i .'' : ' . .jr. V-. .1 l it -tTewoy en cacti other to dectdovtio sticulctte the reiniii usurper. Symptom of di&gnt- ' lf:4 aii-eatiy begun to appear amonj the' chief. llauiilton despised Washinon ; Ada ins vrai jealous of Hamilton ; and liamil- y ton had a perfect contempt for Adams, liut ln th ul, John,. I'btieve would have, come,, poorly ofT. He Wot a Bina of thcr sword j but only :'.of theexkade. 1 purposely delayed entering upon this iubjoct till tli e Pers'idemial election should be '"'.over. Had I published it before that time, iUt'daiTir)ur of "faction would bafesaid. it was ". til electioneering trick. '.AW, they cannot spy it. .'.'Vita choice' made at the election Was the spontaneous choice of the people, and is therefore the more honorable both to the elec tors and the elected. The country at this time compared with what it was two or tlitee yiara ago is in a stats of tranquility ; and in . u iit dis)oai.UGn cf calmness to take the mat ters Rcvera" stated into consideration before ..the next meeting of congress. Itisby'keep iiv u country well informed upon it affairs, and discarding; fmn? its 'councils every thing pi myuery, 'that harmony is preserved or .'restored nimong'the people, and confidence iv nosed in' the t?o vera frit ntt' 'June the 5tk, 1805. " NKW-YORK, jnne l8. Ok the French Fleet Ours-cry .attvii.-.ive cm rt fpop.de nt at Philadelphia, ha tVr varded us the following iniclli. jieiicv of the Ftench and Spanifh fleets in t!. Wd-Indifs. 1 " ': PhHaielphia '(Sandy) Wh june, 1805. . ,' 44 Arrived at ttie" Lazaretto, the brig 'Molly, Whfldon, from Butteterre, Gua diioupfii'led the a6th May, by f penal .wrmnfioo of Gen. Emouf, who laid a c icral embargo the 42 1, o confccmencc or" (be ai rival n Baflelerre of ihe fricnch fcrworter La F;n, of 6 guns, with dif atehes from Fort-Royal, Mart, lanoiin. cju the entry into thai oortof the untied yr:.';it and Spanifa qua. Irons, fro-u .Cadiz, as follows- 12 French ttip of the line, 6 frigates, an I 4 fl0l)i ot war 6 Spitiilh.-lhipi of the line, 4 irigstc, aad fveral tranl'ports, with 1 8,000 troopsuu t'jwd, fun ot them SpantQi. The fl;cl iitidcr ihe coannanJ ot Vice-Admiral Viileneuve and Admiral Gravida: the. a'.nv under General. LaurilUn, (a ctcnls V i'jiulicherry) full aiJ.Je-caiRp to his Jm-:fi3l Majetty Napoleon. - i!i3 24'ti, tin Cornelia and . L'lliu f:'i;r tr'itws of 41 guns arrive J troui Fort uyal with Gen. La-uido.n, who af'cr ..n interview with Gen-Lriir.iif, re (.nnal the fams evening to Mirtiiiq'ic. C),i the inornin of the It. zrcat pre- f Cm - w - , )jriil.iis commcnccJ to embaik mortcr-, j vtrtillct v, bombs, &c, ij,cthcr w't't ao o gr.u.lirrs and attill:1s part of the gar- J ntini, to join the army at roil ioyal. It was reported at Giiudabope, that 7 itr.t.lad would be ths H 1 ft nSjtdl t the CoivSlnel forces. T!)ey alfj reponei & B.di tlsjt was out, dcAincd iorjs niana, . 'i lie Dritid) floop of war SaiUante, of flS waj captured o!T M jrli.iqiie b) a tns of ihr fleet. iisr or thi rREKCH sm;aooii. 80 Cspt. Mugoudie, . (admiral't-hhip) 80 CpU Cu situs, 8J I.ettclier, 8J Hubert, 74 Meystrol, 7f La Villagry, 74 -Cameo, 74 RolliU, 74 Courege, 74 Villcniauiin, 74 -Ucrouger, 74 Dcssemu, Infernil, -40 1 tr AmiWingf -- 40 Msrtineiij, 40 .Mse, 3i Chabcrt, 3i Intjsu, -1 Uchant, 2 . D irmrt, S3 T.utl.iinl, 2ft Hamon, June at. Ths fid'owing wit yerterdav rrC ivrJ from Mr. Tl-omai Uidle, of PhiU.K lj.hu. LU N-JlWi ftrct rf t.j flilt.' thj iinnt Ufi Uf IjI. io ot2, 22, ly the (it'at, a took cut Ihtp, l:f,utch',l r;:v;in 10 irtal.tr ile fieflch H-ci, whic.i tiiatc wj fpukn by otic it otif V';!i.N aricJat the Lizeraiin, nrl ,jt- We If irn by cspt. Hca, tl.si there wer? at V nH-Uival. Itmaira, v'rven liil rf Ufiti.h ih p iit jr order A!mii4t ! "Pcrc, rmJy lor S'.n'n, n-nticinsy ca- M nc 1 let 11 ami pan.i.i irt rici. e. TVs a.itiil l L' tJ J't'i.'i.'j lj".iui.n wn licMirly eptitr. A i.titil Ci-.i, fine la i!e Noitl umbribiJ, r.us, n- sr.i, lfi, Me rcli o ir! ins lt ion wi h Uat.re, hi the 'lo tiHiu'i of Jamaica. . Cipt Lvn.h, froti Mariinlqtf, ftatfi, .i...irP.' 1. L- r.u. tT.t.iii. ..4 'J ihetir.c, cruter a lull pull uf tail, Ilin.U iV S. . A . fr,,tom Msitif qiie,rc'iiiii the lJeu, U (ju cithat (itiiilar toibl al;caf; rui. elby anivaTsTrom the fa!ne por lie adJs, I resoJmions of J that the troops which had been landed' at V lo be laid btfon rori-ivoyai irom on Doaru me ivocneiori . fquadror.,' had been rc-cmbarked on board.; the Toulon fl'-et- and rtiat a" numbjer fick- troops had been font. on' lhore.i '" '' G RE KNOCK, 6V Lc liucccouuie im. r..-mid.ble I...' N?vtuis J. Iin lo nt.tlile I.e l'liison L. Moiit-Clanc Le IK-r wick l.'A'las l.'Aiuls J.c Snif'.sure Le.Sripia i.'lntri pidc Le lljun La C iniilh l.'ih'rnio'ne 1, S jrnrM Lt Tti.-mis -1". 1 ToiuJ-.e L: 1 urtt !. N-idc ' , ThefolTSwing note was ituck :np at Lloyil's nnThnrfdy laft at -i o'c'ock. Lhyd's, 2d May, 1805, half- pa -3 '. I nformation has been received at ihtt " Admiralty. that t)e French fquadron which appeared oft Cadiz e n the 9th ulti 'was no longer there on the . iorti. and that the nuiwbcr of Spanifh fhips in-harbor was diminilhed. On the fl and 1 2th, five fail ot the line, fuppofed to be ' Spanijh, were feen beating to the weftward." 1 ' . CHAHLLSTt)N, June 19. A young' man by the name of Russell Bowers, was this morning detected in at tempting to pass a forged note, drawn in the name of Mr. G. Bailey, payable to and indorsed Francis lire mar. He was imme . diately tQiidagted. beforo-Jam Dtr.thaitl, esq. and while the commitment was making out, deitterouily snatched up the note, and swallowed it. He confessed his necessities had compelled him to adopt this rash .step to obtain a supply of cash. ' Captain Crocker, of the Belinda, arrived yesterday, in. 16 clays from Dominica, and 10 days from SWThomas. Captain C. con- , firms the intelligence of the arrival of the Frtnchand Spnnish squadrons at Martiniqtiei but did not hear ol the return ot 'Admiral Mesessis. Accounts were receive"?! at St. Thomas, the day cpta"m C. sailed, in thirty six hours from Martinique, sut'mg, tlvu an , additional force of 'six ships ftl.e line s:nd two frigates, had junt arrived at l.i:t lVy J. ' An embargo exiuerl in ail the nrittsh. ') warsl Iilauds. Captain Crocker 'iiad'hrcii ' . eiuharsotd twenty-Tour dats at iominiu,- nor was the embargo takcit o,T when he suit ed. . All the miikVi of this" isl.it.d ';a'd btriV ' embodied, and v.'tie i;..irc!icd from T.jr.cau, for Prince Kuperfs Fort on the 1 at instant. The ship I'.xpcii merit, cip. Mecrvey," bound to flavamn, in attemptingto woikont the lufbour yesierduy mofiing, by rhe(.mh chunnei, strutk on theb.r, and unhinged her rudder, ; she afterwards was"drore on the brctkei s, Lilgcrt rid filled. The captain and crew were taken off the wreck by one of the pilot boats. ' Tl liri iah rbirw Jack Park, and Nana, from the Coast of Africa, Via Surrinam, nn ciiortd at Quarantine yesierduy. The alve ships tailed f: jm Surinam 20 djys since . one degree to th windnrard of natbac'.oe, they lcll m with the Mli'trranvSn fleet, un der Adminl Lord Nclvm. connis'.ing r.file ven ships cf the line' and on frijate, in pnr 'suit of the I 'rench arl Sp mili ; They wi re inlonnul that another IkitWh squatiron f twhe ships of the line, were expected to f..lo.v Lord Ncls m itinnediatcly. The Jack l'aiie iiafc 26C'tiav;s ami the Nana 275. " June 21. TIIF. arrival of Lord Nnsow in the U cst IiKiies m iv be hcked t.;'on, we think, as a prelude to a serir of opviatu.o the most vigorous and iiiqxjiinnt pcrlmp ever known in ihnl prt ol t ho glet c. It eannM be up pised itiat the Mini-teis would detach that oflkcr, who.e very name, not to mention his spirit and genius fur extraordinary t nler prise, is a tower of trench, from Luiope at this exigent moment mere ly to clear the West-Indiu : tas of hostile ships, or to take an i. land or two. 'I he iweh'c sail that are to follow, hint, it i more than highly pro. Ud.ly wnl contain or at least ronvoy the grund armament which his so long bun preparing in the U.itish p.Tt-in which case its destination is obviously Span'nit South America, through the whole rd which it is well known that a spirit cf diiufi'crtio has long prevailed, and broke ami several -times tiuring I ast w ar tuVny L ivcTjeciTcxet" culrd there for re hellion,' and fqr hing through the Knglish Government at Trini dad, invited the british to send an armament protect than. This Is founiUd in ionic thing more than ?ague conjetluic. The project was in couteniLtioii UTorc ArBi.c tok fclubl'y praci and AimaxiA's be im httachrd toihe nnnijucnt uf Litglond, lately ailed. gives c,tei.l l.kcM.wl To the priMiinp.ioii that we shll trc lng ic; r tl utt imp,nantand heavy LlowUir. ktiuek on the Sovluiii Continent. V .t.n ' 1 Losnojr, April C 6. The dwbste in the llte f Coininoiis yestcrdny. though Hot uy spirited, was ol cousider.ible importance. . llefie it Li-;uit Mi. Put e,atc notice of h'u intention to move on M milay tiext, for Jeve tobiirg in u bill for Ihj coniimuncc of lie powiis of the cotnmiie'iitruf n.ivfll inquiry. He should rdwniioTe, w that u comimttrc be spMnted to enquire into the tate, if the txpcndituic. in the ruili'.ary and other dcpaitmcir.s of the pu Vntf servicr. he hwue would (lien hac a opportunity e.f either Uing sali.lud ttu l no abues did eit, i.r if ihty s.iw th ti dcr.reorsuch tn exotcner, thry aonld liAe H in thnr powrr to correct thine biue.'1 ' Ahcr aiitoiiun mailt by Mr. Cm, Mr, While-bread btuughl frrwird his tu'inn pic ttung it with a qutklion whether htd Me. . He's name h:rl been espunged Ut,n the Council liu.cr iiUrMr. I'ut intitlfd i0 I rerMnttu'T,d swell ti.oturelu iiMjeiyf Mr. I'm r;.iad tht he i'iJ in l Uel hiu.ull tH-unl in tt,r,feque nc of any thing thai luJ octuirtd in that h'usc, on the day when the ?ail!arr.cnt had been ordered e hiv Majesty,, to give any such advice to his Majesty as that which the mm. gentleman supposed. On the evening rVednesdav a .motion to address his Ma Ijesty on thai subject had beenmadei and jiad afterwards been withdrawn, as it did not seem to be the;sense of a reat many nrembers who had supported the original resolutions, that the house was in a condition at the mo ment to proceed to such 'an extremity. It was then argued that a removal from any place ol trust and confidence would be suffi cient, till further light was thrown on the subject byjts having been ascertained by a ".select committee how far .the noble iord was implicated in the business. '''. Mr. Whitbread then, waving the.-idea of legal proceedings for the present, but reser-" ving the right of moving them, should it be thought proper at a future period, moved for the appointment of a select committee to make further inquiry into the matters con taiiifrd in the tenth t eport. Mr. Pitt tiiiiiking that the objacts to be referred to the com mittee ought to be more specially defined, niovt:d an amendment.' -i.lhat the commitree. slifiuld be empow- errd to enquire into the particular applica tion of the Navy money to other purposes, and also to consider of the requisitions made to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, or- to a ny of the commissioners of. his Majesty's Treasury, as to the issuing of money, r.nd as to the debt due to the crown by .the laic Mr. Jcilico." '. In the coorse of his speech Mr. Pitt made the following explicit declaration J "I heart ily concur, sirjin the appointment of a select 'committee, to consider further the' subject of thu tenth report. I arc particularly anx ious, for a niciST minute iuvcjsiigation into that part-of it in which, according to the state ment of the hnn. gentleman, I am myself impIicareJ. On that subject I. am eagerV.mt ' t'ie hon. gentleman should tring forward e very thing "in his power. I hope thutthe nutnv ers ot n.v 1,1c which have feeen d?- "r "'voted tgi iht' "r v;b;ic service, I 'muy preune, w. hoiil fluttery to myself, to think that I hae. ao'to.Khic'rd myscU', as 'to .evince , that 1 ani b?y ):id iny corrupt or sordid, motive.. f ar am I, however, from wishiiig to rely in any clnr;e like the piv sent, on character. ' 1 hac no desire whatever to screen myscU from enquiry, b.ut scit it as the great eit i'a- , Vor w'.iich ca;i i;t bestowed on me." Upon a diTi'ioiiof M.r. Pitt's ameadmetit there werr, for it 321 Agaiint it I jl .gi viiigM'misteis a nujori:y of T8. On a se cond division wj, ether a cimmiltee should le appointed by builotor net, the Ministers being for the farmer mode, the r.urnber weie for the bidlot 2S1- HgAinst it TiO-'a majo rity cf 131 for Mininteis. Aprils'). Lord (Ir.rdm r, ..fr Rrest, has 23 sail of ihe line, 1 1 of , huh, for fortnight prtt, luve been kopi in constant ! e-ud;nes lor detaching 01. foreign er irr. The M4r, Minotaur .-nd Illustrious, of 74 guns, wiled fiom Spit bend ye-'crday to join the ten .nl of the luu- fining out for forrirtn service at Plymouth with the greatest exptdi tioD. . MAnniD, (Spain) Marches. Thirty s.iil of the line will be ready for sea in the different Jipniith ports, within the space of h month; mid should tli firct form a junnion with thrt from Toulon,- great e vents n, ht be expefted. A sri ret ext)ednin is preparing at Corun na, to which port troops are marching from d.lTeieut places., life 21 The Circuit Conn for ihis Diflrlcl a 1. , j 'lirr.ed on Friday Uft, after having finilb cd the lufinefe hinm ht b'f"rc it. The ouft of the Fail Gransille's devifef, wli'ch Hi excited f mi:ch pnh'ic ex pec U'ion in ihis flue, came on to be heard upon the moticn mjdc ?)e.'rUiber.tcrmt. fr;liik rut Tie'r'etr.tirrerto iheiv'd.'ne : And alter'arpumti.t c f counfcl, ihc Dif. tiid ju Ige deHvfff.j his opinion at con fidciablc let g'h, fiati. p the progrefi of the csnfe, .the f round ef 1 he motion, and the rrafon fm hi npininn ; and concluded byf Jtirg, that the PhimirT demunsd im- I piopulv. -that 1 he Dctti.dants joined In , tie cimnrrer impop r'v and ihat the vho'c imt ri'prieiy fhmil.l be flricUn rnr anu an uJiat titt tatis awarded. This renciihtj i vtu i f the cnurf, ihc canfe w 11 ot it 1 ifc te referred 10 a jury again ; h 1 i. i I rJ.cted, will he iriulit the ntxi. imt. 'I he contlniunce ?t h!i efm wii pisifd a! the innancet-f the Plaimift'i eo.it ici, whu wetetnt pirpartd for an ar. gun rut li the jiif v. The Chief J si it ice csve to nnin'on up. e n the niuiion, nor des he intend o deli ver one on the maot quelli.-n; He Ha'ed fr.m 1 he beneh his rrafori fr ih. 'ec!iti- 1re;-fi)ip$r, thai at 1 f irn er term he en. quired ol ihc cnnoftl if ihi fife de pen.le o,nn lh ci.nflriiclion of the treaty cf I r;re ; that if it did, . Humid pst ro npinioii, breanfe he had formed ait npin. loniipun that f..hjec4 f' firmly,, lint he did no' believe he "foold chsnge it ; and that opinion wa lormed when lie wai ey de.p'f int'terttil (aUm'i- g m he Ci- le ol Lord f.irfu in Vir'nia) le lh"uU feel rnuch drhcjcy In rtrcidlnu the pirfci.t ejuertiunt tut up.n btipg inlor- mui slut il eiica'y t.f reace wmild mli from that .Iclicacv and i'nterded to deliver his opinion. It feemed, however, that upon the argument, the defence aflomed the principle of alienage, thereby iuvolv ing ihe cafe with the treaty of peace, and' made "that queftion an jirnpQrtant. point. The only part of the cafe on which he entertained any doubt was the confifcation laws ; and as he could not famfy himfclf that ihe- plaintiff was included in thole laws, he could not confidently with ilia duty and the delicacy he felt, give an opin ion in the caufe. . . To of the crimir.als charged wiih paf fing counterfeit bank note, viz-Thomas Morris and John Jones, were coo vicled and each fente'need to imprifonment. in Hillfhorough Gaol for five yeais, anJ thence until a finc.of ico dollars lhall be paid. All the .other 'profecuions of the like" nature were continurd till next Court, on aflidaviti of thcabfence ef material vv it. ntflcs, Collins was committed to Hillf. borough Gaol until he obtait ed fecurities lor hts appearance lor 2p,ocO dollars . oe- iHg- himteli botmd in the iiKt turnr WILMINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1805. GntJie2Sth ult. a duel took place on the South-Caroluta line, between Brigadier General Benj. Smith and Captain Maurice Mcore, in which General Smith received a wound in his right side. On Sar turday. he was brought to .totvn, and we are happy to hear that hopiS fe entertained of his recovery. Extract nf a h'.trr om a gentleman in Basse tcre, UtiaJohupi, to fits ft tend in this tuwnt u.hi-u j une w. . " u On hc Ut iri-.;int arrive I here, 30 days from Kit t, the snips L'AIgesiras unci LW. (hil!e, the fc:mer f St ?uns, .theluUtrof 74,' -(both l ew hips ontl.tir fi st voyage) .'aim Iik ving landed t cu POO trr nps pioccpdcd im mediately to jin ti e enn'oined Trench atid Spanish fleet at Mattiniquc. It is reported that At'miral fianilu ii:ine '15 hourly expected in the Wcst-lndics w.th his fleet." Meteorological ck (Jhitnaiy Tabic Junk and Jutv, Ifi05.- - o Thermom. ct w rr. r. o 3 n 3 -. 5" -j. n n ( 7? . Z State cf the weather. Course of the wind i5 77 j 81 1 81 Pleasant showers L. b N. 25 77 I 82 ! 81 Showers V. 27 76 81 80 Rain . H. W. 23 74 St 8? Thunder e Itain Variable 29 75 80 79 Ham S. S. W 30 74 80 73 II .;n s.b y, Ff.atiiT 5 o n 5T n 1 n 2lr 4 r. n m Total, anj names of the deceased 25 27 28 29 30 Hannah Macau 1 land sn infant. .. Infant of J. Dunbi-bin'a. William Oncal., 3 CharleW.tk Jilts St. 7j'w.u Lm.tLtt Si, r to pan cf ihc cafr, he it:. himft'.l fued Tar tcr tarrd, roar of inutiXGiox, . KTLSIU Stk'r Mil!j CnHtron, AVHdOr, M'Uhtnny, Mary, .l,jfifr, Ship Vttftidtmtj) Jaition, Clkaukb Slotf Ibpt, DrLn; Sih'r ApUa Prppir mm i;t i; Dh. Ctu Cu IJ i:on per cwt. Coflcc icr lb. Corn per bu'htl, - 1 -Meal do. -Mour rr hsrrrl, old Diltopcr half birrel, new Lumber per M. plenty V. o. hhd. staves, 1 H. o.'do. do. do. I ,W. o. hi. di. ro'jlt Miinglnper lOou, Molics per fjallua Hik per barrel, nice er cwu fltitn, V. I. pr. . 3d p. , Jamsit d. 4th r I N. I' do. 1 r.. 13 I 8 6 9 II 10 11 I U 4 Jo ts 1 2 1 1 3 19 13 13 50 4) II 7J 13 SI i9 2S iff .4 - rr

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