise for women fays c, not being capable to manage" afa fairs-- of ftate, nor to fupport the taiigue otwar, God has not ordered them to go vern or reform t'-ie world, but he has intruded them wiih an ollice which is not less honorabfai even that of mtiifrpiying the human race. And fuoh as j out of malice on lazinefs do; ndrVmake It their bnsinefs to bear or breed children, fulfil "not i he duty of their vocation, and "rebel the commands of God. What a number of virgins and. widows , according to this fyftem, will be found to have beeii infamoiis creatures, that pas sed their .whple lives in a most abomina ble libcrtinifm. Tht follotjing accrual is taken from the 7?es tern Star, a Washington and Garget Neivsoaper, dated October 2ii, ItOl. NO l" nai;y years ago ievciai young men in a certain part of tliss country, who .had for fume time been alTocistcd together in literary purfuits, miitualiy a greed to give their attention to religious topics, and frcdy communicate their fcntiments to eachothcr. Atter procccl Ihga while in conformity to this sgiec mcnt, one of thcrri at la It avowed ioJidJl principles-; iledaii-ug liis .i (be-lief, not' only of the birde, but cvsn ot the exis tence of a God. Hi virtuous compan ions, though aUpnifhed, and exceedingly (hocked, by this declaration, affidimufiy endeavored to convince and reclaim hirn ; bat he treated their kmd e)t!ra'vHs wi h t fcorn, upbraided them with fupeiUitions 1 weaknelics, and matuteded a fiu:ous leal in favor of infideliiyV Thus findinr him ifrccrsimable, they vv'ih Irew from his focieiv, atiJ (lill, pcrfillit'y in, their f.;. "rious c'nquir.csgrcvv more'ahUmoi'-' con firmed iinhe all important tni'hi?f rc 1 i gion, according to which they 'carefully regulated -their lives. On the other hand th ; unhappy youth, who had left their. "coTTTpany, m ailc -t hem-iho f rtj eel if Hris diiily drrifion, and prd'anc fcotfa ; and aliug according to the tendency of his il.liilel principles' he eagerly plunged into ihe'vori'ax' of ii(iipatit:n ar.d vice, and (ecmirigly gloried jn. lei j urmrafuritlf wicked, but his career was Ihort. Sj L dcnly llrtick by the hnd of Go.l, with a (ickuefs, whicn, in its very commence ment, approved evijciilly to he ths har binger cf death, his mind at the- fame time was drjikenviih irdcfcri'jjb'e huirof. T'litivcly iri;mriiig he lliooid j1!-, ,mj i- j eviiably fi'sk io the re; o;is of wo:, he jj iMcriy itfi.fe I both mrdk'ne and cor.s (J h:i.m ; b t ar- the fame lime, earned!' !! ieoii'.".eJ t f c '.is fonn-rr conpsin.: mi i gan wncn tiu-y nt . arrive , .uxy Kii'iv I I a ' . I .1 1 i to attempt fouthing f:I" diitrcf : but !u infti.mlv forbada anv .lfrts of ihe kin J. V addrcfied ihrminthc ic Losing You btfuld me, fail! he, an awlul monument cr h.-avtn s ii:" ice I I la'clv h.-avtn's .!:!'. ice ! il I ',ou th:! 'h-ir wai in Go I. 1 row vy tif.-M i a Ci'td i tf-cl the weij!, t difplcafiir", vhich i a ihoufand lime f i his or.pica'.iir'", v.i.u.i i a u.ooiaii'l ttmcs morr intc'eial Ic ti'uti my pai:i hoj'v. I i trl y to d yon tlu r.xetc was ro Itaie of piir.illiment for ilto wit ked I now awtul'y espw-ricrcc ihc contrary I fcj he"l ii mv brcall, aid k.iow that I am now linkir!" into that .Vys cf wee nn.l iltllmflion I" A'molf ir.imediatrly afirr' , iittcrmt- thxTu unttmcnti he expired ; and ihe ur.utirrablr horror of hi departiiig fpirit, nm Led h't lifr'efa corpfe wiih-fucti a 'pciutiar and tnuhifnl gh.d'.iiaf, as made the beholders tremble. The fonowimr instructive!, con tail's a" Jrrrf forth nwriV'.tJic Stent if htnfiltruis -An Italian bishop s'.ii'g Icd through preut difikultie wilhoM rtpi rin, and met with murh ppovliolt in the dieliHrge of his tjucopal furclion, without ever It-aUftint; the loal inipiticnrc. An i:tim.ilr iVicnd of his vhr highly sdr.iirv.1 tboc virtue which he t'muI-t it imonii Wc t'i ImStster'tnie da; - asked thr Prelate if he w ould rommuuiciV.'the irrrf of being al-r-at$ t,ny T Vcs" nphed the old ntmi, " I run teach yotr'my irtrett and with gnat faci. li'f it consits in ni iking a riht use of my rves." Hit friend bcod him to rxplain hinielf. ir.'t willingly" returned the hih- op ;' Inlist:vvrtMe lam, I first of !l up to lleavni, and remember that my butineti here is to go there j I then look dowT upon the earth,' and call to my mind how small a space I shall occupy in it, whi n I come to be interred t I then look abroad intothe world and observe hat multitudes tfuretrewho are in all respects more un happy than myself. Thus 1 lesrn where true hsppinesti is f laced, when, alt cur fares must end, and how very little reason I have to repine or cornpUin."-nosion Centiiul. LONDON? January 21. A sinjulsr occurrence took place a few dsys since in thecilTi The daughter of a respectable trsJetmsn, who bad fallen In love with a youn ms, viho retided in the lame nt libourbood, n4 havlnj In TJln attcit-ptc to attract his notice by I'lscing her telflnWs way, at length determinedupon makincr a public declaration of her love to his frienxlnAthrowinherseU upon their ge- nerosity and his jscnsibilty, in hopes of ob taining her wishes. She accordingly.waited upon the young man's father, and without the liast- hesitation of embarrassment, revealed her passion in the most tendcrand pathetic wav adflinr that it MT. IJ.'COUia lie Oie- . that if Mr. D.' could be vailed upon to accept her for a wife, a life of j! gratitude, and affectionate concern for his interests, should -repay htm for his con- - clescensioii. ' The father was 'astonished at the singularity of the application, andjia-!. ving no reason to doubt the virtu and cnarac ter of the young Lady, was wholly at a loss how to act. 1 le was about to reason with' her upon the boldnessuSc impropriety of her con- duct, but she prevented him by saying that she was fully aware that her conduct must ex qite surprize; but as her chaiacter was aboye s Reproach, she trusted her-mouves might be li berally construed ; and if in tli.,'. one instance she had deviated'from the example set hff by the rest of her sex; she hoped the uncommon proof she had givt-n of ihooinceri'.y and ardor of her atlnohment Tor his son, "would operate as anjiicentive to his fDrgi'venes. :i:r! l;idncc "him not only to consent, b.vt to use his ihiiu euce with his son lojUfhig about a union, upon which her lla'pjiine'ss or misery depended. She then left the astonished father, observing that she-should call again "the next d?y foranan- Bwer, and in t)e mean 'time should 'acquaint her fiv.n parents with the -vi.dt'she hi'dmadt and the resolution she :i farn;etl. -Th.v se quel cd' the story ic. ' the yt ung i.ady had -.bsen threatened wiUVi& hor.-e, and the yfeunsj G.entleman, 'inscuaihle to his prof; red hapnines:-., has actna'lv left his fat he i-' lious, the better to av; -id theniildre-jses of this mobi enthusiastic :it.i romantic adaiirer. 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J jiics' ! li-Uep.t.f 'Cough's and Pike's .''.iiihmA'.'Kk French PioMnlkal Grammar Chambatttl'K S relit h antl Fi"-'is!t r.xurc'ista .American f receptor Si'ii'-; L's.v.:.' Fraier's. Assitnt opcllil.g P.nokw American and New-Lnglsi d Prin.e-s Watt's i-i.d Rippon's H; rr.nsar.ti Va.-ims Dm ki t onl!e Sew Teitanu-r.t The.Sermons a:id ot!;er practical works of the late Rev. Ralph i"rk'ue ' The Life of Christ ' ' " Studies of Nature Immortal Kanlor llervey'r. Meditations. Theatre of Gi'd'4 Ji'dment Watt r:n tiie Glory of CIiiit Pivrim's Progress Ailiictfd'sCom;3!.ion P.o-.ton s Fourfold Stale of Man ik-iknap'H Disicr'.ation oo Cnrist llaxter's Saint'i rest rimaine-'s Walk of Fi'.th Whole Du'y of Mi-i :-i arri's IUftV.ici Family Instruct' r V.'c od' Mentor Family ur.d Schct I Fiohs The Sew Tcstanu-M Whiifiel-.l's I if Church Goernf.Kiit Sacramvutil Directory Lai j;e and smsll Prayer Rm-1; A Treatise on ti-.e flnct,ilr.a'.ionofthelorl, Day Sacrament! Catechism The s.hristi iii's Guide Origin of F.vil roti Diease Moibid Anatomy . Rurhan'h Domestic Mcdicide .1 ItfJt filC JU.h.' JihiJL: . . A Treatire n thcl'latjue and Yellow. Fever t Gr vdon s Dygest of the Law of the United State Hay wood' Report Taylor's do, F.vans's F.ssays Latch' Case I'i'.thcrbi-rt'a Natura Bicvium . Voth'.eron Obligations (iilbeit's DMrees?! Proctor's Practice nf Law Ataritty of Political and other Pamphlet Charts General, F.nlish 1'hanml. Const of Spain and Portup;!, (', Uai Ricre.f Cape-Fear, kckc. Cape-Fear Pilot . A vanctv of IlUiik P.ook All kindsor Shippm, and other flank paprr Thick post fli thin do. miart pf,kl-.(;i;t Itttrr paper best Vellun do. .foolscap Pott and Ulouinj. Wafris. red and black Scalintr; V.'nx- Irk Poder of the bestrpiatity,, Fca iU, Dutch (juillt, fcc.itc. TAKEN up ard com mil it d to the jail of this Dillrifl, on Sunday ti e I2h JMtant, I Nf-ruMn, fuefeet i incN high, sery Hack, fpcaki In ken Lre;Unjt (iuinca fcorn, appraii vhe about twenty- t five yean of age, hat lofl n npr' '0,e tooth anJ twouni'cr, aod lajri lc belong to a Mr. Thames, lie freak f' ineniillifcibly that no futther particuhf can be obtained from him. lie had with him an o'd French mufket. SAMUEL S. DLOODWORTU. Wi!initr;!on, May 14. " acJ 5- 1 . an t ke fuchf be v s bers to t'V p. Till fwei is ml line th cent: V for fcr M nl . vit .hoi the r. - pt-rf - ..iW 11.0 i".i ii- : lav the! by th, war thJ evi fed th tall V.-1 Y 1 -r4 n-1 - a V i 1.1 o4 fi' I s i

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