Vhich' aver arrives there first! Vitall vail ten -cays to ve, a'V auportmuiy lor.tne iners rj to join thsnpU If on you .passage out or home .. vrtii .hnulit ha met Willi 1)7111? armed Vessel , OCSinnRjo Bpeu win yim, . n vui wt"" you would avoid it if possible, tint not . to leave the vessel, under your charge , and if it should happen that any such vessel should 'come so near as to order you to come on -board them, with your rtvh or m their boat, you will, of couse, fry no means consent, to leave your own vessel,; But if they choose to' com j in their own boxt, and examine your papers, you are not to prevent them (all neutrals be'mj obliged by law.to.suhmit to be '. visited, in such case you will have no hostages ' far the r goodbehuvior ; but should they insist ii;) a youf hoisting out your own boat, and in case of your refusing threaten to lire into you, it will be well to have the rt blow and give them a timely sample of your ioi ce ; nowever, as we - arm uii;y ui a f..v- : i. ...r..i : W .1. llf H 1 1 1 u . . 1 1 I'll ' " w - - - - po.iiive mmer forbid your attempting to . lul;e 'possession of any vessel which you may enyra'.'e, even if she should -be so disx- '"bled as' to wi.W t.j surrender, but leave' 4hein to help themstli as -well -as they ' t'. ' The gun-powder amounting in the -whole to 'upwards' of four thousand barrels, win diSti'ied.for the empire - of Hayti, under a ' contract nude with' Dissalines 'by some ":uerchsints of New-York ; and the object -of thannaments was absolutely, to force' this tra io thro'", the French priv-a eers- ciuuing oil' the inland of S. Douimgo. -. '" The brig and .the sch'r .Dash delivered " J'.eir rep.octive cargoes at. St. Marcs, the Ann having, foundered -at e, and the brig ; on her voyage . back., tor Nf.v-.Yoik -with a ''i'e'urn cargo, ar.d with -the ship Alert of ; JJo itynalso armed, and another veV.el under 'her proieqUOii, was captured by 'he Cambrian .frigate,--and brought to Halifax , ''for adjudication,' -The two important points 'bef'.-r.vneniioned were very -fully argued 4ie'ore .Alexander Crake, esq. doctor of "jw.s -and, judge of the Vice-arhv.iralty .court ' of MoVa Scotia, a civilian of very able and distinguished talents. .'I he, judge in givnnj in 17S5, By the insurrection of slaves against .their masters, encouuged and instigated by -the Jacobin government of France j a wt ittca .constitution was formed under Touissjint in 1 83 1, 8c according to that constitution icogi r.ied byjrrance, it was allowed to be a col-r onv of, the French government; Settingout then from this period, a the first ground or bisis, by whit iu;ans has it since become in dependent. It is not because the most horrrible bar VaHtiei tlut cm disgrace human nature have been wantonly, perpetrated in that de voted Uland by the infuriated blacks, for the . the purpose of drawing out or exterminating the proprietors. Might docs not constitute. right - ranee ha all along retained and I still retains her rigiit to the island of St. Do--mingo, and nothing but the present wa-prevent Iver.from pursu.ng.the means to regain -it. Is the independence of that island .'ai k'l.s'wledged by France or.G feat-Britain ? It i-14ossibIe England may have taken a part, and although according to Vattel, third par ties m-ty jtiterpisc by the law of. nations, yet tr-- judge conceived it was io' be regret- ted that an intrfereure had fco often taken place. ''The judge further remarked, 41 that no paper had isyied from the 'British go vernment decUringitxelf in ali.an're with the empire of iiayti, so called. That -nothing appeared to warrant -such an opinion. The master had stated that he believed De salines was at peace, -and co-operating with the British arms, because the commander cf the English schooner of 4 war, .'Superior," told him so, and because the secretary of I).ss ilines haxl, informed him that Admiral Duckworth hal dispatched two frijrales to act svith li:sal.irtfi off St. .Domihgd. ' litit the judge was" of opinion, that the whole of .thii evidence consisted cnly of -nunou, re ports and ihcuraays' and that, supposing it to be true, it y.nijd amount to nothing laore than that Deisaliues wiihed to preserve a good' understanding with the ikituli govern ment. It was not improb.ible- thaUudrnirul Dui kworth might send:astns,ll squadron to act against the comswn enemy, which, with 'the new self-erected" gover,nine.:it, coild not . be any-other than a limited assistance. M it..ji1,h-Avere-iLVT.'J.siH.4would- sucrvest'thtn'jjt'ivts a to ' iii thU tvo," .circumstance oT a new J the impropriety of co operating in a struggle ".'md extraordinary : n;fars, ;vich ' had very j o? hia navir j ; but,naid.the judc, from " "pr6pii.ly."engagel the aUetiion of his ma estyS (. rubers' : iipon the hist groutr.l it apjj'aued ; that neutral - vessels, cotnp'ftcl ei Mi-id and .Srted f r war, bad Veen -d'tsc- ..rercd sailing or. the high seas united in '.onvoy wide ot'.'e cimmon plan and-cue '.,c-t.t inm et of ioUruction. Seif-dvfence, r.e r :mii,ked.;-vas one :f our m'jte.cred and i ti(r"Sc.-4 -t jx rtglttt, -and .up(.n this genera! pi uivtjjl t ; men, who form pail of any gavern v.i r.S., m e allowed to arra for heir on n s;.lsty 1 1 protection ; a p sit ion chviauy admit U'J i the cases rf tl-.e Mria md F,Ube. as 1 jii b-.".:' .properly obvMvad. by the counsel fi." inc clniiuaii' It wasK.t miter'ul in the : j' veien. c.i?, whether the cenvy was or w.io rit a' .iie l (j the au''urity of tno g ivcm V.it j il:e U. St.i'Je; that a aq iestio'; 1i'.-iwern the Amri'ran ',ov-niniei'l Tti.i rin sirVjrctv. An ai:;hn:y, cither ,i'i).'' 'f tjc.t, iiiiglt b: rea-iniily p!tvrid, ,.:,w'a not to b n i'. i,a I tlut. the M.bjcC'.s ftf any co rv. ry 'voiijd ct .'mmijLiijy of :!:'.r lnAti With rrgmvi to tJ.c r.truction. jr'rcu to '.t fumter Vy his owners, ire . oWrwd, that ..iihougi tKey were i;; s.i.i re .neat ribjectkm ibJc -. yet, tskir.g .Am HiV.ciivuv wih the afi iv',e the n utcr. ;. ., oi tiers Tihc ccw, r!io poiitivl f w..c ii.,rc vai l:0 K.tr'iiion "A.luif.er wf ,t.v '":.', srv.r.-a of Dri,.i.h c-u'urs, even n: luLci - i-jrce, tlirs: n r.c. j.u.jn'l to suV;)-r t'.ut Ji- s.:;y or , fe.ttance int vicjil ikvin- t- js u A1o t'.t .;! nlsnrch, rrfri':;f ret t . 1 J .rt;lit to rrn i .bos, m lor.t d At that t Jv.i. jiM., ..r.tiSf , t :'uU ruierliin Ij-rr.y r.i)V ir.)'4!..r ot s.itiiti-.(s, hx! -on I the u .M ; if rlii i'rv:iConie r.l hjr', u', '.:rc t . .1- '- .1 Vef:, .1 'hr 't.li1,' l'. I, f,i-4-f 'K -.?' , ' rti tweic tue ri.trnvl.tii civti f ,a;.ii. -ttvV-m w; . ; ,';c .M-ur-i-iint jn'tju'cd I '1 he liti.I:r i wis vJ;l ififiJcJ Sgaiw,, , !'u v '. a-iLint'ce'l ib;,c srm to v a ,i . f-vn t nhy l-4 American shta J ' .,?!. lrci. fc-5.jcd in thU !m!c.(avthcy vcre 1 1;: !' u i 1 ntlo; -i, Dvi.i.in in op;nn.i i t.V: I r.-iiclj pt '.,'.--. tvvcon v'v.iif t:r.".!U,n t,j tliir cumnitrct. uT ' M ! vJ. t'ut u !iy '.J.e rv",,.. tjj.u n.Mi t..e cfcUu-i k the cmi?, , ! l"f .n r;r. .. lit Unn.u h . principles of .general justice- and policy, it cannot be encouraged by. the Janitsh go vernment in the heart nf their own islands. The judge then concluded by observing, that, feeling himself hound to decide upon the baris or principle of St. Domingo, being t. coin. ly of France, and having no pi oof to c').ir.tei vail it, he could not but pronounce the sliio an 1 cargo foifiited. . the owner's thereof having carried to an enemy's colrny t;;iAMihi of f i.;r llious.md. barrels rf ur p i.vd':r,' of wliich the present cargo was in p.irt retur:. lie wouid acknowledge, how ever, for lh: laUNf.ic'ion of :lii:i t;:, that an opportunity vv.is afp.riled them of rosor'- j, .it; to the. high court of appeal i. corupned of. ; i' nanv of l:i in.'i-. iiy's rn.niiter., ol ' inen of p.iv-cr.iiv.t ta'ent'., where the virwof the lii Ui-.li goverr.meM couccrning the island of St. 1 ' Jirir.g'; r.t,u!d, to a certainty, Je know , ! an "t -vh.-re. if a doubt bhruld exist, wit h ic-(i,gu.rlt-i ;hc frupiie'y of the ptes'.-nt judg ;; mnt. h woi:i 1 be en:ccd to lie pe'i4c;t at- tai l.n.Mt ef tusiice. ''fWe give to the fiiMic the report as we received it irom captain Har&den, whose ve racity uo one who knows him will doubt. .'.' ." ' '' SaUm Rtgistrr. Jkromp BooNAfARTE. Capt. Williams arrived at Boston, informs that Jerpnje Juo xiaparte and his lady, arrived at Lisbon in a vessel from Raltimore, about the 8th April. Extract cj "(a letter from a respectable house in Lonaon to a conespomlenfJSoston. ' Onnexports totUekemTtinerit have been fchherto'mueh checked by the frosts, and to Holland not Only by that obstacle, but by the' (distracted state of that unhapp'y country, whefeTunds hare fallen from 129 to 32, and where a national bankruptcy is expected to take place." : ; ; ' 'FoHfiicN News. -Uy the. arrival of the" ship'Coinmerce, Glover, at Boston, London datrs to the 9th of April have been received. TJhe following articles are found most worthy idf attention : 'Lonoow, April 4. ; CONTINENTAL ALLIANCE. A consiclerahle nt'mber of letters were rn', Saturday rrreived from Holland by a vessel from'T'otterd-am. dated on Tuesday, anno'mi-''xingtht,p'-pvious toJ.be r-epcrtu're of'he Ru- f'ran'flcnera Winsigcrode'froro I!t riin, the . King presented liini his picture en a snuff' box, set in "(liVimond. His majesty Iikcit;e delivered to !'':rn, with his own hiituis, a letter which he luid hinwelf written to the Lmperor Alexander, remaining the ultinu.lt' in of tlie Prussian-cabinet on the Mibjeris which have hnely been disrussion' "ljetwe'eo ti e two courts. Pru'.r-ia, it is said, pevists in ht r 't-terminRtron- to oppose t!ie military projects of -.Sweden, v, hi'e Swtden has deinur.dt'd the a iM iUT'. e of fits-ssia 1 y virtue of the fir-t .ncl tlVird alii les iif trerty of 1TQ9, to. vindicme her independence ?;,juinrt the nKMirts i.l' Pnmia. These letters in opp'iitifjn to pre. io'us and moie probable arcomi'.s, sy. thyt' '.Lubcc continued on "the 29h ultimo to rtlVse the Crinttibutions demanded by I'raree, hud had applied to the courts of Ftlei sluigli, Berlin and Vienna, for redvss. i . Tliis niornirg a mail 'from' tint t'Tibf-rr and Lisbon arrived. I'y tlie former, government was received dispatc.hes .from Pttrrsbuigh which are said to rontaitrpositive nssij..n(;ts -on he prt iheV.inrror Alntsrrie-Fr'of-n'n" itnrnediate and powei ful co-operation against France. Orders -were stated to have, been issued, from the Rtissinri war department to prepare for nctnal icivicc & iwice little short of .180 000 mm. . Afril G. Dispatches - rrreived yesterdav '.from Petersburg, are roi fir'tn'ly stated to contain intelligence -which is the sr.bjict of moth uneasiness to government, and is tx trevnely different from -1 hat understood to have arrived by the Gottenberg mail. '1 hey were brought by .W-r. Parsons the jressen per, who was alo charged with interesting comnniiiica' ions from the court of Stock holm. A wry considerable alteration with respect to his becoming aaxaloos and vigorous to operator in tfie prcsectuion of hctili'.ir a gmst FrsTtre. is suid to have tahrnpUce in the sentimruH of tlie I-'.mperwr AlexinrVr, who. it is row ?.sscittd, dcciir.es all d:ci.i'vc cr active interference it: the vr-ar, un cm tents himself with offering his asist:'p.ce fcr tiV'.'cting the reorntiotn f f enctb! tr:.tqni i ' ty. hn . inensideral le i';iee cf cre'lr iv pi 'en.to this s'.a'tr.:! ;it h'y persons of tvy M;n po.mcs! connections, Mi-,i we U'l lt-i n r WILMINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1 EG. ! Meteorological & Obituary Table. MAiTand Junk, 1805. t . o tr s c 3 2S 30. 31 Theriiiom. c s .06 .69 76. 67 1 t70 7G 69 70 r o o re t 76 S3 0 J 73 mr j I pv,t 7 82 76 78 72 74 7-1 76 State of the weather. Course of H Fair Eair Cloud v and rain IV.'ir Fair Fair Fair N. I W. N. N. E. E. b N. S. b V. S. b E. S. b W. ft' DEATHS a,.'.. ; 'V- '. - w O 3 5.. -i 28 20 .. 30 31 1 2 1 3 Total, and names v of the dec case 4 Infant soh of John Caihorla 6- Py the Sckoortr Hero, Livrit, we have rt d tv. .! A' -iF.-ion (Jatnexc ) papers to ihtlth ult. it P V KEW-YOUK. Nav ). T'le editor of ih It ;.: a. i K y,d Crirrtte ii i.i p-por f f the 3 i".st. inform us ihit tl'.- c.',itin cl'nn -tr.epican vr"J, which !.sd h;ci del tintd t I'.irraoa hy a French privateer," arrived at I rincipc m tii? J7t'j utu ith the inteliigcr.ee that a rr or tvo Vtsto'ist.-i his having r.de tht vindwarJ j t tsLnds he 1. id l.een "C h(.iirt, in coinpanv i v.t'.. an . h,:lj'-h snuadroi., connwii.ic ei ! ! i1i : v:sjj ind- ai tv., iiwg uner wJU".1! '!:, lij.jji coi JUu-iios. Ir vrttc'H t.se lie ..iinl ?tanl -1..;-. ' ? ., ' u' M.te h..Jl.ettinorsti?t:e t.f ff "rr, .,1- ili-ti',.! U ermie, tint ihtf I 't', : (; r :rn i. it . , raf.i'. 1thi.nS ,, J'i..vii4 tnjie h 'ul I vkit'r(t'r. J.i.- Jt.I i' t'.i-h, M.y.t 'i.f'it' 'er,,' i.;'ivl ni " ?v ihti ii.-i.- '.r -i ' i t .Nl's y.i'.ir. t!o.'.r the c, 1 v , th t stand that to the serration ext itcil 1j :t, is ji n be aMiibvted the deO!Tsin felt vev.T!v i! oy t.ie itiiu's. rnvate stecints Irom I ete;. brirh, .which, Teach It the ll'h tI'". !: t.'it minle ti say. that rny powerful m.njtiaion sn'tlic part of l.ussia rnnnoi !.r 'cxpi ! d. Abril 8. J.y the ani' t of the n.!.i.ri'h mij, we have received the l-diowiiig iuuIIi- livnce iiom our correpM t ni : iknburgh frit.' The tl'et Iiarmriiv turn u.htKit Ki.. ti-e.f:vc sitl ofil-e line, fri-a:e.nd Li !s, U. tTkctrn the cointsof Pru-.ni :id 1 ramc. and the lorme is ci y vnivcly eu.p!t,yed in ad. juMing. (iilfcremes bet wren the lafcr am! Hjss'u. I Alters lr'in I-Vtcr-bui-L'hr.f iiC r., lrrTrmtritinn'ti.I?nsTi will nori'j be fc'-iu on an cxltronhiiary tr.it. ,sioi to Pans. .liuoniparte ins,. j, at lie pi ice of ucoiicihation, offered lo . ate the clictorateftl ll.wover. 1 henv :;btr of I rtneh I roups in the th cl-jratthasal ady Lveti cons'uler.bly diminished. The rrmt ch:.n",cs, howcrr. in the fate of V kt uly, . and the critical Mate if the kingdom $ Na. jnrs, .;'! piob-lly ptett.l this ar.pioiima. t:on. . . - ' " I l.e various rei.-.ieris laUlyOrann fn m Oie Fit nch coast cf the channel, have Tr-iv. -d otdci store -occupy iheir fiimcr poitio!u. Ever)-twicer and prittcahni.tf.n ftitlough have received oidirs to join il.eir rtuprctit'e regiirtnts, rr. shouchthe lease of absence ' should not hjve epirtd. All ihe f.ci.trals 1 are aln to repair to their roptxtive mi ijest'.ncl-for the Ytst-Inoi?s. - t r te-s rttciv .IfsMt.t St' Hn 'titp, t-itt r.p--ii.'-inions rerc :.Ueiiaiu:i of a descent by Jlac .licit irA rltrrvIHt4-tfAt;lTTorfS UT7C a: riv.g from Jw intfcur nl that p!i.:c. Om!u ii'.h sif.XTaveh thelni-i.li Hon-i-nfCo n aon,' wer.t in'.na c i.u nitt'e oa ti" Ci;.l.nerci il eji'y wiH r.. erica. nd agreed t. a res-ilul'.-.a to p.-rtuit Americ i lo tra.I; v'iil;!ut ri,n!i'ty in nrotrul liofons M idwi " r.rti. --.st '.ctio-M. The h'niii h.ing rcsu met, tht icr. ni v.a uw;vcfc a.via b ll or dcrec. , ' .. .. ' Cv.'a'n ri-t f.'ld, uinr; 'I ytstet by. ff.m the ltait.r.nt, i .hiri.is. that the combined Frctrh anJ S; ini-.tt Pcftt wtrc off Jaiuhks,' and .a. u-.nn.'ii cd the h'o'. la surrender, 2i l'i':i i'i c v,:dir the propositi ftn. T!i! -.. t ii iIu by tuprcsi fror.i Cant. M jiin.'.'.rit IUti.it. i f ,t I'.Vr. Vcr.elia, fiotn n. irti, .iv-.i. tl wistc!oHfd Letters from Liverpool state, that the ship Iii-istol Packet, b y, having sailed from that port wiin a tun cai Ro ot dry goods, ior Phila- -tLJphia wa-lMMKied by theboaTnf aTjrilisn""t T ship of war, who pressed all'her hands ; on :-;' which the m.ster abandonod the .ship and -1 carvo. to the sl-ip of wur -What will be ihe A' contqu'ene-, time, willtliscover. I "NEWSCitisveibiTl is received by the hip Two Friends, from Rtlfa-t, that the fcret ffeet was out, in chaittf tlie P.iitivh Chunncl fleet! 11 Ii.lCazette. The sldp Two Vrietids left Belfast on the 13th of April. Cur files of papers by her ex u:id nlv to the 4th ol that month. The cup t'oin informs us that'the Urest fleet of 25 sail, were out, and thai they were in pursuit of the liritUh Char.nt! fleet, which consisted of only nineteen. 31a c. Adv. From JJavcr.r.a, .fcr 3. The jmpnon-nimof Mr. (Itay, the act ir g American Consul, created much agilation ht re His countrymen, particularly Messrs. Merlon, Chewier and Fra.tr, felt a lidy and .piri;ed interest in his Lie and ifur Liirg conf.ixd about twilvc kours h. waslibejatuU 'l l-.e Ovemor has -declared, tint l i arrest va without hit knowledge -and dinction:--And llw lntclidaiit, who signed ilie wamnt for his arrest, lias-aventd that le iid it Uuo inadvertency : and that an .i::cs was tl c only person ft fvt, who fcl.onhl be punished. The ships- repurs were u stored; Lut ail the other papers were ".till dv'.aincc'. Tlie charpe aHinst the Consul ws hiving ccintii cd at the fraud or a male cf an American vrsi1,,in cheating the goc!nrrut out of certain duties .whirl, tould net l proed a ! gaiiut him. A public dinner hni I ren cien theCrnaul, by his countrymen, ss a proofof their nJiii inishid cor.f.dtntc." ' 1 ,. r. f . e too. , i,-' It ti '" i ".'f, U- v,ttt I. ito iii ji. r. T ..b-i.d. L s !, Hii-ri. oi fi ..-. "!'.! .vmii;r4 isteni. i'i u p'r w ..? fi.j i,( fniriif uiib M'nl4. fid k'U' ; f ;V i.j st . l'. uMe n'ure The 'V'l' ' iter it t th-: iljn I of lilt i , 1 ' 1 1, i-lrid, stoidddv. , .... w ?: . '"..s " k. .V,. H i nt t:rfiY:i'!i . . . . . . ' ' a ,C- t ; - lft ttert p-'! "f It n-rt.t- V" I ir, '.) ii-'-rtr cfrfi -ST " s. -5 P'I. 'nn if rrwi.1! f Vr:d "i r.? r vit.i-j. ty he Hifim; there, rhen h; sn'id", the fitnch fleet Mtdir Ad n'r! (liptltesn'e, rvaUiiirg i f 2lofi' !in UitUtihd fi. n TJirs-f r J pnu-aji f.ii-itthjd irrire ! ta'.; ef:cm DitJt, and I.isV-d 3.". mUlrty ti.en. .Jamsica si:il io b: tslau. C'at. ILrradc', amved yo'-r!ay in I dlTsf'Oat lit llaraima, inl iims, that Uo r three dats prtvi ins to his leaving there. it v.. rtMirr.i, nd ihe rtpoti' c.-cditetl by t'ie firvt.-.ttchar.u in the j 1, tiuta Fremh j f .' t nf Srven sail f the line ant tlfchl fii f stts. 1d lnd-d troops aitl.e Nnthiideof i the Ulrd of Jiciiica thtthey ld takeli ? j or i ef l.e oru f.firp'n'sj nd wtteftnlht ir i 1iifli 16 Minimi..!. Vn the "jih inst. dpt. ; II. tnc an hnnnh sSocp df warrcre dy " O'Ufru New.proi,;nrC the ct.nii:n If of which isfirmH hp. ihil Jittikn j H-oo laker by J'rtnr',. ' I is rc.electtd Go vernor of the stale of Conr.cc lie ut ; and John Trcdwcll, Esq. Lieutenant Covcrncr. COMMUNICATION. Iiii conhde- tly rcpor'eJ and believed" ilai the Pftf.fcnt 'and ! the United S atcs wil rnve itThit HiEStNT OF. FICfci, ro longer than Ms pttfent term. 1 hv irafh tth'ih hat teen fnpf ofeJ ip iifloei.tt Iiii deterrr.inatiiT, ssilcallj.o U lrace upon ibetoimrr U;I!recf his life. Mr. Jitfcifon is the fiieml cf tciiaiiom in (fhVe. He is anocmy tolhatmoio po!y of lit vsl.ich Ilioidj keep it fur any Wt-p lime in ihe )tinJs t ia firg'e indlti. dtia. lie knovo.trit ilclcpctr any man torn ll ttrnitr, ' &fticc the fmilUr opcoriuri-f tnthecwist. Masseru is to lata the chhf aP nave of icquumz lit and the I command cf the am of Enthi.d. Amlu-h ' ll.al of lrtlnnd. 1 Mmnini th.t cf .Sto'l.tyl. " Hrtlm letters cf the JOtli tdi. mention, th.t ihe Hessian anthastacior eairanr.hniry, ; ill quit that city it h the anvr of hi Prtu. i sian MjeMy m the 3d or 4. h Inn. Iloth he J snd his secutaiy uttiud as presents mulT bates woith 5003 ttowni each. Cen. Kast i row is io go at minister plenipotentiary at.J ' txlrsnnliiisryioihtcouitol Ptiersbuish." I 1 be r.resl met, con.isting nfll isilr.ftl.c line, 111 firsts, can,e out of Ilrcst, and an. ci.cretl.in t.rmarst Cay; sthcrr Ihev rr. nj'tned ii hrtira, at.dlhwnrtttiined lathetr r! I Mst'on. Thiy appear. u have an ef.cdi. t'11 I t ie. nnacf thtm kat'xc bar bags on thir iiriei, - - 1 l.e t;rara e apedittr.n h tr. ti e poir.t ef ss'.hnnj imrv.cnit qu-nni rs of if.reh c t "ei-. pi:t o h.trrd tht ai'.ipping, -ani tg o.T,. 'tlkar'ti'.f I.m ll. -i . . . r ,t it, . ii.iih.i uii) cnanir, sire imauer win ;o M'c incitenitn;i for ihni lo Jritnt it. tic khni fMf ihat a pcimanetit cmitin. tit c.a infHce not only en. Men a fmgle isuivi 'ual to accotnpliil) fra.Iualtjr, af.f. in f tn-ifuiei, U lo collect nound Um a.(et rf irfliururru fivotab'e l hit own . ufifpiiion, bui that ll prcpaiei il e r-er'e iMnfelvci for an undue ifsefencc losvaidt rniciitir njen or an ru'ir farnilici. NtVt to at tiruual and txtretrJinaty aj hti;y txeicferl by tn ind-vidual, (uch VI1 in the head of an aimy, ihcie la . t c iig focapabcof a tefrett ff k pfrminani anJ eaeflic r0'! s:tLiirgt.e ufjii (iciuiiic auth iiiy lor ,n ftntJ ti aiihcfame ilnxic- ry.'t,! fu Mr. Jftifrr. it tviUiig io U't: an add'lional pio.fof tV.j honoutab.c

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